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CDC Exposed: Inflated Covid Deaths By 1600% Throughout The Election, “Violated Multiple Federal Laws” Peer-Reviewed Study Finds… State, Local Governments Must Act

CDC Exposed: Inflated Covid Deaths By 1600% Throughout The Election, “Violated Multiple Federal Laws” Peer-Reviewed Study Finds… State, Local Governments Must Act

Dr. Steven Dilday on the Puritan Hard Drive

CDC Exposed: Inflated Covid Deaths By 1600% Throughout The Election, “Violated Multiple Federal Laws” Peer-Reviewed Study Finds… State, Local Governments Must Act

Excerpt: Throughout the election, Donald Trump was battered by CCP Virus statistics in order to hurt his political campaign. Now that Biden has been installed into the office of president, he promises to increase Covid lockdown measures and extend them further into your ability to travel and force unscientific mask-wearing for 100 days. But, now a new peer reviewed study has been released that finds the CDC numbers to be so wildly unsupported as to be pure propaganda that is based on wholly unscientific practices that were needlessly created on-the-spot. ... “The groundbreaking peer-reviewed research… asserts that the CDC willfully violated multiple federal laws including the Information Quality Act, Paperwork Reduction Act, and Administrative Procedures Act at minimum. (Publishing Journal – Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge / Public Health Policy Initiative) Most notably, the CDC illegally enacted new rules for data collection and reporting exclusively for COVID-19 that resulted in a 1,600% inflation of current COVID-19 fatality totals,” the watchdog group All Concerned Citizens declared in a statement provided to NATIONAL FILE, referring to the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge study. But that is not all. Other major Covid collection and reporting standards created on March 24th of 2020 that inexplicably and intentionally changed decades old practices in order to hide comorbidities and preexisting health conditions on death reports. These underlying health conditions may likely have been the actual or most important cause of death. ... And, still, there is MORE! Last spring the CDC created covid-19-exclusive rules that violated federal law by outsourcing data collection rule development and wrote new rules to count probable cases without any definitive proof of infection. The new rules also allowed tracers to practice medicine without a license while disallowing any measures to be put in place to prevent a patient from being counted multiple times. ... There is much more to the report, and we suggest that you read it at the link provided in the beginning of this article. All data since last year suggest that Covid-19 hysteria is part of an orchestrated coup against Western values, nations, and laws. At what point will the evidence and data be enough to break the spell cast on millions of Americans by the Covid Cult? Please, bring this report to your local officials and insist that they read it and reverse the policies being implemented and ramped up across the country or America is surely dead.

More Evidence Shows Total Deaths in 2020 Are No Different Than Prior Years (Scamdemic?)

Excerpt: A couple weeks ago a study at John’s Hopkins University was taken down because it showed that total deaths in the US in 2020 were no different than prior years.  Today another expert shares the same. We reported in late November how an article in a newsletter published at Johns Hopkins University showed that total deaths in the US have not increased dramatically in 2020 when compared to prior years. This article was taken down. The university could not let it stand. ... We also reported on our own study in July where we reported basically the same thingOverall deaths are no worse in 2020 than they were in prior yearsBecause the authorities in the US and across the world use various standards in determining if a death should be considered a coronavirus death, these numbers could not be trusted, even in the US. Therefore we believe that the only measurement we can use to really see the impact of COVID is overall deaths. This is because we really have no faith in what deaths are classified as COVID due to issues with the classification process. So by looking at overall deaths we see that overall deaths are not any higher than prior years. Today another source provides the same support that Big Media, Big Tech and Big Pharma don’t want you to know:

Again, there is data that indicates that COVID is not as terrible as China and the US medical professionals would like us to think. This is why this report at Johns Hopkins had to be taken down. It has nothing to do with the truth and everything to do with the message.

Viral Hydroxychloroquine Doctor Demands Joe Biden Apologize After Media Finally Acknowledges HCQ Works - "Even Joe Biden called me crazy," she said. "I demand an apology from every single one of you." (Video)

