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Calvin's Selected Works, Tracts and Letters (7 Volume Set) by John Calvin
Calvin's Selected Works, Tracts and Letters (7 Volume Set)
John Calvin
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Volume one of John Calvin's Selected Works, Tracts and Letters contains:
Volume two of John Calvin's Selected Works, Tracts and Letters contains:
Volume three of John Calvin's Selected Works, Tracts and Letters contains:
Volume four of John Calvin's Selected Works, Tracts and Letters contains:
LETTER 1 -- TO NICHOLAS DUCHEMIN. -- Calvin at the University of Orleans -- his early friendships -- he is recalled to Noyon by the illness of his father.
LETTER 2 -- TO FRANCIS DANIEL. -- Calvin in Paris -- Nicholas Cop -- the two friends visit a monastery.
LETTER 3 -- TO FRANCIS DANIEL. -- Thanks to Francis Daniel -- salutations to Melchior Wolmar -- various messages.
LETTER 4 -- TO FRANCIS DANIEL. -- Domestic intelligence -- departure to Italy of the brother of Francis Daniel.
LETTER 5 -- TO FRANCIS DANIEL. -- Calvin's first work -- Commentary on Seneca's Treatise, "De Clementia."
LETTER 6 -- TO FRANCIS DANIEL. -- Calvin despatches copies of the Treatise, "De Clementia," to several persons -- looks for lodgings in Paris.
LETTER 7 -- TO DR. MARTIN BUCER. -- Recommendation of a French refugee in Strasbourg, who had been falsely accused of holding the doctrines of the Anabaptists.
LETTER 8 -- TO FRANCIS DANIEL. -- Various communications -- a new work put forth,
LETTER 9 -- TO FRANCIS DANIEL. -- The Reformation in Paris -- rage of the Sorbonne-satirical Comedy directed against the Queen of Navarre -- intervention of Francis I. -- deliberation of the Four Faculties -- revocation of the censure pronounced against the book entitled "The Mirror of the Sinful Soul."
LETTER 10 -- TO FRANCIS DANIEL. -- Retirement of Calvin to Angouleme.
LETTER 11 TO CHRISTOPHER LIBERTET. -- Calvin in Basle -- revision of the Bible of Robert Olivetan -- treatise on the Immortality of the Soul.
LETTER 12 -- TO FRANCIS DANIEL. -- Calvin in Geneva -- translation into French of the "Christian Institutes" -- disputation of Lausanne -- establishment of the doctrines of the Reformation in the Pays de Vaud.
LETTER 13 -- TO MEGANDER. -- Calvin and Caroli encounter each other -- prayers for the dead -- the Genevese clergy accused of Arianism -- need of a synod.
LETTER 14 -- TO VIRET. -- Preaching of the Gospel at Besancon -- ecclesiastical intelligence -- discouragement of Farel -- necessity for the return of Viret to Geneva.
LETTER 15 -- TO SIMON GRYNEE. -- The nature of the controversy between Calvin and Caroli clearly laid open -- Synod of Lausanne -- Caroli is condemned, and the teaching of Calvin and Farel solemnly approved,
LETTER 16 -- TO THE MINISTERS OF THE CHURCH AT BASLE. -- Persecution in France -- request addressed to the Seigneury of Basle in favor of the faithful of the Church at Nismes.
LETTER 17 -- TO LOUIS DU TILLET. -- Departure of Louis du Tillet from Geneva -- regret of Calvin -- controversy between the two friends regarding the character of the Church of Jesus Christ.
LETTER 18 -- TO HENRY BULLINGER. -- State of the Church at Geneva -- wish for the union of the Reformed Churches -- mention of Luther.
LETTER 19 -- TO HENRY BULLINGER. -- Synod of Zurich -- attempt at reconciliation between the banished ministers and the town of Geneva.
LETTER 20 -- TO PETER VIRET. -- Arrival of Farel and Calvin at Basle.
LETTER 21 -- TO LOUIS DU TILLET. -- Journey of Calvin to Strasbourg -- project of a new Assembly at Zurich -- policy of the Bernese -- in his retirement Calvin breathes freely -- news from France.
LETTER 22 -- TO WILLIAM FAREL. -- Farel called as minister to the Church of Neuchatel -- sad condition of the Church at Geneva -- uncertainty of Calvin -- Bucer's urgency to draw him to Strasbourg.
LETTER 23 -- TO FAREL. -- New efforts of the ministers of Strasbourg to attract Calvin thither -- the plague at Basle -- detail of the death of a nephew of Farel.
LETTER 24 -- TO FAREL. -- Calvin at Strasbourg -- negotiations between Bucer and the Magistrates of Geneva -- first preaching of Calvin in the French Church -- Anabaptists of Metz.
LETTER 25 -- TO THE CHURCH OF GENEVA. -- Letter of consolation and advice addressed to the Church at Geneva, deprived of her faithful pastor -- testimonies of his innocence -- confidence in God -- trust for the future.
LETTER 26 -- TO FAREL. -- Conferences of Basle -- absence of the theologians of Zurich and of Berne -- the minister Konzen -- complaints against Bucer -- a wish for the establishment of Ecclesiastical discipline -- celebration of the Supper in the French Church of Strasbourg -- the news of Germany and the Netherlands -- question addressed to Melanchthon -- domestic affairs.
LETTER 27 -- TO LOUIS DU TILLET. -- Reply to doubts as to the lawfulness of his call -- inward assurance of his calling -- declines the kind offer of Louis du Tiller -- appeals to the tribunal of God from the accusation of schism charged on him by his friend.
LETTER 28 -- TO FAREL. -- Death of Courault -- Calvin's discouragement and trust in God -- answers a question of Saunier regarding the Supper -- the faithful at Geneva exhorted not to separate from the new preachers -- affectionate advice given to Farel. 1539
LETTER 29 -- TO FAREL. -- Second edition of the "Christian Institutes" -- death of Robert Olivetan -- state of religion in Germany -- first lectures of Calvin at Strasbourg.
LETTER 30 -- TO FAREL. -- Fruitless efforts for the union of the two Churches -- synod of Zurich -- Bullinger's distrust of Bucer -- parallel between Luther and Zuingli -- Calvin thinks of marrying -- news of Germany -- policy of the ecclesiastical Electors French Church of Strasbourg -- conversion of two Anabaptists.
LETTER 31 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Excuses his long silence -- evidences of brotherly affection -- justifies Bucer -- his desire for the union of the Church of Zurich with that of Strasbourg.
LETTER 32 -- TO FAREL. -- Departure of Calvin for the Assembly of Frankfort -- the question of Ecclesiastical property -- news of Geneva -- opening of the religious conferences at Frankfort -- disposition of the Roman Catholic princes and Protestants in Germany -- policy of Charles V. -- Reformation in England -- remarkable judgment on Henry VIII.
LETTER 33 -- TO FAREL. -- Conclusion of the Assembly at Frankfort -- attitude of the Protestant princes -- conversations between Calvin and Melanchthon on ecclesiastical discipline -- opinion of the latter -- of Capito -- various details.
LETTER 34 -- TO FAREL. -- Numerous occupations of Calvin -- news of Germany -- firmness of the Senate of Strasbourg.
LETTER 35 -- TO FAREL. -- Union of the Swiss Churches first steps for the recall of Calvin to Geneva -- some details concerning his ministry and his straitened circumstances -- Lutheran ceremonies -- the Church property -- renewal of the League of Smalkald -- constancy of the German princes -- example of fidelity to the cause of Christ on the part of the town of Strasbourg.
LETTER 36 -- TO FAREL. -- Ecclesiastical news of Switzerland -- destitution of the minister Megander -- complaints addressed to Bucer -- further projects of marriage on the part of Calvin.
LETTER 37 -- TO THE CHURCH OF GENEVA. -- Recommends anew the counsel of peace and brotherly agreement to the Church of Geneva.
LETTER 38 -- TO FAREL. -- Journey of Farel to Strasbourg -- scanty remuneration of Calvin -- sale of his books.
LETTER 39 -- TO FAREL. -- Reconciliation of Farel with Caroli -- intercession of the Senate of Strasbourg in favor of the French Protestants -- answer of Calvin to the letter of Cardinal Sadolet.
LETTER 40 -- TO FAREL. -- Caroli at Strasbourg -- proceedings of Sturm and Bucer for the reconciliation with Calvin.
LETTER 41 -- TO FAREL. -- Farther details of the reconciliation of Calvin with Caroli -- the minister Alexander -- a lecture of Bucer -- negotiations of the Protestant Princes of Germany -- their answer to Henry VIII. -- French translation of the epistle to Sadolet.
LETTER 42 -- TO FAREL. -- Caroli -- encounter between William du Bellay, and the Constable de Montmorency -- preparation for an approaching Assembly in Germany -- negotiations with the King of England -- salutations addressed by Luther to Calvin -- hope of an accommodation between the Swiss and German Churches.
LETTER 43 -- TO FAREL. -- Persecutions in France -- policy of Francis I. and Charles V. -- ecclesiastical discipline -- university regulations at Strasbourg -- illness of Farel. 1540
LETTER 44 -- TO FAREL. -- Farther mention of Caroli -- discussion with Herman the Anabaptist -- good understanding of Charles V. and Francis I. -- alarm of the German Princes -- some detail of the propositions addressed to Calvin.
LETTER 45 -- TO FAREL. -- Impressions of Calvin on his recall to Geneva rigorous application of discipline in his church -- news of Germany, of France, and of England.
LETTER 46 -- TO FAREL. -- Reconciliation of parties at Geneva -- insufficiency of the ministers of that Church -- policy of Charles V. -- courageous attitude of the Protestant Princes -- favorable news from England -- cruel persecutions in France -- ecclesiastical discipline in the French Church at Strasbourg.
LETTER 47 -- TO PETER VIRET. -- Excuses for his silence -- sad news from France -- repugnance of Calvin to return to Geneva -- his comparative estimate of Capito, Zuingli, Luther, and Oecolampadius.
LETTER 48 -- TO FAREL. -- Preparations for the Assembly of Haguenau -- symptoms of misunderstanding between Charles V. and Francis I. -- severe judgment of Henry VIII. -- evils produced in the Church by the absence of discipline -- various details.
LETTER 49 -- TO MONSIEUR DU TAILLY. -- Review of the Conferences of Haguenau -- the state of parties in Germany.
LETTER 50 -- TO PETER CAROLI. -- Answer to the complaints of Caroli -- refuses to grant to him the professorial chair unless he repents of his past offenses.
LETTER 51 -- TO FAREL. -- Deputations sent to France and into England -- the Edict of Fontainbleau.
LETTER 52 -- TO FAREL. -- Sickness of Calvin -- preparation for departure to the Diet at Worms -- letter to the Queen of Navarre on behalf of the faithful persecuted in France.
LETTER 53 -- TO THE SEIGNEURY OF GENEVA. -- Excuses himself from returning to Geneva by the necessity of his attendance at the Diet of Worms.
LETTER 54 -- TO FAREL. -- Exposition of the motives which prevent him from returning to Geneva.
LETTER 55 -- TO THE SEIGNEURY OF GENEVA. -- Calvin at Worms -- he excuses himself to the magistrates of Geneva for his inability to comply with their request, on account of the mission with which he had been charged into Germany in the general interests of the Church.
LETTER 56 -- TO FAREL. -- Details of the interview of Calvin with theDeputies from Geneva.
LETTER 57 -- TO NICOLAS PARENT. -- Testimony rendered to the French Church at Strasbourg, and to the pastor in charge of it during the absence of Calvin -- matters of advice.
LETTER 58 -- TO NICOLAS PARENT. -- Instructions regarding the Supper, and on various points of Ecclesiastical Discipline. 1541
LETTER 59 -- TO THE SEIGNEURY OF GENEVA. -- Calvin sent to the Diet of Ratisbon -- he excuses himself on that account from returning at that moment to Geneva -- advices addressed to the magistrates of that town.
LETTER 60 -- TO FAREL. -- Anxiety on account of the Swiss Churches -- approaching departure for Ratisbon -- disputes between Berne and Geneva -- calumnies directed against the Vaudois of Provence.
LETTER 61 -- TO VIRET. -- New expression of the repugnances and terrors which Calvin feels in prospect of his returning to Geneva.
LETTER 62 -- TO JAMES BERNARD -- Protests his devotedness to the Church of Geneva -- oblivion of past injury.
LETTER 63 -- TO FAREL -- Calvin at Ratisbon -- the plague at Strasbourg -- grief of the Reformer -- preliminaries of the Diet -- the German princes -- the Italian prelates -- Hungary -- the Turk -- Poland -- state of opinion -- inclinations of Charles V. -- stayedness upon God.
