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Demon Possession (1 of 3) in Early America by Cotton Mather (Free MP3)
"Cotton Mather and his times. Anytime the phrase, Salem Witch Trials, is heard publicly, or read -- a negative connotation typically results. This work by Cotton Mather -- grandson of Richard Mather and John Cotton on his mother's side and cousin to Jonathan Edwards, gives the true historical details that surround what was going on during the late 17th century in America. This is a reading from the book, Works of Christ in America, originally published in 7 volumes." - Thomas Sullivan
As Luther said, 'Satan hates the use of pens,' and never were pens more powerfully wielded in the cause of God than by the Puritan divines of the seventeenth century." - Publisher's Foreword to Richard Sibbes', The Bruised Reed
Demon Possession (2 of 3) in Early America by Cotton Mather (Free MP3)
"It's absolutely phenomenal. I love the Puritan Hard Drive. You have to get it. It's the best thing. It's the best for the money you'll ever get anyplace in books." - Pastor Scott Brown (M.Div.), Director of the National Center for Family Integrated Churches (NCFIC), Author, Conference Speaker, etc.
Demon Possession (3 of 3) in Early America by Cotton Mather (Free MP3)
In the history of extra-biblical study tools there has never been a resource as useful as the Puritan Hard Drive. The Puritan Hard Drive is a tremendous blessing... you can easily do ten hours worth of research in just seconds! - Pastor Paul Washer, Founder and Director of HeartCry Missionary Society, Reformed Baptist Pastor, Author, Conference Speaker, etc.
Greetings in our HOLY ONE, Christ Jesus! The truth is the Puritan Hard Drive is not just 25 years of tedious work and the answer to many prayers, but it is a MIRACLE from our HOLY SOVEREIGN MAJESTIC GOD! Try to Scripturally imagine how much Satan hates this type God-honoring and God-glorifying project, and how many times he tried to stop it. Try to imagine the discipline, heartache, persistence, technology and finances it took to see it through to completion -- it is mind-boggling. Common sense tells any thinking Christian that this is an extraordinary and galactic accomplishment! Do yourself a spiritual favor and hold a garage sale and sell all the stuff in your household that you will never use -- SACRIFICE if need be -- and BUY this GIFT OF GOD TO CHRISTIANITY -- The PURITAN HARD DRIVE. This thing is so phenomenal, it is out-of-this-world. The Puritan Hard Drive is absolutely extraordinary! - Jack Windisch, Missionary to Panama (Prov. 10:9)
A Reformed (and Sober) Demonology By Dr. Steven Dilday (Free MP3)
The Puritan Hard Drive have been invaluable to me in sermon preparation, & personal & familial piety. For anyone interested in recovering our Presbyterian and Reformed past, the Puritan Hard Drive a must. The Puritan Hard Drive presents an historic and singular opportunity. - Dr. Steven Dilday, Founder and President of Grace and Liberty Reformed Seminary, Pastor of Liberty and Grace Reformed Church in Northern Virginia, Author, Translator (Matthew Poole Project), etc.
Memorable Providences, Relating to Witchcrafts and Possessions by Cotton Mather (1689, Online Text)
As a self-confessed computer bozo (if not leaning somewhat towards computer-phobic at times) I am delighted to report that the technical, usability, etc., side of the Puritan Hard Drive has presented no challenges to me whatsoever! It is as simple as ABC! On its contents front, it surely is unsurpassed in wholesome doctrine. For example, type the word 'sin' into the search facility (using the master search index - ed.) and you will be hard pressed to read more uplifting articles on the Christian life, since post-Apostolic days. ... nowhere can you find, in one concentrated place, the overflowing unction of the Holy Spirit in the rivers and tributaries that comprise the Puritan Hard Drive's simple yet expansive creation. Well done SWRB! - Terence Ellard (Christian Evangelist, England)
Life After Death, Pt. 10 - Ghosts, Hauntings, UFOs, Aliens, Demons & The Bible by W.J. Mencarow (Free mP3)
In the history of the church's sanctification I don't believe there has been a more valuable extra-biblical resource and tool than the Puritan Hard Drive. It holds some of the most priceless Reformed works of God-centered and Christ-glorifying truth that were ever penned. Most students, ministers and scholars of the Bible would never personally acquire even half the literal number of books on the Puritan Hard Drive, much less the extreme caliber of its contents. In God's providence modern day Christians have been chosen to be the recipients of both a theological and practical blessing. May we not squander it. - Dr. Matthew McMahon, Author, A Puritan's Mind Web site, etc.
