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Dawkins' Delusion by David Silversides (Free MP3)
Dawkins' Delusion by David Silversides (Blog)
Dawkins' Delusion, A Discussion of The God Delusion by James M. Harrison (Free MP3)
Dawkins' eye revisited by Peter Gurney (Web, Text at Creation Ministries International)
This article is written in response to comments Richard Dawkins has made concerning the human eye. Besides disparaging the organisation of the retina, he also claims that the eye could have developed gradually by small increments. The anatomy and physiology of the cornea, the eyelids and the tears illustrate how his reasoning is fallacious because of the principles of irreducible complexity and of genetic information gain.
The "new atheists" by Ken Ham (Web, Text at Answers in Genesis)
Review of Climbing Mount Improbable by Richard Dawkins by Jonathan Sarfati (Web, Text)
The Greatest Hoax on Earth? Refuting Dawkins on Evolution by Jonathan Sarfati PhD
Richard Dawkins is the world's best-known champion of both atheism and its intellectual underpinning, particles-to-people evolution. His latest book, The Greatest Show on Earth: the evidence for evolution is touted as an unanswerable challenge to those who believe in divine creation. In the past, he says, he has assumed evolution; this time he lays out in one major book the evidence for evolution (and its corollary, vast geological ages). Now scientist, chess master and logician Jonathan Sarfati Ph.D. FM goes head to head with Dawkins in this full-on rebuttal, The Greatest Hoax on Earth? Refuting Dawkins on Evolution. Sarfati is no lightweight opponent; his Refuting Evolution at over 500,000 in print is the biggest-selling creationist book ever. In his crisp, highly readable trademark style, Sarfati's sheer competence relentlessly erodes each of Dawkins' claims and in the process, exposes the logical fallacies and even some of the dubious tactics employed. It's precisely those who feel smug in the belief that all the intellectual firepower is on the side of evolution who most need to read Sarfati's book if only to understand better why it is that there are thousands of scientists and intellectuals today who are convinced that biblical creation outguns evolution in a fair science showdown, stripped bare of rhetoric and ideological 'noise'.
Deconstructing a Deluded Dawkins by Paul Taylor (Web, Text at Answer in Genesis)
Dissecting Dawkins by Kevin Swanson (Free MP3)
Debunking Dawkins' Drivel Dr. Alan Cairns (Free MP3)
Six Days and The Eisegesis Problem by Ken Ham (Free MP3)
6 Day Creation and The Presuppositions of Science: How Important Is Creationism and Belief In Six 24 Hour Days Of Creation? by W.J. Mencarow (Free MP3)
Creation Ministries International (CMI, Magazine)
Answers (Answers in Genesis Magazine)
A creationist response to the National Academy of Science's Teaching About Evolution and the Nature of Science. The latter, distributed nationwide to thousands of public school teachers, is an effort to saturate students with evolutionary concepts. Refuting Evolution is a cogent rebuttal, carefully examining the points raised in the NAS booklet: science and religion; natural selection; bird evolution; astronomy; the age of the earth, etc.
Answers in Genesis (Many Free Online Articles Refuting Evolution, Dawkins and Much More!)
Amazon's Complete Selection of Ken Ham Books
How to Evangelize Today's Culture by Ken Ham (FREE MP3)
The Basic Assumption Of Evolutionary Theory by W J. Mencarow (Free MP3)
Genesis: The Key To Reclaiming Culture by Ken Ham (Free MP3)
Refuting Evolution 2 by Dr. Jonathan Sarfati (Paperback)
Dr. Jonathan Sarfati, who expertly defended creation in Refuting Evolution (which has sold over 350,000 copies), goes to bat once again in Refuting Evolution 2. Aimed specifically at the evolutionarily biased PBS television series Evolution, Sarfati adroitly makes light of the inaccuracies and fallacies of evolutionary theory, and offers sound creationist interpretation of the facts. This book also updates creationist arguments such as the plesiosaur reeled in by the Japanese fishing boat, the peppered moths, the men have one less rib than women adage, and much more. Here is a priceless resource for those involved in the ongoing creation/evolution debate.
Session 7: Answers for the Most-Asked Questions about Creation, Evolution and Genesis by Ken Ham (Free MP3)
"After watching the DVD IndoctriNation: Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America I have to say it is the best Christian documentary/video I've ever seen! Every Christian, especially every Christian parent, needs to watch this amazing, timely and vital video!" - Dr. Reg Barrow, President, Still Waters Revival Books. IndoctriNation won Best Documentary at the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival.
The Creation Evolution Debate: Irrefutable Scientific Proof of the Absolute Impossibility of Evolution By A Top Creation Scientist by Dr. A. E. Wilder-Smith (Free MP3)
Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith was one of few scientists in the world to have three earned doctorates. He was a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and a NATO three-star general. A devout born-again Christian, a devoted husband and father of 5 children, a young-earth creationist, and a highly qualified organic chemist, he authored over 70 scientific publications and more than 30 books, some published in 17 languages. Many of today's leading creationists consider him a major influence in their own intellectual development, and call him a pioneer in anti-evolution arguments. He was not only an expert on chemotherapy, pharmacology, organic chemistry, and biochemistry, but a gifted teacher and popular public speaker.
Defending the Christian Faith In Today's World by Ken Ham (FREE MP3)
How Could A Loving God...? Answers To Death and Suffering by Ken Ham (FREE MP3)
The Creation Movement In the 21st Century (Kevin Swanson Interviews Dr. Ken Ham) (FREE MP3)
With brilliant clarity, Jonathan Sarfati, author of the best-selling Refuting Evolution (1 and 2) has produced a comprehensive and ringing refutation of the position of progressive creationist Hugh Ross, whose views are causing massive confusion about science and the Bible. This book is one of the most powerful biblical and scientific defenses of a straightforward view of Genesis creation ever written. Updated & Expanded in 2011.
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