LETTER 64 -- TO MONSIEUR DE RICHEBOURG. -- Consolatory letter on the death of his son.
LETTER 65 -- TO FAREL. -- Affliction of Calvin -- news of the Diet of Ratisbon -- appointment of the theologians charged with the representation of the two parties -- their reception by the Emperor -- portrait of Julius Pfiug, of Gropper, and of Eck.
LETTER 66 -- TO FAREL. -- Request addressed by the ministers of the Church of Zurich to those of Strasbourg -- Calvin promises to return to Geneva -- message to Viret.
LETTER 67 -- TO FAREL. -- Results of the Diet of Ratisbon -- conferences of the theologians -- original sin -- free-will -- justification -- impossibility of agreement in the sacrament of the Supper.
LETTER 68 -- TO FAREL. -- Efforts of Bucer and of Melanchthon to effect a connection between the two Churches -- formula of concord -- feeling of Calvin on the subject.
LETTER 69 -- TO THE PASTORS OF THE CHURCH OF ZURICH. -- The expression of his sentiments in reference to the Church of Geneva -- ready return to that town if the Magistrates of Strasbourg consent to it, and if the Seigneury of Berne promise their support -- testimony of respect for the Church of Zurich.
LETTER 70 -- TO FAREL. -- Return of Calvin to Strasbourg -- news of the Diet of Ratisbon -- contradictory formulae presented to the Emperor -- reply of Charles V. -- letter to the King of France in favor of his persecuted Protestant subjects.
LETTER 71 -- TO FAREL AND VIRET. -- Communication of a letter received from Bucer -- news of Germany -- Church of Metz -- assurance given to Viret of his approaching departure for Geneva -- recommendation of two young men.
LETTER 72 -- TO VIRET. -- Excuses for his delay in leaving Strasbourg -- conclusion of the Diet at Ratisbon.
LETTER 73 -- TO FAREL. -- Prepares to depart for Geneva -- self-denial of Calvin -- absolute submission to the will of God.
LETTER 74 -- TO THE SEIGNEURY OF GENEVA. -- Arrival of Calvin at Neuchatel -- purpose of his going to that town.
LETTER 75 -- TO FAREL. -- Calvin at Berne -- his interview with one of the principal magistrates, and with the ministers of that town
LETTER 76 -- TO FAREL. -- Arrival of Calvin at Geneva -- his interview with the magistrates -- draws up a form of Ecclesiastical discipline -- advises Farel to moderation.
LETTER 77 -- TO THE SEIGNEURY OF NEUCHATEL. -- Efforts to pacify the Church of Neuchatel -- instructions given to Viret.
LETTER 78 -- TO BUCER. -- New details regarding the troubles in the Church of Neuchatel -- proceedings of Viret -- sentence pronounced by the Bernese -- the ecclesiastical Statutes of Geneva -- request for prolongation of leave for Viret -- testimony of respect and affection for Bucer -- approach of the pestilence.
LETTER 79 -- TO MADAME THE DUCHESS OF FERRARA. -- Instructions on the subject of the Mass, and on the necessity of avoiding scandal.
LETTER 80 -- TO FAREL. -- Brotherly exhortations -- efforts of Calvin to draw Viret to Geneva -- news of that Church.
LETTER 81 -- TO FAREL. -- The Vaudois of Provence -- appeal addressed to Mathurin Cordier -- the Reformation at Paris and Lyons. 1542
LETTER 82 -- TO FAREL. -- Healing of the troubles of the Church at Neuchatel -- wise counsel given to Farel.
LETTER 83 -- TO OSWALD MYCONIUS. -- Restoration of the Church of Geneva -- wise and moderate behavior of Calvin -- obstacles to the establishment of ecclesiastical discipline -- duty of the magistrates thereupon -- information regarding an adventurer named Alberg.
LETTER 84 -- TO OSWALD MYCONIUS. -- The Reformation at Cologne -- some details on the condition of Germany -- efforts of Calvin to retain Viret at Geneva.
LETTER 85 -- TO THE BRETHREN OF LYONS. -- Stay of a Carmelite monk at Geneva -- declaration of motives for refusing to admit him to the ministry of the Gospel.
LETTER 86 -- TO FAREL -- Detail of the edifying death of the first Syndic, Amy Porral.
LETTER 87 -- TO VIRET. -- Sickness of Idelette de Bure -- the beginnings of the new ministers of the Church of Geneva.
LETTER 88 -- TO BENEDICT TEXTOR. -- Divers recommendations.
LETTER 89 -- TO FAREL. -- Excuses his silence -- estimate of the new ministers -- works and literary productions of Calvin.
LETTER 90 -- TO VIRET. -- Proceedings of Castalio -- school of Geneva -- criticism on the new ministers -- tidings of France -- domestic sorrow.
LETTER 91 -- TO VIRET. -- Instructions given to Viret for the Synod of Berne -- need of maintaining the spiritual independence of the Church -- various directions.
LETTER 92 -- TO VIRET. -- Disquietude of Calvin on occasion of the acts of the Synod of Berne.
LETTER 93 -- TO FAREL. -- Wishes for the success of the journey undertaken by Farel to Metz -- calumnies of James de Morges.
LETTER 94 -- TO VIRET. -- Origin of the disputes between Calvin and Castalio.
LETTER 95 -- TO VIRET. -- Invitation to Viret to come to Geneva -- nomination of a principal of the College of that town.
LETTER 96 -- TO VIRET. -- Approval of a letter of Viret to the Seigneuries of Berne -- the ecclesiastical property -- Italian emigrants at Geneva -- troubles caused by the differences of that town with Berne.
LETTER 97 -- TO VIRET. -- The plague at Geneva -- conduct of the ministers in these circumstances -- Italian refugees -- the question of the ecclesiastical property examined.
LETTER 98 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Numerous occupations of Calvin -- death of Leo Juda -- ravages of the plague in Switzerland.
LETTER 99 -- TO MICHAEL VAROD. -- Recommendation of a sick person. 1543
LETTER 100 -- TO MONSIEUR LE CURE DE CERNEX. -- Religious controversy occasioned by the plague at Geneva -- apologizes for the Reformation.
LETTER 101 -- TO PHILIP MELANCHTHON. -- Testimony of respect and of fraternal affection -- his homage in one of his books -- details of his labors at Geneva -- survey of the state of Germany and of Italy.
LETTER 102 -- TO VIRET. -- Ecclesiastical particularities -- struggles to maintain the right of excommunication over the ministers.
LETTER 103 -- TO CONRAD PELLICAN. -- Offer of his services -- answers the accusations directed against Farel -- justification of Ochino -- introduces two young men.
LETTER 104 -- TO THE SEIGNEURY OF GENEVA. -- Calvin at Strasbourg -- expose of his proceedings with the magistrates of that town for preaching the Evangel at Metz -- the news.
LETTER 105 -- TO THE PASTORS OF THE CHURCH OF GENEVA. -- The preaching of the Gospel encounters difficulty at Metz -- intrigues of Caroli -- fraternal exhortations.
LETTER 106 -- TO VIRET. -- Relation of his proceedings at Strasbourg, and the state of things at Metz.
LETTER 107 -- TO THE SEIGNEURY OF GENEVA. -- Answer from the Assembly at Smalkald -- prolongation of the stay of Calvin and of Farel at Strasbourg -- preaching of the Evangel at Cologne -- war-like preparations in the Netherlands.
LETTER 108 -- TO THE AMBASSADORS OF GENEVA. -- Expose of the motives which prevent immediate return to Geneva -- Cologne news and of the Netherlands.
LETTER 109 -- TO THE SEIGNEURY OF GENEVA. -- New delay in conclusion of the affair of Metz -- Calvin makes arrangements for his return to Geneva.
LETTER 110 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS. -- Exhorts him to quit his native country, and to retire where he can make free profession of the Gospel.
LETTER 111 -- TO MADAME DE FALAIS. -- Christian counsel and exhortations.
LETTER 112 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS. -- Further exhortation to decide him on quitting his country. 1544
LETTER 113 -- TO VIRET. -- The ministerial office refused to Castalio -- the marriage of Bonnivard, Abbot of St. Victor.
LETTER 114 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Conclusion of an arrangement between Berne and Geneva.
LETTER 115 -- TO VIRET. -- Farther details of the arrangements with the Bernese -- recall of the refugees -- preparation of several works -- disagreements with Castalio.
LETTER 116 -- TO THE MINISTERS OF NEUCHATEL. -- Controversy with Chaponneau regarding the Divinity of Christ.
LETTER 117 -- TO FAREL. -- Struggles and difficulties of Calvin at Geneva -- quarrels of the ministers -- violent attacks of Castalio -- dissatisfaction of the deputies from Berne -- reappearance of the plague -- dangers of the Church.
LETTER 118 -- TO OSWALD MYCONIUS. -- Political and military intelligence from France and Germany.
LETTER 119 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS. -- Arrival of Monsieur de Falais at Cologne -- the sending of a minister -- pious counsels.
LETTER 120 -- TO MADAME DE FALAIS. -- Christian congratulations -- hope of a speedy meeting.
LETTER 121 -- TO FAREL. -- Renewal of the controversy regarding the Sacraments between the German and Swiss Churches.
LETTER 122 -- TO BULLINGER. -- New appeal to the Seigneurs of Zurich, in favor of the Waldenses of Provence -- Luther's invectives against the Swiss Reformer -- remarkable judgment in regard to his character -- his injustice pardoned in consideration of the eminent services rendered by him to the cause of Christ. 1545
LETTER 123 -- TO MELANCHTHON. -- Explanations relative to the publication of the book "Against the Nicodemites" -- appeal to the authority of Melanchthon and Luther -- troubles arising from ecclesiastical discords -- announcement of the Council of Trent -- policy of Charles V. and of Francis I. -- convocation of a Synod at Melun.
LETTER 124 -- TO LUTHER. -- Calvin submits to Luther several of his writings, of which he desires to obtain his approbation.
LETTER 125 -- TO AN UNKNOWN PERSONAGE. -- Difficulties in the way of a reunion, and doubts of the efficacy of a General Council under present circumstances -- deplorable state of the Church -- motives which prevented him from going to confer in person with the German Reformers -- his proposals to them.
LETTER 126 -- TO VIRET. -- Intelligence of France and Germany -- Synod of Melun.
LETTER 127 -- TO VIRET. -- Election of new magistrates at Geneva -- struggles of Calvin.
LETTER 128 -- TO VIRET. -- Mention of Clement Marot's metrical versions of the Psalms -- persecutions in France.
LETTER 129 -- TO OSWALD MYCONIUS. -- Discovery of a conspiracy for the spreading of the plague at Geneva -- punishment of the conspirators.
LETTER 130 -- TO THE QUEEN OF NAVARRE. -- Calvin vindicates himself from the charges of having intended to attack her in his book against the Libertines.
LETTER 131 -- TO FAREL. -- Massacre of the Waldenses of Provence -- Calvin entreats the sympathy of the Swiss Churches in their behalf.
LETTER 132 -- TO VIRET. -- Journey of Calvin to Switzerland -- resolutions of the Diet of Arau in favor of the persecuted brethren of France.
LETTER 133 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS. -- Directions for his conduct towards the Emperor Charles V.
LETTER 134 -- TO JOHN CAVENT. -- Consolations on the death of his wife and mother.
LETTER 135 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS. -- Information regarding a house to be sold at Geneva.
LETTER 136 -- TO MELANCHTHON. -- He complains of Luther's tyranny, and affectionately exhorts Melanchthon to manifest greater decision and firmness.
LETTER 137 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Defence of the Waldenses of Provence -- artifices of their enemies -- oppression of that unfortunate people.
LETTER 138 -- TO THE PASTORS OF SCHAFFHAUSEN. -- Calvin exhorts them to redoubled efforts for the deliverance of their persecuted brethren.
LETTER 139 -- TO OSWALD MYCONIUS. -- Pressing entreaty in behalf of the Waldenses of Provence.
LETTER 140 -- TO JOACHIM WADIAN. -- Excuses for the long silence which he had observed towards Wadian -- allusion to the controversy regarding the Sacraments -- lively entreaties in behalf of the Provencal brethren.
LETTER 141 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS. -- Report of the near arrival of M. de Falais at Geneva -- details relative to the acquiring of a house in that town.
LETTER 142 -- TO OSWALD MYCONIUS. -- Letter of recommendation to Ochino.
LETTER 143 -- TO MADAME DE FALAIS. -- Use of affliction -- preparation for the arrival of M. de Falais at Geneva.
Volume five of John Calvin's Selected Works, Tracts and Letters contains:
LETTERS, PART 2 1545 - 1553. Edited by Jules Bonnet -- Translated by David Constable.
