Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing (John 15:4-5, emphases added).
When I look up at the stars in the night sky my mind is boggled at God's creation. When I see your work at SWRB I likewise marvel at God's grace. I cannot get my mind around it any more than looking at the night sky. I am awe stuck at the books you provide for the world... But God showed mercy to his people in the 21st century in the nick of time before the riches of these books were lost. He took hold of small people - you, sir and the small group you are with in an obscure place - and showed the world the Lord can do, and does do, great works of mercy without the big money-laden organizations.
For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen (Romans 11:36).
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).
"A truly astounding accomplishment," "best and widest collection of Reformed literature ever assembled," "nothing like them available anywhere," "most amazing collection of works I know of in one package to date," "exceptional," "I am continually amazed," "an incredible source of spiritual delight and theological pleasure," "every pastor and theologian should own them without question," "invaluable work," "staggering wealth of literature," "you'll be truly amazed," "invaluable source for the study of the history and theology of classic Reformation theology," "the collection is remarkable," "I treasure the copies on my desk and I use what I have continually," "I felt like I had stumbled upon some lost El Dorado," "I cannot put into words how much these CDs have meant to me," "I am amazed at the quality and quantity of the literature," "wonderful," "these Puritan resources are the greatest I've ever seen," "WOW!," "This is truly a library like no other," "I can't believe how great your new CD collection is!," "almost impossible to describe," "has already paid great dividends not only in my own personal worship and study, but in my teaching as well," "one of the wisest investments that I have ever made," "one of the largest collections of Puritan writings available anywhere," "I cannot express the depth of my gratitude," "of inestimable value," "I am overwhelmed!," "documents that would otherwise be unavailable or unattainable," "what an unbelievable resource," "BETTER than having access to a rare book library with all of them in hand," "invaluable as a tool of scholarship," "Reformed treasures," "doesn't that melt any scholar's heart," "as a pastor, my library has just increased dramatically," "the crown jewel of my library," "will be of inestimable value in my study, preaching, teaching and counseling," "each of the books has blessed and/or challenged me," "I was in ecstasy!!!," "invaluable resource," "I was humbled," "what little I had read of these copious writings of our great Reformation heritage!," "the first week of reading I grew more as a Christian reading those rich, pure Gospel Commentators than I have in 18 years of Christian life," "What a treasure!," "I'll never be able to repay you this side of heaven," "so many (Reformation resources) which would almost be impossible to collect any where else," "I cannot possibly say enough good things about those CD's," "well-constructed and easy to navigate," "I am dumbfounded at the wealth of literature," "awesome job," "they are just great," "remarkable and extremely valuable," "they're simply incredible," "an amazing collection of works," "a library that excels virtually any other in the history of the world, both for quality of volumes and for rapid ease of use," "These CDs are wonderful. Praise God!," "profound insights into the Word of God," "precious works," "we've been freed from many Popish devices," "profound insights into the Word of God," "superb CD products," "the availability of old ministry on the CDs is truly remarkable and at such good prices," "has to be seen to be believed," "a great collection," and "grow from being an ordinary Christian to being an extraordinary one."
Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing (Isaiah 40:15).
And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it (Isaiah 2:2).
So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it (Isaiah 55:11).
"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!" (Isaiah 52:7, KJV).
"I have become so excited that I hardly know what to do because I have found sites where I can get or read the Reformation or Puritan theology. And why do I love to read about these great works? I love them because they dwell on the sovereignty of God and the authority of the Scriptures." - RW (USA)
"Great sermon! Hear this! Thank you for these wonderful messages about the Sovereign Grace of God! May God continue to bless your ministry all over the world!" - Robert from New Jersey, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Election and Man's Responsibility Before God 1 of 2"
I am ploughing my way through the books I've bought from you! I love this Reformed writing! I'm so happy to finally get a good idea of what God's sovereignty is all about! Have you read that wonderful book by A.W. Pink, The Sovereignty of God? (SWRB has placed a free online MP3 edition of A.W. Pink's book, The Sovereignty of God, ed.). I'm writing to find out if you have information regarding Reformed churches (even Covenant ones! though I realize they are rare!) in the Portland, Oregon area? Also just south of there, for I live about 25 miles south of Portland. I need to find a doctrinally sound church! ... well, I realize Calvin says to have it at home if you can't find one. Lately that's sort of what I've been doing... Thank you! God bless you in your wonderful work! - Louis K. (OR, USA)
SWRB NOTE: Below is one of John Calvin's quotes confirming the general point on separation made in the comment directly above (i.e., that John Calvin believed that it was better to worship "in private" [in your home] rather than expose yourself to, or support, false teaching [first commandment] and unbiblical worship [second commandment] in a public gathering of a "church"). Below, John Calvin is applying this principle of biblical separation to the sovereignty of God over worship (second commandment), whereas the comment above is making the same application to the sovereignty of God in salvation (first commandment) - both of which are biblical.
CALVIN ON SEPARATION FROM FALSE WORSHIP (i.e. worship not based on the second commandment or what is now called the regulative principle of worship) AND WORSHIPPING PRIVATELY (IN YOUR HOME)
"Some one will therefore ask me what counsel I would like to give to a believer who thus dwells in some Egypt or Babylon where he may not worship God purely, but is forced by the common practice to accommodate himself to bad things. The first advice would be to leave [i.e. relocate - GB] if he could... If someone has no way to depart, I would counsel him to consider whether it would be possible for him to abstain from all idolatry in order to preserve himself pure and spotless toward God in both body and soul. ***Then let him worship God in private*** (in his home - ed.), praying him to restore his poor church to its right estate.
- John Calvin, Come Out From Among Them, The Anti-Nicodemite Writings of John Calvin, Protestant Heritage Press, "A Short Treatise," pp. 93-94, emphases added. Calvin's book, Come Out From Among Them, is on the Presbyterian Heritage Publications CD available on this site. The John Calvin quote (above) was cited from: Appendix G in The Covenanted Reformation Defended by Greg Barrow , "A brief examination of Mr. Bacon's principles regarding the visible church and the use of private judgment. Also, some observations regarding his ignoble attack upon Kevin Reed in his book entitled The Visible Church in the Outer Darkness." Romans 16:17 is also very clear on this point: "Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the (Apostolic - ed.) doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them."
"Outstanding! Has to be one of the best books I've ever read (The Sovereignty of God by Arthur W. Pink - ed.). Praise God! - Mike (NY, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3s by A.W. Pink, entitled, "The Sovereignty of God" - this is a free SWRB audio book of Arthur Pink's "The Sovereignty of God" made up of 11 free MP3s)
"Dear friends, This is perhaps the best sermon series on the sovereignty of God and will gently put to end those who teach man's free will to save themselves. What a blessing this series is to the serious bible student who struggles with the sovereignty of God verses the sovereignty of man in our salvation." - Walt (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3s by A.W. Pink, entitled, "The Sovereignty of God (1 of 11)" - from the free online SWRB audio book by Arthur Pink, "The Sovereignty of God," made up of 11 free MP3s)
"My favorite book! Thanks for providing this classic masterpiece in audio for free! This is my all-time favorite book, except for the Holy Scriptures itself." - ZD (ID, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3s by A.W. Pink, entitled, "The Sovereignty of God" - this is a free SWRB audio book of Arthur Pink's "The Sovereignty of God" made up of 11 free MP3s)
"Another good practical message on Unconditional Election. Dr. Griswold brings salt and light to the subject. Connecting the Lord's sovereignty here to election of course provides an essential background to God's election by grace alone." - Arthur (Scotland, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Dr. Ferrell Griswold, entitled, "Unconditional Election 1/12 - The Absolute Sovereignty of God [and Free Grace] In the Salvation of Unworthy and Helpless Sinners" - all twelve sermons in the series, by Ferrell Griswold, on unconditional election are available and this is one of the best series of sermons you will ever hear on the "U" [Unconditional Election, the second point of the Five Points of Calvinism] ] in TULIP)
"MUST LISTEN! THIS WHOLE SERIES IS A MUST LISTED... DON'T PASS IT UP! A right view of God is of utmost importance - eternally." - OP (MN, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3s by A.W. Pink, entitled, "The Sovereignty of God" - this is a free SWRB audio book of Arthur Pink's "The Sovereignty of God" made up of 11 free MP3s)
"Hear this one! Thank you for this wonderful message! Excellent reading, great content!" - Robert (NJ, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Charles Spurgeon, entitled, "Election, the Absolute Sovereignty of God in the Salvation of Men,
"Great Truths! The historic collusion between the Arminian doctrine with the Papists (Roman Catholicism, especially the Jesuits - ed.) is stated here. The common element of freeing the sinners will to believe he is saved by his own volition, links the two heresies. Curious that depravity is the very source of their disease, yet they will not ('can not,' see John 6:65 - ed.) perceive it in themselves." - Arthur (Scotland, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Augustus Toplady, entitled, "Arminianism: The Road to Rome! Exposing the Jesuits, the Papacy, John Wesley, the Anabaptists, etc., As Enemies To Calvinism"
"An Excellent Study! Listen and learn! Some problem texts discussed - such as John 3:16 and the word 'world' is made clear, and also the words 'all men,' etc." - Robert (NJ, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3s by A.W. Pink, entitled, "The Sovereignty of God (7 of 11)" - from the free SWRB audio book by Arthur Pink, "The Sovereignty of God," made up of 11 free MP3s)
"To God Be All the Glory. Yes, He is Lord! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Hear this powerful lecture and bow the knee to a sovereign God who is still in control of all things and all of His creatures! - Robert (NJ, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3s by A.W. Pink, entitled, "The Sovereignty of God (3 of 11)" - from the free SWRB audio book by Arthur Pink, "The Sovereignty of God," made up of 11 free MP3s)
SWRB NOTE: Below is a comment on a sermon about God's sovereignty over all nations and all of His creation.
"Brilliant challenging message which we echo wholeheartedly. Praise God! - Raymond Stewart (Northern Ireland, UK, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Nation Shaking Reformation Promoted - A Classic Sermon By A Modern-Day Puritan Preacher!")
SWRB NOTE: Below is are two comment about the sovereignty of God over worship, against Arminianism in worship, will-worship and the "sovereignty" of man in worship (see Matthew 15:9 and Colossians 2:23).
"Greetings Greg Price. What I find interesting is the the Rev ____ ______ states that the WCF and the Directory of Public Worship does not teach exclusive Psalmody. I have enjoyed your sermons (7 of them) on exclusive psalmody and am encouraging others to listen to them (SWRB makes these seven sermons, by Greg Price, on exclusive Psalmody, available as free online MP3s, and sermon six deals with the Westminster Standards and exclusive Psalmody - ed.). The Reformed Faith is under quite a lot of pressure throughout the world and many aspects of worship are either being compromised or discarded. There seems to be more churches looking to see what they are allowed rather than what is actually commanded. Those that do hold to the regulative principle in worship are being accused, at least in this part of the world (Northern Ireland), as being so Reformed they've become deformed! Arminianism the creeping death!!" - Warmest regards and prayers, Your bondservant in Christ Jesus, William A (Northern Ireland, UK)
"Commendation with Qualification. Although Spurgeon identifies some of the intrinsic idolatry associated with Christ-mass, we find the general principle of regulativism lacking in Spurgeon's doctrine and practice. This itself is the fundamental and primary basis for rejecting the observation of this 'holy' day, as well as all other human inventions proposed as devotion to God. Suppose that the elements and associations of the nativity 'holy' day were in themselves **intrinsically** pure and faithful, and appointed by pious and well intended persons; it nevertheless would be a God offending idolatry (though often done in ignorance) to observe such a recurring 'holy' day by virtue of the fact supposed: it would be a humanly devised observation that is appointed or suggested as being an acceptable devotion to God. This very same reasoning implicates Spurgeon himself in the use of uninspired compositions (hymns - ed.) in his form of worship.
If we would honor God's sovereignty, we must not only acknowledge that he sovereignly governs all things in the universe according to his reserved, immutable, and mysterious counsel; but we must honor his sovereign being and prerogative by accepting his sovereign yoke in Christ to rule us personally - and to govern the Church visible - according to his sovereign, revelatory prescriptions and proscriptions in the Holy Scripture. Religion is either from God or 'not-God.' The second category is an eclectic collective of demonic and human minds integrated over human history, and it often borrows from God's religion to appear more plausible.
We are unabashedly told by humanists that religion is merely the result of human experience and development, and the needs thereof. Many persons who say they are Christian, nevertheless, embrace this anti-supernatural position in their philosophy or practice. Where is **every** part of your religious belief and practice from? But, to return, just as we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our salvation, so we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our devotion to him. God is sovereign in worship as well as salvation: we must not presume to bring any kind of thing of our own devising for our acceptance. God calls it "will-worship" to do otherwise, because we have more deference to honor our will and desire, than the command and authority of God in Christ.
The tentacles of Arminianism reach far into the heart, and must be unraveled from the deep crevasses of our native brains. But in the case under consideration (the nativity day), not only is God's declarative sovereignty trampled under foot by human invention, but the observations and associations are themselves intrinsically pagan and worldly (which cannot be disputed by any who observe the history), although historically they have been conveniently syncretized with 'Christianity' by the whore of Roman Catholicism, and contemporaneously by her sister: apostate and multiform 'Protestantism.'
We are thankful to God for Charles Spurgeon for the illumination he had in some areas, although we cannot be faithful unless we testify against his transgressions of perjury (against the Solemn League and Covenant), Independency, idolatry (in form of worship), and against his erroneous baptismal doctrine."
- Dr. B. A. Bernal (USA, commenting on the free SWRB MP3 "The Christian and Christmass by Charles Spurgeon, A.W. Pink, John Knox, et al." - click here for more free books, MP3s and videos exposing Christmas for the idolatrous Roman Catholic evangelistic strategy that it is)
"Serious preaching here. Unfortunately, not enough of it in today's Church's. GOD bless you SWRB.COM." - Joseph H. (NJ, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by George Gillespie, entitled, "Reformation's Refining Fire; or, Iconoclastic Zeal Necessary to World Reformation" at https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=103006312)
"Scripturally rich, emotionally moving. This a great, emotionally moving sermon that provides a rich feast of scriptural and historical examples where truth and righteousness have been advanced by the narrow gate, the narrow path, and by the the few." Greg - (CO, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "The Narrow Reformation Way and Classic Reformation Eschatology)
"It is refreshing to see a Christian bookstore whose sole goal is to offer resources at a low price to the beloved brethren and not to make a huge profit! To be a part of edifying somebody else without bankrupting them. Good for You! ... put me on your mailing list please." KD (USA)
"Thank you a thousand times over for getting so many wonderful books into print, and this at prices that a working man can afford." - LB (USA)
Their (SWRB - ed.) materials are superb, priced very reasonably, and many of their resources are available nowhere else. I encourage you to become familiar with them if you are not already." - WJ (TX, USA)
"I'm so grateful for all your very hard work there to make such fine literature available at affordable prices - especially since nearly all of the most important work of the 17th century divines has practically been lost, save the marvelous work you have done." - DV (USA)
"So many great resources at such a great price! Thanks for your efforts to compile and supply these Reformed treasures to the public. May they serve many generations to follow." - DK (USA)
"Thank you so much for putting out such great stuff at affordable prices." - DV (USA)
"I am very happy with the CD's. It is an excellent product at an excellent price." - GF (USA)
"Thank you so much for putting out such great stuff at affordable prices on the PURITAN BOOKSHELF CD collection!! I hope you will consider publishing material from the RPC of Scotland, the RPCNA, and the works of David Steele in the future." - In Christ, DV (USA)
"And if you get books from a used book shop or from Reg Barrow (Still Waters), that's even MORE books - His books are more than cheap, and their content is priceless!" - GV (USA)
"We so very much need to get back to Reformed and Puritan theology which majored on God. What a blessing to read those CDs of hundreds of years ago. It is like a soothing balm on our spirits. It is always wonderful to read CDs that have so much of God and Scripture in them. You have worthy goals to make these resources available to believers, at free or affordable prices, and I pray that God will richly bless them" - RW (USA).
"On behalf of those of us of more limited budgets and especially limited bookshelf space, that's great news. Keep up the good work. The Lord bless your efforts to get this stuff out, though the more may he bless the reading thereof to the furtherance of the Reformed faith and sanctification of the readers." - Your bro in Christ, JD (USA)
"Thank you so much for this sermon (Foxe's Book of Martyrs, Acts & Monuments With the Life of John Foxe, free online SWRB MP3 - ed.). I read quite a bit of the book online and it was great to hear it on MP3. Too many Christians try to make a profit off of God and I thank you that this is free. This means to me that you truly care about lost souls and money is not your goal, saving the lost and deceived is! God bless you for this!!! I wish there were more like you in this world who gave it for free to save others than try to make some $ off of it. Again I thank you so very much." - GT (ON, Canada)
"One major Puritan publisher tells me that suddenly now, 'If its not by Watson or Brooks, they don't want to know.' In this climate a publisher will not risk the cost of reprinting, binding, marketing etc., unless he is sure of sales that will cover his costs and render a profit. Very many rare and valuable items are thus simply never going to get back onto the 'popular' market or be offered by 'regular' publishers. Still Waters address this problem by taking gems that publishers would not risk reprinting in the normal fashion, and reproducing them in a photocopied format (now as inexpensive digital downloads, many with new embedded and appended indices - ed.)... if the content of the book is what you want, then this system (and the tireless searches and labours of Still Waters) offers access to books that one might otherwise only dream of seeing (much less owning), and all at amazingly affordable prices." - Stephen P. Westcott, Ph.D, Litt.D. (Bristol, England), Excerpts from the "Publisher Review of Still Waters Revival Books, Canada" in the British Reformed Journal. Dr. Westcott did the translation work (first time to English, from Latin) for the publication of John Owen's Works (volume 17).
"These books are often in fascinating first editions and many are electronically linked and indexed for the first time. The ordinary Christian may here dig into a simply staggering wealth of literature, from devotional and sermonic material to technical and scholarly works. Even in the days of the Long Reformation itself ordinary Christians didn't get to see this kind of library - most couldn't read for a start, and even those who could, would never have been able to afford to buy even a hundredth part of the material on these CDs. Truly we are without excuse! And the significance of this collection goes even beyond that. No longer do we have to wait for modern Reformed publishing houses to predict that a particular Reformation or Puritan book will be sufficiently popular to make it economical to reprint, or to deem it "safe" enough to be let loose on the modern evangelical church. Rather, we are now able to see for ourselves the whole range of the Puritan and Reformed publishing enterprise, including views that are usually suppressed by most modern devotees of "Puritan" piety!" - Dr. Jonathan D. Moore, Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, UK. (Author and Scholar of 16th and 17th Century Calvinistic literature.)
"This side of eternity I'll never be able to repay the favor you have done mankind by bringing these... CDs together. The first week of reading I grew more as a Christian reading those rich, pure Gospel Commentators than I have in 18 years of Christian life. After reading some of the Puritan CDs I have to get the Reformation set if it kills me. A fire is burning within me. These Puritan CDs are liable to start a revival fire unseen in any generation... the Gospel in its pure form is seen in these... CDs. Sir, I cant say enough. What a treasure! I'll never be able to repay you this side of heaven, but when we get there I am sure you will see the rich fruits of your labor. God bless you for not being money hungry but wanting to see Christians grow in the Lord... I love you even though we have never met, you have helped me in my Christian walk tremendously with these... CDs. I am not bragging on the flesh, I am just giving honor where honor is due. The Holy Ghost will take these CDs and light a fire unseen and unheard of. God bless you all at Still Waters." - Email from the USA
"Allow me to share a short testimony with you. After spending nine years on the mission field here in the Philippines, I returned for a few years to the States to get some things sorted out. During that time I worked at a Christian bookstore owned by an elderly Presbyterian couple. The whole time I was there I had a Geneva Bible on order, but the distributor was always out of stock (my suspicion is that they never really stocked them to begin with.) (see the Puritan Hard Drive for a retype set and searchable 1599 Geneva Bible, as well as a facsimile copy - ed.) I was also on the look out for a Wycliffe Bible, too (NT in the English Hexapla on the Puritan Hard Drive - ed.). Now here I am years later, assuming that I would never see either one, when, lo and behold, the Lord led me to your website! The Lord answered the desire of my heart after I had even given up hope of ever seeing them. Let me reiterate how blessed I am by Thomas Manton's sermons. I had seen his 3 volume set on Psalm 119 published by Banner of Truth, but I never had the money to purchase them whenever I happened to see them at the store. Again, through God's sovereignty, I now possess 22 volumes of this saintly man's works (also on the Puritan Hard Drive - ed.)!... May God prosper your work until the day we all meet in glory!" - Andy Underhile (Missionary in the Philippines)
"I am delighted to tell you that I will be moving to Canada this summer, to pursue a Ph.D in Scottish religious history at the University of Guelph... Please allow me to say how much I enjoy your bulletins and catalogs, and how much I have learned from them. I can honestly say I could not have written my master's thesis (entitled "John Knox As A Prophet: Apocalyptic Elements in Scottish Calvinism") without the fabulous edition of Knox's collected works, which SWRB made so affordable. You are providing a great service to students of religious history and this one is very grateful!" - SC (USA/Canada)
"Thank you so very much for the CDs. I am amazed at the quality and quantity of the literature... I cannot imagine any other single thing being done by any man or group of men in the earth today that is of such extensive, present, and enduring value as this CD work is. God be praised that he uses sickly and weak men to forward his kingdom, that the work may not be mistaken to be wrought by the might of men, but by his Spirit. His strength is perfected in weakness." - Dr. B (CO, USA)
"I have been systematically working through reading the Puritan and Reformed CDs I purchased. I must say, there is nothing like them available anywhere. It is the most amazing collection of works I know of in one package to date. The Puritan and Reformed material presented on these CDs is exceptional." - For Christ's Crown and Covenant, Dr. C. Matthew McMahon, A Puritan's Mind Ministries, www.apuritansmind.com
"I received the CD's today, what an unbelievable resource... I am just overwhelmed at the moment. It is a GREAT resource for us Calvinists. It is amazing!" - Email from Dr. Kenny Rhodes (CA, USA), An Answer School of Theology
"Serious preaching here. Unfortunately, not enough of it in today's Church's. GOD bless you SWRB.COM." - Joseph H. (NJ, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by George Gillespie, entitled, "Reformation's Refining Fire; or, Iconoclastic Zeal Necessary to World Reformation")
"Scripturally rich, emotionally moving. This a great, emotionally moving sermon that provides a rich feast of scriptural and historical examples where truth and righteousness have been advanced by the narrow gate, the narrow path, and by the the few." Greg - (CO, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "The Narrow Reformation Way and Classic Reformation Eschatology ")
"Stunning research and presentation. I am a student of history and ancient Rome in particular. I have never, in book or audio form, encountered a presentation of the correct meaning of Six Hundred Three Score and Six that is as accurately detailed and researched in proper scholarly fashion as this sermon by Pastor W. J. Mencarow. History is something that I know very well. Nothing that Pastor Mencarow says is guesswork. Every historical statement that he makes is correct. His theology is also impeccable. May I please strongly encourage one and all to hear, not only this sermon, but the others in this series on Revelation." - TD (WI, USA, commenting on the free SRB MP3, "666 - The Number of the Beast of Revelation, a.k.a. Antichrist -- The Historic Protestant Interpretation" by Bill Mencarow)
"I have often wondered why Preterists tenaciously hang onto their system. Most of them haven't even read any Historicist works. That made all the difference in the world for me. I grew up in the Hal Lindsey school, read the Preterist stuff when I became Reformed, and through Nigel Lee and SWRB started reading the position of the Reformers." - Dr. VF (USA)
"Sensational! This is the first time that I accidentally searched and found your website. You are a truly amazing speaker and I have heard very few as knowledgeable and humble as you. You are educated and gifted ... a true prophet! It is wonderfully awesome and I am in awe at the entire session that I just heard. I plan to hear many, many more! God bless you all!!!" - Robert from Jacksonville, Florida, U.S.A. (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by former Roman Catholic priest, Richard Bennett, who is now a Christian, entitled, "The Antichrist Unveiled [666, The Man of Sin, the Pope] by Richard Bennett [SWRB]")
"Fantastic sermon. If you are troubled by the Futurist Jesuit deception, especially promoted by certain 'teachers' on the sermonaudio message board, then here is a 'must listen' remarkable sermon from a former Roman Catholic Priest. Also hear: The Pope - The Antichrist,The Papacy is the Antichrist 1 of 3 (1888) Reformation Eschatology - Scot, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by former Roman Catholic priest, Richard Bennett, who is now a Christian, entitled, "The Antichrist Unveiled [666, The Man of Sin, the Pope] by Richard Bennett [SWRB]")
"I want to thank you for this wonderful message. it has truly been a blessing to me. It has also helped me to discover many truths about the false teachings of these so-called prophets of the Lord. It's a great site. May the Lord bless your organization and you as well."- Djimy M (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Antichrist and his Emissaries Unmasked and Rebuked (Classic Reformation Eschatology)")
"God's kingdom will have the victory. Old Testament survey of many passages in many books to show that the people of God will fulfill God's command to subdue the earth, in submission to God and with the guidance of God." - Florin Motiu (Oradea, Romania, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Francis Nigel Lee, entitled, "Eschatology of Victory in the Old Testament (Eschatology of Victory Series 1 of 14)" )
"Just got my Elliott 4 volumes (Horae Apocalypticae, Commentary on Revelation -ed.)! ... What a great addition to my prophecy collection. PLEASE put me on your super sales email list." - PF (CA, USA)
"You people are not Christian! You need to re-examine what a Christian is. Your (sic) evil! You preach evil! You all deserve to burn in hell!" - A Roman Catholic and follower of the Pope (Antichrist)
"Great sermon, cleared up my doubts about 666." - Joseph Alexander (TX, USA, on the free SWRB MP3, "666 - The Number of the Beast of Revelation, a.k.a. Antichrist - The Historic Protestant Interpretation")
"Postmillennial sermons (for free! - ed.)... The Lord keeps His truth!" - Ian B. (Wolverhampton, England, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Reformation Eschatology, The Millennium & the Victory of Christ's Kingdom 2/2" - part one by Greg Price, "Reformation Eschatology, The Millennium & the Victory of Christ's Kingdom 1/2". Jonathan Edwards' Postmillennial sermon, "History of Redemption (Salvation) #16: God's Work, Creation To Judgment Day, With Edward's Postmillennial Eschatology of Victory" is a free online SWRB MP3 and another Jonathan Edwards' Postmillennial sermon, "Jonathan Edwards On Revelation, The Overthrow Of Antichrist & Eschatology Of Victory" is free. Many more excellent sermons on Postmillennialism (by Greg Price, Loraine Boettner, Dr. Steven Dilday, William Symington, David Dickson, Alexander McLeod, Archibald Mason, Dr. Francis Nigel Lee, David Steele, et al.) are available free. Greg Price has also done a series of messages defending the classic Reformation eschatology of Historicism [found in all the Reformation creeds, confessions and covenants] and Postmillennialism [see Iain Murray's book, The Puritan Hope, Revival and the Interpretation of Prophecy]. This series on eschatology by Greg Price refute the Jesuit inspired prophetic systems of Futurism and Preterism, as well as Premillennialism and Amillennialism. This is some of the best preaching on eschatology you will ever hear. You can view each specific eschatological message in this extensive series of sermons [beginning with sermon #12] - including the messages on the number of the beast, 666, [sermon #22 in this series], and dDefending the classic Reformation teaching on Antichrist beginning in sermon #23. The Jesuit roots of Preterism and Futurism (as systems) are covered in the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price. in the sermon "God's Gracious Covenant With Israel #17 (Partial & Full Preterism Refuted #1)." Sermons in this series refuting Full and Partial Preterism [beginning at sermon #17 and ongoing at the time of this writing]. Sermons in this series refuting Premillennialism [see sermons #12, #15 and #16]. Sermons in this series refuting Amillennialism [see sermons #13 to #16]. These messages further solidify Greg Price as the most doctrinally sound preacher alive today. Many more free online SWRB MP3s on the classic Reformation position on Antichrist are available free online . W.J. Mencarow's sermons on the mark of the Beast [666] are also among the best you will ever hear. For these free online SWRB MP3s please see "666 - The Number of the Beast of Revelation, a.k.a. Antichrist -- The Historic Protestant Interpretation (Reformed Teaching)" and " The Mark of the Beast (666) The Classic Position of the Protestant Reformation")
Your quotes only prove that the Devil can also quote Scripture. When you refer to whores, I want you to know that I am not interested in what your family does for a living. This is more info than I want to know. If God continues to open my eyes to your foolishness, I will look like an owl. The only reason that I would desire your filthy books would be to start a fire, and that's the sums total of their usefulness. You poor misguided "Reformed?" (sic) "Christian?" How DARE you POMPOUS LIAR send me such a (sic) wicked material which contains YOUR preamble with the oxymoronic statement "...former Roman Catholic Priest who is now a Christian..."! DAMN your LIES to hell from whence they came and YOU to extra time in Purgatory for this inexcusable (but BY GOD forgiveable [sic]) trespass against ALL the Church of Christ on earth! AMEN. - A Roman Catholic
"666 Solved: Classic Reformed/Protestant Teaching! An extremely well presented, thoroughly researched message expounding the true meaning of "666" in Scripture. Meticulous and relevant in exposing many far fetched fables related to "666" from expositors of the past, right up to our day. Also demonstrates how a number of modern Protestants adopt Roman Catholic teaching on prophecy. Takes us as far back as some of the early fathers of the church, establishing what was ultimately the Apostolic teaching on this much abused passage of Scripture. Additionally, this sermon clearly expounds the classic Reformed and Protestant teaching (for example, as found in the original Westminster Confession of Faith) on the number of the beast. A must listen, Protestant teaching at its best! - Comment on the free SWRB MP3, "666 - The Number of the Beast of Revelation, a.k.a. Antichrist -- The Historic Protestant Interpretation" by Bill Mencarow.
"Thank you for putting on sermonaudio so very clear messages about the Papal Antichrist!" -DG (Netherlands, more free SWRB MP3s on Antichrist are available online.)
"Outstanding! I have listened to parts I and II so far and am going on to part III. All I can say is this is an outstanding message where it is evident that J.A. Wylie was truly given the spirit of discernment. His analysis of the Papacy is the best I have ever heard and it seals the truth for those who have eyes to see. I pray more will listen to this message and be delivered from the fanciful itching ear Dispensational delusions that have anti-Christ as anyone from Obama to Oprah. Also, the reading by William Mencarow was excellent." - Michael, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by J.A. Wylie, entitled, "The Papacy is the Antichrist")
"Richard Bennett speaks the truth here in love. I say that as a former ARDENT Roman Catholic for thirty three years until I came to the knowledge of the SAVING GOSPEL of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST that I and my wife came out from the Roman church. Yes it must be spoken in love but it must be spoken and I here now, as a not only a former ardent Roman Catholic, but as a deacon of that church, SAY THAT THE MAN OF SIN, THE POPE OF ROME, IS ANTICHRIST, UNDER MANY NAMES LIKE JOHN PAUL 2 OR BENEDICT 16 or any other name. I say it in love to any Roman Catholic here or any evangelical who is bowing its knee to Rome . Have no doubt THAT THE POPE OF ROME IS ANTICHRIST and wake up and come out of it before you are duped by its false teachings. This church of Rome is NOT A CHRISTIAN CHURCH but ANTI CHRISTIAN CHURCH trying to draw evangelicals into its net. Don't I BEG you get into the NET of Rome. Email if you wish and if you have any questions. I and my wife live and reside in the back yard of Rome, which has promoted all kinds of terror here, destroyed people and is destroying people. OH PLEASE WAKE UP and listen you people that have preachers standing up telling you the truth of Rome. Here in Southern Ireland the Protestant church has gone into the net of Rome by the ecumenical movement. I denounce now the Pope of Rome - he is Antichrist." - Joe N. (Southern Ireland, commenting on the free SWRB MP3 by former Roman Catholic priest, Richard Bennett, "Who is Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI? (With Proof From Scripture That The Papacy Is The Antichrist)")
"I read this last week John Brown Of Wamphray's 'Christ in Believers, the Hope of Glory," and thought about my own inability and sinfulness in all my doings an nature. To rest assured only on the righteousness of Christ Jesus as a poor sinner. But I also thought about the Gospel as the most powerful means on earth to overthrow nations, to overthrow heresies and all false doctrines, foul systems of government and to establish Christ's Millennial Kingdom! The Whole earth will and must be filled with the Glory of this Gospel to the Honour of the Triune-God!
"The idea is great. I speak and understand English, but it would be of much help if this book were also in Spanish, so I could download the text and show to my fellow Christians around, there so many, that include pastors and members of different churches. But the idea is wonderful, it covers everything." - Edwin Barrios (Venezuela, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by J.A. Wylie, entitled, "The Papacy is the Antichrist 1 of 3 (1888) Classic Reformation Eschatology"- all three free online MP3s that make up this SWRB audio book by J.A. Wylie, entitled, The Papacy is the Antichrist, are available)
I also read Robert Fleming's 'Rise and Fall of the Papacy.' I read that as to his calculations the fall of papacy can be expected at around the year 2018. That is very near and the signs can be discerned. We must take courage and stand bold in Gods strength and by being convinced that God the Holy Ghost will mightily act in the coming time to convince multitudes of people and bring them to a saving knowledge and to make the house of God the Father full and to exalt the King of Kings and the Prince of all Nations, our Lord Jesus Christ the Sole ruler of all Nations and his Own Church! Let me quote from one of these splendid CDs,
This would also help us to sweet thoughts [i.e the fulfilling of Scripture - ed.], and give us matter of a song in the saddest night of the Churches condition, when we see how God's great design in the World is the accomplishing of the Scripture, and know that his ends which he hath held forth therein, cannot be frustrated, it would serve to silence all our complaints, with wondering at Gods way, and triumphing in the works of his hand; we should not then be affrayed of evil tidings; a stormy time would not outwit us; being persuaded that though the earth should be overturned, it shall be surely well with the righteous, the Church must flourish, and all her enemies be found liars, because he is faithful that hath promised, whose Word will as surely come to passe as the sun doth return after a dark night. Robert Fleming's Fulfilling of Scripture, p. 28, Puritan Bookshelf CD #6" - RB (The Netherlands)
"Commendation with Qualification. Although Spurgeon identifies some of the intrinsic idolatry associated with Christ-mass, we find the general principle of regulativism lacking in Spurgeon's doctrine and practice. This itself is the fundamental and primary basis for rejecting the observation of this 'holy' day, as well as all other human inventions proposed as devotion to God. Suppose that the elements and associations of the nativity 'holy' day were in themselves **intrinsically** pure and faithful, and appointed by pious and well intended persons; it nevertheless would be a God offending idolatry (though often done in ignorance) to observe such a recurring 'holy' day by virtue of the fact supposed: it would be a humanly devised observation that is appointed or suggested as being an acceptable devotion to God. This very same reasoning implicates Spurgeon himself in the use of uninspired compositions (hymns - ed.) in his form of worship.
If we would honor God's sovereignty, we must not only acknowledge that he sovereignly governs all things in the universe according to his reserved, immutable, and mysterious counsel; but we must honor his sovereign being and prerogative by accepting his sovereign yoke in Christ to rule us personally - and to govern the Church visible - according to his sovereign, revelatory prescriptions and proscriptions in the Holy Scripture. Religion is either from God or 'not-God.' The second category is an eclectic collective of demonic and human minds integrated over human history, and it often borrows from God's religion to appear more plausible.
We are unabashedly told by humanists that religion is merely the result of human experience and development, and the needs thereof. Many persons who say they are Christian, nevertheless, embrace this anti-supernatural position in their philosophy or practice. Where is **every** part of your religious belief and practice from? But, to return, just as we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our salvation, so we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our devotion to him. God is sovereign in worship as well as salvation: we must not presume to bring any kind of thing of our own devising for our acceptance. God calls it "will-worship" to do otherwise, because we have more deference to honor our will and desire, than the command and authority of God in Christ.
The tentacles of Arminianism reach far into the heart, and must be unraveled from the deep crevasses of our native brains. But in the case under consideration (the nativity day), not only is God's declarative sovereignty trampled under foot by human invention, but the observations and associations are themselves intrinsically pagan and worldly (which cannot be disputed by any who observe the history), although historically they have been conveniently syncretized with 'Christianity' by the whore of Roman Catholicism, and contemporaneously by her sister: apostate and multiform 'Protestantism.'
We are thankful to God for Charles Spurgeon for the illumination he had in some areas, although we cannot be faithful unless we testify against his transgressions of perjury (against the Solemn League and Covenant), Independency, idolatry (in form of worship), and against his erroneous baptismal doctrine."
- Dr. B. A. Bernal (USA, commenting on the free SWRB MP3 "The Christian and Christmass by Charles Spurgeon, A.W. Pink, John Knox, et al.")
"I see what an awesome job you guys have done in putting together those CDs. They are just great. I read Toplady and found the quote you mentioned about the Jesuits planting the poison of free will.That was eye opening! I read part of Christopher Ness (An Antidote Against Arminianism - ed.) and then began John Owen's Display of Arminianism. Once again I do so thank you." - Email from OK, USA
"Fantastic!! A must listen/read for anyone in doubt of the hideousness of Arminianism." - Rose (Va, USA, on the free SWRB MP3 and PDF "Arminianism: Another Gospel - Wesley, Moody, Billy Graham, Refuted - Quotes By John Calvin, Charles Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, John Owen, Samuel Rutherford, et al.")
"I received the CD's today, what an unbelievable resource... I am just overwhelmed at the moment. It is a GREAT resource for us Calvinists. It is amazing!" - Email from Dr. Kenny Rhodes (CA, USA), An Answer School of Theology
"My friends at this ministry I'm thankful to God that I find a faithful remnant still preaching the grand old truths labeled Calvinism. Let me say thank you from my heart for preaching the truth for its an encouragement to this young preacher." - FL (GA, USA)
"Great Truths! The historic collusion between the Arminian doctrine with the Papists (Roman Catholicism, especially the Jesuits - ed.) is stated here. The common element of freeing the sinners will to believe he is saved by his own volition, links the two heresies. Curious that depravity is the very source of their disease, yet they will not ('can not,' see John 6:65 - ed.) perceive it in themselves." - Arthur (Scotland, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Augustus Toplady, entitled, "Arminianism: The Road to Rome! Exposing the Jesuits, the Papacy, John Wesley, the Anabaptists, etc., As Enemies To Calvinism")
"The remainder of my former Arminianism, that was taught to me, is being blown away... I'm in awe at this water well!" - BW (Canada)
"Great sermon! Hear this! Thank you for these wonderful messages about the Sovereign Grace of God! May God continue to bless your ministry all over the world!" - Robert from New Jersey, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Election and Man's Responsibility Before God 1 of 2")
"Great Sermon! I want to thank you Dr. Griswold for putting forth the best sermon I have heard on unconditional election. After listening to this sermon, I don't think anyone could believe otherwise. You covered every question I have ever raised on this subject. Thank you and God bless you." - Rita B. (NJ, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Dr. Ferrell Griswold, entitled, "The Five Points of Calvinism [2/5] Unconditional Election, The Second Point In TULIP (SWRB)")
"An Excellent Study! Listen and learn! Some problem texts discussed - such as John 3:16 and the word 'world' is made clear, and also the words 'all men,' etc." - Robert (NJ, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3s by A.W. Pink, entitled, "The Sovereignty of God (7 of 11)" - from the free SWRB audio book by Arthur Pink, "The Sovereignty of God," made up of 11 free MP3s)
SWRB NOTE: Below is are two comment about the sovereignty of God over worship, against Arminianism in worship, will-worship and the "sovereignty" of man in worship (see Matthew 15:9 and Colossians 2:23).
"Commendation with Qualification. Although Spurgeon identifies some of the intrinsic idolatry associated with Christ-mass, we find the general principle of regulativism lacking in Spurgeon's doctrine and practice. This itself is the fundamental and primary basis for rejecting the observation of this 'holy' day, as well as all other human inventions proposed as devotion to God. Suppose that the elements and associations of the nativity 'holy' day were in themselves **intrinsically** pure and faithful, and appointed by pious and well intended persons; it nevertheless would be a God offending idolatry (though often done in ignorance) to observe such a recurring 'holy' day by virtue of the fact supposed: it would be a humanly devised observation that is appointed or suggested as being an acceptable devotion to God. This very same reasoning implicates Spurgeon himself in the use of uninspired compositions (hymns - ed.) in his form of worship.
If we would honor God's sovereignty, we must not only acknowledge that he sovereignly governs all things in the universe according to his reserved, immutable, and mysterious counsel; but we must honor his sovereign being and prerogative by accepting his sovereign yoke in Christ to rule us personally - and to govern the Church visible - according to his sovereign, revelatory prescriptions and proscriptions in the Holy Scripture. Religion is either from God or 'not-God.' The second category is an eclectic collective of demonic and human minds integrated over human history, and it often borrows from God's religion to appear more plausible.
We are unabashedly told by humanists that religion is merely the result of human experience and development, and the needs thereof. Many persons who say they are Christian, nevertheless, embrace this anti-supernatural position in their philosophy or practice. Where is **every** part of your religious belief and practice from? But, to return, just as we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our salvation, so we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our devotion to him. God is sovereign in worship as well as salvation: we must not presume to bring any kind of thing of our own devising for our acceptance. God calls it "will-worship" to do otherwise, because we have more deference to honor our will and desire, than the command and authority of God in Christ.
The tentacles of Arminianism reach far into the heart, and must be unraveled from the deep crevasses of our native brains. But in the case under consideration (the nativity day), not only is God's declarative sovereignty trampled under foot by human invention, but the observations and associations are themselves intrinsically pagan and worldly (which cannot be disputed by any who observe the history), although historically they have been conveniently syncretized with 'Christianity' by the whore of Roman Catholicism, and contemporaneously by her sister: apostate and multiform 'Protestantism.'
We are thankful to God for Charles Spurgeon for the illumination he had in some areas, although we cannot be faithful unless we testify against his transgressions of perjury (against the Solemn League and Covenant), Independency, idolatry (in form of worship), and against his erroneous baptismal doctrine."
- Dr. B. A. Bernal (USA, commenting on the free SWRB MP3, "The Christian and Christmass by Charles Spurgeon, A.W. Pink, John Knox, et al. (SWRB)", more free books, MP3s and videos exposing Christmas for the idolatrous Roman Catholic evangelistic strategy are available online)
"Greetings Greg Price. What I find interesting is the the Rev ____ ______ states that the WCF and the Directory of Public Worship does not teach exclusive Psalmody. I have enjoyed your sermons (7 of them) on exclusive psalmody and am encouraging others to listen to them (SWRB makes these seven sermons, by Greg Price, on exclusive Psalmody, available as free online MP3s, and sermon six deals with the Westminster Standards and exclusive Psalmody - ed.). The Reformed Faith is under quite a lot of pressure throughout the world and many aspects of worship are either being compromised or discarded. There seems to be more churches looking to see what they are allowed rather than what is actually commanded. Those that do hold to the regulative principle in worship are being accused, at least in this part of the world (Northern Ireland), as being so Reformed they've become deformed! Arminianism the creeping death!!" - Warmest regards and prayers, Your bondservant in Christ Jesus, William A (Northern Ireland, UK)
A SWRB summary of a penetrating and perceptive testimony we received via telephone follows.
"Yesterday I spoke with a fellow (for about 1.5 hours) who was once in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) and took courses at Bahnsen Theological Seminary (Southern California Center for Christian Studies [SCCCS] then), then defected to Rome, and was becoming a Roman Catholic priest. He called to see if I knew of a faithful Calvinist church in his area. He knows Scott Hahn and concurred with Larry's rebuke of Hahn in our summary of the book A Disputation on Holy Scripture, Against the Papists, Especially Bellarmine and Stapleton by Whitaker (available on this site - ed.), noting that Hahn is a "back stabbing liar." He has also been friends with many other prominent Romanists and top Jesuits.
His comments on the Jesuits where surprising, as he said that the Jesuits oppose just about everything the Pope is now doing (in 2000 - ed.). Concerning many individual Roman Catholics, he said they know that the real battle is between "consistent Romanism" and "consistent Calvinism" and that a large number would leave Rome but they do not know where to find a "consistent Calvinist church" - as they think that the OPC, PCA, and other "Neopresbyterian" groups are biblically and spiritually superficial and he said these Roman Catholics "will not leave Rome for such shallowness."
He has just left Rome (in May/00) and is seriously considering what he calls "consistent Calvinism" in the work of the Covenanters and other major Reformers. He said he is reading the source documents of the Reformation and this is what is changing his mind. Interestingly, he could see the problems with the Neopresbyterian churches (PCA, OPC, RPCNA, etc.) much better than just about anyone I have ever talked to. Among the greatest dangers he noted were "Romish" Arminianism (even in "Reformed" churches) and the rejection of the regulative principle of worship (RPW). He told me that the so-called "Reformed" churches of our day need to start reading the works, "source documents of the Reformation" were his words, that SWRB distributes.
He was very articulate and wants to know much more about Historicism and the second Reformation (the Covenanters in particular), and also wants to start writing against Rome. He was interested in the "being/well being" and "settled/unsettled" distinctions that Reformers made regarding the church and I think he is going to read chapter two in Greg Barrow's book The Covenanted Reformation Defended on these points (The Covenanted Reformation Defended is free online - ed.). I also told him we would consider publishing what he writes as his comments were equally incisive against both Papal Rome and her harlot daughters (i.e., Protestants who have rejected the consistent Calvinism found in the original Westminster Standards and the biblical national and international covenants of the Reformation)."
- Summary written by Dr. Reg Barrow (For the most consistent Calvinism the world has ever known, the Lord's earthly antithesis to Antichrist (the Papacy), please listen to Greg Price's 19 free MP3 messages entitled, "Covenanter Terms of Communion". For an excellent overview of the contents and meaning of the original Westminster Confession of Faith (and probably the best contemporary commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith), with much application to our day (refuting many modern heresies), please listen to the five free online SWRB MP3s, by Greg Price. For one of the best, if not the best, commentaries on the Westminster Confession of Faith ever written, by a minister living during the sitting of the Westminster Assembly, see David Dickson's "Commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith," originally entitled, Truth's Victory Over Error (12 free online MP3s compliments of SWRB). David Dickson also worked on the "Directory for Public Worship" with David Calderwood and Alexander Henderson and on "The Sum of Saving Knowledge " with James Durham. The Westminster Confession of Faith, wrote William Hetherington, " ...may be safely termed the most perfect statement of Systematic Theology ever framed by the Christian Church," (The History of the Westminster Assembly of Divines, p. 345). The Solemn League and Covenant led to the Westminster Assembly and all the production of all the Westminster Standards. For the best study of covenanting and the Solemn League and Covenant of which we are aware, please listen to the 21 free online SWRB MP3s, by Greg Price, entitled, "A Defense of Covenanting and The Solemn League and Covenant,")
"Great study. A short history of the controversy leading to the necessity of the Synod (of Dordt, includes some important history of the deceiver Jacobus Arminius [Jakob Hermanzoon] and the heresy of Arminianism - ed.), followed by an excellent presentation of the five points of Calvinism. Good terms used, clear terms, good argumentation, good biblical proofs and citations of Puritan writers. - Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania (commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Dr. C. Matthew McMahon, entitled, "Synod of Dordt [10 of 18] Who Were the Puritans? What Did They Teach? The Relevance of Puritanism For Christians Today")
"Great Doctrine! Excellent teaching on limited atonement by John Owen. The death of Christ is a ransom therefore will it definitely be effectual for the elect and none other. Would you believe that Christ procured the end and not the means? Of course not. Thus the blood of Christ is effectual in reconciliation unto God, by God. Amen!" - Arthur (Scotland, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by John Owen, entitled, "The Death of Death In the Death of Christ [13/33] Particular Redemption & Reconciliation That Is In the Blood of Christ")
SWRB NOTE: Many more free books, MP3s and videos on Calvinism, Arminianism, free will, etc., are available online.
