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A Critique of Hershel Lee Harvell's "Puritan Hard Drive Critique" by Dr. Reg Barrow


This "Critique of Hershel Lee Harvell's Puritan Hard Drive Critique by Dr. Reg Barrow" was originally written as a response in the comments section of the Reformed Reader blog and has been left in its original format.

This "Critique of the Puritan Hard Drive Critique" was not posted on the Reformed Reader blog due to technical and other issues. The blog owners decided that they would link to this "Critique of the Puritan Hard Drive Critique" rather than try to make it fit in the comments section of their blog, as my attempts to post it there were unsuccessful (probably due to its length). This information will help you to understand some of what is written below, in the context of the audience for which it was originally written.
Dear Hershel (
Before I write anything more, I would just like you to know that we love you in the Lord and we continue to pray for you, as a brother in the Lord, even in the light of what we have learned about your continued actions to libel us (online) and slander us via phone calls.
We have also asked some of our affiliates (who have mentioned your harassing calls and emails about the Puritan Hard Drive) to pray along with us and do their best to minister to you (if you continue in your campaign to sully our name and work to them), as this is in accord with the way scripture teaches us to respond to such unbecoming behavior. We've done this in a continuing effort to be a blessing to you and with the hope that our Lord may grant that you would learn to speak the truth about other brothers in Christ - and that you would learn to rejoice with us in the great thing the Lord has done in giving our generation (and future generations) such an amazing Puritan study and Reformation research tool like the Puritan Hard Drive . Moreover, we harbor no ill will toward you and continue to hope the best for you - and will continue to pray for you no matter how much you speak falsehood about our work and ministry.
Nevertheless, and very sadly, there are many comments in your review of the Puritan Hard Drive which are in violation of the ninth commandment - and the review as a whole would be of no use whatsoever to any honest-minded individual who was seeking the truth about the Puritan Hard Drive.
However, since there is no way for others to substantiate many of the errors, inconsistencies and even outright lies in your review, I will provide just one example below (from your review) about how grossly inaccurate your review of the Puritan Hard Drive actually is, on a point that others can easily verify - if they have the Puritan Hard Drive or even if they have the free Puritan Hard Drive demo software. So I will invite all readers of this blog to verify what I write directly below for themselves, so that they will know for certain that what I write on this point is the truth and that what Hershel has written is a lie (and thus a violation of the ninth commandment).
Hershel, in your "Puritan Hard Drive Critique or A Critique of the SWRB Puritan Hard Drive" you write,
Secondly this product claims to include Reformed Baptist products. It is true that there are a few books or Mp3's by Reformed Baptist on this hard drive, but there is nothing that is particularly Baptist on this hard drive... This much stated, I think it to be false advertising to state that this hard drive contains Reformed Baptist materials.
Nothing could be further from the truth, and if you had been attempting to write an even somewhat honest review, rather than just using your review to libel our work and ministry, you could have easily determined that not only does the Puritan Hard Drive contain 2,208 Reformed Baptist books, MP3s and videos, but that the massive number of Reformed Baptist resources on the PHD make the Puritan Hard Drive the largest, by far, single publishing event of Reformed Baptist resources in all of history!
Thus, rather than libelling and slandering our work (in the Puritan Hard Drive), had you been in tune with what the Lord is accomplishing through the Puritan Hard Drive, you should have been rejoicing that so many of the best Reformed Baptist works, from throughout history right up to our day, were being made inexpensively (under three cents per resource in the Single Platform Edition of the PHD) and easily accessible to Christians all over the world - for their edification.
What is even more telling (and sad) about your errant review of the Puritan Hard Drive is all you had to do to ascertain this fact (i.e., that the Puritan Hard Drive contains 2,208 Reformed Baptist books, MP3s and videos, and that this makes it the largest single publishing event of Reformed Baptist resources in all of history), was to simply select the category "Reformed Baptist," using "Select Category from List," in a search window (which can effortlessly be accomplished using "New Search" in the top menu and choosing "Start New Search"), and then clicking on the "Search" button, and you would have been able to find out just how far from the truth your own review of the Puritan Hard Drive was to become.
What makes your public lie on this point even more egregious, when you write, "I think it to be false advertising to state that this hard drive contains Reformed Baptist materials," especially in light of the fact that the Puritan Hard Drive is the largest single publishing event in the history of Reformed Baptist thought, is that the "Select Category from List" is the second largest button on the main search screen of the Puritan Hard Drive. It would have taken you all of 10-15 seconds, or less, (to use this simple, obvious and intuitive feature) to have avoided this lie, by simply using what is the main search screen on the PHD. Yet your research skills (and possibly your ungodly motives, only the Lord knows what was in your heart when you made a colossal blunder like this, to libel our work in the Puritan Hard Drive) are such that it would seem you did not even try to verify one of the major points in your review from the Puritan Hard Drive itself - when this could easily have been accomplished using one of the most elementary search techniques on the Puritan Hard Drive.