LETTER 144 -- TO VIRET. -- Unpopularity of Calvin -- various advises.
LETTER 145 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- Exhortation to glorify God amid poverty and persecution.
LETTER 146 -- TO MADAME DE FALAIS -- Congratulations on the constancy manifested by her in the midst of trials -- salutations from the suffering Idelette de Bure.
LETTER 147 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- Vanity of trust reposed in the princes of this world -- confidence in God.
LETTER 148 -- TO FAREL -- Captivity of Farel's brother -- ravages of the plague in Geneva.
LETTER 149 -- TO VIRET -- Dispersion of the School at Geneva -- contests at Neuchatel on the subject of church property -- Calvin's opinion of Farel.
LETTER 150 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- Prayers for his restoration to health. 1546
LETTER 151 -- TO FAREL -- News from Germany -- journey of the French Ambassador to Geneva -- details concerning the condition of the town.
LETTER 152 -- TO VIRET -- Calvin dedicates to him one of his Commentaries.
LETTER 153 -- TO JOHN FRELLON. -- Rupture of the relations between Calvin and Servetus.
LETTER 154 -- TO FAREL -- Reply to various questions -- terrible threat against Servetus -- imprisonment of one of the leaders of the Libertins.
LETTER 155 -- TO FAREL -- Pacification of the Church at Neuchatel -- report of the speedy arrival of the Emperor in Savoy -- dangers at Geneva -- withering mention of Francis I.
LETTER 156 -- TO VIRET -- Election of a minister at Neuchatel -- sickness of Viret's wife.
LETTER 157 -- TO VIRET -- Calvin invites his friend to repair to Geneva after the death of his wife.
LETTER 158 -- TO VIRET -- Renewed and more pressing invitation to come to Geneva.
LETTER 159 -- TO THEODORE VITUS -- Indication of the various documents wherein are set forth the opinions of Calvin regarding the Lord's Supper -- earnest desires for union and peace among the Churches -- condition of Geneva.
LETTER 160 -- TO VIRET -- Instructions to Viret about a journey to Geneva.
LETTER 161 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- Calvin's labors -- the diet at Ratisbon -- the Church of Metz -- the Reformation at Heidelberg -- Apology for M. de Falais -- opinion regarding the sermons of Ochino,..
LETTER 162 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- Advice regarding the editing of the Apology -- details of a loan contracted for M. de Falais -- news from Germany and Italy -- Farel and Viret at Geneva -- death of Juan Diaz.
LETTER 163 -- TO FAREL -- Troubles at Geneva -- imprisonment of the several members of the family of Fayre -- account of the assassination of John Diaz at Neubourg.
LETTER 164 -- TO AMY PERRIN -- Complaints regarding the conduct of Perrin -- firm and courageous declaration by the Reformer of his resolution to persevere in his duty unto death.
LETTER 165 -- TO FAREL AND VIRET -- Requests in favor of the faithful in France.
LETTER 166 -- TO MADAME DE FALAIS -- Expression of Christian sympathy and condolence on occasion of the illness of M. de Falais,
LETTER 167 -- Excitement caused at Geneva by the Representation of a Play.
LETTER 168 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- Proposals of matrimony on behalf of Viret.
LETTER 169 -- TO VIRET -- Account of the steps taken relative to his marriage.
LETTER 170 -- TO VIRET -- Fresh details regarding the prospects for his marriage.
LETTER 171 -- TO VIRET -- Same subject as the preceding.
LETTER 172 -- TO VIRET -- Breaking off of the match treated of in the preceding letters.
LETTER 173 -- TO FAREL -- Violence of the family of Amy Perrin -- declarations of the wife of Froment against the ministers of Geneva.
LETTER 174 -- TO FAREL -- Calvin's Indisposition -- literary labors -- apparent reconciliation with Perrin and his family.
LETTER 175 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- Recurrence to the matrimonial projects of Viret -- explanations on various subjects.
LETTER 176 -- TO MADAME DE FALAIS -- Sad communication to be made to M. de Falais -- promise to send several discourses.
LETTER 177 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- Congratulations on his convalescence -- uncertainty of prospects in Germany -- confidence in the all-powerful protection of God.
LETTER 178 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- Excuses for Viret -- uses of sickness -- various rumors concerning the war in Germany -- explanations on the subject of the Supper.
LETTER 179 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- Consolations on the death of his sister.
LETTER 180 -- TO MADAME DE FALAIS -- Assurances of affection for herself and her husband.
LETTER 181 -- TO VIRET -- Statement of the expense of a visit to Lausanne, on the occasion of Viret's marriage -- ecclesiastical difficulties at Berne.
LETTER 182 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- Military movements in Switzerland -- policy of the Cantons in reference to the Emperor.
LETTER 183 -- TO MADAME DE BUDE -- Calvin exhorts this lady to leave France, and retire with her family to Geneva. 1547
LETTER 184 -- TO THE AVOYER NOEGUELY -- Complaints of the misconduct of several ministers in the Pays de Vaud,
LETTER 185 -- TO FAREL -- Mission of Calvin in Switzerland -- dispositions of the various Cantons.
LETTER 186 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- Search for a house for that gentleman in Geneva -- various details -- mention of Charles V. and Francis I.
LETTER 187 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- Instructions regarding the Apology -- alarming rumors current at Geneva -- Calvin's confidence.
LETTER 188 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- Disputes of M. de Falais with Valeran Poulain -- reports of the expected arrival of the former in Geneva.
LETTER 189 -- TO VALERAN POULAIN -- Severe reprobation of his behavior towards M. de Falais -- reply to a calumny directed against the Reformer.
LETTER 190 -- TO VIRET -- Weakness of the Genevese magistracy -- expectation of Viret's arrival in Geneva.
LETTER 191 -- TO WOLFGANG MUSCULUS -- Anxiety regarding the Churches of Germany -- advice to Musculus.
LETTER 192 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- Steps taken at Basle to retract a promise of marriage made to Valeran Poulain.
LETTER 193 -- TO FRANCIS DRYANDER -- Confused state of the Church -- hopes and fears for the future.
LETTER 194 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- The sending of a minister -- perplexities regarding anticipated events in Germany.
LETTER 195 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- Information in regard to a house -- advice on the subject of a marriage proposed for a relative of Monsieur de Falais.
LETTER 196 -- TO VIRET -- Interview of Calvin with a senator of Berne -- advantage secured over the party of the Libertins.
LETTER 197 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- Recommendation of John de Bude -- uncertainty of the news from Germany.
LETTER 198 -- TO MONSIEUR DE BUDE -- He exhorts him to follow the example of the reset of his family, and retire to Geneva.
LETTER 199 -- TO VIRET -- Citation before the Consistory of the wife of Amy Perrin -- case of Gruet -- news from Germany.
LETTER 200 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- Solemn lessons afforded by the sad occurrences in Germany -- troubles in Geneva -- negative attitude of Calvin.
LETTER 201 -- TO VIRET -- Indecision of the Seigneurs of Geneva -- inflexibility of Calvin.
LETTER 202 -- TO THE FAITHFUL OF FRANCE -- State of Germany -- details regarding the struggles of the Reformer in the cause of the truth at Geneva.
LETTER 203 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- Thanksgivings for the happy deliverance of Madame de Falais -- false reports concerning the state of Geneva -- details regarding the publication of the Apology -- indisposition of Calvin, and his regret at being separated from Monsieur de Falais.
LETTER 204 -- To Farel -- False report of Calvin's death -- proposition (query) by the wife of Amy Perrin -- calumnious accusation against Idelette de Bure -- journey of Farel to Geneva.
LETTER 205 -- TO VIRET -- Mention of a letter from M. de Falais -- Emmanuel Tremelli -- a book by Viret -- journey of Bude and Nicolas des Gallars to Paris.
LETTER 206 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS Dedication of the Apology -- mention of M. de Mommor -- sickness of Maldonado.
LETTER 207 -- TO HENRY BULLINGER -- Comments by Calvin on a work by Bullinger -- state of Germany and Italy -- policy of the Cantons.
LETTER 208 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- Return of Nicolas des Gallars -- stay of Farel and Viret at Geneva.
LETTER 209 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- Reassuring intelligence on the state of Geneva -- restoration of Maldonado.
LETTER 210 -- TO FAREL -- Sad state of the Republic -- discouragement of the Reformer.
LETTER 211 -- TO VIRET -- Rising at the Hotel de Ville. -- heroic bearing of Calvin -- trust in God alone.
LETTER 212 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- Printing of The Apology -- troubles at Geneva.
LETTER 213 -- TO VIRET -- Invitation to come to Geneva. LETTER 214 -- TO FAREL -- Publication of The Antidote -- statement regarding the condition of Geneva.
LETTER 215 -- TO THE FAMILY OF BUDE -- Consolations on occasion of the Death of one of its Members. 1548
LETTER 216 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- Cost of printing of The Apology -- despatch of several copies.
LETTER 217 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- Particulars regarding his departure, and the purchase of a property near Geneva.
LETTER 218 -- TO HENRY BULLINGER -- Brotherly explanations regarding the difference on the subject of the Communion.
LETTER 219 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS Obstacles to his departure -- delay of some months.
LETTER 220 -- TO FAREL -- Distressing condition of the Swiss churches.
LETTER 221 -- TO FAREL AND VIRET -- Disputes among the ministers of Berne -- and Calvin's journey thither.
LETTER 222 -- TO VIRET -- Communications regarding affairs at Berne.
LETTER 223 -- TO VIRET -- Ecclesiastical tyranny of the Seigneurs of Berne -- sojourn of Idelette de Bure at Lausanne.
LETTER 224 -- TO HENRY BULLINGER -- New explanations regarding the Supper -- violence of some of the Bernese ministers -- Calvinism and Buceranism.
LETTER 225 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- Preparations for the marriage of Mademoiselle de Wilergy, his relation.
LETTER 226 -- TO FAREL -- Uncertainty regarding the disposition of the Cantons -- stay of Monsieur and Madame de Falais in Calvin's house.
LETTER 227 -- TO VIRET -- Embarrassment occasioned to Calvin by the treacherous publication of one of his letters to Viret.
LETTER 228 -- TO A FRENCH SEIGNEUR -- Exhortation to come to Geneva, that he might there serve the Lord faithfully.
LETTER 229 -- TO THE PROTECTOR SOMERSET -- Duties imposed on the Protector by the high orifice which he holds -- plan of a complete reformation in England -- preaching of the pure word of God -- rooting out of abuses -- correction of vices and scandalous offenses.
LETTER 230 -- TO FAREL -- Election of new magistrates at Geneva -- troubles in France -- letter from Bucer.
LETTER 231 -- TO JOHN STURM -- Evidences of faith and Christian steadfastness, amid the dangers that threaten the Church. 1549
LETTER 232 -- TO MADAME DE CANY -- Exhortation to a courageous and honest profession of the truth.
LETTER 233 -- TO MADEMOISELLE DE -- Exhortations to steadfastness in the faith -- acknowledgment of liberality.
LETTER 234 -- TO THE MINISTERS OF THE CHURCH OF MONTBELLARD -- Exhortations to discharge to the end their ministerial duties.
LETTER 235 -- TO HENRY BULLINGER -- Hope of Union with the theologians of Zurich -- dedication of several writings.
LETTER 236 -- TO BUCER -- Consolations to be found in the study of divine and everlasting truth.
LETTER 237 -- TO THE PASTORS OF THE CHURCH OF BERNE -- Desire of union between the Churches of Berne and Geneva.
LETTER 238 -- TO VIRET -- Death of Idelette de Bure, the wife of Calvin.
LETTER 239 -- TO FAREL -- Further details regarding the death of Idelette de Bure.
LETTER 240 -- TO MADAME DE CANY -- Account of the instructive death of Madame Laurent de Normandie.
LETTER 241 -- TO VIRET -- Various particulars -- recommendation of Francis Hotman, Jurisconsult.
LETTER 242 -- TO HENRY BULLINGER -- Pleading in favor of the alliance of the Reformed Cantons with France,.
LETTER 243 -- TO MADAME DE LA ROCHE-POSAY -- He exhorts her and her companions to live in conformity with the law of God.
LETTER 244 -- TO BUCER -- Encouragements and consolations -- desire for the conclusion of peace between France and England -- excesses of the ultra-Lutheran party in Switzerland and Germany -- agreement between the Churches of Geneva and Zurich.
LETTER 245 -- TO LADY ANNE SEYMOUR -- Thanks to the Duchess of Somerset, the mother of Anne Seymour -- exhortation to perseverance in the true faith.
