Dr. R. C. Sproul writes,
Yet there is a cause for optimism. The growth of Ligonier reveals a growing interest in Reformed theology. The reprinting of Puritan works by Soli Deo Gloria Publishing, Banner of Truth and Still Waters Revival (Books) shows a deep and widespread hunger for Reformed doctrine. - From: "Calvinism: The Once and Future Queen",'Right Now Counts Forever,' by Dr. R.C. Sproul, Tabletalk magazine, May 1997, emphases added.
Dr. R.C. Sproul has also written,
I am overwhelmed... the (SWRB) CD series look priceless, and you have done a great service for the kingdom through this ministry.
This comment, by Dr. R.C. Sproul, was related to our (Still Waters Revival Book's or SWRB's) previous two Puritan and Reformation Bookshelf CD sets, of 62 total CDs.
Many comments similar to those of Dr. Sproul are included further down this page, so you can see what other well-known Christian authors and minsters, and many other Christians in various nations, had to say about our previous, large, digital publishing release of 62 Puritan and Reformation CDs.
In the section below, entitled, "GOD'S SOVEREIGN GRACE & MAY OUR LORD GET ALL THE GLORY!", you will find some short excerpts from the longer SWRB CD reviews and comments that follow further down this page. As you read these words from users of our previous CD sets, please keep in mind that the new SWRB Puritan Hard Drive (which works on both PCs and Macs) is light years ahead of the SWRB CDs that received all these glowing accolades.
The reasons why the Puritan Hard Drive (PHD) is so far superior to our 62 CDs are many - far too many to list here.
However, some of the main reasons include the fact that the PHD contains:
The Puritan Hard Drive is, as God has ordained, a technological revolution in the study of classic and contemporary Puritan and Reformation resources (books, MP3s and videos).
See the introductory video below for many more useful, time-saving and spiritually beneficial features and benefits you will be able to enjoy on the Puritan Hard Drive. This professionally produced video is just six minutes and thirty seconds long and it is well worth the time to watch.
After the short excerpts below I will tell you exactly, in much greater detail, why there has never been a Puritan and Reformed study tool like the Puritan Hard Drive - and why the PHD is so far superior to the CDs that generated the remarkable reviews and comments below.
Moreover, if you read further into this page you will find out how, for a limited time, you can save an additional $800 off the sale price of the PHD and get free shipping to anywhere in the world! Or, to obtain the same great discount information faster, you may just click on the Puritan Hard Drive category at the top of the category column to the left.
Also, if you would like to know who made the enthusiastic and commendatory comments below, please check the full quotes further down the page (from which these excerpts were extracted), as some of the reviewers are well-known Reformed authors and teachers themselves (just like Dr. Sproul).
It is important that we also note that it was only by our Lord's sovereign grace that we had the privilege of producing the Puritan and Reformation CDs and all the glory for any good that came (or comes) from them is due fully to Him - for without the Lord Jesus Christ we can do nothing (John 15:5) and our chief end at SWRB is to glorify God (1 Corinthians 10:31, Exodus 20:3)
"This collection of... CDs is a truly astounding accomplishment. There is nothing like this available to the ordinary Christian on the whole face of the earth."
"I can only say that I am dumbfounded at the wealth of literature that is on these CD's."
"All I can say is, 'WOW!' This is truly a library like no other, and has already paid great dividends not only in my own personal worship and study, but in my teaching as well."
"Now, for the first time ever, ordinary Christians can have direct and near effortless access to the very cream of Puritan and Reformed, as well as Covenanter, literature."
"I must say, there is nothing like them available anywhere. It is the most amazing collection of works I know of in one package to date."
"What they used to say of the Puritan John Flavel's preaching, can be said of these CDs: they are 'hissing hot'!"
"These Puritan resources are the greatest I've ever seen. These eyes have never seen anything greater than what you have produced except that old King James Bible."
"Buy these CDs while you can, and find out for yourself what the First and Second Reformations were really all about! You'll be truly amazed, and, by God's grace, will grow from being an ordinary Christian to being an extraordinary one."
"In reading this mornings mailing I noticed that you also do the Reformation Bookshelf CD's so I went to your web site to see what was out - I was in ecstasy!!!"
"SWRB's Puritan and Reformation CD libraries are an invaluable source for the study of the history and theology of classic Reformation theology. The collection is remarkable not only for depth of content, but also for the rarity of many of the works."
"The ordinary Christian may here dig into a simply staggering wealth of literature, from devotional and sermonic material to technical and scholarly works."
"The Puritan and Reformed material presented on these CDs is exceptional."
"I cannot imagine anyone working in Reformation / historical theology that would not want to use the Puritan and Reformed libraries!"
"... every pastor and theologian should own them without question (they would be foolhardy to pass them by)."
"I was humbled as I began to put the CDs on my computer, what little I knew, what little I had read of these copious writings of our great Reformation heritage!"
" I treasure the copies on my desk and I use what I have continually."
"The SWRB CDs ... have been an incredible source of spiritual delight and theological pleasure. They were also an incomparable help in researching and writing my countless M.Div. papers. My professors were always amazed at the rare book quotations..."
"I cannot put into words how much these CDs have meant to me..."
"Having them on my hard drive is BETTER than having access to a rare book library with all of them in hand... I have found the CD set invaluable as a tool of scholarship."
"The first week of reading I grew more as a Christian reading those rich, pure Gospel Commentators than I have in 18 years of Christian life."
"I have now had several months to peruse the contents of the (SWRB) CD sets, and the experience has been a feast for the soul. They have been invaluable to me in sermon preparation and in improving personal and familial piety.
"I am amazed at the quality and quantity of the literature... I cannot imagine any other single thing being done by any man or group of men in the earth today that is of such extensive, present, and enduring value as this CD work is.
"Doesn't that melt any scholar's heart."
"We are now able to see for ourselves the whole range of the Puritan and Reformed publishing enterprise, including views that are usually suppressed by most modern devotees of "Puritan" piety!
"Your... CD's of Reformation and Puritan authors are a great boon to studies in the Reformed-Puritan experiential tradition."
"So many great resources at such a great price!"
"It's an amazing collection of works, such that for about $0.33 per average book one can have a library that excels virtually any other in the history of the world, both for quality of volumes and for rapid ease of use."
"Both sets together are the crown jewel of my library, and will be of inestimable value in my study, preaching, teaching and counseling."
"Once again, I have found the PBCD set invaluable as a tool of scholarship."
"I hate to think where we still might be if we did not have access to the many documents made available by Still Waters."