This is shameful behavior when dealing with brothers in the Lord (as we are your brothers in the Lord at SWRB) - and is frightful behavior when we consider it is attempting to publicly impede the pathway to blessing which the Lord has ordained for Christians all over the world and for His own declarative glory, by His grace, through the Puritan Hard Drive (as a secondary cause).
Hershel, on this point, your duty as a Christian is to publicly repent of this lie and to publicly correct the grievous error you have made - as you have missed the mark here by about as far as is conceivably possible.
That there are 2,208 Reformed Baptist books, MP3s and videos, on the Puritan Hard Drive, is something anyone can verify without even purchasing the Puritan Hard Drive, by simply downloading the free Puritan Hard Drive demo software. To verify that what I write is the truth simply click on "New Search" in the top menu and choose "Start New Search," then click on "Select Category from List," then click on "Reformed Baptist" and click on the "Search" button. By doing this you will almost instantly see there are 2,208 resources in the "Reformed Baptist" category on the Puritan Hard Drive.
This leaves us with a couple of major questions about the veracity of the rest of your Puritan Hard Drive Critique.
1. If you are willing to lie so blatantly in your review about something that can be easily proven to be false, why should anyone trust anything you say in the rest of your review of the PHD? By the way, if anyone would like more verification that Hershel's "Puritan Hard Drive Critique" is chock full of other "inaccuracies" you are welcome to call me at (780) 450-3730 (ask for Reg) and ask me any specific questions you have about Hershel's so-called "Puritan Hard Drive Critique." With the Lord as my witness I can tell you that Hershel's "Puritan Hard Drive Critique" is unreliable at best, and full of outright falsehoods and fabrications at worst.
2. What would motivate a person, who claims to be a Christian, even a Reformed Baptist in particular, to lie so blatantly about something that could be so easily shown to be a lie? Most Reformed Baptists I've know have been honest people that I could trust. Why would you, Hershel Lee Harvell, Jr., resort to such a blatant lie in your "Puritan Hard Drive Critique"?
Hershel, please keep in mind that in spite of your ill treatment of us and our ministry, and as a former Baptist myself, I really hope and pray that your evident rage against the Presbyterian position on baptism will not further drive you to misrepresent our ministry and products - and that our Lord will grant you public repentance in this matter (as your sin has been public).
Personally, I have many friends who are Reformed Baptists and I consider them very strong Christians in many areas, though I know we disagree on some points of doctrine.
For example, Richard Bennett (who is a Reformed Baptist) and I have had many long and profitable conversations together and I count him a dear brother in the Lord. We (Still Waters Revival Books) even do as much as we are able to promote this Reformed Baptist's ministry and work, as well as through the Puritan Hard Drive. Richard has even told me that he has received much support for his ministry as a result of SWRB's work to make his messages and books known all around the world. Maybe this is why (along with including 2,208 Reformed Baptist resources on the Puritan Hard Drive), in your Puritan Hard Drive critique you call me and Still Waters Revival Books "sectarians," even going to the point of writing, "In other words they are one sided in their views, so much so that they include no other views into their library." Or is this yet another blatant lie you also need to repent of?
By the way, not only is your statement a lie regarding the inclusion of Reformed Baptist resources, but the Puritan Hard Drive contains the best Christian books, audio and video, that we have been able to gather over a 26 year period, from the best ministers and authors who were Calvinists, Puritans, Covenanters, Presbyterians, Protestants, Anglicans, Lutherans, and yes, as already proved above, many Reformed Baptists! If that fits your definition of sectarian, you may have been listening to lies from others who are not up on the facts of this matter.
In light of the undeniable truth you are now faced with about the Puritan Hard Drive, and that you have grossly misrepresented both it and us (SWRB), will you maintain the following comments (from your "critique"), or will you publicly repent of your lies and cease circulation of a critique of the Puritan Hard Drive which not only dishonors God but also misleads men?
In other words they are one sided in their views, so much so that they include no other views into their library.
Secondly this product claims to include Reformed Baptist products. It is true that there are a few books or Mp3's by Reformed Baptist on this hard drive, but there is nothing that is particularly Baptist on this hard drive... This much stated, I think it to be false advertising to state that this hard drive contains Reformed Baptist materials.