"Reply to edl: The excellency of the scriptures themselves is sufficient to explain their authority. Then again, SWRB has recommended also some good sources to answer your questions if you honestly care to understand... The leaders of the Reformation were ordained by God. How do we know? "To the law and to the testimony, if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." Martin Luther said, 'do not let it concern you that they say they have the Holy Spirit, if they have not God's word, it follows that they do not have His Spirit.' Everyone who was a Reformer, understood and believed this." - RKB (LA, USA, commenting on the SWRB blog post compiled by Dr. Reg Barrow, "Against [Christmas and Easter] Pagan and Roman Catholic Holy Days [Holidays] FREE BOOKS, VIDEOS & MP3s,".
"Where in the Bible can I find support for the Reformation, the authority of its leaders, the authority of 'Scripture Alone,' and salvation by 'Faith Alone?'" - EDL, commenting on the SWRB blog compiled by Dr. Reg Barrow, entitled, "Against Christmas and Easter, Pagan & Roman Catholic Holy Days [Holidays] FREE BOOKS, VIDEOS & MP3s")
SWRB answered:
Thank you for your questions. We suggest you make use of the following free MP3 resources on sermonaudio to obtain answers for your four questions:
Where in the Bible can I find support for the Reformation?
The authority of "Scripture Alone."
- swrb.com, commenting on the SWRB blog compiled by Dr. Reg Barrow, entitled, "Against Christmas and Easter, Pagan & Roman Catholic Holy Days [Holidays] FREE BOOKS, VIDEOS & MP3s")
"Great Book! This is a most excellent book! I've never found better writing on this most important topic, which most pastors and ministers would rather ignore. Charles Provan's use of scripture is the backbone of the book. After reading this book, I realized our first duty as Christians is to obey God's first commandment, "Be fruitful and multiply." We can out populate and out evangelize the Roman Catholics and Muslims if we obey this simple commandment of the Lord, as we raise our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord! Blessed be the name of the Lord!" - Joel G. (VA, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 audio book [5 MP3s] by Charles Provan, entitled, "The Bible and Birth Control, The Classic Position of the Christian Church")
"I have just listened to the first part series on the Bible and Birth Control. It has been very positive and reaffirming for me as a new receiver of Jesus Christ. Now it pains my heart when I hear of fellow Christians talking about birth control like the natural order of things. As a new (young 23) Christian in Christ, I don't say anything during these kind of discussions, as most of the time I am quite outnumbered and these other Christians are much older and further down the path in spiritual maturity than I am. So I am really puzzled at their deliberate workings to hinder the blessings of God. It will also be very sad if my husband decides to practice birth control (he is an unbeliever) knowing that he will be wasting his seed, but I will be praying about these issues. I plan on and look forward to listening to the remaining sermons in this series. May God be with you." - CC (TX, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Charles Provan, entitled, "The Bible and Birth Control (1 of 5) The Classic Position of the Christian Church Throughout History With Numerous Examples" - the complete, free online SWRB MP3 audio book [of 5 MP3s] by Charles Provan, entitled, "The Bible and Birth Control, The Classic Position of the Christian Church")
"About birth control - not only were orthodox theologians ALL opposed to it, even HERETICS like John Wesley were adamantly against it. Did you know that?" - WR (USA)
"I just wanted to say that I don't believe in birth control. How I found this book was because of my back sliding. I am 25 years old and have three children and just found out I am pregnant. I wanted to encourage women that this is a way to become truly broken and devoted to God. This is a women's job of course. Our society doesn't show it that way at all anymore. Its all about being a 'strong woman.' Aren't we strong by raising are children as well? Women we must be like how God wants us to be that is the woman in Proverbs 31. Truly this is hard work, but our husbands work hard as well. Don't you want your children to call you blessed and your husband to give you praise? This is the walk with God it is not easy. 'Experience is a tough teacher HE gives you the test first and the lesson afterward.' I wish to hear from women who have listen to this sermon. If you need encouragement (we all do) please feel free to email me. It will enlighten me to hear your experience. May God Bless all who open their ears to GOD." - Eva (commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 audio book [5 MP3s] by Charles Provan, entitled, "The Bible and Birth Control, The Classic Position of the Christian...")
"Martin Luther once proclaimed that "the purpose of marriage is not pleasure and ease but the procreation and education of children and the support of a family.... People who do not like children are swine, dunces, and blockheads, not worthy to be called men and women, because they despise the blessing of God, the Creator and Author of marriage" (Christian History, Issue 39, p. 24). Luther also said that birth control was the equivalent of sodomy (probably because of the likeness between homosexual wickedness and impotent sex). John Calvin declared that birth control was the murder of future persons and the Synod of Dort issued a Bible commentary which stated that contraception was the same as abortion." - From "The Bible and Birth Control, The Classic Christian View
Charles Spurgeon, A.W. Pink, John Calvin, Martin Luther, the Westminster Divines, the Synod of Dort, John Wesley, the Pilgrims, John Owen, Matthew Henry, Richard Baxter, Matthew Poole, Thomas Manton, et al." at
"I thought of you when I read the first review on this page, particularly: 'Calvinism is all but alone in Christendom in never having persecuted Jews.' Even William Nicholls's huge tome Christian Antisemitism mentions as much in a brief passage that I wish had been much longer. When the mood strikes him, Nicholls can conjure antisemitism out of an empty hat; if he could not find it in Calvinism, that is because it isn't there. 'Other portions of Christendom - especially the Roman Church-State against which the Protestants were protesting (and I wish more Protestants remembered as much) - have made theological disagreement a ground for the most heinous curtailment of the liberties, and sometimes the lives, of those who profess the Jewish faith. But not Calvinism.' And this was written by a Jew!" - JL (USA)
"Proper Exposition of Romans 7. In the light of some recent sermons on this chapter that claim that some of us have a 'defeatist mentality' because of our view of vs. 14-25, it is refreshing to have THIS correct interpretation. In the words of Charles Spurgeon, "Some have affirmed that he is merely declaring what he was before conversion, and not what he was when he became the recipient of the grace of God. But such persons are evidently mistaken, and I believe willfully mistaken; for any ample-hearted, candid mind, reading through this chapter, could not fall into such an error. It is Paul the apostle, who was not less than the very greatest of the apostles - who here exclaims, "O wretched man that I am!" Charles Spurgeon. The idea that a person who is at enmity against God, Romans 8:7, can at the same time 'delight in the law of God after then INWARD man' vs. 22 is ridiculous. The natural man hates the light of the moral law in direct proportion to the application of it to his conscience. Innate enmity is more deeply seated than these "'theologians' will admit." - Thomas Sullivan (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Charles Spurgeon, entitled, "The Fainting Warrior, The Battle Between the Flesh and the Spirit in the Believer from Romans Chapter 7")
"Thanks to SWRB! I am very humbled that you take the time to put my narrations on Sermon Audio from Chapel Library. I have been watching this sermon's stats for about a week, and I have never had one of my narrations downloaded 650 times in a mere ten days (this sermon now has just under 4,000 downloads - ed.). This week I am narrating many Puritan works such as Joseph Symonds, Richard Sibbes, and Thomas Chalmers' excellent intro to Richard Baxter's Call to the Unconverted. I want to narrate some William Bates as well. These men are not well enough known. Keep up the good work friends! Thomas Sullivan (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Charles Spurgeon, entitled, "Hypocrites on the Highway to Hell and the Horror of Reprobation (Chaff Driven Away)")
"Charles Spurgeon calls pastors to lead in a biblical interpretation of Christmas, as did Calvin and the members of the Westminster Assembly. A congregation's Christmas gift to its pastor, running into thousands of dollars, guarantees a pastor's "shunning to declare unto you all the counsel of God" (Acts 20:27) on the subject of Christ-mass. Congregation and pastor are separated FROM, not "separated unto the gospel of God." (Romans 1:1)... And the people love to have it so. (Jer. 5:31)" - SZ (PA, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Charles Spurgeon, John Knox, A.W. Pink, et al., entitled, "The Christian and Christmass by Charles Spurgeon, A.W. Pink, John Knox, et al.")
"Commendation with Qualification. Although Spurgeon identifies some of the intrinsic idolatry associated with Christ-mass, we find the general principle of regulativism lacking in Spurgeon's doctrine and practice. This itself is the fundamental and primary basis for rejecting the observation of this 'holy' day, as well as all other human inventions proposed as devotion to God. Suppose that the elements and associations of the nativity 'holy' day were in themselves **intrinsically** pure and faithful, and appointed by pious and well intended persons; it nevertheless would be a God offending idolatry (though often done in ignorance) to observe such a recurring 'holy' day by virtue of the fact supposed: it would be a humanly devised observation that is appointed or suggested as being an acceptable devotion to God. This very same reasoning implicates Spurgeon himself in the use of uninspired compositions (hymns - ed.) in his form of worship.
If we would honor God's sovereignty, we must not only acknowledge that he sovereignly governs all things in the universe according to his reserved, immutable, and mysterious counsel; but we must honor his sovereign being and prerogative by accepting his sovereign yoke in Christ to rule us personally - and to govern the Church visible - according to his sovereign, revelatory prescriptions and proscriptions in the Holy Scripture. Religion is either from God or 'not-God.' The second category is an eclectic collective of demonic and human minds integrated over human history, and it often borrows from God's religion to appear more plausible.
We are unabashedly told by humanists that religion is merely the result of human experience and development, and the needs thereof. Many persons who say they are Christian, nevertheless, embrace this anti-supernatural position in their philosophy or practice. Where is **every** part of your religious belief and practice from? But, to return, just as we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our salvation, so we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our devotion to him. God is sovereign in worship as well as salvation: we must not presume to bring any kind of thing of our own devising for our acceptance. God calls it "will-worship" to do otherwise, because we have more deference to honor our will and desire, than the command and authority of God in Christ.
The tentacles of Arminianism reach far into the heart, and must be unraveled from the deep crevasses of our native brains. But in the case under consideration (the nativity day), not only is God's declarative sovereignty trampled under foot by human invention, but the observations and associations are themselves intrinsically pagan and worldly (which cannot be disputed by any who observe the history), although historically they have been conveniently syncretized with 'Christianity' by the whore of Roman Catholicism, and contemporaneously by her sister: apostate and multiform 'Protestantism.'
We are thankful to God for Charles Spurgeon for the illumination he had in some areas, although we cannot be faithful unless we testify against his transgressions of perjury (against the Solemn League and Covenant), Independency, idolatry (in form of worship), and against his erroneous baptismal doctrine."
- Dr. B. A. Bernal (USA, commenting on the free SWRB MP3 "The Christian and Christmass by Charles Spurgeon, A.W. Pink, John Knox, et al."- for more free books, MP3s and videos exposing Christmas for the idolatrous Roman Catholic evangelistic strategy that it is,)
"I am thrilled to find children's books about actual Reformation history. I had considered trying to write and publish them myself... I encourage you to continue in your ministry and know please, that I will support you as often as I can. I will also put your link on my family web pages..." - DI (KS, USA)
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"I just received my replacement volume today for the "Works of John Knox." I wish to thank you for your reply to this matter and for the tremendous courtesy shown to me when I called concerning the bad copy which I had received. I appreciate the work you are doing for the kingdom of God and the manner in which you carry out this work. It is most refreshing. Again, thank you for your prompt reply to this matter." - TH (USA)
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like some excellent material. Thanks for your guidance in selecting them and for making such selections possible." - JH (USA)
"Dear Friends, Your email brought tears to my eyes as I marvel how God works and in His time.
Thank you for your listings on more information. I was excited to get that information." - God bless you all, RW (UK)
"I wouldn't DREAM of not receiving your email announcements... when I sent a friend of mine (who just started using the Internet) a bunch of links with recommendations and comments, I commented that SWRB is 'a dangerous site' because there is so much great material. I only wish I had the money to get more of it, and the time to read it all!" - RB (USA)
Your e-mails are so encouraging - what a marvelous way to begin my day! - WM (Texas)
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"I was excited to see the CD series advertised in the latest e-mail from SWRB. I am fairly new to the Puritan works but have tried over the past several years to purchase as many titles as I could afford from Banner of Truth, SDG, and various other sources. I have found the Puritan writings to be of immense benefit to my soul over the past years. In the spiritual desolation of the academic environment the writings of these men have been used of God to encourage and challenge my faith... If I am not mistaken, a project of this magnitude would undoubtedly result in one of the largest collections of Puritan writings available anywhere. I greatly rejoice to think that such a collection would be made available and I hope to own and profit from it myself... May the Lord bless you as you continue this vital ministry." In Christ our Lord, - Ernie Frank, Ph.D., Dept. of Statistics, West Virginia University
"Thanks for sending me your booklists and prices. It keeps me up with what is available... I am glad of the emails." RM (New Zealand)
I appreciated your time on the phone and all of the information in your email. In case you have a hard time finding my messages on paedocommunion, the messages are at...
Anti-Paedocommunion - The Significance of Passover
Anti-Paedocommunion - 1 Corinthians 11:17-34
- In Christ, RT" (GA, USA)
"Many thanks for your second large package, with a book 'The Westminster Confession of Faith,' 'Nation Shaking Reformation Promoted,' by Greg Price (free online - one of the most important sermons in the in the last century! - ed.), as well as all your booklets and newsletters! ... Thank you also for your e-mail messages. I received them all. I wish you all the best, and may God richly bless you." - VG (Moscow, Russia)
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Kevin Reed, in his book review, "The Ecclesiology of John Foxe: A book review by Kevin Reed of John Foxe and the Elizabethan Church by V. Norskov Olsen (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1973)," cites Olsen, who writes,
The Counter Reformation is generally considered to have three aspects: the Jesuits, the Inquisition, and the Council of Trent. In view of the significance of the Protestant apocalyptic interpretation of history which prophetically pinpointed step by step the events covering the whole Christian era from the beginning to the end, it seems justifiable to suggest a fourth aspect, namely the praeteristic (Preterist - ed.) and futuristic (Futurist - ed.) interpretations launched by Catholic expositors as a counterattack (p. 47).
The comment below relates to the statement above:
"Just thought I'd mention that I consider there is a fourth (or fifth) aspect of the Counter Reformation: that of the Rhemish translation. It was directed primarily at England, perhaps, but was itself so precedent setting and foreign to everything the Church stood for that, even given the romanizing annotation, it had to have a deeply entrenched, visceral motivation. England was the center, the newest and baddest bastion if you will, of the Protestant "rebellion," and I believe it therefore equates to (if not surpasses, seeing that God's Word is so much the more valuable than that of Trent) the most important of Rome's responses. It set the precedent for all future translations into the vulgar languages over which the popes have never ceased to bawl!" - JL (USA)
"Thank you for sending me... the Inquisition book (Lea's four volume set entitled, The History of Inquisition - ed.). Wylie's history book seems of interest to me (The History of Protestantism - ed.). I will place it on my personal wish list. I thoroughly agree with the Reformers views on the Papacy. The Papacy has not changed, but nominal "Protestants" have changed. History and Scripture both serve as witnesses of the bloody past and dark ages during Europe's papal supremacy and Inquisition. But God will always reserve for Himself a Remnant. I look forward to receiving the two facsimile Bibles. Keep up the good work and word. - IS, Ph.D. (USA, see the free video, compliments of SWRB, by Richard Bennett, "The Roman Catholic (Papal Antichrist) Inquisition, the Tools of Torture and Faithful Christian Martyrs" and the free SWRB MP3 by Richard Bennett, "The Modern History and Tyranny of Roman Catholicism and the Vatican Vision Related To Past and Coming Inquisitions")
"Great Truths! The historic collusion between the Arminian doctrine with the Papists (Roman Catholicism, especially the Jesuits - ed.) is stated here. The common element of freeing the sinners will to believe he is saved by his own volition, links the two heresies. Curious that depravity is the very source of their disease, yet they will not ('can not,' see John 6:65 - ed.) perceive it in themselves." - Arthur (Scotland, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Augustus Toplady, entitled, "Arminianism: The Road to Rome! Exposing the Jesuits, the Papacy, John Wesley, the Anabaptists, etc., As Enemies To Calvinism")
"Fantastic sermon. If you are troubled by the Futurist Jesuit deception, especially promoted by certain 'teachers' on the sermonaudio message board, then here is a 'must listen' remarkable sermon from a former Roman Catholic Priest. Also hear: The Pope - The Antichrist , The Papacy is the Antichrist 1 of 3 (1888) Reformation Eschatology - Scot, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by former Roman Catholic priest, Richard Bennett, who is now a Christian, entitled, "The Antichrist Unveiled [666, The Man of Sin, the Pope] by Richard Bennett [SWRB]")
"666 Solved: Classic Reformed/Protestant Teaching! An extremely well presented, thoroughly researched message expounding the true meaning of "666" in Scripture. Meticulous and relevant in exposing many far fetched fables related to "666" from expositors of the past, right up to our day. Also demonstrates how a number of modern Protestants adopt Roman Catholic teaching on prophecy. Takes us as far back as some of the early fathers of the church, establishing what was ultimately the Apostolic teaching on this much abused passage of Scripture. Additionally, this sermon clearly expounds the classic Reformed and Protestant teaching (for example, as found in the original Westminster Confession of Faith) on the number of the beast. A must listen, Protestant teaching at its best! - Comment on the free SWRB MP3, "666 - The Number of the Beast of Revelation, a.k.a. Antichrist -- The Historic Protestant Interpretation" by Bill Mencarow)
"Postmillennial sermons (for free! - ed.)... The Lord keeps His truth!" - Ian B. (Wolverhampton, England, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Reformation Eschatology, The Millennium & the Victory of Christ's Kingdom 2/2" - part one by Greg Price, "Reformation Eschatology, The Millennium & the Victory of Christ's Kingdom 1/2". Jonathan Edwards' Postmillennial sermon, "History of Redemption (Salvation) #16: God's Work, Creation To Judgment Day, With Edward's Postmillennial Eschatology of Victory" is a free online SWRB MP3 and another Jonathan Edwards' Postmillennial sermon, "Jonathan Edwards On Revelation, The Overthrow Of Antichrist & Eschatology Of Victory" is free. Many more excellent sermons on Postmillennialism (by Greg Price, Loraine Boettner, Dr. Steven Dilday, William Symington, David Dickson, Alexander McLeod, Archibald Mason, Dr. Francis Nigel Lee, David Steele, et al.) . Greg Price has also done a series of messages defending the classic Reformation eschatology of Historicism [found in all the Reformation creeds, confessions and covenants] and Postmillennialism [see Iain Murray's book, The Puritan Hope, Revival and the Interpretation of Prophecy]. This series on eschatology by Greg Price subsequent messages refute the Jesuit inspired prophetic systems of Futurism and Preterism, as well as Premillennialism and Amillennialism. This is some of the best preaching on eschatology you will ever hear. You can view each specific eschatological message in this extensive series of sermons [beginning with sermon #12] - including the messages on the number of the beast, 666, [sermon #22 in this series], and defending the classic Reformation teaching on Antichrist beginning in sermon #23. The Jesuit roots of Preterism and Futurism (as systems) are covered in the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price. in the sermon "God's Gracious Covenant With Israel #17 (Partial & Full Preterism Refuted #1)." Sermons in this series refuting Full and Partial Preterism [beginning at sermon #17 and ongoing at the time of this writing]. Sermons in this series refuting Premillennialism [see sermons #12, #15 and #16]. Sermons in this series refuting Amillennialism [see sermons #13 to #16]. These messages further solidify Greg Price as the most doctrinally sound preacher alive today. Many more free online SWRB MP3s on the classic Reformation position on Antichrist. W.J. Mencarow's sermons on the mark of the Beast [666] are also among the best you will ever hear. For these free online SWRB MP3s please see "666 - The Number of the Beast of Revelation, a.k.a. Antichrist -- The Historic Protestant Interpretation (Reformed Teaching)" and "The Mark of the Beast (666) The Classic Position of the Protestant Reformation")
"I am a Presbyterian missionary working in Lisbon, Portugal. I am greatly interested in your photocopy of William Whitaker's 'A Disputation of Holy Scripture Against the Papists, Especially Bellarmine and Stapleton...' (available on this site - ed.) I am a former Roman Catholic, working in a country where 99% of the people profess Catholicism, and I have read Hahn's book and found it nauseating. You are doing the Evangelical world a service to reissue Whitaker's work. Most Protestants today don't have a clue what the issues of the Reformation even were, much less could they defend their faith against aggressive Roman Catholic apologists. They don't realize either how determined the Roman Catholic hierarchy is to win over Protestant ministers." - Pastor TH (Portugal)
"Richard Bennett speaks the truth here in love. I say that as a former ARDENT Roman Catholic for thirty three years until I came to the knowledge of the SAVING GOSPEL of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST that I and my wife came out from the Roman church. Yes it must be spoken in love but it must be spoken and I here now, as a not only a former ardent Roman Catholic, but as a deacon of that church, SAY THAT THE MAN OF SIN, THE POPE OF ROME, IS ANTICHRIST, UNDER MANY NAMES LIKE JOHN PAUL 2 OR BENEDICT 16 or any other name. I say it in love to any Roman Catholic here or any evangelical who is bowing its knee to Rome . Have no doubt THAT THE POPE OF ROME IS ANTICHRIST and wake up and come out of it before you are duped by its false teachings. This church of Rome is NOT A CHRISTIAN CHURCH but ANTI CHRISTIAN CHURCH trying to draw evangelicals into its net. Don't I BEG you get into the NET of Rome. Email if you wish and if you have any questions. I and my wife live and reside in the back yard of Rome, which has promoted all kinds of terror here, destroyed people and is destroying people. OH PLEASE WAKE UP and listen you people that have preachers standing up telling you the truth of Rome. Here in Southern Ireland the Protestant church has gone into the net of Rome by the ecumenical movement. I denounce now the Pope of Rome - he is Antichrist." - Joe N. (Southern Ireland, commenting on the free SWRB MP3 by former Roman Catholic priest, Richard Bennett, "Who is Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI? (With Proof From Scripture That The Papacy Is The Antichrist)")
"Stunning research and presentation. I am a student of history and ancient Rome in particular. I have never, in book or audio form, encountered a presentation of the correct meaning of Six Hundred Three Score and Six (666 - ed.) that is as accurately detailed and researched in proper scholarly fashion as this sermon by Pastor W.J. Mencarow. History is something that I know very well. Nothing that Pastor Mencarow says is guesswork. Every historical statement that he makes is correct. His theology is also impeccable. May I please strongly encourage one and all to hear, not only this sermon, but the others in this series on Revelation." - TD (WI, USA, commenting on the free SRB MP3, "666 - The Number of the Beast of Revelation, a.k.a. Antichrist -- The Historic Protestant Interpretation" by Bill Mencarow)
"Sensational! This is the first time that I accidentally searched and found your website. You are a truly amazing speaker and I have heard very few as knowledgeable and humble as you. You are educated and gifted ... a true prophet! It is wonderfully awesome and I am in awe at the entire session that I just heard. I plan to hear many, many more! God bless you all!!!" - Robert from Jacksonville, Florida, U.S.A. (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by former Roman Catholic priest, Richard Bennett, who is now a Christian, entitled, "The Antichrist Unveiled [666, The Man of Sin, the Pope] by Richard Bennett [SWRB]")
"Just got my Elliott 4 volumes (Horae Apocalypticae, Commentary on Revelation -ed.)! ... What a great addition to my prophecy collection. PLEASE put me on your super sales email list." - PF (CA, USA)
"You people are not Christian! You need to re-examine what a Christian is. Your (sic) evil! You preach evil! You all deserve to burn in hell!" - A Roman Catholic and follower of the Pope (Antichrist)
"Great sermon, cleared up my doubts about 666." - Joseph Alexander (TX, USA, on the free SWRB MP3, "666 - The Number of the Beast of Revelation, a.k.a. Antichrist - The Historic Protestant Interpretation")
"I want to thank you for this wonderful message. it has truly been a blessing to me. It has also helped me to discover many truths about the false teachings of these so-called prophets of the Lord. It's a great site. May the Lord bless your organization and you as well."- Djimy M (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Antichrist and his Emissaries Unmasked and Rebuked (Classic Reformation Eschatology)")
"This is a sermon that every Christian needs to hear and obey the word of God. So many religions do not realize that they are turning into Catholics with these pagan holidays such as Christmass and Easter." - Faye (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Christmass Condemned By Christ 3/3 Puritan & Reformation Teaching On Roman Catholic (Antichrist)/Pagan Holy Days (Easter Too)" - all three free SWRB MP3s, by Greg Price, in the series, "Christmass Condemned By Christ,")
"I would like to thank SWRB for responding to an enquiry I made some time ago... regarding separation. I stated that I had become convinced of Covenanted Presbyterianism... My prayer is for worldwide Covenanted Reformation." - Dr. CF (UK)
"Thank you for your response. My prayers are continuous for ALL who champion the principles of the Second Reformation - Biblical Christianity. Please keep up the good work. God bless." - TF (USA)
"... let me say that Still Waters Revival Books - and the whole Steelite movement for that matter - has been raised up by God in our corrupt times as a BEACON OF TRUTH TO WHICH ALL MEN SHOULD LOOK. If we cannot embrace their whole programme, we must commend them for standing for LOST TRUTHS for lack of which Christendom is starving! No man or church is perfect, but no compromised Neo-presbyterian Nicodemite has any right to dismiss the Steelites with mere name-calling." - SR (USA)
"Serious preaching here. Unfortunately, not enough of it in today's Church's. GOD bless you SWRB.COM." - Joseph H. (NJ, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by George Gillespie, entitled, "Reformation's Refining Fire; or, Iconoclastic Zeal Necessary to World Reformation")
"The Martyrs have not died in vain! The (National -ed.) Covenant of 1638 and the SL&C (Solemn League and Covenant - ed.) have not been sworn in vain. When I saw the Martyrs monuments such as on the Grassmarket, St.Andrews and the Covenanters Memorial on Greyfriars churchyard, I asked myself: 'Was it in vain, Lord?' NO, it will not be in vain! Although everything looks its like falling apart, Christ Jesus will be the ultimate victorious King! Let these covenants revive! Not only for the sake of the Church of Scotland, England and Ireland, but also for the Dutch and ultimately for the rest of the world. As the Covenanters would say: For Christ Crown and Covenant! The Covenants will be the reviving of Scotland, Ireland and England and all its descendants now living across the world! God bless you, Mr.Barrow!" - RSB (The Netherlands, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Barrow, entitled, "DEBATE: How the Solemn League and Covenant Binds the USA, Canada, Australia, etc., Today (2/3)" - the book by Greg Barrow, "The Covenanted Reformation Defended," from which this MP3 was excerpted, is free online and much more free information on the Covenanted Reformation is online)
Still Waters' slogan is 'For the THIRD REFORMATION' - which might in itself give us all food for thought! - Stephen P. Westcott, Ph.D, Litt.D. (Bristol, England), Excerpts from the "Publisher Review of Still Waters Revival Books, Canada" in the British Reformed Journal. Dr. Westcott did the translation work (first time to English, from Latin) for the publication of John Owen's Works (volume 17).
"It seems to me that you all have been successful in bringing the pearl of the Covenanted Reformation to the attention of the world." - Steven C. Kettler (Author of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal, USA)
"Brilliant challenging message which we echo wholeheartedly. Praise God! - Raymond Stewart (Northern Ireland, UK, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Nation Shaking Reformation Promoted - A Classic Sermon By A Modern-Day Puritan Preacher!")
"My heart and mind are becoming more and more convicted of the truth of the Covenanted Reformation and my desire is to see it's principles established in both Church and State... I look forward to many more purchases from SWRB as my intent is to engage in some form of directed studies from the session." - DH (BC, Canada)
"Scripturally rich, emotionally moving. This a great, emotionally moving sermon that provides a rich feast of scriptural and historical examples where truth and righteousness have been advanced by the narrow gate, the narrow path, and by the the few." Greg - (CO, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "The Narrow Reformation Way and Classic Reformation Eschatology ")
"I ought to tell you how appreciative I am for the extraordinary work that you do. I believe the Third Reformation is in its infancy, but most importantly, is now upon us and growing exponentially in ways that we won't see for years, if ever, this side of heaven. You, through SWRB, are the temporal agent primarily responsible for this. I have no doubt whatsoever that one day people will read about SWRB, ___ ______ and ____ ______ the way we read about the giants of the First and Second Reformation, and give glory to God for raising up such mighty men." - W.J. Mencarow (Author and Pastor of Reformation Church, Texas)
"Important history. I am very thankful for these MP3s as they show the history of God's people during the high times of Reformation and suffering. It shows me to trust more in Christ as the glory of grace and life and less on myself." - RB (The Netherlands, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by J.C. McFeeters, entitled, "Sketches of the Covenanters 3/7" at - all seven MP3s which make up this free online audio book, from Still Waters Revival Books)
"Although I am Dutch, I strongly encourage everyone to hear these three sermons from Mr.Barrow. In the last week of June in went to Scotland to see for myself what God has done in Edinburgh and St.Andrew. I stood on the places where Knox preached, James Renwick was executed... the places in which Patrick Hamilton and George Wishart were executed for the Covenanted Reformation. When I see their faithfulness to the Covenants sworn to God, I can not understand how people have left these covenants and how the Church has compromised the truth with false ecumenism and sin. I pray and hope that these covenants will be restored and that even in the Netherlands the Reformed religion will revive as never before." - RSB (The Netherlands, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Barrow, entitled, "DEBATE: How the Solemn League & Covenant Binds the USA, Canada, Australia, etc., Today (1/3)" - the book by Greg Barrow, "The Covenanted Reformation Defended," from which this MP3 was excerpted, is free online and much more free information on the Covenanted Reformation is online)
"Having read through your debate with Doug Wilson (see the free online book, Saul in the Cave of Adullam: A Testimony Against the Fashionable Sub-Calvinism of Doug Wilson (Editor of Credenda/Agenda Magazine); and, for Classical Protestantism and the Attainments of the Second Reformation by Dr. Reg Barrow), I am certainly in sympathy with you - you tried so very hard to get him to answer you directly, and he treated you with something bordering on contempt. Accustomed as I am to the snide wisecracks of Reconstructionists, I was amazed to see you avoid jesting and nastiness, even in the midst of Knox-like rebukes. As I said before, I appreciate your forthright stand against Catholicism, and am especially impressed with the clarity of your writing". - RE (NY, USA)
Dear Brother, Oh how I thank God for the vibrant, even courageous, testimony he has raised up in SWRB's ministry! May our Lord continue to strengthen you and enlighten you to benefit of us all. There are more than 7000. Thank God you have joined, whatever the cost, the 7000 Club! Dear brother, reference is made to: an email debate (of 170, 8.5 inch by 11 inch, pages) between Doug Wilson (editor of Credenda/Agenda magazine) and Reg Barrow (president of Still Waters Revival Books) how violations of the regulative principle of worship (i.e. the second commandment) are grounds for excommunication. Also gives specific examples of how modern "Reformed" Christians (e.g. John Frame) and denominations are in violation of the second commandment and are tolerating false and idolatrous worship. (Derived from: Resource 6. BARROW, REG & DOUG WILSON. Saul in the Cave of Adullam: A Testimony Against the Fashionable Sub-Calvinism of Doug Wilson (Editor of Credenda/Agenda Magazine); &, for Classical Protestantism & the Attainments of the Second Reformation. Finances for our ministry are low, even critical. May it be possible to acquire the email debate via email correspondence? As a licensed attorney, however, I am willing, in some reasonable arrangement, to "work for food." With kind and warm regards, I remain, For Christ's Crown and Covenant, - Rev. Dr. GG, Esq. M.A., M.Div., S.T.M., Th.M., J.D., Th.D., Ph.D
"Thank you so much for all the catalogs that you have sent to me. I have benefited very much by all of the writings in your books and especially on your website. In fact, I continue to read and consider quite deeply the implications of the Covenanted Reformation, especially as I am currently a Reformed Presbyterian... Thank you for giving me updates on the newest books coming off the presses. I'm interested to know how the response has been to the changes you have made in publishing since your coming into the Third Reformation... Are you getting only the kind of mean-spirited critique by the Baconites or Credenda Agenda?" - EA (NY, USA)
"I am writing this e-mail as one who is discovering how the Covenanted Reformation is connected to us and with the joy that comes in knowing that there are many throughout the land conducting home worship to be faithful to the Lord... If our Covenanted brethren gave up house, possessions, lands, and even families for the cause of Christ and the love of His Church, how much more should we do the same who are not under the same type of persecution? In Greg Barrow's book, The Covenanted Reformation Defended... we are exhorted to Testimony-bearing, what a better place to start, no? U.S. history shows that the heretics known as the Mormons moved cross-country for the sake of their cause, how much more the Covenanted cause being of Christ and noble, because of Him, should cause the brethren to try and live closer for the establishment of congregations true to the Covenanted cause?... My brethren, these are ideas and plans for action for a stronger front for the Third Reformation and a Testimony for Christ's rights in this country and Church, I may be wrong or oversimplifying the situation, but in my excitement in Christ's Truth, I have these thoughts and needed to express them to you. A very recent real life illustration will bear this out: I recently heard from a brother I knew in the PCA and had not heard from him for a long time, being that we both left the particular PCA congregation for different reasons, and he wrote me an e-mail (which he found out from another brother in the PCA that I keep in contact) stating that he heard that I had come to believe in the regulative principle of worship (RPW) and that he had as well. He lives in Orange County, Ca and he was planning to have home-worhip seeing that he could not worship in the PCA (to which he had returned) under its idolatry. At the same time I have friends/brethren (two families) also living in Orange County, Ca that are right now conducting home worship as they cannot worship under the idolatry of the OPC congregation they are members of and are themselves on the way of embracing the Covenanted cause... In God's providence and grace I told _____ about the two families. Needless to say this Lord's Day past they worshiped together and _____ was told more about the Covenanted Reformation." EU (USA)
"I am greatly blessed by this sermon, and praise the LORD that He has preserved these works! I encourage other Christians to study the lives of the Covenanters... but be warned that your heart will swell with courage as you bless the LORD with newfound strength in Him. Stories like this one will make even the most timid Christian brave as a lion. Thank you to SWRB and SermonAudio for making these works available." - Angela W. (IL, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Richard Cameron, entitled, "God Defends His Covenanted Remnant")
"The Foundation Of The True Gospel! These Questions are addressed in this series on Biblical Unity or Separation: 1) What are Terms of Communion? 2) What is Close Communion? 3) What is Occasional Hearing? The True Gospel of Jesus Christ is open for all to hear and believe! Let all things be done decently and in order (1 Cor.14:40). 'Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment' (1 Cor.1:10)." - Walt (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "What Are Terms of Communion? (1/2) On Biblical Separation and Preserving Church Purity By Fencing the Table To the Lord's Supper")
"Brother Price continues the most important truth of Biblical Separation, in relation to communion of truth among the Lord's people, and separation from that which is practised that is contrary to Scripture. The principles that he brings out is absolutely staggering, and so proves that there are multitudes in the visible church today whom are going against what the Bible teaches on this subject. The problem now is, what do those of us who believe this is the truth, do? For example , no church near me holds to the purity in worship as described by this minister. A local brethren church hides its heresy by having no terms of communion, and a gospel standard church has terms of communion, which has turned from what our forefathers taught. Do I worship at home then... ? A very important matter is this indeed. O Lord, help us to do what is right, to thy own most glorious name." - Norman Smith (Surrey UK, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "What Are Terms of Communion? (2/2) On Biblical Separation and Preserving Church Purity By Fencing the Table To the Lord's Supper")
"An extremely educated and qualified scientist, Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith is still able to communicate in a way that is understandable to the average lay-person. In this message (the free SWRB MP3 or video, 'The Creation Evolution Debate 3 of 5 Irrefutable Scientific Proof of the Absolute Impossibility of Evolution By A Top Scientist,' Dr. Wilder-Smith gives excellent arguments that can be used to refute the atheistic theory of evolution. I look forward to listening to more of his sermons." - VM (NC, USA)
"Evolution Is Nonsense And From The Pit Of Hell. This is one the most important sermons you may ever hear defending biblical Creationism. The comments concerning how older beliefs about evolution have already fallen by the wayside, and are even rejected by many modern evolutionists, are very insightful. Dr. Dilday also exposes the backsliding of some modern Presbyterians and other so-called "evangelicals" (and seminaries too) on origins, with concise and irrefutable arguments. There is much more here to delight all those who have their eyes opened (by God's marvelous grace) to the eternal truths of Scripture, with particular emphasis on the Bible's teaching on creation in Genesis. Many more free MP3s and videos on this topic can be found on sermonaudio at https://www.sermonaudio.com/go/581 . Dr. Dilday's important translation work of Matthew Poole's Synopsis Criticorum (Synopsis of Interpreters), beginning with Volume 1 on Genesis 1-9, is translated into English for the first time - swrb.com from Edmonton, Alberta, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Dr. Steven Dilday, entitled, "The Westminster Confession of Faith On Six Day Creation [2/4], The Classic Protestant [Reformed, Puritan, Covenanter, etc.] Position")
"Let me tell you how much I enjoy your email of special offers, you're are the best of all I receive, I look forward to the book reviews and remarks like nothing else I receive. I have been a Christian for many years and have gone down the road of dispensationalism, "what a terrible path." Finally I have come to realize the beauty and envelopment of covenant Theology, by envelopment I mean being wrapped up by God's Love, Grace and His Word. Thanks for being a light in an area where covenant theology is not taught, I am not a welcome Christian in this area with my Calvinism, but thanks to you I am not lonesome." - KC (USA)
"I was a Dispensationalist until about four years ago. I had been involved with the Calvary Chapel movement on the West coast and had become dissatisfied with the lack of theology in the movement and the spiritual bareness of contemporary "worship" music. However, when I went to a Reformed Church I was aghast that Christmas trees, etc. (sic) could adorn a "Christian" Church that espoused the Regulative principle of worship. I began reading:
1. The Necessity of Reforming the Church by Calvin
2. The Westminster Confession of Faith
3. War Against the Idols by Carlos Eire.
4. Wonders of the Most High by Van De Velde.
5. Songs of Zion by Michael Bushell
My family has been singing the psalms for devotions and for worship for over a year now. It was awkward initially, but we have persevered. I consider it a tremendous blessing. Obviously, SWRB has played a tremendous role as they have supplied the materials to do the necessary research. Now, I must deal with covenanting." - JL (USA)
"Outstanding! I have listened to parts I and II so far and am going on to part III. All I can say is this is an outstanding message where it is evident that J.A. Wylie was truly given the spirit of discernment. His analysis of the Papacy is the best I have ever heard and it seals the truth for those who have eyes to see. I pray more will listen to this message and be delivered from the fanciful itching ear Dispensational delusions that have anti-Christ as anyone from Obama to Oprah. Also, the reading by William Mencarow was excellent." - Michael, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 byJ.A. Wylie, entitled, "The Papacy is the Antichrist")
"Having read through your debate with Doug Wilson (see the free online book, Saul in the Cave of Adullam: A Testimony Against the Fashionable Sub-Calvinism of Doug Wilson (Editor of Credenda/Agenda Magazine); and, for Classical Protestantism and the Attainments of the Second Reformation by Dr. Reg Barrow, for an HTML version or a PDF version here), I am certainly in sympathy with you - you tried so very hard to get him to answer you directly, and he treated you with something bordering on contempt. Accustomed as I am to the snide wisecracks of Reconstructionists, I was amazed to see you avoid jesting and nastiness, even in the midst of Knox-like rebukes. As I said before, I appreciate your forthright stand against Catholicism, and am especially impressed with the clarity of your writing". - RE (NY, USA)
"You have been an encouragement in bringing reformation to the church from history, and against the Romish practices of today. I fully agree with your position against Credenda Agenda and their loose interpretation of worship. I reached the same conclusions completely independently before finding your site a year ago. The churches are corrupt and judgments are coming upon us in America, and all of Christendom, for it. (Hosea 8:1)." - UF (USA)
Dear Brother, Oh how I thank God for the vibrant, even courageous, testimony he has raised up in SWRB's ministry! May our Lord continue to strengthen you and enlighten you to benefit of us all. There are more than 7000. Thank God you have joined, whatever the cost, the 7000 Club! Dear brother, reference is made to: an email debate (of 170, 8.5 inch by 11 inch, pages) between Doug Wilson (editor of Credenda/Agenda magazine) and Reg Barrow (president of Still Waters Revival Books) how violations of the regulative principle of worship (i.e. the second commandment) are grounds for excommunication. Also gives specific examples of how modern "Reformed" Christians (e.g. John Frame) and denominations are in violation of the second commandment and are tolerating false and idolatrous worship. (Derived from: Resource 6. BARROW, REG & DOUG WILSON. Saul in the Cave of Adullam: A Testimony Against the Fashionable Sub-Calvinism of Doug Wilson (Editor of Credenda/Agenda Magazine); &, for Classical Protestantism & the Attainments of the Second Reformation." - With kind and warm regards, I remain, For Christ's Crown and Covenant, Rev. Dr. GG, Esq. M.A., M.Div., S.T.M., Th.M., J.D., Th.D., Ph.D
"Thank you so much for all the catalogs that you have sent to me. I have benefited very much by all of the writings in your books and especially on your website. In fact, I continue to read and consider quite deeply the implications of the Covenanted Reformation, especially as I am currently a Reformed Presbyterian... Thank you for giving me updates on the newest books coming off the presses. I'm interested to know how the response has been to the changes you have made in publishing since your coming into the Third Reformation... Are you getting only the kind of mean-spirited critique by the Baconites or Credenda Agenda?" - EA (NY, USA)
SWRB NOTE: See all the free resources (Books and MP3s) at "Doug Wilson, Credenda/Agenda Magazine, the new Auburn Avenue Theology and Federal Vision Heresies (by Steve Wilkins, Steve Schlissel, John Barach and Doug Wilson - the Auburn Four), N.T. Wright (the New Perspective on Paul), John Frame, Richard Gaffin, Norman Shepherd, the Cave of Adullam, etc., Refuted. With Free Online MP3 and Text Resources Related To The Present Justification Controversy."
"Commendation with Qualification. Although Spurgeon identifies some of the intrinsic idolatry associated with Christ-mass, we find the general principle of regulativism lacking in Spurgeon's doctrine and practice. This itself is the fundamental and primary basis for rejecting the observation of this 'holy' day, as well as all other human inventions proposed as devotion to God. Suppose that the elements and associations of the nativity 'holy' day were in themselves **intrinsically** pure and faithful, and appointed by pious and well intended persons; it nevertheless would be a God offending idolatry (though often done in ignorance) to observe such a recurring 'holy' day by virtue of the fact supposed: it would be a humanly devised observation that is appointed or suggested as being an acceptable devotion to God. This very same reasoning implicates Spurgeon himself in the use of uninspired compositions (hymns - ed.) in his form of worship.
If we would honor God's sovereignty, we must not only acknowledge that he sovereignly governs all things in the universe according to his reserved, immutable, and mysterious counsel; but we must honor his sovereign being and prerogative by accepting his sovereign yoke in Christ to rule us personally - and to govern the Church visible - according to his sovereign, revelatory prescriptions and proscriptions in the Holy Scripture. Religion is either from God or 'not-God.' The second category is an eclectic collective of demonic and human minds integrated over human history, and it often borrows from God's religion to appear more plausible.
We are unabashedly told by humanists that religion is merely the result of human experience and development, and the needs thereof. Many persons who say they are Christian, nevertheless, embrace this anti-supernatural position in their philosophy or practice. Where is **every** part of your religious belief and practice from? But, to return, just as we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our salvation, so we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our devotion to him. God is sovereign in worship as well as salvation: we must not presume to bring any kind of thing of our own devising for our acceptance. God calls it "will-worship" to do otherwise, because we have more deference to honor our will and desire, than the command and authority of God in Christ.
The tentacles of Arminianism reach far into the heart, and must be unraveled from the deep crevasses of our native brains. But in the case under consideration (the nativity day), not only is God's declarative sovereignty trampled under foot by human invention, but the observations and associations are themselves intrinsically pagan and worldly (which cannot be disputed by any who observe the history), although historically they have been conveniently syncretized with 'Christianity' by the whore of Roman Catholicism, and contemporaneously by her sister: apostate and multiform 'Protestantism.'
We are thankful to God for Charles Spurgeon for the illumination he had in some areas, although we cannot be faithful unless we testify against his transgressions of perjury (against the Solemn League and Covenant), Independency, idolatry (in form of worship), and against his erroneous baptismal doctrine."
- Dr. B. A. Bernal (USA, commenting on the free SWRB MP3 "The Christian and Christmass by Charles Spurgeon, A.W. Pink, John Knox, et al." - for more free books, MP3s and videos)
"I have been systematically working through reading the Puritan and Reformed CDs I purchased.
I must say, there is nothing like them available anywhere.
It is the most amazing collection of works I know of in one package to date.
In my opinion, it far surpasses Ages Software and their collections.*
The Puritan and Reformed material presented on these CDs is exceptional.
I am continually amazed at the depth and breadth of information in both collections, and the rarity of works that I now have at my fingertips.
You have done an immeasurable service for the Kingdom of Christ in making these CDs available, and every pastor and theologian should own them without question (they would be foolhardy to pass them by)."
- For Christ's Crown and Covenant,
Dr. C. Matthew McMahon, A Puritan's Mind Ministries, www.apuritansmind.com
John 5:39, "...search the Scriptures..."
"Novum Testamentum in Vetre latet, et in Novo, Vetus patet." Augustine
( "The New is in the Old concealed, and in the New, the Old revealed." )
Dr. McMahon's full review - and Dr.McMahon even awarded "The Bookhound Bookmark Award" to the Puritan and Reformed Bookshelf CDs, an award that, as of this writing, has only been given out three time in total.
* It is SWRB's opinion that Ages Software has done an excellent job in making various Reformed works available on CD, so much so that we have also distributed a number of their CDs at discounts. Thus, please don't make more out of our publishing this comment than is warranted, as this is a comment we received from one of our customers and it expresses his opinion. As for Ages' work, we rejoice whenever the truth is published, whether through others or through SWRB (as we play only a very small part in the revival of classic Reformation, Puritan and Covenanter thought that is now taking place worldwide through God's marvelous grace). The publication of the best Reformers and Puritans of the past is one of the greatest needs of our time, as this extends the blessings that come through faithful preachers and authors into our day and into the future. Lord willing, the growth in the publishing of faithful works from the past will help stem the tide of the great declension and unfaithfulness which we are now witnessing all around us, even (sadly) among many churches that still call themselves "Presbyterian" and/or "Reformed." So please pray together with us that our Lord will multiple the number of faithful publishers and publications, and that He will give many the heart to stand for the truth no matter the consequences (as He has done for our faithful forefathers, who resisted Satan and sin unto blood and even to martyrdom in certain cases).
"The amount of great material here is absolutely staggering. Thanks for all your hard work in making this available to us." - Dr. David Gamble (USA)
"Grace and peace to you in Christ. I just opened my set of... CDs and am quite impressed. It's a great collection... Blessings on you and your fellows for this wonderful service to the Church of Christ."
"You all are doing a wonderful service by making all these materials so readily available. Having them on my hard drive is BETTER than having access to a rare book library with all of them in hand... I have found the CD set invaluable as a tool of scholarship. So once again I commend you brothers for making it available."
And later:
"By the way, thanks again for producing the set. It came in handy today when, reading Honeyman, I found him citing Ames's work on conscience and was able to go directly to the source and check the accuracy of Honeyman's use."
And also:
"Grace and peace to you in Christ, Brother. I just wanted to send you another note of thanks for the wonderful service SWRB has done in providing these CD series. From time to time in reading sources for my dissertation, I have come across references to the "Dutch Annotators" or the "English Annotators" (which are titled the "Westminster Annotations" on the Puritan Bookshelf CD set - ed.)... I thought to myself..., "I wonder if they're in the PBCD collection?" So I went to the index and searched, and, voila! So... I could actually cross-check the references to them to ensure that authors were properly citing them. Once again, I have found the PBCD set invaluable as a tool of scholarship. So once again I commend you brothers for making it available."
