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The Psalm singing on this MP3 (digital download) covers Psalm 116:1-6, as sung to the tune Rest from the 1650 Scottish Metrical Psalter.
1 I love the Lord, because my voice
and prayers he did hear.
2 I, while I live, will call on him,
who bow'd to me his ear.
3 Of death the cords and sorrows did
about me compass round;
The pains of hell took hold on me,
I grief and trouble found.
4 Upon the name of God the Lord
then did I call, and say,
Deliver thou my soul, O Lord,
I do thee humbly pray.
5 God merciful and righteous is,
yea, gracious is our Lord.
6 God saves the meek: I was brought low,
he did me help afford.
John Brown of Haddington's notes on Psalm 116 follow:
This is a psalm of thanksgiving, somewhat similar to the 18th, 30th, 40th, and 103rd; and represents, (1.) The psalmist's great distress and danger, which had almost driven him to despair, ver. 3, 10-11. (2.) The application he made to God by prayer, for relief; and his experience of God's gracious kindness, in granting his requests, in hearing, pitying, and delivering him, ver. 1-2, 4-6, 8. (3.) His sincere and hearty resolutions, to make a grateful acknowledgment of God's kindness; by loving him, ver. 1; continuing to call on him and receive from him, ver. 2, 13, 17; resting in him, ver. 7; walking before him as his devoted servant, ver. 9, 16; public confession of God's tender regard to him, ver. 12, 15; and sincere and public paying of his vows to God, ver. 10-19.
While I sing, let me think, as before God, what of these blessings I have experienced what of these duties I have earnestly practised. If God hath redeemed me from the broken law; from the lowest hell; from the mouth of the infernal lion; and from the power of my corrupt lusts: then let my soul, and all that is within me, be stirred up to bless his holy name; and let me never lose the heart-animating impressions of his benefits.
From: THE PSALMS OF DAVID IN METRE (The Scottish Metrical Psalter of 1650) by the Westminster Assembly, Covenanted Church of Scotland General Assembly and Francis Rouse (1646-1650), With Notes Exhibiting the Connection, Explaining the Sense, and for Directing and Animating the Devotion On Each Psalm by John Brown Of Haddington (from the 1844 edition of this Psalter published by Robert Carter, New York).
This Psalm MP3 digital download comes from the album Scottish Metrical Psalms, Volume 3 available on CD or as an album MP3 digital download.
All resources for sale on this website, with the exception of Scottish Metrical Psalms MP3s, are available on the Puritan Hard Drive .
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