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Pastor Scott Brown, on the left in the video above, is the Director of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches (NCFIC)

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One Blood, One Race: The Origin of "Races" (People Groups), by Ken Ham (Free Video Against Racism. This Video Also Demonstrates How Evolution Fuels Racism.)

One Blood, One Race: The Origin of "Races" (People Groups), by Ken Ham (Free Video Against Racism. This Video Also Demonstrates How Evolution Fuels Racism.)

Because much of the church has adopted the secular world’s teachings regarding the different “races” and has not accepted the Biblical view, most Christians have lost a vital truth concerning the Scriptural teaching on the two spiritual races (but only one physical race), as opposed to the false idea of different biological races. This discussion will cover such intriguing topics as: the origin of so called “races,” skin “color” (is there really more than one color?), “inter-racial” marriage, the devastating effects of racism in the culture and the church. There is only one race — the human race! And we are all descendants of one man: Adam.

- Creation Museum: One Blood, One Race: The Origin of "Races" 

How Should We Be Understanding and Addressing the National Racism Crisis?, by Ken Ham

...two concepts become clear in the Biblical record. The first is that when dealing with people of distinct ethnic and linguistic backgrounds, one must deal with them in keeping with their backgrounds, as for example Acts 2, when the disciples spoke in tongues. A second concept is that of Christian love manifested by Jesus in all His dealings with the people of diverse backgrounds, such as the woman of Samaria. There appeared to be no place for racism or racial distinctions based on superiority-inferiority in His experience.

-- Excerpt from the article on Race in The Encyclopedia of the Bible

One Blood, One Race: The Origin of "Races" (People Groups), by Ken Ham (Free Video Against Racism. This Video Also Demonstrates How Evolution Fuels Racism.)