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The Psalm singing on this MP3 (digital download) covers Psalm 106:1-5, as sung to the tune Dunfermline from the 1650 Scottish Metrical Psalter.
1 Give praise and thanks unto the Lord,
for bountiful is he;
His tender mercy doth endure
unto eternity.
2 God's mighty works who can express?
or shew forth all his praise?
3 Blessed are they that judgment keep,
and justly do always.
4 Remember me, Lord, with that love
which thou to thine dost bear;
With thy salvation, O my God,
to visit me draw near:
5 That I thy chosen's good may see,
and in their joy rejoice;
And may with thine inheritance
triumph with cheerful voice.
John Brown of Haddington's notes on Psalm 106 follow:
This psalm may be considered as a supplement to the preceding. That exhibited to our view, the marvellous kindness of God to Israel: this exhibits the fearful rebellions of Israel against their gracious God.
We have, (1.) A preface, ascribing praise to God, exhibiting comfort to his saints, and requesting favours from God, ver. 1-5. (2.) An alarming confession or narrative of Israel's wickedness against their God, notwithstanding his marvellous kindness to them; in provoking him at the Red Sea, ver 6-12; in lusting after sensual gratifications, ver 13-15; in mutinying against his vicegerents, ver. 16-18; in worshipping the golden calf, ver. 19-23; in murmuring contempt of the promised land, ver. 24-27; in joining with the Moabites and Midianites, in the worship of Baal-peor, ver. 28-31; in quarrelling with Moses at Kadesh, ver. 32-33; in incorporating themselves with the Canaanites, and imitating their idolatrous and cruel customs, ver. 34-39. (3.) An affecting view of God's great compassion to Israel, notwithstanding they had provoked him to inflict sore and almost destructive punishments upon them, ver. 40-46. (4.) An affectionate improvement of his kindness, in imploring his powerful deliverance, and ascription of endless praises to his name, ver. 47-48.
While I sing, let my soul be deeply affected with the dreadful nature of sin, and with men's obstinacy, nay mine own obstinacy therein. Let me, with amazement, behold the unbounded mercy of God to men; in that where sin hath abounded grace doth much more abound.
From: THE PSALMS OF DAVID IN METRE (The Scottish Metrical Psalter of 1650) by the Westminster Assembly, Covenanted Church of Scotland General Assembly and Francis Rouse (1646-1650), With Notes Exhibiting the Connection, Explaining the Sense, and for Directing and Animating the Devotion On Each Psalm by John Brown Of Haddington (from the 1844 edition of this Psalter published by Robert Carter, New York).
This Psalm MP3 digital download comes from the album Scottish Metrical Psalms, Volume 4 available on CD or as an album MP3 digital download.
All resources for sale on this website, with the exception of Scottish Metrical Psalms MP3s, are available on the Puritan Hard Drive .
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