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Pastor Scott Brown, on the left in the video above, is the Director of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches (NCFIC)

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Sidney Powell: Trump Could Trigger 2018 Executive Order - 'It's going to blow the mind of every citizen in the country!'; Six Swing States (PA, GA, MI, WI, AZ and NV) and New Mexico Pick Slate of Electoral Delegates for President Trump and Joe Biden – Here’s What It Means; PRESIDENT TRUMP TWEETS "THIS ELECTION IS UNDER PROTEST" & President Trump Issues Warning – "Swing States that Found MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD, which is all of them, CANNOT LEGALLY CERTIFY these votes as complete & correct without committing a severely punishable crime."; Now Proven Voter Fraud with machines done in Atrium was done across America. Time for Trump to get tough. He now has massive evidence to order martial law & invoke EO on foreign interference with U.S. election.

Sidney Powell: Trump Could Trigger 2018 Executive Order - 'It's going to blow the mind of every citizen in the country!'; Six Swing States (PA, GA, MI, WI, AZ and NV) and New Mexico Pick Slate of Electoral Delegates for President Trump and Joe Biden – Here’s What It Means; PRESIDENT TRUMP TWEETS "THIS ELECTION IS UNDER PROTEST" & President Trump Issues Warning – "Swing States that Found MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD, which is all of them, CANNOT LEGALLY CERTIFY these votes as complete & correct without committing a severely punishable crime."; Now Proven Voter Fraud with machines done in Atrium was done across America. Time for Trump to get tough. He now has massive evidence to order martial law & invoke EO on foreign interference with U.S. election.

Dr. Steven Dilday on the Puritan Hard Drive

Sidney Powell: Trump Could Trigger 2018 Executive Order - 'It's going to blow the mind of every citizen in the country!' (Video)

Six Swing States (PA, GA, MI, WI, AZ and NV) and New Mexico Pick Slate of Electoral Delegates for President Trump and Joe Biden – Here’s What It Means

PRESIDENT TRUMP TWEETS "THIS ELECTION IS UNDER PROTEST" & President Trump Issues Warning – "Swing States that Found MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD, which is all of them, CANNOT LEGALLY CERTIFY these votes as complete & correct without committing a severely punishable crime."

Trump Tweets: Swing States that have found massive VOTER FRAUD, which is all of them, CANNOT LEGALLY CERTIFY these votes as complete & correct without committing a severely punishable crime. Everybody knows that dead people, below age people, illegal immigrants, fake signatures, prisoners,..... and many others voted illegally. Also, machine “glitches” (another word for FRAUD), ballot harvesting, non-resident voters, fake ballots, “stuffing the ballot box”, votes for pay, roughed up Republican Poll Watchers, and sometimes even more votes than people voting, took.... place in Detroit, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, and elsewhere. In all Swing State cases, there are far more votes than are necessary to win the State, and the Election itself. Therefore, VOTES CANNOT BE CERTIFIED. THIS ELECTION IS UNDER PROTEST!

Now Proven Voter Fraud with machines done in Atrium was done across America. Time for Trump to get tough. He now has massive evidence to order martial law & invoke EO on foreign interference with U.S. election.

Civil Government: An Exposition of Romans 13:1-7 by James M. Willson and Other Books and MP3s Defending the Classic Reformation Position on Civil Government (Free MP3 Audio Books, Free Online Books and Other Formats)

Fully Exposed – The Dominion Plot to Defraud the American Voters and President Trump

Excerpt: I will put this simply – Donald Trump is the duly elected President of the United States. Not Joe Biden. Thanks to a brave judge in Michigan, we now have indisputable, concrete evidence that the votes tabulated in any county or jurisdiction in the United States using electronic voting machines supplied by Dominion Voting Systems Corporation were tainted and the audit trail required to prove the integrity of those machines has been erased. ... It is now imperative that Republican legislators and voters in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada demand a full forensic audit of the Dominion systems. This is widespread fraud and it is up to the people to demand that there be an accounting.

