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Excerpt: Yesterday, Matt Sealy brilliantly laid out his explanation of why this fight is far from over. The Electoral College votes were sealed and sent by special carrier to Washington, where they will remain sealed until January 6th when the House and Senate will come into a joint session to open the votes. The media is going to make you believe that it’s all over, and Joe Biden is now officially president. On January 6th, Nancy Pelosi will sit down with the rest of the House members as she has no special power or authority over the hearing… Vice President Mike Pence will have all the authority as president of the Senate for that day and will accept or reject motions to decide the next steps by the assembly. Remember… Mike Pence is in full authority that day as written in the Constitution. The ballots will be certified today, but that means nothing. The votes will be opened, and at that point, one House member could, and most likely will, raise their hand to object to the Vice President on the state of elector’s votes. That objection could cover fraud or any other reason, and with the seconding of that objection, everything changes. Everything!! The House and Senate will divide for two hours (at least) to debate, then vote. The vote will be per Senator, with the Vice President being the deciding vote if needed in the Senate, while the vote in the House will only be ONE vote per delegation, per state, not per House member!!! The Republicans have 30 delegation votes compared to the Democrats with 20 delegation votes. If this scenario runs true, President Trump gets re-elected. The Democrats, the media, social networks, and globalists around the world will come unhinged, and chaos will erupt. Bigly! President Trump is trying to do the right thing and go through the courts first, expose all the fraud, but we all knew that none of the courts, even the Supreme Court wanted to touch this issue with a 10-ft pole! This is why our forefathers were so brilliant because they knew something like this could happen someday. So, don’t listen to the media and all their deception and lies. All you have to do is read the Constitution, and you know that the law, policies, and procedures, in the end, are on our side.
Because anti-Biblical holy days are favorably mentioned in the video above, we suggest you look over the Biblical (Reformation) position on holy days at the links below.
Christmas Is A Roman Catholic Missions Strategy
"Christmas was not celebrated by the apostolic church. It was not celebrated during the first few centuries of the church. As late as A.D. 245, Origen (Hom. 8 on Leviticus) repudiated ...the idea of keeping the birthday of Christ, "as if he were a king Pharaoh." By the middle of the 4th century, many churches in the Latin west were celebrating Christmas. During the 5th century, Christmas became an official Roman Catholic holy day. In A.D. 534, Christmas was recognized as an official holy day by the Roman state.The reason that Christmas became a church holy day has nothing to do with the Bible. The Bible does not give the date of Christ's birth. Nowhere in the Bible are we commanded to celebrate Christmas. Christmas (as well as many other pagan practices) was adopted by the Roman church as a missionary strategy." - The Regulative Principle of Worship and Christmas, by Brian Schwertley (emphases added) FREE BOOK or on the Puritan Hard Drive
History of Holy Days (Sabbath/Lord's Day, Christmas, Easter, etc.) by Dr. Steven Dilday
Much needed preaching in our day, when many Protestants worship more like Roman Catholics than like the best Reformers. This sermon contains much important Scriptural and historical information. On this topic George Gillespie (a Scottish Covenanter and Westminster Divine), in his classic work, A Dispute Against the English Popish Ceremonies Obtruded Upon the Church of Scotland (on the Puritan Hard Drive), writes, "Forasmuch then, as kneeling before the consecrated bread, the sign of the cross, surplice, festival days (Christmas, Easter, etc. - ed.), bishopping, bowing to the altar, administration of the sacraments in private places, etc., are the wares of Rome, the baggage of Babylon, the trinkets of the whore, the badges of Popery, the ensigns of Christ's enemies and the very trophies of Antichrist: we cannot conform, communicate, and symbolize with the idolatrous Papists, in the use of the same, without making ourselves idolaters by participation."
In 1899, the General Assembly of the PCUS was overtured to give a "pronounced and explicit deliverance" against the recognition of "Christmas and Easter as religious days." Even at this late date, the answer came back in a solid manner: "There is no warrant in Scripture for the observance of Christmas and Easter as holydays, rather the contrary (see Gal. 4:9-11; Col. 2:16-21), and such observance is contrary to the principles of the Reformed faith, conducive to will-worship, and not in harmony with the simplicity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ." - Kevin Reed, Christmas: An Historical Survey Regarding Its Origins and Opposition to It (Free Online Book, emphases added)
Excerpt: Lin Wood shared that President Trump is going to clean up the swamp and address the massive corruption coming into our country from China. ... Wood then shared that this election was a climax between good and evil and President Trump will take action. He is a genius. ... Wood next pointed out how our Big Media has become an arm of the CCP. Not one Big Media entity reported on the results of the Dominion voting machine forensic audit from yesterday that showed unheard of fraud: transferring of votes to Biden ... It’s not too late. There is much more coming.
PRESIDENT TRUMP Retweets Attorney Lin Wood: Kemp and Raffensperger “Will Soon be Going to Jail”
Excerpt: Today, the Two Mikes again had the honor of hosting Lt. General Thomas McInerny for a discussion about where President Trump stands in his effort to be certified the winner of the election he obviously won. The General noted that the President has done his best—throughout his term—to do everything in accordance with the U.S. Constitution, and that he deserves credit for that. He added, and was supported by the Mikes on this, that time was running short and that the evidence of widespread treason committed by Democrats since 2015 fully justifies the president to declare a state of insurrection and to ferociously apply his 2018 Executive Order against the large number of Democrats who rigged the 2020 election with the support of a foreign power named China. Each of us speculated that the President probably would still have to declare martial law in order to deal with the violence that the Democrats’ terrorist groups — Antifa, BLM, and BAMN (by all means necessary)—will be ordered by the party leaders to unleash against Americans and their property. Few people have been more on top of what’s going on with voter fraud the Lt. General Tom McInerney. His advice to the President and calls for drastic action should be strongly considered.
Trump: “Much More To Come” On Election Fraud
Excerpt: The Democrats want you to believe this is over. The Mainstream Media wants you to believe this is over. Both President Trump and Rudy Giuliani touted the new forensic audit that was released of a Dominion Voting Machines in a Michigan County. They both took to Twitter to say it was an “election changing result”.
If Democrats really believed that Biden won, Kamala Harris would’ve already resigned (Video)
Major leak has provided an 'unprecedented view' into the Communist Party of China (Video)
Report of DNI Director Will Publish on Time! What Impact on CCP? (Video Starts A Few Moments In)
Jim Dodson Reviews and Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive
If you love the Bible, then you may well be Reformed. If you think of yourself as Reformed, but you have seldom or have never read older Reformed literature, prepare to be challenged. The Puritan Hard Drive provides primary sources and depth of theological and spiritual insight which is lacking in much of what is passed off as genuine Reformed theology. If you think of yourself as conservative, the older Puritan and Reformed authors will help you sort reality from myth in your quest to be truly Reformed. There are more solid resources for less money here than anywhere else. I highly recommend you take responsibility for your soul and spend a few shekels for this cup of cold water in the midst of the modern religious desert.
- Jim Dodson, Reformed Presbyterian Scholar, https://www.covenanter.org/
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