In fact, as just a little more proof of just how fictitious, fallacious and fabricated your statements above are, simply by typing "Bennett" in the author search on the Puritan Hard Drive anyone can see that we have included 148 books, MP3s and videos on the Puritan Hard Drive by this Reformed Baptist brother in the Lord. Moreover, Richard Bennett has the most videos of any one minister on the Puritan Hard Drive, with 37 (and, Lord willing, we will be adding more of Richard's material in the future) - which is very strange, if your claim in your Puritan Hard Drive Critique is true, when you write "there is nothing that is particularly Baptist on this hard drive."
On top of all this, we believe Richard has been raised up of God as one of the most important voices in our generation to preach, write and testify against the soul damning doctrines and practices of Roman Catholicism - especially considering he was a Roman Catholic priest for over two decades and he is now a Calvinist! His testimony is amazing and we (SWRB) make it available as a free MP3 at, under the title, "From Catholicism to Christ: The Testimony of a Former Roman Catholic Priest About Salvation in Christ," as well as on the Puritan Hard Drive.
I would also encourage all Christians everywhere to read and listen to Richard's writing and preaching and that is why we publish and list (with his permission) so much of his material. For example, we (Still Waters Revival Books) have placed 110 free MP3s and videos by Richard online at and you will find many links to this Reformed Baptist brother's work among the many thousands of free Reformed resources we list here.
By the way, I should mention to readers of this blog that you may hear many unsubstantiated claims (online and otherwise) about how evil, schismatic, sectarian, etc., Still Waters Revival Books is, and  what a horrible thing the Puritan Hard Drive is. When you see and hear these things may I suggest that you remember what I've written above about our love for our brothers and sisters in Christ, which, along with God's glory as our primary motivation, are the two main reasons we published the Puritan Hard Drive. The Devil will do whatever he can (even using other Christians, at times) to stop people from being exposed to all the amazing teaching and truth from God's holy Word (through some of His most faithful ministers from throughout history) as it is found on the Puritan Hard Drive and among all the free Reformation resources we distribute (see " FREE PURITAN BOOKS, REFORMATION MP3s, PDFs, VIDEOs "). We are involved in a spiritual war (2 Corinthians 10:3-5) and there is one thing that is certain: When the lies start to fly the Devil is hard at work to destroy the reputations of Christians and Christian ministries, for the Devil is "a liar, and the father of it" (John 8:44).
One last thing, since you (Hershel) mention John Hendryx (Monergism) in your comments. It may be of interest to readers of The Reformed Reader blog to know what John (the head of Monergism) wrote to me in an email, after being badgered by Hershel about promoting the Puritan Hard Drive, and after John heard what really happened regarding Hershel and the Puritan Hard Drive (and I can assure you that what Hershel writes in his critique, on this issue, is about as close to the actual truth as the other matters from Hershel's "Puritan Hard Drive Critique," which I've dealt with above), stating the following,
Thanks for the explanation. He has been hounding me about the drive in the last 3-4 days. Seems mentally unstable or something insisting that the whole thing is my fault. This is more than someone unable to be pleased.
What is even more astounding about Hershel contacting John is the fact that John was not even promoting the Puritan Hard Drive until long after Hershel purchased it. Thus, Hershel's crusade against SWRB and the Puritan Hard Drive had, at this point, truly entered the realm of the bizarre, with Hershel giving John the impression that the whole thing was his (John's) fault, when John had nothing to do with Hershel's purchase - and was not even to become aware that the Puritan Hard Drive existed until well after the time of Hershel's initial purchase. However, after John got to know a little about the way Hershel operates and presents himself, while Hershel was "hounding" (John's word) John, and after John heard our side of the story (see the "P.P.S." below for more), it was then that John responded to me characterizing Hershel as "mentally unstable."
So we would ask readers of this blog to please keep Hershel in your prayers, as there may be other issues involved here of which we are not aware. We will also keep this brother in the Lord in our prayers.
Your Servant in Christ (for the Third Reformation),
Serving Christians Worldwide (In Over 100 Countries) For 26+ Years
P.S. Hershel, why are you also trying to mislead people in your comments above in this blog, regarding the price of the Puritan Hard Drive - even after I've explained the difference in the pricing structure of the Single and Dual Platform Editions right in this thread, before your post? You purchased the Dual Platform Edition (DPE) at the low end of the pricing spectrum, as the DPE has been offered (as noted above) between $797.97 and $1,597.97 (with free shipping worldwide). The price you paid is well below the top price at which the DPE Puritan Hard Drive has been offered and the price you got is thousands of dollars below a product like Logos Portfolio Edition, which, as I've said before, is a great product also - even though the Puritan Hard Drive does have about 11,000 more resources. How is this a rip-off? Just one printed set of the 34 volume Puritan Fast Sermons, which is on the PHD, would cost many times what you paid for the Puritan Hard Drive alone - if you could even find them for sale (which is highly unlikely, considering how rare they are).