"In all seriousness, this collection is almost impossible to describe. It has to be seen to be believed. As a pastor, my library has just increased dramatically. As a Ph.D. student in Puritan and Post-Reformation studies, I have immediate access to many of the same works for which I would normally need to access through rare book rooms of theological libraries."
"If I am not mistaken, a project of this magnitude would undoubtedly result in one of the largest collections of Puritan writings available anywhere."
"I'm so grateful for the work you are doing making this material available to so many which would almost be impossible to collect any where else."
"These CDs are wonderful. Praise God."
"I cannot possibly say enough good things about those CD's. Finding your website was a real blessing. I was actually trying to look up something else, but your page came up instead. I know that was no coincidence! I felt like I had stumbled upon some lost El Dorado."
"The purchase of (SWRB's) CD's is proving to be one of the wisest investments that I have ever made. They are much more than I expected!"
As noted above, the new SWRB Puritan Hard Drive (PHD) has replaced the older Puritan and Reformation Bookshelf CD sets which generated all the highly favorable (even spectacular) comments above - and the Puritan Hard Drive is an incomparably superior study, search and research tool.
Ultimately, there really is no comparison between the Puritan Hard Drive and our previous 62 Reformation and Puritan CDs, as the new Puritan Hard Drive is many orders of magnitude better than these now discontinued CD sets - kind of like a $1,000,000.00, 12-cylinder, Enzo Ferrari (F60) super car is superior to a horse and buggy as a mode of transportation.
In fact, this is a good comparison in terms of how fast you will be able to locate and learn from the 12,500+ Reformation and Puritan books, MP3s and videos on the Puritan Hard Drive, when compared to less productive and less effective methods of study (including our discontinued CDs, as good as they were for their time).
The Puritan Hard Drive is simply an unparalleled and unsurpassed super-tool to super-charge (by God's grace) your Christian studies and your Christian life. It is simply the best, most advanced, and most extensive Reformed and Puritan study resource ever produced - and it will greatly assist you to more faithfully follow the Scriptures, especially where the Lord commands you to "Redeem the time, because the days are evil" (Ephesians 5:16) and to "grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18).
See the Puritan Hard Drive videos and screenshots (near the top of the column to the left) for the many ways in which SWRB's new Puritan Hard Drive will help you grow closer to the Lord and be more of a blessing to everyone you come into contact with every day (especially your own family, as the Puritans were masters of godly family living).
As you are reading and thinking about the comment by Dr. R.C. Sproul (above), the shorter comments (above), and all the other longer comments (further down this page), about our discontinued CD sets, please remember to keep in mind that the Puritan Hard Drive contains over 10,500 more Puritan and Reformation books, MP3s and videos, than our previous 62 CDs.
This is an increase in Reformation resources of well over 400%! And these are not just any resources, but these books were chosen and digitized because they were the best Reformed and Puritan resources we could find - in over 25 years of searching!
In fact, we turned down thousands of lesser resources because they did not meet the highest of quality standards that we set for the resources we publish.
On top of over 10,000 additional resources, the new and custom world-class study software, and the extensive database on the Puritan Hard Drive, we plan (D.V.) to make thousands more new (free and deeply discounted) digital Puritan and Reformation books, MP3s and videos available over time, for quick and easy download, many at just $0.99 each (or less), through SWRB in the future!
These new digital downloads (PDF books, MP3s and videos) will seamlessly integrate with the Puritan Hard Drive, as will the free lifetime updates to the KnowledgeBase software and the free lifetime updates to the embedded database on the PHD.
These new digital downloads which you will be able to add to the Puritan HD, whether they be books (PDFs), audio (MP3s) or video (WMVs/MP4s), will be published by us (Still Waters Revival Books) and other participating Puritan, Reformed, Creationist and home school publishers.
The ability to constantly be upgrading and updating the Puritan Hard Drive is just one of the many reasons why the PHD is a leader among world-class Christian software and study tools.
More importantly, all these updating and upgrading features will allow the Puritan Hard Drive to grow with you as you grow in the Lord and as your study needs (and study levels) grow and/or change over time.
The Puritan Hard Drive also contains great, even amazing (thanks be to the Lord), technological advances over our previous CD sets. For example, the Puritan Hard Drive contains a custom-made, upgradeable (for when we add new features in the future), world-class, search and research software program. Again, please see the Puritan Hard Drive video series to see the unprecedented power and matchless comprehensiveness of the new SWRB KnowledgeBase software.
If there ever was companion software that suited these highest of quality Reformation and Puritan resources the new SWRB KnowledgeBase software is certainly it - all thanks be to the Lord for the marvelous providences which He ordained to bring this all about!
This software really needs to be used to be fully appreciated, as it has so many features and can open so many doors to multifaceted Christian study and growth that just reading about it, or watching videos, can only tell a part of the story. Once you have used the Puritan Hard Drive for yourself you will know exactly what I mean - as I've found myself marvelling at the usefulness of this exceptional software over and over again, all the way throughout the development process. Watching what it could do constantly amazed me!
A large-scale (scalable), updatable (for when you choose to add new resources to your digital collection of Reformed books, MP3s and videos on the Puritan Hard Drive), and extensive, embedded database is also included on the Puritan Hard Drive and works in conjunction with the spectacular SWRB KnowledgeBase study software.
This database contains over 71,000 book, MP3 and video categories and over 15 million (15,000,000) total records to accelerate your Christian growth and studies.
The Resource Category Signatures (which are proprietary and unique to the Puritan Hard Drive) have about 5,000,000 database records alone - dedicated to providing you, at the click of your mouse, with the closest related Reformation resources to any resource you are presently looking at on the PHD.
These two category related features alone will significantly aid you in your study of the Bible, as it allows you to quickly and easily find all related resources (whether book, MP3 or video), either generally using the 71,000+ category entries, or specifically using the 5,000,000+ records related directly to the Resource Category Signatures (which are exclusive to the PHD), among all the 12,500+ Reformation resources on the PHD.
In short, the category listings introduce you to all the best Christian resources on given topics and the Resource Category Signatures reveal in detail the most closely related resources, using complex theological connections algorithmically attained by the confluence of the SWRB KnowledgeBase application working in conjunction with the extensive embedded database - and either of these features are available with just the touch of one key!
This is just one example of the technological revolution the Puritan Hard Drive brings to your personal studies of the Scriptures - giving you numerous ways to find crucial theological connections, in minutes or even seconds, that would have otherwise taken decades of focused study to uncover (and in most cases would never have be found at all).
