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Pastor Scott Brown, on the left in the video above, is the Director of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches (NCFIC)

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Introduction and Overview of the Puritans. Who Were the Puritans and What Did They Teach? by Dr. Matthew McMahon, Dr. Joel Beeke, Greg Price, Ligonier Ministries, Dr. Steven Dilday, Dr. William Young and Others (Free MP3, Videos, Etc.)

Dr. Matthew McMahon Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

Introduction and Overview of the Puritans (1 of 18) Who Were the Puritans and What Did They Teach? by Dr. Matthew McMahon (Free MP3)

Comment on SermonAudio: "Amen! Hear this wonderful lecture and reading about the great Puritan writers! Thank you!"

Dr. Matthew McMahon on the Puritan Hard Drive

Do you like to read the Puritans? I love reading them and cannot express enough how important it is to read some of the great works of these most noble divines. It is not just an exercise in reading, but an adventure in practical and theological piety that procures as a result. How excellent is it to read the best writers on a given subject. The Puritans were no doubt the best. Between the Reformers and the Puritans, nothing even comes close to true Christian piety outside of the Bible. All the major revivals were executed by God under the guise of the same Puritan theological stance, and the same Reformed theology as what you will find in the pages of these books. Drink deep for the well is almost inexhaustible in our day. How wonderful it is that God had providentially seen the reprinting of many of these great classic works and tomes of learning. Come, let us sit together at the feet of the Puritans that we may see Christ better and more intimately in the Scriptures. - Dr. C. Matthew McMahon, Puritan Books: Take and Read Book Reviews, emphases added.

Pastor William J Mencarow on the Puritan Hard Drive

18 FREE MP3s: Who Were the Puritans and What Did They Teach? (With A Look At the Best Puritan Books)

Dr. Joel Beeke on the Puritan Hard Drive

The Puritans understood that a mindless Christianity fosters a spineless Christianity. An anti-intellectual gospel quickly becomes an empty, formless gospel that doesn't get beyond "felt needs." That's what is happening in many churches today. Tragically, few understand that if there is little difference between what Christians and unbelievers believe with their minds, there will soon be little difference in how they live. Puritan literature is a great solution to this problem. - Dr. Joel Beeke and Randal Pederson, Meet The Puritans: With a Guide to Modern Reprints, 2006, emphases added.

Joaquin Fernandez on the Puritan Hard Drive

Puritan Books and Literature and Knowing the Lord Jesus Christ More Intimately by Dr. Matthew McMahon (Free MP3, 8 Minutes)

Pastor Paul Washer Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

They marry doctrine and practice. The Puritans did this by addressing the mind, confronting the conscience, and wooing the heart. Addressing the mind. The Puritans refused to set mind and heart against each other but taught that knowledge was the soil in which the Spirit planted the seed of regeneration. They viewed the mind as the palace of faith. "In conversion, reason is elevated," John Preston wrote. Cotton Mather said, "Ignorance is the mother not of devotion but of heresy."- Dr. Joel Beeke and Randal Pederson, Meet The Puritans: With a Guide to Modern Reprints, 2006, emphases added

K. Thompson on the Puritan Hard Drive

Puritan Books and Literature and Knowing the Lord Jesus Christ More Intimately by Dr. Matthew McMahon (Free Video, 8 Minutes)

Pastor Scott Brown on the Puritan Hard Drive

With the Spirit's blessing, Puritan writings can enrich your life as a Christian in many ways as they open the Scriptures and apply them practically, probing your conscience, indicting your sins, leading you to repentance, shaping your faith, guiding your conduct, comforting you in Christ and conforming you to Him, and bringing you into full assurance of salvation and a lifestyle of gratitude to the triune God for His great salvation. - Dr. Joel Beeke and Randal Pederson, Meet The Puritans: With a Guide to Modern Reprints, 2006, pp. xix. emphases added.

Terence Ellard on the Puritan Hard Drive

Puritan Literature and Books: Revealing A Puritan's Mind & Heart, Meet the Puritans By Dr. Joel Beeke (Free MP3)

Pastor William J Mencarow on the Puritan Hard Drive



I have to say that without the ministry of Still Waters Revival Books, I would have not had such a fire for the Puritans. I obtained quite a few works by SWRB that were bound photocopies of books back in the day. And I started transcribing parts of them in 1998 which in turn became A Puritan's Mind ( So God has used SWRB greatly in my life. - Dr. Matthew McMahon, Pastor, Author, Seminary Professor, Publisher, etc. (A Puritan's Mind Web site, Puritan Publications, The Puritan Shop, etc.), emphases added

Pastor Greg Price on the Puritan Hard Drive

Puritan Literature and Books: Revealing A Puritan's Mind & Heart, Meet the Puritans By Dr. Joel Beeke (Free Video)

Dr. Steven Dilday on the Puritan Hard Drive

 If you read the Puritans regularly, their focus on the Scriptures becomes contagious. ... the Puritans show how to yield wholehearted allegiance to the Bible's message. Like them, you will become a believer of the living Book, concurring with John Flavel, who said, "The Scriptures teach us the best way of living, the noblest way of suffering, and the most comfortable way of dying." - Dr. Joel Beeke and Randal Pederson, Meet The Puritans: With a Guide to Modern Reprints, 2006, p. xx.

