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Pastor Scott Brown, on the left in the video above, is the Director of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches (NCFIC)

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EXPERT: ‘BIGGEST FRAUD’ IN US HISTORY — UP TO 300,000 FAKE PEOPLE VOTED IN ARIZONA ELECTION; WE GOT IT! — Col. Waldron Confirms US Has a Copy of the Election Night Data ‘Traffic and Packets’ Sent Overseas to Frankfurt!; Breaking: Attorney Lin Wood Suggests Trump Declare Martial Law, Hold New Election; Michigan Witness Says All Military Ballots She Saw Looked Like “Xerox Copies” of Each Other – 100% For Joe Biden; Dominion-Trained IT Contractor Blows Up Michigan Hearing, ‘They Were Re-Scanning, Counting Ballots 8 to 10 Times’; “I Was Driving Completed Ballots from NY to Pennsylvania – So I Decided to Speak Up” — UPDATE: USPS Contract Truck Driver Who Transferred 288,000 FRAUDULENT BALLOTS from NY to PA Speaks at Presser; The Plot Thickens: Dominion Ownership was elusive and now seems like Communist China owns them!; Postal Subcontractor Was Told That Over 100,000 Ballots in Wisconsin Were Gathered on Nov. 4 and Backdated for Election Day.

EXPERT: ‘BIGGEST FRAUD’ IN US HISTORY — UP TO 300,000 FAKE PEOPLE VOTED IN ARIZONA ELECTION; WE GOT IT! — Col. Waldron Confirms US Has a Copy of the Election Night Data ‘Traffic and Packets’ Sent Overseas to Frankfurt!; Breaking: Attorney Lin Wood Suggests Trump Declare Martial Law, Hold New Election; Michigan Witness Says All Military Ballots She Saw Looked Like “Xerox Copies” of Each Other – 100% For Joe Biden; Dominion-Trained IT Contractor Blows Up Michigan Hearing, ‘They Were Re-Scanning, Counting Ballots 8 to 10 Times’; “I Was Driving Completed Ballots from NY to Pennsylvania – So I Decided to Speak Up” — UPDATE: USPS Contract Truck Driver Who Transferred 288,000 FRAUDULENT BALLOTS from NY to PA Speaks at Presser; The Plot Thickens: Dominion Ownership was elusive and now seems like Communist China owns them!; Postal Subcontractor Was Told That Over 100,000 Ballots in Wisconsin Were Gathered on Nov. 4 and Backdated for Election Day.

Pastor Paul Washer Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive


Excerpt: Bobby Piton is a managing partner of Pre-Active Investments, LLC and an investment advisor representative of Total Clarity Wealth Management. He used Arizona’s official government data to run his analysis. After analyzing the data, he believes this is the “biggest fraud in the history of our constitutional republic is taking place right before our eyes.” He thinks there are between 120,000 and 306,000 fake people who voted in this election. Piton presented his findings and said that he would never have certified Arizona’s election results.

WE GOT IT! — Col. Waldron Confirms US Has a Copy of the Election Night Data ‘Traffic and Packets’ Sent Overseas to Frankfurt! (VIDEO)

Excerpt: The US has a copy of the traffic and the packets of information that were sent to Germany on Election night! Yesterday, the first expert at the Arizona State Legislature hearing with Rudy Giuliani was US cybersecurity expert Colonel Phil Waldron. Colonel Phil Waldron spoke first at the Arizona hearing about the voting machines used in US elections. These are the same machines used in Venezuela by Chavez. The Dominion systems were connected to the Internet as well, despite Dominion’s claims to the contrary. The records within the system can be manipulated by outside parties and insiders as well. ... Col Waldron claimed that not only did the military’s ‘white hat hackers’ see the data flowing overseas to Germany on election night, they also have a copy of the traffic and and packets of data that were sent. Yesterday’s testimonies in Arizona were devastating. The steal is on and by all indications, they got caught.

As with all links we provide, we only agree with that which is in agreement with the Bible at the sites where the URLs point

Breaking: Attorney Lin Wood Suggests Trump Declare Martial Law, Hold New Election - Attorney Lin Wood tweeted this out today: “Our country is headed to civil war. A war created by 3rd party bad actors for their benefit – not for We The People. Communist China is leading the nefarious efforts to take away our freedom. @realDonaldTrump should declare martial law."

Excerpt: The We The People Convention published a full page ad in the Washington Times on Tuesday calling on President Donald Trump to take extreme actions to correct controversial election results. Wood even suggested President Trump hold a new election if the US Courts and Congress do not follow the US Constitution. Attorney Lin Wood tweeted this out today: “Our country is headed to civil war. A war created by 3rd party bad actors for their benefit – not for We The People. Communist China is leading the nefarious efforts to take away our freedom. @realDonaldTrump should declare martial law."