And there is so much more available to you on the PHD, as your own personal super (sanctificational) study assistant. There is no telling how much the Lord will bless you through a terrific educational tool like the PHD, but of this you can be certain, never before has anything like the PHD existed to take your studies of God and His Word to new levels that you may not even have imagined were possible.
Here is another amazing example of how the PHD can help you to uncover and understand (by God's grace) the deep things of the Lord. Over 10,000,000 key words and phrases have also been indexed on the PHD and are presented to you, with their corresponding PDF page numbers (which is great for getting to these study items fast), in a number of different and convenient ways, through the SWRB KnowledgeBase software on the PHD.
This is one of the great treasures on the Puritan Hard Drive, as this is the first time in history that many of these classic Puritan and Reformation books have been not only searchable, but also thoroughly indexed and therefore now directly connected to the most important corresponding subjects. This is perfect for helping you to study and learn more truth, faster than ever before. It is also a great aid to sanctification regarding both mortification and vivification.
The potential for Christian growth from just this one feature is incalculable; put all the features on the Puritan Hard Drive together and you have something that is truly remarkable - even sublime (all thanks be to the Lord Jesus Christ)!
Additionally, as another added bonus, most of the books on the new Puritan Hard Drive have been OCRed, using the best in Optical Character Recognition software available, and are not only searchable, but you may now copy and paste from them too (unlike our previous CD sets, which for the most part contained unsearchable images of book pages from which you could not copy and paste)!
This will allow you to quickly pinpoint specific areas of study and drill down into the the most minute details of the half a million or so pages of text on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Moreover, because we have OCRed the text on most of the books on the Puritan Hard Drive, we have also been able to add embedded and appended indices to all the OCRed books - and the embedded database contains over 10 million (10,000,000) keyword and page references for words in the appended indices.
Keywords for each book are also conveniently listed in one of the many interface tabs that are available for each resource in the KnowledgeBase software, making your studies faster and easier than ever before - and leaving you more time to read or dig further into any topic you want to study!
God's Word, the Holy Bible, has the answers to all of life's questions, and now you can find those answers faster than ever before - from the pens of the most faithful and godly teachers and preachers the world has ever known!
In addition, some of the appended indices we have added, for individual books, are upwards of 100 pages long.
For example, the distinctive and granular appended indices we have added to John Brown of Haddington's four volume set entitled The Self-Interpreting Bible run a total of 273 pages in length, with 3 columns of keyword and page references on every page covering many thousands of alphabetically ordered index entries!
In another example, the new, unique, extensive and proprietary, SWRB index appended to Richard Baxter's Christian Directory is 92 pages long - and each page also contains three columns of keywords and exact PDF page references.
You can imagine how much this will aid you in your study of God's Word as you may instantly and programmatically jump right to any indexed page reference using the functionality found in your PDF reader! And since these references on the PHD indices correspond to the exact PDF page (not the page number in the book, which usually does not align with the PDF page number) where you actually need to find the reference in the digital version of the book, you have what you are looking for in an instant.
You could potentially find and read many texts in less time than it would take to find one book from a shelf, open it to the index, and flip to the printed page of just the first reference. In fact, in most cases, you could probably have already looked over 5-10 (or more) references by the time you would get to the first reference from a printed book you need to find and use from a bookshelf.
And when the book is hard to find on the shelf the benefits you realize through the Puritan Hard Drive is off the charts - as you have a whole library you can carry around in your pocket or purse, software to instantly produce long lists of study titles, and then all the other functionality of the software and database on the PHD to compare related works, mine the details of these works and many other amazing things related to your studies.
What's more, as with any printed book, you may add and save your own notes - and not only for the books on the PHD, but also for every MP3 and Video. Over and above that, and better than any printed book, you may instantaneously search through all your own notes to immediately find exactly what you are looking for.
Ferrari versus horse and buggy all the way!
Redeem the time ...
To add even more, the embedded indices make for lightning fast searches.
This fantastic feature really needs to be seen to be believed, it saves you so much study time, while also greatly aiding you in your ability to mine whatever information you need (the real gold of the Reformed Faith) from the best of the classic and contemporary Christian (Puritan and Reformed) books on the PHD.
See the Puritan Hard Drive tutorial video below for examples of this amazing feature. There you will see how you can search for and pull up hundreds of search results in seconds or less, with all the searched-for-words in context and linked (i.e., one click away) to their location in a book! This is illustrated in the video below beginning at about the four minute mark.
You may now test the speed of a new OCRed/indexed PDF for yourself, on your own computer, as well as see the extensive index we have appended to this complimentary sample book, which we are giving to you free of charge!
Just click on Historical Theology (Volume 2) by William Cunningham and download this no cost, complimentary copy of the SWRB PDF of William Cunningham's Historical Theology (volume two). This PDF contains OCRed text (behind the image of the actual book pages), an embedded text index, and an appended OCR-based (page number) index, which we have added, which are all the same items we have added to the majority of the books on the PHD.
The search of the OCRed/indexed PDF file of Cunningham's complete book (of over 600 pages) took about two seconds and brought up 525 results.
One "Full Reader Search" that yielded the stunning results noted above was for the word "Calvin," with none of the boxes checked in the selection below where you enter your search term. The search of the OCRed/indexed PDF file of Cunningham's complete book took about two seconds and brought up 525 results. The exact same test on the exact same OCRed book, but without the embedded index took 51 seconds. Thus, this one search, with the embedded index in the PDF, took about 49 seconds less than the same search without the embedded index in the PDF (thus, we have made these books much more useful than just straight text files). If you do the math for hundreds or thousands of searches each year (and much more for pastors, students, Christian scholars, et al.), you will see why you would save large amounts of computer waiting time over a year because of the added embedded index (assuming similar searches on similar machines).
You should also make sure you have a recent version of Adobe Reader or Pro, as some of the older versions will not take full advantage of the embedded index, for super fast searches. You may go to the Adobe website and click on "Download Adobe Reader" for the latest no cost version of Adobe's PDF Reader.
The graphic below illustrates what the search results for our "Calvin" test looked like.
In the Adobe Reader results window, like the one below, you can also "mouse over" any individual result to see what page the result is on, or, even better, single click any individual result to instantly jump to that result. The result you jump to will also be highlighted as in the second graphic below.
The graphic below illustrates how search terms are highlighted, in the PDFs on the Puritan Hard Drive, when they are found through your searches.
Most importantly, the over 12,500 contemporary and classic Puritan and Reformed resources (being many of the best and rarest from throughout Reformation history, with most of the books on the PHD now searchable, many for the first time in history!), combine with the world-class search and research software and database on the Puritan Hard Drive, to place in your hands the most useful Christian study and research tool ever available - may the Lord Jesus Christ get all the glory!
