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Pastor Scott Brown, on the left in the video above, is the Director of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches (NCFIC)

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Donald Trump, Muhammad, Islam, Sharia Law and Immigration as a Tool of Conquest for Muslims (Free MP3)

Paul Blyth (UK) on the Puritan Hard Drive

Donald Trump, Muhammad, Islam, Sharia Law and Immigration as a Tool of Conquest for Muslims (Free MP3)

SermonAudio Summary: "Recently Donald Trump caused quite a still by calling for the a moratorium on Muslims entering into the US. Many in the media immediately pounced on the statement as proof of how mean-spirited and anti-American Trump's policies can be. Most of the other GOP candidates, in addition to the Democratic candidates voiced their opposition to Trump's proposal as well. And many Evangelical Leaders followed suite. But is the proposal really that outlandish? Especially when we consider the history of Islam, as well as the current reign of terror committed by certain Islamic groups. On the program today, I will be joined by author/ speaker William J. Federer. We will discuss the history of Islam."

As usual SWRB does not necessarily agree with every point made in every resource or landing page to which we link -- we only agree with that which is in accord with the what God teaches in the Bible.

ISIS Repeats the Atrocities of Muhammad Step by Step

Muslim's (Islam) Murdering, Persecuting and Torturing Christians, Even Beheading Christian Children, Including Young Christian Girls (Free MP3, Videos, etc.)

Biblical Prophecy and Postmillennialism 9, Daniel 3, The Great Eastern Antichrist Is Islam by Jim Dodson (Free MP3)

In fact, when the classic historicist position is studied, the fulfillment in the case of Islam and Revelation chapter nine is seen to be so striking and well attested that 'even advocates of other approaches who are adamant in their rejection of the historicist system of interpretation have admitted the convincing nature of this particular identification.' - Steve Gregg, commenting on Revelation 9:1-6 in Revelation: Four Views: A Parallel Commentary, p. 176).

Antichrist's Strategy: Roman Catholic Agenda Embedded In Manhattan Declaration by R.C. Sproul, John MacArthur, James White, Richard Bennett, W.J. Mencarow, Dr. Steven Dilday and Greg Price (Free Reformation Resources)

Understanding Islamic Jihad, Islam, Sharia Law, Etc., by Dr. Peter Hammond and Others (Free Videos and MP3s)

Islam (Muslims) In Bible Prophecy, In the Book of Revelation (Free Reformed MP3s and Books)

Islam In The Bible by Dr. Francis Nigel Lee (Free MP3s and Books)

The Sex Jihad and Jihad the Pinnacle of IslamThe Sex Jihad and Jihad the Pinnacle of Islam

Revelation 9, Muhammad, the Koran and Islam (Biblical Prophecy and Postmillennialism 31) by Jim Dodson (Free MP3)

More free MP3s and PDFs in Jim Dodson's Biblical Prophecy and Postmillennialism series

To the Very Hour! God's Omnipotence, Omniscience, Omnisapience, Etc., On Display In the Perfect Historical Fulfillments Of Prophecies, In Revelation, Regarding the Rise, Expansion and Fall Of Islam and the Papal Antichrist, and Much More, By Dr. Steven Dilday, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, W.J. Mencarow, John Owen, Greg Price, John Calvin, George Gillespie (Westminster Divine), J.A. Wylie, Richard Bennett, John Foxe, David Steele and Others (Free Reformed MP3s, Videos and Books)

Pastor Paul Washer Reviews and Recommends
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Pastor Paul Washer

Pastor Paul Washer, HeartCry Missionary Society

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The Puritan Hard Drive is a tremendous blessing. I travel frequently to many parts of the globe. The Puritan Hard Drive allows me to continue my studies on the road with the same depth as when I am seated in my study at home.

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There is much more to the Puritan Hard Drive than just convenience, portability and the exceptional quality and extraordinary number of Reformation resources it includes. Even if a minister owned the largest printed Puritan library in the world, he would not be able to properly research the material. However, the KnowledgeBase software on the Puritan Hard Drive provides an effective road map to access the material in ways that are easy-to-use, organized and highly productive. With the click of a button, you can easily do ten hours worth of research in just seconds!

Having the Puritan Hard Drive is like owning the largest Puritan and Reformed Library in the world along with a full time research assistant with his PhD in Puritan Studies from Oxford or Cambridge.

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In the history of extra-biblical study and research tools there has never before been a resource as useful as the Puritan Hard Drive. The immense body of Reformation material (books, MP3s and videos) on the Puritan Hard Drive, along with the phenomenal proprietary software program that is included, makes the Puritan Hard Drive a valuable tool for Reformation in our day.

As a member of the HeartCry Missionary Society, I am witness to the great needs of Christians throughout the globe. Possibly the greatest need is sound Christian literature. Even though many Third World pastors read English, they have very few good books available to them. Even if we could afford to buy each indigenous minister a small library, the cost of shipping would be astronomical.  With the Puritan Hard Drive we can provide pastors throughout the globe with one of the most complete Puritan and Reformed libraries at a fraction of the cost.

The Puritan Hard Drive is also ideal for situations where concealment is a priority in countries which are hostile to the Gospel. The Puritan Hard Drive is the most compact way to smuggle the light of over 12,500 Reformation resources (with powerful study software) into the spiritual darkness of those nations that are in most need of Gospel truth.

- Paul Washer - HeartCry Missionary Society

Donald Trump, Muhammad, Islam, Sharia Law and Immigration as a Tool of Conquest for Muslims (Free MP3)


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