LETTER 246 -- TO FAREL -- Reply by the Protector of England to a letter from Calvin.
LETTER 247 -- TO FAREL -- Imprisonment of two brothers of M. de Falais -- persecution in the Low Countries and in France.
LETTER 248 -- TO VIRET -- Negotiations in reference to the publication of the Consensus -- George, Count of Montbeliard.
LETTER 249 -- TO THE PASTORS OF THE CHURCH OF ZURICH -- Urgent recommendation of the adoption of a fixed formulary in the celebration of the Lord's Supper.
LETTER 250 -- TO BULLINGER -- Revisal of the Formulary -- persecutions in France.
LETTER 251 -- TO FAREL AND VIRET -- Letter concerning Vergerio -- history of Francis Spira.
LETTER 252 -- TO FAREL -- Criticism on a work by Farel.
LETTER 253 -- TO VIRET -- First mention of Theodore Beza -- poverty of Calvin's colleagues.
LETTER 254 -- TO JOHN HALLER -- A reformer's complaints on the malevolence of the Bernese ministers.
LETTER 255 -- TO WOLFGANG MUSCULUS. -- Prohibition of the Vaudois Conferences -- remonstrances on the intolerance of the Bernese ministers towards those of France.
LETTER 256 -- TO MONSIEUR DE SAINT LAURENS -- Statement of leading articles of the Reformed Faith. 1550
LETTER 257 -- TO THE PROTECTOR SOMERSET -- Congratulations on the royal favor shown to the Duke of Somerset -- use to be made of his influence for spreading the Gospel in England,
LETTER 258 -- TO FAREL -- Tidings from Germany and England -- recommendation of a domestic.
LETTER 259 -- TO FAREL -- Election of a new Pope.
LETTER 260 -- TO FRANCIS DRYANDER -- Counsels and encouragements -- collection of Commentaries on Isaiah by Des Gallars.
LETTER 261 -- TO NICOLAS COLLADON -- Settlement of the Colladon family at Geneva.
LETTER 262 -- TO THE SEIGNEURY OF GENEVA -- Notice of a publication attributed to Gruet
LETTER 263 -- TO MELANCTHON -- Controversies excited in Germany by the establishment of the Interim -- brotherly reproofs.
LETTER 264 -- TO VIRET -- Hope of an early visit from Viret -- projected excursions in the neighborhood of Geneva.
LETTER 265 -- TO FAREL -- Opinion regarding Vergerio -- intelligence regarding Bucer -- letter to Melanchthon -- disputes with Berne -- literary publications of Calvin.
LETTER 266 -- TO WILLIAM RABOT -- Exhortation to the study of the Scriptures.
LETTER 267 -- TO FAREL -- Publication of the book on Scandals -- persecution by the King of France -- Bucer's discouragement.
LETTER 268 -- TO FAREL -- State of religion in England -- Calvin's literary labors -- arrival of Robert Stephens at Geneva.
LETTER 269 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- Misconduct of a servant of M. de Falais. 1551
LETTER 270 -- TO HALLER -- Explanations on the subject of the abolition of the great festivals at Geneva.
LETTER 271 -- TO VIRET -- Criticism of a mandate published by the Seigneurs of Berne.
LETTER 272 -- TO RICHARD LE FEVRE -- Explanations regarding various points of doctrine in dispute between the Romish and the Reformed Churches.
LETTER 273 -- TO VIRET -- Various particulars -- literary labors of Theodore Beza.
LETTER 274 -- TO THE KING OF ENGLAND -- He exhorts him to persevere in the work of the Reformation in his kingdom -- enumeration of abuses, ceremonies, ecclesiastical elections -- universities.
LETTER 275 -- TO BULLINGER -- He excuses the infrequency of his letters, and urges the publication of the Consensus.
LETTER 276 -- TO BULLINGER -- Thanks for a document -- dedication of two commentaries to the King of England -- captivity of Bishop Hooper -- movements of the Emperor in Germany.
LETTER 277 -- TO HENRY BULLINGER -- Mention of a letter to the Duke of Somerset -- re-opening of the Council of Trent -- symptoms of war in Europe.
LETTER 278 -- TO VIRET -- Death of Bucer and Joachim Vadian.
LETTER 279 -- TO FAREL -- Renewed expressions of regret for the death of Vadian and Bucer -- controversies excited by Osiander -- numerous migrations to Geneva -- commencement of hostilities in Italy.
LETTER 280 -- TO A FRENCH GENTLEMAN -- Sickness of Theodore Beza -- Calvin's grief.
LETTER 281 -- TO THE DUKE OF SOMERSET -- Protestations of attachment -- reforms required in the Church of England -- squandering of the revenues of benefices and of the universities.
LETTER 282 -- TO VIRET -- Reply to the attacks of Pighius, and of George of Sicily.
LETTER 283 -- TO THE MINISTERS OF NEUCHATEL -- Arrest of a minister from Neuchatel in France -- steps for obtaining his release.
LETTER 284 -- TO BULLINGER -- Edict of Chateaubriand, in France -- attacks on Calvin in Geneva.
LETTER 285 -- TO THE MINISTERS OF SWITZERLAND. -- Statement of the controversy with Bolsec regarding Election.
LETTER 286 -- TO OSWALD MYCONIUS -- Recommendations regarding the dispute with Bolsec -- request on behalf of the Protestants of France.
LETTER 287 -- TO CHRISTOPHER FABRI -- Calvin's dissatisfaction with the reply of the Ministers of Bale, and the conduct of Monsieur de Falais regarding the affair with Bolsec.
LETTER 288 -- TO FAREL -- Recommendation of a schoolmaster -- complaints against the ministers of Zurich.
LETTER 289 -- TO LELIO SOCIN -- Refusal to reply to the curious questions proposed to him by Socin. 1552
LETTER 290 -- TO BULLINGER -- Thanks for the zeal manifested on behalf of the faithful in France -- complaints of the conduct of the ministers of Zurich in the affair of Bolsec.
LETTER 291 -- TO FAREL -- Fresh complaints by Calvin against the ministers of Zurich and Berne -- his unpopularity in the latter city -- advises to Farel.
LETTER 292 -- TO MADAME DE CANY -- Rigorous and inflexible spirit of Calvin against heresy -- praise of Theodore Beza.
LETTER 293 -- TO BULLINGER -- Journey of Calvin and Farel in Switzerland -- steps in favor of the Reformed in France -- return to the affairs of Bolsec.
LETTER 294 -- TO CRANMER -- Agreement to the proposal for assembling a General Synod for the more close union of the Reformed Churches.
LETTER 295 -- TO BULLINGER -- Fresh details regarding the persecutions in France.
LETTER 296 -- TO THE FIVE PRISONERS OF LYONS -- MARTIAL ALBA, PETER ESCRIVAIN, CHARLES FAVRE, PETER NAVIHERES, BERNARD SEGUIN -- Information on various doctrinal points, and assurances of Christian sympathy.
LETTER 297 -- TO EDWARD VI. Dedication of a new work, and Christian exhortations.
LETTER 298 -- TO CRANMER -- Calvin exhorts him to prosecute with fresh zeal the reformation of the Church in England, by purging it of the relics of Popery.
LETTER 299 -- TO JOHN LINER -- Thanks for the zeal manifested by him on behalf of the prisoners of Lyon.
LETTER 300 -- TO THE FRENCH CHURCH IN LONDON -- Exhortations to harmony -- Is it lawful to call Mary the Mother of God, and to pray for the Pope?
LETTER 301 -- TO THE SEIGNEURS OF GENEVA -- Reply of Calvin to the Syndics of Geneva in the case of Trolliet.
LETTER 302 -- TO FAREL -- Conspiracy of the Libertins -- energy of the Reformer -- struggles of Viret at Lausanne.
LETTER 303 -- TO VIRET -- Literary labors of Theodore Beza.
LETTER 304 -- TO AMBROISE BLAURER -- Troubles at Geneva -- sad intelligence from France and Germany -- steady in the promises of God.
LETTER 305 -- TO MELANCTHON -- Earnest desires for the continuance of their mutual affection -- disputes with Trolliet -- longing for agreement in doctrine regarding the Communion and Election.
LETTER 306 -- TO MONSIEUR DE FALAIS -- Rupture of Calvin with the Seigneur. 1553
LETTER 307 -- TO MATHIEU DIMONET -- Exhortation to patience and constancy under persecution.
LETTER 308 -- TO CHRISTOPHER FABRI -- Congratulations on the subject of his approaching marriage -- Calvin's regret that he cannot be present at the ceremony.
LETTER 309 -- TO JOHN CHEKE -- Calvin apologizes for silence, and enjoins him to use his influence with the King for the advancement of the Gospel in England.
LETTER 310 -- TO THE FIVE PRISONERS OF LYONS -- Exhortations to constancy -- mention of Oritz the Inquisitor.
LETTER 311 -- TO EDWARD VI. -- Recommendation of a French gentleman, a prisoner for the sake of the Gospel.
LETTER 312 -- TO FAREL -- Serious illness and unexpected recovery of Farel -- Calvin's joy.
LETTER 313 -- TO CHRISTOPHER AND TO THOMAS ZOLLICOFFRE -- Last steps in favor of the prisoners of Lyons.
LETTER 314 -- TO CRANMER -- He entreats his influence in favor of the person already recommended to the King.
LETTER 315 -- TO MONSIEUR DE MAROLLES -- Christian encouragement and consolation.
LETTER 316 -- TO VIRET -- Extinction of all hope in regard to the prisoners of Lyons.
LETTER 317 -- TO BULLINGER -- Assurances of respect and fraternal affection.
LETTER 318 -- TO THE FIVE PRISONERS OF LYONS -- He exhorts them to steadfastness unto the end, in the assurance of eternal joy reserved in heaven.
LETTER 319 -- TO MADAME DE CANY -- Expression of Christian sympathy under trial.
LETTER 320 -- TO THE PRISONERS OF LYONS -- He impresses on them the duty of maintaining their confession of the truth quietly and modestly.
LETTER 321 -- TO BULLINGER -- Expression of regret for the death of the King of England -- sad condition of the German Church.
LETTER 322 -- TO FAREL -- Arrest of Servetus, and institution of the process against him.
LETTER 323 -- TO DENIS PELOQUIS; AND LOUIS DE MARSAC -- Information regarding various controverted points -- exhortation to fidelity, even unto martyrdom.
LETTER 324 -- TO HIS DEARLY BELOVED THE PASTORS OF THE CHURCH OF FRANKFORT -- Request for the destruction of the copies at Frankfort of the book of Servetus.
LETTER 325 -- TO VIRET -- Troubles at Geneva -- Berthelier and the chiefs of the Libertins are refused admission to the Lord's Table.
LETTER 326 -- TO HENRY BULLINGER -- Deep anxiety on account of the condition of the English Churches -- Conference of the Swiss Churches in regard to Servetus.
LETTER 327 -- TO SULZER -- Statement of the errors of Servetus, and of the duty of the Christian magistrate to repress them.
LETTER 328 -- TO A CAPTIVE LADY -- He consoles her under her trials, and exhorts her to use every means to secure her retreat to Geneva.
LETTER 329 -- TO THE BELIEVERS IN THE ISLES -- Religious counsels, and announcement of the sending of a minister.
LETTER 330 -- TO FAREL -- Acknowledgment of Farel's care for the Church of Geneva.
LETTER 331 -- TO FAREL -- Deliverance by the Swiss Churches regarding Servetus -- vain efforts of Calvin to obtain a mitigation of his punishment.
LETTER 332 -- TO MADAME DE PONS -- He encourages her to come out of the spiritual bondage in which she is held.
LETTER 333 -- TO VIRET -- Recommendation of several English refugees in Switzerland.
LETTER 334 -- TO BULLINGER -- Appeal to the Magistrates of Zurich in reference to ecclesiastical discipline -- thanks for the aid afforded by the ministers of that Church in the affair of Servetus.
LETTER 335 -- TO THE PASTORS AND DOCTORS OF THE CHURCH OF ZURICH -- Account of the struggles at Geneva for the maintenance of ecclesiastical discipline -- appeal to the Pastors of Zurich for their influence with the magistrates of that town.
LETTER 336 -- TO BULLINGER -- Fresh details regarding ecclesiastical discipline -- hope of speedy realization -- announcement of the publication of a book against the errors of Servetus.
LETTER 337 -- TO FAREL -- Assistance afforded to the faithful refugees in Switzerland -- reply of the Churches on the subject of ecclesiastical discipline.
LETTER 338 -- TO AN ITALIAN LADY -- He exhorts her to withdraw, by a voluntary exile, from the persecution and idolatry reigning in Italy.