This is a marriage made in heaven, thanks be to the Lord - a true technological revolution in Puritan and Reformation studies!
Or, in short, in the Puritan Hard Drive, you now have a search and research study tool available to you to more rapidly and more deeply mine the valuable, delightful and greatest of historic Reformation treasures, which the Lord has given His church (whether in book, MP3 of video formats).
With the Puritan Hard Drive you will be able to use your searches and studies, with the greatest efficiency now possible, to come to more fully know the "the unsearchable riches of Christ" (Ephesians 3:8) - at levels never before imagined!
There are many more benefits, for all faithful Christians who desire to know the Lord and His truth to the fullest degree possible (this side of heaven), to owning and using the Puritan Hard Drive - and the Puritan Hard Drive videos on this site will introduce you to more of the sanctificational advantages the Puritan Hard Drive gives you. More PHD videos can be accessed from the column to the left by clicking on "ALL PURITAN HARD DRIVE VIDEOS (ON ONE PAGE)."
However, it is only when you have the Puritan Hard Drive for yourself that you will be able to fully appreciate, explore, learn from, analyze, save, etc., from many of the best Puritan and Reformed books, MP3s and videos this world has ever known - and it is thoroughly delightful working with the source documents of the first and second Reformations, as well as the best Puritan and Reformed works right up to our day, using the full technological power of the astonishingly well constructed software and database on the Puritan Hard Drive!
So order your copy of the Puritan Hard Drive today and technologically turbo-charge your studies of the Scriptures, as you "press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:14)!
We hope you will take advantage of all the spiritual benefits that are available (by God's grace) through the Puritan Hard Drive, so that you may be a greater eternal blessing to your family, church, friends and everyone else you come into contact with - and that through the accelerated studies and growth the Puritan Hard Drive makes possible (again, only by God's grace), your life may be a shining, even refulgent, testimony to the beauty, grace, love and mercy of our great and majestic God and Savior, and that in this our Lord may get all the glory!
If you would like to download the full (and free) 545 page PDF listing of all 12,500+ Reformation resources on the Puritan Hard Drive, or download the full (free) 4,538 page PHD category listings in PDF, or download the full and free 813 page Puritan HD author listing in PDF, or download the full and free 99 page "Classic Puritan and Reformed Book Sets" listing for the Puritan HD in PDF, get more information on the benefits of all the OCRed text on the Puritan Hard Drive, see a list of all the multi-volume sets on the Puritan HD, see Puritan Hard Drive screenshots, view more Puritan Hard Drive tutorial videos, and much more, you may do so by clicking on this link: PURITAN HARD DRIVE or by clicking on PURITAN HARD DRIVE at the top of the Category column to the left.
Below is just a small sample of the over 800 Puritan and Reformed authors that are on the Puritan Hard Drive - and many major Puritan and Reformed book sets are included on the Puritan Hard Drive (and any we have missed will be added in the future, Lord wiling, integrated with the PHD and made available as inexpensive digital downloads at prices similar to what we are offering now - which means you will be able to download most new books for the PHD for just 99 cents or less, even for books that are 500 to 1,000+ pages long!).
Click Here for CONTENT LISTING by AUTHOR on the Puritan Hard Drive in PDF (813 Pages)
When you see all that you are getting on SWRB's new digital collection you will be amazed!
Also, at the bottom of this page, see the sample list of many of the Reformation and Puritan book sets on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Below are the longer comments about the previous two sets of 62 total CDs we published (the Reformation Bookshelf CD set of 30 CDs and the Puritan Bookshelf CD set of 32 CDs).
Once again, please keep in mind as you read these comments that the Puritan Hard Drive is probably a hundred times more effective Christian study platform or tool than our discontinued CDs (as the Puritan Hard Drive contains well over 12,500 [which is over 10,500 more resources than the 62 CDs], most of the books on the PHD are searchable [whereas only a small percentage were searchable on the CDs], and the PHD contains a massive embedded database along with the world's most powerful, advanced and custom Christian study software ever produced [whereas the CDs contain no software or database at all]).
Also, during the present SWRB Puritan Hard Drive Super Sale, we are guaranteeing you $800.00 in additional savings and free shipping worldwide (until at least the end of Monday)
We have even managed (at the prices offered in the present time-limited Puritan Hard Drive Super Sale) to keep the price of the Puritan Hard Drive below the older SWRB CDs which are being commented on below - which is really amazing considering you are getting many times the value, over these CDs, in the Puritan Hard Drive!
Nevertheless, we are sure that you will notice, in spite of the great superiority of the new Puritan Hard Drive over our older 62 CDs, that the discontinued 62 SWRB CDs were an excellent product, as Dr. R.C. Sproul noted above, and as the reviewers below further attest.
And remember, to lock in your $800 savings, and get free shipping, on the Puritan Hard Drive, you need to act now (or at least before this sale ends).
"You may want to purchase a collection of Reformed books from Still Waters Revival Books in CD-ROM format. They have released an incredible array of 62 compact disks which contain over 2,000 titles of some of the best Reformation and Calvinistic books ever written. It is by far the best and widest collection of Reformed literature ever assembled. With capabilities to index and search through these classic authors, this set of CDs is a must for those who desire to read and study our Reformed theological heritage. The president of Still Waters Revival Books, Reg Barrow, is to be highly commended for his insight and perseverance in placing these books - many of them otherwise unavailable - within reach of anyone who has a computer with a CD-ROM drive. If you want more information about how to obtain these CDs, please visit their website."
- From The Five Points of Calvinism: Defined, Defended, and Documented_, Second [Special Anniversary] Edition, Updated and Expanded (p. 76, 2004, Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company) by David N. Steele, Curtis C. Thomas, and S. Lance Quinn, Foreword by Roger Nicole, Afterword by John MacArthur.
Click here for much more text and video information on, or to order, the Puritan Hard Drive
"I have been systematically working through reading the Puritan and Reformed CDs I purchased.
I must say, there is nothing like them available anywhere. It is the most amazing collection of works I know of in one package to date.
In my opinion, it far surpasses Ages Software and their collections.*
The Puritan and Reformed material presented on these CDs is exceptional.
I am continually amazed at the depth and breadth of information in both collections, and the rarity of works that I now have at my fingertips.
You have done an immeasurable service for the Kingdom of Christ in making these CDs available, and every pastor and theologian should own them without question (they would be foolhardy to pass them by)."