- Dr. E. Calvin Beisner
Knox Theological Seminary
Author of a number of books and Associate Professor of Historical Theology and Social Ethics
N.B. Though the Puritan Bookshelf CD set is no longer available, the Puritan Hard Drive includes the third edition of "Westminster Annotations," which is superior to the first edition (which was on the Puritan Bookshelf CDs) mentioned above. - ed.
"This is superb. The project stands the chance of being transformational... I admit to being a thorough going Puritan, a Constitutional Presbyterian, and a devote of the Hungarian Reformed Church. With that out of the way, take my word for it, Still Waters has done our community a great service by making the English Puritan classics available on CD. I treasure the copies on my desk and I use what I have continually. English Puritan Original Sources on CD. Even if you do not think SWRB should be nominated for Most Congenial Reformed Mission, you may want to examine what the larger Reformed Church has here: Ames and Perkins on CD for US$19 and another disk with both the English and the Dutch Annotations for the same price. Doesn't that melt any scholar's heart. Peter Martyr comes on one of the disks in black letter with nothing left out. It just keeps on going like that. Examine the list, pick one, and see for yourself. I cannot put into words how much these CDs have meant to me." - Dr. Edwin P. Elliott, Jr., Managing Editor of the Christian Observer, Director of the Christian Observer News Service
"By the way, Dr. Francis Nigel Lee warmly endorses your materials." - Bill Wade
"Dr. Lee preaches a good sermon. This is my fourth message of his and I highly recommend his preaching. The essential nature of being "born from above" is the John three passage with the Gospel message preached for the heart. Great sermon Dr. Lee. Thank you." - Kestrel (UK, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Dr. Francis Nigel Lee, entitled, "The Utter Necessity of Being Born From Above [Calvinism and Salvation]")
"God's kingdom will have the victory. Old Testament survey of many passages in many books to show that the people of God will fulfill God's command to subdue the earth, in submission to God and with the guidance of God." - FM (Romania, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Dr. Francis Nigel Lee, entitled, "Eschatology of Victory in the Old Testament [Eschatology of Victory Series 1 of 14]" - the complete 14 MP3 series, "The Eschatology of Victory," by Dr. Lee is free online, compliments of Still Waters Revival Books)
"Outstanding sermon (5 stars). Very riveting sermon. The sermon because of its clarity and very organize delivery keeps you listening until you are fully deep into something very transformative. I will never be the same again by God's grace. Truth has finally reached my heart concerning sexual purity. Thanks be to God Almighty! Amen. WC (NC, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Dr. Francis Nigel Lee, entitled, "Sexual Purity, Lust, Pornography, Sexual Duties in Marriage, Divorce, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Kinsey's Lies and More On Sex from the Bible, The Seventh Commandment, The Best of Dr. Francis Nigel Lee 8 of 10")
"Excellent. Clear, concise and edifying. Essential listening for those who want to be transformed by the renewing of their minds." - Kal from Zambia (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Dr. Francis Nigel Lee, entitled, "Sexual Purity, Lust, Pornography, Sexual Duties in Marriage, Divorce, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Kinsey's Lies and More On Sex from the Bible, The Seventh Commandment, The Best of Dr. Francis Nigel Lee 8 of 10"
"All those who want to know what God requires of them when it comes to Sexual Purity should listen to this sermon. It was a blessing to hear a sermon that confirms what the Holy Spirit has been convicting me of. Listen and than apply. May we all seek to have the mind and heart of Christ." - EW (Hawaii, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Dr. Francis Nigel Lee, entitled, "Sexual Purity, Lust, Pornography, Sexual Duties in Marriage, Divorce, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Kinsey's Lies and More On Sex from the Bible, The Seventh Commandment, The Best of Dr. Francis Nigel Lee 8 of 10"
"Excellent Sermon! The entire sermon is excellent. Listen and you will be blessed. There's a brief Q & A after the sermon." - ATMChi commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Dr. Francis Nigel Lee, entitled, "Sexual Purity, Lust, Pornography, Sexual Duties in Marriage, Divorce, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Kinsey's Lies and More On Sex from the Bible, The Seventh Commandment, The Best of Dr. Francis Nigel Lee 8 of 10")
SWRB NOTE: Also see the SWRB blog "OVERCOMING LUST, SEXUAL SINS & PORNOGRAPHY (FREE MP3s & BOOKS) On The Seventh Commandment/Adultery" and the SWRB blog, "The Sexual Revolution is a Fraud (Lust, Free Love, Adultery, Pornography) by Dr. Michael Wagner".
"This collection of... CDs is a truly astounding accomplishment. There is nothing like this available to the ordinary Christian on the whole face of the earth.
Now, for the first time ever, ordinary Christians can have direct and near effortless access to the very cream of Puritan and Reformed, as well as Covenanter, literature.
These books are often in fascinating first editions and many are electronically linked and indexed for the first time. The ordinary Christian may here dig into a simply staggering wealth of literature, from devotional and sermonic material to technical and scholarly works. Even in the days of the Long Reformation itself ordinary Christians didn't get to see this kind of library - most couldn't read for a start, and even those who could, would never have been able to afford to buy even a hundredth part of the material on these CDs. Truly we are without excuse!
And the significance of this collection goes even beyond that. No longer do we have to wait for modern Reformed publishing houses to predict that a particular Reformation or Puritan book will be sufficiently popular to make it economical to reprint, or to deem it "safe" enough to be let loose on the modern evangelical church. Rather, we are now able to see for ourselves the whole range of the Puritan and Reformed publishing enterprise, including views that are usually suppressed by most modern devotees of "Puritan" piety!
Buy these CDs while you can, and find out for yourself what the First and Second Reformations were really all about! You'll be truly amazed, and, by God's grace, will grow from being an ordinary Christian to being an extraordinary one.
What they used to say of the Puritan John Flavel's preaching, can be said of these CDs: they are 'hissing hot'!"
- Dr. Jonathan D. Moore, Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, UK.
(Author and Scholar of 16th and 17th Century Calvinistic literature.)
"... are you the same [Dr.] Michael Wagner that writes those wonderful articles on SWRB's web page?" - SM (USA)
"I ought to tell you how appreciative I am for the extraordinary work that you do. I believe the Third Reformation is in its infancy, but most importantly, is now upon us and growing exponentially in ways that we won't see for years, if ever, this side of heaven. You, through SWRB, are the temporal agent primarily responsible for this. I have no doubt whatsoever that one day people will read about SWRB, Reg Barrow and Mike Wagner the way we read about the giants of the First and Second Reformation, and give glory to God for raising up such mighty men." - W.J. Mencarow (Author and Pastor of Reformation Church, Texas)
"Great job!!!! I'm very thankful to the Lord for such able and diligent writers who truly care for the cause. Keep up the good work, knowing that your labor is not in vain." - DP (GA, USA)
"I am overwhelmed... the (SWRB) CD series look priceless, and you have done a great service for the kingdom through this ministry." - Dr. R.C. Sproul (Founder of Ligonier Ministries, Author, Teacher, Theologian, etc.)
Yet there is a cause for optimism. The growth of Ligonier reveals a growing interest in Reformed theology. The reprinting of Puritan works by Soli Deo Gloria Publishing, Banner of Truth and Still Waters Revival (Books) shows a deep and widespread hunger for Reformed doctrine.
- From: "Calvinism: The Once and Future Queen 'Right Now Counts Forever,'" by Dr. R.C. Sproul, Tabletalk magazine, May 1997, emphases added.
"I just received the CD's in the mail to day. I am overwhelmed! It was Dr. Richard A. Muller at Calvin Theological Seminary who first pointed out your website for access to documents that would otherwise be unavailable or unattainable. I am looking forward to reading the material by Beza and Twisse!" - Email from Richard Chelvan, USA.
I would like to request your complimentary catalogue of books &/or photocopies I might obtain through you.
I am interested in some original source material written by Robert Baillie, George Gillespie, Samuel Rutherford, Archibald Johnston, Robert Douglas and Alexander Henderson. These men were all active in writing during the 1630's to 60's.
I am interested in this time period because I am currently working towards completing a ThM at Calvin Theological in Grand Rapids, Michigan. My dissertation is focusing on the early covenanting period in Scotland during the second reformation. As I am sure you are aware, the Covenants of Scotland were extremely significant not only in the religious matters but also important events against the background of the English parliamentary political scene and Civil War.
My current chapters are dealing specifically on the Solemn League and Covenant and the Westminster Confession. I have already submitted my chapter on the "Political and religious appurtenance of the Scottish National Covenant"; but of course I will be anxious to expand upon it with any new documents/manuscripts that might be uncovered.
Also, I don't know if you might know a good source in NA for obtaining copies/fiche of the "Records of the Kirk of Scotland, containing the Acts and Proceedings of the General Assemblies" I used an edition published in 1843 - "from the years 1638 downwards, as Authenticated by the Clerks of Assembly" - but would like a similar copy for the 1640's, if there is one still around.
To further my studies, and aid in obtaining the most accurate information possible; I would appreciate any assistance towards uncovering any original source material you may have in these above stated areas. My Professor Dr. Richard Muller suggested that you very might well have copies of some of these documents. If you can let me know either way, I would really appreciate it. Thank you for your time and consideration.
SWRB NOTE: Dr. Richard Muller is the author of 'Christ and the Decree,' 'Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics' (four volumes), 'Dictionary of Latin and Greek Theological Terms,' 'The Unaccommodated Calvin,' 'After Calvin: Studies in the Development of a Theological Tradition,' and 'The Study of Theology.' He has also written numerous articles and reviews.
"Many members of BRF (British Reformed Journal - ed.) and readers of this Journal will already be aware of the publishing ministry of Still Waters Revival Books of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. For those who are not, an introduction and 'review' of this publisher (rather than a more formal 'book review' of one of their products) may be of interest.
This may be more necessary than for most Christian book publishers, simply because the conviction behind this enterprise, the product range, everything to do with Still Waters is radically 'different' - and often very refreshing indeed... Still Waters aims to get as wide a range of hitherto rare Reformed and Presbyterian book back into notice and circulation as possible, and along with them offers a huge range of Reformed tapes (now over 10,500 MP3s on the Puritan Hard Drive and over 4,100 MP3s free Puritan and Reformation MP3s at SermonAudio) and more modern printings of sound books and literature.
Having said that it must be noted that the deep conviction of all at Still Waters Books (and the Puritan Reformed Church of Edmonton, PRCE) is that the National and Solemn League and Covenant sworn by the 'three kingdoms' at the time of the Westminster Assembly are still in force and indeed are obligatory on all nations descended from the Covenanted nations, i.e. on Canada, the U.S., Australia, New Zealand and so on, as well as still so for us in the U.K.... that their catalogue is heavily weighted towards 'Covenanter classics'. Folks interested (or concerned) over the obligation of the Covenants, or Covenanting authors and history, will find materials to their heart's content from Still Waters.
It may be noted, in passing, that the issue is indeed a 'live' one today, for any group seeking to re-establish a Presbyterian church in England. Shall they start afresh with no history or on-going testimony, or should they claim historic continuity from the Presbyterians of the past? If the latter they must face the fact that those great Presbyterian Puritans voluntarily swore the Covenants, and that England was solemnly covenanted to acknowledge God in Christ as her own head and supreme ruler. Man changes, but God does not ("Though it be but a man's covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man disannulleth, or addeth thereto", Galatians 3:15). Relation to the Covenants, and a policy re their continuing renewal, is therefore something that an emerging revived Presbyterianism must face up to, should we again be blessed with such a thing in England.
And if you find that in these days of confusion you are clinging to and advocating - a) 'Received/ majority' text Bibles, b) Inspired Psalmody and c) Reformed Confessionalism, then it is surely an attractive and exciting thought that these elements provide the 'core' for Church unity - uniformity of worship and doctrine and practice - not just in Britain but for any culture or nation on earth. And that is the essence of the Covenant - to provide an agreed platform and promote uniformity in the Churches, whilst the Covenant is a sworn bond to spread that covenanted unity as far as possible worldwide.
Still Waters range, however, covers much, much, more than strictly Covenanter items, and is drawn from a wide range of the best Presbyterian and Reformed sources. There is, however, also something of an emphasis on the writings of various of the Scottish 'Marrow' theologians, so 'free offer of the gospel' items will need to be noted and avoided by most BRF members. But do not let that put you off- there is plenty more to choose from and so large a range will inevitably contain some items that you or I might prefer not to see made available again...
One major Puritan publisher tells me that suddenly now, "If its not by Watson or Brooks, they don't want to know." In this climate a publisher will not risk the cost of reprinting, binding, marketing etc., unless he is sure of sales that will cover his costs and render a profit. Very many rare and valuable items are thus simply never going to get back onto the 'popular' market or be offered by 'regular' publishers. Still Waters address this problem by taking gems that publishers would not risk reprinting in the normal fashion, and reproducing them in a photocopied format (now as inexpensive digital downloads, many with new embedded and appended indices -ed.)... if the content of the book is what you want, then this system (and the tireless searches and labours of Still Waters) offers access to books that one might otherwise only dream of seeing (much less owning), and all at amazingly affordable prices.
Here are some on offer:
'The English Hexapla'. Printed by Bagsters in 1841, this contains
the New Testament in 6 early English versions (Wickliffe 1380, Tyndale 1534, Cranmer 1539, Geneva 1557. Rheims 1582, and King James 1611) Scholz's Greek text at the page top. Original copies are hard to find, and sell for up to L.400....
'Westminster Annotations.' I mentioned these commentaries to a scholar working on the Puritans and the Assembly recently, and he did not know they existed! A 'semi-official' production of the Westminster Assembly this complete Bible commentary was produced at the request of Parliament by the Westminster Divines, with the help of other Puritans who were not delegates. Authors include Gouge, Ley, Casaubon, Reynolds, Meric, Gataker and others. 2,383 pages in six volumes, this set has never been reprinted since the seventeenth century and is very scarce indeed.
'Diodati's Annotations.' A complete Bible commentary in 2 volumes by John Diodati of Geneva. Translated in 1651. Richard Baxter included this in his list of "most essential books for Christian edification." Never re-issued in England. 1,100 pages...
'Book of the Universal Kirk of Scotland.' Edited by Alexander Peterkin this is the record of the earliest Assemblies of the Presbyterian Church in Scotland (1560-1616). A vital source for 'original intent' Presbyterianism from the days of John Knox.
'Spiritual Refining' by Anthony Burgess. Published in 1652-1654, 2 vols., 1,120 pages...
Still Waters' slogan is 'For the THIRD REFORMATION' - which might in itself give us all food for thought!
- Stephen P. Westcott, Ph.D, Litt.D. (Bristol, England), Excerpts from the "Publisher Review of Still Waters Revival Books, Canada" in the British Reformed Journal. Dr. Westcott did the translation work (first time to English, from Latin) for the publication of John Owen's Works (volume 17).
"I have now had several months to peruse the contents of the Reformation and Puritan Bookshelf CD sets, and the experience has been a feast for the soul. They have been invaluable to me in sermon preparation and in improving personal and familial piety. If these had been the only blessings attached to the reading of these documents, the expense (even if it had been much greater) would have been justified; but there is more here...
"In this present time, a great many Presbyterians (particularly in North America) have forgotten and implicitly (perhaps unwittingly) rejected their Presbyterian heritage. Strangely, Westminster confessing churches have rejected the theological distinctives of the Westminster Standards. Although the Westminster Assembly produced a beautiful statement of soteriological Calvinism, the histories clearly demonstrate that soteriology was not the principle focus, nor chief interest, of the Assembly. The Assembly was primarily concerned with uniformity in worship (in accordance with the Regulative Principle), the form of church government (Presbyterianism jus divinum), and Church-State relations (the Establishment Principle). It is a sad irony that the great and distinctive attainments of the Westminster Assembly have been ignored and rejected by so many Westminster confessing churches.
However, there is reason to believe that these great attainments are rejected largely because of ignorance. The best books on these subjects have not been readily available; but (thanks be to God) they are available again on these CD sets. For anyone interested in recovering our Presbyterian past, these CD sets are a must. It is my hope and prayer that these CD sets will be used by God to bring to light the things that were hidden, to call to remembrance the things that were forgotten."
- Dr. Steven Dilday (Author and Pastor of Liberty and Grace Reformed Church, Warrenton, Virginia)
Pastor Steven Dilday holds a Ph.D. from Whitefield Theological Seminary in Puritan History and Literature. He is currently translating Matthew Poole's Synopsis Criticorum, making it available in English for the first time.
"Great Sermon! While there is plenty of useful material on Romanism at SA (not to mention www.vatican.va), there is very little on its Eastern Orthodox rival and this paper is a useful introduction to some of its tenets and practices. Given the current Western hostility to "head knowledge," propositional logic and theology, I expect Eastern Orthodoxy's anti-intellectual mysticism to grow in popularity today, should it gain wider exposure. I cannot help pointing out that such mysticism cannot even begin to be understood without using propositions and language, which makes it self-refuting! - Neil from Tucson, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by former Roman Catholic priest, Richard Bennett, who is now a Christian, entitled, "Eastern Orthodoxy The Mystical Trap")
"I cannot tell you what a treasure this book (English Hexapla) is. Had I the time, I could get lost in it for hours at a time." - DD (WY, USA)
"I absolutely love it! I am an English medievalist who searched for over five years trying to find... Wyclif (Wycliffe - ed.) Bible." - Ra McLaughlin (Editor/Webmaster, Third Millennium Ministries)
"I'm so thankful that Still Waters Revival Books (swrb.com) has done such wonderful work preserving... otherwise unavailable book!" - Editor/Third Millennium Ministries
"I am a Christian who has only recently heard about the 1841 Hexapla and the 1599 Geneva Bible. I learnt about them on the site "greatsite.com." I have only just come to strong convictions about the Textus Receptus, etc., and am therefore interested in purchasing these items from you. Happily, they seem to be vastly cheaper on your web site than the other!" - SS (Australia)
"Thank you for making so many of these good books available. We will acquire more as paychecks permit. I will be in India on a short term mission March 16-30 and look forward to having these books to enjoy after I return. I have found the New Testament Hexapla very useful on a regular basis. The history of the English Bible in the small accompanying volume was also very enjoyable and enlightening" - AP (WA, USA)
"I have enjoyed my Hexapla and the 8 volume set of Foxe's Martyrs! Man, he was prolific and what a great general history of England." - DD (USA)
"Scripturally rich, emotionally moving. This a great, emotionally moving sermon that provides a rich feast of scriptural and historical examples where truth and righteousness have been advanced by the narrow gate, the narrow path, and by the the few." Greg - (CO, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "The Narrow Reformation Way and Classic Reformation Eschatology ")
"Postmillennial sermons (for free! - ed.)... The Lord keeps His truth!" - Ian B. (Wolverhampton, England, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Reformation Eschatology, The Millennium & the Victory of Christ's Kingdom 2/2" - part one by Greg Price, "Reformation Eschatology, The Millennium & the Victory of Christ's Kingdom 1/2". Jonathan Edwards' Postmillennial sermon, "History of Redemption (Salvation) #16: God's Work, Creation To Judgment Day, With Edward's Postmillennial Eschatology of Victory" is a free online SWRB MP3 and another Jonathan Edwards' Postmillennial sermon, "Jonathan Edwards On Revelation, The Overthrow Of Antichrist & Eschatology Of Victory" is free. Many more excellent sermons on Postmillennialism (by Greg Price, Loraine Boettner, Dr. Steven Dilday, William Symington, David Dickson, Alexander McLeod, Archibald Mason, Dr. Francis Nigel Lee, David Steele, et al.) are available free. Greg Price has also done a series of messages defending the classic Reformation eschatology of Historicism [found in all the Reformation creeds, confessions and covenants] and Postmillennialism [see Iain Murray's book, The Puritan Hope, Revival and the Interpretation of Prophecy]. This series on eschatology by Greg Price refute the Jesuit inspired prophetic systems of Futurism and Preterism, as well as Premillennialism and Amillennialism. This is some of the best preaching on eschatology you will ever hear. You can view each specific eschatological message in this extensive series of sermons [beginning with sermon #12] - including the messages on the number of the beast, 666, [sermon #22 in this series], and dDefending the classic Reformation teaching on Antichrist beginning in sermon #23. The Jesuit roots of Preterism and Futurism (as systems) are covered in the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price. in the sermon "God's Gracious Covenant With Israel #17 (Partial & Full Preterism Refuted #1)." Sermons in this series refuting Full and Partial Preterism [beginning at sermon #17 and ongoing at the time of this writing]. Sermons in this series refuting Premillennialism [see sermons #12, #15 and #16]. Sermons in this series refuting Amillennialism [see sermons #13 to #16]. These messages further solidify Greg Price as the most doctrinally sound preacher alive today. Many more free online SWRB MP3s on the classic Reformation position on Antichrist are available free online . W.J. Mencarow's sermons on the mark of the Beast [666] are also among the best you will ever hear. For these free online SWRB MP3s please see "666 - The Number of the Beast of Revelation, a.k.a. Antichrist -- The Historic Protestant Interpretation (Reformed Teaching)" and " The Mark of the Beast (666) The Classic Position of the Protestant Reformation
"Brilliant challenging message which we echo wholeheartedly. Praise God! - Raymond Stewart (Northern Ireland, UK, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Nation Shaking Reformation Promoted - A Classic Sermon By A Modern-Day Puritan Preacher!")
"I read this last week John Brown Of Wamphray's 'Christ in Believers, the Hope of Glory," and thought about my own inability and sinfulness in all my doings an nature. To rest assured only on the righteousness of Christ Jesus as a poor sinner. But I also thought about the Gospel as the most powerful means on earth to overthrow nations, to overthrow heresies and all false doctrines, foul systems of government and to establish Christ's Millennial Kingdom! The Whole earth will and must be filled with the Glory of this Gospel to the Honour of the Triune-God!
I also read Robert Fleming's 'Rise and Fall of the Papacy.' I read that as to his calculations the fall of papacy can be expected at around the year 2018. That is very near and the signs can be discerned. We must take courage and stand bold in Gods strength and by being convinced that God the Holy Ghost will mightily act in the coming time to convince multitudes of people and bring them to a saving knowledge and to make the house of God the Father full and to exalt the King of Kings and the Prince of all Nations, our Lord Jesus Christ the Sole ruler of all Nations and his Own Church! Let me quote from one of these splendid CDs,
This would also help us to sweet thoughts [i.e the fulfilling of Scripture - ed.], and give us matter of a song in the saddest night of the Churches condition, when we see how God's great design in the World is the accomplishing of the Scripture, and know that his ends which he hath held forth therein, cannot be frustrated, it would serve to silence all our complaints, with wondering at Gods way, and triumphing in the works of his hand; we should not then be affrayed of evil tidings; a stormy time would not outwit us; being persuaded that though the earth should be overturned, it shall be surely well with the righteous, the Church must flourish, and all her enemies be found liars, because he is faithful that hath promised, whose Word will as surely come to passe as the sun doth return after a dark night. Robert Fleming's Fulfilling of Scripture, p. 28, Puritan Bookshelf CD #6" - RB (The Netherlands)
"Serious preaching here. Unfortunately, not enough of it in today's Church's. GOD bless you SWRB.COM." - Joseph H. (NJ, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by George Gillespie, entitled, "Reformation's Refining Fire; or, Iconoclastic Zeal Necessary to World Reformation")
"I cannot express the depth of my gratitude to you and your staff for the massive work you have done on the Reformation and Puritan Bookshelf CD series. Your compilation - in addition to tripling the total size of my personal library - has already encouraged me greatly in the development of the habit of family worship in my home. Your contribution to Christ's Church is of inestimable value, and I am sharing your materials with every serious Christian I can find. My Pastor was ecstatic to receive his copy." - Neil Barham (USA)
"These Puritan resources are the greatest I've ever seen. These eyes have never seen anything greater than what you have produced except that old King James Bible. I am sure that it will help me and others grow in the Lord and I can use it in my Home School for my children." - Email from a Customer in Georgia, USA
"As you know, we have a ministry primarily with children in Ukraine. The children's books that we received from you are just what we have been looking for. It is so difficult today to find books for children that are biblically accurate and not full of fluff." - LG (Ukraine)
"I have now had several months to peruse the contents of the Reformation and Puritan Bookshelf CD sets, and the experience has been a feast for the soul. They have been invaluable to me in sermon preparation and in improving personal and familial piety. If these had been the only blessings attached to the reading of these documents, the expense (even if it had been much greater) would have been justified; but there is more here... - Dr. Steven Dilday (Author and Pastor of Liberty and Grace Reformed Church, Warrenton, Virginia) Pastor Steven Dilday holds a Ph.D. from Whitefield Theological Seminary in Puritan History and Literature. He is currently translating Matthew Poole's Synopsis Criticorum, making it available in English for the first time.
"Great Psalmody resource! Thank you so much for making this resource. My family has been longing for something like this to teach us the 1650 Psalter tunes to use in family worship. We were not raised Reformed so we are starting from scratch. This will help immensely. I hope you will continue on through the rest of the Psalms. May God bless you for your efforts." - TM (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by the Dohms family, entitled, "50 Suggested Tunes for Use With the Scottish Metrical Psalter [Being The Psalter Authorized by the Famous Westminster Assembly]" - also see all the Psalm singing MP3s available on this site as digital downloads - ed.)
"Hello, I want to commend you on your stand with the celebration of Christmass... I was aware of this info before reading your site but was directed there by a friend whom I had informed of the pagan origins of the holiday. She went searching on the Internet and found your site... and what a job you have done! Thanks so much... I have a Christian home school site where I put up web polls. My current poll is about the origins of Christmas. I would like to use your article for people to check out after they have voted. Can I reprint it on my site? I will link to your site and post full credits." - Thanks and God Bless, JS.
"Once again, I want to express my deep appreciation of your ministry in distributing the Word of God and sound literature.... I had not really supposed that there would exist any Reformed Presbyterian testimony in Germany at the present time. I am well aware of the fact, that the few existing fundamental Reformed churches (I cannot count the Reformed state churches amongst them, as they are already for a very long time no longer faithful to the revealed Word of God and to their own Creeds and Confessions) are either strongly influenced by Evangelicalism, have a Baptist doctrine on baptism, are worldly in dress and clothing, etc., or are not unanimous in their support of Homeschooling, which I deem to be of utmost importance in our time (although it is still legally prohibited and even sentenced in Germany). Sometimes, even the question of the right Bible text and version is not clear at all. Yes, it is indeed a very difficult situation here in Germany. But the Lord has promised a time of unprecedented blessings for the Church of Christ in His Word, and we may faithfully hold on to that... There is really no church in Germany at the moment, where I could affiliate to without in the one or other respect having a bad conscience. But what would you think is the best thing to do in such a situation?" - Kind regards and greetings in our common Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, VJ (Germany)
"Although I've read (and recommend) Bro. Pollard's excellent book, this message (actually the remainder of the 1st in this series), makes some excellent additional points. Christian men must graciously but with resolve take the lead on this issue. I'm grateful that the Holy Spirit led me to awareness of this issue some years ago, and I've not regretted it. And note well, the requirement for modesty applies to men too! - Neil from Tucson, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Jeff Pollard, entitled, "Christian Immodesty; The Public Undressing of the Church 2 of 12" - all 12 free SWRB MP3s in this series are free)
"I would like to know if two believers are married and one decides to leave by divorce on unlawful ground, is the party that's abandoned bound by God to that marriage. The party that decides to leave still professes Christianity. I did not get a clear understanding of this. Please help?" - DD (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "
Lawful Divorce in the Bible (Mark #45)" - see the answer directly below)
"Response to Dennis Duncan's Question Above. Dear Dennis: Your question is answered in the six MP3 series on Marriage and Divorce by Greg Price, (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, " Lawful Divorce in the Bible (Mark #45)")
"You may want to purchase a collection of Reformed books from Still Waters Revival Books in CD-ROM format. They have released an incredible array of 62 compact disks which contain over 2,000 titles of some of the best Reformation and Calvinistic books ever written. It is by far the best and widest collection of Reformed literature ever assembled. With capabilities to index and search through these classic authors, this set of CDs is a must for those who desire to read and study our Reformed theological heritage. The president of Still Waters Revival Books, Reg Barrow, is to be highly commended for his insight and perseverance in placing these books - many of them otherwise unavailable - within reach of anyone who has a computer with a CD-ROM drive. If you want more information about how to obtain these CDs, please visit their website."
- From The Five Points of Calvinism: Defined, Defended, and Documented, Second [Special Anniversary] Edition, Updated and Expanded (p. 76, 2004, Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company) by David N. Steele, Curtis C. Thomas, and S. Lance Quinn, Foreword by Roger Nicole, Afterword by John MacArthur.
"I've looked for many years to try and get a complete Foxe's Book of Martyrs (8 volumes), so I'm excited at finding it at last! - RL (USA)
"Dear Brother Barrow, In February of this year, I ordered the set of Foxe, John. "Acts and Monuments" in 8 hardcover volumes... I would like to get a second set (hardcover), if I can afford it, for my office. How much would a second set cost me, including P & H costs? Looking forward to your reply. Many thanks for your wonderful ministry." - DB, Ph.D. (Bob Jones Seminary)
"I have enjoyed my Hexapla and the 8 volume set of Foxe's Martyrs! Man, he was prolific and what a great general history of England." - DD (USA)
"Thank you all for putting this info on the Web for FREE. I can hardly believe there are still so many people in this world that are JUST passionate about His Gospel and TRUTH. God bless you all for bringing old Reformation sermons to us today in MP3. - Brett, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by John Foxe, entitled, "Foxe's Book of Martyrs [Acts & Monuments With the Life of John Foxe]")
SWRB NOTE: Excellent related books on Reformation martyrs are noted in the comments below.
"Important history. I am very thankful for these MP3s as they show the history of God's people during the high times of Reformation and suffering. It shows me to trust more in Christ as the glory of grace and life and less on myself." - RB (The Netherlands, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by J.C. McFeeters, entitled, "Sketches of the Covenanters 3/7" - all seven MP3s which make up this free online audio book, from Still Waters Revival Books)
"The Martyrs have not died in vain! The (National -ed.) Covenant of 1638 and the SL&C (Solemn League and Covenant - ed.) have not been sworn in vain. When I saw the Martyrs monuments such as on the Grassmarket, St.Andrews and the Covenanters Memorial on Greyfriars churchyard, I asked myself: 'Was it in vain, Lord?' NO, it will not be in vain! Although everything looks its like falling apart, Christ Jesus will be the ultimate victorious King! Let these covenants revive! Not only for the sake of the Church of Scotland, England and Ireland, but also for the Dutch and ultimately for the rest of the world. As the Covenanters would say: For Christ Crown and Covenant! The Covenants will be the reviving of Scotland, Ireland and England and all its descendants now living across the world! God bless you, Mr.Barrow!" - RSB (The Netherlands, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Barrow, entitled, "DEBATE: How the Solemn League and Covenant Binds the USA, Canada, Australia, etc., Today (2/3)" - the book by Greg Barrow, "The Covenanted Reformation Defended," from which this MP3 was excerpted, is free online and much more free information on the Covenanted Reformation is online)
"Although I am Dutch, I strongly encourage everyone to hear these three sermons from Mr.Barrow. In the last week of June in went to Scotland to see for myself what God has done in Edinburgh and St.Andrew. I stood on the places where Knox preached, James Renwick was executed... the places in which Patrick Hamilton and George Wishart were executed for the Covenanted Reformation. When I see their faithfulness to the Covenants sworn to God, I can not understand how people have left these covenants and how the Church has compromised the truth with false ecumenism and sin. I pray and hope that these covenants will be restored and that even in the Netherlands the Reformed religion will revive as never before." - RSB (The Netherlands, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Barrow, entitled, "DEBATE: How the Solemn League & Covenant Binds the USA, Canada, Australia, etc., Today (1/3)" at - the book by Greg Barrow, "The Covenanted Reformation Defended," from which this MP3 was excerpted, is free online and much more free information on the Covenanted Reformation is online)
"Dear sir, this is above and beyond I will not let you down, praise the Lord! I Pray that the God that spoke this world into existence and hung His only Son on the cross that you might be saved from sin will bless your ministry with whatever God sees fit to bless your ministry with. Thank you for your kindness God that rewards openly will surely bless you for your kindness I cannot express My thankfulness to you. I'm indebted I pray for you please pray for me. Again thank you so much. Praise the Holy name of the Lord Jesus my savior who one day called my name like he did Adam and I got lost. I WAS A SATANIST LIVING IN LONG BEACH CALIFORNIA. I STOLE A SCOFIELD KJV REFERENCE BIBLE TO USE IN A SATANIC RITUAL. I OPENED THAT HOLY BIBLE UP AND GODS WORD CONVICTED ME IN MY SOUL AND I KNEW THAT I WAS LOST AND ON MY ROAD TO HELL AND THE HOLY GHOST REFERRED ME TO THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. FRIEND GOD ALMIGHTY SAVED ME THAT DAY. HE MADE ME HEAVEN BOUND AND HELL PROOF. WORTHY IS THE LAMB THAT WAS SLAIN BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. O FRIEND IF YOU DON'T KNOW CHRIST CALL UPON HIM (AS) HE... IS MIGHTY TO SAVE" - FL (USA)
I see here that you have recorded some of the old Puritan books on cassettes (MP3s now - ed.). I am very interested in procuring some of these, as I am blind and printed material is difficult for me to peruse? Can you, for example, send me some of your catalog as a return email. It is so much easier to read the computer screen with my synthesizer, than to have to find a reader. I can't wait to "read" some of your tapes. - In Christ, PG (NE, USA)
"Good that you expose the "Campus Crusade" - they are here in Albania too and they are spreading their ignorance every where, and the danger of the Greek orthodox church. In Albania the Greek church is spreading a false message and leading people away from the Truth. The so called protestant churches are not protestant at all, the leaders of such churches are in total ignorance to the Bible and worse they encourage people to not study the Bible. In Albania the Bible is still under attack and this time not by Communism but by false pastors that by dismissing the study of the Bible have led many astray and away from God. And they are not able to fight false doctrines as that of the Greek church that is poisoning the minds of the Albanians. In Albania no one teaches the Bible is the word of God." - Genti from Albania on "Roman Catholicism Permeating Evangelicalism (Separation From Images & Idolatry)" by Richard Bennett, free MP3 and video compliments of SWRB and Berean Beacon.
"I have been thoroughly enjoying surfing your website..." - TE (Australia)
"I can only add that it is a great honour to have these books, and an even greater pleasure to study them. Thank you... for your devotion to the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and the testimony of the Covenanters (tho' they seem inseparable, to me)," - MS (Australia)
"By the way, the Reformation bookshelf CD's have arrived and are proving to be an invaluable resource. They will certainly save me a large amount of international travel and accommodation expenses going in search of library copies of the original volumes!" - From Australia
"I now see a faint glimmer of hope for the Covenanted Reformation in Australia. May the Lord gently fan the little spark." - ET (Australia)
"I am a Christian who has only recently heard about the 1841 Hexapla and the 1599 Geneva Bible. I learnt about them on the site "greatsite.com." I have only just come to strong convictions about the Textus Receptus, etc., and am therefore interested in purchasing these items from you. Happily, they seem to be vastly cheaper on your web site than the other!" - SS (Australia)
"I also had the opportunity to look over your new products. What you are doing is a wonderful service to those who take seriously their Scottish Reformation heritage." - Email from Australia
"Thanks for the great work you're doing with your mailing list and website (and books, of course)." - TN (Australia)
As a Christian I learned this many years ago, before my wife and I had children. They grew up knowing the truth. Applying the attributes of GOD to a mythical character called Santa Clause and then turning it into a time of so called praise to the birth of our Redeemer and GOD - how wicked! Yet so many are deluded. They do not understand that they are committing idol worship. When each December 25 they go to church and worship a Jesus of their own making. What of those who lead the services. - David Wilson from Brisbane, Australia (Commenting on the free SWRB MP3s, by Greg Price, in the series, "Christmass Condemned By Christ")
"We are so grateful for your help. Now we have a list of good Christian books. Thanks again." - AR (Brazil)
"Believers don't need to see Mel Gibson's idolatrous film to realize the deep sufferings of Jesus on His way to the cross. We have the accurate Word of God, the Bible, to teach us and guide us. Mel Gibson's Roman Catholic film is for Catholics who do not understand the main importance of Jesus's death on the cross. Mere emotions don't take anyone to heaven." - Adilson Silva from Sao Paulo-Brazil (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Richard Bennett, entitled, "Mel Gibson's Vivid and Idolatrous Deception: The Passion of the Christ Movie")
I thank you for the wonderful gesture of sending me numerous leaflets which I began to enjoy reading, as well as a copy of a video film by Mr. Greg Price." - (Bulgaria)
"The 15 CD's I have now are beginning to unfold in my mind... by devastating blows to my old man..." - BW (Canada)
"Dear Brothers: I appreciate the work that you are doing at SWRB. The availability of old ministry on the CDs is truly remarkable and at such good prices. I have been blessed in my own reading and also sermon preparation help. Right now I am preaching through John 17 and the help from Rollock, Newton and Burgess is tremendous. Keep up the good work, it is truly appreciated and I am sure people like myself are being helped and you will never know the blessing your ministry is until you get home to glory." -Your Brother in Christ, AMT (Email for a Baptist Brother in Ontario, Canada)
"Thanks for providing so many great summaries of great books... Your e-mails are very educational in themselves. Please keep them coming." - JF (Canada)
"Thank you so much for this sermon (Foxe's Book of Martyrs, Acts & Monuments With the Life of John Foxe, free online - ed.). I read quite a bit of the book online and it was great to hear it on MP3. Too many Christians try to make a profit off of God and I thank you that this is free. This means to me that you truly care about lost souls and money is not your goal, saving the lost and deceived is! God bless you for this!!! I wish there were more like you in this world who gave it for free to save others than try to make some $ off of it. Again I thank you so very much." - GT (ON, Canada)
"Great Sermon! This beautiful piece of literature is so meaningful, I pondered over many things and it set my heart in order. GOD Bless you SWRB. Thank you." - CT (Toronto, ON, Canada, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by the Covenanter, Donald Cargill, "The Wise Use of Time")
"It must be that Puritan blood that flows through your veins, and what great blood that is!!!" - SH (Canada)
"I am a Canadian whose ancestors were Scottish Presbyterians and I am very interested in learning more about the Covenanters in general and my ancestor in particular... I would very much like to purchase any works on the Covenanters." - KB (ON, Canada)
"Dear brothers, We really love you, and pray God's blessings on your work there in Canada. We are Reformed missionaries preaching the Gospel to Muslims here in Crimea. We would like to receive your FREE catalog and any other resources that you have to send us on the Reformed faith. We are also very interested in Greg Price's ministry." - FM (Crimea, Ukraine)
"Praise the Lord for this message from Brother Bennett. If Jesus Christ is a member of the Triune Godhead, who spoke from Mount Sinai, prohibiting the material representations of His person in Exodus 20:4, how can He be pictured? Did He not claim in John 8:24, 58 to be the I AM, the Yahweh God of the Old Testament? (Exodus 3:14). I pray that the Lord will use this timely message to open up the eyes of evangelicals to the idolatry of picturing Christ. An excellent book on this topic is Christ Can't Be Pictured: God Is Not Like Art by Virgil Dunbar. He can be contacted by email at VDunbar@aol.com" - Lorin Smith from Devonshire, Bermuda (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by former Roman Catholic priest, Richard Bennett, who is now a Christian, entitled, "
"Mel Gibson's Vivid And Idolatrous Deception: The Passion of the Christ Movie"
"Once again, I want to express my deep appreciation of your ministry in distributing the Word of God and sound literature.... I had not really supposed that there would exist any Reformed Presbyterian testimony in Germany at the present time. I am well aware of the fact, that the few existing fundamental Reformed churches (I cannot count the Reformed state churches amongst them, as they are already for a very long time no longer faithful to the revealed Word of God and to their own Creeds and Confessions) are either strongly influenced by Evangelicalism, have a Baptist doctrine on baptism, are worldly in dress and clothing, etc., or are not unanimous in their support of Homeschooling, which I deem to be of utmost importance in our time (although it is still legally prohibited and even sentenced in Germany). Sometimes, even the question of the right Bible text and version is not clear at all. Yes, it is indeed a very difficult situation here in Germany. But the Lord has promised a time of unprecedented blessings for the Church of Christ in His Word, and we may faithfully hold on to that... There is really no church in Germany at the moment, where I could affiliate to without in the one or other respect having a bad conscience. But what would you think is the best thing to do in such a situation?" - Kind regards and greetings in our common Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, VJ (Germany)
"Praise God for you and work you are doing." - Szeged, Hungary
"Just a short note to thank you for your excellent service. I think that I received my order two weeks after faxing you - which is quite something as I know post from the UK can take 10 days! Thank you too for providing the sort of material that you do - at the prices that you do. I'm especially impressed by the photocopied and bound books that you produce - easy to read and to make notes on. Please continue to keep up the good work that you're doing for our Lord - and keep me up to date with your next catalog please." MF (Latvia)
"I want to thank you to make those new works available which are going to be produced on these new Reformation CD-roms. I am very thankful already for the Puritan CD-roms and although I have read not so much as I would like to read, the things I read especially the death-testimonies of James Guthrie and James Renwick were very encouraging - as also the sins of ministers from James Guthrie and the sermons of Robert Rollock were very heart encouraging. Praying that God might draw my heart more and more to be in his Truth. I just wanted to let you know this to encourage you and your colleagues. Could you tell me when it will be possible to buy these new Reformation CD's, because the are still forthcoming?" - DK (Netherlands)
"Wonderful sermon! Much needed this day, especially in the Netherlands were will-worship is a common thing among the churches even in the so-called reformed churches.Where there is false worship, false doctrine usually follows. All reformed churches in the Netherlands deny the regulative principle of worship and what is the result? Hyper-Calvinism, Arminianism and outright damnable heresies like the toeleidende weg theologie flourish!" - RB (Breda, Netherlands, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Traditions of the Elders Versus True Worship [Against Arminianism and the Spirit of Antichrist in Worship] Mark #31")
"Although I am Dutch, I strongly encourage everyone to hear these three sermons from Mr.Barrow. In the last week of June in went to Scotland to see for myself what God has done in Edinburgh and St.Andrew. I stood on the places where Knox preached, James Renwick was executed... the places in which Patrick Hamilton and George Wishart were executed for the Covenanted Reformation. When I see their faithfulness to the Covenants sworn to God, I can not understand how people have left these covenants and how the Church has compromised the truth with false ecumenism and sin. I pray and hope that these covenants will be restored and that even in the Netherlands the Reformed religion will revive as never before." - RSB (The Netherlands, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Barrow, entitled, "DEBATE: How the Solemn League & Covenant Binds the USA, Canada, Australia, etc., Today (1/3)" - the book by Greg Barrow, "The Covenanted Reformation Defended," from which this MP3 was excerpted, is free online and much more free information on the Covenanted Reformation is online)
"I just watched what the contents will be of the new Reformation CDs and I hope to buy them all when they are available... I want to thank you for making these precious works available and being able to spread to other people... Just wanted to let you know how much I am looking forward to these CDs! Greetings in Christ Jesus and always praying for you ministry."- WA (Netherlands)
"Important history. I am very thankful for these MP3s as they show the history of God's people during the high times of Reformation and suffering. It shows me to trust more in Christ as the glory of grace and life and less on myself." - RB (The Netherlands, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by J.C. McFeeters, entitled, "Sketches of the Covenanters 3/7" - all seven MP3s which make up this free online audio book, from Still Waters Revival Books)
"It was by these sermons that I heard that the celebration of Christmas is a sin in violation of the second commandment. I am hoping and praying that, especially in my nation, the Reformed church will return to the true Standards conformable to the Word of God. For it is a joy NOT to celebrate Christmass. It has been a burden for many years for me, and now i am free not to celebrate it!" - RB (The Netherlands, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "
"Christmass Condemned By Christ 3/3 Puritan & Reformation Teaching On Roman Catholic (Antichrist)/Pagan Holy Days (Easter Too)" - all three free SWRB MP3s, by Greg Price, in the series, "Christmass Condemned By Christ," are available online)
"The Martyrs have not died in vain! The (National -ed.) Covenant of 1638 and the SL&C (Solemn League and Covenant - ed.) have not been sworn in vain. When I saw the Martyrs monuments such as on the Grassmarket, St.Andrews and the Covenanters Memorial on Greyfriars churchyard, I asked myself: 'Was it in vain, Lord?' NO, it will not be in vain! Although everything looks its like falling apart, Christ Jesus will be the ultimate victorious King! Let these covenants revive! Not only for the sake of the Church of Scotland, England and Ireland, but also for the Dutch and ultimately for the rest of the world. As the Covenanters would say: For Christ Crown and Covenant! The Covenants will be the reviving of Scotland, Ireland and England and all its descendants now living across the world! God bless you, Mr.Barrow!" - RSB (The Netherlands, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Barrow, entitled, "DEBATE: How the Solemn League and Covenant Binds the USA, Canada, Australia, etc., Today (2/3)" - the book by Greg Barrow, "The Covenanted Reformation Defended," from which this MP3 was excerpted, is free online and much more free information on the Covenanted Reformation is online)
"I read this last week John Brown Of Wamphray's 'Christ in Believers, the Hope of Glory," and thought about my own inability and sinfulness in all my doings an nature. To rest assured only on the righteousness of Christ Jesus as a poor sinner. But I also thought about the Gospel as the most powerful means on earth to overthrow nations, to overthrow heresies and all false doctrines, foul systems of government and to establish Christ's Millennial Kingdom! The Whole earth will and must be filled with the Glory of this Gospel to the Honour of the Triune-God!
I also read Robert Fleming's 'Rise and Fall of the Papacy.' I read that as to his calculations the fall of papacy can be expected at around the year 2018. That is very near and the signs can be discerned. We must take courage and stand bold in Gods strength and by being convinced that God the Holy Ghost will mightily act in the coming time to convince multitudes of people and bring them to a saving knowledge and to make the house of God the Father full and to exalt the King of Kings and the Prince of all Nations, our Lord Jesus Christ the Sole ruler of all Nations and his Own Church! Let me quote from one of these splendid CDs,
This would also help us to sweet thoughts [i.e the fulfilling of Scripture - ed.], and give us matter of a song in the saddest night of the Churches condition, when we see how God's great design in the World is the accomplishing of the Scripture, and know that his ends which he hath held forth therein, cannot be frustrated, it would serve to silence all our complaints, with wondering at Gods way, and triumphing in the works of his hand; we should not then be affrayed of evil tidings; a stormy time would not outwit us; being persuaded that though the earth should be overturned, it shall be surely well with the righteous, the Church must flourish, and all her enemies be found liars, because he is faithful that hath promised, whose Word will as surely come to passe as the sun doth return after a dark night. Robert Fleming's Fulfilling of Scripture, p. 28, Puritan Bookshelf CD #6" - RB (The Netherlands)
"What a blessing as I am starting the journey of the Life of the Lord Jesus Christ in me." - JJ (TN, USA)
"The whole series of Repentance has blessed me more than I can say. I am a new Christian and examine myself to see if I am in the faith. These tapes have been sent to me by God to give me assurance. Pastor Pollard has presented the doctrine of repentance in a clear, biblical manner. Even the most unlearned person can understand. Thank you Pastor Pollard for blessing my soul through Christ our Lord." - Kathryn (NC, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Jeff Pollard, entitled, "Repentance: 'Repent Ye' 1 of 17" at https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=62706131435 - the complete series of free SWRB MP3s, by Jeff Pollard, on repentance, is available online)
"Thanks for sending me your book lists and prices. It keeps me up with what is available... I am glad of the emails." RM (New Zealand)
"I am very pleased to visit your fabulous web site." - AS (Pakistan)
"I have been receiving your emails... it has been very much beneficial also to know about the books and the authors." - EN (Pakistan)
"Thank you so much for this video. I am an ex-Catholic, now born again Christian. I did not know much about the Inquisition. I am very blessed. Thank you for being a blessing to me and am sure others will be blessed too. Be encouraged you are doing a wonderful job for the people living in darkness. Blessings to those who also contributed in making this video and posting it on your site. I am a Pakistani, residing in Karachi. - Tony (Pakistan, for more information see the free video on the Inquisition at the bottom of this page.)