LETTER 339 -- TO A SEIGNEUR OF JERSEY -- Christian exhortations -- sending of a minister.
Volume six of John Calvin's Selected Works, Tracts and Letters contains:
LETTERS, PART 3. 1554-1558.
LETTER 340 -- TO VIRET. -- Consolations and encouragements -- election of the New Syndics at Geneva.
LETTER 341 -- TO AMBROSE BLAURER. -- Friendly complaints respecting the silence of Blaurer -- despatch of several writings.
LETTER 342 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Reconciliation of parties -- apparent tranquillity of the republic -- announces the book against the errors of Servetus.
LETTER 343 -- TO A SEIGNEUR OF PIEDMONT. -- He exhorts him to perseverance in the faith, in giving his children a christian education.
LETTER 344 -- TO THE BRETHREN OF ORBE. -- Vows and counsels for the establishment of religious unity in their city by the abolition of the Catholic worship.
LETTER 345 -- TO VIRET. -- Recommendation of several English and Scotch refugees.
LETTER 346 -- TO THE BRETHREN OF WEZEL. -- Entreaty not to break the unity of the Church because of some diversities in the ceremonies.
LETTER 347 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Recommendation of two English refugees -- state of parties at Geneva -- fresh persecutions in France -- military movements of Henry II. -- thanks for a work sent him -- publication at Bale of a pamphlet on the repression of heresy by the sword of the magistrate -- divers salutations.
LETTER 348 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Explanations respecting the book against the errors of Servetus -- answers to three questions of Knox.
LETTER 349 -- TO FAREL. -- Gloomy prospects of Geneva -- foreign news -- ultra-Lutheran intolerance in Germany.
LETTER 350 -- TO JOHN LASKI. -- Expression of sympathy under his trials -- loud complaints of the intolerance of the German theologians.
LETTER 351 -- TO THE BRETHREN OF POITOU. -- Christian exhortations -- instructions relative to the use of the Sacraments.
LETTER 352 -- TO MADAME DE CANY. -- He urges her to quit the spiritual bondage in which she is held captive, by withdrawing to Geneva.
LETTER 353 -- To CHARLES DUMOULIN. -- Congratulations on the subject of the chair obtained by Dumoulin in the University of Tubingen -- eulogium of Melchior Wolmar -- sage counsels.
LETTER 354 -- TO THE DUCHESS OF FERRARA. -- -He sends to her a minister to support her amid the persecutions which she endures for the cause of truth.
LETTER 355 -- TO SULZER. -- Revival of the Sacramentarian quarrel -- complaints against Castalio -- vindication of the exiles settled at Geneva.
LETTER 356 -- TO DOCTOR MARBACH. -- Defense of the French Church of Strasbourg -- explications on the sacrament of the Lord's Supper -- appeal to the memory of Luther, Capito, and Bucer -- offers to repair to Strasbourg in order to appease there the religious dissensions.
LETTER 357 -- TO JOHN SLEIDAN. -- Marks of fraternal confidence -- blame pronounced on Melanchthon -- persecutions in France and Italy.
LETTER 358 -- TO PETER MARTYR. -- He engages him to defend the sound doctrine on the question of the Sacraments, and gives him an account of the steps he has taken in favor of the French Church at Strasbourg.
LETTER 359 -- TO MELANCHTHON. -- He deplores the silence of Melanchthon, and urges him to apply himself to the controverted questions of Election and the Lord's Supper.
LETTER 360 -- TO PERUCEL. -- Counsels to the Church of Wezel respecting the ceremonies.
LETTER 361 -- TO VALERAN POULAIN. -- Counsels for the direction of the French church at Frankfort.
LETTER 362 -- TO GASPAR LISER. -- Influence of the writings of Calvin in Germany -- instructions relative to discipline.
LETTER 363 -- TO THE BRETHREN OF POITOU. -- Double duty to assemble together in holy meetings, and to profess publicly the gospel.
LETTER 364 -- TO A GENTLEMAN OF PROVENCE. -- Explanations on the subject of Baptism.
LETTER 365 -- TO BULLINGER -- Defense of the Consensus -- attacks of the Bernese clergy on Calvin.
LETTER 366 -- TO THE SEIGNEURS OF BERNE. -- Complaints on the subject of the invectives pronounced by several Bernese ministers against the clergy of Geneva.
LETTER 367 -- TO THE SWISS CHURCHES. -- Defense of the Consensus and refutation of a tract of Joachim Westphal.
LETTER 368 -- TO JOHN PAULE. -- Instruction relating to the manner of conferring Baptism.
LETTER 369 -- TO FAREL. -- Opinion of the Swiss Churches with regard to the Consensus -- sad news from Ferrara -- arrival of a new member of the family of Bude at Geneva.
LETTER 370 -- TO THE PASTORS OF ZURICH. -- Some explications on the subject of corrections proposed for the defense of the Consensus.
LETTER 371 -- TO LORD JOHN GREY -- Proofs of sympathy and affection for the family of that nobleman so painfully tried -- recommendation of Emanuel Tremelli of Ferrara.
LETTER 372 -- TO BULLINGER. -- New explanations on the subject of the Consensus.
LETTER 373 -- TO PETER MARTYR. -- He sends him a copy of the defense of the Consensus.
LETTER 374 -- TO THE KING OR POLAND. -- The Reform of the Church the first duty of the sovereign -- refutation of the double doctrine of the supremacy of the Roman Pontiffs and of Episcopal succession -- necessity of putting an end to abuses by bringing back the church to purity of doctrine, and the priesthood to its legitimate functions.
LETTER 375 -- TO WOLF. -- Approbation of the projects of Lismannini -- struggles at Geneva.
LETTER 376 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Wishes for the successful accomplishment of Lismannini's mission to Poland -- printing of the book against Westphal and apologies on that subject.
LETTER 377 -- TO MADAME AGNES DE MICROW. -- He congratulates her on having sent her children to Zurich where they will receive a Christian education. 1555
LETTER 378 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Dispatch to the Swiss Churches of a circular letter concerning the controversy with Westphal -- defense of the Protestants of Locarno.
LETTER 379 -- TO THE MINISTERS OF STRASBOURG. -- Marks of fraternal affection. - explanation respecting the Sacrament.
LETTER 380 -- TO THE ENGLISH AT FRANKFORT. -- He exhorts them to make in their liturgy all the changes compatible with the maintenance of union and the peace of their Church.
LETTER 381 -- TO CHARLES DUMOULIN. -- He encourages him to prolong his stay in Germany, and expresses his desire that he may there be speedily joined by his wife.
LETTER 382 -- TO PETER MARTYR, -- He returns to the question of the Sacraments -- remarkable judgment respecting Bucer -- complaints against John Laski and Melanchthon -- call addressed to Martyr by the Italian congregation of Geneva.
LETTER 383 -- TO THE CHURCH OF PARIS. -- Christian exhortations -- announces the sending of a pastor.
LETTER 384 -- TO THE DUCHESS OF FERRARA. -- He exhorts her to make a courageous display of her faith in persecution.
LETTER 385 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Congratulations and thanks on the subject of the Christian hospitality offered to the refugees of Locarno.
LETTER 386 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Recommendation of Francis Lismannini, who was on his way to Poland.
LETTER 387 -- TO NICHOLAS RADZIWILL. -- He exhorts him to make the most strenuous efforts for the complete reformation of Poland.
LETTER 388 -- TO THE LORDS OF BERNE. -- New complaints against some Bernese ministers.
LETTER 389 -- TO THE CHURCH OF POITIERS. -- Answer to the accusations brought forward by M. de la Vau, a disciple of Castalion, against the Church of Geneva -- mention of the book de Hereticis -- eulogy of the exiles of England and Locarno -- divers particulars.
LETTER 390 -- TO BULLINGER. -- New difficulties stirred up against the ministers of Geneva, by the attacks of the clergy of Berne.
LETTER 391 -- TO FRANCIS UNHARD. -- He apologizes for differing from Luther in claiming the rights of Christian liberty -- dedication of one of his writings to the Princes of Saxony.
LETTER 392 -- TO VALENTIN PACAEUS. -- Description of the tribulations of all kinds by which he is beset at Geneva -- wishes for the reconciliation of the churches.
LETTER 393 -- TO MELANCHTHON. -- Thanks him for his approbation of the condemnation of Servetus -- urgent entreaties to determine Melanchthon to pronounce with more firmness in the question of the sacraments.
LETTER 394 -- TO MARTIN SIDEMANN. -- He congratulates him on his moderation in the midst of the theological fury of Germany -- comparison of Luther with his disciples.
LETTER 395 -- TO THE SEIGNEURS OF BERNE. -- Statement vindicating the reforms introduced into the Church of Geneva, and complaints against several of the ministers of Berne.
LETTER 396 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Account of a journey of Calvin's to Berne, and of the false accusations directed against him.
LETTER 397 -- TO THE PASTORS OF BERNE. -- He urges them warmly to take part with him in the struggle which he is maintaining for the liberty of the ministry and the preaching of sound doctrine.
LETTER 398 -- TO THE SEIGNEURS OF BERNE. -- Respectful protestations against the sentence pronounced by the Seigneurs of Berne -- defense of the Institution Chretienne -- complaints against the ministers who pursue him with their calumnies.
LETTER 399 -- TO FAREL. -- Increased hostility at Geneva and in the neighboring countries against the writings and person of the Reformer.
LETTER 400 -- TO ADOLPH CLAUBURGER. -- Testimonies of gratitude and respect for the Senate of Frankfort.
LETTER 401 -- TO JOHN CLAUBURGER. -- Dedication of a writing to the Senate at Frankfort.
LETTER 402 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Defeat of the party of the Libertins at Geneva -- answer of the Swiss churches to the defense of the Consensus.
LETTER 403 -- TO THE DUCHESS OF FERRARA. -- New exhortations to encourage her to shew herself more and more firm in the profession of the truth.
LETTER 404 -- TO JOHN KNOX. -- Criticism of the Anglican Liturgy -- prudent counsels addressed to the parties which divide the foreign Church of Frankfort.
LETTER 405 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Account of the nocturnal riot excited by the Libertins at Geneva -- defeat and total dispersion of that party.
LETTER 406 -- TO THE SEIGNEURS OF BERNE. -- Communicationrelative to a spy arrested at Geneva.
LETTER 407 -- TO FAREL. -- Trial and condemnation of the principal Libertins.
LETTER 408 -- TO FAREL. -- New details respecting the trial of the Libertins -- pious fidelity of the five ministers in prison at Chambery.
LETTER 409 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Answer to different calumnies directed against Calvin on the occasion of the trial of the Libertins -- difficulties raised by the Bernese on the subject of the renewing of their treaty of alliance with Geneva.
LETTER 410 -- TO VIRET. -- He sends the letter of the five ministers imprisoned at Chambery.
LETTER 411 -- TO PETER MARTYR. -- Fall of the French Church of Strasbourg -- grief of Calvin.
LETTER 412 -- TO MELANCHTHON. -- He exhorts him to prefer the approbation of God to that of men, in pronouncing frankly against the adversaries of sound doctrine and the disturbers of the church.
LETTER 413 -- TO THE FIVE PRISONERS AT CHAMBERY. -- An account of the steps taken in their layout -- approbation of their confession of faith -- Christian salutations.
LETTER 414 -- TO THE BRETHREN OF POITIERS. -- He exhorts them to form secret assemblies under the yoke of a holy discipline.
LETTER 415 -- TO THE BRETHREN OF ANGERS. -- Christian exhortations -- he sends them a minister.
LETTER 416 -- TO THE BRETHREN OF LOUDUN. -- He sends them a minister, and gives them counsels to guide them in the difficult circumstances in which they are placed.
LETTER 417 -- TO VIRET. -- News from Chambery -- enmities to which Calvin is exposed at Geneva.
LETTER 418 -- TO THE PRISONERS OF CHAMBERY -- Last exhortations to them before their martyrdom.
LETTER 419 -- TO THE BRETHREN OF CHAMBERY. -- Obligation to confess the gospel in spite of its adversaries.
LETTER 420 -- TO FAREL. -- Fresh symptoms of the Sacramentarian quarrel -- new tract of Westphal against Calvin.
LETTER 421 -- TO RICHARD VAUVILLE. -- Christian consolations on the occasion of his wife's death.
LETTER 422 -- TO FAREL. -- Complaints about the conduct of Bullinger -- news of Saxony and Spain -- Poetry of Marcourt in praise of Calvin.
LETTER 423 -- TO FAREL. -- Lutheranism and Reform -- Palinodia of Marcourt -- wishes for the renewing of the alliance with Berne.