- For Christ's Crown and Covenant, Dr. C. Matthew McMahon, A Puritan's Mind Ministries
*It is SWRB's opinion that Ages Software has done an excellent job in making various Reformed works available on CD, so much so that we also distribute a number of their CDs at discounts. Thus, please don't make more out of our publishing this comment than is warranted, as this is a comment we received from one of our customers and it expresses his opinion. As for Ages' work, we rejoice whenever the truth is published, whether through others or through SWRB (as we play only a very small part in the revival of classic Reformation, Puritan and Covenanter thought that is now taking place worldwide through God's marvelous grace). The publication of the best Reformers and Puritans of the past is one of the greatest needs of our time, as this extends the blessings that come through faithful preachers and authors into our day and into the future. Lord willing, the growth in the publishing of faithful works from the past will help stem the tide of the great declension and unfaithfulness which we are now witnessing all around us, even (sadly) among many churches that still call themselves "Presbyterian" and/or "Reformed." So please pray together with us that our Lord will multiply the number of faithful publishers and publications, and that He will give many the heart to stand for the truth no matter the consequences (as He has done for our faithful forefathers, who resisted Satan and sin unto blood and even to martyrdom in many cases).
Click here for much more text and video information on, or to order, the Puritan Hard Drive
"Your... CD's of Reformation and Puritan authors are a great boon to studies in the Reformed-Puritan experiential tradition. Receive our hearty thanks for your invaluable work in making so many rare gems accessible to thousands."
- Dr. Joel Beeke, President of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
"This collection of... CDs is a truly astounding accomplishment. There is nothing like this available to the ordinary Christian on the whole face of the earth.
Now, for the first time ever, ordinary Christians can have direct and near effortless access to the very cream of Puritan and Reformed, as well as Covenanter, literature.
These books are often in fascinating first editions and many are electronically linked and indexed for the first time. The ordinary Christian may here dig into a simply staggering wealth of literature, from devotional and sermonic material to technical and scholarly works. Even in the days of the Long Reformation itself ordinary Christians didn't get to see this kind of library - most couldn't read for a start, and even those who could, would never have been able to afford to buy even a hundredth part of the material on these CDs. Truly we are without excuse!
And the significance of this collection goes even beyond that. No longer do we have to wait for modern Reformed publishing houses to predict that a particular Reformation or Puritan book will be sufficiently popular to make it economical to reprint, or to deem it 'safe' enough to be let loose on the modern evangelical church. Rather, we are now able to see for ourselves the whole range of the Puritan and Reformed publishing enterprise, including views that are usually suppressed by most modern devotees of "Puritan" piety!
Buy these CDs while you can, and find out for yourself what the First and Second Reformations were really all about! You'll be truly amazed, and, by God's grace, will grow from being an ordinary Christian to being an extraordinary one.
What they used to say of the Puritan John Flavel's preaching, can be said of these CDs: they are 'hissing hot'!"
- Dr. Jonathan D. Moore, Cambridge, UK. Scholar of 16th and 17th century Calvinistic literature.)
"SWRB's Puritan and Reformation CD libraries are an invaluable source for the study of the history and theology of classic Reformation theology. The collection is remarkable not only for depth of content, but also for the rarity of many of the works. Most seminary libraries will not have even a percentage of the works available on these CD-ROMs. I cannot imagine anyone working in Reformation / historical theology that would not want to use the Puritan and Reformed libraries!"
- Phillip J. Long, Associate Prof. of New Testament Grace Bible College
Click here for much more text and video information on, or to order, the Puritan Hard Drive
A personal note from the Christian Observer Newswire administrator and Managing Editor.
"I admit to being a thorough going Puritan, a Constitutional Presbyterian, and a devote of the Hungarian Reformed Church. With that out of the way, take my word for it, Still Waters has done our community a great service by making the English Puritan classics available on CD. I treasure the copies on my desk and I use what I have continually.
English Puritan Original Sources on CD
Even if you do not think SWRB should be nominated for Most Congenial Reformed Mission, you may want to examine what the larger Reformed Church has here: Ames and Perkins on CD for US$19 and another disk with both the English and the Dutch Annotations for the same price.
Doesn't that melt any scholar's heart.
Peter Martyr comes on one of the disks in black letter with nothing left out.
It just keeps on going like that. Examine the list, pick one, and see for yourself.
I cannot put into words how much these CDs have meant to me..."
"This is superb. The project stands the chance of being transformational... Isn't it amazing how the fathers continue to speak through the new media! The more we can get out into other parts of the world, the harder these ideas will be to stop in future years. Often I think of the match which lights the pile of leaves. One tends to forget that is how the forest fires start..."
- Dr. Edwin P. Elliott, Jr. Managing Editor of the Christian Observer Director of the Christian Observer News Service
Click here for much more text and video information on, or to order, the Puritan Hard Drive
"I have now had several months to peruse the contents of the (SWRB) CD sets, and the experience has been a feast for the soul. They have been invaluable to me in sermon preparation and in improving personal and familial piety. If these had been the only blessings attached to the reading of these documents, the expense (even if it had been much greater) would have been justified; but there is more here . . .
In this present time, a great many Presbyterians (particularly in North America) have forgotten and implicitly (perhaps unwittingly) rejected their Presbyterian heritage. Strangely, Westminster confessing churches have rejected the theological distinctives of the Westminster Standards. Although the Westminster Assembly produced a beautiful statement of soteriological Calvinism, the histories clearly demonstrate that soteriology was not the principle focus, nor chief interest, of the Assembly. The Assembly was primarily concerned with uniformity in worship (in accordance with the Regulative Principle), the form of church government (Presbyterianism jus divinum), and Church-State relations (the Establishment Principle). It is a sad irony that the great and distinctive attainments of the Westminster Assembly have been ignored and rejected by so many Westminster confessing churches.
However, there is reason to believe that these great attainments are rejected largely because of ignorance. The best books on these subjects have not been readily available; but (thanks be to God) they are available again on these CD sets. For anyone interested in recovering our Presbyterian past, these CD sets are a must. It is my hope and prayer that these CD sets will be used by God to bring to light the things that were hidden, to call to remembrance the things that were forgotten."
- Dr. Steven Dilday, Pastor of Liberty and Grace Reformed Church (Warrenton, Virginia) Ph.D. from Whitefield Theological Seminary in Puritan History and Literature. Dr. Dilday is currently translating Matthew Poole's Synopsis Criticorum, making it available in English for the first time at https://www.matthewpoole.net. B.A. Religion and Philosophy, Campbell University (graduated summa cum laude) M.A.R. Theological Studies Emphasis, Westminster Theological Seminary (graduated First Honors)
Click here for much more text and video information on, or to order, the Puritan Hard Drive
More Comments on SWRB:
"Thank you so very much for the CDs.
