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Pastor Scott Brown, on the left in the video above, is the Director of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches (NCFIC)

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Five New Free Jonathan Edwards' MP3s and Five Popular Free Jonathan Edwards' MP3s Previously Released


Those Whom God Hates He is Often Pleased to Give Plenty of Earthly Things To

"What a title! I can't even imagine a pastor in our day picking this title for a sermon. I think an appropriate sub-title would be God Gives Riches to Reprobates in His Wrath. After reading 5 of these sermons this week, Edwards has laid my pride where it belongs, in the dust. Thomas - the narrator." - Comment on Sermonaudio

If the Business of Ministers Was to Gratify Men's Lusts, They Would Be Well Received

"Nearly a prophecy. In reading this sermon, a number of thoughts went through my mind. This was preached 275 years ago, what would have went through the mind of Jonathan Edwards if he was to witness the health and prosperity gospel, the rejection of Lordship salvation, and the carnal Christian teachings of our day. If the sermon was applicable in the 1730's, where does that leave us now? TMS - the narrator." - Comment on Sermonaudio

Men Are Exceeding Prone to Bring Their Principles to Agree With Their Lusts

A Man May Eternally Undo Himself in One Thought of His Heart

The Heart of Man is Exceedingly Deceitful Above All Things and Desperately Wicked


Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

Heaven, A World of Love (Part 1) The God of Love Himself Dwells in Heaven

Doctrine Of Original Sin Defended #22 (Arminian and Pelagian Notion of the Will)

The Judgment Day - Heaven, Hell & the Separation of the Sheep & the Goats, Matthew 25

Jonathan Edwards On Revelation: The Overthrow Of Antichrist & the Eschatology Of Christ's Victory

Pastor Brian Schwertley Reviews and Recommends
the Puritan Hard Drive


Pastor Brian Schwertley

"I would like to commend our brothers at Still Waters Revival Books for putting together the most complete collection of classic and rare Puritan and Covenanter works.

We should rejoice to see so many long out of print works finally available in an easily affordable and searchable format. No longer do we solely have to wait for expensive reprints to trickle out one at a time, year by year.

Every scholar, pastor, elder and professing Christian should take a great interest in the Puritan Hard Drive, for it sets before us the golden age of Protestant piety, preaching and scholarship. Everyone should benefit from the labors of these dear, departed saints."

- Pastor Brian Schwertley

Five New Free Jonathan Edwards' MP3s and Five Popular Free Jonathan Edwards' MP3s Previously Released