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Pastor Scott Brown, on the left in the video above, is the Director of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches (NCFIC)

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Noah Movie "Unbiblical" Writes Ken Ham (Answers In Genesis) and Other Creation Resources Related To Noah, the Worldwide Flood and More (Free Videos, MP3s, Articles, Etc.)

Pastor Paul Washer Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

Noah Movie "Unbiblical" Writes Ken Ham, Don't Be Taken In By the Noah Movie's Promotion By Ken Ham (Answers In Genesis Blog)

Excerpt: "We have heard from various sources-including two close friends of AiG who watched a rough cut of the film-that it is not at all faithful to the biblical account in Genesis. The final movie will probably be very unbiblical in some bizarre and shocking ways." - Ken Ham, Answers In Genesis

"Atheist 'Noah' director brags film is least biblical Bible movie ever. Note to Christians and those who believe the Bible: The producer of the movie "Noah," a self-professed atheist, says he is proud of the fact that he's taken a story inspired by God's word and turned it into something so secular. Director Darren Aronofsky called his movie "the least biblical biblical film ever made," The Telegraph reported. He also claimed his leading character, Noah, was the "first environmentalist," something that suggests the movie storyline doesn't exactly follow the Bible's. And something else the suggests a serious divergence from the biblical account: Not once during the movie is the name "God" spoken, an early reviewer found, The Telegraph reported." - Washington Times, March 24, 2014, online, emphases added.

Dr. Joel Beeke on the Puritan Hard Drive

Yet Another Hollywood Deception to Promote the Noah Movie by Ken Ham (Answers In Genesis Blog)

Excerpt: "I believe this trailer is deliberately trying to convince Christians to support the movie. When you watch the trailer, you really do get the idea this film will portray Noah and the events of the Flood accurately-but that is far from the truth. This clip is really a Hollywood deception to get churches to support this very unbiblical movie. ... The movie also has an over-the-top emphasis on environmentalism-animals are much more important than people, for example. That is an underlying theme that is meant to indoctrinate people into extreme environmentalism ... In a Newsmax interview, I indicated to the reporter that some people say they could use the film as a springboard for evangelism. But I shared with the reporter that ultimately the Noah film deviates so much from the Bible, that, for non-Christians who do watch it, the movie would probably do more harm than good." - Ken Ham, Answers In Genesis

Pastor William J Mencarow on the Puritan Hard Drive

Noah's Ark Questions and Biblical Answers At (Many Free Resources At Creation Ministries International)

Dr. Voddie Baucham Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

The Flood by Dr. Voddie Baucham (Free MP3)

The Flood! Some terms simply need no explanation. God's judgement on the earth and his deliverance of Noah and his family serve as a pivotal reminder of man's sin and God's grace. It is impossible to comprehend the magnitude of God's grace until we take a long look at the terrible reality of his wrath.

Pastor Greg Price on the Puritan Hard Drive

Refuting Arguments Against Noah's Flood by Richard Fangrad, Calvin Smith and Former Atheist Dr Emil Silvestru (Free YouTube Video by Creation Ministries International

Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith are joined by former atheist Dr Emil Silvestru (PhD, geology) to discuss and refute arguments made against a global flood as described in the Bible.

Joaquin Fernandez on the Puritan Hard Drive

Noah's Ark-Real or Ridiculous? by Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith (Free YouTube Video by Creation Ministries International)

The account of Noah and the Ark is one of the most attacked and ridiculed sections of the Bible. This program summarizes and refutes some of the arguments against the feasibility of Noah's Ark as described in Genesis 6:14-16.

Dr. Steven Dilday on the Puritan Hard Drive

Grand Canyon - Evidence for Noah's Flood (Creation Magazine LIVE! 3-06) by Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith (Free YouTube Video by Creation Ministries International)

Grand Canyon is often used as evidence for gradualism and evolution, however, examining the canyon shows that catastrophe, rather than time, carved it. Join us as we explore the Canyon via river raft. The geology of Grand Canyon testifies to the massive catastrophe that caused its formation.

