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Pastor Scott Brown, on the left in the video above, is the Director of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches (NCFIC)

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John Bunyan (18 of 18, Introduction and Overview of the Puritans) Who Were the Puritans? What Did They Teach? The Relevance of Puritanism For Christians Today by Matthew McMahon (Free MP3s)

John Bunyan (18 of 18, Introduction and Overview of the Puritans) Who Were the Puritans? What Did They Teach? The Relevance of Puritanism For Christians Today by Matthew McMahon (Free MP3s)

"Prayer will make a man cease from sin, or sin will entice a man to cease from prayer." - John Bunyan (on the Puritan Hard Drive)

"God hath strewed all the way from the gate of hell, where thou wast, to the gate of heaven, whither thou art going, with flowers out of his own garden. Behold how the promises, invitations, calls, and encouragements, like lilies, lie round about thee! Take heed that thou dost not tread them under thy foot." - John Bunyan (is on the Puritan Hard Drive).

"It is a masterpiece of piety and genius; and will, we doubt not, be of standing use to the people of God so long as the sun and moon endure." - Augustus Toplady on John Bunyan's book The Pilgrim's Progress (which is on the Puritan Hard Drive).

"Walter Scott refers to Howie as 'the fine old chronicler of the Cameronians'... Howie's book (Biographia Scoticana or Scots Worthies-ed.) has been for upwards of a century a household word, occupying a place on the shelf beside the Bible and the Pilgrim's Progress." - J.C. Johnston, Treasury of the Scottish Covenant (which is on the Puritan Hard Drive).

"Amongst his hearers were to be found the learned and the illiterate. It was well known that Dr. John Owen, when he had the opportunity, embraced it with pleasure, and sat at the feet of the unlearned, but eloquent tinker. Charles II., hearing of it, asked the learned D.D., ' How a man of his great erudition could sit to hear a tinker preach? 'to which the doctor replied, 'May it please your Majesty, if I could possess the tinker's abilities, I would gladly give in exchange all my learning.''" - Memoir of John Bunyan in The Works of John Bunyan, Volume 1 (which is on the Puritan Hard Drive).

Dr. Matthew McMahon Reviews and Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive


Dr. Matthew McMahon, A Puritan's Mind

In the history of the church's sanctification I don't believe there has been a more valuable extra-biblical resource and tool than the Puritan Hard Drive.

It holds some of the most priceless Reformed works of God-centered and Christ-glorifying truth that were ever penned.

Most students, ministers and scholars of the Bible would never personally acquire even half the literal number of books on the Puritan Hard Drive, much less the extreme caliber of its contents.

In God's providence modern day Christians have been chosen to be the recipients of both a theological and practical blessing. May we not squander it. 

- Matthew McMahon, Ph.D.  A Puritan's Mind

John Bunyan (18 of 18, Introduction and Overview of the Puritans) Who Were the Puritans? What Did They Teach? The Relevance of Puritanism For Christians Today by Matthew McMahon (Free MP3s)


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(780) 450-3730

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