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"It would not be possible for me too earnestly to press upon you the importance of reading the expositions of that prince among men, JOHN CALVIN!" - Charles Spurgeon (Lecture 1: "A Chat about Commentaries", Commenting and Commentaries)
Patience in Affliction (Hope, Contentment, Joy & God's Love in the Midst of Trials, Suffering and Pain) Calvin's Sermons on Job by John Calvin (Free MP3)
Sermons on Job #1, Introduction by John Calvin, Protestant Reformer, Pastor, Author (Free MP3)
Sermons on Job #2, Riches, Poverty, Family, etc., by the Reformer John Calvin (SWRB, Free MP3)
Suffering Outside the Camp, Separation & Suffering for Christ by John Calvin (Free SWRB MP3)
Suffering: The Biblical Gift of God by Greg Price (Free SWRB MP3)
Why God Sends Trials Upon His People by James Guthrie (Audio Book: Sermons in Times of Persecution, Free MP3)
The Art of Divine Contentment by Thomas Watson (8 Free Puritan MP3s)
All Things Work For Good by Thomas Manton (2 Free Puritan MP3s)
Institutes of the Christian Religion #27: How to Use the Present Life, Comforts of It, Justification by Faith, Self-Denial, etc. by John Calvin (Free SWRB MP3)
The Secret Providence of God, Calvin's Calvinism, by John Calvin (7 Free SWRB MP3s)
Dealing with Affliction, Suffering, and Sickness
Pastor Greg L. Price Reviews and Recommends
the Puritan Hard Drive
Pastor Greg L. Price
I was one of those who had profited much from using the plethora of out-of-print Reformation materials offered by Still Waters Revival Books in the 62 CDs (Puritan CDs and Reformation CDs) for a number of years in my ministry -- works that I could only have found in select libraries (usually hundreds of miles away from my residence).
With the CDs, it took a little while to go to the index of each set, locate the documents I needed, and then find the correct CD. Of course, the time was always well spent in finding that particular document that I needed.
However, now that I have the Puritan Hard Drive, I am able to use my time much more efficiently in finding that particular document I need by quickly searching for it and finding it in a matter of seconds. It's like going from "dial up" to "high-speed" Internet!
And for all of those documents that have a font that are in block letters, I am able to simply cut and paste from the Puritan Hard Drive to my own document with ease.
Amazing surprises do come in small packages!
If you want to understand Reformed theology (i.e., the whole counsel of God) the Puritan Hard Drive is unsurpassed, outside the Bible itself. The First and Second Reformations gave us the most faithful Scriptural teaching and preaching since the time of the Apostles, and there is no other resource, outside Scripture itself, where you can find so much of God's truth as in the Puritan Hard Drive.
May the Lord continue to use this most profitable tool to promote a Third Reformation that encompasses the whole world (Isaiah 2:2-4)!
- Pastor Greg L. Price (Covenanted Presbyterian Pastor, Author, Theologian, etc.) Free online books, MP3s and videos by Greg Price at https://www.swrb.com/newslett/freebook/gprice.htm
"What if we were to cling to the idea - so firmly planted in our heads that we seem to have been born with it - that if we suffer affliction in the world we can never really be blessed? If that were the case, which of us would not run a mile from the Lord Jesus Christ or willingly consent to be his disciple, even supposing we accepted his teaching and hailed him as God's Son who calls us to himself? In that case we might well say, 'Yes, but surely he knows our weakness and frailty? Why should he not put up with us as we are?' Each one of us would take our shoulder from the wheel if we truly held the idea - deeply rooted, as I said - that blessedness is only for those who are comfortable and at ease. That is why our Lord preached as he does here to his disciples, demonstrating that that our happiness and blessedness do not come from the world's applause, or from the enjoyment of wealth, honors, gratification and pleasure. On the contrary, we may be utterly oppressed, in tears and weeping, persecuted and to all appearances ruined: none of that affects our standing or diminishes our happiness. Why? Because we have in view the ultimate outcome. That is what Christ would have us remember, so as to correct the false ideas we feed upon and which so muddle our thinking that we cannot accept his yoke. He reminds us that we must look further ahead and consider the outcome of our afflictions, our tears in the persecutions we suffer and the insults we bear. When once we see how God turns all of that to good and to our salvation, we may conclude that blessing will assuredly be ours, however contrary such things to our nature."
- John Calvin, Sermons on the Beatitudes (Banner of Truth Trust, 2006), p. 20.
"Our most merciful Father requires not only to prevent our weakness, but often to correct our past faults, that he may keep us in due obedience. Therefore, whenever we are afflicted we ought immediately to call to mind our past life. In this way we will find that the faults which we have committed are deserving of such castigation. And yet the exhortation to patience is not to be founded chiefly on the acknowledgment of sin. For Scripture supplies a far better consideration when it says, that in adversity 'we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world,' (1 Cor. 11: 32). Therefore, in the very bitterness of tribulation we ought to recognise the kindness and mercy of our Father, since even then he ceases not to further our salvation. For he afflicts, not that he may ruin or destroy but rather that he may deliver us from the condemnation of the world. Let this thought lead us to what Scripture elsewhere teaches: 'My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord; neither be weary of his correction: For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth,' (Prov. 3:11, 12). When we perceive our Father's rod, is it not our part to behave as obedient docile sons rather than rebelliously imitate desperate men, who are hardened in wickedness? God dooms us to destruction, if he does not, by correction, call us back when we have fallen off from him, so that it is truly said, 'If ye be without chastisement,' 'then are ye bastards, and not sons,' (Heb. 12: 8). We are most perverse then if we cannot bear him while he is manifesting his good-will to us, and the care which he takes of our salvation. Scripture states the difference between believers and unbelievers to be, that the latter, as the slaves of inveterate and deep-seated iniquity, only become worse and more obstinate under the lash; whereas the former, like free-born sons turn to repentance. Now, therefore, choose your class."
-John Calvin
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