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Almost all of the Reformation resources noted below, on biblical civil government, are on the Puritan Hard Drive, along with hundreds more on this topic.
"And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers: they shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet; and thou shalt know that I am the LORD: for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me." - Isaiah 49:23 (KJV).
The Duty, in General, of Obedience to Civil Authority (Civil Government: An Exposition of Romans 13:1-7, 1 of 6) by James M. Willson (free MP3)
General Considerations Enforcing the Duty of Obedience to Civil Rule (Civil Government: An Exposition of Romans 13:1-7, 2 of 6) by James M. Willson (free MP3)
NThe Design of the Appointment of Civil Rulers (Civil Government: An Exposition of Romans 13:1-7, 3 of 6) by James M. Willson (free MP3)
The Principles of Obedience to Civil Rule (Civil Government: An Exposition of Romans 13:1-7, 4 of 6) by James M. Willson (free MP3)
Objections Answered (Civil Government: An Exposition of Romans 13:1-7, 5 of 6) by James M. Willson (free MP3)
Conclusion (Civil Government: An Exposition of Romans 13:1-7, 6 of 6) by James M. Willson (free MP3)
Civil Government: An Exposition of Romans 13:1-7 by James M. Willson (free book online)
Civil Government: An Exposition of Romans 13:1-7 (1853) by James M. Willson (digital download, PDF)
Civil Government: An Exposition Of Romans 13:1-7 [Paperback on Amazon] by James M. Willson
More Free Online Text On Civil Government by James McLeod Willson (1809-1866)
The Subjection of Kings and Nations to Messiah (1 of 2) Christ's Sovereignty, Kingship, Authority, And Rule Over All Countries by James M. Willson (free MP3)
The Subjection of Kings and Nations to Messiah (2 of 2) Christ's Sovereignty, Kingship, Authority, And Rule Over All Countries by James M. Willson (free MP3)
Prince Messiah's Claims To Dominion Over All Governments by James M. Willson (free MP3)
(This book is the best modern testimony for the biblical principles of civil magistracy -- which were so prominent during the height of the second Reformation -- that we have seen. Price documents the teachings of many of the major Reformers (and some of the church fathers) and in an easy reading manner simplifies what can at times become a very complex subject. This particular Reformation message, proclaiming Christ's Kingship over the nations [and the practical outworking of the same], has been buried from the view of the general public for some time now, but is once again being brought to light in this very helpful introductory book. A sobering appendix has been added [written by a friend of the covenanted Reformation] which shows why it is unlawful for a Christian to swear any oath to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution. This appendix also compares the points of difference between classic [or historic] Reformed teaching and modern Reformed teaching regarding magistracy and religion. Special attention is given to the OPC, the PCA and the RPCNA and the changes that these groups have made to second Reformation confessional standards [concerning matters related to the civil magistrate]. Statements by B.B. Warfield are also contrasted to the older Reformed views. You won't find a better easy-to-read and easy to understand introduction to this important topic -- a topic which impacts directly on every Christian's testimony for the crown rights of King Jesus!)
Biblical Civil Government Versus the Beast and the Basis for Christian Civil Resistance by Greg Price (free MP3)
Reformation Politics Versus the Beast by Greg Price (free MP3)
Unlawful Taxation and Unlawful Civil Government (Mark #60) by Greg Price (free MP3)
Biblical Civil Government: What Does The Bible Require? (The Reformation of Civil Government) by W.J. Mencarow (free MP3)
The Subjection of Kings and Nations to Messiah (1820) by James R. Willson (digital download, PDF)
Idolatry Brings Economic Calamity and God's Wrath and Curse Upon People, Churches and Nations by Dr. Ferrell Griswold (free MP3)
(In many ways this is a crux of the Covenanter position, underlying as it does upon the issues of separation, civil government, the Covenants, eschatology, etc.)
