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Life of God In the Soul of Man, Scougal, Holiness, Assurance & Rejoicing In God


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Life of God In the Soul of Man, Scougal, Holiness, Assurance & Rejoicing In God


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Completely refutes Amillennial from Scripture, while defending Biblical Postmillennialism.

  • Because of their outlook upon the future all Scottish missionary leaders took the long-term view in evangelization, that is to say, they did not regard the number of individual converts in the present as the first consideration, but rather that energy should be deployed in work which would have the maximum influence upon nations in subsequent generations. - Iain Murray, The Puritan Hope: Revival and the Interpretation Of Prophecy
Amillennialism and Premillennialism, as defeatist eschatologies that are refuted in the Bible, both stifle true full-orbed Biblical revival and Reformation. Postmillennialism, which is the Biblical eschatology, leads to revival and Reformation, on the largest of scales.