Can you point to other Reformation resources that provide you with over 12,500 books, MP3s and videos, (including 2,208 Reformed Baptist resources), which include a world-class study and research software application and a massive and expandable database (which already contains over 15,000,000 data records), for the super low price at which we offer the PHD? Logos' Portfolio Edition is the only thing even comparable, and it is being sold, as I write, for $4,290.00. How, in your case, is getting about 11,000 more resources and the best Reformation research and Christian study software ever produced, for $3,395.00 less than that only comparable product a rip-off? I'd hate to see what you would say about the price of the Logos' Portfolio Edition, which, by the way, would not likely run on your corrupted computer also (see the "P.P.S." below).
Even beyond that, as explained above, we have lowered the price even further, by offering a Single Platform Edition (which came about, in part, at the request of our customers). We are doing everything we can to keep the price as low as possible for both the DPE Puritan Hard Drive and the SPE Puritan Hard Drive, so, by God's grace, the Puritan Hard Drive can be a blessing to as many people as possible. Do you consider trying to be a blessing to as many people as possible, by charging the lowest price possible, a way to rip people off?
P.P.S. Below is the report I received from the head of our technical support "department" (we have three people that field technical support calls), about the situation with Hershel.
In the course of providing technical support to Hershel, I sent him 7 emails over two days.
I requested his telephone number so we could continue the support in a more efficient manner but he never provided one.
His problems first began when, contrary to clear and explicit directions in our startup guide, he tried to execute the wrong file.
At first I was inclined to have him return the USB hard drive so I could determine whether his executable had been corrupted. But after he informed me that he was able to run the KnowledgeBase application on his Windows Vista SP2 laptop, it was clear that there was nothing wrong with the file and that the problem must lie with his desktop computer's Windows Vista SP1 environment. To make absolutely sure that there were no incompatibilities with Vista SP1, I took the trouble to  setup a Vista SP1 environment matching his machines specifications, even though I was fairly sure that SP1 was not an issue since I did the initial development of the KnowledgeBase application on an SP1 machine. Not only did the program run as expected with 1GB of internal memory, but I actually was able to run the program without problems with as little as 512MB of RAM.
After having informed him of this test, he responded with an incoherent rant with non-sequiteurs such as the PHD's not being "missionary friendly" and the program not being able to run on ALL computers, whatever their age or configurations and he ceased communications with me. After a couple of days of no contact from him, I assumed that he had decided to use the PHD with his SP2 laptop or had determined what was the problem with his SP1 desktop (perhaps a corrupted Windows Registry?), or perhaps both.
Additionally, it may be helpful for the reader to know that after Hershel's rant noted in the report above, a rant which contained no questions and did not ask for any further assistance, and even after going much more than the extra mile in our service to him, had he at any time contacted us with a question or a further request for help, we would certainly have answered his questions to the best of our ability or assisted him further - and this is still the case to this day.
Hershel also tries to make a point that the Puritan Hard Drive is not missionary friendly because it does not contain the tutorial videos directly. Apparently a lot of missionaries never got this memo or have not read Hershel's "Puritan Hard Drive Critique," as we have sold many Puritan Hard Drives to missionaries and the feedback has been excellent (see all the published comments we have received on the Puritan Hard Drive at ". In fact, some missionaries have even called the Puritan Hard Drive "the best tool possible" (or similar words) to assist them in their callings as missionaries - and we have not heard from even one missionary that having the Puritan Hard Drive tutorial videos online was even the slightest inconvenience to them. We had decided not to put the Puritan Hard Drive videos directly on the Puritan Hard Drive as we had added a number of new features since the videos were produced. Also, having the videos online makes it much easier for us to update them for everybody, as we add even more features to the Puritan Hard Drive software in the future. We even offered to send Hershel DVDs, with the Puritan Hard Drive  videos, free of charge (as we would do for any missionary or anyone without a Web connection), but he never took us up on the offer.
What's more, contrary to Hershel's assertions, we bend over backwards to help Pastors, Elders, Missionaries, etc. We even have a whole section on our Web page dedicated to this at "PURITAN HARD DRIVE MINISTRY AND DONATION OFFERS" where we make special offers for this very purpose.
Though there are many other points I could make to prove that Hershel Lee Harvell, Jr.'s "Puritan Hard Drive Critique" is not worth reading, if you are looking for the truth about the Puritan Hard Drive (or Still Waters Revival Books), what I've noted above should be sufficient - and, if it is not, readers are welcome to call me about any additional questions they may have.
Below are some recent short reviews we have received regarding the Puritan Hard Drive. You'll notice the first Puritan Hard Drive review below is from a Reformed Baptist pastor.