LETTER 424 -- TO THE CHURCH OF FRANKFORT, -- He exhorts the members of this church to be reconciled to their pastor, and not to renew the ancient quarrel of the Guelfs and Ghibelines.
LETTER 425 -- TO THE KING OF POLAND. -- He exhorts him to undertake courageously the reform of his states, in proposing to him the example of David, Hezekiah, and Josiah. 1556
LETTER 426 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Last steps adopted to obtain the renewing of the alliance with Berne -- second writing against Westphal.
LETTER 427 -- TO NICHOLAS ZERKINDEN. -- Explanations on the subject of the difference between Berne and Geneva -- wishes for the good intelligence of the republics.
LETTER 428 -- TO JOHN CLAUBURGER. -- Marks of sympathy on the occasion of a family mourning -- attempts to bring back peace to the bosom of the French Church of Frankfort.
LETTER 429 -- TO THE MINISTERS OF THE CHURCH OF FRANKFORT. -- He testifies the desire of maintaining with them fraternal relations, and invokes their protection in favor of the French Church established in their city.
LETTER 430 -- TO THE FRENCH CHURCH OF FRANKFORT. -- He exhorts the members of this church to make to one another mutual concessions, and announces to them a new minister.
LETTER 431 -- TO VIRET AND BEZA. -- Call of a minister to Paris -- counsels addressed to the inhabitants of the Pays de Vaud -- mention of Ochino.
LETTER 432 -- TO THE CHURCH OF ANGERS -- Counsels and exhortations to the persecuted Brethren of this church.
LETTER 433 -- TO JOHN LASKI -- Expresses a wish for the assembling of a conference, and the pacification of the churches -- judgment about Vergerio -- progress of the gospel in Poland.
LETTER 434 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Thanks for a volume which he had sent him -- the gospel in Austria and Bavaria -- Vergerio.
LETTER 435 -- TO AMBROSE BLAURER. -- Malady of Calvin -- the sending off of several writings -- explications on the subject of the conflict with Berne.
LETTER 436 -- TO THE ELDERS AND DEACONS OF THE, FRENCH CHURCH OF FRANKFORT. -- He exhorts them to calm the opposition formed against them, and to make use of their authority with moderation.
LETTER 437 -- TO THE FRENCH CHURCH OF FRANKFORT. -- Eulogy of the minister Olbrac -- double duty of respect and charity.
LETTER 438 -- TO JOHN CLAUBURGER. -- Complaints respecting the sad condition of the Church of Frankfort -- answer to an accusation -- refutation of the doctrine of the damnation of children that have not been presented to baptism.
LETTER 439 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Conference of Spire -- attitude of the German Princes -- suitableness of a new colloquy.
LETTER 440 -- TO BULLINGER. -- He invokes the officious intervention of Bullinger with the magistrates of Zurich, in order to put them on their guard against the intrigues of the fugitive Libertins.
LETTER 441 -- TO RODOLPH GUALTER. -- Recommendation of a schoolboy -- destruction of the spire of the church of St. Peter at Geneva.
LETTER 442 -- TO VIRET. -- Preparations for his departure for Frankfort.
LETTER 443 -- TO THE SEIGNEURS OF GENEVA. -- Reports respecting the proceedings of the Refugees.
LETTER 444 -- TO MELANCHTHON. -- Necessity of a conference to terminate the religious differences of Germany.
LETTER 445 -- TO JUSTUS JONAS -- Translation of a writing of Calvin's -- wishes for the pacification of theological discords.
LETTER 446 -- TO THE AMBASSADORS OF THE LIGUES -- Answer to a demand of the diet of Baden concerning the Refugees.
LETTER 447 -- TO BULLINGER. -- New proceedings to bring about a reconciliation between Berne and Geneva.
LETTER 448 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Recommendation of an Italian refugee -- reforms in the Duchy of Baden.
LETTER 449 -- TO THE FRENCH CHURCH OF ANTWERP. -- He apologizes for his silence, and addresses to them christian exhortations.
LETTER 450 -- TO THE FRENCH CHURCH OF FRANKFORT. -- Conditional approbation given to the choice of a new minister. 1557
LETTER 451 -- TO VIRET. -- Election of a Pastor for the Church of Paris -- disorders of the wife of Anthony Calvin.
LETTER 452 -- TO THE SEIGNEURY OF BERNE. -- Justification of the measures adopted with regard to the fugitive Libertins.
LETTER 453 -- TO PETER MARTYR. -- A call addressed to Martyr in the name of the Italian Church of Geneva.
LETTER 454 -- TO FAREL -- Complaints about the bad proceedings of the Seigneurs of Berne -- domestic grief's.
LETTER 455 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Inquiries concerning the sentence of the arbiters between Berne and Geneva.
LETTER 456 -- TO THE NOBLES OF POLAND. -- He apologizes for not being able to go into Poland in consequence of the important duties which detain him in Geneva.
LETTER 457 -- TO THE CHURCH OF PARIS. -- He congratulates the members of this church on their fidelity, and announces to them two new ministers in soliciting a leave of absence for one of their pastors.
LETTER 458 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Preliminaries of the assembly of Baden.
LETTER 459 -- TO JOHN UTENHOVEN. -- Hopes of seeing the Reform make decisive progress in Poland -- eulogy on Laski.
LETTER 460 -- TO THE COUNT OF MONTBELIARD. -- Explications concerning the Italian Antitrinitarian Matteo Gribaldi.
LETTER 461 -- TO MATTHEW PFARRER. -- Congratulates him on being re-elected to the functions of Burgomaster -- expresses his desire for the total abolition of the Catholic ceremonies at Strasbourg.
LETTER 462 -- TO CONRAD HUBERT. -- Thanks him for a private service -- ecclesiastical news -- sends him a copy of verses.
LETTER 463 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Mission of Theodore Beza to the German Princes to demand the convocation of a conference -- measures to be adopted to insure its success.
LETTER 464 -- TO JAMES ANDRE. -- Differences of opinion respecting the Lord's Supper.
LETTER 465 -- TO MELANCHTHON. -- He complains of the long silence of Melanchthon, in exhorting him to shew more firmness than he has hitherto done.
LETTER 466 -- TO THE SEIGNEURY OF BERNE. -- Protestations against an arbitrary sentence of a Bernese Bailiff.
LETTER 467 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Theological labors -- explanation on the subject of a confession of faith presented by Theodore de Beza -- malady of Celso Martinengo.
LETTER 468 -- TO THE SEIGNEURY OF BERNE. -- Demand to annul the sentence of the Bailiff of Ternier.
LETTER 469 -- TO THE AMBASSADORS OF GENEVA, DEPUTED TO THE LIGUES. -- An order to repair with all dispatch to Baden.
LETTER 470 -- TO WILLIAM OF HESSE. -- Recommendation of a young French Seigneur stripped of his property.
LETTER 471 -- TO BULLINGER. -- He urges him to adhere to the project of the assembling of a conference -- news of Geneva and France.
LETTER 472 -- TO THE PASTOR OF ZURCH. -- The second call of Peter Martyr by the Italian Church of Geneva.
LETTER 473 -- TO MELANCHTHON -- Recommendation of a young Frenchman repairing to Worms -- military and political news of France.
LETTER 474 -- TO FAREL. -- The Marchioness of Rothelin passes by Geneva -- triple message addressed to Melanchthon -- mission of Berne to Berne and Zurich.
LETTER 475 -- TO THE CHURCH OF PARIS. -- Exhortations to peace of mind and patience in persecution -- a minister sent to them.
LETTER 476 -- TO THE WOMEN DETAINED IN PRISON AT PARIS. -- He exhorts them to persevere even unto death, holding out to them the example of the martyrs of the old and new church.
LETTER 477 -- TO THE CHURCHES OF LAUSANNE, MOUDON, AND PAYERNE. -- Collection in favor of the Brethren of Paris.
LETTER 478 -- TO FAREL. -- Mission of Bude and Beza to Germany -- complaints against the Church of Zurich.
LETTER 479 -- TO BULLINGER. -- An account of Beza's mission to Worms -- new entreaties to determine the Church of Zurich to take a part in the measures of the Swiss Churches.
LETTER 480 -- TO THE KING OF FRANCE. -- Exposition of the faith of the Reformed Churches in France.
LETTER 481 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Persecutions in the Valleys of Piedmont and at Paris.
LETTER 482 -- TO THEODORE BEZA. -- Ecclesiastical crisis in the Pays de Vaud -- inefficiency of the first measures adopted in favor of the French Protestants.
LETTER 483 -- TO MADAME DE RENTIGNY. -- He fortifies her beforehand against the temptations which might turn her aside from courageously confessing her faith.
LETTER 484 -- TO THE KING OF NAVARRE. -- He lays before him the distressing situation of the brethren in France, and begs him to take in hand their cause with the King of France.
LETTER 485 -- TO MADEMOISELLE DE LONGEMEAU. -- He exhorts her to glorify God by her constancy and fidelity. 1558
LETTER 486 -- TO THE CHURCH OF PARIS. -- Christian congratulations -- the sending of two ministers.
LETTER 487 -- TO THE CHURCH OF MEAUX. -- Pious exhortations -- the sending of a minister.
LETTER 488 -- TO THE CHURCH OF DIEPPE. -- He exhorts them to perseverance, announcing to them that a minister is sent off to them.
LETTER 489 -- TO THE MARCHIONESS OF ROTHELIN -- He exhorts her to serve God faithfully, in prosperity as well as in affliction.
LETTER 490 -- TO FRANCIS OTHMAN -- Ecclesiastical affairs of Germany -- complaints against Melanchthon -- renewal of the alliance between Berne and Geneva.
LETTER 491 -- TO THE DUKE OF WURTEMBERG. -- Persecutions in France -- refutation of the calumnies directed against the disciples of the gospel -- warm entreaties to decide the German princes to interfere in their favor.
LETTER 492 -- TO THE ELECTOR PALATINE. -- Apology for the French Protestants -- urgent appeal addressed to the German princes in their favor.
LETTER 493 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Dissolution of the conference of Worms -- complaints against Melanchthon -- sad state of the brethren in France.
LETTER 494 -- TO MERCER. -- Offer of a professorship of Hebrew at Geneva.
LETTER 495 -- TO VIRET -- He urges him to resign his ministerial functions at Lausanne, to come and live at Geneva.
LETTER 496 -- TO MADAME DE RENTIGNY. -- He blames her for her weakness, and exhorts her to show herself more courageous in the confession of the faith.
LETTER 497 -- TO MONSIEUR D'ANDELOT -- He congratulates him on his constancy, and engages him to persevere in the confession of the evangelical faith.
LETTER 498 -- TO PETER MARTYR. -- Theological labors -- troubles of the Italian Church of Geneva.
LETTER 499 -- TO THE KING OF NAVARRE. -- He urges him to shew himself the courageous protector of the French Protestants, whose faith he shares.
LETTER 500 -- TO FAREL. -- Matrimonial informations.
LETTER 501 -- TO NICHOLAS ZERKINDEN. -- He complains affectionately of Zerkinden's hostile attitude towards him, and defends the line of conduct he has pursued at Geneva.
LETTER 502 -- TO THE COUNT OF WURTEMBERG. -- He pleads with this prince, the cause of the ministers persecuted as heretics in his states,
LETTER 503 -- TO MONSIEUR D'ANDELOT. -- New exhortations, calculated to support and strengthen him during his captivity.
LETTER 504 -- TO THE MARQUIS DE VICO. -- Wishes for the success of this nobleman's journey to Italy -- news of Geneva and France -- divers salutations.
LETTER 505 -- TO THE DUCHESS OF FERRARA. -- Christian exhortations -- answer to a question -- news of the Marquis de Vico.
LETTER 506 -- TO MONSIEUR D' ANDELOT. -- He blames him for his weakness -- and exhorts him to repair the scandal caused by his fall.
LETTER 507 -- TO THE EARL OF ARRAN. -- Eulogiums on his attachment to the gospel, and on his zeal to spread it.
LETTER 508 -- TO VIRET. -- Blames the hesitation of Viret -- eulogy of the conduct of Theodore Beza.
LETTER 509 -- TO JOHN GARNIER -- Ecclesiastical troubles at Lausanne -- the Inquisition at Paris -- dispersion of the Church of Montbeliard.
LETTER 510 -- TO VENCESLAS ZEULEGER. -- Organization of the Academy of Deux Ponts -- letter of Melanchthon -- progress of the Gospel in France.
LETTER 511 -- TO EMMANUEL TREMELLI. -- Proposes to him a professor's chair of the Hebrew language at Geneva.
LETTER 512 -- TO THE ADMIRAL DE COLIGNY. -- Captivity of the Admiral, and congratulations on the constancy which he displays in adversity.