Dear Brothers and Sisters. Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! I have been going through the studies at your web site, and I am deeply inspired with all of the teachings and studies thereon. This is such a wonderful studies and sermons you have arranged for all the nations, in the long run of your service for the nations of the all the world. I am from Islamic Republic of Pakistan where it is difficult to have Radio and TV channel for preaching purposes. They would not allow us to do that here; the Satan has real strong hold over everything. I often say that we are living in the land of the enemy. Brother, we humbly request you to expand your outreach your program in Urdu and Punjabi language. Urdu is the language spoken and understood by more than one sixth of the total population of the world. Urdu is spoken in Pakistan, India , Nepal, Afghanistan and also in Indonesia, Malaysia, Iran and others. I would ask you to pray and share it among the brethren at your ministry. I pray that your consideration will have His mark over your decision. May God bless you abundantly! May His perfect will be done! Grace and Peace be with you all. Your brother in Christ, NM (Pakistan)
"Thank you again for your kindness and the help that you have given me towards completing my calling in God." - DB (Papua New Guinea)
"I cannot possibly say enough good things about those CD's. Finding your website was a real blessing. I was actually trying to look up something else, but your page came up instead. I know that was no coincidence! I felt like I had stumbled upon some lost El Dorado." - In Jesus, Andy Underhile (Missionary in the Philippines)
"The SWRB CDs ... have been an incredible source of spiritual delight and theological pleasure. They were also an incomparable help in researching and writing my countless M.Div. papers. My professors were always amazed at the rare book quotations and relative obscurity of my sources. I still feel that I have barely scratched the surface of what these books have to offer." - Pastor Andrew Underhile, Missionary in the Philippines
I just received the day before yesterday the CD's you sent me. I have been busy exploring the material. I can only say that I am dumbfounded at the wealth of literature that is on these CD's. I was pleasantly surprised to find that all the books are scanned images of the originals (which now also have, for most books on the Puritan Hard Drive, embedded and appended indices, making these books searchable and you may copy and paste from them, while still seeing what the original copy of the book looked like - ed.), so that I feel as if I own actual copies of the old books! A year or so ago a friend sent me a copy of the Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL) CD-ROM. All of the books on that CD are in HTML format and have been reformatted so that they appear no different from any other printed material. But your books, besides having less chaff, give the reader that feeling one only gets from actually handling those quaint old books. I have only glanced through the material, but I have already been immeasurably blessed by Thomas Manton's sermons on Hebrews 11. In my own personal study, I am currently working through 1 Corinthians. I am anxious to get into the commentaries on the Puritan CD set.
Again, I want to thank you for your generosity. Only the Lord can repay you for the service you have done to me, and what you have done for the body of Christ over the last 18+ years. May He repay you a hundred-fold!
- In Jesus, Andy Underhile (Missionary in the Philippines)
"Allow me to share a short testimony with you. After spending nine years on the mission field here in the Philippines, I returned for a few years to the States to get some things sorted out. During that time I worked at a Christian bookstore owned by an elderly Presbyterian couple. The whole time I was there I had a Geneva Bible on order, but the distributor was always out of stock (my suspicion is that they never really stocked them to begin with.) (see the Puritan Hard Drive for a retype set and searchable 1599 Geneva Bible, as well as a facsimile copy - ed.) I was also on the look out for a Wycliffe Bible, too (NT in the English Hexapla on the Puritan Hard Drive - ed.). Now here I am years later, assuming that I would never see either one, when, lo and behold, the Lord led me to your website! The Lord answered the desire of my heart after I had even given up hope of ever seeing them.
Let me reiterate how blessed I am by Thomas Manton's sermons. I had seen his 3 volume set on Psalm 119 published by Banner of Truth, but I never had the money to purchase them whenever I happened to see them at the store. Again, through God's sovereignty, I now possess 22 volumes of this saintly man's works (also on the Puritan Hard Drive - ed.)!...
May God prosper your work until the day we all meet in glory!"
- Because of Jesus,
Andy Underhile (Missionary in the Philippines)
"___and _____ ______ possess a natural genius not common to any man. Thank God for this. I am distributing the pamphlets you sent. I read presently the "Saul in the Cave" (Dr. Reg Barrow debates Doug Wilson - ed.) and your brother's Covenanted Reformation Defended. I pray that we, ministers in the Philippines shall be brought to maturity in terms of our journey to the faith. Please pray for me. I mentioned before to Pastor Greg Price my belonging to a presbytery in the Philippines. Lately, these men, knowing my conviction want to oust me and grab the church (unaffiliated) I am handling. We're using a facility of them now they want us out. Please pray for this. I am indebted to you brothers. I thank God for the suffering of the truth, and I am beginning to reap the affliction I share with the Lord. Tomorrow the Presbytery shall talk to me." - RS (Philippines, this message is from a brother for whom English is a second language - ed.)
"Blessed story, example of God's power to save from Satan's delusions." - Florin Motiu (Romania, commenting on the free SWRB MP3 by former Roman Catholic priest, Richard Bennett, who is now a Christian, entitled, "Testimony of Richard Bennett, Former Roman Catholic Priest, Now A Christian By The Matchless Free Grace Of The Lord Jesus Christ")
"Interestingly, Halloween is coming into Romania also, even if Romanian culture has nothing to do with it. But Romanians have a strong inclination to copy what is "American." - Florin Motiu (Romania, on the free SWRB MP3 by Dr. C. Matthew McMahon entitled, "Halloween, Satanism, the Satanic Bible, Separation, the Devil's Tricks, Idolatry and Paganism [Wild Boar News #23]")
"Many thanks for your second large package, with a book 'The Westminster Confession of Faith,' 'Nation Shaking Reformation Promoted,' by Greg Price - one of the most important sermons in the in the last century! - ed.), as well as all your booklets and newsletters! ... Thank you also for your e-mail messages. I received them all. I wish you all the best, and may God richly bless you." - VG (Moscow, Russia)
"Praise the Lord, I have got your parcel. All 62 CDs arrived successfully. And I appreciate your book also. God bless you! -Eugene K (Tver, Russia)
Dear esteemed brethren at Still Waters: I am Rev C____ F___ M____, a minster with the Evangelical Reformed Churches in Singapore. I am also chairman for TELOS - The Evangelical Library of Singapore. I am working on a book project that will be important in spreading the Reformation faith here in the city of Singapore, and God willing, SE Asia. Having spent 3 years at Grand Rapids and seen the advantage of a Reformed research center (such as what we see at Meeter Center), I am working on a project to develop a Reformed library and research center. I hope to bring together as many Reformed theological writings as possible and make them freely available for pastors and students. There are theological libraries here in Singapore. But none majors on the Reformed tradition and heritage. You may find one or two more popular ones here and there. But you will not find precious gems from the old Reformers and Puritans. But to achieve this aim, I will have to build a library of books and resources. I write to your publishing house NOT to seek funds. DO NOT PANIC! Don't worry, not my style to ask for money. But if you do have books which are slightly damaged, or that cannot be sold, please send them to me. Or if you have magazines your ministry puts out, send them to me. They are important to me. To you they may be discards, but they will serve my aim to build a Reformed book center. For you to send new copies will be a bonus. I hope that you will be appreciative of this small work I am doing. In a sense, it is a hobby. But really, it will be a legacy - for the many hungering Christians here in Asia longing for the old paths. You may send them to Rev CM (Singapore).
Greetings in the precious name of Jesus to fellow believers at Still Waters Revival Books... Let me introduce my self a little bit. My name is Jan Sichula. I am 24 years old. I live in town Presov of eastern Slovakia quite near the border with Ukraine. I was raised as a member of Lutheran church of Slovakia and baptized as a little child. My mother is Lutheran and my father is Catholic which is very common in Slovakia. I was in contact with youth group inside of Lutheran church since I regularly participated in services on Sunday and youth meetings on Saturday. Unlike rest of the church many of young people in that youth group were born again Christians. That was the place I was told about Jesus and what He has done for me. It took however some more years till God finally literally broke me (to my good) and I was saved during first year of college study when I received Lord Jesus as my personal Saviour. This happened during June 1994. I have one brother which is 21 and he was saved one year after me. My parents are not saved however, they only know their religion but not Jesus. After leaving Lutheran church in February of 1998 I joined ministry in Calvary Chapel Presov as an assistant pastor... Some eight months ago I also started to teach a small Bible study on the University of Presov. I am also involved in ministry of translation of books and articles... into Slovak language. During October of this year I became a pastor of Calvary Chapel Presov after Jesse Pirschel left back to U.S.A. I have found about your ministry in such a way that my friend who is an American missionary in another town of Slovakia told me about you. Later I was able to find your website on Internet. It all followed as a result of my interest in the Reformed theology and teaching that started some 10 months ago. During this year I have after long fight embraced doctrines of grace. It is such a challenge for me now and since that time I am studying the scriptures to find the answers. I have found your website to be extremely useful and interested. Also I want to ask you to send us some more information about your ministry, possibly some product catalogue. Apostasy in Slovakia is very big and there is tremendous need to contend for faith. I am looking for any material (tape, books, videos, articles) that would help us to edify believers and fight against false teaching. We would also like to consider possible translation and publishing of them. I am looking forward to hear from you. I apologize for possible imperfections in my English since it is my second language. Your ministry is appreciated here on the other side of planet. May God bless you in your ministry and family life according to His rich grace... In His service... - JS (Slovak Republic)
"I am attached to the Department of Constitutional Law and Philosophy of Law at the University of the Free State, Republic of South Africa. Over the years I have followed the work of Still Waters Revival Books with interest." - Prof. AR (South Africa)
"Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I am thrilled to see this blog on SermonAudio! Thank you for your bold stand for the sufficiency of God's Word in the face of the onslaught of psychological theory. I have some of Dr. Wayne Mack's sermons (free MP3s) on my SermonAudio page as well.
The Lord bless you richly in your ministry!" - Love, AL (South Africa, commenting on the SWRB blog compiled by Dr. Reg Barrow, entitled, "Secular Psychology and 'Christian' Psychology Versus Biblical Counseling (FREE MP3s, Books & Videos)")
"I need clear biblical guidelines regarding two issues: birth control and clothing for women.
Regarding the first issue, birth control, I see that you have published a book(let) on the subject. Is this available in electronic format? I am more than willing to pay the price of the book, but if I can get access to it very soon, it will be a great help.
Regarding the second issue, clothing for women, I need your advice as to where to look for biblical guidelines on the subject.
The gradual lowering of standards over not years, but decades, has such a devastating effect on the purity of the body of Christ. And those who would stand up and walk in the light of scripture and in the footsteps of those who walked before them over centuries - find to their astonishment a church
in rebellion to virtually anything that a heart, that is in love with, and on fire for the one and only true Saviour, would dictate as obvious. Not obvious as a law that ought to be adhered to, but obvious as a gesture of love that would go to any extreme not to grieve the heart of the Beloved One.
Thank you very much for your faithful ministry - we thoroughly enjoy and appreciate it. We have been visiting your website regularly for nearly three years now."
- Francois R.
(Writing from Secunda in South Africa.)
SWRB NOTE: See the following free online MP3s compliments of SWRB:
On clothing and Christian modesty for men and women
"Thank you for the info on the books... In our country the two English groups which tend to be Reformed, in the doctrines of grace, are some Baptists and a break-away from the Anglican Church called Church of England in South Africa [CESA]. Neither are confirmed in Presbyterian government, certainly not close in worship and tend to be weak on the preaching of God's Law. I am presently in a Dutch Reformed congregation, the name does them more honour than they deserve, the best of their congregations seeming to be conservative Arminianism with a sincere desire for holiness and worship tending to the John Frame type of approach (i.e., Arminianism in worship - ed.).
I have contacted Greg Price at the beginning of the year and will copy you when I contact him in the near future. Reg, I must admit that if there were a faithful church within two hundred miles I would not hesitate to make a move. South Africa has many professing Christians, but I know of no other person prepared to move to a faithful church, let alone finding a faithful congregation. It has been interesting to see that you were in the Reconstructionist movement. That is exactly the route I followed. I found Rushdoony and Bahnsen [especially] very helpful, but their tendency [of other Reconstructionists] to question the piety of the Puritan Reformers and the influence that that had on my Christian friends bothered me. Discovering your website in November last year gave light to my understanding. Their (Christian Reconstructionist - ed.) focus on the second table of the law at the expense of the first." - DM (South Africa)
"How thankful to meet this wonderful treasure of the Reformers and Puritans!" - JJ (Seoul, South Korea)
Dear Sir; How are you? Four years ago, I knew your site through hard web-surfing and was exciting and thankful for finding your good and helpful contents. So to many people introduced your home-page and they gave thanks to me. At that time I was looking for Herman Bavinck's "Gereformeerde Dogmatiek" in English edition. But I could not find it. However I have got other beneficial and helpful works in your home-page. I translated some newsletter into Korean and share with my close persons. They have been glad to learn many thing form them. Again We thanks you. Let me introduce my self... in Korea. I confess reformed faith and attend to Presbyterian church that stands firmly in historic Presbyterian tradition. I do not hesitate to be acknowledged in Calvinism and to confess that Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy Him for ever. At this time We have plan to establish home-page in here. On duty of webmaster, I wonder whether we can include some translated works in our site. Of course author's name is known and your site linked. And our site is not commercial. Some translated works include 'Biblical Worship', 'Scriptural Church Government', and 'Of monstrous Government of Women' by Kevin Reed, 'Forbidden Alliance', 'Truth and Heresy' and 'Of Uniformity in Religion' by George Gillespie, and 'Psalm Singing in Scripture history' by Reg Barrow. Please let me know the answer by e-mail. If you permit, we want to translate your newsletter as possible as many, so make them contribute to growth of Korea church. I certain that your friendly and generous answer will be good seed in here so produce many fruits in Jesus our Lord. God's grace be with you. Sincerely yours, HJ & WS, Pastor of Hanmaum Church (Korea)
I been looking for some info to share with my co-workers about GOD'S WORD, and this page has been a blessing to me, and will be to them also (see all the free information on Christmas at https://www.swrb.com/newslett/freebook/holyday.htm - ed.). I get such a hard time because of Christmas. Not that I can not take it, because I am not ashamed to take a stand for GOD. But I want so badly to help others understand what GOD has for them is much more than what they think. I am look forward to receiving more info from this site. Be blessed, and remember that you are HIGHLY FAVORED BY GOD. - WW (South Korea)
"Richard Bennett speaks the truth here in love. I say that as a former ARDENT Roman Catholic for thirty three years until I came to the knowledge of the SAVING GOSPEL of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST that I and my wife came out from the Roman church. Yes it must be spoken in love but it must be spoken and I here now, as a not only a former ardent Roman Catholic, but as a deacon of that church, SAY THAT THE MAN OF SIN, THE POPE OF ROME, IS ANTICHRIST, UNDER MANY NAMES LIKE JOHN PAUL 2 OR BENEDICT 16 or any other name. I say it in love to any Roman Catholic here or any evangelical who is bowing its knee to Rome . Have no doubt THAT THE POPE OF ROME IS ANTICHRIST and wake up and come out of it before you are duped by its false teachings. This church of Rome is NOT A CHRISTIAN CHURCH but ANTI CHRISTIAN CHURCH trying to draw evangelicals into its net. Don't I BEG you get into the NET of Rome. Email if you wish and if you have any questions. I and my wife live and reside in the back yard of Rome, which has promoted all kinds of terror here, destroyed people and is destroying people. OH PLEASE WAKE UP and listen you people that have preachers standing up telling you the truth of Rome. Here in Southern Ireland the Protestant church has gone into the net of Rome by the ecumenical movement. I denounce now the Pope of Rome - he is Antichrist." - Joe N. ([Southern] Ireland, commenting on the free SWRB MP3 by former Roman Catholic priest, Richard Bennett, "Who is Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI? (With Proof From Scripture That The Papacy Is The Antichrist)")
"You, your church and your ministry are a real blessing to me (us)." - HS (Seminary student in Switzerland)
"Thank you for your clear comments concerning (John G. - ed.) Reisinger and Co. I agree that what he is teaching ("Law-Keepers are judging other Christians") he is doing himself when he is making jokes about people reading books from Banner of Truth. The whole conference (from 1998) I'm listening to sounds very much like a gathering of "the new Christian Gnostics."
And yet, I know I really need to face this and other heresies just to be able to understand his (their) point(s) of departure (from the Faith -ed.). That's because I see more and more the great and pressing need of an other Reformation - especially in so called "Reformed or Evangelical circles." At the same time I know from my own experience, I sometimes even feel in my body or realize in my spirit the massive pressures of darkness against it.
So what I'm trying to do is... to come out of my own (Charismatic-Evangelical) brainwashing through studying that which was always dear to me - God's Word and the (spiritual) wars and findings of the Reformation - to straighten my (our) life anew (family-worship, children-baptism and Psalm singing are totally new to us).
And at the same time to study the theological arguments of the most influential popular movements (see John Reisinger or Zane Hodges "absolute free grace," the Church Growth Movement, the "new measure" Evangelistic Crusades, the "New Evangelicals", the Charismatics, the "New Mystics and Gnostics"...).
There is a growing burden on my heart to write another book. [My last book was about the Basics of "a Bible-based Spiritual Discernment." It ended with a hopefully clear call [to Evangelicals and Charismatics] to repent and to seek a new Reformation. Back to the bible, back to the church confessions and back to the teachings of the councils, back to the message of the Reformers and in all that back to the fear of the Lord. That was months before I found your Website which was somehow like "coming home" after wandering for years through the ecclesiastical and spiritual wilderness.
There is, as far as I know, nearly no (speak popular) Reformed literature in German. It's, as it always was, very very unpopular to speak an uncompromising (yet helpful) language or to call people to repentance from their idolatry. And yet it's really that, together with sound Bible Instructions, Christ-centered Preaching and the fear of the Lord, and nothing else that we (nearly all "Christians") need most today.
As far as I see and, if the Lord will, my next book will be a forthright and... a very practical (biblically and historically based) introduction to the "New Reformation."
The big questions concerning "the rule of law and grace" are more and more central (fundamental) to us - my wife and me. I know that there will be not much spiritual growth and also not much spiritual freedom until I (we) learned to handle this important topic properly. With other words: I (we) have much to repent of and we have much to learn.
- Hans S. (Switzerland)
"In reading this mornings mailing I noticed that you also do the Reformation Bookshelf CD's so I went to your web site to see what was out - I was in ecstasy!!!" - Missionary working in Hatyai, Southern Thailand
I have been intending to write to you for several weeks now but the latest SWRB sale emailing has prompted me to do it today. I just wanted to express my thanks to you and all at SWRB for the great ministry you perform in supplying Puritan books. I have made several purchases from you over the past two years and I think each of the books has blessed and/or challenged me. Most notably have been The Christian Soldier by Watson and the one I am reading at the moment, Wells of Salvation Opened (Spurstowe). In reading this latter book I have been so blessed and stirred; who said Puritans were cold, stiff & starchy? - GH (Thailand)
"... thanks for providing a great service and for refreshing the saints in so many ways!" - PG (Hatyai, Southern Thailand)
"It must be difficult for you to fully appreciate how much spiritual benefit is dispensed through your website, for it is not just the numbers of people visiting it, but the power of God poured out on redeemed souls through listening to these sermons to His glory is inestimable. "The day shall declare it." - JC (England)
"I am most impressed with the wealth of resources you are making available." - GC (Scotland)
"So many thanks again for being so tolerant with me and again many thanks for such a fantastic collection of books and MP3s. Indeed this is a major Christian teaching source. Thank you." - MF (England)
"I have... have been hugely impressed at both the quantity and quality of the material which you have made available." - DK (UK)
"It would have taken a lifetime to collect this treasure trove of Godly wisdom now I have a lifetime to treasure it all! Thank you for all the hard work!!!" - Ministry Consultant in England
"Great Truths! The historic collusion between the Arminian doctrine with the Papists (Roman Catholicism, especially the Jesuits - ed.) is stated here. The common element of freeing the sinners will to believe he is saved by his own volition, links the two heresies. Curious that depravity is the very source of their disease, yet they will not ('can not,' see John 6:65 - ed.) perceive it in themselves." - Arthur (Scotland, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Augustus Toplady, entitled, "Arminianism: The Road to Rome! Exposing the Jesuits, the Papacy, John Wesley, the Anabaptists, etc., As Enemies To Calvinism")
"I have just received the 30 CD set of Reformation Bookshelf today... Thank you very much for them! I am overwhelmed with their sheer volume! What can I say when suddenly confronted with them? I was humbled as I began to put the CDs on my computer, what little I knew, what little I had read of these copious writings of our great Reformation heritage! Suddenly I began to wish I could become a young, strong, ardent teenager again, with the opportunity, time, and mental capacity to read, meditate, and learn again the rich and abundant truth packed in these CDs. The weight of this material bore down upon me. What could I do now at 67 years age, but just nibble at the edges of such a mass of material? How I wish you could have sent me this set of CDs some 40 years ago, when my appetite and capacity was such to give them due attention! Yet how much I would have needed that special enabling of the Holy Spirit, to spiritually absorb it all, and produce that spiritual fruit to the glory of God." - Jim in the UK
"I would very much like to have a list of your publications advertised on the Still Water Website because some of the books offered in it are unavailable from any other source that I know of." - AD (London, UK)
"I have today received the cheque for Canadian $400.00 forwarded by yourselves by a donor in the Netherlands. Again, I am overwhelmed by the providence of our Almighty God! Only last week we were speaking to some of our missionary friends in Thailand who had travelled to Phang-Nga and Phuket to help dig out bodies from the disaster areas. I can assure that the money will certainly be put to good use. It will probably be used in buying materials for the rebuilding of houses. My friends there have told me that since the tsunami they have had so many opportunities to witness to folk and to share the Gospel. Thank you so much.
May I also take this opportunity to thank you for the CD set that you recently sent me (paid for by an anonymous donor). Where to start?! I foolishly said to my wife that I would not need to buy any more books again! Such a wealth of good practical teaching. Just browsing through the titles stirs my heart. To think that many of these authors saw life in all it's extremities - the great ejection, plague, English civil war not to mention the times of the Covenanters - and yet here they are talking about the goodness of God and His sovereignty, Rutherford signing many of his letters, "in his sweet Lord Jesus" - these are people who went through experiences that would send many folk today to the therapist! My soul has been so blessed by what you have produced. Thank you!" - Yours in Christ, Phil G. (Wales)
"You have some wonderful offers ... Thank you for placing this wonderful teaching on the Internet." - RF (England)
"A thorough and most helpful treatment of a difficult topic." - Dr. David C. Mackereth (Glasgow, Scotland, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Peacemakers at War With Sin")
"Just to let you know that I have received the CDs safely and I am thrilled with them!! May Almighty God protect and guide you in your mission." - Michael P. (Swansea, South Wales, UK)
"Thank you Mr Bennett for a clearly exposing the idolatry of this much publicized production. Your sermon is in keeping with men like John Knox who did not fail to expose the error and idolatry of the Romish Mass." - Jonathan M. (Northern Ireland, UK, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by former Roman Catholic priest, Richard Bennett, who is now a Christian, entitled, "Mel Gibson's Vivid and Idolatrous Deception: The Passion of the Christ Movie")
I had a thought last night (one of few, I guess, so I want to make sure I share it as rare things tend to be valuable), and I hoped it would be of encouragement to you. I've pondered from time to time some of the ways God chooses to make His strength and grace known through the base things of this world. The modern Covenanter movement certainly seems to be an example, where none of us were anything special in the world's eyes, and yet God has used us and blessed us in great ways. This is especially true of your work at Still Waters. You are truly distributing treasures in earthen vessels; the world (and too much of the church) wants the nicest bound and typeset books (in and of itself not wrong), but the Lord has seen fit to take the incredible riches of the materials He's given us and disperse them in the form of bound photocopies... (now also on the Puritan Hard Drive and in the inexpensive digital downloads on this site - ed.) He's distributing them all over the world by a guy with a funny accent... In the process, He's made His grace known to us and many others, and has also provided the means whereby these books are much cheaper and more readily available than they would be otherwise. Joel Beeke and Ernie Springer may get half-a-dozen titles published in an exceptionally good year; by God's grace you have published sometimes hundreds (at SWRB we think Joel Beeke and Ernie Springer have done some excellent and much needed Puritan and Reformed publishing work - ed.). Thus, I think it's fair to infer that while God may be bringing you and the company even lower, He is going to continue to supply all your needs according to His riches in Christ, and do great things through your work." - GN (UK)
"Brother Price continues the most important truth of Biblical Separation, in relation to communion of truth among the Lord's people, and separation from that which is practised that is contrary to Scripture. The principles that he brings out is absolutely staggering, and so proves that there are multitudes in the visible church today whom are going against what the Bible teaches on this subject. The problem now is, what do those of us who believe this is the truth, do? For example , no church near me holds to the purity in worship as described by this minister. A local brethren church hides its heresy by having no terms of communion, and a gospel standard church has terms of communion, which has turned from what our forefathers taught. Do I worship at home then... ? A very important matter is this indeed. O Lord, help us to do what is right, to thy own most glorious name." - Norman Smith (Surrey UK, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "What Are Terms of Communion? (2/2) On Biblical Separation and Preserving Church Purity By Fencing the Table To the Lord's Supper")
"Greetings Greg Price. What I find interesting is the the Rev ____ ______ states that the WCF and the Directory of Public Worship does not teach exclusive Psalmody. I have enjoyed your sermons (7 of them) on exclusive psalmody and am encouraging others to listen to them (SWRB makes these seven sermons, by Greg Price, on exclusive Psalmody, available as free online MP3s and sermon six deals with the Westminster Standards and exclusive Psalmody - ed.). The Reformed Faith is under quite a lot of pressure throughout the world and many aspects of worship are either being compromised or discarded. There seems to be more churches looking to see what they are allowed rather than what is actually commanded. Those that do hold to the regulative principle in worship are being accused, at least in this part of the world (Northern Ireland), as being so Reformed they've become deformed! Arminianism the creeping death!!" - Warmest regards and prayers, Your bondservant in Christ Jesus, William A (Northern Ireland, UK)
"Inspired song in worship? Greg Price looks at a variety of Scripture verses dealing with the subject. As he points out this is very important, since it is one of the criteria we use to select church and worship. An excellent message and I recommend a listen." - Arthur (Scotland, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Exclusive Psalmody [1/7] Inspired Song vs. Uninspired Song" - the complete, free, online seven MP3 set by Greg Price defending exclusive Psalmody, compliments of Still Waters Revival Books)
"Received previous order. Delighted! We are very interested in Covenanter history. Many thanks again!!!" - AS (UK)
Thank you for your brilliant and prophetic email on the abomination that is Christmas (see all the free information on the Roman Catholic holy day, Christmas, at https://www.swrb.com/newslett/freebook/holyday.htm - ed.)... May God mightily bless your bold stand with the Westminster Divines against all idolatrous festal days. Yours in the fight for the Reformed faith of Christ, - Dr. Jonathan D. Moore, Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, UK. (Author and Scholar of 16th and 17th Century Calvinistic literature.)
"Many thanks for these superb CD products." - Email from the UK
"Postmillennial sermons (for free! - ed.). There are very few preachers who believe in Postmillennialism: thank you for being one of them.The Lord keeps His truth!" - Ian B. (Wolverhampton, England, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Reformation Eschatology, The Millennium & the Victory of Christ's Kingdom 2/2" - part one by Greg Price, "Reformation Eschatology, The Millennium & the Victory of Christ's Kingdom 1/2". Greg Price has also done a series of messages defending the classic Reformation eschatology of Historicism [found in all the Reformation creeds, confessions and covenants] and Postmillennialism [see Iain Murray's book, The Puritan Hope, Revival and the Interpretation of Prophecy]. This series on eschatology by Greg Price and subsequent messages refute the Jesuit inspired prophetic systems of Futurism and Preterism, as well as Premillennialism and Amillennialism. This is some of the best preaching on eschatology you will ever hear. You can view each specific eschatological message in this extensive series of sermons [beginning with sermon #12] - including the messages defending the classic Reformation teaching on Antichrist beginning at sermon #23. These messages further solidify Greg Price as the most doctrinal sound preacher alive today.)
"Strive To Enter In At The Strait Gate. An excellent message about false professing Christians and the narrow way which leadeth unto life. This was written over 300 years ago but it's still 100% relevant for today; false brethren were widespread in the 17th century just as they are now. A very sobering message, one that isn't often heard in these days of easy believism. Be sure to listen to all five parts, and "Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith...." (2 Corinthians 13:5). It's wise for us to remember the words of our Lord Jesus Christ: "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven..." - Fay (England, UK, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by John Bunyan, entitled, "The Strait Gate; Or, Great Difficulty of Going to Heaven")
"Many members of BRF (British Reformed Journal - ed.) and readers of this Journal will already be aware of the publishing ministry of Still Waters Revival Books of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. For those who are not, an introduction and 'review' of this publisher (rather than a more formal 'book review' of one of their products) may be of interest.
This may be more necessary than for most Christian book publishers, simply because the conviction behind this enterprise, the product range, everything to do with Still Waters is radically 'different' - and often very refreshing indeed... Still Waters aims to get as wide a range of hitherto rare Reformed and Presbyterian book back into notice and circulation as possible, and along with them offers a huge range of Reformed tapes (now over 10,500 MP3s on the Puritan Hard Drive and over 4,100 MP3s free Puritan and Reformation MP3s and more modern printings of sound books and literature.
Having said that it must be noted that the deep conviction of all at Still Waters Books (and the Puritan Reformed Church of Edmonton, PRCE) is that the National and Solemn League and Covenant sworn by the 'three kingdoms' at the time of the Westminster Assembly are still in force and indeed are obligatory on all nations descended from the Covenanted nations, i.e. on Canada, the U.S., Australia, New Zealand and so on, as well as still so for us in the U.K.... that their catalogue is heavily weighted towards 'Covenanter classics'. Folks interested (or concerned) over the obligation of the Covenants, or Covenanting authors and history, will find materials to their heart's content from Still Waters.
It may be noted, in passing, that the issue is indeed a 'live' one today, for any group seeking to re-establish a Presbyterian church in England. Shall they start afresh with no history or on-going testimony, or should they claim historic continuity from the Presbyterians of the past? If the latter they must face the fact that those great Presbyterian Puritans voluntarily swore the Covenants, and that England was solemnly covenanted to acknowledge God in Christ as her own head and supreme ruler. Man changes, but God does not ("Though it be but a man's covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man disannulleth, or addeth thereto", Galatians 3:15). Relation to the Covenants, and a policy re their continuing renewal, is therefore something that an emerging revived Presbyterianism must face up to, should we again be blessed with such a thing in England.
And if you find that in these days of confusion you are clinging to and advocating - a) 'Received/ majority' text Bibles, b) Inspired Psalmody and c) Reformed Confessionalism, then it is surely an attractive and exciting thought that these elements provide the 'core' for Church unity - uniformity of worship and doctrine and practice - not just in Britain but for any culture or nation on earth. And that is the essence of the Covenant - to provide an agreed platform and promote uniformity in the Churches, whilst the Covenant is a sworn bond to spread that covenanted unity as far as possible worldwide.
Still Waters range, however, covers much, much, more than strictly Covenanter items, and is drawn from a wide range of the best Presbyterian and Reformed sources. There is, however, also something of an emphasis on the writings of various of the Scottish 'Marrow' theologians, so 'free offer of the gospel' items will need to be noted and avoided by most BRF members. But do not let that put you off - there is plenty more to choose from and so large a range will inevitably contain some items that you or I might prefer not to see made available again...
One major Puritan publisher tells me that suddenly now, "If its not by Watson or Brooks, they don't want to know." In this climate a publisher will not risk the cost of reprinting, binding, marketing etc., unless he is sure of sales that will cover his costs and render a profit. Very many rare and valuable items are thus simply never going to get back onto the 'popular' market or be offered by 'regular' publishers. Still Waters address this problem by taking gems that publishers would not risk reprinting in the normal fashion, and reproducing them in a photocopied format (now as inexpensive digital downloads, many with new embedded and appended indices -ed.)... if the content of the book is what you want, then this system (and the tireless searches and labours of Still Waters) offers access to books that one might otherwise only dream of seeing (much less owning), and all at amazingly affordable prices.
Here are some on offer:
'The English Hexapla'. Printed by Bagsters in 1841, this contains
the New Testament in 6 early English versions (Wickliffe 1380, Tyndale 1534, Cranmer 1539, Geneva 1557. Rheims 1582, and King James 1611) Scholz's Greek text at the page top. Original copies are hard to find, and sell for up to L.400....
'Westminster Annotations.' I mentioned these commentaries to a scholar working on the Puritans and the Assembly recently, and he did not know they existed! A 'semi-official' production of the Westminster Assembly this complete Bible commentary was produced at the request of Parliament by the Westminster Divines, with the help of other Puritans who were not delegates. Authors include Gouge, Ley, Casaubon, Reynolds, Meric, Gataker and others. 2,383 pages in six volumes, this set has never been reprinted since the seventeenth century and is very scarce indeed.
'Diodati's Annotations.' A complete Bible commentary in 2 volumes by John Diodati of Geneva. Translated in 1651. Richard Baxter included this in his list of "most essential books for Christian edification." Never re-issued in England. 1,100 pages...
'Book of the Universal Kirk of Scotland.' Edited by Alexander Peterkin this is the record of the earliest Assemblies of the Presbyterian Church in Scotland (1560-1616). A vital source for 'original intent' Presbyterianism from the days of John Knox.
'Spiritual Refining' by Anthony Burgess. Published in 1652-1654, 2 vols., 1,120 pages...
Still Waters' slogan is 'For the THIRD REFORMATION' - which might in itself give us all food for thought!
- Stephen P. Westcott, Ph.D, Litt.D. (Bristol, England), Excerpts from the "Publisher Review of Still Waters Revival Books, Canada" in the British Reformed Journal. Dr. Westcott did the translation work (first time to English, from Latin) for the publication of John Owen's Works (volume 17).
"An instructive and informative teaching on the subject of baptism. 'Those to whom the promise is made ought to be baptized. The promise is made to parents and their children.' The administration of the outward sign of the remission of sins, unto those included in that promise. Who are we to deny our children the sacrament which our Lord has ordained. Thank you Rev. Price for a good word." - Arthur from Scotland (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Baptism and Promise")
"Another good practical message on Unconditional Election. Dr. Griswold brings salt and light to the subject. Connecting the Lord's sovereignty here to election of course provides an essential background to God's election by grace alone." - Arthur (Scotland, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Dr. Ferrell Griswold, entitled, "Unconditional Election 1/12 - The Absolute Sovereignty of God [and Free Grace] In the Salvation of Unworthy and Helpless Sinners" - all twelve sermons in the series, by Ferrell Griswold, on unconditional election are at https://www.sermonaudio.com/go/14018, and this is one of the best series of sermons you will ever hear on the "U" [Unconditional Election, the second point of the Five Points of Calvinism] ] in TULIP)
SWRB NOTE: We have so many comments from the USA that we where only able to fit a small sample into the space below (which was the same with some other countries). However, you will find a number of additional selected sample comments, from our customers (and reviewers) in the Untied States, spread throughout this page.
"Still Waters has the best selection of this sort of (Puritan and Reformed - ed.) literature of any publisher of whom I'm aware, so you may want to contact them for further resources. - WJ (TX, USA)
"I have probably learned more about God from Still Waters publications than any other source, save the Bible itself. Thank you!" - Stephen H. (GA, USA)
"Wow! I have been looking for something like this for so long, I feel like a child in a candy store when I'm browsing through your page." - JS (GA, USA)
"Still Waters Revival Books is one of the greatest treasures in Creation. I am amazed at your comprehensiveness, and in awe of your discernment." - Robert S. (CA, USA)
"Wow! You make it so easy. Thank you." - SW (CA, USA)
"No one... comes close to duplicating what you have done on your discs... I'm extremely glad for my set." - BL (FL, USA)
"SWRB's Puritan and Reformation CD libraries are an invaluable source for the study of the history and theology of classic Reformation theology. The collection is remarkable not only for depth of content, but also for the rarity of many of the works. Most seminary libraries will not have even a percentage of the works available on these CD-ROMs. I cannot imagine anyone working in Reformation / historical theology that would not want to use the Puritan and Reformed libraries!" - Phillip J. Long, Associate Prof. of New Testament, Grace Bible College
"Thank you so much for your wonderful web site and e-mail specials. The books I have previously ordered have been a tremendous blessing, and have challenged and strengthened my faith." - PS (MO, USA)
"Still Waters Revival Books is the most important publisher in the world today." - Brian Schwertley (Author, Debater, and Pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church, Wisconsin, USA)
"The purchase of the Puritan Bookshelf CD's is proving to be one of the wisest investments that I have ever made. They are much more than I expected!! I am having a wonderful time reading and studying." - TC (USA)
"I'm so grateful for the work you are doing making this material available to so many which would almost be impossible to collect any where else. May the Lord bless you and all there as you work for a new Reformation." - RC (USA)
"God blessings on you and your important ministry." - KS (USA)
"Thanks so much for the blessed ministry of SWRB. The Lord is mightily using this ministry to promote His Reformation." GP (USA)
"Thank you for exhorting us to hold fast our high calling in Christ." - MS (TX, USA)
"I got the CD's I was amazed at the volume of work. There's enough here to keep me busy for years to come. I'm not even sure where to start." - CE (USA)
"Thank you for you answers to my questions. I look forward to receiving the Erskine titles. I thought of you this past Sabbath afternoon while reading a sermon of Ebenezer Erskine entitled, "The Groans of Believers under Their Burdens." One of those burdens is "the innumerable defections and backslidings of our day." In this connection he mentions "breach of solemn national engagements," and presents four ways in which the national covenant had been breached. In my edition ("The Whole Works of the Rev'd. Ebenezer Erskine," Edition of 1826, Vol I, pp. 83-86) this discussion fills the better part of three pages." - RL (MI, USA)
"You are Dorcas (Acts 9:36) multiplied by 5,000,000 and you probably don't realize it." - SS (CA, USA)
"I have become so excited that I hardly know what to do because I have found sites where I can get or read the Reformation or Puritan theology. And why do I love to read about these great works? I love them because they dwell on the sovereignty of God and the authority of the Scriptures." - RW
"You are doing a fantastic work for the true church of Christ." - TA (USA)
You have done an immeasurable service for the Kingdom of Christ in making these CDs available, and every pastor and theologian should own them without question (they would be foolhardy to pass them by)." - For Christ's Crown and Covenant, Dr. C. Matthew McMahon, A Puritan's Mind Ministries
"When I look up at the stars in the night sky my mind is boggled at God creation. When I see your work at SWRB I likewise marvel at God's grace. I cannot get my mind around it any more than looking at the night sky. I am awe stuck at the books you provide for the world." - Sincerely, Greg Poston (Houston, Texas, USA)
"I have been regularly using your CDs. They have made available material I have wanted to look into for years, but did not have available to me. Thank you so much for your service to the Lord and his body." - SM (PA, USA)
"Praise God for your ministry of getting these wonderful writings into MP3 form." - JB (USA)
"I am overwhelmed... the (SWRB) CD series look priceless, and you have done a great service for the kingdom through this ministry." - Dr. R.C. Sproul (Founder of Ligonier Ministries, Author, Teacher, Theologian, etc.)
Yet there is a cause for optimism. The growth of Ligonier reveals a growing interest in Reformed theology. The reprinting of Puritan works by Soli Deo Gloria Publishing, Banner of Truth and Still Waters Revival (Books) shows a deep and widespread hunger for Reformed doctrine.
- From: "Calvinism: The Once and Future Queen 'Right Now Counts Forever,'" by Dr. R.C. Sproul, Tabletalk magazine, May 1997, emphases added.
"One of the things I like to do with your catalog (due to the amount of excellent material and the helpful descriptions which you attach to the titles) is read the entire catalog with a pen, circling the books I would like to order. Is there any way that you could post on your web site one download for ALL the books you have? For example, today I wanted to order some material by Rutherford. However, to find all the Rutherford stuff you have, I had to go through three different pages. If I could have downloaded your entire catalog in one push, I would have been able to read all the Rutherford titles and easily pick the ones I needed. Anyway, just a suggestion. Thanks for your work. I appreciate your materials." GD (USA)
"Hey! Just received my first order. THANKS! I scanned in "The Punishments of Sin" in the theology section of our web site... and added a direct link to your web site from it. Perhaps it will increase some sales of solid Biblical material. God bless and keep you all." - HC (USA)
"Mail lady just arrived with your most-welcomed, appreciated and powerful resources... for the Sharing Center! We are so excited about these terrific items... it will take some time to read and listen to them - they LOOK profound and deep! Thank you so very very much for your kind consideration of the ministry of helps here... the Center is moving forward and we are certainly blessed by... such wonderful resource materials as these. You have this day been a SHEER JOY to us... and our prayers and love are with you! God anoint your ministries as you serve..." - JA (NC, USA)
"It seems to me that you all have been successful in bringing the pearl of the Covenanted Reformation to the attention of the world." - Steven C. Kettler (Author of Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal, USA)
"Your 62 CD's of Reformation and Puritan authors are a great boon to studies in the Reformed-Puritan experiential tradition. Receive our hearty thanks for your invaluable work in making so many rare gems accessible to thousands." - Joel R. Beeke (President of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Pastor, Author [of Meet the Puritans: With A Guide to Modern Reprints, and many other books], etc.)
"This collection of... CDs is a truly astounding accomplishment. There is nothing like this available to the ordinary Christian on the whole face of the earth.
Now, for the first time ever, ordinary Christians can have direct and near effortless access to the very cream of Puritan and Reformed, as well as Covenanter, literature.
These books are often in fascinating first editions and many are electronically linked and indexed for the first time. The ordinary Christian may here dig into a simply staggering wealth of literature, from devotional and sermonic material to technical and scholarly works. Even in the days of the Long Reformation itself ordinary Christians didn't get to see this kind of library -- most couldn't read for a start, and even those who could, would never have been able to afford to buy even a hundredth part of the material on these CDs. Truly we are without excuse!
And the significance of this collection goes even beyond that. No longer do we have to wait for modern Reformed publishing houses to predict that a particular Reformation or Puritan book will be sufficiently popular to make it economical to reprint, or to deem it "safe" enough to be let loose on the modern evangelical church. Rather, we are now able to see for ourselves the whole range of the Puritan and Reformed publishing enterprise, including views that are usually suppressed by most modern devotees of "Puritan" piety!
Buy these CDs while you can, and find out for yourself what the First and Second Reformations were really all about! You'll be truly amazed, and, by God's grace, will grow from being an ordinary Christian to being an extraordinary one.
What they used to say of the Puritan John Flavel's preaching, can be said of these CDs: they are 'hissing hot'!"
- Dr. Jonathan D. Moore, Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, UK.
(Author and Scholar of 16th and 17th Century Calvinistic literature.)
"Thank you so much for the info on Anabaptists." - JD (GA, USA)
"Commendation with Qualification. Although Spurgeon identifies some of the intrinsic idolatry associated with Christ-mass, we find the general principle of regulativism lacking in Spurgeon's doctrine and practice. This itself is the fundamental and primary basis for rejecting the observation of this 'holy' day, as well as all other human inventions proposed as devotion to God. Suppose that the elements and associations of the nativity 'holy' day were in themselves **intrinsically** pure and faithful, and appointed by pious and well intended persons; it nevertheless would be a God offending idolatry (though often done in ignorance) to observe such a recurring 'holy' day by virtue of the fact supposed: it would be a humanly devised observation that is appointed or suggested as being an acceptable devotion to God. This very same reasoning implicates Spurgeon himself in the use of uninspired compositions (hymns - ed.) in his form of worship.
If we would honor God's sovereignty, we must not only acknowledge that he sovereignly governs all things in the universe according to his reserved, immutable, and mysterious counsel; but we must honor his sovereign being and prerogative by accepting his sovereign yoke in Christ to rule us personally - and to govern the Church visible - according to his sovereign, revelatory prescriptions and proscriptions in the Holy Scripture. Religion is either from God or 'not-God.' The second category is an eclectic collective of demonic and human minds integrated over human history, and it often borrows from God's religion to appear more plausible.
We are unabashedly told by humanists that religion is merely the result of human experience and development, and the needs thereof. Many persons who say they are Christian, nevertheless, embrace this anti-supernatural position in their philosophy or practice. Where is **every** part of your religious belief and practice from? But, to return, just as we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our salvation, so we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our devotion to him. God is sovereign in worship as well as salvation: we must not presume to bring any kind of thing of our own devising for our acceptance. God calls it "will-worship" to do otherwise, because we have more deference to honor our will and desire, than the command and authority of God in Christ.
The tentacles of Arminianism reach far into the heart, and must be unraveled from the deep crevasses of our native brains. But in the case under consideration (the nativity day), not only is God's declarative sovereignty trampled under foot by human invention, but the observations and associations are themselves intrinsically pagan and worldly (which cannot be disputed by any who observe the history), although historically they have been conveniently syncretized with 'Christianity' by the whore of Roman Catholicism, and contemporaneously by her sister: apostate and multiform 'Protestantism.'
We are thankful to God for Charles Spurgeon for the illumination he had in some areas, although we cannot be faithful unless we testify against his transgressions of perjury (against the Solemn League and Covenant), Independency, idolatry (in form of worship), and against his erroneous baptismal doctrine."
- Dr. B. A. Bernal (USA, commenting on the free SWRB MP3 "The Christian and Christmass by Charles Spurgeon, A.W. Pink, John Knox, et al." - for more free books, MP3s and videos exposing Christmas for the idolatrous Roman Catholic evangelistic strategy that it is)
SWRB NOTE: Please obtain and study the 21 MP3 (or PDF) set of sermons by Greg Price, which we have made available for free online, entitled, "A Defense of Covenanting & the Solemn League and Covenant & Who (Including Nations) It Binds Today." This is the best defence of covenanting (a part of our duty of keeping the third commandment) and the Solemn League and Covenant we have ever heard/seen. The whole series in spectacular and every Christian would benefit form carefully studying these messages. Sermons 14 through 18 deal specifically with why the United States is bound by the Solemn League and Covenant today, for those who are interested in that particular point.
"The idea is great. I speak and understand English, but it would be of much help if this book were also in Spanish, so I could download the text and show to my fellow Christians around, there so many, that include pastors and members of different churches. But the idea is wonderful, it covers everything." - Edwin Barrios (Venezuela, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by J.A. Wylie, entitled, "The Papacy is the Antichrist 1 of 3 (1888) Classic Reformation Eschatology" - all three free online MP3s that make up this SWRB audio book by J.A. Wylie, entitled, The Papacy is the Antichrist)
"The service you provide really makes an important contribution to promoting the principles of the Reformation and the covenant!" - Prof. AR (Zambia, Africa)
"Congratulations with the wonderful service you provide with the reprint of the authentic works of the Reformation as well as the other sources which are not always easy to obtain. Soli Deo Gloria.- AG (Zambia)
"Excellent. Clear, concise and edifying. Essential listening for those who want to be transformed by the renewing of their minds." - Kal from Zambia (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Dr. Francis Nigel Lee, entitled, "Sexual Purity, Lust, Pornography, Sexual Duties in Marriage, Divorce, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Kinsey's Lies and More On Sex from the Bible, The Seventh Commandment, The Best of Dr. Francis Nigel Lee 8 of 10")
SWRB NOTE: Also see the SWRB blog "OVERCOMING LUST, SEXUAL SINS & PORNOGRAPHY (FREE MP3s & BOOKS) On The Seventh Commandment/Adultery" and the SWRB blog, "The Sexual Revolution is a Fraud (Lust, Free Love, Adultery, Pornography) by Dr. Michael Wagner".
