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Please scroll down for 93 free MP3s on prayer.
"If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not fear a million enemies. Yet distance makes no difference. He is praying for me." - Robert Murray McCheyne
Prayer as Communion in the Song of Solomon by Paul Washer (Free MP3)
True Prayer - True Power! by Charles Spurgeon (Free MP3)
Pray and Be Alone with God by Paul Washer (Free MP3)
Prayer: Our God Not Only Hears Prayer But Also Loves To Hear It by Charles Spurgeon (Free MP3)
Ministry & Your Prayer Life by Paul Washer (Free MP3)
Pleading (How To Pray Powerful Prayers Which God Answers, Conquering His Enemies) by Charles Spurgeon (Free MP3)
Pray and Lose Not Heart by Paul Washer by Paul Washer (Free MP3)
Effective Prayer by Charles Spurgeon (Free MP3)
How To Get Answers To Prayer by Greg Price (Free MP3)
Prayer Answered, Love Nourished by Charles Spurgeon (Free MP3)
The Most High - A Prayer-Hearing God (herein He is distinguished from all false gods) by Jonathan Edwards (Free MP3)
Taking Hold of God in Prayer by Dr. Joel Beeke (Free MP3)
John Calvin on Intimate Prayer by Dr. Joel Beeke (Free MP3)
Incessant Prayer: The Grand Secret in the Art of Christian Warfare by Dr. Joel Beeke (Free MP3)
Impatience and Prayer - Genesis Commentary #30 by Dr. C. Matthew McMahon (Free MP3)
Fulfilling the Law and Prophets Through Prayer by Scott Brown (Free MP3)
Praying For The Wrath Of God by W.J. Mencarow (Free MP3)
Eastern Orthodoxy The Mystical Trap by Richard Bennett (Free MP3, includes a portion on prayer)
The Minister's Prayer Life by Paul Washer (Free MP3)
The Importance of Prayer by Greg Price (Free MP3)
Prayer & The Glorious Advance Of The Kingdom Of God In History Before Second Coming by Jonathan Edwards (Free MP3)
Genuine Prayer by Paul Washer (Free MP3)
Spurgeon's Lectures to My Students - The Preacher's Private Prayer by Charles Spurgeon (Free MP3)
Elements of Biblical Prayer (What Aspects of Prayer Are Warranted By The Word of God) by Al Martin (Free MP3)
A Biblical Husband (and Prayer) by Paul Washer (Free MP3)
Order and Argument in Prayer (With Examples of Effective Historic Prayers From Scripture) by Charles Spurgeon (Free MP3)
Fervent Intercessory Prayer for the Unconverted (Not Merely the Motions of Our Lips) by Al Martin (Free MP3)
Prayer by Paul Washer (Free MP3)
The Secret of Power in Prayer by Charles Spurgeon (Free MP3)
Fasting, Prayer and the Third Reformation by Greg Price (Free MP3)
Our Father Which Art in Heaven by Greg Price (Free MP3)
Prayer (Various Texts) by Paul Washer (Free MP3)
Acceptable Prayer (The Essential Characteristics of Paul's Prayer) by Al Martin (Free MP3)
Intercessory Prayer by Charles Spurgeon (Free MP3)
What is True Prayer? by Dr. Francis Nigel Lee (Free MP3)
A Call to Prayer: An Urgent Plea to Enter Into the Secret Place 1 of 2 by J.C. Ryle (Free MP3)
A Call to Prayer: An Urgent Plea to Enter Into the Secret Place 2 of 2 by J.C. Ryle (Free MP3)
God's Law, Prayer, Sanctification, Conscience & Reformation by Dr. Francis Nigel Lee (Free MP3)
Commentary on Ephesians #7 (Paul Enjoins the Ephesians to Pray For Him) by John Calvin (Free MP3)
Prayer by John Bunyan (4 Free MP3s)
Gleanings From Paul or The Prayers of the Apostle by A.W. Pink (25 Free MP3s)
Answers to Prayer by Archibald Alexander (12 Free MP3s)
The Prayer of the Arminian by Charles Spurgeon (Free Online Text)
The Lord's Prayer by Dr. Steven Dilday (4 Free MP3s)
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