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To obtain free Reformation books, Puritan MP3s and Calvinistic videos, SWRB discount coupons, etc., add yourself to SWRB's Puritan and Reformed email list by using the form above.
Hell (1 of 4) Why Consider It? by Edward Donnelly (Free MP3)
Hell (2 of 4) What Does the Bible Teach? by Edward Donnelly (Free MP3)
Hell (3 of 4) What will it be Like? by Edward Donnelly (Free MP3)
"AMEN! Terrifyingly beautiful!" - Comment on SermonAudio.com. If you only listen to one of these sermons, this should be the one. You will never forget this sermon.
Hell (4 of 4) How it Should Affect Us by Edward Donnelly (Free MP3)
Heaven and Hell by Edward Donnelly (Banner of Truth, Paperback Book at Reformation Heritage Books)
A moving exposition, marked by biblical realism and pastoral warmth, of the solemn reality of hell and the matchless glory of heaven.
Terrifying Sermons About Hell By Dr. Don Kistler (Free MP3s & Videos)
Hell - Do You Live As Though It Is Real? by Pastor Greg Price (Free MP3)
Hell: What Kind Of Unbearable and Terrifying Torments, Misery, Anguish and Pain, Throughout All Eternity, Does the Bible Teach Unbelievers Will Suffer For Their Sin and Rejection Of The Lord Jesus Christ As the Only Savior by Dr. Don Kistler (Free MP3)
The Suffering of the Damned In Hell by Dr. Don Kistler (Free MP3)
The Mental Agonies of Hell by Robert Murray McCheyne (Free MP3)
Hell: What Is It Like? (150+ Free MP3s)
Most of the sermons in this book have never been published prior to 2005. "The Torments of Hell: Jonathan Edwards on Eternal Damnation" contains 13 sermons on hell, most never published before in this form, faithfully transcribed from the handwritten manuscripts of Jonathan Edwards by William C. Nichols with commentary contrasting current beliefs on hell with the traditional biblical views of Edwards. The sermons are arranged in a sequential order to progressively outline what the Bible teaches about hell. Contains some of the best sermons on hell ever preached, including That Wicked Men Are the Children of the Devil, The Wicked Hereafter Will Be Cast Into a Furnace of Fire, They That Are Gone to Hell Are All of Them in Despair, That the Bodies of Wicked Men as Well as Their Souls Will Be Punished Forever in Hell, In Hell Is Inflicted the Fierceness of the Wrath of a Being That Is Almighty, That the Punishment and Misery of Wicked Men in Another World Will Be in Proportion to the Sin that They Are Guilty Of, The Wicked in Hell Will Be Sensible What a Happy State the Saints Are in in Heaven, The Reason Why Men No More Regard Warnings of Future Punishment Is Because It Don't Seem Real to Them, and more.
A Treatise on Hell's Terror by Christopher Love (PDF, MOBI and EPub - Puritan Publications)
This work is a treatise on one of the most hated doctrines in the Bible; a treatise on "hell." Love uses the text, "But rather fear Him which is able to destroy both body and soul in hell," Matthew 10:28, as a foundation for all his queries and answers to this most dreadful subject. Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758), one the greatest preachers to ever live, kept a copy of Love's works on hell in his library due to the graphic description and important nature of Love's exposition. The weighty subject matter is presented in such a lively style and is so carefully applied that readers cannot help but be edified whether they are Christians or not. It is, without a doubt, one of the best works on hell ever written. This is not a scan or facsimile, and has been updated in modern English for easy reading. It also has an active table of contents for electronic versions.
Christopher Love was born in Cardiff, Wales in 1618. He was converted at the age of 15, attended New Inn Hall, Oxford, and later assumed the pastorate of St. Lawrence Jewry in London, later becoming a Covenanted Presbyterian. Because of Love's political leanings he was arrested by Oliver Cromwell's forces for his "alleged" plan to raise money for the restoration of the monarchy, a charge Love denied. He was arrested along with six other prominent ministers in London (all Presbyterians, including Thomas Watson), for treason. The rest were released after six months, but Love was beheaded by Cromwell's wicked government on Tower Hill, London on August 22, 1651.
A Treatise on Hell's Terror by Christopher Love (eBook - Puritan Publications)
Jonathan Edwards said this was one of the best works he'd ever read on the doctrine of hell. I'd have to agree. After reading this work over the years, it is by far one of the top works on hell. Don't let this one pass you by.
A Treatise on Hell's Terror by Christopher Love (Hardcover - Puritan Publications)
William Shedd shows that "the strongest support of the doctrine of endless punishment is the teaching of Christ, the Redeemer of man... without the explicit and reiterated statements of God incarnate, it is doubtful whether so awful a truth would have had such a conspicuous place as it always has had in the creed of Christendom... Christ could not have warned men so frequently and earnestly as he did... had he known there is no future peril..." This book will have a profoundly sobering effect on its readers; but its lasting impression will be to cause a new concern for men and women without Christ, and undying gratitude for "Jesus, who delivers us from the wrath to come"
Sighs From Hell by John Bunyan (The Northampton Press, Paperback Book at Reformation Heritage Books)
This book is especially timely in light of Rob Bell's recent book release called "Love Wins," in which he denies a literal hell, other than the one we make for ourselves. But over 300 years ago John Bunyan wrote this little work in which he exposits the story in Luke 16 of Dives and Lazarus, and shows biblically that hell is quite literal - at least Jesus thought so! This book has been slightly updated as to language and grammar. It is hardbound and printed on acid-free paper. While this work of Bunyan's is not as well known as "Pilgrim's Progress," it is very important, particularly for evangelism. This is what sinners need to be saved from!
The Wrath of Almighty God, by Jonathan Edwards, offers 11 sermons and treatises from Edwards' writings on the Biblical subject of hell and God's impending judgment. It serves as a systematic theology on the wrath of God, and is a helpful work for students and pastors.
In the past, universalism and annihilationism were only promoted by those outside of evangelicalism. In the last few decades however, these views have been espoused by those within evangelicalism. Dr. Morgan shows how Edwards brought to bear the biblical doctrine of God on the doctrine of hell and how Edwards successfully responded to the annihilationist arguments. Edwards used all the weapons he had at his disposal to present a convincing and effective response to those proposing the doctrine in his own day. Those who seek to respond to universalism and annihilationism today will greatly benefit from this study.
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- Paul Washer - HeartCry Missionary Society https://www.heartcrymissionary.com/
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