LETTER 513 -- TO MADAME DE COLIGNY. -- Utility of the afflictions dealt out to the children of God.
LETTER 514 -- TO THE BRETHREN of METZ -- Measures proper to assure the free exercise of Evangelical worship in their city.
LETTER 515 -- TO THE MINISTERS OF NEUCHATEL. -- He deplores the marriage of Farel, in recalling to their minds the glorious services which he has rendered to the cause of truth.
LETTER 516 -- TO FAREL -- He makes an excuse for not being able to be present at the marriage of his friend.
LETTER 517 -- TO PETER TOUSSAIN. -- Complaints of the intolerance of Peter Toussain towards some ministers of the country of Montbeliard.
LETTER 518 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Ecclesiastical affairs of Germany -- perils of Geneva.
LETTER 519 -- TO MELANCHTHON. -- Malady of Calvin -- formidable coalition of the Kings of France and Spain against Geneva -- exhortations to fraternal union.
LETTER 520 -- TO THE FRENCH CHURCH OF STRASBOURG. -- Blames the deposition of a minister.
LETTER 521 -- TO THE KING OF NAVARRE. -- Quarrels of two ministers -- persecutions in Spain -- duties of the king.
Volume seven of John Calvin's Selected Works, Tracts and Letters contains:
LETTERS, PART 2 1559-1564.
Edited by Jules Bonnet -- Translated by David Constable.
LETTER 522 -- TO WILLIAM CECIL -- Hopes connected with the accession of Elizabeth -- Wishes for the establishment of the pure gospel in England.
LETTER 523 -- TO THE PRISONERS OF PARIS. -- He apologizes for the silence which he has kept with respect to them, and exhorts them to persevere in the profession of the truth,.
LETTER 524 -- TO THE FRENCH CHURCH OF FRANKFORT. -- Warning on the subject of the new doctrines disseminated in this church.
LETTER 525 -- TO AUGUSTIN LEGRANT. -- Severe admonitions.
LETTER 526 -- TO MARTIN MICRONIUS. -- Progress of the Reformation in Sweden -- The dispatch of a writing -- News of Geneva, and Lausanne.
LETTER 527 -- TO THE PRINCE ROYAL OF SWEDEN. -- Dedication of a writing to Gustavus Wasa,.
LETTER 528 -- TO FAREL. -- Dispersion of the Churches of the Pays de Vaud,.
LETTER 529 -- TO MADAME DE COLIGNY. -- False tidings of the deliverance of the Admiral -- Consolations on that subject,.
LETTER 530 -- TO PETER MARTYR -- Calvin's illness -- Death of Lactanzio Ragnone -- Troubles of the Italian Church,.
LETTER 531 -- TO JEROME ZANCHI. -- Call to the ministry in the Church of Geneva,.
LETTER 532 -- TO FRANCIS BOISNORMAND. -- Regret for not having been able to have him called as Professor to the Academy of Geneva,.
LETTER 533 -- TO M. DE LA GAUCHERIE. -- Dissensions at the Court of the King of Navarre -- Spanish refugees -- Salutations to the young Prince of Bearn, afterwards Henry IV.
LETTER 534 -- TO M. DE COLONGES. -- Preliminaries of the Synod of Paris -- Sending of several ministers,.
LETTER 535 -- TO HOTMAN. -- Quarrels of Hotman with Francis Baudouin
LETTER 536 -- TO THE MARQUISE DE ROTHELIN. -- Sends one of his writings to the young Duke de Longueville -- Exhortatious to the Duke's mother,
LETTER 537 -- TO THE DUKE DE LONGUEVILLE. -- He exhorts him to abstain from all participation in the idolatries and disorders of the age,.
LETTER 538 -- TO WILLIAM CECIL. -- He exculpates himself to these ministers of the imputations brought against him on account of a writing of Knox's,
LETTER 539 -- TO THE BRETHREN OF FRANCE. -- Perseverance in the faiths -- Patience in persecutions -- Trust in God, who will sooner or lair take in hand the cause of his innocent followers,.
LETTER 540 -- TO THE CHURCH OF PARIS. -- Inutility of the steps taken in favor of the French Protestants -- he helplessness of men -- Fidelity of God,
LETTER 541 -- TO THE COUNT D'ERBACH. -- He offers him Christ inn congratulations, and consults him about a project of dedicating to the Elector Palatine the Book of the Institution,
LETTER 542 -- TO FRANCIS DANIEL. -- He pleads with Daniel in favor of one of his sons who had taken refuge at Geneva for the sake of religion,
LETTER 543 -- TO JOHN STURM. -- Complaints about the weakness and inactivity of the King of Navarre,
LETTER 544 -- TO THE DUKE DE LONGUEVILLE. -- He warns him of the dangers and temptations of the court,
LETTER 545 -- TO THE MARQUISE DE ROTHELIN. -- He urges her to show herself always more firm in the profession of the truth,
LETTER 546 -- TO PETER MARTYR. -- Sufferings of the French Protestants -- Gloomy apprehensions respecting the future,.
LETTER 547 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Reply of a German Prince -- Beza at Strasbourg -- Deplorable situation of the French Reformed -- Preludes of Civil Wars,
LETTER 548 -- TO MADAME DE GRAMMONT. -- Consolations on the subject of a domestic affliction,
LETTER 549 -- TO JOHN KNOX. -- Answers to different ecclesiastical questions,.
LETTER 550 -- TO FRANCIS DANIEL. -- News of young Daniel studying at the Academy of Geneva,
LETTER 551 -- TO MONSIEUR DE CLERVANT. -- Marks of sympathy on the occasion of the exile to which this seigneur was condemned,
LETTER 552 -- TO THE BRETHREN OF FRANCE. -- He exhorts them to redouble their faith to meet their redoubled persecutions, and to live and die for the confession of Jesus Christ, 1560.
LETTER 553 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Complaint of the unjust proceedings of Berne with respect to Geneva,.
LETTER 554 -- TO FRANCIS DANIEL. -- Counsels for the education of young Daniel,.
LETTER 555 -- TO JOHN STURM. -- Severe judgment respecting the conspiracy of Amboise,.
LETTER 556 -- TO JOHN GELLIN. -- He exhorts him to leave France in order to retire to Geneva,.
LETTER 557 -- TO THE CHURCH OF VALENCE. -- Christian exhortations -- The sending of a pastor,.
LETTER 558 -- TO THE CHURCH OF MONTELIMART. -- Eulogy of the Minister Francis de St. Paula -- Prudent counsels,.
LETTER 559 -- TO THE BISHOP OF LONDON. -- Recommendation of the French Church of London -- Eulogium of des Gallars -- Wish for a complete Reform of the Anglican Church,
LETTER 560 -- TO CHARLES UTENHOVEN. -- Tokens of lively interest for the French Church of London -- Perils of Geneva,.
LETTER 561 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Renewed disapprobation of the conspiracy of Amboise -- Account of the intrigues of Renaudie at Geneva Vain opposition of Calvin,.
LETTER 562 -- TO PETER MARTYR. -- Reverts to the conspiracy of Amboise -- Troubles in France -- Dangers of Geneva,
LETTER 563 -- TO STURM AND HOTMAN. -- Treacherous policy of the Guises -- New appeal addressed to the German Princes -- Petition to the king,.
LETTER 564 -- TO JOHN LUSEN. -- Anxieties about the Churches of Poland -- Refutation of the errors of Stancari,
LETTER 565 -- TO NICHOLAS DES GALLARS. -- Counsels for the direction of the Church -- Domestic news,.
LETTER 566 -- TO THE EAST OF BEDFORD. -- Agitations of Europe -- Wishes for the re-establishment of peace, and for the marriage of the Queen of England,.
LETTER 567 -- TO THE WALDENSES. -- He exhorts them to keep up friendly relations with the Reformed churches of Poland,...
LETTER 568 -- TO THE DUCHESS OF FERRARA. -- He apologizes for not having been able to send her a minister -- exhorts her to free herself from the obligation of an oath they have imposed on her, and to show herself more firm in the profession of the gospel,
LETTER 569 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Mission of Theodore Beza in France -- Counsels to the churches of that country -- Sending off of four pupils to Zurich -- Death of a minister of Geneva,
LETTER 570 -- TO THEODORE BEZA. -- Troubles in France -- Faults committed by the chiefs of the Reformed party -- Sluggishness of the King of Navarre,.
LETTER 571 -- TO SULCER. -- Movements in Italy -- Causes of the troubles in France -- States of Fontainebleau,.
LETTER 572 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Intrigues of the Guises in Germany, and of the Emperor in Italy -- New details respecting the Assembly of Fontainebleau -- Speeches of the Chancellor, and of the Bishop of Valence -- Progress of the gospel in France,.
LETTER 573 -- TO NICHOLAS DES GALLARS. -- Domestic details -- News of the Church and Academy of Geneva,
LETTER 574 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Conspiracy of Lyons -- Journey of the King of Navarre -- Expectation of grave events in France,.
LETTER 575 -- TO BULLINGER -- Alliance of the Catholic Cantons with the Duke of Savoy -- Uncertainty of the news from France -- Death at Geneva,.
LETTER 576 -- TO STURM. -- Mission of Hotman and Beza to the King of Navarre -- Apathy of that prince,.
LETTER 577 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Unsuccessful issue of Beza's mission to the King of Navarre -- Success respecting the communication of Melancthon's letter -- Intolerance of the German Theologians,.
LETTER 578 -- TO SULCER. -- The sending of a pastor to the Church of St. Marie aux Mines -- The arrival of the King of Navarre at the court -- Attestation of the Prince of Conde,.
LETTER 579 -- TO STURM. -- Death of King Francis II. -- Inconsiderate ardor of the Reformed -- Moderating action of Calvin,.
LETTER 580 -- TO THE MINISTERS OF PARIS. -- Counsels respecting his conduct addressed to the King of Navarre,
LETTER 581 -- TO THE REFORMED CHURCHES OF FRANCE. -- Project of assembling a councils -- conditions requisite for its legitimacy,. 1561.
LETTER 582 -- TO THE KING OF NAVARRE. -- He exhorts him to pursue with ardor the restoration of the gospel in France,
LETTER 583 -- TO THE QUEEN OF NAVARRE. -- He congratulates her on her conversion, and lays before her, her principal duties as a Christian princess,.
LETTER 584 -- TO THE ADMIRAL COLIGNY. -- Encomiums on the constancy of the Admiral -- Recommendation of Geneva,
LETTER 585 -- TO THE KING OF FRANCE. -- Reply to the accusations directed against the Church and Seigneury of Geneva,
LETTER 586 -- TO THE CHURCH OF PARIS. -- He apologizes for not being able to send to it new ministers -- Advice relating to the Council of Trent -- Disapprobation of the excesses committed by the Reformed in the south of France,
LETTER 587 -- TO JOHN LENING. -- Hostilities of the Duke of Savoy -- Diversion in the valleys of Piedmont and at Nice -- Unexpected preservation of Geneva,
LETTER 588 -- TO THE ADMIRAL DE COLIGNY. -- Au account and solemn disavowal of the conspiracy of Amboise,
LETTER 590 -- TO JOHN KNOX. -- Explanations on the subject of a letter -- Expression of satisfaction at the progress of the Reformation in Scotland and of sympathy for a domestic affliction,
LETTER 591 -- TO CHRISTOPHER GOODMAN. -- Pious admonitions on the occasion of the death of Knox's wife,
LETTER 592 -- TO THE CHURCH OF AIX. -- Duty of Christians to endure persecution without murmuring and without resistance,
LETTER 593 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Intrigues of Vergerio in Germany -- Portrait of the King of Navarre. -- Progress of the gospels -- Ardor of the French Protestants -- Popular massacres,
LETTER 594 -- TO AMBROSE BLAURER. -- News from France -- Mission of new ministers -- Rage of the Parliaments -- Lutheran Intolerance,.
LETTER 595 -- TO THE ADMIRAL DE COLIGNY. -- Pious exhortations -- Renewed recommendation of Geneva,
LETTER 596 -- TO THE KING OF NAVARRE. -- Keen censure of the foibles of this monarch,
LETTER 597 -- TO THE CHURCH OF NIMES. -- Ecclesiastical troubles, and counsels how to remedy them,
LETTER 598 -- TO JAMES STUART. -- He engages him to persevere in his pious efforts for the advancement of the reign of Jesus Christ in Scotland,
LETTER 599 -- TO THE ADMIRAL DE COLIGNY. -- He pays homage to the zeal of the Admiral and the constancy of the French Protestants,
LETTER 600 -- TO THE PASTORS OF ZURICH. -- A collection in favor of the Evangelical Churches of Piedmont,.