Blasting the Devil's Lies About Sex, Lust and Marriage by Greg Price (Free MP3)
If you want to understand Reformed theology the Puritan Hard Drive is unsurpassed, outside the Bible itself. There is no other resource, outside Scripture itself, where you can find so much of God's truth as in the Puritan Hard Drive. - Pastor Greg L. Price (Covenanted Presbyterian Pastor, Author, Theologian, etc.) Free online books, MP3s and videos by Greg Price at https://www.swrb.com/newslett/freebook/gprice.htm.
Still Waters Revival Books has performed an astonishing feat in pulling together a massive collection of books and other resources. Let me tell you how absolutely fantastic the Puritan Hard Drive really is. This is a treasure trove for a local church pastor. The search ability is beyond my expectation. I was just on the island of Iona where Columba established a missionary outpost sending evangelists all over Britain. Searching the hard drive for "Columba" added much to my understanding of this great leader through the eyes of Spurgeon and many others. Thank you so much... for going to the trouble to make this available. I am greatly improved by it and I anticipate the pace of worldwide reformation to be improved as well. - Pastor Scott Brown (M.Div.), Director of the National Center for Family Integrated Churches (NCFIC), Author, Conference Speaker, etc.
Satan Under The Lord's Control by W.J. Mencarow (Free MP3)
The Puritan Hard Drive is literally a must have resource, period! There are plenty of resources available to today's Bible student but none contain the treasures of the Puritan Hard Drive. In order to be a well-rounded, erudite student of God's word you must, in the words of C.S. Lewis, "read old books." In no other resource can you find, in one place, the writings of the great Calvinistic scholars and in such an easy, searchable format. Student and scholar alike can benefit from the Puritan Hard Drive and to pass over such a resource would be an immeasurable loss. In the Lord's providence He has provided such a great resource to bless His Church. May the Lord usher in another reformation of doctrine through the possession of the Puritan Hard Drive. - Dr. Kenny Rhodes
The Great Red Dragon Of Revelation by W.J. Mencarow (Free MP3)
"The Puritan Hard Drive is the must have digital learning device for Puritan and Reformed studies. Nothing like the Puritan Hard Drive has ever been available before! There is no other way to get such easy, convenient and inexpensive access to so many great works from the best Reformation and Puritan preachers and teachers, past and present -- and the study software on the Puritan Hard Drive is out of this world in terms of usefulness!" - Pastor W.J. Mencarow (Reformation Church, Boerne, Texas - San Antonio area, Author, Editor of The Paper Source Journal, and has been interviewed on numerous radio and TV programs including "Good Morning America," most networks and in major U.S. newspapers and magazines, etc.
Defeating Demons & Prophecy: A Time, And Times, And Half A Time: Satan Attacks the Church from Within and Without by W.J. Mencarow (Free MP3)
The Puritan Hard Drive is a massive collection of primary Puritan resources, dozens of which are very hard to find anywhere else in the world. Any lover of Puritan literature, which, more than any other body of literature ever written, powerfully expands our minds, convicts our consciences, allures our hearts, and moves our hands, will find a treasure trove here. - Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President and Professor of Systematic Theology and Homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary https://puritanseminary.org/, Author of many important Reformed books (including the must read, Meet the Puritans: With A Guide to Modern Reprints, https://www.heritagebooks.org/products/Meet-the-Puritans.html), Editorial Director at Reformation Heritage Books, Editor of the Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth magazine and Pastor of Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA.
