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Civil Government: An Exposition of Romans 13:1-7 (1853) by James M. Willson

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Civil Government: An Exposition of Romans 13:1-7 (1853)
James M. Willson
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Still Waters Revival Books

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Does the Bible give any qualifications for Christians to judge whether or not a given civil magistrate is a lawful or unlawful "power" in the eyes of God? Does the very existence of a civil "power" (say Hitler's Nazi state, for example) make it a legitimate government according to Romans 13? Or, can a civil government obtain its "power" from "the beast" (as the book of Revelation teaches) -- as some "churches" do? Should civil "authorities" be judged according to the secret or revealed will of God?

This is a fine piece of exegetical work, well nigh irrefutable, arguing that God has given clear revelation regarding the lawfulness and unlawfulness of any given civil magistrate.

Willson's Scriptural conclusion will surprise many, anger not a few, and, we believe, be found honoring to God. Though the book is easy reading, these are deep waters with implications that are among the most far reaching. It is a very controversial publication based on the idea that "unholy republics refuse to acknowledge Him Christ) as Lord of all."

This failure to covenant with Christ, as nations, exposes the fact that these national governments are the enemies of Christ (as with the individual or church who will not covenant with Christ). They are thus in violation of the first commandment and therefore treasonous usurpers who will not have the one true king to rule over them.

Their laws and actions bare this out, as they refuse to rule by the law of God, but rather, as dupes of Satan, rule by their own autonomous standards. And, though it is their duty to be a terror to evil and promote the good, they, in the main, do the opposite. They protect and support murderers (e.g. abortionists), continence and permit perversity (e.g. homosexuality, pornography, etc.) and take no action to establish the Reformed faith (but rather extend constitutional rights to all manner of cults, sectarians, satanists and Roman Catholics) -- to name but a few of the more obvious areas of government rebellion against King Jesus.

Willson's father's application of the principles put forth in this book are found just below (in Prince Messiah's Claims to Dominion Over All Governments: and the Disregard of His Authority by the United States in the Federal Constitution, 1832) as they relate to the United States government specifically.

Knox, Rutherford and Gillespie would be proud! 

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Civil Government: An Exposition of Romans 13:1-7 (1853) by James M. Willson - Still Waters Revival Books

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