Select Memoirs of the Lives, Labours, and Sufferings, of Those Pious and Learned English and Scottish Divines, Who Greatly Distinguished Themselves in Promoting the Reformation from Popery; In Translating the Bible; and in Promulgating Its Salutary Doctrines by Their Numerous Evangelical Writings; and Who Ultimately Crowned the Venerable Edifice with the Celebrated Westminster Confession of Faith, etc. etc. etc. (1828)
The Preface, in part, reads,
"The Work with the lives of those renowned English Worthies, who introduced and effected the glorious Reformation from popery, and concludes with those, who, unsatisfied with the splendid ceremonial and Romish peculiarities of the church of England, could not conscientiously conform to her superstitious ritual, and were therefore denominated Non-conformists or Puritans.
The Reformation of the church of Christ was the sole object of both, their opinions were the same, and it will be difficult to determine who suffered most, or acted the better part. The same reasons that induced the former to labour for the Reformation from Popery induced the latter to exert themselves for the Reformation of the church of England.
Their labours, their influence, and their zeal, were devoted to this desirable work, and notwithstanding that they endeavoured, by the most peaceable means, to purge the church, of which they were members, from all its antchristian impurities, they were branded with the name puritans, and many of them, for their non-conformity, suffered suspension, imprisonment, and persecution even unto death.
The Work will therefore furnish the reader with a circumstantial account of the arduous conflict of religious liberty, from the days of John Wickliffe. Here he will find some of the merciless proceedings of the court of High Commission and the Star-Chamber, two terrible engine's of cruelty and injustice, whose unparalleled oppressions, and unprecedented barbarities, in place of reconciling men to the unity of the established religion, drove them farther and farther off, confirmed them in their non-conformity, alienated their minds from the prelatical priesthood, and greatly increased their own number and reputation.
In a Work of this nature, it appeared necessary to give the reader some account of the errors, encroachments, and corruptions of the Romish church, that led to the long and arduous struggle before us. This he will find in the Historical Sketch of the Christian Church (From the Ascension of Christ -- RB), with which the Memoirs are introduced." (Preface, pp. vii-viii)."
Also included is a "Short Introduction to the Lives of the Puritans."
This is a major historical work, both for scope and accuracy. It covers the lives of 132 principal Reformers; among them: Ames, Baille, Baxter, Bolton, Bradford, the Burgess' (both Anthony and Cornelius), Case, Cawdrey, Coverdale, Cotton, Fox, Gillespie, Goodman, Goodwin, Henderson, Hooker, Hooper, Janeway, Latimer, Lightfoot, Ridley, Rogers, Rutherford, Sibbs, Tyndale, Vines, and a host of others.
For the book-lover, researcher and student (of the historical and doctrinal struggle for Reformation), a convenient and helpful list of books by each author covered is appended to the end of each memoir.
730 pages.