Why The Evil One is Called The Dragon, Serpent, Devil and Satan by W.J. Mencarow (Free MP3)
The Puritan Hard Drive has been such a superb blessing to me personally and for my ministry, that I lack words to adequately praise the Lord! - Richard Bennett (Former Roman Catholic Priest, Now A Banner of Truth Author, Protestant Conference Speaker, Preacher of God's Sovereign Grace, etc.), Berean Beacon
Satanism, Witchcraft, Demons and Drugs (Satanic Possession, Oppression & the Occult) by Dr. Ferrell Griswold (Free MP3)
"The Puritan Hard Drive is "truly a technological marvel! It is "just wonderful. It is an invaluable resource." - J. Fernandez, Film Producer, "IndoctriNation: Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America" (which won Best Documentary at the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival)
FREE VIDEOS: Abortion: The Religion of Witchcraft, Feminism, Child Sacrifice, Satanism, & Death
"If you, like me, love the Puritans and Reformed theology, then the Puritan Hard Drive is simply a resource that you cannot live without. The Puritan Hard Drive is the best resource money can buy." - Jerry Johnson (President of Nicene Council, Seminary Professor, Author, Video Producer, etc.)
In the free MP3 "Demon Possession (1 of 3) in Early America,"(above) you will hear how the demons consider Christmass a very special (unholy) day. On one occasion, the particular demons is this account even instructed a person who wanted to make formal covenant with them (and ultimately, Satan) to wait especially for Christmas day to transact this great wickedness. This example is at about the 8:50 to 9:50 point on this MP3. A second historic example, where the demons desired to keep Christmas with one they oppressed, can be heard in the free MP3 "Demon Possession (2 of 3) in Early America" (also above). This second example can be heard from 20:20 to 21:20 on this MP3. Below is a portion of what can be heard on these MP3s.
Sect. XXX. After this, we had no more such entertainments. The Demons it may be would once or twice in a Week trouble her for a few minutes with perhaps a twisting and a twinkling of her eyes, or a certain Cough which did seem to be more than ordinary. Moreover, Both she at my house, and her Sister at home, at the time which they call Christmas, were by the Demons made very drunk, though they had no strong Drink (as we are fully sure) to make them so. When she began to feel her self thus drunk, she complain'd, "O they say they will have me to keep Christmas with them! They will disgrace me when they can do nothing else! " And immediately the Ridiculous Behaviours of one drunk were with a wonderful exactness represented in her Speaking, and Reeling, and Spewing, and anon Sleeping, till she was well again. But the Vexations of the Children otherwise abated continually. They first came to be always Quiet, unless upon Provocations. Then they got Liberty to work, but not to read: then further on, to read, but not aloud, at last they were wholly delivered; and for many Weeks remained so (Cotton Mather, Memorable Providences, Relating to Witchcrafts and Possessions (1689). From https://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/salem/ASA_MATH.HTM, but disregard the silly and ungodly note by the editor.)
Satan loves his demon-inspired, man-made holy days, and this is a clear example of one of the ways in which devils come as "angels of light" (2 Corinthians 11:14), feigning unscriptural religiosity to deceive the ignorant and scandalous. When the church has been at her strongest these Papist/Pagan/demonic holy-days (Christmass, Easter, etc.) have been matters of discipline, as noted in the free online quotes at https://www.puritandownloads.com/christmas-is-a-roman-catholic-missions-strategy/ and at https://www.swrb.com/newslett/freebook/holyday.htm. These quotes also demonstrate that civil sanctions, in accord with Scripture, have at times also been enacted. For example,
It was for this very reason that in Calvin's Geneva you could have been fined or imprisoned for celebrating Christmas. It was at the request of the Westminster Assembly that the English Parliament in 1644 passed an act forbidding the observance of Christmas, calling it a heathen holiday. In an appendix to their 'Directory for the Public Worship of God' the Westminster divines said: 'There is no day commanded in scripture to be kept holy under the gospel but the Lord's day, which is the Christian Sabbath. Festival days, vulgarly called 'Holy-days', having no warrant in the word of God, are not to be continued.' (See also, James Bannerman, The Church of Christ, Vol. I, pages 406-420). When the Puritans came to America they passed similar laws. The early New Englanders worked steadily through December 25, 1620, in studied neglect of the day. About 40 years later the General Court of Massachusetts decreed punishment for those who kept the season: '...anyone who is found observing, by abstinence from labor, feasting, or any other way, any such days as Christmas Day, shall pay for every such offense five shillings'" (Is Christmas Christian?, emphases added.)