Civil Government (Politics) & The All Encompassing Worldwide Victory/Advance Of The Reformed Faith, Prayer, & Postmillennialism by Dr. Steven Dilday (free MP3)
The Extent of God's Law, Antichrist, Beastly Civil Governments, the Family, Christian Education by Greg Price (free MP3)
A Refutation of Religious Pluralism by John Brown of Haddington (6 free MP3s)
A Refutation of Religious Pluralism by John Brown of Haddington (Kindle edition at Amazon.com)
John Brown of Haddington (1722-1787) summarizes in this very helpful and timely work the problem and solution to the corrupt laws and the tyranny in high places that Christians so much decry in the nations of this world. Even Christians have been misled to believe that civil government is outside the sphere of God's Law and authority. We hear much about civil rights, but do we even hear that a moral wrong cannot be a civil right? We hear much about the rights of man in a democracy to rule themselves by his own laws, but do we even hear civil rulers say anything about the sovereign rights of God and His Moral Law over the nations?
(Pointed but irenic, Barrow decisively refutes the view of Doug Wilson (cf. "Cyberporn: A Case Study" [Credenda/Agenda, vol. 7, no. 5, p. 11]), many modern Theonomists and the civil libertarians, that the production and distribution of pornography is not a crime (and thus not subject to negative penal sanctions by the civil magistrate). Barrow demonstrates that Wilson's view of civil government (which logically results in such a monstrous conclusion) is actually a overly strict view of the regulative principle. This "hyper-regulativism" (denying lawful inferences, or what Samuel Rutherford calls "logical consequence") is then wrongly applied to the civil magistrate, rather than to worship (when rightly interpreted). He also points out the link between Wilson's view and the principles of the Anabaptists, Libertines and other antiestablishmentarian forces. With an impressive array of historical citations (primarily John Calvin, George Gillespie, Samuel Rutherford, and the Westminster Confession of Faith), and a cogent analysis and application of relevant Scripture passages, Barrow shows clearly that Wilson's view of civil government "gives birth to illegitimate offspring in the case of pornography, contradicting as it does common sense (the light of nature), our reformed fathers in the faith, and the express commands and approved examples of Scripture. In short, it is anything but the 'classical Protestant' position, and anything but biblical." This item is appendix "B" in the book Saul in the Cave of Adullam: A Testimony Against the Fashionable Sub-Calvinism of Doug Wilson (Editor of Credenda/Agenda Magazine); and, For Classical Protestantism and the Attainments of the Second Reformation, by Dr. Reg Barrow.)
Reformation, Revolution and Romanism (1558) by John Knox (free MP3)
Civil Government and Resistance (at PuritanDownloads.com)
Civil Government, Civil Resistance, God's Law, etc. (many free Reformation resources)
Messiah, Governor of the Nations of the Earth (1803) by Alexander M'Leod (digital download, PDF)
Messiah, Governor of the Nations of the Earth (1803) by Alexander M'Leod (free online book)
Necessity of the Connection of Church and State by James Bannerman (free MP3)
A Free Disputation Against Pretended Liberty of Conscience by Samuel Rutherford (free online book)
A Free Disputation Against Pretended Liberty of Conscience by Samuel Rutherford (eBook)
A Free Disputation Against Pretended Liberty of Conscience by Samuel Rutherford (Android)
The Mystery of Magistracy Unveiled by George Gillespie (free online book)
Lex, Rex, or the Law and the Prince by Samuel Rutherford (digital download, PDF)
Lex, Rex, or the Law and the Prince by Samuel Rutherford (eBook)
Lex, Rex, or the Law and the Prince by Samuel Rutherford (hardcover and softcover at Amazon.com)
The Right of Dissent from an Immoral Civil Government by Covenanter Magazine (digital download, PDF)
A Sermon on Civil Government (1821) by James R. Willson (digital download, PDF)
A Hind Let Loose by Alexander Shields (digital download, PDF)
Covenanting and Worldwide Reformation: God's Victorious Plan for This World by Greg L. Price
CHRISTIANS AND CIVIL GOVERNMENT at covenanter.org (much free text)
Please Note: To continue browsing while you are listening to the free MP3 audio books or sermons, or watching the free videos, on this page, click on the small speaker icon, or the 12pt video icon (to the right of the title) to open Sermonaudio's MP3 or video player in a separate window. You may also download these free MP3 audio books or sermons, or free videos, by clicking on the 12pt disk icon (to the right of the title, and directly to the right of the MP3 or video icon). If a free PDF is available you may also download the free PDF by clicking on the 12pt PDF icon (to the right of the title, and directly to right the disk icon). Enjoy, and may the Lord greatly bless you through these free online MP3, video and PDF sermons, books and/or conference messages!
James M. Willson
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