Excerpt: Dr. Stella Immanuel, who was lambasted by the media and establishment medical community after she swore to the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine at treating COVID-19 in a viral video last year, is now demanding an apology, as much of the medical community and establishment media now agree with her. “I demand an apology,” wrote Immanuel. “When we said Hydroxychloroquine works we were ridiculed. Now studies are coming out saying it works.” Immanuel added, “What about hundreds of thousands that have died and are still dying.” “I demand an apology,” she said in the video. “From the media, I’m talking about CNN, CNBC, the New York Times, all those people that called me crazy, from Hollywood.” “From all those people that sat there and made videos calling me crazy when I said hydroxychloroquine works and we should not allow people to die,” Immanuel continued. “I’m talking about FDA, CDC, NIH, I’m talking about all of you. My colleagues, the ones that called me names, the ones that threatened to report me to the board and all that stuff, because I said hydroxychloroquine works.” ... “In the past few months, after taking in over 350 patients, we have not lost one,” while treating patients with hydroxychloroquine, said Immanuel. “Not a diabetic, not somebody with high blood pressure, not somebody with asthma, not an old person. We’ve not lost one patient.” She continued, “On top of that, I’ve put myself, my staff, and many doctors that I know, on hydroxychloroquine for prevention, because by the very mechanism of action, it works early and as a prophylactic. We see patients, 10 to 15 COVID patients every day. We give them breathing treatments, we only wear a surgical mask. None of us have gotten sick. It works.” “I came here to Washington, D.C. to say: America, nobody needs to die.”

A Miracle! Only 23 Americans Tested Positive for Flu Last Week Compared to 14,657 Cases Reported Last Year at Same Time

Excerpt: Do you ever get the feeling you’re being lied to? 450,390 people have now died WITH the coronavirus in the US this year. That number includes poisonings, shootings, homicides and hospice deaths. The Gateway Pundit reported news from the CDC in August that only 6% of all deaths in the US classified as Coronavirus deaths actually died from the China Coronavirus exclusivelyThat means the number of those poor people who died from the coronavirus exclusively is much, much lower than the headlines. Many local and state governments are shutting down their local businesses and institutions due to over-inflated statistics regarding the number of Americans who died from this China coronavirus. Will this ever make the mainstream news?

A Miracle! Only 23 Americans Tested Positive for Flu Last Week Compared to 14,657 Cases Reported Last Year at Same Time

Excerpt: Do you ever get the feeling you’re being lied to? 450,390 people have now died WITH the coronavirus in the US this year. That number includes poisonings, shootings, homicides and hospice deaths. The Gateway Pundit reported news from the CDC in August that only 6% of all deaths in the US classified as Coronavirus deaths actually died from the China Coronavirus exclusivelyThat means the number of those poor people who died from the coronavirus exclusively is much, much lower than the headlines. Many local and state governments are shutting down their local businesses and institutions due to over-inflated statistics regarding the number of Americans who died from this China coronavirus. Will this ever make the mainstream news?

Psaki When Asked About Biden’s EO Forcing Girls to Compete Against Biological Males: Transgenders are More Important Than Your Daughters (Video)

Excerpt: When asked about the White House’s message to young girls being forced to compete against biological males, Psaki said Biden’s belief is trans rights are human rights. In other words, Joe Biden believes biological males who identify as transgender, are more important than your daughters. ... Biden’s White House doesn’t believe your daughters matter.

As with all links we provide, we only agree with that which is in agreement with the Bible at the sites where the URLs point

Two Stars of Netflix Show ‘Cheer’ are Charged with Pedophilia-Related Offenses

Excerpt: Two stars of the pro-LGBT Netflix show Cheer are being charged with pedophilia-related offenses, after one of the stars of the show was hit with child pornography charges. Navarro College cheer team member Mitchell Ryan, 23, was arrested outside of Dallas and charged with aggravated sexual assault of a child last week. He is currently out on bond awaiting trial. Coach and choreographer Robert Joseph Scianna Jr., 25, was arrested for “use of an electronic communication device to solicit sex,” and was hit with additional charges for indecency with a child. ... Both Ryan and Scianna have been featured on the Netflix reality television show Cheer, which profiled cheerleaders at Navarro College. The show was meant to be an inspirational pro-LGBT story of courage and triumph, but as is often the case, a bunch of those supposed heroes were hit with sex crime charges. ... It seems that the entertainment industry, which has always been a haven for predators, is trying to mainstream pederasty. This is the type of societal decadence typically experienced during the collapse of a civilization. Big League Politics reported on how another Cheer star was charged with manufacturing child pornography as a troubling pattern of perversion continues to unfold within the LGBT community.

Jeffrey Lord: 75 Dem Impeachment Lies


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CDC Exposed: Inflated Covid Deaths By 1600% Throughout The Election, “Violated Multiple Federal Laws” Peer-Reviewed Study Finds… State, Local Governments Must Act