I am amazed at the quality and quantity of the literature...
I cannot imagine any other single thing being done by any man or group of men in the earth today that is of such extensive, present, and enduring value as this CD work is.
God be praised that he uses sickly and weak men to forward his kingdom, that the work may not be mistaken to be wrought by the might of men, but by his Spirit. His strength is perfected in weakness." - Dr. B, (Engineer) Colorado, USA
"You all are doing a wonderful service by making all these materials so readily available. Having them on my hard drive is BETTER than having access to a rare book library with all of them in hand... I have found the CD set invaluable as a tool of scholarship. So once again I commend you brothers for making it available."
"Grace and peace to you in Christ. I just opened my set of... CDs and am quite impressed. It's a great collection... Blessings on you and your fellows for this wonderful service to the Church of Christ."
And later:
"By the way, thanks again for producing the set. It came in handy today when, reading Honeyman, I found him citing Ames's work on conscience and was able to go directly to the source and check the accuracy of Honeyman's use."
And also:
"Grace and peace to you in Christ, Brother. I just wanted to send you another note of thanks for the wonderful service SWRB has done in providing these CD series. From time to time in reading sources for my dissertation, I have come across references to the "Dutch Annotators" or the "English Annotators" (which are titled the "Westminster Annotations" on the Puritan Bookshelf CD set - ed.)... I thought to myself..., "I wonder if they're in the PBCD collection?" So I went to the index and searched, and, voila! So... I could actually cross-check the references to them to ensure that authors were properly citing them. Once again, I have found the PBCD set invaluable as a tool of scholarship. So once again I commend you brothers for making it available." - Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, Knox Theological Seminary, Author of a number of books and Associate Professor of Historical Theology and Social Ethics
N.B. Though the Puritan Bookshelf CD set is no longer available, the Puritan Hard Drive includes the third edition of "Westminster Annotations," which is superior to the first edition mentioned above. - Ed.
"I just received your CD collection. One bit of advice: you should instruct your customers to take about 1 week off just to peruse the tables of contents for these CD's, followed by another week off, in order to recover from the state of shock in which they will find themselves.
In all seriousness, this collection is almost impossible to describe. It has to be seen to be believed. As a pastor, my library has just increased dramatically. As a Ph.D. student in Puritan and Post-Reformation studies, I have immediate access to many of the same works for which I would normally need to access through rare book rooms of theological libraries.
Thank you for this labor of love. Thank you for making it accessible, both financially and technologically. May the Lord richly bless you for this service to his people." - Yours for the faith, Pastor David Owen Filson Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church (PCA), Nashville, TN
"I am so Illuminated by what you have sent that I just feel like I must have the other 30 (Reformation) CD set. You gave me the 32 (Puritan) CDs at a discount that is just not heard of - thanks for you kindness.
These Puritan resources are the greatest I've ever seen. These eyes have never seen anything greater than what you have produced except that old King James Bible.
I am sure that it will help me and others grow in the Lord and I can use it in my Home School for my children. " - Email from a Customer in Georgia, USA
"The SWRB CDs ... have been an incredible source of spiritual delight and theological pleasure. They were also an incomparable help in researching and writing my countless M.Div. papers. My professors were always amazed at the rare book quotations and relative obscurity of my sources. I still feel that I have barely scratched the surface of what these books have to offer." - Pastor Andrew Underhile, Missionary in the Philippines
"It's been several weeks now since I received the CDs and have had some time to digest some of them. All I can say is, "WOW!" This is truly a library like no other, and has already paid great dividends not only in my own personal worship and study, but in my teaching as well. I first balked at the price, but after seeing the vastness of the material, I almost feel as though I'm robbing you!
I pray that the Lord will allow you to get these materials into the hands of as many ministers as possible."" - Email from SC, USA
"The amount of great material here is absolutely staggering. Thanks for all your hard work in making this available to us." - Dr. David Gamble (USA)
"The purchase of (SWRB's) CD's is proving to be one of the wisest investments that I have ever made. They are much more than I expected!! I am having a wonderful time reading and studying." - TC, Internet Customer (USA).
"I was excited to see the CD series advertised in the latest e-mail from SWRB.
I am fairly new to the Puritan works but have tried over the past several years to purchase as many titles as I could afford from Banner of Truth, SDG, and various other sources. I have found the Puritan writings to be of immense benefit to my soul over the past years. In the spiritual desolation of the academic environment the writings of these men have been used of God to encourage and challenge my faith...
If I am not mistaken, a project of this magnitude would undoubtedly result in one of the largest collections of Puritan writings available anywhere.
I greatly rejoice to think that such a collection would be made available and I hope to own and profit from it myself...
May the Lord bless you as you continue this vital ministry."
In Christ our Lord,
Ernie Frank, PhD., Dept. of Statistics
West Virginia University
"Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
I cannot express the depth of my gratitude to you and your staff for the massive work you have done on the Reformation... Bookshelf series. Your compilation - in addition to tripling the total size of my personal library - has already encouraged me greatly in the development of the habit of family worship in my home. For this, I owe you more than I can say.
I have begun enjoying some of your resources on worship and the Regulative Principle...
Like you, I love and believe in the Regulative Principle of Worship. Like you, I want to please God and do what He commands. Like you, I am very suspicious of any 'new discovery' that anyone purports to find in Scripture that allegedly has gone unnoticed for hundreds or thousands of years. Like you, seeing the state of the church today, I find it rather laughable to think that 'we know better' than our Reformation forbears.
Also like you, I believe that the Second Commandment and other passages make clear that our worship, both public and private, is to be conducted only according to the explicit commands of the Word of God. Like you, I believe that this means that what is not commanded by Scripture is forbidden in worship (Calvinist Regulativism as opposed to Lutheran Normativism). Like you, I believe that the Psalter is the foundation and superstructure of all true piety, and that it is not to be abridged in any way, but that the whole Psalter (including the imprecatory psalms) is appropriate for singing in worship.
We are required to sing Psalms in the worship of God...
