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Foxe's Book of Martyrs or Acts and Monuments (Volume 5 of 8, c. 1554, 1843-49 edition)
Foxe's Book of Martyrs or Acts & Monuments (Volume 5 of 8, c. 1554, 1843-49 edition)
John Foxe
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Foxe's Book of Martyrs or Acts & Monuments (8 Volume Set, c. 1554, 1843-49 edition) Acts and Monuments of These Latter and Perilous Day, Touching Matters of the Church, Wherein Are Comprehended and Describes the Great Persecutions and Horrible Troubles That Have Been Wrought and Practised by the Romish Prelates, Specially In This Realm of England and Scotland, From the Year of Our Lord A Thousand, Unto the Time Now Present. Gathered and Collected According To the True Copies and Writings Certified As Well Of the Parties Themselves That Suffered, As Also Out of the Bishops Registers, Which Were the Doers Thereof, by John Foxe
Volume five of Foxe's Book of Martyrs or Acts & Monuments contains:
The reign of HENRY VIII. continued.
The Story, Examination, Death, and Martyrdom, of John Frith.
The Sum of John Frith's Book of the Sacrament.
A Letter of John Frith to his Friends, concerning his Troubles, etc.
The Sentence given against John Frith.
The Letter of John, Bishopof London, to certify the King of the Condemnation of John Frith and Andrew Hewet.
Andrew Hewet burned with Master Frith.
The History of the Persecution and Death of Thomas Benet, burned in Exeter: collected and testified by John Vowel, alias Hoker.
The Pope's Curse with Book, Bell, and Candle.
The Matter between Gregory Basset and Thomas Benet.
A Table of certain Persons abjured within the Diocese of London, under Bishop Stokesley, with the Articles alleged against them.
William Tracy, Esquire, of Gloucestershire, with his Testament.
The Table of Abjured Persons continued.
A Note of Richard Bayfield above mentioned; with the Accusation of Edmund Peerson against him.
A compendious Discourse, comprehending the whole Sum and Matter concerning the Marriage between King Henry and Queen Anne Bullen; and Queen Katherine divorced.
The King's Oration to his Subjects.
Queen Katherine's Answer to the Cardinals.
The King's Oration to the Legates.
A Proclamation of the King, that nothing should be purchased from Rome.
The Oaths of the Clergy to the Pope and to the King.
The Abolishing of the Pope out of England.
Certain Acts provided, concerning the Pope's Laws.
A Table of Degrees prohibited by God's Law to marry.
An old Prophecy of the Fall of the Pope; an Act for the King's Supremacy, and a Proclamation for abolishing the usurped Power of the Pope.
The Oaths of Stephen Gardiner, John Stokesley, Edward Lee, and Cuthbert Tonstal to the King.
A Letter of the University of Cambridge, against the usurped Power of the Bishop of Rome.
The Book of Gardiner "De Vera Obedientia;" with his Reasons against the Pope's Supremacy.
The Preface of Edmund Bonner, Archdeacon of Leicester, prefixed to Gardiner's Book.
Notes on Tonstal's Sermon against the Pope's Supremacy. Testimonies out of the Bishop's Book against the same.
Testimonies of Bishops and Doctors of England against the same.
The True Copy of a Letter of Cuthbert Tonstal, Bishop of Durham, and John Stokesley, Bishop of London, to Cardinal Pole, proving the Bishop of Rome to have no special Superiority over other Bishops.
The Oration of Sir Ralph Sadler, Ambassador to the Scottish King.
Message of King Henry VIII. to the French King, by his Ambassador, Dr. Edward Foxe, in defense of his Proceedings.
Another Message from the same, by his Ambassador Stephen Gardiner.
The King's Answer to the French King's Request.
The Oration of the King's Ambassador before the Emperor in defense of his Cause.
The Life and Story of the True Servant and Martyr of God, William Tyndale; who, for his notable Pains and Travail, may well be called the Apostle of England in this our Later Age.
The Testimony of John Frith, in his Book of the Sacrament, concerning William Tyndale; with Tyndale's Supplication to the King, Nobles, and Subjects of England.
A Letter sent from William Tyndale unto Master Frith, being in the Tower; followed by another under the name of Jacob.
The Death of the Lady Katherine, Princess Dowager; also that of Queen Anne, with her Words at her Death.
A Protestation in the Name of the King, the Council, and the Clergy of England; why they refused to come to the Pope's Council, at his call.
The King's Answer to the Rebels in Lincolnshire.
A Letter of Dr. Bonner, the King's Ambassador in France, sent to the Lord Cromwell, declaring the Order of his Promotions and coming up.
Another Letter from the same, complaining of Winchester; and also declaring how he was promoted, by the Lord Cromwell, to the Bishopric of Hereford.