Jerry Johnson on the Puritan Hard Drive

Reading the Puritans by Dr. Joel Beeke (Free MP3)

One of the Best MP3 Introductions to the Puritans! Dr. Joel Beeke co-authored, along with Randall Pederson, one of the most useful books ever written on the Puritans and their writings, in a book entitled Meets the Puritans: With A Guide To Modern Reprints. It is must reading for anyone interested in the Puritans and gives short biographies of many of the Puritans on SWRB's Puritan Hard Drive. Meets the Puritans: With A Guide To Modern Reprints also provides lists of the books written by the Puritans covered in this large 900 page book, as well as providing short summaries for each book (many of these books are also found on SWRB's Puritan Hard Drive, in both PDF and MP3 formats). Dr. Beeke's Meets the Puritans was "The Shepherd's Scrapbook" book of the year for 2006, see This MP3 is like a highly condensed overview of Dr. Beeke's book, Meet the Puritans -- at least as much as it is possible to condense a 900 page book into a 51 minute lecture. It is a splendid lecture that touches on a number of the most important points made in the book Meets the Puritans and anyone who is interested in biblical doctrine and practice (in which the Puritans often excelled) will be spiritually enriched by listening to this MP3.

Pastor Greg Price Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

A Defense of Covenanting, the Puritans and the Solemn League & Covenant, Etc. by Greg Price (21 FREE MP3s & PDFs)

Pastor David Silversides on the Puritan Hard Drive

Puritans and the Family By Dr. Joel Beeke (Free MP3 from the Puritan Conference 2010), and Free MP3s By Greg Price, Dr. Voddie Baucham, and Others


Michael Caughran on the Puritan Hard Drive

The central significance of the principle of worship in Puritanism has been made clear in the opening chapter on "The Nature of English Puritanism" in Horton Davies' standard work on The Worship of the English Puritans (Dacre Press, Westminster, 1948). The importance of the regulative principle of worship for the origin and essential character of the Puritan movement appears in the definition of Puritanism with which Davies opens the chapter: "Puritanism is most accurately defined as the outlook that characterized the radical Protestant party in Queen Elizabeth's day, who regarded the Reformation as incomplete and wished to model English church worship and government according to the Word of God. (p. l). - Dr. William Young, The Puritan Regulative Principle of the Church, emphases added

Dr. Steven Dilday on the Puritan Hard Drive

Why Is Reformed Worship So Important? The Puritans, Covenanters, Reformers & The Regulative Principle Of Worship (RPW) by Dr. Steven Dilday, John Calvin, Greg Price & Others (Free MP3s)

Pastor Greg Price on the Puritan Hard Drive

57 Free MP3s: Puritan Worship Series by Greg Price, John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, George Gillespie, W.J. Mencarow, David Steele, Dr. Steven Dilday, Samuel Rutherford, Brian Schwertley, Dr. Reg Barrow and Others

Justin Rawson on the Puritan Hard Drive

The Puritans On Exclusive Psalmody (Free MP3s, Videos, Books, etc.)

Christmas Condemned By Christ: Puritan Teaching Against Roman Catholic and Pagan Holy Days (Many Free Puritan Resources) /

Pastor Phil Gibson Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

On Puritan Books & Literature By Thomas Watson, Richard Sibbes, Dr. Joel Beeke, Dr. Matthew McMahon, et al.

