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"Islam's flag will be raised above the White House" by Raymond Ibrahim
A video recording from a recent Friday sermon in Egypt, where the imam swears to Allah several times that the flag of Islam will be raised above the White House of America, recently appeared on the Arabic Internet. According to the imam preaching, all Muslims need do is be patient and continue working towards this goal. The video, which I subtitled, can be viewed on YouTube. [Note: If captions do not appear, you may have to manually turn them on by pressing "cc" on the video.]
Transcript of video above (emphases added):
Do not be hasty, we only have to work. Listen to what I will tell you:
I swear to Allah almighty Sharia will be implemented,I tell you, not only in Egypt.
Sharia will be implemented in and govern the entire world.
This is the word of Allah and His Messenger [Muhammad] -- Allah pray on and bless him.
I swear by Allah almighty, I swear, I swear, the Islamic flag will be raised above the White House!
I swear by Allah almighty -- I swear by Allah almighty, this will happen!
Islam's Rise & Fall In the Book of Revelation (Free Reformed Books, MP3s and Videos)
"In fact, when the classic historicist position is studied, the fulfillment in the case of Islam and Revelation chapter nine is seen to be so striking and well attested that 'even advocates of other approaches who are adamant in their rejection of the historicist system of interpretation have admitted the convincing nature of this particular identification.'" - Steve Gregg, commenting on Rev. 9:1-6 in Revelation: Four Views, p. 176.
Dr. Peter Hammond (Frontline Fellowship) is one of the world's foremost experts on Islam and has first hand experience with it (having worked in Muslim-dominated nations in Africa over a lifetime). He shares his expertise on this edition of Generations.
This is a powerful and eye-opening interview that gives first-hand accounts of Muslim tyranny, torture (of Christians), oppression, rape, murder, etc., which the liberal media almost always ignores. The big picture information given in this interview is also fascinating, as it exposes the exact strategies Islam uses to control, and even take over, countries (and smaller entities and areas).
The scourge of Islam is spreading fast over Africa, Europe, Canada and America. Christians may have to escape Egypt with the rising Muslim dominance there. What will fill the void of a dying Christian faith in Europe, Canada, and America? What will Canada, the United States and Europe look like in 50-100 years from now, if Christians continue to retreat? What will happen to the Christian faith in America, Canada, etc., if Islam (and Sharia law) gains an even greater foothold?
9/11, Jihad, CNN And Worldwide Islamization (Free MP3s, Videos, etc.)
John Calvin, Martin Luther and Dr. Francis N. Lee on Islam In The Bible (Free MP3s and Books)
Islam In The Bible by Dr. Francis Nigel Lee (Free MP3s and Books)
Islam In The Bible 1 of 2 (What The Book Of Revelation Foretells About The Muslims) by W.J. Mencarow (Free MP3)
The section on Islam begins part way into this sermon, and is excellent, so it is worth the wait! This sermon series is an overview of the book of Revelation and a guide to its interpretation. The approach is likely not one you have encountered before.
What you think the book of Revelation teaches determines how you live your life as a Christian (are we to conquer the world for Christ or tread water until He throws us a lifering on the last day?) and what you think today's headlines mean or don't mean. Do events in the Middle East prove we are on the brink of the end times? Is Antichrist about to be revealed? Is Armageddon right around the corner?
The theory of most Christians today is Futurism -- that most of Revelation describes events that take place near and at the end of time. The 'Left Behind' books and movie(s) are only the latest example.
Futurism is a late 16th century Roman Catholic invention that was crafted to defend it and the Papacy against the claims of the Protestant Reformation. Sadly, most fundamentalists and evangelicals are unknowingly parroting Roman Catholic propaganda.
The historic Protestant view is that Revelation is a panorama of world history from the first century to the end of time. It reveals the rise and fall of religions and nations, of Roman Catholicism and Islam, of a future New World Order of one government and one religion imposed upon the world. But it also reveals the final triumph of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Christianization of all nations BEFORE the end of human history.
Islam In The Bible 2 of 2 (What The Book Of Revelation Foretells About The Muslims) by W.J. Mencarow (Free MP3)
The Rape and Murder of Pakistan's Christian Children: Terrors They Routinely Face by Raymond Ibrahim (Free MP3)
"It does seem that the fourth iron kingdom was in fact both the pre-Papal and the pre-Islamic undivided Pagan Roman Empire, as well as the later Western-Roman Papal and the contemporaneous Eastern-Roman Islamic Empire into which it then subdivided. Indeed, both 'Mahomet' and 'the Pope' -- as we have already seen -- Dr. Calvin called 'the two horns of Antichrist.' Thus they correspond to the two legs of the later Roman Empire - Islam and the Papacy." - Dr. Francis Nigel Lee, Calvin on Islam (2000), on the Puritan Hard Drive
Islam in the Bible (1/3) by Dr. F.N. Lee (Free MP3)
Islam in the Bible (2/3) by Dr. F.N. Lee (Free MP3)
Islam in the Bible (3/3) by Dr. F.N. Lee (Free MP3)
Islam: Key Theological Issues By Dr. James White & Others (Free MP3s, Videos & Books)
Eschatology of Christ's Victory (Free Reformation Resources)
Persecution in Tanzania, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Remember Them That Are In Bonds (Free MP3)
Persecution in Libya, Vietnam, Nigeria, Iran, Remember Them That Are In Bonds (Free MP3)
GRAPHIC & BRUTAL VIDEO: Tunisian Muslims behead a Christian convert from Islam (Free Video)
EXTREMELY GRAPHIC, DISTURBING VIDEO. This video is an uncensored video of a Christian man being beheaded. Please only watch if you are able and willing to see that level of violence.
Dr. Voddie Baucham Reviews and Recommends
the Puritan Hard Drive
Dr. Voddie Baucham, Jr., Grace Family Baptist Church
I want you to know that I have enjoyed my Puritan Hard Drive immensely.
I simply could not have imagined such a resource before getting my hands on it!
To have that much information from a consistent, biblical, orthodox, and gospel-centered point of view is simply astonishing.
Anyone who admires the Puritans simply must have the Puritan Hard Drive.
From Pastors to Ph.D. candidates, there is simply nothing else out there that puts so much at your fingertips.
What an amazing tool for pastors... thank you for your work.
Soli Deo Gloria!
I actually need to buy another Puritan Hard Drive! I was in Zambia showing it to Conrad Mbewe (the Spurgeon of Africa) and he absolutely fell in love with it. I simply had to leave it there.
It is a valuable tool, and I meant everything I said about it. All of our guys love it. We'll probably start buying them for our interns and leadership/elder training students as well.
Soli Deo Gloria!
- Dr. Voddie Baucham, Reformed Baptist Pastor (Grace Family Baptist Church, Spring, TX, Voddie Baucham Ministries, etc.), Author, Conference Speaker, Seminary Professor, Church Planter, etc. https://www.sermonaudio.com/go/38367 and https://www.gracefamilybaptist.net
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