"Yes we have been printing it out and reading The Covenanted Reformation Defended (free at https://www.swrb.com/newslett/freebook/gbarrow.htm - ed.) along with more books and booklets then we can read in one week. I am just overwhelmed by the truth that seems to jump from the pages... Leaving a church we had been members of for around 25 plus years was difficult but learning to see the truth that has been in God's Word all along and we didn't see it has been eye opening to say the least. Well when I finish the free material I see plenty to order from your site. Thanks for your witness of truth. And once again May God richly bless His work that you are about doing." - WF (USA)
"I am reading THE COVENANTED REFORMATION DEFENDED (by Greg Barrow, free online at https://www.swrb.com/newslett/freebook/gbarrow.htm), and needless to say am astounded at Bacons position." - SK (USA)
"I. Summary of Greg's Central Arguments (in the book The Covenanted Reformation Defended, free at https://www.swrb.com/newslett/freebook/gbarrow.htm - ed.), which Scripturally Sound.
Greg Barrow has shown thoroughly and with careful precision that the arguments made by Richard Bacon in his Defense Departed are invalid and anti-Scriptural.
A. The Dispute over the Covenants, National and Solemn League, is no mere "tempest in a teapot". To belittle the importance of the issues at stake, Mr. Bacon appeals to the "majority" and disparages the Covenanter martyrs. Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to rest judgment (Exodus 23:2). Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle (2 Thessalonians 2:15).
B. The Puritan Reformed Church of Edmonton (hereafter PRCE) do not consider themselves to be the only Christian Church on earth. What Mr. Bacon - and the modern Churchmen in general - has missed, is the vital distinction between the being and the well-being of a Church. Many things needed for the well-being, purity, health or faithfulness of a Church are not absolutely necessary to the being or existence of Her...
But with respect to the well-being or the purity of the Church, virtually every so-called "denomination" today fails the test. Modern Christendom is divided into a myriad of schisms, each existing to justify some corruption or declension from the Faith revealed in Scripture. They are essentially Christian (as to 'being'), yet thoroughly unfaithful to the principles found in the Bible.
It is important to note that the essential Christianity found in the Whore, Rome, evangelicalism or the RPCNA is not a matter of outward forms and polity. Elders and sacraments are found in even pagan groups. The Reformers and the Covenanters were uniform in their conviction that the Church of Christ is not a thing in itself, but a servant of the truth. To the extent that a Church holds up the Biblical truth, She is a faithful Bride of her Lord; those Churches that presume to be makers rather than stewards of truth are unfaithful and in decline from the truth.
In the light of this, sinful schism is hardly to be found where sincere believers flee the teachers of compromise and falsehood. Sinful schism is separation from the truths truly found in God's Word and declension from the principles for which our spiritual fathers suffered and faced martyrdom. The existing denominations will call us 'schismatic' for separating from their outward polity and ceremonies. We must answer that it is they who are schismatic, willfully separated from the Apostolic paths of our spiritual fathers. Schism from the truth is sinful, not faithfulness to it!... thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15).
C. The Scottish Covenants are not necessary to the very being, but only to the well-being of a Church. Like many modern pastors, Mr. Bacon is sloppy and ignores the careful distinctions made by the PRCE - which allows him to unjustly condemn them.
Bacon expresses shock that the PRCE actually require adherence to '17th Century Documents' like the Solemn League. This is indeed a strange criticism, since Mr. Bacon holds the Westminster Confession of Faith as a creed binding the Church. In his haste to condemn the PRCE, Bacon has run into a glaring and foolish contradiction. Does he reject all of the Presbyterian Creeds? They are, after all, 17th century documents.
We must think carefully and make subtle distinctions. First of all, a lawful vow or covenant does not create any new rules, but only creates an added promise to keep the existing laws of God. The wedding covenant, for example, does not define marriage but does create a new arrangement that binds the spouses to the laws regarding marriage. Similarly, the Covenants of our Fathers did not create new, extra-Scriptural laws to bind us; yet they did institute a new obligation that binds us to the True Faith.
To make another important distinction, the circumstances of the Covenants are not binding upon us. The Jews in the Babylonian Captivity could not have their temple, and the Covenanters under Cromwell had no 'king' to obey. It was therefore no covenant-breaking for them to fail to keep the circumstantial aspects of their covenant obligations, which indeed they could not keep. A lawful covenant binds us perpetually to the principles found therein, not to the circumstantial details.
One more distinction must be made: that between a church in a settled state and one in a broken state. A faithful, healthy church ought not to be abandoned. She can be counted on to redress any abuses in her judicatories. But an unfaithful, declining church MUST BE ABANDONED if and when her courts are rewarding compromise and condemning faithfulness. Mr. Bacon misquotes authorities about separation from a settled church in order to condemn the PRCE. But these same authorities and more support separation from the rebellious church in a broken state. To flee declension is not schismatic - it is human schism, which we flee!
Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us (2 Thessalonians 3:6).
D. Contrary to Mr. Bacon's Slanders, the PRCE do not enforce the traditions of men. Bacon accuses the PRCE of demanding an implicit faith in hundreds of pages of church law. Implicit faith is the doctrine of Rome.
But the PRCE clearly and consistently testifies that their subordinate standards are fallible and human documents. Church laws bind us only as they are valid expressions of the Scriptural principles.
The PRCE believes that baptized catechumens must be instructed in the Christian Faith before they take communion. In reality, the Baconites practice a ridiculous triple standard. Officers must confess pages of historical testimony; members need only have a cursory profession; and visitors can walk in off the street and commune with a bare profession "I believe in Jesus." This triple standard is common in the so-called Presbyterian Churches today. Open communion puts the lie to the prevailing schism: if you can give any evangelical your sacrament, then how dare you remain divided from the rest of evangelical Christendom?
The PRCE does not require implicit faith in mysterious or unknown doctrines. But they do require a positive affirmation of the Westminster documents and a negative commitment to refrain from speaking contrary to the Standards of the Church. Greg Barrow explains: "Without securing agreement to abstain (negative agreement) from obstinately and willfully opposing the standards of the church how can we expect peace or preserve order? Should we invite those to membership or communion who overtly declare the opposite of our principles? Should we say to them, - 'Since you are relatively ignorant about what our church teaches, you may speak against our articles of faith at will; you may teach our children whatever you please. Since our standards contain too much for you to understand, you may ignore them, oppose us at any point or teach contrary to their meaning and we will be happy to have communion with you?' This, of course, is absurd, and I would not even mention it were it not for the fact that most of our nation's churches commune together on similar principles."
I heartily agree with Mr. Barrow. The pastors and lay governors of the Church, like civil judges, may indeed know much case law that is never studied by the layman. Yet the citizen is responsible in spite of ignorance of the laws.
One more careful distinction must be made: that between divine faith and human faith. Only saving faith in the Gospel revealed in Scripture is truly a revealed, divine faith. But faith in fallible, human historical testimony is not therefore excluded. Only the Bible deserves our spiritual, religious faith - yet we must also receive with a lesser faith the testimony of history. Otherwise, we could never know that Washington was the First U.S. President or that Monica was the mother of Augustine.
But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup (1 Corinthians 11:28).
For there must also be heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you (1 Corinthians 11:19).
It is also written in your law, that the testimony of two men is true (John 8:17).
If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son (1 John 5:9).
Conclusion: Richard Bacon is, of course, a true Christian essentially considered. But his public pronouncements show him to be an unfaithful, unreformed and unpresbyterian pastor.
A. Bacon claims that his Reformation Presbyterian Church was constituted by vows. Greg Barrow shows the contrary.
B. Letters from other pastors show that no constitutional vows were made.
C. Bacon accuses the PRCE of rejecting "modest means" of reconciliation. In reality, Mr. Bacon refused any informal meeting and would not talk to the officers of the PRCE unless they submitted to his unfaithful court. Mr. Bacon insisted on drastic means, i.e. discipline, which the PRCE in conscience could not accept.
D. John Craig's Catechism shows that study was required before baptized catechumens could take the sacrament.
E. The so-called "Steelite" terms of communion are listed (Greg Price's explanation of these Covenanter terms of communion are free online in 19 MP3 at https://www.sermonaudio.com/go/13917 - ed.) .
F. Clarification: God did not INTEND the internal blessings of the covenant to be given to those non-elect who receive the sacraments.
G. Bacon holds the Popish view of the visible church; in contrast, John Calvin advocated house meetings! Bacon: "Churching at home is a contradiction..." Calvin: "...would to God they had the courage to gather in the name of Jesus Christ wherever they are, and set up some sort of church, either in their houses or in those of their neighbors..." The irony is that Bacon condemned Kevin Reed for "schism" from the Church - then Bacon separated from the PCA in violation of his published principles.
II. An Hearty Endorsement of Greg Barrow's Covenanted Reformation Defended (The Covenanted Reformation Defended is free online - ed.).
The above summary can hardly do justice to the 270 pages of documentation and argument in Greg Barrow's important book, The Covenanted Reformation Defended from Contemporary Schismatics. This book shows that contemporary evangelicalism - even in the so-called Reformed Churches - is sinfully sectarian and Popish. The view of the Church held by the Reformers and Covenanters has been forgotten and neglected, and Prelatical tyrants once again tyrannize over their private churches. I give this book the highest recommendation. Order it. (SWRB has made this book available for free online - ed.)... Everyone who can should read Greg Barrow's treatise on The Covenanted Reformation Defended. It is a treatment desperately needed in our day. I can now see even more clearly why I should have separated from the RPCNA, an unfaithful denomination. In keeping free from the sinful prevailing schism... I praise God that Pastor Bacon would not return my inquiries about the Reformation Presbyterian Church when the pastors of the RPCNA excluded me. I can see now that he would naturally hold unity with the RPCNA, for he shares their anti-covenanterism and compromise. I would encourage all Christians to shun this man, who enforces the Erastian Revolution settlement..."
- Scott Rocca (PA, USA, excerpts from "THE TRUE CHURCH: A Summary of and Response to Greg Barrow's Covenanted Reformation Defended, October 1998, minor revisions 3 July 2000)
"I am happy to report that I have indeed received the terms of communion (19 lectures, SWRB has made all 19 messages by Greg Price, on Terms of Communion, plus more, available as free online- ed.) by Pastor Greg Price. In fact, they came with the original order and not with the recently backordered Records of the Kirk of Scotland. I have worked through a couple thus far and hope that I can ask you any relevant questions that I may have in regards to these messages. I was very pleased with the ones on Scripture! I appreciate the freebie that you sent with the back order. I finished Greg Barrow's book today "The Covenanted Reformation Defended Against Contemporary Schismatics" and found it to be very enlightening. I do have a few questions regarding the book to which I may direct to him via the email. My wife and I have stopped taking of communion at our church until we have worked out some of these issues more thoroughly. I can say for certain that the APC is indeed in need of some very serious reform, as our position is not really all that different than that of Richard Bacon, though hopefully, more honest. - DH (Canada)
"The Martyrs have not died in vain! The (National -ed.) Covenant of 1638 and the SL&C (Solemn League and Covenant - ed.) have not been sworn in vain. When I saw the Martyrs monuments such as on the Grassmarket, St.Andrews and the Covenanters Memorial on Greyfriars churchyard, I asked myself: 'Was it in vain, Lord?' NO, it will not be in vain! Although everything looks its like falling apart, Christ Jesus will be the ultimate victorious King! Let these covenants revive! Not only for the sake of the Church of Scotland, England and Ireland, but also for the Dutch and ultimately for the rest of the world. As the Covenanters would say: For Christ Crown and Covenant! The Covenants will be the reviving of Scotland, Ireland and England and all its descendants now living across the world! God bless you, Mr.Barrow!" - RSB (The Netherlands, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Barrow, entitled, "DEBATE: How the Solemn League and Covenant Binds the USA, Canada, Australia, etc., Today (2/3)" - the book by Greg Barrow, "The Covenanted Reformation Defended," from which this MP3 was excerpted, is free online and much more free information on the Covenanted Reformation is online)
"Dear Mr. Bacon, I have now read all there is to read from your side of the "Steelite" group in Edmonton and scattered about. I have also read Greg Barrow's book concerning your errors, misrepresentation, and fallacious diatribe against the Covenanted Reformation. I must say brother that your defence is departed. I have read more than 11 source documents and historical strictures, and am convinced of the sinful departing of so many an elder, session, and GA. My session is now looking at this "tempest in a teapot" and has made preliminary comments to the effect that WE at the Associated Presbyterian Church are in deep need of Reformation. Greg's "being" and "well-being" distinction has dealt a devastating blow to the Reformed world. It seems that the ground is swelling, there are tremors everywhere, and unless you repent, you will be swallowed up in a sea of Paleocovenanters. Please repent of your sin dear sir. Your efforts to come will only reflect your open defection to modernity. I understand why you told me you would not answer the PRCE's book - because you simply can't. If you can hear dear brother, please repent. Your abilities could be put to great use in the efforts of the Covenanted Reformation. But it is also true that it will go on without you by God's will. Please take me off your Westminster Forum, it seems so trivial now. Praying for your repentance, JL, Canada. Paleo Presbyterians are the only Presbyterians." (JL subsequently went "Resolutioner," but these words are well written and remain true nonetheless - ed.)
SWRB Note: Resolutioners and Protesters.
"The Resolutioners and Protesters were two parties formed in the Church of Scotland in consequence of certain resolutions agreed upon by the Commission of the General Assembly, and afterwards approved of by the Assembly itself, with respect to the admission into places of power and trust in the Army and State of such as had by various Acts of Parliament been excluded on account of their malignancy or opposition to the covenant and liberties of the nation, provided they gave satisfaction to the Church. Those who approved of these resolutions were called 'Resolutioners;' those who were opposed to them were called 'Anti-Resolutioners,' or 'Protesters,' from their having given in or adhered to a protestation against the lawfulness of the Assembly held July 1651, at St. Andrews, and adjourned to Dundee, by which these resolutions were ratified. The (Protesters -ed.) protestation was given in by the famous Samuel Rutherford, and signed by twenty-two members. Future events showed the impolicy of these resolutions. The men who were admitted by them into places of power and trust in the Army and State became, as the Protesters always predicted, the persecutors of the Church. Had the counsels of the Protesters prevailed, the twenty-eight years' persecution might not have existed." - Note by Rev. James Anderson in the Martyrs of the Bass, in "The Bass Rock," p. 181.
"Although I am Dutch, I strongly encourage everyone to hear these three sermons from Mr.Barrow. In the last week of June in went to Scotland to see for myself what God has done in Edinburgh and St.Andrew. I stood on the places where Knox preached, James Renwick was executed... the places in which Patrick Hamilton and George Wishart were executed for the Covenanted Reformation. When I see their faithfulness to the Covenants sworn to God, I can not understand how people have left these covenants and how the Church has compromised the truth with false ecumenism and sin. I pray and hope that these covenants will be restored and that even in the Netherlands the Reformed religion will revive as never before." - RSB (The Netherlands, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Barrow, entitled, "DEBATE: How the Solemn League & Covenant Binds the USA, Canada, Australia, etc., Today (1/3)" - the book by Greg Barrow, "The Covenanted Reformation Defended," from which this MP3 was excerpted, is free online and much more free information on the Covenanted Reformation is online)
"Of course. The Internet has the potential of bringing the fragmented Church back together, for people surfing the net will discover the old paths their denominations and pastors don't tell them about, because they don't know of them either, I'm a prime example of that. As I may have told you, I fully expected the response to my inquiries among some of the best minds in the PCA and OPC to be along the lines of, 'yes, we are a Resolutioner church, and here is why.' Instead the response, almost universally, was essentially 'huh?'"- W.J. Mencarow (Author and Pastor of Reformation Church, Texas)
"I've noticed your posts recently on the refnet extolling works published or distributed by SWRB... I have read Greg Barrow's "Covenanted Reformation Defended," and I am now convinced that they are a false cult." - JS (Canada)
"Good, being accused of being a cult, you must doing something right... Thank you for standing for the old paths... I tremendously enjoy Rutherford, Peden, J. Welsh and J. Edwards, not because I always agree with their theology, but because I agree with the spirit in which they wrote. They thought great thoughts about a great God... Keep publishing these works." - EP (USA)
A SWRB summary of a penetrating and perceptive testimony we received via telephone follows.
"Yesterday I spoke with a fellow (for about 1.5 hours) who was once in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) and took courses at Bahnsen Theological Seminary (Southern California Center for Christian Studies [SCCCS] then), then defected to Rome, and was becoming a Roman Catholic priest. He called to see if I knew of a faithful Calvinist church in his area. He knows Scott Hahn and concurred with Larry's rebuke of Hahn in our summary of the book A Disputation on Holy Scripture, Against the Papists, Especially Bellarmine and Stapleton by Whitaker (available on this site - ed.), noting that Hahn is a "back stabbing liar." He has also been friends with many other prominent Romanists and top Jesuits.
His comments on the Jesuits where surprising, as he said that the Jesuits oppose just about everything the Pope is now doing (in 2000 - ed.). Concerning many individual Roman Catholics, he said they know that the real battle is between "consistent Romanism" and "consistent Calvinism" and that a large number would leave Rome but they do not know where to find a "consistent Calvinist church" - as they think that the OPC, PCA, and other "Neopresbyterian" groups are biblically and spiritually superficial and he said these Roman Catholics "will not leave Rome for such shallowness."
He has just left Rome (in May/00) and is seriously considering what he calls "consistent Calvinism" in the work of the Covenanters and other major Reformers. He said he is reading the source documents of the Reformation and this is what is changing his mind. Interestingly, he could see the problems with the Neopresbyterian churches (PCA, OPC, RPCNA, etc.) much better than just about anyone I have ever talked to. Among the greatest dangers he noted were "Romish" Arminianism (even in "Reformed" churches) and the rejection of the regulative principle of worship (RPW). He told me that the so-called "Reformed" churches of our day need to start reading the works, "source documents of the Reformation" were his words, that SWRB distributes.
He was very articulate and wants to know much more about Historicism and the second Reformation (the Covenanters in particular), and also wants to start writing against Rome. He was interested in the "being/well being" and "settled/unsettled" distinctions that Reformers made regarding the church and I think he is going to read chapter two in Greg Barrow's book The Covenanted Reformation Defended on these points (The Covenanted Reformation Defended is free online - ed.). I also told him we would consider publishing what he writes as his comments were equally incisive against both Papal Rome and her harlot daughters (i.e., Protestants who have rejected the consistent Calvinism found in the original Westminster Standards and the biblical national and international covenants of the Reformation)."
- Summary written by Dr. Reg Barrow (For the most consistent Calvinism the world has ever known, the Lord's earthly antithesis to Antichrist (the Papacy), please listen to Greg Price's 19 free MP3 messages entitled, "Covenanter Terms of Communion". For an excellent overview of the contents and meaning of the original Westminster Confession of Faith (and probably the best contemporary commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith), with much application to our day (refuting many modern heresies), please listen to the five free online SWRB MP3s, by Greg Price. For one of the best, if not the best, commentaries on the Westminster Confession of Faith ever written, by a minister living during the sitting of the Westminster Assembly, see David Dickson's, " Commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith," originally entitled, Truth's Victory Over Error (12 free online MP3s compliments of SWRB). David Dickson also worked on the "Directory for Public Worship" with David Calderwood and Alexander Henderson and on "The Sum of Saving Knowledge " with James Durham. The Westminster Confession of Faith, wrote William Hetherington, " ...may be safely termed the most perfect statement of Systematic Theology ever framed by the Christian Church," (The History of the Westminster Assembly of Divines, p. 345). The Solemn League and Covenant led to the Westminster Assembly and all the production of all the Westminster Standards. For the best study of covenanting and the Solemn League and Covenant of which we are aware, please listen to the 21 free online SWRB MP3s, by Greg Price, entitled, "A Defense of Covenanting and The Solemn League and Covenant".)
"I have thus far availed myself of all the reading material, which you have provided gratis at your web site, and have circulated these readings together with Barrow's "The Covenanted Reformation Defended" to the Session of my Church (RPCNA). I submitted your materials to the elders with letters of my urging and propositions for our Reform. They appear to be sincere in their considerations and without knowing if our hope for Covenanted Reformation will prevail within them beyond all impasses, there is some indication that its principle may be ascending with favor." - WG (USA)
"Thank you so much for all the catalogs that you have sent to me. I have benefited very much by all of the writings in your books and especially on your website. In fact, I continue to read and consider quite deeply the implications of the Covenanted Reformation, especially as I am currently a Reformed Presbyterian... Thank you for giving me updates on the newest books coming off the presses. I'm interested to know how the response has been to the changes you have made in publishing since your coming into the Third Reformation... Are you getting only the kind of mean-spirited critique by the Baconites or Credenda Agenda?" - EA (NY, USA)
SWRB NOTE: SWRB makes all Greg Price's sermons available as free online MP3s.
"Helped me get my theology straight. Huge thanks to Greg Price and the SWRB resources." - BK (WA, USA)
"Greg Price's sermons they have been my spiritual food these days." - DV (USA)
"I am so blessed today and compelled to love our Lord Christ even more by the hearing of one of your (Greg Price - ed.) sermons. Thank you for your labor of love and service to God." - Kind regards, Laurie M. (USA)
"Scripturally rich, emotionally moving. This a great, emotionally moving sermon that provides a rich feast of scriptural and historical examples where truth and righteousness have been advanced by the narrow gate, the narrow path, and by the the few." Greg - (CO, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "The Narrow Reformation Way and Classic Reformation Eschatology ")
"I really appreciate your ministry. I also thoroughly enjoy your MP3s of sermons and bible studies. Pastor Greg Price is an excellent preacher." - SH (CA, USA)
"Articulate message dealing very well with a teaching all too lacking from our pulpits today." - Arthur (Scotland, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Covenant Theology & Its Implications, Foundations Of Biblical Interpretation")
"He is such a fine preacher that it would be wonderful to have the opportunity to sit under his preaching regularly..." - WA (MI, USA)
"A thorough and most helpful treatment of a difficult topic." - Dr. David C. Mackereth (Glasgow, Scotland, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Peacemakers at War With Sin")
"From literally dozens of historical books I've read, and over $60,000 worth of legal documents, audio, and video tapes I have accumulated these past ten years, your (Greg Price - ed.) materials (and substantiated research) is without question the most thorough and accurate of any I have seen. You certainly do not shoot from the hip with your theories of history. The Terms of Communion tapes (having just finished another 7 on Covenanting) are truly unbelievable... really! (SWRB has made all 19 messages by Greg Price, on Terms of Communion, plus more, available as free online MP3s - ed.) " - WB (USA)
"I am happy to report that I have indeed received the terms of communion by Pastor Greg Price (19 lectures, now free in MP3 format at https://www.sermonaudio.com/go/13917 -ed.). In fact, they came with the original order and not with the recently backordered Records of the Kirk of Scotland. I have worked through a couple thus far and hope that I can ask you any relevant questions that I may have in regards to these messages. I was very pleased with the ones on Scripture!... My wife and I have stopped taking of communion at our church until we have worked out some of these issues more thoroughly. I can say for certain that the APC is indeed in need of some very serious reform, as our position is not really all that different than that of Richard Bacon, though hopefully, more honest. - DH (Canada)
"Dear Pastor Price, This was a wonderful message on living the Christian life on the finished work of Jesus. It is all Him, from beginning to end. Praise God for that or there would be no hope. I am looking forward to listening to many more of your sermons. God bless." - LS (OH, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Peace and Freedom From Guilt")
"Dear brothers, We really love you, and pray God's blessings on your work there in Canada. We are Reformed missionaries preaching the Gospel to Muslims here in Crimea. We would like to receive your FREE catalog and any other resources that you have to send us on the Reformed faith. We are also very interested in Greg Price's ministry." - FM (Crimea, Ukraine)
"I encourage anyone and everyone to listen to this message. It explains that there is sinful fear and good fear. God helps you overcome ANYTHING." - Tim (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Facing and Overcoming Fear (Proverbs Series) by Greg Price")
"Great sermon! Hear this! Thank you for these wonderful messages about the Sovereign Grace of God! May God continue to bless your ministry all over the world!" - Robert from New Jersey, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Election and Man's Responsibility Before God 1 of 2")
"I want to thank you for this wonderful message. it has truly been a blessing to me. It has also helped me to discover many truths about the false teachings of these so-called prophets of the Lord. It's a great site. May the Lord bless your organization and you as well."- Djimy M (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Antichrist and his Emissaries Unmasked and Rebuked (Classic Reformation Eschatology)")
"Once again you have done the Church a service! A great sermon, Pastor Price give us a sermon that has lots of scripture in it. He prove his argument so well." - Fredrick Fleming (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Pictures of Christ and Idolatry")
"This is a sermon that every Christian needs to hear and obey the word of God. So many religions do not realize that they are turning into Catholics with these pagan holidays such as Christmass and Easter." - Faye (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Christmass Condemned By Christ 3/3 Puritan & Reformation Teaching On Roman Catholic (Antichrist)/Pagan Holy Days (Easter Too)" - all three free SWRB MP3s, by Greg Price, in the series, "Christmass Condemned By Christ," are available online)
"It was by these sermons that I heard that the celebration of Christmas is a sin in violation of the second commandment. I am hoping and praying that, especially in my nation, the Reformed church will return to the true Standards conformable to the Word of God. For it is a joy NOT to celebrate Christmass. It has been a burden for many years for me, and now i am free not to celebrate it!" - RB (Netherlands)
"Greetings Greg Price. What I find interesting is the the Rev ____ ______ states that the WCF and the Directory of Public Worship does not teach exclusive Psalmody. I have enjoyed your sermons (7 of them) on exclusive psalmody and am encouraging others to listen to them (SWRB makes these seven sermons, by Greg Price, on exclusive Psalmody, available as free online MP3s, and sermon six deals with the Westminster Standards and exclusive Psalmody - ed.). The Reformed Faith is under quite a lot of pressure throughout the world and many aspects of worship are either being compromised or discarded. There seems to be more churches looking to see what they are allowed rather than what is actually commanded. Those that do hold to the regulative principle in worship are being accused, at least in this part of the world (Northern Ireland), as being so Reformed they've become deformed! Arminianism the creeping death!!" - Warmest regards and prayers, Your bondservant in Christ Jesus, William A (Northern Ireland, UK)
"You, your church and your ministry are a real blessing to me (us)." - HS (Seminary student in Switzerland)
"Inspired song in worship? Greg Price looks at a variety of Scripture verses dealing with the subject. As he points out this is very important, since it is one of the criteria we use to select church and worship. An excellent message and I recommend a listen." - Arthur (Scotland, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Exclusive Psalmody [1/7] Inspired Song vs. Uninspired Song" - the complete, free, online seven MP3 set by Greg Price defending exclusive Psalmody, compliments of Still Waters Revival Books)
"I have truly enjoyed this series that Greg Price has on Christmass (free online - also see the fifth sermon in the series "Remember the Sabbath Day"). I celebrated it for years not knowing what it was really all about. I figured if the church did it, it had to be right. WRONG. The Lord was the one that brought me to the realization of what it is. He states nowhere in His WORD for us to do such a thing. The BIBLE is my road map and the LORD JESUS CHRIST is my guide." GOD BLESS, - DH (USA)
"Great job!!!! I'm very thankful to the Lord for such able and diligent writers who truly care for the cause. Keep up the good work, knowing that your labor is not in vain." - DP (GA, USA)
"The book on courtship is by Greg Price (entitled, Christian Education in the Home: Help! My Daughter Wants to Date - ed.). A very commendable book. I'm glad I read it now when my 2 daughters are but 3 & 2 as opposed to being teenagers." - BO (IL, USA)
"The Foundation Of The True Gospel! These Questions are addressed in this series on Biblical Unity or Separation: 1) What are Terms of Communion? 2) What is Close Communion? 3) What is Occasional Hearing? The True Gospel of Jesus Christ is open for all to hear and believe! Let all things be done decently and in order (1 Cor.14:40). 'Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment' (1 Cor.1:10)." - Walt (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "What Are Terms of Communion? (1/2) On Biblical Separation and Preserving Church Purity By Fencing the Table To the Lord's Supper")
"Incredible Sermon! Most Christians stick to their denominational form of worship and practice. Others (like myself), whom have been blessed by sound teaching on Biblical form of worship and practice, meet with various companies of the body of Christ (e.g., Baptist and Presbyterians), believing that where two or three meet together in Christ's name, He has promised to be in the midst of them.This sermon strikes at the heart of where both views are unscriptural and wrong, and are not what a thrice holy God desires, and teaches from His word. This is an awesome sermon then,thank you brother Price for preaching it, and we must all search our hearts as to what we ought to do, and one is desperate as to what one SHOULD do, when one lives in the midst of 'churches,' whom are all away from the truth as taught in the scriptures, and practised by our forefathers. Have mercy upon us Lord." - Norman Smith (Surrey UK, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "What Are Terms of Communion? (1/2) On Biblical Separation and Preserving Church Purity By Fencing the Table To the Lord's Supper")
"Brother Price continues the most important truth of Biblical Separation, in relation to communion of truth among the Lord's people, and separation from that which is practised that is contrary to Scripture. The principles that he brings out is absolutely staggering, and so proves that there are multitudes in the visible church today whom are going against what the Bible teaches on this subject. The problem now is, what do those of us who believe this is the truth, do? For example , no church near me holds to the purity in worship as described by this minister. A local brethren church hides its heresy by having no terms of communion, and a gospel standard church has terms of communion, which has turned from what our forefathers taught. Do I worship at home then... ? A very important matter is this indeed. O Lord, help us to do what is right, to thy own most glorious name." - Norman Smith (Surrey UK, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "What Are Terms of Communion? (2/2) On Biblical Separation and Preserving Church Purity By Fencing the Table To the Lord's Supper")
"his zealous Presbyterian is attacking Catholic *doctrine*, just as the Council of Trent (never repealed, for the Roman Catholic Church is allegedly infallible) anathematizes Reformed doctrine." - Neil from Tucson, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Pictures of Christ and Idolatry")
"I have read these three sermons on God's gracious Covenant with Israel and have found them to be of great blessing to my soul. Thank God, for such a sound preaching! Brother Price, I once said things to you (you are aware which words) which you have proven to be wrong and sinful. I ask you forgiveness for this, for I was wrong and you prove by preaching like this to be (and have been) a instrument of God for the blessing of souls, even mine. May the Lord be with you." - RB (Netherlands, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "God's Gracious Covenant With Israel: Foundation for Worldwide National Covenanting #2" - the complete free MP3 series, by Greg Price, "God's Gracious Covenant With Israel" [which deals with many topic ranging from covenanting to some of the best sermons on eschatology you will ever hear]" compliments of Still Waters Revival Books)
"This was a very informative sermon and truly shows a biblical stand point on divorce and remarriage. There are too many people that change the rules of biblical interpretation when looking at these passages pastor Greg Price does not commit this error." - KG (AL, USA, on the free SWRB MP3, "Puritan View of Marriage & the Family 9 of 16 (Divorce & Remarriage 2/6)," by Greg Price)
"Pastor Price, I heard part of you tape on the audio portion of website on Christ Condemns Christmas and am ordering it (these three messages by Greg Price, "Christmass Condemned By Christ," are now free online, compliments of SWRB). Each year my husband and I try to reach people on this subject. We don't celebrate it, we once did in our days of ignorance. We don't miss it! How can we miss something that would displease the LORD? My husband and I were both saved two years ago. We see things so clearly now. I had been raised in an Independent Fundamental Church, and had never heard anything on the subject and no one had ever mentioned anything to me, ever. We were saved and attended a Grace Church and picked up a pamphlet at church one day on the subject. We read it and prayed about it and felt so convicted about it that we decided we could not celebrate that pagan holiday. We didn't, don't and never will again! We have taken a lot of persecution about it from both sides of our family and friends. But our Lord is more important to us than what everybody says or thinks. Thank you for standing true to the Lord. My husband is a truck driver driving the eastern and southern states , and we are putting out pamphlets on this subject along with other pamphlets on saving knowledge and GOD'S mercy and grace. I look forward to reading more of your sermons. May God Bless the hands of your work!" - Bless You, RH (USA)
"Postmillennial sermons (for free! - ed.)... The Lord keeps His truth!" - Ian B. (Wolverhampton, England, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Reformation Eschatology, The Millennium & the Victory of Christ's Kingdom 2/2" - part one by Greg Price, "Reformation Eschatology, The Millennium & the Victory of Christ's Kingdom 1/2". Jonathan Edwards' Postmillennial sermon, "History of Redemption (Salvation) #16: God's Work, Creation To Judgment Day, With Edward's Postmillennial Eschatology of Victory" is a free online SWRB MP3 and another Jonathan Edwards' Postmillennial sermon, "Jonathan Edwards On Revelation, The Overthrow Of Antichrist & Eschatology Of Victory" is free online. Many more excellent sermons on Postmillennialism (by Greg Price, Loraine Boettner, Dr. Steven Dilday, William Symington, David Dickson, Alexander McLeod, Archibald Mason, Dr. Francis Nigel Lee, David Steele, et al.) are available free online. Greg Price has also done a series of messages defending the classic Reformation eschatology of Historicism [found in all the Reformation creeds, confessions and covenants] and Postmillennialism [see Iain Murray's book, The Puritan Hope, Revival and the Interpretation of Prophecy]. This series on eschatology by Greg Price begins and subsequent messages refute the Jesuit inspired prophetic systems of Futurism and Preterism, as well as Premillennialism and Amillennialism. This is some of the best preaching on eschatology you will ever hear. You can view each specific eschatological message in this extensive series of sermons [beginning with sermon #12] - including the messages on the number of the beast, 666, [sermon #22 in this series], and defending the classic Reformation teaching on Antichrist beginning in sermon #23 . The Jesuit roots of Preterism and Futurism (as systems) are covered in the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price in the sermon "God's Gracious Covenant With Israel #17 (Partial & Full Preterism Refuted #1)." Sermons in this series refuting Full and Partial Preterism [beginning at sermon #17 and ongoing at the time of this writing]. Sermons in this series refuting Premillennialism [see sermons #12, #15 and #16]. Sermons in this series refuting Amillennialism [see sermons #13 to #16]. These messages further solidify Greg Price as the most doctrinally sound preacher alive today. Many more free online SWRB MP3s on the classic Reformation position on Antichrist. W.J. Mencarow's sermons on the mark of the Beast [666] are also among the best you will ever hear. For these free online SWRB MP3s please see "666 - The Number of the Beast of Revelation, a.k.a. Antichrist -- The Historic Protestant Interpretation (Reformed Teaching)" and "The Mark of the Beast (666) The Classic Position of the Protestant Reformation")
"Great Sermon! Oh, that professing Christians would heed this message, and cast off all (unbiblical - ed.) associations with Rome; including the idolatrous 'holy day' of Christmass. May those who have ears to hear; hear." - Overcomer (USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled,"Christmass Condemned By Christ (1/3) Puritan Teaching On Roman Catholic Holy Days")
As a Christian I learned this many years ago, before my wife and I had children. They grew up knowing the truth. Applying the attributes of GOD to a mythical character called Santa Clause and then turning it into a time of so called praise to the birth of our Redeemer and GOD - how wicked! Yet so many are deluded. They do not understand that they are committing idol worship. When each December 25 they go to church and worship a Jesus of their own making. What of those who lead the services. - David Wilson from Brisbane, Australia (Commenting on the free SWRB MP3s, by Greg Price, in the series, "Christmass Condemned By Christ," which are available online)
"A thoroughly wonderful sermon with so much insight into Gideon in the book of Judges. What a help this was to me in my walk in God's grace." - Rita B. (New Jersey, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Gideon")
"I am listening to your Christmas messages from 2001 right now (these three sermons by Greg Price are entitled "Christmass Condemned By Christ: Puritan Teaching On Roman Catholic Holy Days" and are free online, compliments of SWRB). I am curious if you experienced a negative response in your church such as people aggressively disagreeing and potentially leaving the church. I suspect that my church would not respond well to your message. I just recently became convicted that Christmas was a Roman Catholic holiday and had no part in a Christian's life. I haven't found anyone who agrees with me including my own extended family. I was wondering if your church member's accepted this teaching more because it came from their pastor. My pastor politely listened to my concerns but won't change anything that our church has historically done including nativity scene, Christmas trees, parties, distributing Christmas children's literature. I am interested in another's perspective." - GC (USA)
"I would like to know if two believers are married and one decides to leave by divorce on unlawful ground, is the party that's abandoned bound by God to that marriage. The party that decides to leave still professes Christianity. I did not get a clear understanding of this. Please help?" - DD (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Lawful Divorce in the Bible (Mark #45)" - see the answer directly below)
"Response to Dennis Duncan's Question Above. Dear Dennis: Your question is answered in the six MP3 series on Marriage and Divorce by Greg Price, on this site" - Still Waters Revival Books (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Lawful Divorce in the Bible (Mark #45)")
"An instructive and informative teaching on the subject of baptism. 'Those to whom the promise is made ought to be baptized. The promise is made to parents and their children.' The administration of the outward sign of the remission of sins, unto those included in that promise. Who are we to deny our children the sacrament which our Lord has ordained. Thank you Rev. Price for a good word." - Arthur from Scotland (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Baptism and Promise")
"I am thrilled to see that 500 plus people have listened to this sermon. Thank you brother Price for not only showing from the scriptures why musical instruments are no longer allowed in the gathering together for worship of the Lord's people, but also for dealing with the objections raised by those who advocate their instruments.I am delighted to have been recommended by a dear brother to listen to brother Greg's ministry, it has done my soul good. Bless you dear brother for your faithfulness to the word of God,and for sermonaudio for listing the sermons, may it please the Lord to bless your preaching to many, to His own glorious and holy name." - Norman Smith from Surrey UK (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Instrumental Music in Public Worship in the New Testament (The Second Commandment In Covenanter, Puritan and Reformation Worship)")
"Politically Incorrect, but biblically correct." - ES (WA, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Imprecatory Praying: Cursing God's Enemies in Prayer")
SWRB NOTE: SWRB makes all Greg Price's sermons available as free online MP3s.
"Powerful Message! Be sure to hear this powerful message! You will hear much truth about the eternal destiny of mere professing Christians! We need to examine ourselves to see if we be in the faith!" Robert (NJ, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by John Gerstner, entitled, "Who Is In Danger of Hell? [2/3] Everlasting Torment, Fire, Punishment, and Darkness, For Unbelievers, Hypocrites and The Lawless)")
"Most of my theological friends are in the tradition of Rutherford, Manton, Edwards, Ryle, Spurgeon and I read and have read them for many years. I commend you on your effort to maintain purity in terms of keeping faith and in terms of staying true to historic Christianity." - JL (USA)
"Scripturally rich, emotionally moving. This a great, emotionally moving sermon that provides a rich feast of scriptural and historical examples where truth and righteousness have been advanced by the narrow gate, the narrow path, and by the the few." Greg - (CO, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "The Narrow Reformation Way and Classic Reformation Eschatology ")
"Although I am Dutch, I strongly encourage everyone to hear these three sermons from Mr.Barrow. In the last week of June in went to Scotland to see for myself what God has done in Edinburgh and St.Andrew. I stood on the places where Knox preached, James Renwick was executed... the places in which Patrick Hamilton and George Wishart were executed for the Covenanted Reformation. When I see their faithfulness to the Covenants sworn to God, I can not understand how people have left these covenants and how the Church has compromised the truth with false ecumenism and sin. I pray and hope that these covenants will be restored and that even in the Netherlands the Reformed religion will revive as never before." - RSB (The Netherlands, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Barrow, entitled, "DEBATE: How the Solemn League & Covenant Binds the USA, Canada, Australia, etc., Today (1/3)" - the book by Greg Barrow, "The Covenanted Reformation Defended," from which this MP3 was excerpted, is free online and much more free information on the Covenanted Reformation is online)
"The Martyrs have not died in vain! The (National -ed.) Covenant of 1638 and the SL&C (Solemn League and Covenant - ed.) have not been sworn in vain. When I saw the Martyrs monuments such as on the Grassmarket, St.Andrews and the Covenanters Memorial on Greyfriars churchyard, I asked myself: 'Was it in vain, Lord?' NO, it will not be in vain! Although everything looks its like falling apart, Christ Jesus will be the ultimate victorious King! Let these covenants revive! Not only for the sake of the Church of Scotland, England and Ireland, but also for the Dutch and ultimately for the rest of the world. As the Covenanters would say: For Christ Crown and Covenant! The Covenants will be the reviving of Scotland, Ireland and England and all its descendants now living across the world! God bless you, Mr.Barrow!" - RSB (The Netherlands)
"The Foundation Of The True Gospel! These Questions are addressed in this series on Biblical Unity or Separation: 1) What are Terms of Communion? 2) What is Close Communion? 3) What is Occasional Hearing? The True Gospel of Jesus Christ is open for all to hear and believe! Let all things be done decently and in order (1 Cor. 14:40). 'Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment' (1 Cor. 1:10)." - Walt (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "What Are Terms of Communion? (1/2) On Biblical Separation and Preserving Church Purity By Fencing the Table To the Lord's Supper")
"Incredible Sermon! Most Christians stick to their denominational form of worship and practice. Others (like myself), whom have been blessed by sound teaching on Biblical form of worship and practice, meet with various companies of the body of Christ (e.g., Baptist and Presbyterians), believing that where two or three meet together in Christ's name, He has promised to be in the midst of them.This sermon strikes at the heart of where both views are unscriptural and wrong, and are not what a thrice holy God desires, and teaches from His word. This is an awesome sermon then,thank you brother Price for preaching it, and we must all search our hearts as to what we ought to do, and one is desperate as to what one SHOULD do, when one lives in the midst of 'churches,' whom are all away from the truth as taught in the scriptures, and practised by our forefathers. Have mercy upon us Lord." - Norman Smith (Surrey UK, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "What Are Terms of Communion? (1/2) On Biblical Separation and Preserving Church Purity By Fencing the Table To the Lord's Supper")
"Brother Price continues the most important truth of Biblical Separation, in relation to communion of truth among the Lord's people, and separation from that which is practised that is contrary to Scripture. The principles that he brings out is absolutely staggering, and so proves that there are multitudes in the visible church today whom are going against what the Bible teaches on this subject. The problem now is, what do those of us who believe this is the truth, do? For example , no church near me holds to the purity in worship as described by this minister. A local brethren church hides its heresy by having no terms of communion, and a gospel standard church has terms of communion, which has turned from what our forefathers taught. Do I worship at home then... ? A very important matter is this indeed. O Lord, help us to do what is right, to thy own most glorious name." - Norman Smith (Surrey UK, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "What Are Terms of Communion? (2/2) On Biblical Separation and Preserving Church Purity By Fencing the Table To the Lord's Supper")
"Serious preaching here. Unfortunately, not enough of it in today's Church's. GOD bless you SWRB.COM." - Joseph H. (NJ, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by George Gillespie, entitled, "Reformation's Refining Fire; or, Iconoclastic Zeal Necessary to World Reformation")
"Actually the celebration of Christmass did not start until mid fourth century (although its observance predates Christianity). Pagans were legislated Christians into the new church/state religion of Rome. It was made an official 'Christian' holiday in mid fifth century basically because while you could legislate Christianity with pagans they were not able to get them to stop behaving as pagans. Drunkenness and gift giving and more was the hallmark of Saturnalia. Visiting London (which was founded by Romans and was part of the Roman empire) during the holidays you see that Christmass/Saturnalia is celebrated today the same as it was when it was known by Saturnalia. You can even find the remains of a temple to Mithras there. If you look at the days that the 'Eastern Orthodox' (that are in reality Romans once removed) celebrate it you find that day was observed long before it became the birth of Christ. Clement of Alexandria set forth some guess's in late second century on the birth of Messiah (none around December or January BTW) and he did not know for sure. While we have pictures of Kings that predate Christ's arrival, there are none that depict Him - the Apostles knew that it was idolatrous to do so." - AC (TX, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Richard Bennett, entitled, "Mel Gibson's Vivid and Idolatrous Deception: The Passion of the Christ Movie")
"Thanks for the great info on x-mass." - RB (ID, USA)
Thank you for your brilliant and prophetic email on the abomination that is Christmas (see all the free information on the Roman Catholic holy day, Christmas - ed.)... May God mightily bless your bold stand with the Westminster Divines against all idolatrous festal days. Yours in the fight for the Reformed faith of Christ, - Dr. Jonathan D. Moore, Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, UK. (Author and Scholar of 16th and 17th Century Calvinistic literature.)
I been looking for some info to share with my co-workers about GOD'S WORD, and this page has been a blessing to me, and will be to them also (see all the free information on the Roman Catholic holy day, Christmas - ed.). I get such a hard time because of Christmas. Not that I can not take it, because I am not ashamed to take a stand for GOD. But I want so badly to help others understand what GOD has for them is much more than what they think. I am look forward to receiving more info from this site. Be blessed, and remember that you are HIGHLY FAVORED BY GOD. - WW (South Korea)
"I am listening to your Christmas messages from 2001 right now (these three sermons by Greg Price are entitled "Christmass Condemned By Christ: Puritan Teaching On Roman Catholic Holy Days" and are free online, compliments of SWRB). I am curious if you experienced a negative response in your church such as people aggressively disagreeing and potentially leaving the church. I suspect that my church would not respond well to your message. I just recently became convicted that Christmas was a Roman Catholic holiday and had no part in a Christian's life. I haven't found anyone who agrees with me including my own extended family. I was wondering if your church member's accepted this teaching more because it came from their pastor. My pastor politely listened to my concerns but won't change anything that our church has historically done including nativity scene, Christmas trees, parties, distributing Christmas children's literature. I am interested in another's perspective." - GC (USA)
"This is a sermon that every Christian needs to hear and obey the word of God. So many religions do not realize that they are turning into Catholics with these pagan holidays such as Christmass and Easter." - Faye (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Christmass Condemned By Christ 3/3 Puritan & Reformation Teaching On Roman Catholic (Antichrist)/Pagan Holy Days (Easter Too)" - all three free SWRB MP3s, by Greg Price, in the series, "Christmass Condemned By Christ," are available online)
"It was by these sermons that I heard that the celebration of Christmas is a sin in violation of the second commandment. I am hoping and praying that, especially in my nation, the Reformed church will return to the true Standards conformable to the Word of God. For it is a joy NOT to celebrate Christmass. It has been a burden for many years for me, and now i am free not to celebrate it!" - RB (Netherlands, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Christmass Condemned By Christ 3/3 Puritan & Reformation Teaching On Roman Catholic (Antichrist)/Pagan Holy Days (Easter Too)" - all three free SWRB MP3s, by Greg Price, in the series, "Christmass Condemned By Christ" are available online)
"Subject: Judge Not. I was shocked and dismayed by your website Christmass, you sir are in the devils (sic) employ and you are lucky to have a medium where evil satanists such as yourself can air your opinion but people saved by Jesus won't fall into your blasphemous, forked, tongue or evil ways... from one Christian, (Roman - ed.) Catholic that you wont get, you suck. Hope you find your way back to God and soon, time is short. No name given (and a lot of judging for an email titled "Judge Not." - ed.)