Your contribution to Christ's Church is of inestimable value, and I am sharing your materials with every serious Christian I can find. My Pastor was ecstatic to receive his copy, and the work has been made available to the entire church. One of our elders is in seminary, and he is joyfully devouring your work as we speak! Thank you so much! May the Lord bless you out of Zion!" - Neil Barham (USA)
"I can't believe how great your new CD collection is! ...I really think that this will be a great benefit for scholarship in Puritan and Scottish theology, and I hope that this catches on... Thank you so much for putting out such great stuff at affordable prices!" - Web Customer (UK)
"I appreciate the work that you are doing at SWRB. The availability of old ministry on the CDs is truly remarkable and at such good prices. I have been blessed in my own reading and also sermon preparation help... Keep up the good work, it is truly appreciated and I am sure people like myself are being helped and you will never know the blessing your ministry is until you get home to glory." -Your Brother in Christ, AMT (Email for a Baptist Brother in Ontario, Canada)
"I just received the CD's in the mail to day. I am overwhelmed! It was Dr. Richard A. Muller at Calvin Theological Seminary who first pointed out your website for access to documents that would otherwise be unavailable or unattainable. I am looking forward to reading the material by Beza and Twisse!" - Email from Richard Chelvan, USA.
"So many great resources at such a great price! Thanks for your efforts to compile and supply these reformed treasures to the public. May they serve many generations to follow." - Email (USA)
"I received the CD's today, what an unbelievable resource... I am just overwhelmed at the moment. It is a GREAT resource for us Calvinists. It is amazing!" - Email from Dr. Kenny Rhodes (CA, USA), An Answer School of Theology
"The CD set has arrived, much to my great delight. I can't thank you enough for this treasure. Both sets together are the crown jewel of my library, and will be of inestimable value in my study, preaching, teaching and counseling." - Email from a M.Div student in Texas
"I have been intending to write to you for several weeks now but the latest SWRB sale mailing has prompted me to do it today. I just wanted to express my thanks to you & all at SWRB for the great ministry you perform in supplying Puritan books. I have made several purchases from you over the past 2 years and I think each of the books has blessed and/or challenged me.
Most notably have been The Christian Soldier by Watson and the one I am reading at the moment, Wells of Salvation Opened (Spurstowe). In reading this latter book I have been so blessed & stirred; who said puritans were cold, stiff & starchy?
In reading this mornings mailing I noticed that you also do the Reformation Bookshelf CD's so I went to your web site to see what was out - I was in ecstasy!!!
I hope in the near future to start purchasing these...
Once again, thanks for providing a great service & for refreshing the saints in so many ways!! - Missionary working in Hatyai, Southern Thailand
"By the way, the Reformation bookshelf CD's have arrived and are proving to be an invaluable resource. They will certainly save me a large amount of international travel and accommodation expenses going in search of library copies of the original volumes!" - From Australia
"I have just received the 30 CD set of Reformation Bookshelf today... I am overwhelmed with their sheer volume! What can I say when suddenly confronted with them? I was humbled as I began to put the CDs on my computer, what little I knew, what little I had read of these copious writings of our great Reformation heritage!" - Jim in the UK
"This side of eternity I'll never be able to repay the favor you have done mankind by bringing these CDs together.
The first week of reading I grew more as a Christian reading those rich, pure Gospel Commentators than I have in 18 years of Christian life. After reading some of the Puritan CDs I have to get the Reformation set if it kills me. A fire is burning within me. These... CDs are liable to start a revival fire unseen in any generation... the Gospel in its pure form is seen in these... CDs.
Sir, I cant say enough. What a treasure! I'll never be able to repay you this side of heaven, but when we get there I am sure you will see the rich fruits of your labor. God bless you for not being money hungry but wanting to see Christians grow in the Lord... I love you even though we have never met, you have helped me in my Christian walk tremendously with these... CDs.
I am not bragging on the flesh, I am just giving honor where honor is due. The Holy Ghost will take these CDs and light a fire unseen and unheard of. God bless you all at Still Waters." - Email from a former Satanist (USA)
I'm so grateful for the work you are doing making this material available to so many which would almost be impossible to collect any where else. May the Lord bless you and all there as you work for a new reformation. - R.C. (Email USA)
"I cannot possibly say enough good things about those CD's. Finding your website was a real blessing. I was actually trying to look up something else, but your page came up instead. I know that was no coincidence! I felt like I had stumbled upon some lost El Dorado.
Allow me to share a short testimony with you. After spending nine years on the mission field here in the Philippines, I returned for a few years to the States to get some things sorted out. During that time I worked at a Christian bookstore owned by an elderly Presbyterian couple. The whole time I was there I had a Geneva Bible on order, but the distributor was always out of stock (my suspicion is that they never really stocked them to begin with.) (they are two edition of the Geneva Bible on the Puritan Hard Drive - ed.) I was also on the look out for a Wycliffe Bible, too (the Wycliffe New Testament is part of the English Hexapla Bible, which is also on the Puritan Hard Drive - ed.). Now here I am years later, assuming that I would never see either one, when, lo and behold, the Lord led me to your website! The Lord answered the desire of my heart after I had even given up hope of ever seeing them.
Let me reiterate how blessed I am by Thomas Manton's sermons. I had seen his 3 volume set on Psalm 119 published by Banner of Truth, but I never had the money to purchase them whenever I happened to see them at the store. Again, through God's sovereignty, I now possess 22 volumes of this saintly man's works (Manton's 22 volume set is also on the Puritan Hard Drive - ed.)!... Wow! The MP3s of John Owen's "Chamber of Imagery," (these MP3s are called Rome's Idolatry Rebuked on the Puritan Hard Drive - ed.) is by far the most insightful treatment I have ever encountered of the subject of, and historical process of Romish idolatry.
Thank you also for putting out Richard Bennett's material (Richard Bennett in a former Roman Catholic priest who is now a Calvinist and many of his works are also on the Puritan Hard Drive - ed.). His type of ministry is sorely needed in the Philippines. I have gotten in touch with him and we have struck up a friendly fellowship via email. I am currently trying to contact a publisher for a Philippine version of his book of testimonies by former Catholic priests (Far From Rome, Near To God:Testimonies of Fifty Converted Roman Catholic Priests - ed.). I would appreciate your prayers in this matter. I'm sure he would, too. Richard, in turn, has turned me on to William Webster's work.
The blessing just keep coming.
May God prosper your work until the day we all meet in glory!"
- Because of Jesus,
I have recently purchased (one of) your CDs. I have already had occasion to use it and have found it well-constructed and easy to navigate. Many thanks for your excellent work in putting this series together! - N.B., Internet Customer.
I just received the day before yesterday the CD's you sent me. I have been busy exploring the material. I can only say that I am dumbfounded at the wealth of literature that is on these CD's. I was pleasantly surprised to find that all the books are scanned images of the originals, so that I feel as if I own actual copies of the old books!
A year or so ago a friend sent me a copy of the Christian Classics Ethereal Library CD-ROM. All of the books on that CD are in HTML format and have been reformatted so that they appear no different from any other printed material. But your books, besides having less chaff, give the reader that feeling one only gets from actually handling those quaint old books.