A Letter of Dr. Thirleby to Heyues and Bonner.
A Declaration from Bonner to the Lord Cromwell; describing to him the evil Behaviour of Stephen Gardiner, with special causes why he misliked him.
The Oath of Dr, Bonner when he was made Bishop of London, together with Ecclesiastical Matters in 1536, 1538.
The Contents of a Book of Articles devised by the King.
The King's Injunctions, restricting the number of Holy-days: also Injunctions to the Clergy for the Reformation of the Church; with others.
The Sermon of John Longland, Bishop of Lincoln, on Good Friday, before the King at Greenwich, A.D. 1538; the Theme from Hebrews 13.
Friar Forrest executed for rebelling against the King's Supremacy.
The History of the Worthy Martyr of God, John Lambert, otherwise named Nicholson; with his Troubles, Examinations, and Answers, as well before Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury, and other Bishops, as also before King Henry, by whom at length he was condemned to Death, and burned in Smithfield, 1538; also Articles laid to Lambert.
The Answer of John Lambert to the Forty-five Articles.
A Treatise of John Lambert upon the Sacrament, addressed to the King.
The Death of Robert Packington, with the Burning of Collins in London, and of Cowbridge at Oxford.
Putteden and Leiton, Martyrs.
The Burning of N. Peke, at Ipswich.
A Letter of King Henry to the Emperor, containing his Reasons for refusing to take part in the Council of Vincenza.
Certain Injunctions set forth by the authority of the King, against English Books, Sects, and Sacramentaries also; with the putting down the Day of Thomas Becket.
The variable Changes and Mutations in Religion in King Henry's Days.
The Act of the Six Articles; the Penalties upon them, with the Oath of the Commissioners.
Allegations against the Six Articles: and first of Transubstantiation.
The Words of Elfric, written to Wulfsine, Bishop of Sherbourne, against Transubstantiation.
Another Epistle of Elfric, Archbishop of Canterbury, to Wulfstane, Archbishop of York; in Saxon, with the English.
A Sermon translated out of Latin into the Saxon Tongue, by Elfric, against Transubstantiation, A.D. 996: followed by the English Translation.
Verses in praise of Berengarius.
The Words of the Council whereby Transubstantiation was first established.
The Second Article: of both kinds.
The Third Article: of Private Masses, Trental Masses, and Dirige Masses.
The Fourth and Fifth Articles: of Vows and Priests'Marriage.
The Epistle of Volusianus, Bishop of Carthage, for Priests'Marriage, translated from the Latin; with two Latin Epistles.
Answer to Anselm's Reasons against Priests' Marriage.
The Sixth Article: touching Auricular Confession.
A Copy of Philip Melancthon's fruitful Epistle, sent to King Henry, against the cruel Act of the Six Articles.
A Note out of an old Martyrology of Canterbury; also another.
An Act against Fornication of Priests.
The History concerning the Life, Acts, and Death of the famous and worthy Councillor, Lord Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex.
The Effect and Contents of the Boston Pardons.
Cromwell's Oration to the Bishops assembled in the Convocation House.
The Archbishop of Canterbury's Oration to the Bishops, followed by that of Alexander Alesius, and of Foxe, Bishop of Hereford.
The Answer of the Bishop of London against Alesius.
The Story of one Frebarn's Wife longing for a piece of Meat in Lent.
How the Lord Cromwell helped Cranmer's Secretary.
The Lord Cromwell not forgetting his old Friends and Benefactors.
A notable Story, of the Lord Cromwell and an Italian.
Lord Cromwell Words on the Scaffold; with the Prayer that he said at the Hour of his Death.
A Booke entitled "The Fantassie of Idolatrie".
Of the Bible in English, printed in the Large Volume: also of Edmund Bonner preferred to the Bishopric of London, by means of the Lord Cromwell.
The King's Brief for setting up the Bible; with a Letter of Edmund Bonner, for the execution of the King's Writ.
The History of Robert Barnes, Thomas Garret, and William Jerome, Divines.
The Story of Thomas Garret, or Gerrard, and of his Trouble at Oxford; testified and recorded by Anthony Dalaber, who was there present the same time.
Articles objected against Thomas Garret, some time Parish Priest, Curate of All-Hallows in Honey Lane.
The Life and Story of William Jerome, Vicar of Stepney, and Martyr of Christ.
The Story of Barnes, Jerome, and Garret, continued; with the Causes of their Martyrdom.
Winchester's Articles against Barnes.
The Protestation of Dr. Barnes at the Stake.
The Exhortation of Jerome to the People, and the concluding Protestation of Thomas Garret.
A Note of Three Papists, Powel, Fetherstone, and Abel, executed at this same time.
A Note how Bonner sat in the Guildhall in Commission for the Six Articles: also of the Condemning of Mekins.