The Lord Jesus Christ's Mediatorial Reign, He Is King Of Kings and Lord Of Lords

Michigan Witness Says All Military Ballots She Saw Looked Like “Xerox Copies” of Each Other – 100% For Joe Biden (VIDEO)

Dominion-Trained IT Contractor Blows Up Michigan Hearing, ‘They Were Re-Scanning, Counting Ballots 8 to 10 Times’ (VIDEO)

“I Was Driving Completed Ballots from NY to Pennsylvania – So I Decided to Speak Up” — UPDATE: USPS Contract Truck Driver Who Transferred 288,000 FRAUDULENT BALLOTS from NY to PA Speaks at Presser (VIDEO)

Excerpt: The new information was made public at a press conference by the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, a national constitutional litigation organization. The Amistad Project said that they have sworn declarations that state over 300,000 ballots are at issue in Arizona, 548,000 in Michigan, 204,000 in Georgia, and over 121,000 in Pennsylvania. They claim that their evidence reveals multi-state illegal efforts by USPS workers to influence the election in at least three of six swing states. The whistleblower statements include potentially hundreds of thousands of completed absentee ballots being transported across three state lines ... Jesse’s testimony today revealed that employees at the United States Post Office were in on the conspiracy to steal the votes.

Postal Subcontractor Was Told That Over 100,000 Ballots in Wisconsin Were Gathered on Nov. 4 and Backdated for Election Day

What Is A Christian Nation? Christ's Kingship and Lordship Over the Nations by Greg Price (17 Free MP3s)

Jenna Ellis Closing Statement at AZ State Legislature Hearing!

Thousands Of Free Puritan and Reformed Resources

BOMBSHELL Hearings in Michigan as Trump Drops MEGATON Lawsuit on Wisconsin!

The Plot Thickens: Dominion Ownership was elusive and now seems like Communist China owns them! ... Lin Wood says it all…

THE CHINA CONNECTION: Parent company of Dominion Voting Systems Received $400 million from Swiss Investment Bank — 75% owned by the Chinese Government

What’s The Role of Chinese Communist Party ( CCP) in Carrying Out Election Fraud

Dominion Employee IDENTIFIED — Allegedly Caught on Video Downloading Data on USB, Plugging it Into a Laptop, Manipulating Data and then Palming the USB

Missouri Lawmaker Discovers Dominion Failed to Pay Missouri Taxes and Is Not Allowed to Operate in the State — But They Are Still Running Elections Here

Irrefutable Proof Of Massive Election Fraud (Video: 3 min. 41 sec.) & Much More!


Postmillennialism (Free Reformation MP3s and Puritan Books) by Jonathan Edwards, John Murray, Samuel Rutherford, Iain Murray, Thomas Brooks, Greg Price, Dr. F.N. Lee and Others

Jim Dodson Reviews and Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive


If you love the Bible, then you may well be Reformed. If you think of yourself as Reformed, but you have seldom or have never read older Reformed literature, prepare to be challenged. The Puritan Hard Drive provides primary sources and depth of theological and spiritual insight which is lacking in much of what is passed off as genuine Reformed theology. If you think of yourself as conservative, the older Puritan and Reformed authors will help you sort reality from myth in your quest to be truly Reformed. There are more solid resources for less money here than anywhere else. I highly recommend you take responsibility for your soul and spend a few shekels for this cup of cold water in the midst of the modern religious desert.

- Jim Dodson, Reformed Presbyterian Scholar,

EXPERT: ‘BIGGEST FRAUD’ IN US HISTORY — UP TO 300,000 FAKE PEOPLE VOTED IN ARIZONA ELECTION; WE GOT IT! — Col. Waldron Confirms US Has a Copy of the Election Night Data ‘Traffic and Packets’ Sent Overseas to Frankfurt!; Breaking: Attorney Lin Wood Suggests Trump Declare Martial Law, Hold New Election; Michigan Witness Says All Military Ballots She Saw Looked Like “Xerox Copies” of Each Other – 100% For Joe Biden; Dominion-Trained IT Contractor Blows Up Michigan Hearing, ‘They Were Re-Scanning, Counting Ballots 8 to 10 Times’; “I Was Driving Completed Ballots from NY to Pennsylvania – So I Decided to Speak Up” — UPDATE: USPS Contract Truck Driver Who Transferred 288,000 FRAUDULENT BALLOTS from NY to PA Speaks at Presser; The Plot Thickens: Dominion Ownership was elusive and now seems like Communist China owns them!; Postal Subcontractor Was Told That Over 100,000 Ballots in Wisconsin Were Gathered on Nov. 4 and Backdated for Election Day.