I have only glanced through the material, but I have already been immeasurably blessed by Thomas Manton's sermons on Hebrews 11. In my own personal study, I am currently working through 1 Corinthians. I am anxious to get into the commentaries on the Puritan CD set.
Again, I want to thank you for your generosity. Only the Lord can repay you for the service you have done to me, and what you have done for the body of Christ over the last 18+ years. May He repay you a hundred-fold!
- In Jesus, Andy Underhile (Missionary in the Philippines)
"Preparing for Sunday morning's message, on Galatians 2:20 (preaching through Galatians), I couldn't 'define' in suitable and understandable language the concept of 'living by faith,' John Trapp, who I didn't have in a book form, but now have in CD (thanks to your generous offer), was the 'counsel' of the day! No wonder Spurgeon says of him, 'Trapp is my especial companion and treasure; I can read him when I am too weary for anything else. Trapp is salt, pepper, mustard, vinegar, and all the other condiments. Put him on the table when you study, and when you have your dish ready, use him by way of spicing up the whole thing. Yes, gentlemen, read Trapp certainly, and if you catch the effect of his consecrated humour, so much the better for your hearers.'" - Email (USA)
"I see what an awesome job you guys have done in putting together those CDs
They are just great.
I read Toplady and found the quote you mentioned about the Jesuits planting the poison of free will. That was eye opening!
I read part of Christopher Ness (An Antidote Against Arminianism - ed.) and then began John Owen's Display of Arminianism. Once again I do so thank you." - Email from OK, USA (the specific resources mentioned were on Reformation Bookshelf CD 19, "Against Arminian Views of Salvation [Calvinistic Soteriology], Against Arminian Views of Worship [Calvinistic Worship and the Regulative Principle of Worship], etc." and are all included on the Puritan Hard Drive - ed.).
"Just a quick note... re: the CD's. I've... already used them a substantial amount. The ability to browse through them quickly... is remarkable and extremely valuable. For instance, I was able to look up several places re: Romans 1 (a la the Clark controversy...) and then just print out those sections. Because of their great value I'm recommending them to a friend... who's headed for the pastorate.... Here's what I wrote him:
'The other reason I'm writing is to encourage you to pick up a set of the... CD's from Still Waters. You said that you were 'in ecstasy' now that you're reading the Puritans, and if you get these, brother, you may have to seek medical attention for hyperstimulation. :) Really, they're simply incredible... The whole set offers a whopping 263,000 pages of material! ... (It has also--ed.) been indexed and hyperlinked so that you can quickly browse and navigate via the index in the left side column (for example, if you wanted to look up Romans 1 in various commentaries, rather than having to scroll through the text you just click on the hyperlink for chapter one in the sidebar, and it will take you immediately to that portion of the work).
It's an amazing collection of works, such that for about $0.33 per average book one can have a library that excels virtually any other in the history of the world, both for quality of volumes and for rapid ease of use.
Anyway, I wanted to be sure to point this out to you now that I've got my own set and have been using them.'" - Dr. B. (Cardiologist, USA)
"Many thanks for... this superb product." - Email from the UK
"These CDs are wonderful. Praise God." - Email to SWRB from the USA.
Still Waters:
I just wanted to write and thank you for your faithfulness to God's word and the Protestant Reformation.
Me and a friend of mine left (a church - ed.) about 5 years ago due to various heresies being accepted by the Session of our church and Presbytery at that time. We then started our own church with about 6 faithful members.
Five years later we still only have 10 members, but we have been blessed beyond measure.
We owe this in no small part to your ministry. The main foundation for our preaching has been the Puritan and Reformation CD's my friend ordered from you several years ago. Through them we've been freed from many Popish devices like instrumental music and acknowledging unbiblical seasons like Christmas, Easter, and numerous other idolatrous practices.
We also have profound insights into the Word of God which pretty much trump any modern commentators that we've ever read.
I know from experience that the things you guys publish are hated and unpopular. I'm sure that you also wonder sometimes if anyone is really even paying any attention. I would like to assure you that your efforts have blessed our small congregation immeasurably and that you're labor has not been in vain.
I hate to think where we still might be if we did not have access to the many documents made available by Still Waters.
Please never lose heart and keep up the good work.
God bless.
David McCormick
Elder / Reformation Church
Baton Rouge, LA
"Many thanks for these superb CD products." - Email from the UK
"I just watched what the contents will be of the new Reformation CDs and I hope to buy them all when they are available... I want to thank you for making these precious works available and being able to spread to other people... Just wanted to let you know how much I am looking forward to these CDs! Greetings in Christ Jesus and always praying for you ministry."
And also:
"I want to thank you to make those new works available which are going to be produced on these new reformation cd-roms. I am very thankful already for the puritan cd-roms and although I have read not so much as I would like to read, the things I read especially the death-testimonies of James Guthrie and James Renwick were very encouraging - as also the sins of ministers from James Guthrie and the sermons of Robert Rollock were very heart encouraging. Praying that God might draw my heart more and more to be in his Truth. I just wanted to let you know this to encourage you and your colleagues. Could you tell me when it will be possible to buy these new reformation cd's, because the are still forthcoming?" - From the Netherlands
Click here for much more text and video information on, or to order, the Puritan Hard Drive
Because the three PDFs showing the contents of the Puritan Hard Drive are so long (CATEGORY LISTING in PDF, 4,517 pages, AUTHOR LISTING in PDF, 813 pages and TITLE LISTING in PDF, 545 pages - all available for download above, we thought it might be helpful just to show you a list of some of the multi-volume book sets, in PDF, on the Puritan Hard Drive (and a number of the works from these book sets are also available in MP3 audio format on the PHD).
Please keep in mind as you view this list of book sets in PDF, which are on the Puritan Hard Drive, that this list only represents a very small portion of the total resources on the PHD - as this list contains only 400 volumes of the total 12,500+ resources on the PHD!
In fact, all the multi-volume book sets listed below only account for just over 3% of the total resources on the Puritan Hard Drive!
Below you will find a list of 608 additional volumes from SWRB book sets (most of which are not in the list above) which are on the new Puritan Hard Drive. The 608 books below account for less than 5% of the total 12,500+ Reformation resources on the Puritan Hard Drive.
(N.B. Volume numbers after the author's name [below] may be lower than the number of volumes listed below the author's name, as we did not count smaller works excerpted from larger works in these counts.)
Click here for much more text and video information on, or to order, the Puritan Hard Drive
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