Richard Spencer, Ramsey, and Hewet, Martyrs, who suffered at Salisbury.
A brief Table of the Troubles at London, in the time of the Six Articles; containing the Persons presented, with the Causes of their Persecution Certain Places or Articles gathered out of Alexander Seton's Sermons by his Adversaries.
The Story of John Porter, cruelly martyred for reading the Bible in St. Paul's.
A Note of one Thomas Sommers, imprisoned for the Gospel.
Thomas Bernard and James Morton, Martyrs; also Master Barber who recanted.
A merry and pleasant Narration, touching a false fearful Imagination of Fire, raised among the Doctors and Masters of Oxford, in St. Mary's Church, at the Recantation of Master Malary, Master of Arts of Cambridge.
The King divorced from the Lady Anne of Cleves, and married to the Lady.
Katherine Howard, his fifth Wife.
The King's Letter to Archbishop Cranmer, for the Abolishing of Idolatry; also a Proclamation concerning eating White Meats, etc.
The Trouble and Persecution of four Windsor Men, Robert Testwood, Henry Filmer, Anthony Peerson, and John Marbeck, for Righteousness' sake, and for the Gospel.
The Original of Robert Testwood's Trouble, with other causes of the same The Original of Henry Filmer's Trouble, followed by that of Anthony Peerson.
The Examinations of John Marbeck.
The Suit of Marbeck's Wife to the Bishop of Winchester, for her Husband.
Other Examinations of Marbeck.
The Suit of Filmer's Wife, to the Bishops who sat in Commission, for her Husband.
The Martyrdom of Peerson, Testwood, and Filmer; with the manner of their Condemnation, and how they died:—also the sparing of Marbeck after he was sentenced to Death.
How all the Adversaries' Conspiracies were known.
An Answer to the Cavilling Adversaries, touching John Marbeck.
The Persecution in Calais, with the Martyrdom of George Bucker, otherwise called Adam Damlip, and others.
Part of a Speech delivered by Thomas Brook, in the Lower House, on the Bill of the Six Articles.
Master Hale, of Gray's Inn, in Reply to Brook.
The Story of William Smith, Curate; also the Trouble of John Butler, Commissary; and the Recantation of divers Calais Men.
A new Commission appointed and sent over to Calais, with the Second.
Trouble of Thomas Brook, William Stevens, and others.
The Second Apprehension of Adam Damlip; with his Martyrdom.
The Story of a Poor laboring Man, and also of one Dodd, a Scotchman, burned at Calais.
The Story of William Crossbowmaker, bearing a Billet in Calais; followed by an Example of Dr. London's Despite against the Gospellers, as also the Fidelity of a Matron toher Husband.
Qualifications of the Act of the Six Articles.
The Recantation of John Heywood.
Kerby, and Roger Clarke, of Suffolk, Martyrs.
The Bill set upon the Town-house Door at Ipswich, the Night before they were condemned.
The King's Oration to the Parliament-House, with Notes thereupon.
The two Examinations of the worthy Servant of God, Mistress Anne.
Askew, daughter of Sir William Askew, knight, of Lincolnshire: martyred in Smithfield for the constant and faithful Testimony of the Truth.
The latter Apprehension and Examination of the worthy Martyr of God, Mistress Anne Askew, before the King at Greenwich.
"The Confession of me Anne Askew, for the Time I was at Newgate".
The Sum of her Condemnation, her Letter to the Lord Chancellor, and her Faith; with her Cruel Handling and Racking after her Condemnation.
Anne Askew's Answer to John LaceIs, followed by her Purgation, her Confession of Faith, and her Prayer.
The Martyrdom of John Lacels, John Adams, and Nicholas Belenian; followed by a Letter of Lacels, written out of Prison.
Verses on Anne Askew; also the Story of one Rogers, Martyr, burned in Smithfield.
The Story of Queen Katherine Parr, late Queen and Wife to King Henry the Eighth: wherein appearith in what Danger she was for the Gospel, by means of Stephen Gardiner, and others of his Conspiracy; and how gloriously she was preserved by her kind and loving Husband the King.
A Discourse touching a certain Policy used by Stephen Gardiner, in staying King Henry from redressing certain Abuses in the Church; also a Communication concerning the Reformation of Religion as well in France as in England.
A brief Narration of the Trouble of Sir George Blage.
A Proclamation for abolishing English Books, after the Death of Anne Askew; with the Names of the prohibited Books.
Heresies and Errors collected by the Bishops out of the Book of Tyndale, named "The Wicked Mammon".
Other Heresies and Errors from "The Obedience of a Christian Man".
Others also from "The Revelation of Antichrist".
Others also from "The Sum of the Scripture".
A Private Letter of the King to Bishop Bonner.
