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Biblical Reformation & Covenanting In Hezekiah's Day, Compromisers & Pluralists Rebuked by Brian Schwertley & Greg Price (Free MP3)
A powerful message with much application to our day, including much pertinent material on the Westminster Standards, John Calvin, the PCUSA, the OPC, the PCA, NAPARC, the Federal Vision heresy, justification, sanctification, Roman Catholicism, the Council of Trent, six day Creationism, Subscriptionism, the Reformation covenants, covenanting, Covenanted Reformation in Scripture and history, logic, covenant breaking, Presbyterianism, biblical worship, Pluralism, Westminster Seminary, Arminianism, Fundamentalism, John Kinnaird, Norman Shepherd, Richard Gaffin, Cornelius Van Til, Gordon Clark, J. Gresham Machen, church government, attainments, doctrine, the Puritans, holy days (like Christmass, Easter, etc.), Psalms, hymns, the peace of the church, unity, uniformity, separation, baptism, Westminster Divines (Gillespie, Rutherford, et al.) the Lord's Supper, Feminism, eschatology, syncretism, toleration, worship, idolatry, backsliding, compromise, heresy, hermeneutics, scholars, Postmodernism, the Revolution settlement, legalism, women and homosexual "church" leaders and much more. In this sermon Brian Schwertley is not shy about naming names and calling for repentance and a return to biblical truth for individuals, families, churches and the state.
"Brethren, I speak after the manner of men; Though it be but a man's covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man disannulleth, or addeth thereto." - Galatians 3:15
A Defense of Covenanting & the Solemn League & Covenant by Greg Price (21 Free MP3s & PDFs)
The best series of sermons on covenanting since the days of the Apostles! Simply amazing. It does not get any better than this.
Another instance in which posterity is recognized in covenant obligation is found in Joshua 9:15. This covenant was made between the children of Israel and the Gibeonites. Between four and five hundred years after that time, the children of Israel are visited with a very severe famine, in the days of David. 2 Sam. 21:1. And it is expressly declared by the Lord that, 'It is for Saul, and for his bloody house, because he slew the Gibeonites.' And at the same time, v. 2, that very covenant is recognized, and the breach of it is stated, as being the formal reason of the divine displeasure. Now, had it not been for this covenant, the extirpation of the Gibeonites would not have been imputed to Israel as a thing criminal; for they were comprehended in Canaanitish nations, which God had commanded them to root out. - William L. Roberts, The Reformed Presbyterian Catechism (1853, emphases added), pp. 139-140, on the Puritan Hard Drive.
There was one great, and even sublime idea, brought somewhat indefinitely before the Westminster Assembly, which has not yet been realized, the idea of a Protestant union throughout Christendom, not merely for the purpose of counterbalancing Popery, but in order to purify, strengthen, and unite all true Christian churches, so that with combined energy and zeal they might go forth, in glad compliance with the Redeemer's commands, teaching all nations, and preaching the everlasting gospel to every creature under heaven. This truly magnificent, and also truly Christian idea, seems to have originated in the mind of that distinguished man, Alexander Henderson. It was suggested by him to the Scottish commissioners, and by them partially brought before the English Parliament, requesting them to direct the Assembly to write letters to the Protestant Churches in France, Holland, Switzerland, and other Reformed Churches. ...and along with these letters were sent copies of the Solemn League and Covenant, a document which might itself form the basis of such a Protestant union. - William Hetherington, History of the Westminster Assembly on the Puritan Hard Drive.
The Covenanted Reformation Defended by Greg Barrow (Free Online Book and MP3s)
These great attainments are rejected largely because of ignorance. The best books on these subjects have not been readily available; but (thanks be to God) they are available again on the Puritan Hard Drive. - Dr. Steven Dilday
The Covenanted Reformation Defended by Greg Barrow (Free PDF)
Covenanting with God Pressed by Thomas Manton (Digital Download, Enhanced SWRB PDF)
Shows how John Calvin practiced covenanting and close communion and how the biblical view of these ordinances is intended to purify the individual, church and state. Refutes the Popish and paedocommunion heresies (regarding the Lord's Supper), as well as all views of open communion.
Covenants and Covenanting (Covenanter Terms of Communion) by Greg Price (7 free MP3s)
The Ordinance of Covenanting (1843) by John Cunningham (Digital Download, Enhanced SWRB PDF)
National Covenanting (National Reformation Series) by Brian Schwertley (34 Free MP3s)
Social Covenanting: The Covenant Under Jehoiada Vs. the U.S. Constitution (1 of 2) by Brain Schwertley (Free MP3)
This series of four sermons (free in MP3 and PDF formats) provides specific biblical proof about why the Solemn League and Covenant binds nations like the United States, Canada, Australia, etc., in our day. This series contains "must listening" messages revealing God's will for the nations bound by the Solemn League and Covenant, as well as all other nations which should seek to come up to this highest of international Reformation attainments, regarding national sanctification.
Covenants, Covenanting and the Solemn League and Covenant (Many Free Covenanter MP3, Books, etc.)
Covenanted Reformation (Many Free Covenanter MP3, Books, etc.)
A Memorial of Covenanting by Thomas Houston (Digital Download, Enhanced SWRB PDF)
The Act, Declaration, And Testimony, For The Whole Of The Covenanted Reformation by the Reformed Presbytery upholds the original work of the Westminster Assembly and testifies to the abiding worth and truth formulated in the Westminster family of documents (The Westminster Confession of Faith, The Westminster Shorter Catechism, The Westminster Larger Catechism, etc.). It upholds and defends the crown rights of King Jesus in church and state, denouncing those who would remove the crown from Christ's head by denying His right to rule (by His law) in both the civil and ecclesiastical spheres. The Act, Declaration, And Testimony, For The Whole Of The Covenanted Reformation also testifies to the received doctrine, government, worship, and discipline of the Church of Scotland in her purest (reforming) periods and applies God's Word to the Church's corporate attainments. It is not likely that you will find a more consistent working out of the principles of Calvinism and the sovereignty of God anywhere. Deals with the most important matters relating to the individual, the family, the church and the state. Sets forth a faithful historical testimony of God's dealings with men during some of the most important days of church history. A basic text that should be mastered by all Christians.
Covenant Theology & Its Implications, Foundations Of Biblical Interpretation by Greg Price (Free MP3)
Covenant Theology & Its Implications, Foundations Of Biblical Interpretation by Greg Price (Free Video)
This sermon unfolds and explains one the most important principles of biblical interpretation. If you get this foundational hermeneutical principle wrong many areas of your theology will be negatively affected and you will not be able to rightly understand or practice large portions of God's glorious plan for salvation and sanctification in your life.
Covenant Theology Overview by Dr. Matthew McMahon & Greg Price (6 Free MP3s)
Pastor Brian Schwertley Reviews and Recommends
the Puritan Hard Drive
Pastor Brian Schwertley
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