The Puritan Hard Drive is an astonishing piece of work. The scope of material is vast and the search facility is a tremendous bonus. There is enough here to fill a lifetime of study and it is a magnificent tool for genuine research (not to make us all superficial 'experts' in historical theology without proper study!). There are works from a huge number of Reformed worthies of the past and audio sermons up to the present. We commend SWRB for making this wealth of material available to the people of God. With such edifying resources at our fingertips, what excuse have we left for our spiritually supine state? - Pastor David Silversides (Loughbrickland Reformed Presbyterian Church, Northern Ireland), Author, etc.
Some quotations from this SWRB blog follow. "The highest of all holidays in the Satanic religion is the date of one's own birthday. ... So, the Satanist celebrates his own birthday as the most important holiday of the year." - The Satanic Bible. " The keeping of birthday records was important in ancient times principally because a birth date was essential for the casting of a horoscope. ... Not surprisingly then, the ancient Jews did not celebrate birthdays, regarding them as Pagan." - Encyclopedia Americana (1991 edition). "The early Christians did not celebrate His [Christ's] birth because they considered the celebration of anyone's birth to be a pagan custom." - The World Book Encyclopedia. " Down to the fourth century Christianity rejected the birthday celebration as a pagan custom." " It is thought that the large-scale celebration of birthdays in Europe began with the cult of Mithras, which originated in Persia but was spread by soldiers throughout the Roman Empire. ... Christmas is also relevant because December 25th was the day of celebration of the birthday of the sun-god Mithra." "Originally, even as more and more Gentiles began to profess Christ (so much so that they outnumbered those of Jewish heritage that did), the early Gentile leaders also did not endorse the celebration of birthdays. No early church writer endorsed the observance of birthdays by Christians, nor are they ever listed in the early observances of the Christian church. ... No early religious/church writing from the second century that I have seen (and I have read most that are available) seems to endorse (or even suggest) the celebration of birthdays by any who professed Christ. ... Origen, glancing perhaps at the discreditable imperial Natalitia, asserts (in Lev. Hom. viii in Migne, P.G., XII, 495) that in the Scriptures sinners alone, not saints, celebrate their birthday" (Martindale C., Christmas, 1908). " Christmas is coming! Quite so: but what is "Christmas?" Does not the very term itself denote it's source - "Christ-mass." Thus it is of Roman origin, brought over from paganism. But, says someone, Christmas is the time when we commemorate the Savior's birth. It is? And WHO authorized such commemoration? Certainly God did not. The Redeemer bade His disciples "remember" Him in His death, but there is not a word in scripture, from Genesis to Revelation, which tells us to celebrate His birth. Moreover, who knows when, in what month, He was born? The Bible is silent thereon. It is without reason that the only "birthday" commemorations mentioned in God's Word are Pharaoh's (Gen. 40:20) and Herod's (Matt. 14:6)? Is this recorded "for our learning?" If so, have we prayerfully taken it to heart?" - A.W. Pink, Xmas (Christ-mass).
I would like to commend our brothers at Still Waters Revival Books for putting together the most complete collection of classic and rare Puritan and Covenanter works. We should rejoice to see so many long out of print works finally available in an easily affordable and searchable format. No longer do we solely have to wait for expensive reprints to trickle out one at a time, year by year. Every scholar, pastor, elder and professing Christian should take a great interest in the Puritan Hard Drive, for it sets before us the golden age of Protestant piety, preaching and scholarship. Everyone should benefit from the labors of these dear, departed saints. - Pastor Brian Schwertley, Westminster Presbyterian Church (Waupaca County, Wisconsin), Author, Debater, Theologian, Conference Speaker, etc.