A History touching the Persecution in Scotland, with the Names of those who suffered after the time of Patrick Hamelton; especially concerning Sir John Borthwike, knight, with his Articles and Answers. The Story of Thomas Forret, Priest, and his Fellows.
The Manner of Persecution used by the Cardinal of Scotland, against certain Persons in St. John's Town, or Perth.
The Condemnation of Master George Wisehart, Gentleman, who suffered for the Faith of Christ at St. Andrews, in Scotland, A.D. 1546; with his Articles and Answers.
Brief Account of the Sermon of Dean Winryme, followed by the Examination of Wisehart.
The just Judgment of God upon Archbishop Beaton, with the Story and Martyrdom of Adam Wallace in Scotland.
The Schisms that arose in Scotland for the Pater-Noster.
The Martyrdom of the blessed Servant of God, Walter Mille, with his Articles.
Persecution in Kent.
A Table of certain true Servants of God, and Martyrs, omitted, who were burned in the Diocese of Canterbury, under Archbishop Warham; with the Names of their Persecutors and Accusers.
The Order and Form of Process used against these Martyrs; and, first, of William Carder, A.D. 1511.
Three divers sorts of Judgments amongst the Papists, against Heretics as they call them.
The Martyrdom of Launcelot, John Painter, and Giles Germane: also of one Stile, burned in Smithfield with the Apocalypse.
The Sentence of Pope Clement against the Divorce of Queen Katherine.
A Copy of the Bull of Pope Leo X., no less slanderous than barbarous, against Martin Luther and his Doctrine.
The Answer of Martin Luther to the same.
The Tenor and Form of the Appeal of Martin Luther from Pope Leo to the next general Council.
The Death of King Henry VIII. with the manner thereof.
A Tragical History of certain Friars in France, in the City of Orleans, A.D. 1534.
Bonner's Letter to Cloney, Keeper of the Coal-house for the abolishing of Images.
The Words of Cardanus in commendation of King Edward.
Certain Ecclesiastical Laws, or General Injunctions given by King Edward to the Church of England; followed by others to Thomas, Bishop of Westminster, as well from the King as also from the King's Commissioners.
A Letter of Edmund Bonner to the Bishop of Westminster, concerning the abolishing of Candles, Ashes, and Palms, and other Ceremonies.
Letter of the Council to the Archbishop of Canterbury, for the abolishing of Images; followed by one from Edmund Bonner.
Letters Missive from the Council to the Bishops, concerning the Communion to be ministered in both kinds Substance of the Petition of the Lords and Commons, in Parliament assembled, to the King.
Letters to and from Edmund Bonner, concerning the Abrogating of Private Masses; especially the Apostles' Mass.
An Admonition of Lord Chancellor Rich to Justices of the Peace.
A Letter from the Council rebuking Bonner for Negligence in setting out the Service Book; with Bonner's Letter to the Dean and Chapter.
Certain Private Injunctions, Admonitions, and Articles given to Bonner by the Council.
Articles of the Commons of Devonshire and Cornwall to the King; with the King's Answer.
Matter concerning Edmund Bonner, Bishop of London, with Declaration of the Acts and Process entered against him in King Edward's time.
The King's Letter to the Commissioners concerning the Recantation and Pardoning of Bonner.
Matters put to Bonner to redress; with special points to be treated by him, in his Sermon.
The Denunciation of John Hooper and William Latimer, against Bonner, to the King's Majesty, for leaving undone the points before mentioned.
The King's Commission for the Examination of Bishop Bonner.
The First Act or Session against Bishop Bonner, by the King's.
Commissioners; with the Tenor and Form of his Protestation.
The Second Appearance of Bonner at Lambeth; with his Answer to the Denunciation of Latimer and Hooper.
The Third Session against Bishop Bonner.
The Answer of Bonner to the Articles objected to him by the King's.
Commissioners the first time.
Certain Interrogatories exhibited by Bonner against the Witnesses, upon the Articles above mentioned.
A certain Declaration of the King, respecting his former Commission, with Licence given to the Commissioners, as well to determine as to hear, in the case of Bonner.
The Fourth Session in the Hall at Lambeth; with matter exhibited by Bonner why he ought not to be convicted.
The Information given against William Latimer by Bonner.
Interrogatories educed and ministered by Bonner against the Witnesses.
The Fifth Session against Bonner, with his Answers.
The Recusation of the Judgment of Thomas Smith made by Bishop Bonner.
The First Appellation intimated by Edmund Bonner.
The Sixth Session; in the Great Hall at Lambeth.
The Second Appeal of Bonner, with a Letter to the Lord Mayor.
The Seventh Session, at Lambeth; with Bishop Bonner's Declaration to the Commissioners; his Third Appeal, and his Supplication to the Chancellor.
His Sentence of Deprivation, Supplication, and other Documents.
APPENDIX to Vol. 5
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