The Puritan Hard Drive reached me this morning and as soon as I installed it on my PC I was totally amazed at what it is able to do.
It is a tremendous blessing of God to have such a tool in my hands... the Puritan Hard Drive is a wonderful and powerful tool.
Now, I will be able to enjoy all the possibilities of this tremendous program.
You were right, it was worth the wait.
I am so amazed with this software.
Thank you very much and congratulations to all your team.
Soli Deo Gloria!
- Richard Gagnon (BD, MATS, ThD-cand.)
Reformed Baptist Pastor, Quebec, Canada

The Puritan Hard Drive is an exquisite piece of work.
The purchaser of this fine product will have at his fingertips more of the best Reformed literature than he can probably ever get around to reading.
Truly, if a Christian wants to invest wisely in his own growth, this is the best investment he can make at this time.
More than highly recommended!
- Justin Rawson
Gospel Covenant Publications

The Puritan Hard Drive is one amazing resource.
When I was full-time at seminary, we had a superb theological library. But for access to the Puritan classics a special trip was necessary to visit the Puritan collection at Regent College on the UBC campus. If I had had this Puritan Hard Drive, no such trips would have been needed.
Never before have ordinary pastors, teachers and students had access to such a wealth of rare sermons, classic theology and commentaries.
This will blow your mind.
- Pastor Joe Haynes (BC, Canada)

The Puritan Hard Drive is fantastic!
Most commercial theological software packages allow you to search 18th - 20th century public domain books or charge premium prices for materials under current copyright. But for spiritual richness and depth of insight, who can match the Reformation and Post-Reformation Puritan classics? The ones available in PDF form scattered around the Internet would take hundreds of hours to locate and download. And, for ease and speed of search, the Puritan Hard Drive is frankly ingenious.
For pennies per resource, you even provide a collection of outstanding MP3s and a handy portable hard-drive with ample available space.
What a gift to Christ's church!
I love my Puritan Hard Drive!
- D.M. (California)

I received it (the Puritan Hard Drive - ed.) yesterday and am blown away by it!
It is simple to set up and there is a tremendous amount of material available that will last me for years as I go through it all.
The search tools are, by themselves, well worth the price of the Puritan Hard Drive  . It makes finding authors, topics and documents incredibly easy and fast. (The speed itself is amazing!) I also find the ability to copy from any of the (searchable - ed.) PDFs and paste into whatever .doc I happen to have open to be extremely useful.
I'm also glad to see that there are audio sermons/teachings (MP3s - ed.), as well as WMVs (videos - ed) from a variety of speakers and preachers as this provides a well-rounded approach to my own theology.
I've downloaded the entire drive to one of my computers that can handle it, and have it hooked up to a laptop.
The Puritan Hard Drive is a tremendous asset to my library and a huge time-saver for my own learning, preaching, teaching and counseling.
Thank you ever so much for doing this.
- Kevin Guillory (Pastor), Redeemer Christian Congregation (Baltimore, MD)

Thus, I will leave you with little gem of a quote to ponder, by the Reformed Baptist minister Charles Spurgeon,
As the apostle says to Timothy, so also he says to every-one, "Give yourself to reading."... He who will not use the thoughts of other men's brains proves that he has no brains of his own... You need to read. Renounce as much as you will all light literature, but study as much as possible sound theological works, especially the Puritanic writers, and expositions of the Bible... the best way for you to spend your leisure is to be either reading or praying.

This ends A Critique of Hershel Lee Harvell's "Puritan Hard Drive Critique" by Dr. Reg Barrow


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A Critique of Hershel Lee Harvell's "Puritan Hard Drive Critique" by Dr. Reg Barrow

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