"I was a Dispensationalist until about four years ago. I had been involved with the Calvary Chapel movement on the West coast and had become dissatisfied with the lack of theology in the movement and the spiritual bareness of contemporary "worship" music. However, when I went to a Reformed Church I was aghast that Christmas trees, etc. (sic) could adorn a "Christian" Church that espoused the Regulative principle of worship. I began reading:
1. The Necessity of Reforming the Church by Calvin
2. The Westminster Confession of Faith
3. War Against the Idols by Carlos Eire.
4. Wonders of the Most High by Van De Velde.
5. Songs of Zion by Michael Bushell
My family has been singing the psalms for devotions and for worship for over a year now. It was awkward initially, but we have persevered. I consider it a tremendous blessing. Obviously, SWRB has played a tremendous role as they have supplied the materials to do the necessary research. Now, I must deal with covenanting." - JL (USA)
"Nice anti-Catholic Christmas carols you ******* **********." - A follower of the Pope (Roman Catholic)
"Pastor Price, I heard part of you tape on the audio portion of website on Christ Condemns Christmas and am ordering it (these three messages by Greg Price, "Christmass Condemned By Christ," are now free online, compliments of SWRB). Each year my husband and I try to reach people on this subject. We don't celebrate it, we once did in our days of ignorance. We don't miss it! How can we miss something that would displease the LORD? My husband and I were both saved two years ago. We see things so clearly now. I had been raised in an Independent Fundamental Church, and had never heard anything on the subject and no one had ever mentioned anything to me, ever. We were saved and attended a Grace Church and picked up a pamphlet at church one day on the subject. We read it and prayed about it and felt so convicted about it that we decided we could not celebrate that pagan holiday. We didn't, don't and never will again! We have taken a lot of persecution about it from both sides of our family and friends. But our Lord is more important to us than what everybody says or thinks. Thank you for standing true to the Lord. My husband is a truck driver driving the eastern and southern states , and we are putting out pamphlets on this subject along with other pamphlets on saving knowledge and GOD'S mercy and grace. I look forward to reading more of your sermons. May God Bless the hands of your work!" - Bless You, RH (USA)
"My husband and I just read the above-mentioned article and agree whole-heartedly with it (see all the free information on the Roman Catholic holy day, Christmas - ed.). We also have been questioning these holidays and traditions and last year was the first year we did not celebrate Easter, Christmas, etc. We have received some persecution from our families and even other Christian leaders, however, we must be true to God above all. We have taught our children the TRUTH which can only be found in the Holy Scriptures and praise God they have accepted our teaching (which is Christ's teaching)." - MW (USA)
"Commendation with Qualification. Although Spurgeon identifies some of the intrinsic idolatry associated with Christ-mass, we find the general principle of regulativism lacking in Spurgeon's doctrine and practice. This itself is the fundamental and primary basis for rejecting the observation of this 'holy' day, as well as all other human inventions proposed as devotion to God. Suppose that the elements and associations of the nativity 'holy' day were in themselves **intrinsically** pure and faithful, and appointed by pious and well intended persons; it nevertheless would be a God offending idolatry (though often done in ignorance) to observe such a recurring 'holy' day by virtue of the fact supposed: it would be a humanly devised observation that is appointed or suggested as being an acceptable devotion to God. This very same reasoning implicates Spurgeon himself in the use of uninspired compositions (hymns - ed.) in his form of worship.
If we would honor God's sovereignty, we must not only acknowledge that he sovereignly governs all things in the universe according to his reserved, immutable, and mysterious counsel; but we must honor his sovereign being and prerogative by accepting his sovereign yoke in Christ to rule us personally - and to govern the Church visible - according to his sovereign, revelatory prescriptions and proscriptions in the Holy Scripture. Religion is either from God or 'not-God.' The second category is an eclectic collective of demonic and human minds integrated over human history, and it often borrows from God's religion to appear more plausible.
We are unabashedly told by humanists that religion is merely the result of human experience and development, and the needs thereof. Many persons who say they are Christian, nevertheless, embrace this anti-supernatural position in their philosophy or practice. Where is **every** part of your religious belief and practice from? But, to return, just as we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our salvation, so we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our devotion to him. God is sovereign in worship as well as salvation: we must not presume to bring any kind of thing of our own devising for our acceptance. God calls it "will-worship" to do otherwise, because we have more deference to honor our will and desire, than the command and authority of God in Christ.
The tentacles of Arminianism reach far into the heart, and must be unraveled from the deep crevasses of our native brains. But in the case under consideration (the nativity day), not only is God's declarative sovereignty trampled under foot by human invention, but the observations and associations are themselves intrinsically pagan and worldly (which cannot be disputed by any who observe the history), although historically they have been conveniently syncretized with 'Christianity' by the whore of Roman Catholicism, and contemporaneously by her sister: apostate and multiform 'Protestantism.'
We are thankful to God for Charles Spurgeon for the illumination he had in some areas, although we cannot be faithful unless we testify against his transgressions of perjury (against the Solemn League and Covenant), Independency, idolatry (in form of worship), and against his erroneous baptismal doctrine."
- Dr. B. A. Bernal (USA, commenting on the free SWRB MP3 "The Christian and Christmass by Charles Spurgeon, A.W. Pink, John Knox, et al." - for more free books, MP3s and videos exposing Christmas for the idolatrous Roman Catholic evangelistic strategy that it is)
"God's Word preached in truth is a miraculous thing. Do you love Him more than the man made holy day? I thank God for men who are willing to preach truth instead of fearing losing church members as a result of it. My own church could benefit from such preaching. It's hard to find a church that preaches against Christmas sadly and my husband and myself have not celebrated Christmas (nor have our 4 children) now for 8 years. Every time we listen to sermons on for and against we always go back to "against Christmas." God's Word is the final authority and that speaks louder to us. I pray that the Lord would use this sermon to reach many." - Barbara B. (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Christmass Condemned By Christ (1/3) Puritan Teaching On Roman Catholic Holy Days")
"Great Sermon! Oh, that professing Christians would heed this message, and cast off all associations with Rome; including the idolatrous 'holy day' of Christmass. May those who have ears to hear; hear." - Overcomer (USA)
"... your recent post regarding Christmas and the Catholic faith... I would be most grateful to not be included the next time you feel compelled to give utterance to your Calvinist heresies and anti-Catholic bigotry." TW (USA)
"Thank you for the last email, Christmas herein England is nothing more than a pagan festival with an assumed name." - JF (England)
"While the pastors presently, of the most "conservative" and even "Reformed" traditions, are justly condemning Ecumenical worship and Ecumenical Statements (e.g. Manhattan Declaration) "because they confuse the true gospel", THEY PERSIST AND CLOSE THEIR EARS, EVEN GNASH THEIR TEETH, AT THOSE WHO CRY OUT AGAINST THE ECUMENICAL RELIGION OF XMAS! What is more Ecumenical than this unholy day? Does this not "confuse the gospel" too? What hypocrisy not to be consistent in condemnations against Ecumenicalism. What blindness not to see this is plainly the case." - BWS (USA, commenting on the free SWRB MP3 "The Christian and Christmass by Charles Spurgeon, A.W. Pink, John Knox, et al.")
"Hello, I want to commend you on your stand with the celebration of Christmass... (free online - ed.) I was aware of this info before reading your site but was directed there by a friend whom I had informed of the pagan origins of the holiday. She went searching on the Internet and found your site... and what a job you have done! Thanks so much... I have a Christian home school site where I put up web polls. My current poll is about the origins of Christmas. I would like to use your article for people to check out after they have voted. Can I reprint it on my site? I will link to your site and post full credits." Thanks and God Bless, JS.
"I just wanted to write and thank you for your faithfulness to God's word and the Protestant Reformation... The main foundation for our preaching has been the Puritan and Reformation CD's my friend ordered from you several years ago. Through them we've been freed from many Popish devices like instrumental music and acknowledging unbiblical seasons like Christmas, Easter, and numerous other idolatrous practices. We also have profound insights into the Word of God which pretty much trump any modern commentators that we've ever read. I know from experience that the things you guys publish are hated and unpopular... I would like to assure you that your efforts have blessed our small congregation immeasurably and that you're labor has not been in vain. I hate to think where we still might be if we did not have access to the many documents made available by Still Waters." - David McCormick, Elder (Reformation Church, LA, USA)
"Thank you for putting out the truth on the Catholic Invention of Christ-Mass (free online - ed.). I appreciate seeing this very much. When I had a BBS (in Colorado) I had a track referring to this from a well researched article, in other words he did his homework. If you would be interested in this article to add to your collection of research I will send it up for you as a PDF file. Needless to say too many "Christians" here in America think I am very off for taking a stand against Christ-Mass, but yesterday I found one that took the same stand, and I was blessed! Continue in the Truth, Greg C. (CO, USA)
"I have truly enjoyed this series that Greg Price has on Christmass (free online - also see the fifth sermon in the series "Remember the Sabbath Day"). I celebrated it for years not knowing what it was really all about. I figured if the church did it, it had to be right. WRONG. The Lord was the one that brought me to the realization of what it is. He states nowhere in His WORD for us to do such a thing. The BIBLE is my road map and the LORD JESUS CHRIST is my guide." GOD BLESS, - DH (USA)
"Great Sermon! This is a superb sermon (against Christmas, free online - ed.) against this evil which is an abomination against Christ. I was saved 28 years ago, of no church background. About 2 years later I stopped my children participating at school in Halloween and xmas (Christ-mass - ed.). I was persecuted for it and so were my two little sons, by ungodly teachers. But is was better to honour the Lord. I would encourage true believers to pray for grace and courage to have nothing to do with this paganism. The Lord blesses abundantly when we shall honour his name. The church of Rome is SO subtle, we are to flee from anything (unbiblical -ed.) which is associated with it. - Deborah from Angus, Scotland
"This Sermon Is Offensive! I doubt if you will ever hear a sermon like this in your church. It offends people, and if pastors offend too many people they lose their jobs. It's so much safer to preach "Jesus Is The Reason For The Season." Spurgeon had the courage to preach the whole counsel of God, including the "offensive" parts. Ask your pastor to listen to it, and then ask him to preach this message. If he won't, ask him why." - W.J. Mencarow (TX, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Charles Spurgeon, John Knox, A.W. Pink, et al., entitled, "The Christian and Christmass by Charles Spurgeon, A.W. Pink, John Knox, et al.")
"FLEE IDOLATRY!!! William Meyer, you have hit the nail on the head. The ChristMass celebrations are BLASPHEMY! This annual festival of Rome is pagan idolatry 'Christianized' for public consumption! God is not glorified in it, neither is He pleased by it! This orgy of maudlin sentimentalism and hedonistic pleasure is a satanic substitute for true worship! The fact that so many professed believers continue in it shows it for the golden calf that it is! "Narrow is the way that leads to life and few there be that find it!" - William from Houston, Texas, USA (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Richard Bennett, entitled, "Mel Gibson's Vivid and Idolatrous Deception: The Passion of the Christ Movie")
"Actually the celebration of Christmass did not start until mid fourth century (although its observance predates Christianity). Pagans were legislated Christians into the new church/state religion of Rome. It was made an official 'Christian' holiday in mid fifth century basically because while you could legislate Christianity with pagans they were not able to get them to stop behaving as pagans. Drunkenness and gift giving and more was the hallmark of Saturnalia. Visiting London (which was founded by Romans and was part of the Roman empire) during the holidays you see that Christmass/Saturnalia is celebrated today the same as it was when it was known by Saturnalia. You can even find the remains of a temple to Mithras there. If you look at the days that the 'Eastern Orthodox' (that are in reality Romans once removed) celebrate it you find that day was observed long before it became the birth of Christ. Clement of Alexandria set forth some guess's in late second century on the birth of Messiah (none around December or January BTW) and he did not know for sure. While we have pictures of Kings that predate Christ's arrival, there are none that depict Him - the Apostles knew that it was idolatrous to do so." - AC (TX, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Richard Bennett, entitled, "Mel Gibson's Vivid and Idolatrous Deception: The Passion of the Christ Movie")
"A very true exposition, exposing the vileness of that pagan, Catholic, most superstitious, and idolatrous Christ-Mass! It is a grand thing to hear a Christian speak the truth about this deceptive false birth-day. How did this un-holy day slip into our churches? Listen to this superb audio MP3 and learn the TRUTH! I wish more pastors would stand against this foul and abhorred celebration." - BM (IN, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Charles Spurgeon, John Knox, A.W. Pink, et al., entitled, "The Christian and Christmass by Charles Spurgeon, A.W. Pink, John Knox, et al.")
"Charles Spurgeon calls pastors to lead in a biblical interpretation of Christmas, as did Calvin and the members of the Westminster Assembly. A congregation's Christmas gift to its pastor, running into thousands of dollars, guarantees a pastor's "shunning to declare unto you all the counsel of God" (Acts 20:27) on the subject of Christ-mass. Congregation and pastor are separated FROM, not "separated unto the gospel of God." (Romans 1:1)... And the people love to have it so. (Jer. 5:31)" - SZ (PA, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Charles Spurgeon, John Knox, A.W. Pink, et al., entitled, "The Christian and Christmass by Charles Spurgeon, A.W. Pink, John Knox, et al.")
"Thank you for posting the truth about this pagan accommodation and Christian lie. I cringe every time I hear someone say "Lets put Christ back into Christmas." Impossible, He was never there to begin with. Even professing believers who really should know better cling to this fleshly holiday... The fact that folks who have made Jesus's name a curse word observe this holiday should tell you something. If this holiday were created today would you still observe it? Why does 1700 years make it right? Where is the boundary between Christian freedom and license? Give it up and stop lying to your children about Santa Clause... you do the faith much harm continuing in this." - AC (TX, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Charles Spurgeon, John Knox, A.W. Pink, et al., entitled, "The Christian and Christmass by Charles Spurgeon, A.W. Pink, John Knox, et al.)
"Excellent sermon on the truth about Christmas. Gives a good history of how this evil crept into the Church. Only those that love the city of Babylon can celebrate her whorish festivities - the true Christian can only flee without turning back, remember Lot's wife. We can only follow what Christ has given to us, not what that false Prophet spews from his mouth. If you love Christ keep His commandments, and little ones keep yourselves from idols." - EI (CA, USA)
"EXCELLENT exposition of what constitutes a real deceit to Christians, truly a false gospel. May God have mercy on His church and humankind." - RSB (The Netherlands)
"Interestingly, Halloween is coming into Romania also, even if Romanian culture has nothing to do with it. But Romanians have a strong inclination to copy what is "American." - Florin Motiu (Romania, on the free SWRB MP3 by Dr. C. Matthew McMahon entitled, "Halloween, Satanism, the Satanic Bible, Separation, the Devil's Tricks, Idolatry and Paganism [Wild Boar News #23]" )
Good Morning SWRB, I was wondering if SWRB has ever considered doing an MP3 version of Calvin's Institutes. With my vision impairment, audio books are a great help. I know that SWRB has "The Necessity for Reforming the Church" read by a young lady who is extremely good and and a gentleman who has another series with a very pleasant voice." - Warmest Regards, Brent Hebert
The three books by John Calvin, note above, are free online in MP3 format compliments of SWRB.
John Calvin's Institutes (56 free MP3s)
John Calvin's The Necessity for Reforming the Church (4 MP3s)
John Calvin's Election and Reprobation (13 free MP3s)
"I am delighted to tell you that I will be moving to Canada this summer, to pursue a Ph.D in Scottish religious history at the University of Guelph... Please allow me to say how much I enjoy your bulletins and catalogs, and how much I have learned from them. I can honestly say I could not have written my master's thesis (entitled "John Knox As A Prophet: Apocalyptic Elements in Scottish Calvinism") without the fabulous edition of Knox's collected works, which SWRB made so affordable. You are providing a great service to students of religious history and this one is very grateful!" - SC (USA/Canada)
Wow! The MP3s of John Owen's "Chamber of Imagery," (called Rome's Idolatry Rebuked 1 and 2 on the PHD - ed.) is by far the most insightful treatment I have ever encountered of the subject of, and historical process of Romish idolatry. Thank you also for putting out Richard Bennett's material (Richard Bennett is a former Roman Catholic priest who is now and Christian minister and some his books, MP3s and videos are on the Puritan Hard Drive, and at www.bereanbeacon.org - ed.). His type of ministry is sorely needed in the Philippines. I have gotten in touch with him and we have struck up a friendly fellowship via email. I am currently trying to contact a publisher for a Philippine version of his book of testimonies by former Catholic priests (Far From Rome, Near To God:Testimonies of Fifty Converted Roman Catholic Priests - ed.). I would appreciate your prayers in this matter. I'm sure he would, too. Richard, in turn, has turned me on to William Webster's work. The blessing just keep coming. - Because of Jesus, Andy Underhile (Missionary in the Philippines)
"Fantastic!! A must listen/read for anyone in doubt of the hideousness of Arminianism." - Rose (Va, USA, on the free SWRB MP3 and PDF "Arminianism: Another Gospel - Wesley, Moody, Billy Graham, Refuted - Quotes By John Calvin, Charles Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, John Owen, Samuel Rutherford, et al.")
"Great Doctrine! Excellent teaching on limited atonement by John Owen. The death of Christ is a ransom therefore will it definitely be effectual for the elect and none other. Would you believe that Christ procured the end and not the means? Of course not. Thus the blood of Christ is effectual in reconciliation unto God, by God. Amen!" - Arthur (Scotland, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by John Owen, entitled, "The Death of Death In the Death of Christ [13/33] Particular Redemption & Reconciliation That Is In the Blood of Christ")
"Keep up the good work. Special thanks to the unnamed narrator for attempting reading someone as difficult as John Owen. I also am narrating an Owen discourse for Sermon Audio at this time, 'Of the Dominion of Sin and Grace.' Though it is difficult, it is well worth it for the edification of our own souls. I know of few Puritans who were as thorough at unlocking and tracing out the deceitful windings and turnings of the human heart, or as able a theologian as Owen. 1616-1683." - Thomas Sullivan (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by John Owen, entitled, "The Doctrine of Justification by Faith, Through the Imputation of the Righteousness of Christ #9" at https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=1180716032 - the complete, free, online SWRB MP3 book, The Doctrine of Justification by Faith Through the Imputation of the Righteousness of Christ, by John Owen)
"The Man in Romans 7:14-25. I wanted to call attention to this treatise of Owen because of his masterly exposition of the man in Romans 7:14-25. As to those who would consider that the passage speaks of an AWAKENED sinner, i.e. the view of Lloyd-Jones in his book, The Law and It's Functions - (1) all verbs in Romans 7:7-13 are past tense, in vs. 14-25 they are present tense. (2) Paul's statement, "I am carnal sold under sin" is his existential experience (what he is feeling) not what is STRICTLY true - compare Gal. 5:17 "so that ye cannot do the things that ye would," which is spoken of Christians. (3) I delight in the law after the inward man is foreign language to someone who is merely awakened, but is true language for a Christian. (4) "Not I, but sin that dwelleth in me" is speaking of a new nature still being renewed, not an unregenerate sinner, further proved by, "I myself serve the law of God but with the flesh the law of sin." Why thank God if he is unregenerate? He knows he will have the victory in the end. Romans 8:4 that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit. These verses are parallel NOT speaking of two different spiritual conditions. (5) the law that Paul finds in vs. 21 is the law of indwelling sin, not the moral law." - Thomas Sullivan (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by John Owen, entitled, "The Remainders of Indwelling Sin: The Nature and Power and Deceit of It 1 of 6" - all six messages by John Owen on "The Remainders of Indwelling Sin: The Nature and Power and Deceit of It" are free as MP3s online, compliments of Still Waters Revival Books)
"Oh, if only the followers of the Methodist movement could comprehend this. They would reject the mind of their father. Thanks for posting this, there is so much to learn." - RB (LA, USA, commenting on the SWRB blog post compiled by Dr. Reg Barrow, entitled, "JOHN WESLEY WROTE 'I do not love God. I never did. Therefore I never believed' and Attacking Calvinism" at https://www.sermonaudio.com/new_details3.asp?ID=13559. For more free online information on the heresies of John Wesley see "JOHN WESLEY TAUGHT BAPTISMAL REGENERATION AND PRAYER FOR THE DEAD (WITH OTHER POPISH HERESIES)", "JOHN WESLEY'S ATTACKS ON CLASSIC CHRISTIAN (CALVINISM) DOCTRINE - JUSTIFICATION, SANCTIFICATION, etc.)", and "JOHN WESLEY'S SHAMEFUL PERSECUTION OF TOPLADY - ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF ARMINIAN HATRED FOR CALVINISM".
"Great Work by SWRB. I am very thankful for the work of SWRB getting these old narrations onto Sermon Audio. This is the 55th title of my narrations that they have received from Chapel Library and converted to MP3, saving me a lot of labor! It is also my favorite Jonathan Edwards' sermon. It is very sobering and probably is in points as fearful and terrifying as Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God." - Thomas Sullivan (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Jonathan Edwards, entitled, "Sinners in Zion Tenderly Warned; or, The Fearfulness Which Will Hereafter Surprise Sinners in Zion")
"Puritan wisdom at its best! Jonathan Edwards shows why he deserves to be listed with the Puritan preachers. Here he shows with searching wisdom why it is important for Christians to beware of spiritual pride. Recommended for preachers, the Christian worker/soul winner, etc." - Jenny (Leeds, England, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Jonathan Edwards, entitled, "Undiscerned Spiritual Pride")
"This message change my life. I have never heard such a prophetic message for the coming of Christ. This message made me seriously repent of the sin in my life. I am a student of theology and when I heard this I got introduced to Edwards' theology. I am now a serious student of Edwards' and I am now doing a dissertation on Edwards' interpretation of the return on Christ. Praise and glory be given to you Lord for ever and ever. Amen" - Jenny (Leeds, England, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Jonathan Edwards, entitled, "The Judgment Day - Heaven, Hell and the Separation of the Sheep and the Goats, Matt. 25:30-46")
"Edwards as a preacher. It is often supposed that Edwards preached only in a monotone voice, staring at the bell rope as if he would stare it in two. But it is said of this discourse, "One of his youthful auditors, afterwards a gentleman of great respectability, informed my father that he was present, when he delivered the sermon in the History of Redemption, in which he describes the day of judgment; and that so vivid and solemn was the impression made on his own mind, that he fully supposed, that as soon as Mr. Edwards should close his discourse, the Judge would descend, and the final separation take place." It is this description which lead me to narrate Edward's sermon by this title." - Thomas Sullivan (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Jonathan Edwards, entitled, "The Judgment Day - Heaven, Hell and the Separation of the Sheep and the Goats, Matt. 25:30-46")
"Listen to this sermon and the next. It has greatly helped me in my evangelism. Edwards lays out clearly why men when born are born in depravity. These two sermons are well complimented by his other sermon,'Why men are in a dreadful condition' not to be missed by those who witness to the lost. It has a great effect on them when you plead with great earnest and love why the sinner in their natural state are in great danger. If we really believe this Gospel there is a great responsibility on us to tell the lost of their dreadful condition." - Jenny (Leeds, England, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Jonathan Edwards, entitled, "Men Naturally Are God's Enemies [1 of 2]")
"Good narration. Glad to get this narration... thanks for adding all of these narrated books and sermons." Skip B. (MT, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Jonathan Edwards, entitled, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God")
"These Puritan resources are the greatest I've ever seen. These eyes have never seen anything greater than what you have produced except that old King James Bible. I am sure that it will help me and others grow in the Lord and I can use it in my Home School for my children." - Email from a Customer in Georgia, USA
"The Foundation Of The True Gospel! These Questions are addressed in this series on Biblical Unity or Separation: 1) What are Terms of Communion? 2) What is Close Communion? 3) What is Occasional Hearing? The True Gospel of Jesus Christ is open for all to hear and believe! Let all things be done decently and in order (1 Cor. 14:40). 'Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment' (1 Cor. 1:10)." - Walt (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "What Are Terms of Communion? (1/2) On Biblical Separation and Preserving Church Purity By Fencing the Table To the Lord's Supper")
"Incredible Sermon! Most Christians stick to their denominational form of worship and practice. Others (like myself), whom have been blessed by sound teaching on Biblical form of worship and practice, meet with various companies of the body of Christ (e.g., Baptist and Presbyterians), believing that where two or three meet together in Christ's name, He has promised to be in the midst of them.This sermon strikes at the heart of where both views are unscriptural and wrong, and are not what a thrice holy God desires, and teaches from His word. This is an awesome sermon then,thank you brother Price for preaching it, and we must all search our hearts as to what we ought to do, and one is desperate as to what one SHOULD do, when one lives in the midst of 'churches,' whom are all away from the truth as taught in the scriptures, and practised by our forefathers. Have mercy upon us Lord." - Norman Smith (Surrey UK, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "What Are Terms of Communion? (1/2) On Biblical Separation and Preserving Church Purity By Fencing the Table To the Lord's Supper")
"Brother Price continues the most important truth of Biblical Separation, in relation to communion of truth among the Lord's people, and separation from that which is practised that is contrary to Scripture. The principles that he brings out is absolutely staggering, and so proves that there are multitudes in the visible church today whom are going against what the Bible teaches on this subject. The problem now is, what do those of us who believe this is the truth, do? For example , no church near me holds to the purity in worship as described by this minister. A local brethren church hides its heresy by having no terms of communion, and a gospel standard church has terms of communion, which has turned from what our forefathers taught. Do I worship at home then... ? A very important matter is this indeed. O Lord, help us to do what is right, to thy own most glorious name." - Norman Smith (Surrey UK, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "What Are Terms of Communion? (2/2) On Biblical Separation and Preserving Church Purity By Fencing the Table To the Lord's Supper" at https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=7150123122)
Dear Friends,
There are three ministries that really are so dear to my heart because I know they are ministering for the glory of God, to help the saints, and to see the lost get saved. And that is:
Your ministry (Still Water Revival Books)
The Voice of the Martyrs
Gospel for Asia
I thank God that I have had a part in these ministries, mainly through praying for them. And I do pray for them daily and that is what I am mostly called to do. I pray sometimes day and night when they come to my mind. Jim, my husband prayed for you all in Sunday School Sunday morning. Then he used your ministry as an example of how the enemy fights when you are serving God. I am glad that you mentioned prayer requests on your emails so I know how to pray better.
May God richly bless and encourage you all.
- In His service,
"As you know Burma has a lot of unrest at the moment and I have recently heard of one Reformed pastor who was communicating with the outside world via Skype but now the government have cut off the Internet access for the whole country. Apparently the church in Burma is underground, persecuted, but blessed in the Lord. Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ and that his name may be glorified." - JO (USA)
"Thank you for your response. My prayers are continuous for ALL who champion the principles of the Second Reformation - Biblical Christianity. Please keep up the good work. God bless." - TF (USA)
"The CD set has arrived, much to my great delight. I can't thank you enough for this treasure. Both sets together are the crown jewel of my library, and will be of inestimable value in my study, preaching, teaching and counseling." - Email from a M.Div student in Texas, USA
"It's been several weeks now since I received the CDs and have had some time to digest some of them. All I can say is, "WOW!" This is truly a library like no other, and has already paid great dividends not only in my own personal worship and study, but in my teaching as well. I first balked at the price, but after seeing the vastness of the material, I almost feel as though I'm robbing you!" - Email from SC, USA
"Thank you so much for the work you are doing and may God bless your ministry! You have been a big help to me and I couldn't do my job without your resources!" - SW (MA, USA)
"Preparing for Sunday morning's message, on Galatians 2:20 (preaching through Galatians), I couldn't 'define' in suitable and understandable language the concept of 'living by faith,' John Trapp, who I didn't have in a book form, but now have in CD (thanks to your generous offer), was the "counsel" of the day! No wonder Spurgeon says of him, 'Trapp is my especial companion and treasure; I can read him when I am too weary for anything else. Trapp is salt, pepper, mustard, vinegar, and all the other condiments. Put him on the table when you study, and when you have your dish ready, use him by way of spicing up the whole thing. Yes, gentlemen, read Trapp certainly, and if you catch the effect of his consecrated humour, so much the better for your hearers.'" - SC (USA)
"I just received your CD collection. One bit of advice: you should instruct your customers to take about 1 week off just to peruse the tables of contents for these CD's, followed by another week off, in order to recover from the state of shock in which they will find themselves. In all seriousness, this collection is almost impossible to describe. It has to be seen to be believed. As a pastor, my library has just increased dramatically. As a Ph.D. student in Puritan and Post-Reformation studies, I have immediate access to many of the same works for which I would normally need to access through rare book rooms of theological libraries. Thank you for this labor of love. Thank you for making it accessible, both financially and technologically. May the Lord richly bless you for this service to his people." - Yours for the faith, Pastor David Owen Filson, Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church (PCA), Nashville, TN, USA
"Dear Brothers: I appreciate the work that you are doing at SWRB. The availability of old ministry on the CDs is truly remarkable and at such good prices. I have been blessed in my own reading and also sermon preparation help. Right now I am preaching through John 17 and the help from Rollock, Newton and Burgess is tremendous. Keep up the good work, it is truly appreciated and I am sure people like myself are being helped and you will never know the blessing your ministry is until you get home to glory." -Your Brother in Christ, AMT (Email for a Baptist Brother in Ontario, Canada)
"Finally, I wanted to offer you a couple of great resources for future scholastic and biblical work. These are: Still Waters Revival Books. Many of our free Puritan and Reformation books and MP3s are still listed at our original website - ed.), and the web page for the Reformed Presbyterian Church, Covenanted. On these you will find hundreds of FREE books and articles of exceptional quality, and often being primary source materials. - WJ (TX, USA)
"I have now had several months to peruse the contents of the Reformation and Puritan Bookshelf CD sets, and the experience has been a feast for the soul. They have been invaluable to me in sermon preparation and in improving personal and familial piety. If these had been the only blessings attached to the reading of these documents, the expense (even if it had been much greater) would have been justified; but there is more here... - Dr. Steven Dilday (Author and Pastor of Liberty and Grace Reformed Church, Warrenton, Virginia) Pastor Steven Dilday holds a Ph.D. from Whitefield Theological Seminary in Puritan History and Literature. He is currently translating Matthew Poole's Synopsis Criticorum, making it available in English for the first time.
"The purchase of (SWRB's) CD's is proving to be one of the wisest investments that I have ever made. They are much more than I expected!! I am having a wonderful time reading and studying." - TC, Web Customer (USA).
"My friends at this ministry I'm thankful to God that I find a faithful remnant still preaching the grand old truths labeled Calvinism. Let me say thank you from my heart for preaching the truth for its an encouragement to this young preacher." - FL (GA, USA)
"I am confounded by your generous gesture! I have been rather sore about having to cancel the arrangement, but your offer is most compelling. I've mentioned it before, that I am a student at Knox Seminary here in Ft. Lauderdale. Few of the resources mentioned on the CDs are in our library. Very few. Our library is not slight, either. And as I am highly intrigued and impassioned about the Reformation, I see this is as a colossal asset to my M. Div. studies. I am, and do hope to be more and more, an effectual cause for Christ's Kingdom and His glory." - TP (FL, USA)
"Still Waters. I just wanted to write and thank you for your faithfulness to God's word and the Protestant Reformation.... The main foundation for our preaching has been the Puritan and Reformation CD's my friend ordered from you several years ago. Through them we've been freed from many Popish devices like instrumental music and acknowledging unbiblical seasons like Christmas, Easter, and numerous other idolatrous practices. We also have profound insights into the Word of God which pretty much trump any modern commentators that we've ever read. I know from experience that the things you guys publish are hated and unpopular... I would like to assure you that your efforts have blessed our small congregation immeasurably and that you're labor has not been in vain. I hate to think where we still might be if we did not have access to the many documents made available by Still Waters. Please never lose heart and keep up the good work. God bless." - David McCormick, Elder (Reformation Church, LA, USA)
"The Foundation Of The True Gospel! These Questions are addressed in this series on Biblical Unity or Separation: 1) What are Terms of Communion? 2) What is Close Communion? 3) What is Occasional Hearing? The True Gospel of Jesus Christ is open for all to hear and believe! Let all things be done decently and in order (1 Cor. 14:40). 'Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment' (1 Cor. 1:10)." - Walt (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "What Are Terms of Communion? (1/2) On Biblical Separation and Preserving Church Purity By Fencing the Table To the Lord's Supper")
"Incredible Sermon! Most Christians stick to their denominational form of worship and practice. Others (like myself), whom have been blessed by sound teaching on Biblical form of worship and practice, meet with various companies of the body of Christ (e.g., Baptist and Presbyterians), believing that where two or three meet together in Christ's name, He has promised to be in the midst of them.This sermon strikes at the heart of where both views are unscriptural and wrong, and are not what a thrice holy God desires, and teaches from His word. This is an awesome sermon then,thank you brother Price for preaching it, and we must all search our hearts as to what we ought to do, and one is desperate as to what one SHOULD do, when one lives in the midst of 'churches,' whom are all away from the truth as taught in the scriptures, and practised by our forefathers. Have mercy upon us Lord." - Norman Smith (Surrey UK, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "What Are Terms of Communion? (1/2) On Biblical Separation and Preserving Church Purity By Fencing the Table To the Lord's Supper")
"Brother Price continues the most important truth of Biblical Separation, in relation to communion of truth among the Lord's people, and separation from that which is practised that is contrary to Scripture. The principles that he brings out is absolutely staggering, and so proves that there are multitudes in the visible church today whom are going against what the Bible teaches on this subject. The problem now is, what do those of us who believe this is the truth, do? For example , no church near me holds to the purity in worship as described by this minister. A local brethren church hides its heresy by having no terms of communion, and a gospel standard church has terms of communion, which has turned from what our forefathers taught. Do I worship at home then... ? A very important matter is this indeed. O Lord, help us to do what is right, to thy own most glorious name." - Norman Smith (Surrey UK, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "What Are Terms of Communion? (2/2) On Biblical Separation and Preserving Church Purity By Fencing the Table To the Lord's Supper")
"I used your books in writing a paper on the Westminster Confession. I am a seminary student at RTS in Jackson. Formerly I was a Southern Baptist preacher, now PCA. I understand from your publication that the PCA is not "Truly Reformed." In class we have only touched on things like the regulative principle and other hot topics within the Reformed faith. Would you introduce me to your 10 best books on this and other related issues that might set me in heart of understanding. Until seminary I was unaware of the various positions and different denominations. Where may I become enlightened? Hope you can help." - VM (MS, USA)
Of course. The Internet has the potential of bringing the fragmented Church back together, for people surfing the net will discover the old paths their denominations and pastors don't tell them about, because they don't know of them either I'm a prime example of that. As I may have told you, I fully expected the response to my inquiries among some of the best minds in the PCA and OPC to be along the lines of, "yes, we are a Resolutioner church, and here is why." Instead the response, almost universally, was essentially "huh?"- W.J. Mencarow (Author and Pastor of Reformation Church, Texas)
Good Day, I ran across your site and found the "errors in the PCA," statement interesting. I and my family have found similar problems throughout many different denominations and have had a tough time finding a body of believers to worship in that are close to the biblical model. Most churches have unqualified church leadership that is exemplified by: pictures of Jesus and various saints for the children, and most notably women leading church services either in prayer and/or worship... and even children (specifically young girls) involved in leading the worship service... these are only some examples... Insidiously false doctrines are a whole other story and are the obvious causes for the above mentioned distortions of God's Word... My main reason for replying is to see if you have a "link" or Church listing that is in the Clearwater/Tampa Bay area of Florida for any churches that are reasonably faithful to the word of God.. Any help in this matter will be a blessing. Thank you... - In His Service... NG (FL, USA)
"Still Waters. I just wanted to write and thank you for your faithfulness to God's word and the Protestant Reformation. Me and a friend of mine left the PCA about 5 years ago due to various heresies being accepted by the Session of our church and Presbytery at that time. We then started our own church with about 6 faithful members. Five years later we still only have 10 members, but we have been blessed beyond measure. We owe this in no small part to your ministry. The main foundation for our preaching has been the Puritan and Reformation CD's my friend ordered from you several years ago. Through them we've been freed from many Popish devices like instrumental music and acknowledging unbiblical seasons like Christmas, Easter, and numerous other idolatrous practices. We also have profound insights into the Word of God which pretty much trump any modern commentators that we've ever read. I know from experience that the things you guys publish are hated and unpopular... I would like to assure you that your efforts have blessed our small congregation immeasurably and that you're labor has not been in vain. I hate to think where we still might be if we did not have access to the many documents made available by Still Waters. Please never lose heart and keep up the good work. God bless." - David McCormick, Elder (Reformation Church, LA, USA)
"As I'm sure you know from following the posts on the list, Mr. Griffin is a PCA elder who holds to the framework hypothesis (for a refutation of the framework hypothesis' unbiblical interpretation of the first chapter of the Genesis, please hear Dr. Steven Dilday's excellent, free, online MP3 message "The Westminster Confession of Faith On Six Day Creation [2/4], The Classic Protestant [Reformed, Puritan, Covenanter, etc.] Position" - ed.) and allowing exceptions to the Westminster Confession of Faith... While I am sure there are some good men in the PCA, I think the denomination as a whole is slipping badly... Still, there are some men in our denomination who are tentatively willing to listen to the claims of Calvin and the Puritans; our stand-in pastor just ordered a bunch of stuff from you and has read Messiah the Prince and is cautiously classically post-mill (postmillennial - ed.). Our denomination's approval of Calvin and the Puritans at least leaves it open to more consistent teaching..." - DJ (ON, Canada)
Anyway, I am sure glad you guys are there. Keep on and may we be blessed by seeing, in our lifetime, even the beginning of a third Reformation.
A SWRB summary of a penetrating and perceptive testimony we received via telephone follows.
"Yesterday I spoke with a fellow (for about 1.5 hours) who was once in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) and took courses at Bahnsen Theological Seminary (Southern California Center for Christian Studies [SCCCS] then), then defected to Rome, and was becoming a Roman Catholic priest. He called to see if I knew of a faithful Calvinist church in his area. He knows Scott Hahn and concurred with Larry's rebuke of Hahn in our summary of the book A Disputation on Holy Scripture, Against the Papists, Especially Bellarmine and Stapleton by Whitaker (available on this site - ed.), noting that Hahn is a "back stabbing liar." He has also been friends with many other prominent Romanists and top Jesuits.
His comments on the Jesuits where surprising, as he said that the Jesuits oppose just about everything the Pope is now doing (in 2000 - ed.). Concerning many individual Roman Catholics, he said they know that the real battle is between "consistent Romanism" and "consistent Calvinism" and that a large number would leave Rome but they do not know where to find a "consistent Calvinist church" - as they think that the OPC, PCA, and other "Neopresbyterian" groups are biblically and spiritually superficial and he said these Roman Catholics "will not leave Rome for such shallowness."
He has just left Rome (in May/00) and is seriously considering what he calls "consistent Calvinism" in the work of the Covenanters and other major Reformers. He said he is reading the source documents of the Reformation and this is what is changing his mind. Interestingly, he could see the problems with the Neopresbyterian churches (PCA, OPC, RPCNA, etc.) much better than just about anyone I have ever talked to. Among the greatest dangers he noted were "Romish" Arminianism (even in "Reformed" churches) and the rejection of the regulative principle of worship (RPW). He told me that the so-called "Reformed" churches of our day need to start reading the works, "source documents of the Reformation" were his words, that SWRB distributes.
He was very articulate and wants to know much more about Historicism and the second Reformation (the Covenanters in particular), and also wants to start writing against Rome. He was interested in the "being/well being" and "settled/unsettled" distinctions that Reformers made regarding the church and I think he is going to read chapter two in Greg Barrow's book The Covenanted Reformation Defended on these points (The Covenanted Reformation Defended is free online - ed.). I also told him we would consider publishing what he writes as his comments were equally incisive against both Papal Rome and her harlot daughters (i.e., Protestants who have rejected the consistent Calvinism found in the original Westminster Standards and the biblical national and international covenants of the Reformation)."
- Summary written by Dr. Reg Barrow (For the most consistent Calvinism the world has ever known, the Lord's earthly antithesis to Antichrist (the Papacy), please listen to Greg Price's 19 free MP3 messages entitled, "Covenanter Terms of Communion". For an excellent overview of the contents and meaning of the original Westminster Confession of Faith (and probably the best contemporary commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith), with much application to our day (refuting many modern heresies), please listen to the five free online SWRB MP3s, by Greg Price. For one of the best, if not the best, commentaries on the Westminster Confession of Faith ever written, by a minister living during the sitting of the Westminster Assembly, see David Dickson's "Commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith," originally entitled, Truth's Victory Over Error", (12 free online MP3s compliments of SWRB). David Dickson also worked on the "Directory for Public Worship" with David Calderwood and Alexander Henderson and on "The Sum of Saving Knowledge " with James Durham. The Westminster Confession of Faith, wrote William Hetherington, " ...may be safely termed the most perfect statement of Systematic Theology ever framed by the Christian Church," (The History of the Westminster Assembly of Divines, p. 345). The Solemn League and Covenant led to the Westminster Assembly and all the production of all the Westminster Standards. For the best study of covenanting and the Solemn League and Covenant of which we are aware, please listen to the 21 free online SWRB MP3s, by Greg Price, entitled, "A Defense of Covenanting and The Solemn League and Covenant,".)
"Thank you for all of your help, and for your ministry of restoring the church to its true Reformation Christ honoring heritage." - ME (USA)
"You have kept the flame of God's Word alive by preserving and publishing the sermons and books of the Covenanters and Puritans, from whose pens have flowed no better exposition of His Word in human history." - WM (TX, USA)
"Important history. I am very thankful for these MP3s as they show the history of God's people during the high times of Reformation and suffering. It shows me to trust more in Christ as the glory of grace and life and less on myself." - RB (The Netherlands, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by J.C. McFeeters, entitled, "Sketches of the Covenanters 3/7" - all seven MP3s which make up this free online audio book, from Still Waters Revival Books)
"Let me begin by thanking you so much for your wonderful contributions to the revival of historic orthodoxy in faith and practice. I am an elder in the Reformed Church in the US, and a true beneficiary of many of the books you have made available. I agree with you that Schlissel is to be commended..." - WJ (CA, USA)
"Serious preaching here. Unfortunately, not enough of it in today's Church's. GOD bless you SWRB.COM." - Joseph H. (NJ, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by George Gillespie, entitled, "Reformation's Refining Fire; or, Iconoclastic Zeal Necessary to World Reformation")
"... let me say that Still Waters Revival Books - and the whole Steelite movement for that matter - has been raised up by God in our corrupt times as a BEACON OF TRUTH TO WHICH ALL MEN SHOULD LOOK. If we cannot embrace their whole programme, we must commend them for standing for LOST TRUTHS for lack of which Christendom is starving! No man or church is perfect, but no compromised Neo-presbyterian Nicodemite has any right to dismiss the Steelites with mere name-calling." - SR (USA)
"I would also like to take the time to thank you for the service you provide. It is essential that the beliefs of the Reformation gain prominence in the Church again. We have too long strayed from the path set down by our Fathers in the faith and it is great to know that you are sending out this information." - DB (MD, USA)
"How thankful to meet this wonderful treasure of the Reformers and Puritans!" - JJ (Seoul, South Korea)
In this present time, a great many Presbyterians (particularly in North America) have forgotten and implicitly (perhaps unwittingly) rejected their Presbyterian heritage. Strangely, Westminster confessing churches have rejected the theological distinctives of the Westminster Standards. Although the Westminster Assembly produced a beautiful statement of soteriological Calvinism, the histories clearly demonstrate that soteriology was not the principle focus, nor chief interest, of the Assembly. The Assembly was primarily concerned with uniformity in worship (in accordance with the Regulative Principle), the form of church government (Presbyterianism jus divinum), and Church-State relations (the Establishment Principle). It is a sad irony that the great and distinctive attainments of the Westminster Assembly have been ignored and rejected by so many Westminster confessing churches. However, there is reason to believe that these great attainments are rejected largely because of ignorance. The best books on these subjects have not been readily available; but (thanks be to God) they are available again on these CD sets. For anyone interested in recovering our Presbyterian past, these CD sets are a must. It is my hope and prayer that these CD sets will be used by God to bring to light the things that were hidden, to call to remembrance the things that were forgotten. - Dr. Steven Dilday (Author and Pastor of Liberty and Grace Reformed Church, Warrenton, Virginia) Pastor Steven Dilday holds a Ph.D. from Whitefield Theological Seminary in Puritan History and Literature. He is currently.
"SWRB's Puritan and Reformation CD libraries are an invaluable source for the study of the history and theology of classic Reformation theology. The collection is remarkable not only for depth of content, but also for the rarity of many of the works. Most seminary libraries will not have even a percentage of the works available on these CD-ROMs. I cannot imagine anyone working in Reformation / historical theology that would not want to use the Puritan and Reformed libraries!" - Phillip J. Long. Associate Prof. of New Testament, Grace Bible College
"... let me say that Still Waters Revival Books - and the whole Steelite movement for that matter - has been raised up by God in our corrupt times as a BEACON OF TRUTH TO WHICH ALL MEN SHOULD LOOK. If we cannot embrace their whole programme, we must commend them for standing for LOST TRUTHS for lack of which Christendom is starving! No man or church is perfect, but no compromised Neo-presbyterian Nicodemite has any right to dismiss the Steelites with mere name-calling." - SR (USA)
"Scripturally rich, emotionally moving. This a great, emotionally moving sermon that provides a rich feast of scriptural and historical examples where truth and righteousness have been advanced by the narrow gate, the narrow path, and by the the few." Greg - (CO, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "The Narrow Reformation Way and Classic Reformation Eschatology ")
"My wife and I have recently read some things that we have found in your free files. Beginning with the "Is Christmas Christian," "Christmas: An Historical Survey Regarding Its Origins and Opposition to It," and "Worship The Regulative Principle Of Worship In History," Kevin Reed and more. We agree with these men and the Reformers. However, there is a problem. We know none who share these convictions... This area is a wasteland regarding Reformation teaching. Ministers claim the WCF (Westminster Confession of Faith - ed.) as their subscription and explain it away. How can we continue to worship with so many disturbing errors and again how can I confront this sin and lead them to repent. It is not just one person its the entire congregations." - PD (WA, USA)
"You may want to purchase a collection of Reformed books from Still Waters Revival Books in CD-ROM format. They have released an incredible array of 62 compact disks which contain over 2,000 titles of some of the best Reformation and Calvinistic books ever written. It is by far the best and widest collection of Reformed literature ever assembled. With capabilities to index and search through these classic authors, this set of CDs is a must for those who desire to read and study our Reformed theological heritage. The president of Still Waters Revival Books, Reg Barrow, is to be highly commended for his insight and perseverance in placing these books - many of them otherwise unavailable - within reach of anyone who has a computer with a CD-ROM drive. If you want more information about how to obtain these CDs, please visit their website."
- From The Five Points of Calvinism: Defined, Defended, and Documented, Second [Special Anniversary] Edition, Updated and Expanded (p. 76, 2004, Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company) by David N. Steele, Curtis C. Thomas, and S. Lance Quinn, Foreword by Roger Nicole, Afterword by John MacArthur.
"I'm so grateful for all your very hard work there to make such fine literature available at affordable prices - especially since nearly all of the most important work of the 17th century divines has practically been lost, save the marvelous work you have done." - DV (USA)
A SWRB summary of a penetrating and perceptive testimony we received via telephone follows.
"Yesterday I spoke with a fellow (for about 1.5 hours) who was once in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) and took courses at Bahnsen Theological Seminary (Southern California Center for Christian Studies [SCCCS] then), then defected to Rome, and was becoming a Roman Catholic priest. He called to see if I knew of a faithful Calvinist church in his area. He knows Scott Hahn and concurred with Larry's rebuke of Hahn in our summary of the book A Disputation on Holy Scripture, Against the Papists, Especially Bellarmine and Stapleton by Whitaker (available on this site - ed.), noting that Hahn is a "back stabbing liar." He has also been friends with many other prominent Romanists and top Jesuits.
His comments on the Jesuits where surprising, as he said that the Jesuits oppose just about everything the Pope is now doing (in 2000 - ed.). Concerning many individual Roman Catholics, he said they know that the real battle is between "consistent Romanism" and "consistent Calvinism" and that a large number would leave Rome but they do not know where to find a "consistent Calvinist church" - as they think that the OPC, PCA, and other "Neopresbyterian" groups are biblically and spiritually superficial and he said these Roman Catholics "will not leave Rome for such shallowness."
He has just left Rome (in May/00) and is seriously considering what he calls "consistent Calvinism" in the work of the Covenanters and other major Reformers. He said he is reading the source documents of the Reformation and this is what is changing his mind. Interestingly, he could see the problems with the Neopresbyterian churches (PCA, OPC, RPCNA, etc.) much better than just about anyone I have ever talked to. Among the greatest dangers he noted were "Romish" Arminianism (even in "Reformed" churches) and the rejection of the regulative principle of worship (RPW). He told me that the so-called "Reformed" churches of our day need to start reading the works, "source documents of the Reformation" were his words, that SWRB distributes.