LETTER 601 -- TO THE CHURCH OF SAUVE. -- Energetic censure of the acts of Vandalism committed by a minister of this church,
LETTER 602 -- TO THE KING OF NAVARRE. -- Recommendation of Theodore Beza,
LETTER 603 -- TO PETER MARTYR. -- He exhorts him to repair to the religious conferences which are about to be held in France,
LETTER 604 -- TO SULCER. -- Journey of Beza and Martyr to France -- Preparations for the Colloquy of Poissy -- Intrigues at the court of Wurtemberg,
LETTER 605 -- TO THE KING OF NAVARRE. -- Warning on the subject of the Lutheran intrigues to introduce into France the Confession of Augsburg,
LETTER 606 -- TO THEODORE BEZA. -- Death of Guillaume de Trie -- Penury of ministers at Geneva,
LETTER 607 -- TO THEODORE BEZA. -- Fresh deaths at Geneva -- Distrust of the Cardinals of Lorraine and Ferrara,
LETTER 608 -- TO THEODORE BEZA. -- Doubts respecting the efficacy of the Colloquy of Poissy -- Policy of the Romish Prelates -- Criticism of the Augsburg Confessions -- Divers particulars,
LETTER 609 -- TO THE ADMIRAL DE COLIGNY. -- He puts him on his guard against the Catholic and Lutheran intrigues -- Recall of the minister Merlin to Geneva,
LETTER 610 -- TO MADAME DE COLIGNY. -- He congratulates her on her perseverance amidst many temptations and perils,
LETTER 611 -- TO THE COMTESSE DE ROYE. -- He encourages her to persevere with her daughters in the profession of the truth,
LETTER 612 -- TO THEODORE BEZA. -- He compliments him on his noble attitude at the Colloquy of Poissy, and rejoices at his success,
LETTER 613 -- TO THE COMTE OF ERBACH. -- He urges him to employ his influence to prevent every attempt to introduce the Confession of Augsburg into France,
LETTER 614 -- TO THEODORE BEZA. -- Ecclesiastical news -- Apostleship of Viret in France -- Reply to Baudouin,
LETTER 615 -- TO THEODORE BEZA. -- Blames the excesses committed by the Reformed -- Favorable dispositions of Catherine de Medicis -- Escape of the Duke of Nemours,
LETTER 616 -- TO SALIGNAC. -- Congratulations and encouragement's,
LETTER 617 -- TO THEODORE BEZA. -- Journey of Theodore Beza's wife to France -- Difficult situation of the Academy of Geneva -- Sending off of new ministers -- The Duke of Longueville, and the Duke of Nemours -- Divers salutations,
LETTER 618 -- TO THE QUEEN OF NAVARRE. -- Regret for the prolonged absence of Beza -- Writing against Baudouin -- Letter to the Queen of Navarre, mother of Jane d'Albret,
LETTER 619 -- TO THE KING OF NAVARRE. -- Severe judgment respecting the conduct of this prince, a renegado from the Reformed religion, 1562.
LETTER 620 -- TO M. DE COLONGES. -- Answer to three questions,
LETTER 621 -- TO M. DE PASSY. -- He urges him to accept the functions of an evangelical minister,
LETTER 622 -- TO THEODORE BEZA. -- Catholic League -- Recommendations of the family of Guillaume de Frie -- Last words of that Seigneur,
LETTER 623 -- TO THEODORE BEZA. -- Imprudent concession made to the Catholic prelates -- Regrets and warnings of Calvin,
LETTER 624 -- TO THE DUCHESS OF FERRARA. -- League against the Reformation -- Complaints respecting the conduct of the Duchess of Guise,
LETTER 625 -- TO BULLINGER. -- News of Frances -- Disorders at Aix -- Progress of the gospel -- Negotiations with the court -- Synod of Neuchatel,
LETTER 626 -- TO PETER MARTYR. -- Disorders the precursors of the civil wars in France -- Opposition of the Reformer to the Council of Trent,
LETTER 627 -- TO THE QUEEN OF NAVARRE. -- Expression of warm sympathy for the trials of this princess,
LETTER 628 -- TO STURM. -- Mission Of Bude into Germany -- Duplicity of the Guises.
LETTER 629 -- TO THE CHURCH OF LYONS. -- Severe admonitions because of the conduct of one of its ministers,
LETTER 630 -- TO THE BARON DES ADRETS. -- He exhorts him to repress severely the disorders of those of his party at Lyons,
LETTER 631 -- TO MONSIEUR DE DIESBACH. -- He Urges him to send succor to the Reformed who were besieged in Lyons,
LETTER 632 -- TO BULLINGER. -- An appeal addressed to the Seigneurs of Berne in favor of the French Protestants -- Succors from England and Germany -- Juridical massacres at Toulouse -- Preliminaries of the civil war,
LETTER 633 -- TO BULLINGER. -- A petition in favor of a prisoner of the inquisition at Milan,
LETTER 634 -- TO THE CHURCHES OF LANGUEDOC. -- A collection for the benefit of the German soldiers enrolled under the banner of the Reformed churches,
LETTER 635 -- TO SULCER. -- Political and military news from France -- Catherine de Medicis -- The Emperor Ferdinand -- The Turks -- The Queen of England -- Complaints against Peter Toussain,
LETTER 636 -- TO BULLINGER. -- First religious war -- Respective force of the two parties -- Siege of Lyons -- The Duke of Nemours -- Des Adrets -- News of Germany, and the Council of Trent, 1563.
LETTER 637 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Battle of Dreux -- Captivity of Conde -- Imposing attitude of Coligny -- Theodore Beza at Orleans -- Mission of the Cardinal de Lorraine to Germany -- False news from France,
LETTER 638 -- TO THE QUEEN OF NAVARRE. -- Counsels for the abolition of the Catholic worship and the establishment of the pure gospel in Navarre,
LETTER 639 -- TO M. DE SOUBISE. -- He exhorts him to lay down arms after the conclusion of a treaty disadvantageous to his party,
LETTER 640 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Treaty of Amboise -- Strictures on this treaty concluded by the Prince of Conde without the approbation of Coligny and the principal Protestant chiefs,
LETTER 641 -- TO THE COMTESSE DE ROYE. -- He blames the conduct of the Prince of Conde, and deplores the condition of the French churches badly protected by the last treaty,
LETTER 642 -- TO THE MARQUISE DE ROTHELIN. -- He congratulates her on her firmness in the midst of troubles, and exhorts her to perseverance,
LETTER 643 -- TO M. DE CRUSSOL. -- Sad condition of France, presage of new troubles -- Double message to the Prince of Conde and De Coligny,
LETTER 644 -- TO MADAME DE CRUSSOL. -- Wishes for the happy success of the journey to court, which she is about to undertake -- Pious exhortations,
LETTER 645 -- TO THE PRINCE PORCIEN. -- He exhorts him to glorify God in life as in death,
LETTER 646 -- TO THE PRINCE OF CONDE. -- Instructions respecting the greatest advantages to be derived from the treaty of Amboise -- The sending off of a confession of faith to Germany -- Alliance with Swisserland -- Recommendation of Geneva,
LETTER 647 -- TO THE DUCHESS OF FERRARA. -- He congratulates her on her noble conduct amidst the civil wars -- Exhorts her to keep her house free from all scandal, and recommends to her an ancient servant,
LETTER 648 -- TO MONSIEUR DE SOUBISE -- Counsels respecting the conduct he ought to hold in very difficult conjunctures,
LETTER 649 -- TO THE QUEEN OF NAVARRE. -- Sending off ministers -- Claiming of a debt contracted by. the King of Navarre,
LETTER 650 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Sufferings of Calvin -- News of the court and kingdom of France -- Precautions against the Confession of Augsburg,
LETTER 651 -- TO BULLINGER. -- News of France -- Reply of Coligny and Theodore Beza to a calumnious accusation -- Siege of Havre,
LETTER 652 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Disturbances at Rouen -- Uncertainty respecting the projects of Coligny -- Calm at Lyons,
LETTER 653 -- TO MONSIEUR DE CRUSSOL. -- Answer to some scruples expressed, by this seigneur,
LETTER 654 -- TO THE ADMIRAL DE COLIGNY. -- Communications respecting the printing of a memorial -- Wishes for the prompt return of the Admiral to the court,
LETTER 655 -- TO MADAME DE COLIGNY. -- The Christian uses of sickness,
LETTER 656 -- TO THE COMTESSE DE SENINGHEN. -- He exhorts her to show herself firm in the profession of the faith and patient in affliction,
LETTER 657 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Taking of Havre from the English -- Majority of King Charles IX. -- Movements of the Duke of Savoy,
LETTER 658 -- TO THE PRINCE OF CONDE. -- Request concerning the publication of a confession of faith -- Blame of the gallantries of the prince,
LETTER 659 -- TO BULLINGER. -- News of France -- Humiliation of the Parliament of Paris and of the Guises -- False news of the death of the Duke of Savoy,
LETTER 660 -- TO MERCER. -- New proposals of a chair in the Academy of Genera,
LETTER 661 -- TO M. DE LOINES. -- Councilor in the court of Parliament of Paris -- Exhortation not to abandon his office of councilor and still less the truth,
LETTER 662 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Versatile. policy of Catherine de Medicis -- Departure of Conde -- Favor of Coligny -- Intolerance of the Guises -- Oppression of the Protestants in the provinces -- Necessity for assuring to them some guaranties, 1564.
LETTER 663 -- TO THE DUCHESS OF FERRARA. -- Counsels for the direction of her household -- Present of a medal,
LETTER 664 -- TO THE DUCHESS OF FERRARA. -- Answer to a letter of this princess concerning the condemnation of the Duke of Guise and the beatification of the King of Navarre -- Is it lawful to hate our enemies -- Eulogy of Coligny,
LETTER 665 -- TO THE PHYSICIANS OR MONTPELLIER. -- Medical consultation,
LETTER 666 -- TO THE DUCHESS OF FERRARA. -- Homage rendered to the piety of this princess -- Eulogy of her niece the Duchess of Savoy,
LETTER 667 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Sufferings of Calvin and the inefficacy of the healing art to relieve them -- News of France and Germany,
LETTER 668 -- TO FAREL. -- Last adieus,
LETTER 1 -- TO FRANCIS DANIEL. -- Preparations for his departure for Switzerland -- Recommendation of a physician, 1538.
LETTER 2 -- TO BUCER. -- Unsuccessful, results of the Colloquy of Berne -- Sacramentarian discord -- Remarkable judgment concerning Luther -- Violence of the Bernese Minister Conzen -- Appeal to Bucer,
LETTER 3 -- TO BULLINGER. -- An account of the conferences at Berne -- Vain attempt at reconciliation between Geneva and the exiled ministers -- Sad state of this church after the banishment of Farel and Calvin, 1539.
LETTER 4 -- TO ZEBEDEE. -- Pressing invitations to concord -- Apology for Bucer -- Judgment respecting Zwingli, Luther, Carlostadt -- Necessity of union, 1546.
LETTER 5 -- TO VIRET. -- Tragical death of one of the chiefs of the Libertine party at Geneva -- Discourse pronounced by Calvin on this occasion. 1548.
LETTER 6 -- TO VIRET. -- Mention of Servetus -- Marriage of the minister Merlin -- Epistolary vexations,
LETTER 7 -- TO BRENTZ. -- Message of consolation and fraternal sympathy, 411 1552.
LETTER 8 -- TO AMBROSE BLAURER. -- Sends him divers works -- News of Italy -- Belgium and France -- Disturbances in Germany -- Chastisement of Constance,
LETTER 9 -- TO FRANCIS DRYANDER. -- Consultation on the subject of a new edition of the Bibles -- Troubles in Geneva -- Apology of Calvin for himself, 1553.
LETTER 10 -- TO FAREL. -- Misunderstanding between Farel and his colleague Christopher Fabri -- Attempt to reconcile them, 1555.
LETTER 11 -- TO CHRISTOPHER PIPERIN. -- Trials and tribulations of Calvin at Geneva,
LETTER 12 -- TO COUNT TARNOW. -- An exhortation strenuously to promote the propagation of the Gospel in Poland, 1557.
LETTER 13 -- TO GODFREY VARAGLIA. -- Exhortation to Martyrdom, 1558.
LETTER 14 -- TO MACAR. -- Congratulations on the zeal which he displays at Paris -- Difficulties that stand in the way of sending off new ministers -- Letter of the king of Navarre -- Divers particulars,
LETTER 15 -- TO MACAR. -- Community Of Sufferings between the churches of Paris and Geneva -- Hope of better days, AN HISTORICAL CALUMNY REFUTED,
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