Pastor Scott Brown on the Puritan Hard Drive

Many Free Videos About Noah by Creation Ministries International

Richard Bennett on the Puritan Hard Drive

Many Free Videos About the Worldwide Biblical Flood by Creation Ministries International

Dr. Matthew McMahon Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

Evolution Vs. God (Shaking the Foundations of Faith) Movie by Ray Comfort (Free YouTube Video by Living Waters / The Way of the Master)

Terence Ellard on the Puritan Hard Drive

Noah's Flood-Why? by Russell M. Grigg (Free Online Article At Creation Ministries International)

Excerpt: "The warnings given to Noah's generation are terrifyingly relevant today. When God's mercy is rejected, then His judgment must and will fall. But, as in the days of Noah, so now God has both given warning of the judgment to come and provided a way of salvation. The Ark was the only refuge from divine judgment then and it had to be entered by faith. As such it speaks to us of the Lord Jesus Christ, the only Saviour for sinful mankind today, whose death on the Cross must be appropriated by faith. 'For by grace are ye saved through faith' (Ephesians 2:8); 'Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved' (Acts 4:12). As the Apostle Paul declares, 'I declare unto you the Gospel... By which also ye are saved.. .how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that He rose again the third day' (1 Corinthians 15: 1-4)."

Pastor William J Mencarow on the Puritan Hard Drive

God's Covenant with Noah by Dr. Joel Beeke (Free MP3)

Paul Blyth (UK) on the Puritan Hard Drive

The Fossil Record, Part 5 (A Testimony of the Flood) by Ken Ham (Free MP3)

Jack Windisch on the Puritan Hard Drive

Is Noah's Ark A Myth by Answers In Genesis (Free Online Article)

Jerry Johnson on the Puritan Hard Drive

About Noah and the Flood by Ken Ham and Answers and Genesis (Free Videos)

Pastor Paul Washer on the Puritan Hard Drive

Billions Of Dead Things - and the Flood! by Ken Ham (Free MP3)

Pastor David Silversides on the Puritan Hard Drive

Noah's Drunkenness and Its Far-reaching Results by Dr. Joel Beeke (Free MP3)

K. Thompson on the Puritan Hard Drive

Noah's Flood: Key to Understanding the Age of the Earth (Part 1) by Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith (Free YouTube Video by Creation Ministries International)

If the rock layers found all over the earth are a result of a global flood then they cannot also be evidence for slow deposition over millions of years. An understanding of what the Flood was like and what it could accomplish (geologically) is a key to understanding the age of the Earth.

Pastor Greg Price on the Puritan Hard Drive

Noah's Flood: Key to Understanding the Age of the Earth (Part 2) by Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith (Free YouTube Video by Creation Ministries International)

Some details about the Catastrophic Plate Tectonics (CPT) model introduced in Episode 15 are discussed. This model provides Christians with a reasonable explanation to challenges from skeptics regarding the origin of the earth's large scale geologic features as well as providing a picture of the incredible forces occurring on and beneath the earth during the Flood.

Justin Rawson on the Puritan Hard Drive

The 10 Best Evidences From Science That Confirm A Young Earth (Free Online Articles From Answers In Genesis' Answers Magazine & Other Free Creationist MP3s, Videos, Books, etc.)

Michael Caughran on the Puritan Hard Drive

Calvin Commentary on Genesis by John Calvin (38 Free MP3s)

Jack Windisch on the Puritan Hard Drive

Evolution Demolished By Astonishing DNA Complexity, Evidence for Biblical Creation (Creationism) by Alex Williams, Dr. Jonathan Sarfati, Dr. Jason Lisle, Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith, Dr. John MacArthur, Mike Riddle & Others (Free Videos, MP3s, etc.)


Devastating Disarray Among Top Evolutionists & Desperate Attempts to Discover the Elusive Process of Evolution (Free Christian MP3s, Videos, Books, etc.)