He was very articulate and wants to know much more about Historicism and the second Reformation (the Covenanters in particular), and also wants to start writing against Rome. He was interested in the "being/well being" and "settled/unsettled" distinctions that Reformers made regarding the church and I think he is going to read chapter two in Greg Barrow's book The Covenanted Reformation Defended on these points (The Covenanted Reformation Defended is free online - ed.). I also told him we would consider publishing what he writes as his comments were equally incisive against both Papal Rome and her harlot daughters (i.e., Protestants who have rejected the consistent Calvinism found in the original Westminster Standards and the biblical national and international covenants of the Reformation)."
- Summary written by Dr. Reg Barrow (For the most consistent Calvinism the world has ever known, the Lord's earthly antithesis to Antichrist (the Papacy), please listen to Greg Price's 19 free MP3 messages entitled, "Covenanter Terms of Communion". For an excellent overview of the contents and meaning of the original Westminster Confession of Faith (and probably the best contemporary commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith), with much application to our day (refuting many modern heresies), please listen to the five free online SWRB MP3s, by Greg Price. For one of the best, if not the best, commentaries on the Westminster Confession of Faith ever written, by a minister living during the sitting of the Westminster Assembly, see David Dickson's "Commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith," originally entitled, Truth's Victory Over Error (12 free online MP3s compliments of SWRB). David Dickson also worked on the "Directory for Public Worship" with David Calderwood and Alexander Henderson and on "The Sum of Saving Knowledge " with James Durham. The Westminster Confession of Faith, wrote William Hetherington, " ...may be safely termed the most perfect statement of Systematic Theology ever framed by the Christian Church," (The History of the Westminster Assembly of Divines, p. 345). The Solemn League and Covenant led to the Westminster Assembly and all the production of all the Westminster Standards. For the best study of covenanting and the Solemn League and Covenant of which we are aware, please listen to the 21 free online SWRB MP3s, by Greg Price, entitled, "A Defense of Covenanting and The Solemn League and Covenant".)
"The Foundation Of The True Gospel! These Questions are addressed in this series on Biblical Unity or Separation: 1) What are Terms of Communion? 2) What is Close Communion? 3) What is Occasional Hearing? The True Gospel of Jesus Christ is open for all to hear and believe! Let all things be done decently and in order (1 Cor. 14:40). 'Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment' (1 Cor. 1:10)." - Walt (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "What Are Terms of Communion? (1/2) On Biblical Separation and Preserving Church Purity By Fencing the Table To the Lord's Supper")
"Incredible Sermon! Most Christians stick to their denominational form of worship and practice. Others (like myself), whom have been blessed by sound teaching on Biblical form of worship and practice, meet with various companies of the body of Christ (e.g., Baptist and Presbyterians), believing that where two or three meet together in Christ's name, He has promised to be in the midst of them.This sermon strikes at the heart of where both views are unscriptural and wrong, and are not what a thrice holy God desires, and teaches from His word. This is an awesome sermon then,thank you brother Price for preaching it, and we must all search our hearts as to what we ought to do, and one is desperate as to what one SHOULD do, when one lives in the midst of 'churches,' whom are all away from the truth as taught in the scriptures, and practised by our forefathers. Have mercy upon us Lord." - Norman Smith (Surrey UK, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "What Are Terms of Communion? (1/2) On Biblical Separation and Preserving Church Purity By Fencing the Table To the Lord's Supper")
"Brother Price continues the most important truth of Biblical Separation, in relation to communion of truth among the Lord's people, and separation from that which is practised that is contrary to Scripture. The principles that he brings out is absolutely staggering, and so proves that there are multitudes in the visible church today whom are going against what the Bible teaches on this subject. The problem now is, what do those of us who believe this is the truth, do? For example , no church near me holds to the purity in worship as described by this minister. A local brethren church hides its heresy by having no terms of communion, and a gospel standard church has terms of communion, which has turned from what our forefathers taught. Do I worship at home then... ? A very important matter is this indeed. O Lord, help us to do what is right, to thy own most glorious name." - Norman Smith (Surrey UK, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "What Are Terms of Communion? (2/2) On Biblical Separation and Preserving Church Purity By Fencing the Table To the Lord's Supper")
"The Martyrs have not died in vain! The (National -ed.) Covenant of 1638 and the SL&C (Solemn League and Covenant - ed.) have not been sworn in vain. When I saw the Martyrs monuments such as on the Grassmarket, St.Andrews and the Covenanters Memorial on Greyfriars churchyard, I asked myself: 'Was it in vain, Lord?' NO, it will not be in vain! Although everything looks its like falling apart, Christ Jesus will be the ultimate victorious King! Let these covenants revive! Not only for the sake of the Church of Scotland, England and Ireland, but also for the Dutch and ultimately for the rest of the world. As the Covenanters would say: For Christ Crown and Covenant! The Covenants will be the reviving of Scotland, Ireland and England and all its descendants now living across the world! God bless you, Mr.Barrow!" - RSB (The Netherlands, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Barrow, entitled, "DEBATE: How the Solemn League and Covenant Binds the USA, Canada, Australia, etc., Today (2/3)" - the book by Greg Barrow, "The Covenanted Reformation Defended," from which this MP3 was excerpted, is free online and much more free information on the Covenanted Reformation is online)
"Although I am Dutch, I strongly encourage everyone to hear these three sermons from Mr.Barrow. In the last week of June in went to Scotland to see for myself what God has done in Edinburgh and St.Andrew. I stood on the places where Knox preached, James Renwick was executed... the places in which Patrick Hamilton and George Wishart were executed for the Covenanted Reformation. When I see their faithfulness to the Covenants sworn to God, I can not understand how people have left these covenants and how the Church has compromised the truth with false ecumenism and sin. I pray and hope that these covenants will be restored and that even in the Netherlands the Reformed religion will revive as never before." - RSB (The Netherlands)
"I am thrilled to see that 500 plus people have listened to this sermon. Thank you brother Price for not only showing from the scriptures why musical instruments are no longer allowed in the gathering together for worship of the Lord's people, but also for dealing with the objections raised by those who advocate their instruments.I am delighted to have been recommended by a dear brother to listen to brother Greg's ministry, it has done my soul good. Bless you dear brother for your faithfulness to the word of God,and for sermonaudio for listing the sermons, may it please the Lord to bless your preaching to many, to His own glorious and holy name." - Norman Smith from Surrey UK (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Instrumental Music in Public Worship in the New Testament (The Second Commandment In Covenanter, Puritan and Reformation Worship)")
"Westminster Larger Catechism (Original Edition).
Question 107: Which is the second commandment? Answer: The second commandment is, Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
Question 108: What are the duties required in the second commandment? Answer: The duties required in the second commandment are, the receiving, observing, and keeping pure and entire, all such religious worship and ordinances as God has instituted in his Word; particularly prayer and thanksgiving in the name of Christ; the reading, preaching, and hearing of the Word; the administration and receiving of the sacraments; church government and discipline; the ministry and maintenance thereof; religious fasting; swearing by the name of God, and vowing unto him: as also the disapproving, detesting, opposing, all false worship; and, according to each one's place and calling, removing it, and all monuments of idolatry.
Question 109. What are the sins forbidden in the second commandment? Answer: The sins forbidden in the second commandment are, all devising (Numb. xv.39), counselling (Deut. xiii.6-8), commanding (Hos. v.11, Micah. vi.16), using (1Kg. xi.33, 1Kg. xii.33), and any wise approving, any religious worship not instituted by God himself (Deut. xii.30-32); tolerating a false religion (Deut. xiii.6-12, Zech. xiii.2-3, Rev. ii.2 & 14-15 & 20, Rev. xvii.12 & 16-17); the making any representation of God, of all or of any of the three persons, either inwardly in our mind, or outwardly in any kind of image or likeness of any creature whatsoever (Deut. iv.15-19, Acts. xvii.29, Rom. i.21-23 & 25); all worshipping of it (Dan .iii.18, Gal. iv.8), or God in it or by it (Exod. xxxii.5); the making of any representation of feigned deities (Exod. xxxii.8), and all worship of them, or service belonging to them (1Kg. xviii.26 & 28, Isa. lxv.11); all superstitious devices (Acts. xvii.22, Col. ii.21-23), corrupting the worship of God (Mal. i.7-8 & 14), adding to it, or taking from it (Deut. iv.2), whether invented and taken up of ourselves (Ps. cvi.39), or received by tradition from others (Matt. xv.9), though under the title of antiquity (1Pet. i.18), custom (Jer. xliv.17), devotion (Isa. lxv.3-5, Gal.i.13-14), good intent, or any other pretence whatsoever (1Sam.xiii.11-12, 1Sam.xv.21), simony (Acts. viii.18); sacrilege (Rom. ii.22, Mal. iii.8); all neglect (Exod. iv.24-26), contempt (Matt. xxii.5, Mal. i.7 & 13), hindering (Matt. xxiii.13), and opposing the worship and ordinances which God hath appointed (Acts. xiii.44-45, 1Thess. ii.15-16).
Question.110. What are the reasons annexed to the second commandment, the more to enforce it? Answer. The reasons annexed to the second commandment, the more to enforce it, contained in these words, For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; and shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments (Exod. xx.5-6); are, besides God's sovereignty over us, and propriety in us (Ps.xlv.11, Rev.xv.3-4), his fervent zeal for his own worship (Exod. xxxiv.13), and his revengeful indignation against all false worship, as being a spiritual whoredom (1Cor. x.20-22, Jer. vii.18-20, Ezek. xvi.26-27, Deut. xxxii.16-20); accounting the breakers of this commandment such as hate him, and threatening to punish them unto divers generations (Hos. ii.2-4); and esteeming the observers of it such as love him and keep his commandments, and promising mercy to them unto many generations (Deut. v.29).
Original Westminster Larger Catechism is on this site at: https://www.reformed.org/documents/wlc_w_proofs/index.html (text) or Westminster Larger Catechism MP3 1/2 and (Westminster Larger Catechism MP3 2/2).
Deut. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: Deut. 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, Deut. 5:10 And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments."
- Walt (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Richard Bennett, entitled, "Mel Gibson's Vivid and Idolatrous Deception: The Passion of the Christ Movie")
"I just wanted to write and thank you for your faithfulness to God's word and the Protestant Reformation... The main foundation for our preaching has been the Puritan and Reformation CD's my friend ordered from you several years ago. Through them we've been freed from many Popish devices like instrumental music and acknowledging unbiblical seasons like Christmas, Easter, and numerous other idolatrous practices. We also have profound insights into the Word of God which pretty much trump any modern commentators that we've ever read. I know from experience that the things you guys publish are hated and unpopular... I would like to assure you that your efforts have blessed our small congregation immeasurably and that you're labor has not been in vain. I hate to think where we still might be if we did not have access to the many documents made available by Still Waters." - David McCormick, Elder (Reformation Church, LA, USA)
"Scripturally rich, emotionally moving. This a great, emotionally moving sermon that provides a rich feast of scriptural and historical examples where truth and righteousness have been advanced by the narrow gate, the narrow path, and by the the few." Greg - (CO, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "The Narrow Reformation Way and Classic Reformation Eschatology ")
"Brilliant challenging message which we echo wholeheartedly. Praise God! - Raymond Stewart (Northern Ireland, UK, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Nation Shaking Reformation Promoted - A Classic Sermon By A Modern-Day Puritan Preacher!")
"Thank you for sending me... the Inquisition book (Lea's four volume set entitled, The History of Inquisition - ed.). Wylie's history book seems of interest to me (The History of Protestantism - ed.). I will place it on my personal wish list. I thoroughly agree with the Reformers views on the Papacy. The Papacy has not changed, but nominal "Protestants" have changed. History and Scripture both serve as witnesses of the bloody past and dark ages during Europe's papal supremacy and Inquisition. But God will always reserve for Himself a Remnant. I look forward to receiving the two facsimile Bibles. Keep up the good work and word. - IS, Ph.D. (USA, see the free video, compliments of SWRB, by Richard Bennett, "The Roman Catholic (Papal Antichrist) Inquisition, the Tools of Torture and Faithful Christian Martyrs" and the free SWRB MP3 by Richard Bennett, "The Modern History and Tyranny of Roman Catholicism and the Vatican Vision Related To Past and Coming Inquisitions")
"Important history. I am very thankful for these MP3s as they show the history of God's people during the high times of Reformation and suffering. It shows me to trust more in Christ as the glory of grace and life and less on myself." - RB (The Netherlands)
Wow! The MP3s of John Owen's "Chamber of Imagery," (called Rome's Idolatry Rebuked 1 and 2 on the PHD and also free- ed.) is by far the most insightful treatment I have ever encountered of the subject of, and historical process of Romish idolatry. Thank you also for putting out Richard Bennett's material (Richard Bennett is a former Roman Catholic priest who is now and Christian minister and some his books, MP3s and videos are on the Puritan Hard Drive and at www.bereanbeacon.org - ed.). His type of ministry is sorely needed in the Philippines. I have gotten in touch with him and we have struck up a friendly fellowship via email. I am currently trying to contact a publisher for a Philippine version of his book of testimonies by former Catholic priests (Far From Rome, Near To God:Testimonies of Fifty Converted Roman Catholic Priests - ed.). I would appreciate your prayers in this matter. I'm sure he would, too. Richard, in turn, has turned me on to William Webster's work. The blessing just keep coming. - Because of Jesus, Andy Underhile (Missionary in the Philippines)
"The Martyrs have not died in vain! The (National -ed.) Covenant of 1638 and the SL&C (Solemn League and Covenant - ed.) have not been sworn in vain. When I saw the Martyrs monuments such as on the Grassmarket, St. Andrews and the Covenanters Memorial on Greyfriars churchyard, I asked myself: 'Was it in vain, Lord?' NO, it will not be in vain! Although everything looks its like falling apart, Christ Jesus will be the ultimate victorious King! Let these covenants revive! Not only for the sake of the Church of Scotland, England and Ireland, but also for the Dutch and ultimately for the rest of the world. As the Covenanters would say: For Christ Crown and Covenant! The Covenants will be the reviving of Scotland, Ireland and England and all its descendants now living across the world! God bless you, Mr.Barrow!" - RSB (The Netherlands)
"This is a sermon that every Christian needs to hear and obey the word of God. So many religions do not realize that they are turning into Catholics with these pagan holidays such as Christmass and Easter." - Faye (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Christmass Condemned By Christ 3/3 Puritan & Reformation Teaching On Roman Catholic (Antichrist)/Pagan Holy Days (Easter Too)" - all three free SWRB MP3s, by Greg Price, in the series, "Christmass Condemned By Christ," are available online)
"It was by these sermons that I heard that the celebration of Christmas is a sin in violation of the second commandment. I am hoping and praying that, especially in my nation, the Reformed church will return to the true Standards conformable to the Word of God. For it is a joy NOT to celebrate Christmass. It has been a burden for many years for me, and now i am free not to celebrate it!" - RB (Nertherlands)
"Commendation with Qualification. Although Spurgeon identifies some of the intrinsic idolatry associated with Christ-mass, we find the general principle of regulativism lacking in Spurgeon's doctrine and practice. This itself is the fundamental and primary basis for rejecting the observation of this 'holy' day, as well as all other human inventions proposed as devotion to God. Suppose that the elements and associations of the nativity 'holy' day were in themselves **intrinsically** pure and faithful, and appointed by pious and well intended persons; it nevertheless would be a God offending idolatry (though often done in ignorance) to observe such a recurring 'holy' day by virtue of the fact supposed: it would be a humanly devised observation that is appointed or suggested as being an acceptable devotion to God. This very same reasoning implicates Spurgeon himself in the use of uninspired compositions (hymns - ed.) in his form of worship.
If we would honor God's sovereignty, we must not only acknowledge that he sovereignly governs all things in the universe according to his reserved, immutable, and mysterious counsel; but we must honor his sovereign being and prerogative by accepting his sovereign yoke in Christ to rule us personally - and to govern the Church visible - according to his sovereign, revelatory prescriptions and proscriptions in the Holy Scripture. Religion is either from God or 'not-God.' The second category is an eclectic collective of demonic and human minds integrated over human history, and it often borrows from God's religion to appear more plausible.
We are unabashedly told by humanists that religion is merely the result of human experience and development, and the needs thereof. Many persons who say they are Christian, nevertheless, embrace this anti-supernatural position in their philosophy or practice. Where is **every** part of your religious belief and practice from? But, to return, just as we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our salvation, so we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our devotion to him. God is sovereign in worship as well as salvation: we must not presume to bring any kind of thing of our own devising for our acceptance. God calls it "will-worship" to do otherwise, because we have more deference to honor our will and desire, than the command and authority of God in Christ.
The tentacles of Arminianism reach far into the heart, and must be unraveled from the deep crevasses of our native brains. But in the case under consideration (the nativity day), not only is God's declarative sovereignty trampled under foot by human invention, but the observations and associations are themselves intrinsically pagan and worldly (which cannot be disputed by any who observe the history), although historically they have been conveniently syncretized with 'Christianity' by the whore of Roman Catholicism, and contemporaneously by her sister: apostate and multiform 'Protestantism.'
We are thankful to God for Charles Spurgeon for the illumination he had in some areas, although we cannot be faithful unless we testify against his transgressions of perjury (against the Solemn League and Covenant), Independency, idolatry (in form of worship), and against his erroneous baptismal doctrine."
- Dr. B. A. Bernal (USA, commenting on the free SWRB MP3 "The Christian and Christmass by Charles Spurgeon, A.W. Pink, John Knox, et al." - for more free books, MP3s and videos exposing Christmas for the idolatrous Roman Catholic evangelistic strategy that it is)
"Although I am Dutch, I strongly encourage everyone to hear these three sermons from Mr.Barrow. In the last week of June in went to Scotland to see for myself what God has done in Edinburgh and St.Andrew. I stood on the places where Knox preached, James Renwick was executed... the places in which Patrick Hamilton and George Wishart were executed for the Covenanted Reformation. When I see their faithfulness to the Covenants sworn to God, I can not understand how people have left these covenants and how the Church has compromised the truth with false ecumenism and sin. I pray and hope that these covenants will be restored and that even in the Netherlands the Reformed religion will revive as never before." - RSB (The Netherlands)
"Serious preaching here. Unfortunately, not enough of it in today's Church's. GOD bless you SWRB.COM." - Joseph H. (NJ, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by George Gillespie, entitled, "Reformation's Refining Fire; or, Iconoclastic Zeal Necessary to World Reformation")
"Dear Brothers in Christ, I think that you should be interested to know that since I discovered your site and publications, I also could appreciate again the (for us) forgotten use of the exclusive singing of the Psalms in the worship of God. I am a reformed Pastor (of conservative conviction) in a rather liberal Reformed denomination in Switzerland. Our Reformed hymn book contains only ten Psalms! I wanted to investigate the use of Psalms in the Reformed church, and I wasn't aware myself that Psalm singing originated in Switzerland itself, but it's use was completely forgotten. So I went back in the history of our hymnbooks (we are Italian speaking reformed churches, going back to the time of the Reformation), and I found that our former hymn book had 25 psalms, the one before that 35 psalms, and finally I could go back to the last complete Psalter to be sung in Italian, which was published here in 1735! Think about that: our last complete Psalter only in 1700!!! So I did one thing: with the help of a helpful computer program I copied all the Psalms in meter I could find in Italian (only 80% of them) and I published them (complete with audible music and scores) on the Internet, and I spread the idea in our Italian speaking world. Now our people with astonishment discovered how our church forgot the Psalms and why it's important to reinstall them in our churches. We have still a long way to go in order to re-establish true Reformation, but at least now most people know what was made by the Liberals... - PC (Switzerland)
"Great Psalmody resource! Thank you so much for making this resource. My family has been longing for something like this to teach us the 1650 Psalter tunes to use in family worship. We were not raised Reformed so we are starting from scratch. This will help immensely. I hope you will continue on through the rest of the Psalms. May God bless you for your efforts." - TM (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by the Dohms family, entitled, "50 Suggested Tunes for Use With the Scottish Metrical Psalter [Being The Psalter Authorized by the Famous Westminster Assembly]" - also see all the Psalm singing MP3s available on this site as digital downloads - ed.)
"I was a Dispensationalist until about four years ago. I had been involved with the Calvary Chapel movement on the West coast and had become dissatisfied with the lack of theology in the movement and the spiritual bareness of contemporary "worship" music. However, when I went to a Reformed Church I was aghast that Christmas trees, etc. (sic) could adorn a "Christian" Church that espoused the Regulative principle of worship. I began reading:
1. The Necessity of Reforming the Church by Calvin
2. The Westminster Confession of Faith
3. War Against the Idols by Carlos Eire.
4. Wonders of the Most High by Van De Velde.
5. Songs of Zion by Michael Bushell
My family has been singing the psalms for devotions and for worship for over a year now. It was awkward initially, but we have persevered. I consider it a tremendous blessing. Obviously, SWRB has played a tremendous role as they have supplied the materials to do the necessary research. Now, I must deal with covenanting." - JL (USA)
"Inspired song in worship? Greg Price looks at a variety of Scripture verses dealing with the subject. As he points out this is very important, since it is one of the criteria we use to select church and worship. An excellent message and I recommend a listen." - Arthur (Scotland, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Exclusive Psalmody [1/7] Inspired Song vs. Uninspired Song" - the complete, free, online seven MP3 set by Greg Price defending exclusive Psalmody, compliments of Still Waters Revival Books)
"I have ordered from your organization before. In fact, recently I just ordered the Scottish Metrical Psalter with Brown's notes and the Dohms family tape to learn many tunes for my soon to be wife and I to sing. We have in the past year or so become convinced of the biblical regulative principle of worship and the necessity... of singing the psalms." - ME (USA)
"Great Exegesis! An exceptionally learned exegesis of Col.3:16! John McNaugher clearly exposes the erroneous idea that this verse can support modern "hymnology" as it is applied by some, in the production of modern hymns. An interesting point he brings out is - do you think that Paul in this verse was alluding to some sort of busy industry of hymn writers, existing during this time alongside the dangerous and difficult Apostolic evangelical task, singing about their teachings! Psalmody is taught in Scripture, not future production of hymns." Arthur (Scotland, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by John McNaugher, entitled, "Gideon" at Exclusive Psalmody: A Scriptural Exegesis of Col. 3:16 and Eph. 5:19)
"I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your 'service' of providing us with books, tapes, etc., from the Reformation and its leaders. I have been poring over the books I recently purchased. I am especially enlightened by the writings of John Calvin. He definitely has gotten a "bad rap" because he teaches the TRUTH. I have a dilemma now! I have a desire to worship and live as given to us in the Bible. In reading Calvin's writings on proper worship, praise, singing (the Psalms), etc., I have come to the conclusion that the Reformers would be appalled at the state of "Christianity" in the U.S. At least 99% of the churches in the land do not come close to the Biblical standard. The contemporary Christian music is disgraceful, as well as most of the so-called TV evangelists. This leads to the reason for my email to you. Do you know of any Reformed churches in the Houston area (including Kingwood, Woodlands, Humble) which follow the Bible, worship according to the Bible, along with Psalm singing, etc.? At this time I must worship without a congregation, as Calvin spoke of in his writings. "I appreciate any information or assistance which you could provide in this most grave matter. I will be placing another order soon - to continue my education in the correct ways of the Lord." - In Christ, JF (TX, USA)
"So good to hear from you, also sending us useful material from Still Waters Revival Books, among which is a deeply-treasured cassette having a recording of the first 50 Psalms, being sung by a group of people (now a free MP3 compliments of SWRB). These are immensely helpful to me as I am putting the Psalms in Metre in our Maltese language. You understand that I need to know the tune so that my work may be facilitated... Our church is planning to change to exclusive Psalmody and in this respect your help is needed. Thanks for your efforts to bring Reformation life and polity to Malta." - PM (Malta)
"Hi guys!! So wonderful to hear these (Psalm tunes -ed.) way over here across the ocean once again. Brings back many wonderful memories of singing them with you. Feels like you are right here in my living room. We are still singing His Psalms way over here with our 8 kids. Miss you lots and pray that He continues to bless you with His truth and love. - Linda Valentine (China)
"We spoke on the phone a few weeks ago. I bought the Northern Ireland tapes, a couple of additional 1650 Psalters and the book on the Psalms by Binnie. Look forward to reading it DV as time goes by. As I was changing my son's clothes, (aged 2.75 years) I was singing Psalm 23 to Crimond. To my great surprise, he sang Psalm 23:1 along with me. We've been singing Psalm 23 every night we have family worship and it appears to be having some effect already. Praise God! I wanted to thank you for making the Scottish Psalter available as well as the Psalm tapes. They've been a tremendous blessing to me! Godspeed. Ex nihilo, nihil fit. Sola Scriptura, Sola fide. Sola gratia. Soli Deo gloria. Semper reformada. Articulus stantis vel cadentis ecclesiae (Sola fide)." - US (USA)
"Look I am dreadfully sorry about all this. As I stated before. It has taken me years to even begin to get to grips with the CD collection which I got from you some years ago. But as stated before what is coming at me from the CDs is the whole idea of exclusive psalmody and the regulative principle of worship. I have never been so excited about something as a Christian for a long time. Please just bear me? Some time ago (I am not sure when i got the CDs from you) I was studying the Bible. I study the Bible with a correspondence school and was working my way through all the Gospels, and was about to study the Gospel of Luke. However some kind of emergency cropped up in my life and it seemed to me a good thing to study the Psalms instead. So I started the study of the Psalms. I am a ex-student so I love to study. And as usual I had my concordances and all my commentaries as I started to study the Psalms. I was studying the prophetic aspect of the Psalms, the Messianic and so on. Up until about Psalm 60 when I suddenly realized that i was to SING THE PSALMS!!! ... So I (sang the Psalms from about Psalm 60 onwards and have not stopped singing them since! And then I get your CDs and it takes me years to get into the collection. I am having to read about the Civil War in England to get the background and now I discover these things called exclusive Psalmody and the regulative principle of worship. And I think the Lord hasn't finished with me yet!!! So praise the Lord. However, currently I am alone in my local area in this position of exclusive psalmody. I have been a Christian since 1979 and this is the first time this has cropped up but as soon as one looks into Christian history one finds a lot of Psalms. So many thanks again for being so tolerant with me and again many thanks for such a fantastic collection of books and MP3s. Indeed this is a major Christian teaching source. Thank you." - EP (USA)
"Greetings Greg Price. What I find interesting is the the Rev ____ ______ states that the WCF and the Directory of Public Worship does not teach exclusive Psalmody. I have enjoyed your sermons (7 of them) on exclusive psalmody and am encouraging others to listen to them (SWRB makes these seven sermons, by Greg Price, on exclusive Psalmody, available as free online MP3s - ed.). The Reformed Faith is under quite a lot of pressure throughout the world and many aspects of worship are either being compromised or discarded. There seems to be more churches looking to see what they are allowed rather than what is actually commanded. Those that do hold to the regulative principle in worship are being accused, at least in this part of the world (Northern Ireland), as being so Reformed they've become deformed! Arminianism the creeping death!!" - Warmest regards and prayers, Your bondservant in Christ Jesus, William A (Northern Ireland, UK)
SWRB NOTE: We've included a small portion of Greg Price's research, below, on why the original intent of the Westminster Confession of Faith (and the Directory of Public Worship) sets forth exclusive Psalmody - and can not be construed in any other way.
Dear ____,
Is the singing of only Psalms a confessional matter? It is if one subscribes to the Westminster Standards as Subordinate Standards. For The Westminster Confession of Faith:21:5; The Directory For the Public Worship of God: "Of Singing of Psalms"; The Metrical Psalter produced by the Westminster Assembly and approved by the Church of Scotland contained only the 150 Psalms and allowed for none other to be used in public worship. These considerations ought to settle the question as to whether exclusive psalmody was the position of the Westminster Assembly. In the debate that occurred at the Westminster Assembly regarding the singing of psalms in public worship, there was never any recorded debate about the singing of any other songs (whether inspired or uninspired) than those inspired songs found in the Psalter (cf. Minutes Of The Sessions Of The Westminster Assembly Of Divines_, ed. Mitchell and Struthers, Still Waters Revival Books, 1874, 1991, pp. xxxvii, 20, 21, 23, 77, 131, 163, 216, 221, 222, 418). The only debate surrounding the singing of psalms related to which version of the psalms to sing (whether Barton's or Rouse's), not to whether the Psalter ought to be the only hymnbook of the Christian Church. Also consider the following Acts made by Church and State in their respective judicial capacities.
1. The House of Commons in England also gave their wholehearted endorsement of Rouse's Psalter in the following words (April 15,1646):
"Ordered, That the Book of Psalms, set forth by Mr. Rous, and perused by the Assembly of Divines, be forthwith printed in sundry volumes: And that the said Psalms, and none other, shall, after the first of January next, be sung in all Churches and Chapels within the Kingdom of England, Dominion of
Wales, and Town of Berwick-upon-Tweede; and that it be referred to Mr. Rous, to take care for the true printing thereof" (Cited from _The Letters and Journals of Robert Baillie_, 3:539).
2. Furthermore, the Church of Scotland took the following action (Nov.23,1649):
"The Commission of the General Assembly having with great diligence considered the Paraphrase of the Psalms in Meter, sent from the Assembly of Divines in England by our Commissioners, whilst they were there, as it is corrected by former General Assemblies, Committees from them, and now at last by the Brethren deputed by the late Assembly for that purpose: And having exactly examined the same, do approve the said Paraphrase, as it is now compiled; And therefore, according to the power given them by the said Assembly, do appoint it to be printed and published for public use: Hereby authorizing the same to be the only Paraphrase, of the Psalms of David to be sung in the Kirk of Scotland: and discharging the old Paraphrase and any other than this new Paraphrase, to be made use of in any congregation or family after the first day of May in the year 1650; And for Uniformity in this part of the Worship of God, do seriously recommend to Presbyteries to cause make public intimation of this Act, and take special care that the same be tymeously [i.e. timely--GLP] put to execution, and duly observed" (Cited from _The Letters and Journals of Robert Baillie_, 3:548).
3. Finally, the Committee of Estates (i.e. the Committee for the Scottish Parliament) issued the following order (Jan.8,1650):
"The Committee of Estates having considered the English Paraphrase of the Psalms of David in Meter, presented this day unto them by the Commission of the General Assembly, together with their Act and the Act of the late Assembly, approving the said Paraphrase, and appointing the same to be sung through this Kirk. Therefore, the Committee doth also approve the said Paraphrase, and interpone [i.e. interpose--GLP] their authority for the publishing and practicing thereof; hereby ordaining the same, and no other to be made use of throughout this Kingdom, according to the tenor of the said Acts of the General Assembly and their Commissioners" (Cited from _The Letters and Journals of Robert Baillie_, 3:548,549).
Although I don't have a copy of the Introduction to the Psalter (1673) wherein the statement to which you refer by John Owen (and yes it is one and the same John Owen) is made, nevertheless, I have the same quote by Owen which indicates that 25 other divines also signed it (which divines it does not say).
However, the remarks made above should clearly settle the question beyond controversy as to whether or not the Westminster Assembly promoted the position of exclusive psalmody. The **original intent** of the Westminster Assembly, Parliament of England, Church of Scotland, and Parliament of Scotland was not a controverted question: only the Psalms found within the inspired Psalter ought to be sung in public worship. That being the case, one can then argue backwards to see that when the Westminster Divines place Col. 3:16, Eph. 5:19, and Jms. 5:13 as proof texts for "singing of psalms with grace in the heart" as an ordinary part of the religious worship of God (WCF 21:5), they found their biblical warrant for exclusive psalmody from the biblical passages they cited.
Feel free to follow up with other questions should you desire to do so.
For the Cause of Christ,
Greg L. Price
Also see the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, "Exclusive Psalmody 6/7 (and the Westminster Standards)".
"I am thrilled to see that 500 plus people have listened to this sermon. Thank you brother Price for not only showing from the scriptures why musical instruments are no longer allowed in the gathering together for worship of the Lord's people, but also for dealing with the objections raised by those who advocate their instruments. I am delighted to have been recommended by a dear brother to listen to brother Greg's ministry, it has done my soul good. Bless you dear brother for your faithfulness to the word of God,and for sermonaudio for listing the sermons, may it please the Lord to bless your preaching to many, to His own glorious and holy name." - Norman Smith from Surrey UK (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Instrumental Music in Public Worship in the New Testament (The Second Commandment In Covenanter, Puritan and Reformation Worship)")
"I can't believe how great your new CD collection is!... I really think that this will be a great benefit scholarship in Puritan and Scottish theology, and I hope that this catches on." - DV (USA)
"I am a Canadian whose ancestors were Scottish Presbyterians and I am very interested in learning more about the Covenanters in general and my ancestor in particular... I would very much like to purchase any works on the Covenanters." - KB (ON, Canada)
"I have ordered from your organization before. In fact, recently I just ordered the Scottish Metrical Psalter with Brown's notes and the Dohms family tape to learn many tunes for my soon to be wife and I to sing. We have in the past year or so become convinced of the Biblical regulative principle of worship and the necessity... of singing the psalms." - ME (USA)
"We spoke on the phone a few weeks ago. I bought the Northern Ireland tapes, a couple of additional 1650 Psalters and the book on the Psalms by Binnie. Look forward to reading it DV as time goes by. As I was changing my son's clothes, (aged 2.75 years) I was singing Psalm 23 to Crimond. To my great surprise, he sang Psalm 23:1 along with me. We've been singing Psalm 23 every night we have family worship and it appears to be having some effect already. Praise God! I wanted to thank you for making the Scottish Psalter available as well as the Psalm tapes. They've been a tremendous blessing to me! Godspeed. Ex nihilo, nihil fit. Sola Scriptura, Sola fide. Sola gratia. Soli Deo gloria. Semper reformada. Articulus stantis vel cadentis ecclesiae (Sola fide)." - US (USA)
"Important history. I am very thankful for these MP3s as they show the history of God's people during the high times of Reformation and suffering. It shows me to trust more in Christ as the glory of grace and life and less on myself." - RB (The Netherlands, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by J.C. McFeeters, entitled, "Sketches of the Covenanters 3/7" - all seven MP3s which make up this free online audio book, from Still Waters Revival Books)
"These Puritan resources are the greatest I've ever seen. These eyes have never seen anything greater than what you have produced except that old King James Bible. I am sure that it will help me and others grow in the Lord and I can use it in my Home School for my children." - Email from a Customer in Georgia, USA
"This is superb. The project stands the chance of being transformational... I admit to being a thorough going Puritan, a Constitutional Presbyterian, and a devote of the Hungarian Reformed Church. With that out of the way, take my word for it, Still Waters has done our community a great service by making the English Puritan classics available on CD." - Dr. Edwin P. Elliott, Jr., Managing Editor of the Christian Observer, Director of the Christian Observer News Service
"This collection of... CDs is a truly astounding accomplishment. There is nothing like this available to the ordinary Christian on the whole face of the earth.
Now, for the first time ever, ordinary Christians can have direct and near effortless access to the very cream of Puritan and Reformed, as well as Covenanter, literature.
These books are often in fascinating first editions and many are electronically linked and indexed for the first time. The ordinary Christian may here dig into a simply staggering wealth of literature, from devotional and sermonic material to technical and scholarly works. Even in the days of the Long Reformation itself ordinary Christians didn't get to see this kind of library -- most couldn't read for a start, and even those who could, would never have been able to afford to buy even a hundredth part of the material on these CDs. Truly we are without excuse!
And the significance of this collection goes even beyond that. No longer do we have to wait for modern Reformed publishing houses to predict that a particular Reformation or Puritan book will be sufficiently popular to make it economical to reprint, or to deem it "safe" enough to be let loose on the modern evangelical church. Rather, we are now able to see for ourselves the whole range of the Puritan and Reformed publishing enterprise, including views that are usually suppressed by most modern devotees of "Puritan" piety!
Buy these CDs while you can, and find out for yourself what the First and Second Reformations were really all about! You'll be truly amazed, and, by God's grace, will grow from being an ordinary Christian to being an extraordinary one.
What they used to say of the Puritan John Flavel's preaching, can be said of these CDs: they are 'hissing hot'!"
- Dr. Jonathan D. Moore, Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, UK.
(Author and Scholar of 16th and 17th Century Calvinistic literature.)
"I have been systematically working through reading the Puritan and Reformed CDs I purchased.
I must say, there is nothing like them available anywhere.
It is the most amazing collection of works I know of in one package to date.
The Puritan and Reformed material presented on these CDs is exceptional."
- For Christ's Crown and Covenant,
Dr. C. Matthew McMahon
A Puritan's Mind Ministries, www.apuritansmind.com
"Amen! Hear this wonderful lecture and reading about the great Puritan writers! Thank you!" - Robert (NJ, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Dr. C. Matthew McMahon, entitled, "Introduction and Overview of the Puritans [1 of 18] Who Were the Puritans and What Did They Teach?")
"I was excited to see the CD series advertised in the latest e-mail from SWRB. I am fairly new to the Puritan works but have tried over the past several years to purchase as many titles as I could afford from Banner of Truth, SDG, and various other sources. I have found the Puritan writings to be of immense benefit to my soul over the past years. In the spiritual desolation of the academic environment the writings of these men have been used of God to encourage and challenge my faith... If I am not mistaken, a project of this magnitude would undoubtedly result in one of the largest collections of Puritan writings available anywhere. I greatly rejoice to think that such a collection would be made available and I hope to own and profit from it myself... May the Lord bless you as you continue this vital ministry." In Christ our Lord, - Ernie Frank, Ph.D., Dept. of Statistics, West Virginia University
"Serious preaching here. Unfortunately, not enough of it in today's Church's. GOD bless you SWRB.COM." - Joseph H. (NJ, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by George Gillespie, entitled, "Reformation's Refining Fire; or, Iconoclastic Zeal Necessary to World Reformation")
'"Westminster Annotations.' I mentioned these commentaries to a scholar working on the Puritans and the Assembly recently, and he did not know they existed! A 'semi-official' production of the Westminster Assembly this complete Bible commentary was produced at the request of Parliament by the Westminster Divines, with the help of other Puritans who were not delegates. Authors include Gouge, Ley, Casaubon, Reynolds, Meric, Gataker and others. 2,383 pages in six volumes, this set has never been reprinted since the seventeenth century and is very scarce indeed." - Stephen P. Westcott, Ph.D, Litt.D. (Bristol, England), Excerpts from the "Publisher Review of Still Waters Revival Books, Canada" in the British Reformed Journal. Dr. Westcott did the translation work (first time to English, from Latin) for the publication of John Owen's Works (volume 17).
"Receive our hearty thanks for your invaluable work in making so many rare gems accessible to thousands." - Joel R. Beeke (President of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Pastor, Author [of Meet the Puritans: With A Guide to Modern Reprints, and many other books], etc.)
"Isaac Ambrose - 1604-1663/04? From 1911encyclopedia.org: Isaac Ambrose- English Puritan divineŠ As a religious writer Ambrose has a vividness and freshness of imagination possessed by scarcely any of the Puritan Nonconformists. Many who have no love for Puritan doctrine, nor sympathy with Puritan experience, have appreciated the pathos and beauty of his writings, and his Looking to Jesus long held its own in popular appreciation with the writings of John Bunyan. This narration is from a copy of his works dating 1808." - Thomas Sullivan (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by the Puritan Isaac Ambrose, entitled, "The Crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ [1/6] Amazing Love, Extreme Suffering, Supreme Sacrifice, Atonement, Redemption, etc.")
"Puritan Sermons. This pastor as well as John Sheffield, -"What Relapses are Inconsistent with Grace," are two of the 75 Puritans whose sermons are in the 6 volume series, Morning Exercises at Cripplegate. 1659-1689." - Thomas Sullivan (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Benjamin Needler, entitled, "How Beloved Lusts May Be Discovered and Mortified, According to Scriptural Truth and Through the Power and Grace of the Holy Spirit")
"Six volumes of Puritan sermons. Thanks for the comment and the readings Thomas! These Puritan sermons, the "Morning Exercises at Cripplegate," are available on the Puritan Hard Drive or as digital downloads from this site - ed.). These books include sermons by John Owen, Thomas Watson, Thomas Manton, Matthew Poole, Richard Baxter, William Greenhill, James Janeway, Edmund Calamy, Thomas Vincent and many others. Volumes vary in length from 624 to 804 pages and cover a great number of topics that are essential to the Puritan view of God, the world and the Christian life. The Preface notes, 'This celebrated collection of useful and orthodox theology consists... of practical as well as doctrinal discourses, preached by some of the most eminent divines of the 17th century, and published at irregular intervals between the years 1660 and 1691.' Volume six, 'The Morning Exercises against Popery; or the principal Errors of the Church of Rome detected and confuted... has always been deemed a standard book on that great controversy,' which even in that day was 'recently revived.'" - swrb.com commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Benjamin Needler, entitled, "How Beloved Lusts May Be Discovered and Mortified, According to Scriptural Truth and Through the Power and Grace of the Holy Spirit")
As I read your website newsletters and other published articles I become more and more aware of how little I know of the ways of God. I have known Christ as my Lord and Saviour for 26 years. I began as a charismatic, then was convinced of the Reformed/Calvinist view. I have been convinced for many years that the problem of the church today is that no one know their roots. What did the early church say about such matters as the Sovereignty of God (I've read A.W. Pink's book, the Sovereignty of God, 6 times), the doctrines of grace, election, predestination etc. I stumble upon your site while reading the early church fathers.
Truthfully, I wasn't prepared for the flood of revelatory doctrine your site contains. I say revelatory in the common sense that it certainly was a revelation to me. Previously, I have felt as one among a few just because I attend a Reformed and Presbyterian church. Now, with this information, I feel as one among a million. I have been attending PCA church with the best Bible teaching minister I have EVER heard. Now, I have concerns about what to do. For a period I attended a Bible Presbyterian church. I thought they were about the most conservative, strict Bible interpreters I knew. Now, I think even they may be missing the mark.
Where in the world am I going to find a church that meets the standards you mentioned? Some of your terms and references to councils and other events/things were lost on me since I had never heard of them before. The two churches I mentioned above are the only ones even an unenlightened one as myself might call Biblical. My research revealed that the Southern Baptists were Presbyterian/Calvinist in their beginnings and theology. So, I wrote a number of them asking if they adhered to their founders historic teaches on the doctrines of grace etc. (sic) in the hope I could try to find a church closer to us. None of them answered me. So now I learn (and what I've learned I can't unlearn and claim ignorance which would leave me at peace to continue on as before) I am going to probably end up alone holding church at home for my family. Since we do homeschool this is not such a big step as it might be for others, but it does shift a load of responsibility onto me. I have always wanted to enter the ministry but never saw the way available. Hmmm.
Anyway, there is so much material on your site with so many publications to read. I actually don't know where to start. Presently I can not afford anything so I will continue to read the free stuff. Sorry guys, I am not a paying customer yet.
Excuse my ramblings. I don't know who else to talk to about this. If you have any helpful suggestions to pass on to a fish you've drug out his comfortable, lukewarm world, please do.
I am located in Cocoa, Florida. That is about 10 miles from where the Shuttles are launched into space. Even at this distance it rattles our windows. However, even at your distance, you've rattled my foundations.
"First, let me express to you how extremely pleased we are with the CDs and books which we ordered from Still Waters Revival Books. They are a dream come true. We have been interested in the Reformed, Puritan, Covenanter, Presbyterian, Calvinistic, and Reformed Baptist books for a long time, buying those we could when the opportunity presented itself. We had no idea, however, that a resource such as offered by Still Waters Revival Books even exited until lately. We believe it was God's providential hand that led us to your website, and provided a way for us to have these wonderful works through which we might gain a better knowledge of the mysteries of the Bible. Thank you so much for making these available. As you know, we have a ministry primarily with children in Ukraine. The children's books that we received from you are just what we have been looking for. It is so difficult today to find books for children that are biblically accurate and not full of fluff." - LG (Ukraine)
"... the Puritan and Reformation CDs are simply incredible... The whole set offers a whopping 263,000 pages of material! ... (It has also -ed.) been indexed and hyperlinked so that you can quickly browse and navigate via the index in the left side column... It's an amazing collection of works, such that for about $0.33 per average book one can have a library that excels virtually any other in the history of the world, both for quality of volumes and for rapid ease of use." - Dr. LB via email (USA).
"Yet there is a cause for optimism. The growth of Ligonier reveals a growing interest in Reformed theology. The reprinting of Puritan works by Soli Deo Gloria Publishing, Banner of Truth and Still Waters Revival (Books) shows a deep and widespread hunger for Reformed doctrine." - From: "Calvinism: The Once and Future Queen 'Right Now Counts Forever,'" by Dr. R.C. Sproul, Tabletalk magazine, May 1997, emphases added.
"Now, for the first time ever, ordinary Christians can have direct and near effortless access to the very cream of Puritan and Reformed, as well as Covenanter, literature. These books are often in fascinating first editions and many are electronically linked and indexed for the first time. The ordinary Christian may here dig into a simply staggering wealth of literature, from devotional and sermonic material to technical and scholarly works. Even in the days of the Long Reformation itself ordinary Christians didn't get to see this kind of library - most couldn't read for a start, and even those who could, would never have been able to afford to buy even a hundredth part of the material on these CDs. Truly we are without excuse!" - Dr. Jonathan D. Moore, Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, UK. (Author and Scholar of 16th and 17th Century Calvinistic literature.)
"When I look up at the stars in the night sky my mind is boggled at God creation. When I see your work at SWRB I likewise marvel at God's grace. I cannot get my mind around it any more than looking at the night sky. I am awe stuck at the books you provide for the world. Baffling. Imagine: big Christian publishers/ministries loaded with bags of money/staff didn't have the vision to even consider such a project. All these old books have been fading away as the years roll bye, lost in basements of rare book collections, discarded at estate sales. The church's riches lost. The labors of God's writers accompanied with no little blood, sweat and tears buried in the dustbins of history. But God showed mercy to his people in the 21st century in the nick of time before the riches of these books were lost. He took hold of small people - you, sir and the small group you are with in an obscure place - and showed the world the Lord can do, and does do, great works of mercy without the big money-laden organizations. May the Lord grant you the grace to complete the good work He has appointed you for. And may the Lord stir up his people to give SWRB a financial helping-hand". - Sincerely, Greg Poston (Houston, Texas, USA)
"These Puritan resources are the greatest I've ever seen. These eyes have never seen anything greater than what you have produced except that old King James Bible. I am sure that it will help me and others grow in the Lord and I can use it in my Home School for my children." - Email from a Customer in Georgia, USA
I have been intending to write to you for several weeks now but the latest SWRB sale emailing has prompted me to do it today. I just wanted to express my thanks to you and all at SWRB for the great ministry you perform in supplying Puritan books. I have made several purchases from you over the past two years and I think each of the books has blessed and/or challenged me. Most notably have been The Christian Soldier by Watson and the one I am reading at the moment, Wells of Salvation Opened (Spurstowe). In reading this latter book I have been so blessed and stirred; who said Puritans were cold, stiff & starchy? - GH (Thailand)
"Counsel for the soul. Hearing this read message from John Owen astounds me of the wisdom of the Puritan Doctors (D.D.), who were *doctors of souls*, and write prescriptions to advise and provide remedy for lost and/or need souls. These physicians are not present in modern Christianity, even Reformed, but only from these Doctors of old. They are not now sought much, because 'only the sick need a physician,' and few admit the disease of their souls, and are satisfied with 'slight healing' (easy believism), as Owen puts it here." - BWS commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by the Puritan John Owen, entitled, "On The Mortification of Sin in Believers")
"Thank you so much for this video. I am an ex-Catholic, now born again Christian. I did not know much about the Inquisition. I am very blessed. Thank you for being a blessing to me and am sure others will be blessed too. Be encouraged you are doing a wonderful job for the people living in darkness. Blessings to those who also contributed in making this video and posting it on your site. I am a Pakistani, residing in Karachi. - Tony (Pakistan, for more information see the free video on the Inquisition at the bottom of this page.)