Jack Windisch on the Puritan Hard Drive

"The Puritans were excellent covenant theologians. They lived covenant theology, covenanting themselves, their families, their churches, and their nations to God. Yet they did not fall into the error of hyper-covenantalism, in which the covenant of grace becomes a substitute for personal conversion. They promoted a comprehensive worldview, a total Christian philosophy, a holistic approach of bringing the whole gospel to bear on all of life, striving to bring every action in conformity with Christ, so that believers would mature and grow in faith. The Puritans wrote on practical subjects such as how to pray, how to develop genuine piety, how to conduct family worship, and how to raise children for Christ. In short, they taught how to develop a 'rational, resolute, passionate piety [that is] conscientious without becoming obsessive, law-oriented without lapsing into legalism, and expressive of Christian liberty without any shameful lurches into license.' Doctrinally, Puritanism was a kind of vigorous Calvinism; experientially, it was warm and contagious; evangelistically, it was aggressive, yet tender; ecclesiastically, it was theocentric and worshipful; politically, it aimed to be scriptural, balanced, and bound by conscience before God in the relationships of king, Parliament, and subjects; culturally, it had lasting impact throughout succeeding generations and centuries until today." - Dr. Joel Beeke, "Why You Should Read the Puritans."

Paul Blyth (UK) on the Puritan Hard Drive

The Preaching of the Puritans by Dr. Joel Beeke, Jonathan Edwards, Greg Price, Charles Spurgeon, Al Martin, A.W. Pink, Dr. Dilday, Charles Bridges, R.L. Dabney, Richard Baxter, et al. (Free MP3s, Videos, etc.)

Pastor Paul Washer on the Puritan Hard Drive

Read the Puritans and Puritan Books Regularly Because They Focus on the Scriptures By Dr. Joel Beeke (Free Video)

Pastor Paul Washer on the Puritan Hard Drive

The Puritans (were) burning and shining lights. When cast out by the black Bartholomew Act, and driven from their respective charges to preach in barns and fields, in the highways and hedges, they in a special manner wrote and preached as men having authority.

Though dead, by their writings they yet speak: a peculiar unction attends them to this very hour; and for these thirty years past I have remarked, that the more true and vital religion hath revived either at home or abroad, the more the good old puritanical writings, or the authors of a like stamp... have been called for.

Their works still praise them in the gates; and without pretending to a spirit of prophecy, we may venture to affirm that they will live and flourish, when more modern performances of a contrary cast, notwithstanding their gaudy and tinseled trappings, will languish and die in the esteem of those whose understandings are opened to discern what comes nearest to the scripture standard.

- George Whitefield, from his Works, volume four, pages 306-307, cited from the book Meet The Puritans: With a Guide to Modern Reprints (2006), page xiii, written by Dr. Joel Beeke and Randal Pederson.

Jack Windisch on the Puritan Hard Drive

Read the Puritans and Puritan Books Regularly Because They Focus on the Scriptures By Dr. Joel Beeke (Free MP3)

Dr. Voddie Baucham on the Puritan Hard Drive

'Our books may come to be seen where ourselves shall never be heard. These may preach where the author cannot, and (which is more) when he is not.' This prediction by one of the great Puritans has had many fulfillments. An ungodly Welsh clergyman, shopping at a fair in the eighteenth century, bought an article which happened to be wrapped in a page torn from an old Puritan folio. The reading of that one page led to his sound conversion. As Luther said, 'Satan hates the use of pens,' and never were pens more powerfully wielded in the cause of God than by the Puritan divines of the seventeenth century. Nor have their books outlived their usefulness. Although the original volumes are worn with age, the truths found in them are as fresh as the new formats in which they are now appearing. - Publisher's Foreword to Richard Sibbes' The Bruised Reed.

Richard Bennett on the Puritan Hard Drive

Message 14, OPTIONAL SESSION: A Puritan Theology by Dr. Joel Beeke & Mark Jones (Free Video and MP3 at, Ligonier Ministries)

"In this session, based upon his book A Puritan Theology, Dr. Joel Beeke discusses the puritans' teaching on most major Reformed doctrines, particularly those doctrines in which the Puritans made significant contributions." - Ligonier Ministries

Pastor Paul Washer on the Puritan Hard Drive

Puritans and Reformers On Dealing With and Destroying Darling Sins (Free MP3s, Video, Books, Etc.)

Suffering and the Sovereignty of God, A Right View of Suffering, and A Puritan Perspective On Suffering (Free MP3s)

Reaching a Hostile Culture, Puritan Evangelism, Paul's Counter Culture and Successful Evangelism, Etc., by Phil Johnson, Paul Washer, Greg Price, Kirk Cameron, Dr. Voddie Baucham, Dr. Matthew McMahon, et al (Free Reformed MP3s, Videos, etc.)


The Sinfulness and Cure of Thought, Biblical Sanctification, Classic Puritan Sermon by Stephen Charnock

Introduction and Overview of the Puritans. Who Were the Puritans and What Did They Teach? by Dr. Matthew McMahon, Dr. Joel Beeke, Greg Price, Ligonier Ministries, Dr. Steven Dilday, Dr. William Young and Others (Free MP3, Videos, Etc.)