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My Meeting With Nelson Mandela (1 of 2) by Dr. Peter Hammond (Free Online Video, Time: 2:03)
From the video summary: Nelson Mandela was the head of UmKhonto we Sizwe, (MK), the terrorist wing of the ANC and South African Communist Party. He had pleaded guilty to 156 acts of public violence including mobilizing terrorist bombing campaigns, which planted bombs in public places, including the Johannesburg railway station. Many innocent people, including women and children, were killed by Nelson Mandelas MK terrorists. Invictus never mentions Nelson Mandelas open support for brutal communist regimes such as Fidel Castros Cuba, Robert Mugabes Zimbabwe, Red China, Gadhaffis Libya, Saddam Hussein, Yasar Arafat and other dictators. During the very time covered by Invictus Mandela received Fidel Castro, the longest reigning dictator in the world, and gave him the highest award that South Africa could give and then had both Houses of Parliament gather to hear an address from the Cuban tyrant. During the very time covered by the movie many hundreds of white farmers, and their wives and children, were being brutally murdered, actually tortured to death, often by UmKhonto we Sizwe guerillas, many of whom were now part of the South African National Defence Force.
My Meeting With Nelson Mandela (2 of 2) by Dr. Peter Hammond (Free Online Video, Time: 9:11)
From the video summary: Viewers of Invictus also need to be aware that the kind and thoughtful gentleman portrayed in Invictus was the prime mover of the legalisation of abortion, pornography, gambling and homosexuality in South Africa and of the introduction of sex education in public schools. Since Nelson Mandela forced through the legalisation of abortion, not even allowing ANC MPs a conscience vote, and signed it into Law, 1 February 1997, over 900,000 South African babies have been killed through abortion, officially, legally and with tax-payers money.
Is Nelson Mandela A Role Model or Criminal? (and More Obama Hypocrisy) by Dr. Peter Hammond (Free Video, Time: 7:34)
Mandela Day and the Making of a New Religion by Dr. Peter Hammond (Free MP3)
Comment on SermonAudio: "Dr. Hammond is the foremost expert on Africa's social history and political development in the 20th century. He is an able historian and has a rare talent to examine the facts of what's really going on in this continent as the forces of Antichrist converge in their futile efforts to obliterate the gospel of Jesus Christ and subjugate the people of God to the mere servants of a godless Marxist state. Dr.Hammond is a fearless and tireless warrior for the souls of men as he spreads the gospel in the most antagonist circumstances while demonstrating that the Bible and the Christian faith are and will ever be relevant no matter how far Antichrist goes in its sin and rebellion against the most high God and His Dear Son! Dr.Hammond is a wonderful example in Christian courage and manliness that every true soldier in the army of Christ can imitate especially during these trying times of evil and darkness. I commend him and his ministries as a source of encouragement, strategy and the inculcation of Christian virtue, patience and steadfastness in the face of all the fierce opposition we should expect to face in the days ahead."We also need to mention that this message does contain some ill-advised comments about Christmas, which is a Roman Catholic holy day. For more about why Bible condemns Christmas (as a violation of the first, second and fourth commandments), written or preached by some the best Reformed theologians of the past and present, see "Christmas Is A Roman Catholic Missions Strategy".
You Do Not Want A Winnie Mandela Necklace (and Deception Found the New York Times) by Dr. Peter Hammond (Free Video, Time: 6:41)
Included information about why Winnie Mandela was found guilty of murdering a 12 year old boy -- she also tortured him.
If the worldview war is raging strong in America, these battles are even more violent in South Africa Kevin Swanson interviews Peter Hammond on the struggle for bringing a pro-life, pro-family message to South Africa. Peter tells of his face-to-face meeting with Nelson Mandela in which they both agreed that Apartheid was wrong, but they parted ways on more fundamental issues -- murder, communism, abortion, homosexuality, pornography, etc.
Mass Marketing the Mandela Myth by Dr. Peter Hammond (Free Online Article)
From this movie review": Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom markets the Mandela myth by demonising white South Africans, dismissing Christianity and God, promoting paganism, occultism, humanism, socialism, and justifying violent revolution. The film is a mythic and heroic story of man against man. Despite ending with a call for forgiveness and love, the rest of the film seems more inclined to incite hatred and racial stereotyping. It does not allow the facts of history to get in the way of their story of this icon and idol of leftist causes and the socialist New World Order.