Antrim Co. Forensic Report BOMBSHELL Reveals Dominion Machines Were Set At 68.05% Error Rate… Meaning 68.05% Of Ballots Could Be Sent Out For Mass Adjudication, Giving Individuals Or Machines Ability To Change 68.05% Of Votes

From the Report: After the forensic examination of 16 Dominion Voting machines in Antrim, Co. MI, Allied Security Operations Group has concluded that the Dominion Voting machines were assigned a 68.05% error rate. DePerno explained that when ballots are put through the machine, a whopping 68.05% error rate means that 68.05% of the ballots are sent for bulk adjudication, which means they collect the ballots in a folder. “The ballots are sent somewhere where people in another location can change the vote,” DePerno explained. Based on the Allied Security Operations report, Constitutional Attorney Matthew DePerno states: “we conclude that The Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not have been certified. ... Paragraph 7 states: “The results of the 2020 Antrim County election are not certifiable."

Trump Tweet: Why did machine voting stop in specific states? ‘Because they waited to find out how many ballots they had to produce in order to steal the Rigged Election.’

Trump Tweets – “People Are Upset, and They Have a Right To Be… A Coup Is Taking Place In Front of Our Eyes.”

Congressman Paul Gosar’s Open Letter To Arizona: We Are Witnessing An Attempted Coup d’etat; Election Coup 2020 (China & Vote Stealing Software), the Long Communist Infiltration of America, Obama & Biden Deep State, And More

Biblical Civil Government Versus Satanic Civil Government by Jim Dodson, Greg Price and John Knox (Free Christian MP3s, Books and Quotations)

Congressman Mo Brooks: ‘Trump Won the Electoral College’ — I Can Be a Part of the ‘Surrender Caucus’ or I Can Fight for Our Country

Excerpt: And in this instance, with what has happened nationally, I’m quite confident that if we only counted lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens, Donald Trump won the Electoral College, and we should not be counting illegal votes and putting in an illegitimate President of the United States.” he continued. The Alabama Republican congressman also pledged not to be a part of what he deemed the “surrender caucus” with the GOP, adding that he needs a U.S. Senator to join his challenge to the Electoral College for it to be successful.

As with all links we provide, we only agree with that which is in agreement with the Bible at the sites where the URLs point

IT’S WAR: Communist China successfully infiltrated vaccine giants Pfizer, AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline as part of “unrestricted warfare” to defeat the US military and conquer North America

Jim Dodson Reviews and Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive


If you love the Bible, then you may well be Reformed. If you think of yourself as Reformed, but you have seldom or have never read older Reformed literature, prepare to be challenged. The Puritan Hard Drive provides primary sources and depth of theological and spiritual insight which is lacking in much of what is passed off as genuine Reformed theology. If you think of yourself as conservative, the older Puritan and Reformed authors will help you sort reality from myth in your quest to be truly Reformed. There are more solid resources for less money here than anywhere else. I highly recommend you take responsibility for your soul and spend a few shekels for this cup of cold water in the midst of the modern religious desert.

- Jim Dodson, Reformed Presbyterian Scholar,

Sidney Powell: Trump Could Trigger 2018 Executive Order - 'It's going to blow the mind of every citizen in the country!'; Six Swing States (PA, GA, MI, WI, AZ and NV) and New Mexico Pick Slate of Electoral Delegates for President Trump and Joe Biden – Here’s What It Means; PRESIDENT TRUMP TWEETS "THIS ELECTION IS UNDER PROTEST" & President Trump Issues Warning – "Swing States that Found MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD, which is all of them, CANNOT LEGALLY CERTIFY these votes as complete & correct without committing a severely punishable crime."; Now Proven Voter Fraud with machines done in Atrium was done across America. Time for Trump to get tough. He now has massive evidence to order martial law & invoke EO on foreign interference with U.S. election.