Christ's Power Over Demons (Mark #23) by Greg Price (Free MP3)
I love books. When I pull Owen or Watson off the shelf, or drink deeply of Baxter while I sit by the fire, I am spoon-fed doctrines made all the more sweet by the passing centuries. In much the same way that we stand on the shoulders of the Puritans and reap from their study, we also reap from all SWRB's work. The folks at Still Water Revival Books have carefully assembled the most comprehensive collection of Puritan works I have ever seen. The Puritan Hard Drive is a gold mine of all things Puritan. This is a must have -- I am simply astonished with the sheer volume on this device! It would take me a lifetime to assemble such a library! Not to mention the audio/video collection; few people could afford all of these books -- or to add on that second library to keep them. Thank you again for this amazing product! The more hands we can get this collection in, the better! - Pastor David Petrie, Th.M, The North American Reformed Seminary (Mentor and Administrator for TNARS)
True Grace Distinguished From the Experience of Devils (1 of 2) by Jonathan Edwards (Free MP3)
I just wanted to say such a big THANK YOU for the work you do at SWRB, you will never know how many lives, families and churches have been enriched because of your publications. Time after time I have gone back to my forefathers in the faith. Doctrines that weren't tapped out on laptops in a cosy office but in the midst of social upheaval, civil war, plague, suffering and imprisonment. Wow! I'm impressed! Not just by the wealth of material on it but by the ease of use. If you can use Windows file Explorer or look for something on a USB memory stick then you can use the Puritan Hard Drive; it really is that simple. The software makes looking up authors, books and subjects so simple. You can also copy the files to read on a smart phone or tablet. To anyone thinking of buying their own Puritan Hard Drive -- I'd say "GET IT!" The material I've read so far has literally changed my life. Thomas Brooks' "An ark for all God's Noahs" (Vol. 2 of Brooks' Works) must be one of the best books I have ever read; I've gone back to it time and time again over these last 2 years. I don't say this glibly but this is the kind of teaching you NEED in this age. Not just a sticking plaster for your wounds but to go under the scalpel of some master surgeons who will help cut out the cancer of sin and man-centredness in your life, teaching that will ground you in the sovereignty of God and humble you with proclamations of everlasting mercy. If I only stuck to reading the material on the Puritan Hard Drive there would be enough to last me decades. - Phil Gibson, South Wales, UK (Pastor, Missionary, etc.)
True Grace Distinguished From the Experience of Devils (1 of 2) by Jonathan Edwards (Free MP3)
The Puritan Hard Drive is fantastic! I am thrilled with the Puritan Hard Drive. I love the information on the Puritan Hard Drive. I love the Puritan Hard Drive! I think I could use it for the rest of my life and still not exhaust all of its features. The Puritan Hard Drive is great, and unsurpassed in Bible study (except for the Bible itself). The Puritan Hard Drive is one of my most treasured and precious possessions and is a great help in ministry. It is the electronic device that I treasure the most. It is a brilliant piece of work and only heaven will reveal its influence. I have watched the video tutorials and the speaker is fantastic in teaching, and there is no problem following his instructions. The speaker does a super job in the tutorials, teaching how to use the Puritan Hard Drive. I can tell that you put a tremendous amount of work into the Puritan Hard Drive. - Pastor James Wallace, M.R.E., M.Div. (Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) and Ruth Wallace (Bethune, SC, USA)
Anyone who admires the Puritans simply must have the Puritan Hard Drive. I was in Zambia showing the Puritan Hard Drive to Conrad Mbewe (the Spurgeon of Africa) and he absolutely fell in love with it. I simply had to leave it there. - Dr. Voddie Baucham, Reformed Pastor, Author, Conference Speaker, Seminary Professor, etc.
