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Pastor Scott Brown, on the left in the video above, is the Director of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches (NCFIC)

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Biden is an illegitimate President: “We Can’t Afford to Be Willfully Ignorant Anymore” Americans Need to Demand Real Forensic Audits of Swing State Ballots, Christina Bobb (OAN Video)

Biden is an illegitimate President: “We Can’t Afford to Be Willfully Ignorant Anymore” Americans Need to Demand Real Forensic Audits of Swing State Ballots, Christina Bobb (OAN Video)

Dr. Steven Dilday on the Puritan Hard Drive

Biden is an illegitimate President: “We Can’t Afford to Be Willfully Ignorant Anymore” Americans Need to Demand Real Forensic Audits of Swing State Ballots, Christina Bobb (OAN Video)

Excerpt: Christina Bobb is a former executive secretary for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. In 2020 she joined OAN’s reporting team. This weekend Christina Bobb released a powerful video on the election results. Christina puts in words what MILLIONS of Americans are thinking. Joe Biden is an illegitimate President, and Americans need to decide the future of our nation. Christina explains why we must continue to push for forensic audits of results, starting in the swing states. Christina Bobb gets it.  In her closing remarks she says what we all know – the current president in the White House is illegitimate.  Then she goes on to ask all who are watching to help out in any way they can to uncover the truth.  She says, “We can’t afford to be willfully ignorant anymore.” One thing Americans can do is to pressure our elected officials to ensure the ballots from every swing state are forensically audited by individuals who can determine whether the ballots were legitimate or not.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: "US elections will never be free and fair in the future until all the fraud is investigated and adequately and independently addressed. The 2020 election was the largest steal in world history.  Everyone but the President and the American people were involved." 

Watch This Short Video To See A Simple, Fast and 100% Dependable Way To Obtain Undeniable, Absolute, and Scientific Proof of Massive 2020 Election and Voter Fraud!

“Yes, President Trump Won: The Case, Evidence & Statistical Receipts” In Volume Three of Navarro Report

Civil Government: An Exposition of Romans 13:1-7 by James M. Willson and Other Books and MP3s Defending the Classic Reformation Position on Civil Government (Free MP3 Audio Books, Free Online Books and Other Formats)

Joe Biden Lost on 79 Million Votes for Donald Trump and 68 Million for Joe Biden (Video)

Despite Total Media Blackout – 78 Percent of Trump Voters Believe the Election was Rigged and Stolen

Only 1.8 Million Mail-In Ballots Were Sent Out – But 2.5 Million Were Counted, Giuliani Points Out Major Problem with Mail-In Ballots in Pennsylvania (Video)

Republican State Lawmakers to Introduce New Bills to Limit Vote-by-Mail, Require Photo ID to Vote, Clean Dirty Voter Rolls

Excerpt: Republican lawmakers in several states are introducing legislation to overhaul voting after the Democrats stole the 2020 election by flooding states with millions of mail-in ballots. The Democrats used Covid as a vehicle to usher in mail-in ballots, implement Zuckerberg ballot drop boxes and extend ballot counting for days and even weeks after Election Day in order to steal the election for Joe Biden. ... The GOP-led state legislature in Pennsylvania is planning on holding multiple hearings on election integrity over the next several months after it was discovered that the state of Pennsylvania had 200,000 more votes than people who voted.

Ridiculous Liars: Politifact Cranks Insist Joe Biden Did Not Call President Trump a Xenophobe When China Joe Accused Him of Xenophobia

Steve Hilton Bombshell Investigation Ties Fascist Fear Fuhrer Fauci to the Creation of the Chi-Com Virus - Dr. Anthony Fauci Is Directly Responsible with Funding the Gain-of-Function Studies that Resulted in Coronavirus Pandemic - COVID INVESTIGATION: ‘Specific activity that Dr. Fauci funded and it is terrifying’ (Video)

As with all links we provide, we only agree with that which is in agreement with the Bible at the sites where the URLs point

Giuliani Fires Back At “Act Of Intimidation” $1.3Bn Dominion Suit.

FASCISM: The Corporate “News” Blackout Has Now Begun (Video)


Historicism (Every Classic Reformation Confession, Creed, Covenant, and Catechism Was Historicist When Dealing With Eschatology), Free

Postmillennialism, Free

To the Very Hour! God's Omnipotence, Omniscience, Omnisapience, Etc., On Display In the Perfect Historical Fulfillments Of Prophecies, In Revelation, Regarding the Rise, Expansion and Fall Of Islam and the Papal Antichrist, and Much More, By Dr. Steven Dilday, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, W.J. Mencarow, John Owen, Greg Price, John Calvin, George Gillespie (Westminster Divine), J.A. Wylie, Richard Bennett, John Foxe, David Steele and Others (Free Reformed MP3s, Videos and Books

Eschatology of Victory in the Bible, by Dr. Francis Nigel Lee, David Steele, Greg Price, et al. (Many Free SWRB MP3s)

Calvinism In Salvation, Free

Providence, Free

Calvinism In Worship, Free

Why Is Reformed Worship So Important? The Puritans, Covenanters, Reformers & The Regulative Principle Of Worship (RPW), by Dr. Steven Dilday, John Calvin, Greg Price & Others (Free MP3s

Jim Dodson Reviews and Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive


If you love the Bible, then you may well be Reformed. If you think of yourself as Reformed, but you have seldom or have never read older Reformed literature, prepare to be challenged. The Puritan Hard Drive provides primary sources and depth of theological and spiritual insight which is lacking in much of what is passed off as genuine Reformed theology. If you think of yourself as conservative, the older Puritan and Reformed authors will help you sort reality from myth in your quest to be truly Reformed. There are more solid resources for less money here than anywhere else. I highly recommend you take responsibility for your soul and spend a few shekels for this cup of cold water in the midst of the modern religious desert.

- Jim Dodson, Reformed Presbyterian Scholar,

Biden is an illegitimate President: “We Can’t Afford to Be Willfully Ignorant Anymore” Americans Need to Demand Real Forensic Audits of Swing State Ballots, Christina Bobb (OAN Video)

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