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Puritans And The Family by Dr. Joel Beeke (Free MP3 from The Puritan Conference 2010)
Best short message on the family you may ever hear!
This is a fantastic message on the family, marriage and raising children. Possibly the best we have ever heard on these topics! Don't miss it, as there are few talks this powerful and full of practical godliness -- that are packed into this short amount of time.
Dr. Beeke has hit five grand slams in one game with this presentation.
What juxtaposition this biblical information provides against the contemporary pagan and anti-Christian ideas that permeate godless public education, godless psychology, godless psychiatry, godless philosophy, godless governments, godless media, godless music, godless families, godless "churches", godless religions, etc. (where the deceived proponents of all devilish and delusional anti-biblical ideas on the family, marriage and child raising, drink iniquity like water and are oblivious to the fact that the genesis of their destructive, soul-damning, Christ-hating, Humanistic teachings were born in the very pits of Hell).
If you want to learn what God teaches in the Bible about how to truly love your husband or your wife (whichever may be the case) and your children, this is one of the best places you could possibly start.
If you are interested in further study of these vital topics, a good number of the Puritan authors and Puritan books cited in this message can be obtained through Dr. Beeke's Reformation Heritage Books and on our (SWRB) Puritan Hard Drive -- in case you would like to delve deeper into the source documents cited in this spectacular lesson on the Puritan family.
One of the primary Puritan books on the family mentioned in this message is the Puritan classic, Of Domestical Duties (1622) by William Gouge, which is on the Puritan Hard Drive, available as a digital download (PDF) here and portions are available on nine free SWRB MP3s here. The printed book is also available from Solid Ground Christian Books and at Reformation Heritage Books.
"The Puritan Hard Drive is a massive collection of primary Puritan resources, dozens of which are very hard to find anywhere else in the world. Any lover of Puritan literature, which, more than any other body of literature ever written, powerfully expands our minds, convicts our consciences, allures our hearts, and moves our hands, will find a treasure trove here." - Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Pastor, Author (Meet the Puritans: With A Guide to Modern Reprints, A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life, & other notable books) etc.
Blasting the Devil's Lies About Sex, Lust and Marriage by Greg Price (Free MP3)
"If you want to understand Reformed theology the Puritan Hard Drive is unsurpassed, outside the Bible itself. The First and Second Reformations gave us the most faithful Scriptural teaching and preaching since the time of the Apostles, and there is no other resource, outside Scripture itself, where you can find so much of God's truth as in the Puritan Hard Drive." - Pastor Greg L. Price (Covenanted Presbyterian Pastor, Author, Theologian, etc.) Free online books, MP3s and videos by Greg Price at https://www.swrb.com/newslett/freebook/gprice.htm.
The Revival of Family Religion (Family Worship, Education of Children, etc.) by Greg Price (Free MP3)
Family Worship (1 of 2) Family Devotions by Greg Price, A Modern-Day Puritan Minister (Free MP3)
Family Worship (2 of 2) Family Devotions by Greg Price, A Modern-Day Puritan Minister (Free MP3)
"The Puritan Hard Drive has been invaluable to me in sermon preparation, & personal & familial piety. For anyone interested in recovering our Presbyterian and Reformed past, the Puritan Hard Drive a must. The Puritan Hard Drive presents an historic and singular opportunity." - Dr. Steven Dilday, Founder and President of Grace and Liberty Reformed Seminary, Pastor of Liberty and Grace Reformed Church in Northern Virginia, Author, Translator (Matthew Poole Project), etc.
Family Worship In Scripture by Jeff Pollard and Other (45 Free MP3s)
"In the history of the church's sanctification I don't believe there has been a more valuable extra-biblical resource and tool than the Puritan Hard Drive. It holds some of the most priceless Reformed works of God-centered and Christ-glorifying truth that were ever penned. Most students, ministers and scholars of the Bible would never personally acquire even half the literal number of books on the Puritan Hard Drive, much less the extreme caliber of its contents." - Dr. Matthew McMahon, Pastor, Author, A Puritan's Mind (Web Site), etc.
Includes one of the best messages on parenting we have ever heard!
"Anyone who admires the Puritans simply must have the Puritan Hard Drive. I was in Zambia showing the Puritan Hard Drive to Conrad Mbewe (the Spurgeon of Africa) and he absolutely fell in love with it. I simply had to leave it there." - Dr. Voddie Baucham, Reformed Pastor, Author, Conference Speaker, Seminary Professor, etc.
"Marriage is to be between one man and one woman... Marriage was ordained for the mutual help of husband and wife, for the increase of mankind with a legitimate issue, and of the Church with an holy seed; and for preventing of uncleanness... it is the duty of Christians to marry only in the Lord. And therefore such as profess the true reformed religion should not marry with infidels, papists, or other idolaters: neither should such as are godly be unequally yoked, by marrying with such as are notoriously wicked in their life, or maintain damnable heresies... Although the corruption of man be such as is apt to study arguments unduly to put asunder those whom God has joined together in marriage: yet, nothing but adultery, or such willful desertion as can no way be remedied by the Church, or civil magistrate, is cause sufficient of dissolving the bond of marriage." - The Westminster Confession of Faith, "Of Marriage and Divorce," excerpts from chapter 24, 1647 (Original Edition).
A Church in the House: A Sermon Concerning Family Religion (London, 1704) by Matthew Henry
Duties of Parents by J. C. Ryle
The Necessity and Excellence of Family Religion by Samuel Davies
Family, Children, Home, and Family Worship
Husbands, Wives, and Parents: Their Biblical Place and Duties (1876) by B. M. Palmer
The Bible and Birth Control by Charles Provan
Duties of Husband and Wife by Thomas Boston
A Christian Directory: A Sum of Practical Theology and Cases of Conscience... by Richard Baxter
Dr. Dad: Random Thoughts on the Status of Fatherhood in Modern America by David Gamble
Birth Control, Christian Education and the Victory of Christ's Kingdom by Dr. Reg Barrow
The Family in its Offices of Instruction and Worship (1876) by B.M. Palmer
Family Religion, or the Domestic Relations as Regulated by Christian Principles (1859) by B.M. Smith
The Biblical Battle for the Family (1993) by George C. Scipione
The Catechising of Youth and Christ's Favour to Little Children Displayed (1713) by Matthew Henry
Commentary on the Westminster Shorter Catechism (2 Volume Set) by Thomas Boston
Sketches of the Covenanters (1913) by J. C. McFeeters
Dr. Joel R. Beeke Reviews and Recommends
the Puritan Hard Drive
Dr. Joel R. Beeke, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
The Puritan Hard Drive is a massive collection of primary Puritan resources, dozens of which are very hard to find anywhere else in the world.
Any lover of Puritan literature, which, more than any other body of literature ever written, powerfully expands our minds, convicts our consciences, allures our hearts, and moves our hands, will find a treasure trove here.
- Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President and Professor of Systematic Theology and Homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary https://puritanseminary.org/, Author of many important Reformed books (including the must read, Meet the Puritans: With A Guide to Modern Reprints, https://www.heritagebooks.org/products/Meet-the-Puritans.html), Editorial Director at Reformation Heritage Books, Editor of the Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth magazine and Pastor of Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA.
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To obtain free Reformation books, Puritan MP3s and Calvinistic videos, SWRB discount coupons, etc., add yourself to SWRB's Puritan and Reformed email list by using the form above.