Pastor Phil Gibson Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

How Does the Bible Teach 6,000 Years? The Bible's History Gives Us The Answer by Lita Cosner (Free MP3, Creation Ministries International)

Pastor Paul Washer on the Puritan Hard Drive

Our Solar System, Evidence of Creation by Spike Psarris, Worked at NASA (Free Video from the Seattle Creation Conference)

Dr. Matthew McMahon on the Puritan Hard Drive

Creation's Marvelous Molecular Machines, Creation Magazine Live (Free Videos, MP3s, etc.)

Dr. Voddie Baucham on the Puritan Hard Drive

Creation Ministries International Audio Articles (18 Free MP3s)

Dr. Steven Dilday on the Puritan Hard Drive

The Days of Noah Before the Flood by Dr. Joel Beeke (Free MP3)

Pastor Greg Price Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

Noah and the Flood by Brian Schwertley (13 Free MP3s)

Pastor Brian Schwertley on the Puritan Hard Drive

Noah's Ark - Picture of salvation! by Ken Ham (Free MP3)

Pastor Paul Washer on the Puritan Hard Drive

Jesus on Every Page: Noah's Ark by Dr. David P Murray (Free MP3)

John Hendryx on the Puritan Hard Drive

Pastor Paul Washer Reviews and Recommends
the Puritan Hard Drive

 "In the history of extra-biblical study and research tools there has never before been a resource as useful as the Puritan Hard Drive."


Pastor Paul Washer

Pastor Paul Washer, HeartCry Missionary Society

With the Puritan Hard Drive I can now carry one of the largest Puritan and Reformed libraries in my pocket.

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The Puritan Hard Drive is a tremendous blessing. I travel frequently to many parts of the globe. The Puritan Hard Drive allows me to continue my studies on the road with the same depth as when I am seated in my study at home.

The wonderful portability of this massive Puritan library (and remarkable research software) makes the Puritan Hard Drive ideal for missionaries, students, or anyone who needs instant access to the best Reformation study materials in a variety of locations.

There is much more to the Puritan Hard Drive than just convenience, portability and the exceptional quality and extraordinary number of Reformation resources it includes. Even if a minister owned the largest printed Puritan library in the world, he would not be able to properly research the material. However, the KnowledgeBase software on the Puritan Hard Drive provides an effective road map to access the material in ways that are easy-to-use, organized and highly productive. With the click of a button, you can easily do ten hours worth of research in just seconds!

Having the Puritan Hard Drive is like owning the largest Puritan and Reformed Library in the world along with a full time research assistant with his PhD in Puritan Studies from Oxford or Cambridge.

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In the history of extra-biblical study and research tools there has never before been a resource as useful as the Puritan Hard Drive. The immense body of Reformation material (books, MP3s and videos) on the Puritan Hard Drive, along with the phenomenal proprietary software program that is included, makes the Puritan Hard Drive a valuable tool for Reformation in our day.

As a member of the HeartCry Missionary Society, I am witness to the great needs of Christians throughout the globe. Possibly the greatest need is sound Christian literature. Even though many Third World pastors read English, they have very few good books available to them. Even if we could afford to buy each indigenous minister a small library, the cost of shipping would be astronomical.  With the Puritan Hard Drive we can provide pastors throughout the globe with one of the most complete Puritan and Reformed libraries at a fraction of the cost.

The Puritan Hard Drive is also ideal for situations where concealment is a priority in countries which are hostile to the Gospel. The Puritan Hard Drive is the most compact way to smuggle the light of over 12,500 Reformation resources (with powerful study software) into the spiritual darkness of those nations that are in most need of Gospel truth.

- Paul Washer - HeartCry Missionary Society

Noah Movie "Unbiblical" Writes Ken Ham (Answers In Genesis) and Other Creation Resources Related To Noah, the Worldwide Flood and More (Free Videos, MP3s, Articles, Etc.)