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Pastor Scott Brown, on the left in the video above, is the Director of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches (NCFIC)

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A Prophecy of the Increase of Christ's Kingdom (2 Free MP3s) & Postmillennialism (Free Reformation MP3s, Puritan Books and Calvinist Quotes), by Jonathan Edwards, John Murray, Samuel Rutherford, Dr. Steven Dilday, Iain Murray, Thomas Brooks, Greg Price, Pastor Jim Dodson, Dr. F.N. Lee, David Silversides and Others

A Prophecy of the Increase of Christ's Kingdom (2 Free MP3s) & Postmillennialism (Free Reformation MP3s, Puritan Books and Calvinist Quotes), by Jonathan Edwards, John Murray, Samuel Rutherford, Dr. Steven Dilday, Iain Murray, Thomas Brooks, Greg Price, Pastor Jim Dodson, Dr. F.N. Lee, David Silversides and Others

Dr. Steven Dilday on the Puritan Hard Drive

A Prophecy of the Increase of Christ's Kingdom, 1 of 2, By John Willison (Free MP3)

And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. - Isa. 2:2-4, KJV

A Prophecy of the Increase of Christ's Kingdom, 2 of 2, By John Willison (Free MP3)

Now, Christians, the more great and glorious things you expect from God, as the downfall of antichrist, the conversion of the Jews, the conquest of the nations to Christ, the breaking of all yokes, the new Jerusalem's coming down from above, the extraordinary pouring out of the Spirit, and a more general union among all saints, the more holy, yea, the more eminently holy in all your ways and actings it becomes you to be. - Thomas Brooks, The Crown and Glory of Christianity, 1662, Complete Works (on the Puritan Hard Drive), 1867, p. 444

Postmillennialism (Free Reformation MP3s, Puritan Books and Calvinist Quotes), by Jonathan Edwards, John Murray, Samuel Rutherford, Dr. Steven Dilday, Iain Murray, Thomas Brooks, Greg Price, Pastor Jim Dodson, Dr. F.N. Lee, David Silversides and Others

The anti-Christian leaven, which has been so extensively diffused, shall be purged out of both the churches and the nations. Every usurper of the rights and prerogatives of Sion's King shall be pushed from his seat. Every rival kingdom shall be overthrown. The civil and ecclesiastical constitutions of the earth shall be regulated by the infallible standard of God's word; their office-bearers, of every kind, shall acknowledge the authority of Messiah the Prince; and the greatest kings on earth shall cast their crowns at his feet. All enemies shall be put under his feet; and such as resist the melting influence of his grace, shall be crushed beneath the iron rod of his power. By spiritual conversion or judicial destruction, he shall effect the entire subjugation of the globe. And, at the last, there shall not be a spot on the face of the habitable earth where the true church of Christ shall not have effected a footing, nor a single tribe of the vast family of man which shall not have felt the meliorating and blissful influence of Christian laws and institutions. - William Symington, Messiah the Prince or, The Mediatorial Dominion of Jesus Christ (Still Waters Revival Books, [1884] 1990), pp. 185-86, on the Puritan Hard Drive.

Biblical Prophecy, Pastor Jim Dodson, 44 Remarkable Free MP3s Defending Classic Reformation Eschatology (Historicism and Postmillennialism)

Jim Dodson Reviews and Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive


If you love the Bible, then you may well be Reformed. If you think of yourself as Reformed, but you have seldom or have never read older Reformed literature, prepare to be challenged. The Puritan Hard Drive provides primary sources and depth of theological and spiritual insight which is lacking in much of what is passed off as genuine Reformed theology. If you think of yourself as conservative, the older Puritan and Reformed authors will help you sort reality from myth in your quest to be truly Reformed. There are more solid resources for less money here than anywhere else. I highly recommend you take responsibility for your soul and spend a few shekels for this cup of cold water in the midst of the modern religious desert.

- Jim Dodson, Reformed Presbyterian Scholar,

A Prophecy of the Increase of Christ's Kingdom (2 Free MP3s) & Postmillennialism (Free Reformation MP3s, Puritan Books and Calvinist Quotes), by Jonathan Edwards, John Murray, Samuel Rutherford, Dr. Steven Dilday, Iain Murray, Thomas Brooks, Greg Price, Pastor Jim Dodson, Dr. F.N. Lee, David Silversides and Others