From this article: "A renowned South African missionary is cautioning against a new film that praises the life of Nobel Peace Prize winner Nelson Mandela, whom he says was actually a terrorist that promoted abortion, pornography and homosexuality in the nation. ... Dr. Peter Hammond of Frontline Fellowship of Newlands, South Africa recently told Todd Friel of the television and radio broadcast Wretched that Mandela was deeply involved in terrorist activity and is responsible for promoting wickedness in the land. "I wouldn't generally want to celebrate somebody who made his position in life by blowing people up," he stated on a recent broadcast. "[H]e plead guilty to 156 acts of public violence and terrorism."
Hammond outlined that Mandela was the head of the military wing of the African National Committee (ANC), which Hammond also referred to as "the abortion, necklacing and corruption party." He said that 1,000 Africans were killed by necklacing in the country through the ANC, an act where terrorists would "put an automobile tire over someone, pour petrol over them [and] set them alight."
Hammond also described numerous other acts of violence that he alleges were committed by the ANC under the order or oversight of Mandela. "Missionaries and their kids [were] murdered, bayonetted on the fields-whole families killed by landmines planted in the roads," he said.
The South African missionary stated that Mandela's wife Winnie also participated in violent acts. "Winnie Mandela actually was found guilty in court of the murder of a 12-year-old boy," he explained. "And it was upheld on appeal. She was sentenced to five years in prison, [but] she hasn't served a day."
Who Is Peter Hammond? (Notes From Frontline Fellowship's Web Site)
At the last Reclaiming America For Christ conference held at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, October 2003, the first speaker opened with these words: "If you don't want to be criticized or attacked - then don't follow or serve Christ." Peter Hammond should know. He has been criticized and attacked by Marxists and assorted enemies of Christ almost from the start of Frontline Fellowship in 1982. Since he launched Africa Christian Action (ACA) in 1991 he has received additional attacks from abortionists, pornographers and homosexuals. Since beginning his mission to Sudan, he has received even more criticisms and death threats from Muslim leaders. In fact the official Government of Sudan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs website has included an article attacking him by name. This article states that Dr Peter Hammond "should expect to be bombed" when he comes to Sudan, he should expect to be "shot on sight." The article even goes on to explain why this missionary deserves to be bombed and shot, "because his writings make him an enemy of the state. ... In 1986 Peter published The Mozambique Report, an eyewitness account exposing the Marxist mass-murder and persecution of Christians in communist Mozambique. Along with his later book In The Killing Fields Of Mozambique it was widely circulated and translated. It was read into the Congressional Record by Senator Jesse Helms of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and discussed in the House of Commons, in London. It led to the cessation of financial support for the Frelimo [communist] government by, among others, Norway. Shortly before being captured and arrested in Mozambique in 1989, Peter Hammond received a letter from the Ministry of Justice, Department of Religious Affairs, threatening his life if he ever came back to Mozambique. The state newspapers in communist Zimbabwe published several hostile articles attacking him, because of his documentation of atrocities by Zimbabwe troops in Mozambique. They described Peter Hammond "as the most important supporter" of the RENAMO Resistance Movement. In 1987 Kenneth Kaunda's socialist government in Zambia arrested Peter. His case was personally taken up by British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher at the Commonwealth Conference in Vancouver. Because of international pressure, Dictator Kaunda personally ordered the release of Peter and his co-workers from the Lusaka Central Prison." Peter wrote the first anti-pornography book in South Africa, Finding Freedom From The Pornography Plaque in 1991, followed by a revision and expansion in 1994. "Operation Cleansweep," which he launched, succeeded in bankrupting the South African editions of Playboy, Penthouse, and Scope magazines (all of which blamed ACA for their demise). ACA, along with other pro-family organizations in SA, succeeded in persuading the owners of over 9,000 retail outlets to no longer stock or sell pornography. Peter's anti-pornography campaign in South African was so successful that the editor of Hustler magazine phoned the ACA office and threatened to invest R200,000 ($57,200 at that time) in a private detective to "unearth any skeletons in Hammond's cupboard." Later, the South African edition of Hustler published its attack on Peter Hammond with a cover article, "Peter Hammond blue eyed Gunrunner." In this prominent article Hustler alleged that Peter had smuggled firearms to the RENAMO Resistance Movement in Mozambique, UNITA in Angola and the SPLA in Sudan." Click here to read more.
As with all links we list we only agree with that which is in accord with the Bible.
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