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- Thomas Watson, All Things for Good, p. 126 (Thomas Watson's full book, A Divine Cordial, or The Transcendent Privilege of Those That Love God and Are Savingly Called [All Things for Good], is on the Puritan Hard Drive)
Of God's Eternal Decree - from David Dickson's Truth's Victory Over Error (David Dickson's full book, Truth's Victory Over Error [A Commentary of the Westminster Confession of Faith], is on the Puritan Hard Drive)
Of the Decrees of God by Thomas Boston (The book, Commentary on the Shorter Catechism by Thomas Boston, from which this section of text is excerpted is on the Puritan Hard Drive)
Of Election to Everlasting Life by Thomas Boston (The book, Commentary on the Shorter Catechism by Thomas Boston, from which this section of text is excerpted is on the Puritan Hard Drive)
Predestination & the Decrees of God - Three Lectures by Presbyterian Covenanter Hugh Binning (The book, The Works of Hugh Binning, from which this section of text is excerpted is on the Puritan Hard Drive)
The Doctrine of Absolute Predestination by Jerome Zanchius (The full book, Absolute Predestination by Jerome Zanchius, is on the Puritan Hard Drive)
Of Election by Herman Witsius, from his Economy of the Covenants Between God and Man (The full book, Economy of the Covenants Between God and Man by Herman Witsius, is on the Puritan Hard Drive)
A Sermon on Creation, Providence, and Predestination by Henry Bullinger (The book, The Decades of Henry Bullinger, from which this section of text is excerpted is on the Puritan Hard Drive)
The Judgment of the Synod of Dort: Head 1 - of Predestination (The book, The Canon Ratified in the National Synod of the Reformed Church Held at Dordrecht, from which this section of text is excerpted is on the Puritan Hard Drive)
Of the Church, Predestined to Life, and Forgiven by Zacharias Ursinus, from his Commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism (The full book by Zacharias Ursinus, Commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism, is on the Puritan Hard Drive)
A Commentary on Romans Nine by William Twisse, DD. (The full book by William Twisse on Predestination is on the Puritan Hard Drive)
29 Propositions against Castalio relating to Predestination & Providence by Theodore Beza (Knox Translation) (There are five books by Theodore Beza on the Puritan Hard Drive)
A Name in Heaven the Truest Ground of Joy by Matthew Mead (There are ten MP3 by Matthew Mead on the Puritan Hard Drive)
"The Bondage of the Will" by Martin Luther (The full book by Martin Luther, The Bondage of the Will, is on the Puritan Hard Drive)
A Brief Treatise of Predestination by Anthony Gylbie (The full book by Anthony Gylbie, A Brief Treatise of Predestination: With Certain Answers to the Objections of the Adversaries of this Doctrine, from which this section of text is excerpted, is on the Puritan Hard Drive)
The Chief Points of the Christian Religion, set forth in a Table of Predestination by Theodore Beza (There are five books by Theodore Beza on the Puritan Hard Drive)
Notes Appertaining to the Matter of Election by John Fox (The audio book, Notes Appertaining to the Matter of Election by John Fox, from which this section of text is excerpted is on the Puritan Hard Drive)
38 Aphorisms against Castalio relating to Predestination & Providence by Theodore Beza (Stockwood Translation) (There are five books by Theodore Beza on the Puritan Hard Drive)
A Treatise on the Predestination of the Saints by Aurelius Augustine (The book, A Treatise on the Predestination of the Saints by Aurelius Augustine, from which this section of text is excerpted is on the Puritan Hard Drive)
A Sermon entitled The Church of God, and Her Benefits in this Life by Johannes VanderKemp
Predestination and Providence (Books and Quotes at
Click on the links below for many MP3 (audio) sermons and MP3 audio books about biblical predestination and unconditional election from Still Waters Revival Books.
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