I have had the privilege of being one of the first who received the Puritan Hard Drive from its initial production. Over the last 9 months, we have read and listened to so many Puritan, Reformed and Baptist books and sermons that we constantly thank the Lord for putting into our hands resources which are "far above rubies." We use the Puritan Hard Drive (PHD) material throughout the day for personal bible study, family worship, home schooling, Lord's Day preparation, and redeeming our time while traveling (listening to the MP3 resources). All the glory to God for the gifted men of yesteryear and for this treasure storehouse produced by decades of tireless effort by Still Waters Revival Books. - Michael Caughran (Kamiah, Idaho)
The Depths of Satan by Dr. Steven Dilday (Free MP3)
When I first saw the ad for the Puritan Hard Drive I was astonished that so much was included. I always pray before I search my computer for something God would want me to read. When I was led to the website of Still Waters Revival Books, I knew my prayer had been answered. Everything I could possibly need for the rest of my life was right there in the Puritan Hard Drive. ... I was born and raised Roman Catholic, and at a young age I questioned the truth of my religion. God's hand in my life, through the Holy Spirit, led me to the truth as an adult. I was misled by many TV evangelists who sounded great but did not satisfy my need. After reading many writers, the Reformed and Puritan writers have it! They knew how to be holy, in the grace of our Lord. Now with the Puritan Hard Drive, I too will learn and live a holy life. It is not hard when you hunger for the truth. It is around. Ground yourself in the Word and in prayer and the truth will set you free. Thank you to all those who were involved in making this incredible resource available for anyone who really and truly wants to live by the Word of God. God Bless! - Linda Theriault (AB, Canada)
The Devil's Devices, Part 1 by Dr. Steven Dilday (Free MP3)
The Master Search Index feature, on the Puritan Hard Drive, is amazing. I am very impressed. - William Warnock (Ireland)
The Devil's Devices, Part 2 by Dr. Steven Dilday (Free MP3)
What a resource you have made available to the Church. I just saw the Puritan Hard Drive a friend has. I was amazed. - Pastor Lawrence Underwood (AL, USA)
Love this (Puritan Hard Drive - ed.), it is mind blowing! - Chris Isom (FL, USA)
I'm floored at the sheer quantity and breadth of the contents. That so many of the .pdf's are OCR'd and searchable is truly remarkable! I am amazed at my newly found ability to search Ursinus' Commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism, Witsius' Economy of the Covenants, all seven volumes of Calvin's Selected Works: Tracts and Letters, Dabney's Discussions and his Lectures in Systematic Theology, as well as Charles Hodge's three volumes of Systematic Theology to name only a few. I haven't even begun to plumb the resources by Diodati, Hengstenberg, John Dick, Jonathan Edwards, Matthew Henry, Martin Luther ... and I could just keep on going! When you mentioned the .mp3 collection, I must admit that I was skeptical at first; I wasn't sure I would have a need for .mp3s. Upon browsing the selection, however, I am convinced that this too will be an incredible resource - especially for my daily commute. I look forward to listening to audio book versions of Augustine's City of God and his Confessions, John Owen's Death of Death and his Mortification of Sin, and Jonathan Edwards' The Religious Affections - again, to name only a few! I'm only at the beginning of my journey through the Puritan Hard Drive but based on what I've seen so far, some very delightful study lies ahead! - Pastor R. Andrew Compton
The Cotton Mather Home Page (at Spurgeon.org by Phil Johnson)
Pastor W.J. Mencarow Reviews and Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive
Pastor W.J. Mencarow
(Reformation Church, Boerne, Texas - San Antonio area)
The Puritan Hard Drive is the must have digital learning device for Puritan and Reformed studies.
Nothing like it has ever been available before!
There is no other way to get such easy, convenient and inexpensive access to so many great works from the best Reformation and Puritan preachers and teachers, past and present -- and the study software on the Puritan Hard Drive is out of this world in terms of usefulness!
If necessary, sell what you have (that does not draw you closer to God) to get the Puritan Hard Drive, and prayerfully use it until you become, by the Lord's sovereign and sanctifying grace, the most extraordinary Christian you can be (for His glory!).
- Pastor W.J. Mencarow (Reformation Church, Boerne, Texas - San Antonio area, https://worldunderchrist.wordpress.com/ and on Sermonaudio at https://www.sermonaudio.com/reformation), Author, Editor of The Paper Source Journal, and has been interviewed on numerous radio and TV programs including "Good Morning America," most networks and in major U.S. newspapers and magazines, etc.
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