"I have enjoyed my Hexapla and the 8 volume set of Foxe's Martyrs! Man, he was prolific and what a great general history of England." - DD (USA)
"The Martyrs have not died in vain! The (National -ed.) Covenant of 1638 and the SL&C (Solemn League and Covenant - ed.) have not been sworn in vain. When I saw the Martyrs monuments such as on the Grassmarket, St.Andrews and the Covenanters Memorial on Greyfriars churchyard, I asked myself: 'Was it in vain, Lord?' NO, it will not be in vain! Although everything looks its like falling apart, Christ Jesus will be the ultimate victorious King! Let these covenants revive! Not only for the sake of the Church of Scotland, England and Ireland, but also for the Dutch and ultimately for the rest of the world. As the Covenanters would say: For Christ Crown and Covenant! The Covenants will be the reviving of Scotland, Ireland and England and all its descendants now living across the world! God bless you, Mr.Barrow!" - RSB (The Netherlands)
"Important history. I am very thankful for these MP3s as they show the history of God's people during the high times of Reformation and suffering. It shows me to trust more in Christ as the glory of grace and life and less on myself." - RB (The Netherlands)
"Although I am Dutch, I strongly encourage everyone to hear these three sermons from Mr.Barrow. In the last week of June in went to Scotland to see for myself what God has done in Edinburgh and St.Andrew. I stood on the places where Knox preached, James Renwick was executed... the places in which Patrick Hamilton and George Wishart were executed for the Covenanted Reformation. When I see their faithfulness to the Covenants sworn to God, I can not understand how people have left these covenants and how the Church has compromised the truth with false ecumenism and sin. I pray and hope that these covenants will be restored and that even in the Netherlands the Reformed religion will revive as never before." - RSB (The Netherlands)
"Thank you for sending me... the Inquisition book (Lea's four volume set entitled, The History of Inquisition - ed.). Wylie's history book seems of interest to me (The History of Protestantism - ed.). I will place it on my personal wish list. I thoroughly agree with the Reformers views on the Papacy. The Papacy has not changed, but nominal "Protestants" have changed. History and Scripture both serve as witnesses of the bloody past and dark ages during Europe's papal supremacy and Inquisition. But God will always reserve for Himself a Remnant. I look forward to receiving the two facsimile Bibles. Keep up the good work and word. - IS, Ph.D. (USA, see the free video, compliments of SWRB, by Richard Bennett, "The Roman Catholic (Papal Antichrist) Inquisition, the Tools of Torture and Faithful Christian Martyrs" and the free SWRB MP3 by Richard Bennett, "The Modern History and Tyranny of Roman Catholicism and the Vatican Vision Related To Past and Coming Inquisitions")
"I've looked for many years to try and get a complete Foxe's Book of Martyrs (8 volumes), so I'm excited at finding it at last! - RL (USA)
"I am one of your friends in Iran, I receive from you a new email, please send me your catalogs about this new subjects ('MARTYRS & PERSECUTION - PAST & PRESENT'-ed.) and a video about them" - MS (Iran).
"Thank you for the help on the martyrs. There's no way to measure how helpful your ministry has been and is to me. You introduced me to most of the historic Reformed authors." - W.J. Mencarow (Author and Pastor of Reformation Church, Texas)
SWRB NOTE: Selected comments and excerpts from reviews of our previously offered 30 SWRB Reformation Bookshelf CDs (RBCD) and 32 SWRB Puritan Bookshelf CDs (PBCD) follow below.
The SWRB Puritan Hard Drive is a massive (even monumental) upgrade over these discontinued Reformation Bookshelf and Puritan Bookshelf CD sets.
The Puritan Hard Drive has over 500% more Reformation books, MP3s and videos than the previous PBCD and RBCD sets of 62 CDs. The Puritan Hard Drive also contains the world's most advanced Christian study software and an extensive embedded database with over 15,000,000 records - which works seamlessly, automatically, and behind the scenes, in conjunction with the unsurpassed SWRB KnowledgeBase software on the PHD! The CDs, as good as they were for their time, had no software and no database.
Nevertheless, you will see by the comments and accolades below that others thought the SWRB CD sets were something quite spectacular and extraordinary (and for their time they were).
Some of the words used to describe these SWRB Puritan and Reformation CDs included,
"A truly astounding accomplishment," "best and widest collection of Reformed literature ever assembled," "nothing like them available anywhere," "most amazing collection of works I know of in one package to date," "exceptional," "I am continually amazed," "an incredible source of spiritual delight and theological pleasure," "every pastor and theologian should own them without question," "invaluable work," "staggering wealth of literature," "you'll be truly amazed," "invaluable source for the study of the history and theology of classic Reformation theology," "the collection is remarkable," "I treasure the copies on my desk and I use what I have continually," "I felt like I had stumbled upon some lost El Dorado," "I cannot put into words how much these CDs have meant to me," "I am amazed at the quality and quantity of the literature," "wonderful," "these Puritan resources are the greatest I've ever seen," "WOW!," "This is truly a library like no other," "I can't believe how great your new CD collection is!," "almost impossible to describe," "has already paid great dividends not only in my own personal worship and study, but in my teaching as well," "one of the wisest investments that I have ever made," "one of the largest collections of Puritan writings available anywhere," "I cannot express the depth of my gratitude," "of inestimable value," "I am overwhelmed!," "documents that would otherwise be unavailable or unattainable," "what an unbelievable resource," "BETTER than having access to a rare book library with all of them in hand," "invaluable as a tool of scholarship," "Reformed treasures," "doesn't that melt any scholar's heart," "as a pastor, my library has just increased dramatically," "the crown jewel of my library," "will be of inestimable value in my study, preaching, teaching and counseling," "each of the books has blessed and/or challenged me," "I was in ecstasy!!!," "invaluable resource," "I was humbled," "what little I had read of these copious writings of our great Reformation heritage!," "the first week of reading I grew more as a Christian reading those rich, pure Gospel Commentators than I have in 18 years of Christian life," "What a treasure!," "I'll never be able to repay you this side of heaven," "so many (Reformation resources) which would almost be impossible to collect any where else," "I cannot possibly say enough good things about those CD's," "well-constructed and easy to navigate," "I am dumbfounded at the wealth of literature," "awesome job," "they are just great," "remarkable and extremely valuable," "they're simply incredible," "an amazing collection of works," "a library that excels virtually any other in the history of the world, both for quality of volumes and for rapid ease of use," "These CDs are wonderful. Praise God!," "profound insights into the Word of God," "precious works," "we've been freed from many Popish devices," "profound insights into the Word of God," "superb CD products," "the availability of old ministry on the CDs is truly remarkable and at such good prices," "has to be seen to be believed," "a great collection," and "grow from being an ordinary Christian to being an extraordinary one."
Therefore, when you read the stirring comments below about the SWRB CDs, please think about how much superior the Puritan Hard Drive is (over the CDs) and imagine all the blessings the Puritan Hard Drive will be able to bring into your life (by God's grace), as someone who loves the Lord and wants to know Him more intimately and serve Him with more fervor and zeal.
"You may want to purchase a collection of Reformed books from Still Waters Revival Books in CD-ROM format. They have released an incredible array of 62 compact disks which contain over 2,000 titles of some of the best Reformation and Calvinistic books ever written. It is by far the best and widest collection of Reformed literature ever assembled. With capabilities to index and search through these classic authors, this set of CDs is a must for those who desire to read and study our Reformed theological heritage. The president of Still Waters Revival Books, Reg Barrow, is to be highly commended for his insight and perseverance in placing these books - many of them otherwise unavailable - within reach of anyone who has a computer with a CD-ROM drive. If you want more information about how to obtain these CDs, please visit their website."
- From The Five Points of Calvinism: Defined, Defended, and Documented_, Second [Special Anniversary] Edition, Updated and Expanded (p. 76, 2004, Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company) by David N. Steele, Curtis C. Thomas, and S. Lance Quinn, Foreword by Roger Nicole, Afterword by John MacArthur.
"I have been systematically working through reading the Puritan and Reformed CDs I purchased.
I must say, there is nothing like them available anywhere. It is the most amazing collection of works I know of in one package to date.
In my opinion, it far surpasses Ages Software and their collections.*
The Puritan and Reformed material presented on these CDs is exceptional.
I am continually amazed at the depth and breadth of information in both collections, and the rarity of works that I now have at my fingertips.
You have done an immeasurable service for the Kingdom of Christ in making these CDs available, and every pastor and theologian should own them without question (they would be foolhardy to pass them by)."
- For Christ's Crown and Covenant,
Dr. C. Matthew McMahon, A Puritan's Mind Ministries
* It is SWRB's opinion that Ages Software has done an excellent job in making various Reformed works available on CD, so much so that we also distribute a number of their CDs at discounts. Thus, please don't make more out of our publishing this comment than is warranted, as this is a comment we received from one of our customers and it expresses his opinion. As for Ages' work, we rejoice whenever the truth is published, whether through others or through SWRB (as we play only a very small part in the revival of classic Reformation, Puritan and Covenanter thought that is now taking place worldwide through God's marvelous grace). The publication of the best Reformers and Puritans of the past is one of the greatest needs of our time, as this extends the blessings that come through faithful preachers and authors into our day and into the future. Lord willing, the growth in the publishing of faithful works from the past will help stem the tide of the great declension and unfaithfulness which we are now witnessing all around us, even (sadly) among many churches that still call themselves "Presbyterian" and/or "Reformed." So please pray together with us that our Lord will multiply the number of faithful publishers and publications, and that He will give many the heart to stand for the truth no matter the consequences (as He has done for our faithful forefathers, who resisted Satan and sin unto blood and even to martyrdom in many cases).
"Your... CD's of Reformation and Puritan authors are a great boon to studies in the Reformed-Puritan experiential tradition. Receive our hearty thanks for your invaluable work in making so many rare gems accessible to thousands."
- Dr. Joel Beeke, President of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
"This collection of... CDs is a truly astounding accomplishment. There is nothing like this available to the ordinary Christian on the whole face of the earth.
Now, for the first time ever, ordinary Christians can have direct and near effortless access to the very cream of Puritan and Reformed, as well as Covenanter, literature.
These books are often in fascinating first editions and many are electronically linked and indexed for the first time. The ordinary Christian may here dig into a simply staggering wealth of literature, from devotional and sermonic material to technical and scholarly works. Even in the days of the Long Reformation itself ordinary Christians didn't get to see this kind of library - most couldn't read for a start, and even those who could, would never have been able to afford to buy even a hundredth part of the material on these CDs. Truly we are without excuse!
And the significance of this collection goes even beyond that. No longer do we have to wait for modern Reformed publishing houses to predict that a particular Reformation or Puritan book will be sufficiently popular to make it economical to reprint, or to deem it 'safe' enough to be let loose on the modern evangelical church. Rather, we are now able to see for ourselves the whole range of the Puritan and Reformed publishing enterprise, including views that are usually suppressed by most modern devotees of "Puritan" piety!
Buy these CDs while you can, and find out for yourself what the First and Second Reformations were really all about! You'll be truly amazed, and, by God's grace, will grow from being an ordinary Christian to being an extraordinary one.
What they used to say of the Puritan John Flavel's preaching, can be said of these CDs: they are 'hissing hot'!"
- Dr. Jonathan D. Moore, Cambridge, UK.
(Scholar of 16th and 17th century Calvinistic literature.)
"SWRB's Puritan and Reformation CD libraries are an invaluable source for the study of the history and theology of classic Reformation theology. The collection is remarkable not only for depth of content, but also for the rarity of many of the works. Most seminary libraries will not have even a percentage of the works available on these CD-ROMs. I cannot imagine anyone working in Reformation / historical theology that would not want to use the Puritan and Reformed libraries!"
- Phillip J. Long
Associate Prof. of New Testament
Grace Bible College
"A personal note from the Christian Observer Newswire administrator and Managing Editor.
I admit to being a thorough going Puritan, a Constitutional Presbyterian, and a devote of the Hungarian Reformed Church. With that out of the way, take my word for it, Still Waters has done our community a great service by making the English Puritan classics available on CD. I treasure the copies on my desk and I use what I have continually.
English Puritan Original Sources on CD
Even if you do not think SWRB should be nominated for Most Congenial Reformed Mission, you may want to examine what the larger Reformed Church has here: Ames and Perkins on CD for US$19 and another disk with both the English and the Dutch Annotations for the same price.
Doesn't that melt any scholar's heart.
Peter Martyr comes on one of the disks in black letter with nothing left out.
It just keeps on going like that. Examine the list, pick one, and see for yourself.
I cannot put into words how much these CDs have meant to me..."
"This is superb. The project stands the chance of being transformational... Isn't it amazing how the fathers continue to speak through the new media! The more we can get out into other parts of the world, the harder these ideas will be to stop in future years. Often I think of the match which lights the pile of leaves. One tends to forget that is how the forest fires start..."
- Dr. Edwin P. Elliott, Jr.
Managing Editor of the Christian Observer
Director of the Christian Observer News Service
"I have now had several months to peruse the contents of the (SWRB) CD sets, and the experience has been a feast for the soul. They have been invaluable to me in sermon preparation and in improving personal and familial piety. If these had been the only blessings attached to the reading of these documents, the expense (even if it had been much greater) would have been justified; but there is more here . . .
In this present time, a great many Presbyterians (particularly in North America) have forgotten and implicitly (perhaps unwittingly) rejected their Presbyterian heritage. Strangely, Westminster confessing churches have rejected the theological distinctives of the Westminster Standards. Although the Westminster Assembly produced a beautiful statement of soteriological Calvinism, the histories clearly demonstrate that soteriology was not the principle focus, nor chief interest, of the Assembly. The Assembly was primarily concerned with uniformity in worship (in accordance with the Regulative Principle), the form of church government (Presbyterianism jus divinum), and Church-State relations (the Establishment Principle). It is a sad irony that the great and distinctive attainments of the Westminster Assembly have been ignored and rejected by so many Westminster confessing churches.
However, there is reason to believe that these great attainments are rejected largely because of ignorance. The best books on these subjects have not been readily available; but (thanks be to God) they are available again on these CD sets. For anyone interested in recovering our Presbyterian past, these CD sets are a must. It is my hope and prayer that these CD sets will be used by God to bring to light the things that were hidden, to call to remembrance the things that were forgotten."
- Dr. Steven Dilday
Pastor of Liberty and Grace Reformed Church (Warrenton, Virginia)
Ph.D. from Whitefield Theological Seminary in Puritan History and Literature. Dr. Dilday is currently translating Matthew Poole's Synopsis Criticorum, making it available in English for the first time.
B.A. Religion and Philosophy, Campbell University (graduated summa cum laude)
M.A.R. Theological Studies Emphasis, Westminster Theological Seminary (graduated First Honors)
"Thank you so very much for the CDs.
I am amazed at the quality and quantity of the literature...
I cannot imagine any other single thing being done by any man or group of men in the earth today that is of such extensive, present, and enduring value as this CD work is.
God be praised that he uses sickly and weak men to forward his kingdom, that the work may not be mistaken to be wrought by the might of men, but by his Spirit. His strength is perfected in weakness."
- Dr. B, (Engineer) Colorado, USA
"You all are doing a wonderful service by making all these materials so readily available. Having them on my hard drive is BETTER than having access to a rare book library with all of them in hand... I have found the CD set invaluable as a tool of scholarship. So once again I commend you brothers for making it available."
"Grace and peace to you in Christ. I just opened my set of... CDs and am quite impressed. It's a great collection... Blessings on you and your fellows for this wonderful service to the Church of Christ."
And later:
"By the way, thanks again for producing the set. It came in handy today when, reading Honeyman, I found him citing Ames's work on conscience and was able to go directly to the source and check the accuracy of Honeyman's use."
And also:
"Grace and peace to you in Christ, Brother. I just wanted to send you another note of thanks for the wonderful service SWRB has done in providing these CD series. From time to time in reading sources for my dissertation, I have come across references to the "Dutch Annotators" or the "English Annotators" (which are titled the "Westminster Annotations" on the Puritan Bookshelf CD set - ed.)... I thought to myself..., "I wonder if they're in the PBCD collection?" So I went to the index and searched, and, voila! So... I could actually cross-check the references to them to ensure that authors were properly citing them. Once again, I have found the PBCD set invaluable as a tool of scholarship. So once again I commend you brothers for making it available."
- Dr. E. Calvin Beisner
Knox Theological Seminary
Author of a number of books and Associate Professor of Historical Theology and Social Ethics
N.B. Though the Puritan Bookshelf CD set is no longer available, the Puritan Hard Drive includes the third edition of "Westminster Annotations," which is superior to the first edition mentioned above. - Ed.
"I just received your CD collection. One bit of advice: you should instruct your customers to take about 1 week off just to peruse the tables of contents for these CD's, followed by another week off, in order to recover from the state of shock in which they will find themselves.
In all seriousness, this collection is almost impossible to describe. It has to be seen to be believed. As a pastor, my library has just increased dramatically. As a Ph.D. student in Puritan and Post-Reformation studies, I have immediate access to many of the same works for which I would normally need to access through rare book rooms of theological libraries.
Thank you for this labor of love. Thank you for making it accessible, both financially and technologically. May the Lord richly bless you for this service to his people."
- Yours for the faith,
Pastor David Owen Filson
Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church (PCA), Nashville, TN
"I am so Illuminated by what you have sent that I just feel like I must have the other 30 (Reformation) CD set. You gave me the 32 (Puritan) CDs at a discount that is just not heard of - thanks for you kindness.
These Puritan resources are the greatest I've ever seen. These eyes have never seen anything greater than what you have produced except that old King James Bible.
I am sure that it will help me and others grow in the Lord and I can use it in my Home School for my children. "
- Email from a Customer in Georgia, USA
"The SWRB CDs ... have been an incredible source of spiritual delight and theological pleasure. They were also an incomparable help in researching and writing my countless M.Div. papers. My professors were always amazed at the rare book quotations and relative obscurity of my sources. I still feel that I have barely scratched the surface of what these books have to offer." - Pastor Andrew Underhile, Missionary in the Philippines
"It's been several weeks now since I received the CDs and have had some time to digest some of them. All I can say is, "WOW!" This is truly a library like no other, and has already paid great dividends not only in my own personal worship and study, but in my teaching as well. I first balked at the price, but after seeing the vastness of the material, I almost feel as though I'm robbing you! I pray that the Lord will allow you to get these materials into the hands of as many ministers as possible." - Email from SC, USA
"The amount of great material here is absolutely staggering. Thanks for all your hard work in making this available to us." - Dr. David Gamble (USA)
"The purchase of (SWRB's) CD's is proving to be one of the wisest investments that I have ever made. They are much more than I expected!! I am having a wonderful time reading and studying." - TC, Internet Customer (USA).
"I was excited to see the CD series advertised in the latest e-mail from SWRB.
I am fairly new to the Puritan works but have tried over the past several years to purchase as many titles as I could afford from Banner of Truth, SDG, and various other sources. I have found the Puritan writings to be of immense benefit to my soul over the past years. In the spiritual desolation of the academic environment the writings of these men have been used of God to encourage and challenge my faith...
If I am not mistaken, a project of this magnitude would undoubtedly result in one of the largest collections of Puritan writings available anywhere.
I greatly rejoice to think that such a collection would be made available and I hope to own and profit from it myself...
May the Lord bless you as you continue this vital ministry."
- In Christ our Lord,
Ernie Frank, PhD., Dept. of Statistics
West Virginia University
"Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
I cannot express the depth of my gratitude to you and your staff for the massive work you have done on the Reformation... Bookshelf series. Your compilation - in addition to tripling the total size of my personal library - has already encouraged me greatly in the development of the habit of family worship in my home. For this, I owe you more than I can say.
I have begun enjoying some of your resources on worship and the Regulative Principle...
Like you, I love and believe in the Regulative Principle of Worship. Like you, I want to please God and do what He commands. Like you, I am very suspicious of any 'new discovery' that anyone purports to find in Scripture that allegedly has gone unnoticed for hundreds or thousands of years. Like you, seeing the state of the church today, I find it rather laughable to think that 'we know better' than our Reformation forbears.
Also like you, I believe that the Second Commandment and other passages make clear that our worship, both public and private, is to be conducted only according to the explicit commands of the Word of God. Like you, I believe that this means that what is not commanded by Scripture is forbidden in worship (Calvinist Regulativism as opposed to Lutheran Normativism). Like you, I believe that the Psalter is the foundation and superstructure of all true piety, and that it is not to be abridged in any way, but that the whole Psalter (including the imprecatory psalms) is appropriate for singing in worship.
We are required to sing Psalms in the worship of God...
Your contribution to Christ's Church is of inestimable value, and I am sharing your materials with every serious Christian I can find. My Pastor was ecstatic to receive his copy, and the work has been made available to the entire church. One of our elders is in seminary, and he is joyfully devouring your work as we speak! Thank you so much! May the Lord bless you out of Zion!" - Neil Barham (USA)
"I can't believe how great your new CD collection is! ...I really think that this will be a great benefit for scholarship in Puritan and Scottish theology, and I hope that this catches on... Thank you so much for putting out such great stuff at affordable prices!" - Web Customer (UK)
"I appreciate the work that you are doing at SWRB. The availability of old ministry on the CDs is truly remarkable and at such good prices. I have been blessed in my own reading and also sermon preparation help... Keep up the good work, it is truly appreciated and I am sure people like myself are being helped and you will never know the blessing your ministry is until you get home to glory." -Your Brother in Christ, AMT (Email for a Baptist Brother in Ontario, Canada)
"I just received the CD's in the mail to day. I am overwhelmed! It was Dr. Richard A. Muller at Calvin Theological Seminary who first pointed out your website for access to documents that would otherwise be unavailable or unattainable. I am looking forward to reading the material by Beza and Twisse!" - Email from Richard Chelvan, USA.
"So many great resources at such a great price! Thanks for your efforts to compile and supply these reformed treasures to the public. May they serve many generations to follow." - Email (USA)
"I received the CD's today, what an unbelievable resource... I am just overwhelmed at the moment. It is a GREAT resource for us Calvinists. It is amazing!" - Email from Dr. Kenny Rhodes (CA, USA) An Answer School of Theology
"The CD set has arrived, much to my great delight. I can't thank you enough for this treasure. Both sets together are the crown jewel of my library, and will be of inestimable value in my study, preaching, teaching and counseling." - Email from a M.Div student in Texas
"I have been intending to write to you for several weeks now but the latest SWRB sale mailing has prompted me to do it today. I just wanted to express my thanks to you & all at SWRB for the great ministry you perform in supplying Puritan books. I have made several purchases from you over the past 2 years and I think each of the books has blessed and/or challenged me.
Most notably have been The Christian Soldier by Watson and the one I am reading at the moment, Wells of Salvation Opened (Spurstowe). In reading this latter book I have been so blessed & stirred; who said puritans were cold, stiff & starchy?
In reading this mornings mailing I noticed that you also do the Reformation Bookshelf CD's so I went to your web site to see what was out - I was in ecstasy!!!
I hope in the near future to start purchasing these...
Once again, thanks for providing a great service & for refreshing the saints in so many ways!!
- Missionary working in Hatyai, Southern Thailand
"By the way, the Reformation bookshelf CD's have arrived and are proving to be an invaluable resource. They will certainly save me a large amount of international travel and accommodation expenses going in search of library copies of the original volumes!" - From Australia
"I have just received the 30 CD set of Reformation Bookshelf today... I am overwhelmed with their sheer volume! What can I say when suddenly confronted with them? I was humbled as I began to put the CDs on my computer, what little I knew, what little I had read of these copious writings of our great Reformation heritage!" - Jim in the UK
"This side of eternity I'll never be able to repay the favor you have done mankind by bringing these CDs together.
The first week of reading I grew more as a Christian reading those rich, pure Gospel Commentators than I have in 18 years of Christian life. After reading some of the Puritan CDs I have to get the Reformation set if it kills me. A fire is burning within me. These... CDs are liable to start a revival fire unseen in any generation... the Gospel in its pure form is seen in these... CDs.
Sir, I cant say enough. What a treasure! I'll never be able to repay you this side of heaven, but when we get there I am sure you will see the rich fruits of your labor. God bless you for not being money hungry but wanting to see Christians grow in the Lord... I love you even though we have never met, you have helped me in my Christian walk tremendously with these... CDs.
I am not bragging on the flesh, I am just giving honor where honor is due. The Holy Ghost will take these CDs and light a fire unseen and unheard of. God bless you all at Still Waters."
- Email from a former Satanist (USA)
I'm so grateful for the work you are doing making this material available to so many which would almost be impossible to collect any where else. May the Lord bless you and all there as you work for a new reformation. - R.C. (Email USA)
"I cannot possibly say enough good things about those CD's. Finding your website was a real blessing. I was actually trying to look up something else, but your page came up instead. I know that was no coincidence! I felt like I had stumbled upon some lost El Dorado.
Allow me to share a short testimony with you. After spending nine years on the mission field here in the Philippines, I returned for a few years to the States to get some things sorted out. During that time I worked at a Christian bookstore owned by an elderly Presbyterian couple. The whole time I was there I had a Geneva Bible on order, but the distributor was always out of stock (my suspicion is that they never really stocked them to begin with.) (they are two edition of the Geneva Bible on the Puritan Hard Drive - ed.) I was also on the look out for a Wycliffe Bible, too (the Wycliffe New Testament is part of the English Hexapla Bible, which is also on the Puritan Hard Drive - ed.). Now here I am years later, assuming that I would never see either one, when, lo and behold, the Lord led me to your website! The Lord answered the desire of my heart after I had even given up hope of ever seeing them.
Let me reiterate how blessed I am by Thomas Manton's sermons. I had seen his 3 volume set on Psalm 119 published by Banner of Truth, but I never had the money to purchase them whenever I happened to see them at the store. Again, through God's sovereignty, I now possess 22 volumes of this saintly man's works (Manton's 22 volume set is also on the Puritan Hard Drive - ed.)!... Wow! The MP3s of John Owen's "Chamber of Imagery," (these MP3s are called Rome's Idolatry Rebuked on the Puritan Hard Drive - ed.) is by far the most insightful treatment I have ever encountered of the subject of, and historical process of Romish idolatry.
Thank you also for putting out Richard Bennett's material (Richard Bennett in a former Roman Catholic priest who is now a Calvinist and many of his works are also on the Puritan Hard Drive - ed.). His type of ministry is sorely needed in the Philippines. I have gotten in touch with him and we have struck up a friendly fellowship via email. I am currently trying to contact a publisher for a Philippine version of his book of testimonies by former Catholic priests (Far From Rome, Near To God:Testimonies of Fifty Converted Roman Catholic Priests - ed.). I would appreciate your prayers in this matter. I'm sure he would, too. Richard, in turn, has turned me on to William Webster's work.
The blessing just keep coming.
May God prosper your work until the day we all meet in glory!"
- Because of Jesus,
I have recently purchased (one of) your CDs. I have already had occasion to use it and have found it well-constructed and easy to navigate. Many thanks for your excellent work in putting this series together! - N.B., Internet Customer.
I just received the day before yesterday the CD's you sent me. I have been busy exploring the material. I can only say that I am dumbfounded at the wealth of literature that is on these CD's. I was pleasantly surprised to find that all the books are scanned images of the originals, so that I feel as if I own actual copies of the old books!
A year or so ago a friend sent me a copy of the Christian Classics Ethereal Library CD-ROM. All of the books on that CD are in HTML format and have been reformatted so that they appear no different from any other printed material. But your books, besides having less chaff, give the reader that feeling one only gets from actually handling those quaint old books.
I have only glanced through the material, but I have already been immeasurably blessed by Thomas Manton's sermons on Hebrews 11. In my own personal study, I am currently working through 1 Corinthians. I am anxious to get into the commentaries on the Puritan CD set.
Again, I want to thank you for your generosity. Only the Lord can repay you for the service you have done to me, and what you have done for the body of Christ over the last 18+ years. May He repay you a hundred-fold!
- In Jesus, Andy Underhile (Missionary in the Philippines)
"Preparing for Sunday morning's message, on Galatians 2:20 (preaching through Galatians), I couldn't 'define' in suitable and understandable language the concept of 'living by faith,' John Trapp, who I didn't have in a book form, but now have in CD (thanks to your generous offer), was the 'counsel' of the day! No wonder Spurgeon says of him, 'Trapp is my especial companion and treasure; I can read him when I am too weary for anything else. Trapp is salt, pepper, mustard, vinegar, and all the other condiments. Put him on the table when you study, and when you have your dish ready, use him by way of spicing up the whole thing. Yes, gentlemen, read Trapp certainly, and if you catch the effect of his consecrated humour, so much the better for your hearers.'" - Email (USA)
"I see what an awesome job you guys have done in putting together those CDs. They are just great. I read Toplady and found the quote you mentioned about the Jesuits planting the poison of free will. That was eye opening! I read part of Christopher Ness (An Antidote Against Arminianism - ed.) and then began John Owen's Display of Arminianism. Once again I do so thank you." - Email from OK, USA (the specific resources mentioned were on Reformation Bookshelf CD 19, "Against Arminian Views of Salvation [Calvinistic Soteriology], Against Arminian Views of Worship [Calvinistic Worship and the Regulative Principle of Worship], etc." and are all included on the Puritan Hard Drive - ed.).
"Just a quick note... re: the CD's. I've... already used them a substantial amount. The ability to browse through them quickly... is remarkable and extremely valuable. For instance, I was able to look up several places re: Romans 1 (a la the Clark controversy...) and then just print out those sections. Because of their great value I'm recommending them to a friend... who's headed for the pastorate.... Here's what I wrote him:
'The other reason I'm writing is to encourage you to pick up a set of the... CD's from Still Waters. You said that you were 'in ecstasy' now that you're reading the Puritans, and if you get these, brother, you may have to seek medical attention for hyperstimulation. :) Really, they're simply incredible... The whole set offers a whopping 263,000 pages of material! ... (It has also--ed.) been indexed and hyperlinked so that you can quickly browse and navigate via the index in the left side column (for example, if you wanted to look up Romans 1 in various commentaries, rather than having to scroll through the text you just click on the hyperlink for chapter one in the sidebar, and it will take you immediately to that portion of the work).
It's an amazing collection of works, such that for about $0.33 per average book one can have a library that excels virtually any other in the history of the world, both for quality of volumes and for rapid ease of use.
Anyway, I wanted to be sure to point this out to you now that I've got my own set and have been using them.'"
- Dr. B. (Cardiologist, USA)
"Many thanks for... this superb product." - Email from the UK
"These CDs are wonderful. Praise God." - Email to SWRB from the USA.
Still Waters:
I just wanted to write and thank you for your faithfulness to God's word and the Protestant Reformation.
Me and a friend of mine left (a church - ed.) about 5 years ago due to various heresies being accepted by the Session of our church and Presbytery at that time. We then started our own church with about 6 faithful members.
Five years later we still only have 10 members, but we have been blessed beyond measure.
We owe this in no small part to your ministry. The main foundation for our preaching has been the Puritan and Reformation CD's my friend ordered from you several years ago. Through them we've been freed from many Popish devices like instrumental music and acknowledging unbiblical seasons like Christmas, Easter, and numerous other idolatrous practices.
We also have profound insights into the Word of God which pretty much trump any modern commentators that we've ever read.
I know from experience that the things you guys publish are hated and unpopular. I'm sure that you also wonder sometimes if anyone is really even paying any attention. I would like to assure you that your efforts have blessed our small congregation immeasurably and that you're labor has not been in vain.
I hate to think where we still might be if we did not have access to the many documents made available by Still Waters.
Please never lose heart and keep up the good work.
God bless.
David McCormick
Elder / Reformation Church
Baton Rouge
"Many thanks for these superb CD products." - Email from the UK
"I just watched what the contents will be of the new Reformation CDs and I hope to buy them all when they are available... I want to thank you for making these precious works available and being able to spread to other people... Just wanted to let you know how much I am looking forward to these CDs! Greetings in Christ Jesus and always praying for you ministry."
And also:
"I want to thank you to make those new works available which are going to be produced on these new reformation cd-roms. I am very thankful already for the puritan cd-roms and although I have read not so much as I would like to read, the things I read especially the death-testimonies of James Guthrie and James Renwick were very encouraging - as also the sins of ministers from James Guthrie and the sermons of Robert Rollock were very heart encouraging. Praying that God might draw my heart more and more to be in his Truth. I just wanted to let you know this to encourage you and your colleagues. Could you tell me when it will be possible to buy these new reformation cd's, because the are still forthcoming?"
- From the Netherlands
A SWRB summary of a penetrating and perceptive testimony we received via telephone follows.
"Yesterday I spoke with a fellow (for about 1.5 hours) who was once in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) and took courses at Bahnsen Theological Seminary (Southern California Center for Christian Studies [SCCCS] then), then defected to Rome, and was becoming a Roman Catholic priest. He called to see if I knew of a faithful Calvinist church in his area. He knows Scott Hahn and concurred with Larry's rebuke of Hahn in our summary of the book A Disputation on Holy Scripture, Against the Papists, Especially Bellarmine and Stapleton by Whitaker (available on this site - ed.), noting that Hahn is a "back stabbing liar." He has also been friends with many other prominent Romanists and top Jesuits.
His comments on the Jesuits where surprising, as he said that the Jesuits oppose just about everything the Pope is now doing (in 2000 - ed.). Concerning many individual Roman Catholics, he said they know that the real battle is between "consistent Romanism" and "consistent Calvinism" and that a large number would leave Rome but they do not know where to find a "consistent Calvinist church" - as they think that the OPC, PCA, and other "Neopresbyterian" groups are biblically and spiritually superficial and he said these Roman Catholics "will not leave Rome for such shallowness."
He has just left Rome (in May/00) and is seriously considering what he calls "consistent Calvinism" in the work of the Covenanters and other major Reformers. He said he is reading the source documents of the Reformation and this is what is changing his mind. Interestingly, he could see the problems with the Neopresbyterian churches (PCA, OPC, RPCNA, etc.) much better than just about anyone I have ever talked to. Among the greatest dangers he noted were "Romish" Arminianism (even in "Reformed" churches) and the rejection of the regulative principle of worship (RPW). He told me that the so-called "Reformed" churches of our day need to start reading the works, "source documents of the Reformation" were his words, that SWRB distributes.
He was very articulate and wants to know much more about Historicism and the second Reformation (the Covenanters in particular), and also wants to start writing against Rome. He was interested in the "being/well being" and "settled/unsettled" distinctions that Reformers made regarding the church and I think he is going to read chapter two in Greg Barrow's book The Covenanted Reformation Defended on these points (The Covenanted Reformation Defended is free online - ed.). I also told him we would consider publishing what he writes as his comments were equally incisive against both Papal Rome and her harlot daughters (i.e., Protestants who have rejected the consistent Calvinism found in the original Westminster Standards and the biblical national and international covenants of the Reformation)."
- Summary written by Dr. Reg Barrow (For the most consistent Calvinism the world has ever known, the Lord's earthly antithesis to Antichrist (the Papacy), please listen to Greg Price's 19 free MP3 messages entitled, "Covenanter Terms of Communion". For an excellent overview of the contents and meaning of the original Westminster Confession of Faith (and probably the best contemporary commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith), with much application to our day (refuting many modern heresies), please listen to the five free online SWRB MP3s, by Greg Price. For one of the best, if not the best, commentaries on the Westminster Confession of Faith ever written, by a minister living during the sitting of the Westminster Assembly, see David Dickson's "Commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith," originally entitled, Truth's Victory Over Error (12 free online MP3s compliments of SWRB). David Dickson also worked on the "Directory for Public Worship" with David Calderwood and Alexander Henderson and on "The Sum of Saving Knowledge " with James Durham. The Westminster Confession of Faith, wrote William Hetherington, " ...may be safely termed the most perfect statement of Systematic Theology ever framed by the Christian Church," (The History of the Westminster Assembly of Divines, p. 345). The Solemn League and Covenant led to the Westminster Assembly and all the production of all the Westminster Standards. For the best study of covenanting and the Solemn League and Covenant of which we are aware, please listen to the 21 free online SWRB MP3s, by Greg Price, entitled, "A Defense of Covenanting and The Solemn League and Covenant".)
"This side of eternity I'll never be able to repay the favor you have done mankind by bringing these... CDs together. The first week of reading I grew more as a Christian reading those rich, pure Gospel Commentators than I have in 18 years of Christian life. After reading some of the Puritan CDs I have to get the Reformation set if it kills me. A fire is burning within me. These Puritan CDs are liable to start a revival fire unseen in any generation... the Gospel in its pure form is seen in these... CDs. Sir, I cant say enough. What a treasure! I'll never be able to repay you this side of heaven, but when we get there I am sure you will see the rich fruits of your labor. God bless you for not being money hungry but wanting to see Christians grow in the Lord... I love you even though we have never met, you have helped me in my Christian walk tremendously with these... CDs. I am not bragging on the flesh, I am just giving honor where honor is due. The Holy Ghost will take these CDs and light a fire unseen and unheard of. God bless you all at Still Waters." - Email from the USA
"Scripturally rich, emotionally moving. This a great, emotionally moving sermon that provides a rich feast of scriptural and historical examples where truth and righteousness have been advanced by the narrow gate, the narrow path, and by the the few." Greg - (CO, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "The Narrow Reformation Way and Classic Reformation Eschatology")
"The whole series of Repentance has blessed me more than I can say. I am a new Christian and examine myself to see if I am in the faith. These tapes have been sent to me by God to give me assurance. Pastor Pollard has presented the doctrine of repentance in a clear, biblical manner. Even the most unlearned person can understand. Thank you Pastor Pollard for blessing my soul through Christ our Lord." - Kathryn (NC, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Jeff Pollard, entitled, "Repentance: 'Repent Ye' 1 of 17" - the complete series of free SWRB MP3s, by Jeff Pollard, on repentance, is available online)
"Serious preaching here. Unfortunately, not enough of it in today's Church's. GOD bless you SWRB.COM." - Joseph H. (NJ, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by George Gillespie, entitled, "Reformation's Refining Fire; or, Iconoclastic Zeal Necessary to World Reformation")
"Commendation with Qualification. Although Spurgeon identifies some of the intrinsic idolatry associated with Christ-mass, we find the general principle of regulativism lacking in Spurgeon's doctrine and practice. This itself is the fundamental and primary basis for rejecting the observation of this 'holy' day, as well as all other human inventions proposed as devotion to God. Suppose that the elements and associations of the nativity 'holy' day were in themselves **intrinsically** pure and faithful, and appointed by pious and well intended persons; it nevertheless would be a God offending idolatry (though often done in ignorance) to observe such a recurring 'holy' day by virtue of the fact supposed: it would be a humanly devised observation that is appointed or suggested as being an acceptable devotion to God. This very same reasoning implicates Spurgeon himself in the use of uninspired compositions (hymns - ed.) in his form of worship.
If we would honor God's sovereignty, we must not only acknowledge that he sovereignly governs all things in the universe according to his reserved, immutable, and mysterious counsel; but we must honor his sovereign being and prerogative by accepting his sovereign yoke in Christ to rule us personally - and to govern the Church visible - according to his sovereign, revelatory prescriptions and proscriptions in the Holy Scripture. Religion is either from God or 'not-God.' The second category is an eclectic collective of demonic and human minds integrated over human history, and it often borrows from God's religion to appear more plausible.
We are unabashedly told by humanists that religion is merely the result of human experience and development, and the needs thereof. Many persons who say they are Christian, nevertheless, embrace this anti-supernatural position in their philosophy or practice. Where is **every** part of your religious belief and practice from? But, to return, just as we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our salvation, so we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our devotion to him. God is sovereign in worship as well as salvation: we must not presume to bring any kind of thing of our own devising for our acceptance. God calls it "will-worship" to do otherwise, because we have more deference to honor our will and desire, than the command and authority of God in Christ.
The tentacles of Arminianism reach far into the heart, and must be unraveled from the deep crevasses of our native brains. But in the case under consideration (the nativity day), not only is God's declarative sovereignty trampled under foot by human invention, but the observations and associations are themselves intrinsically pagan and worldly (which cannot be disputed by any who observe the history), although historically they have been conveniently syncretized with 'Christianity' by the whore of Roman Catholicism, and contemporaneously by her sister: apostate and multiform 'Protestantism.'
We are thankful to God for Charles Spurgeon for the illumination he had in some areas, although we cannot be faithful unless we testify against his transgressions of perjury (against the Solemn League and Covenant), Independency, idolatry (in form of worship), and against his erroneous baptismal doctrine."
- Dr. B. A. Bernal (USA)
"... let me say that Still Waters Revival Books - and the whole Steelite movement for that matter - has been raised up by God in our corrupt times as a BEACON OF TRUTH TO WHICH ALL MEN SHOULD LOOK. If we cannot embrace their whole programme, we must commend them for standing for LOST TRUTHS for lack of which Christendom is starving! No man or church is perfect, but no compromised Neo-presbyterian Nicodemite has any right to dismiss the Steelites with mere name-calling." - SR (USA)
A SWRB summary of a penetrating and perceptive testimony we received via telephone follows.
"Yesterday I spoke with a fellow (for about 1.5 hours) who was once in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) and took courses at Bahnsen Theological Seminary (Southern California Center for Christian Studies [SCCCS] then), then defected to Rome, and was becoming a Roman Catholic priest. He called to see if I knew of a faithful Calvinist church in his area. He knows Scott Hahn and concurred with Larry's rebuke of Hahn in our summary of the book A Disputation on Holy Scripture, Against the Papists, Especially Bellarmine and Stapleton by Whitaker (available on this site - ed.), noting that Hahn is a "back stabbing liar." He has also been friends with many other prominent Romanists and top Jesuits.
His comments on the Jesuits where surprising, as he said that the Jesuits oppose just about everything the Pope is now doing (in 2000 - ed.). Concerning many individual Roman Catholics, he said they know that the real battle is between "consistent Romanism" and "consistent Calvinism" and that a large number would leave Rome but they do not know where to find a "consistent Calvinist church" - as they think that the OPC, PCA, and other "Neopresbyterian" groups are biblically and spiritually superficial and he said these Roman Catholics "will not leave Rome for such shallowness."
He has just left Rome (in May/00) and is seriously considering what he calls "consistent Calvinism" in the work of the Covenanters and other major Reformers. He said he is reading the source documents of the Reformation and this is what is changing his mind. Interestingly, he could see the problems with the Neopresbyterian churches (PCA, OPC, RPCNA, etc.) much better than just about anyone I have ever talked to. Among the greatest dangers he noted were "Romish" Arminianism (even in "Reformed" churches) and the rejection of the regulative principle of worship (RPW). He told me that the so-called "Reformed" churches of our day need to start reading the works, "source documents of the Reformation" were his words, that SWRB distributes.
He was very articulate and wants to know much more about Historicism and the second Reformation (the Covenanters in particular), and also wants to start writing against Rome. He was interested in the "being/well being" and "settled/unsettled" distinctions that Reformers made regarding the church and I think he is going to read chapter two in Greg Barrow's book The Covenanted Reformation Defended on these points (The Covenanted Reformation Defended is free online at https://www.swrb.com/newslett/freebook/gbarrow.htm - ed.). I also told him we would consider publishing what he writes as his comments were equally incisive against both Papal Rome and her harlot daughters (i.e., Protestants who have rejected the consistent Calvinism found in the original Westminster Standards and the biblical national and international covenants of the Reformation)."
"Serious preaching here. Unfortunately, not enough of it in today's Church's. GOD bless you SWRB.COM." - Joseph H. (NJ, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by George Gillespie, entitled, "Reformation's Refining Fire; or, Iconoclastic Zeal Necessary to World Reformation")
"I have ordered from your organization before. In fact, recently I just ordered the Scottish Metrical Psalter with Brown's notes and the Dohms family tape to learn many tunes for my soon to be wife and I to sing. We have in the past year or so become convinced of the Biblical regulative principle of worship and the necessity... of singing the psalms." - ME (USA)
"This is one of the best sermons I have heard on worship." - Nelson Mwesige (Alaska, USA, on the free SWRB MP3 "How God Wants Us To Worship Him, Part 1,The Reformers and the Regulative Principle of Worship")
In this present time, a great many Presbyterians (particularly in North America) have forgotten and implicitly (perhaps unwittingly) rejected their Presbyterian heritage. Strangely, Westminster confessing churches have rejected the theological distinctives of the Westminster Standards. Although the Westminster Assembly produced a beautiful statement of soteriological Calvinism, the histories clearly demonstrate that soteriology was not the principle focus, nor chief interest, of the Assembly. The Assembly was primarily concerned with uniformity in worship (in accordance with the Regulative Principle), the form of church government (Presbyterianism jus divinum), and Church-State relations (the Establishment Principle). It is a sad irony that the great and distinctive attainments of the Westminster Assembly have been ignored and rejected by so many Westminster confessing churches. However, there is reason to believe that these great attainments are rejected largely because of ignorance. The best books on these subjects have not been readily available; but (thanks be to God) they are available again on these CD sets. For anyone interested in recovering our Presbyterian past, these CD sets are a must. It is my hope and prayer that these CD sets will be used by God to bring to light the things that were hidden, to call to remembrance the things that were forgotten. - Dr. Steven Dilday (Author and Pastor of Liberty and Grace Reformed Church, Warrenton, Virginia) Pastor Steven Dilday holds a Ph.D. from Whitefield Theological Seminary in Puritan History and Literature. He is currently translating Matthew Poole's Synopsis Criticorum, making it available in English for the first time.
A SWRB summary of a penetrating and perceptive testimony we received via telephone follows.
"Yesterday I spoke with a fellow (for about 1.5 hours) who was once in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) and took courses at Bahnsen Theological Seminary (Southern California Center for Christian Studies [SCCCS] then), then defected to Rome, and was becoming a Roman Catholic priest. He called to see if I knew of a faithful Calvinist church in his area. He knows Scott Hahn and concurred with Larry's rebuke of Hahn in our summary of the book A Disputation on Holy Scripture, Against the Papists, Especially Bellarmine and Stapleton by Whitaker (available on this site - ed.), noting that Hahn is a "back stabbing liar." He has also been friends with many other prominent Romanists and top Jesuits.
His comments on the Jesuits where surprising, as he said that the Jesuits oppose just about everything the Pope is now doing (in 2000 - ed.). Concerning many individual Roman Catholics, he said they know that the real battle is between "consistent Romanism" and "consistent Calvinism" and that a large number would leave Rome but they do not know where to find a "consistent Calvinist church" - as they think that the OPC, PCA, and other "Neopresbyterian" groups are biblically and spiritually superficial and he said these Roman Catholics "will not leave Rome for such shallowness."
He has just left Rome (in May/00) and is seriously considering what he calls "consistent Calvinism" in the work of the Covenanters and other major Reformers. He said he is reading the source documents of the Reformation and this is what is changing his mind. Interestingly, he could see the problems with the Neopresbyterian churches (PCA, OPC, RPCNA, etc.) much better than just about anyone I have ever talked to. Among the greatest dangers he noted were "Romish" Arminianism (even in "Reformed" churches) and the rejection of the regulative principle of worship (RPW). He told me that the so-called "Reformed" churches of our day need to start reading the works, "source documents of the Reformation" were his words, that SWRB distributes.
He was very articulate and wants to know much more about Historicism and the second Reformation (the Covenanters in particular), and also wants to start writing against Rome. He was interested in the "being/well being" and "settled/unsettled" distinctions that Reformers made regarding the church and I think he is going to read chapter two in Greg Barrow's book The Covenanted Reformation Defended on these points (The Covenanted Reformation Defended is free online - ed.). I also told him we would consider publishing what he writes as his comments were equally incisive against both Papal Rome and her harlot daughters (i.e., Protestants who have rejected the consistent Calvinism found in the original Westminster Standards and the biblical national and international covenants of the Reformation)."
"My wife and I have recently read some things that we have found in your free files. Beginning with the "Is Christmas Christian," "Christmas: An Historical Survey Regarding Its Origins and Opposition to It," and "Worship The Regulative Principle Of Worship In History," Kevin Reed and more. We agree with these men and the Reformers. However, there is a problem. We know none who share these convictions... This area is a wasteland regarding Reformation teaching. Ministers claim the WCF as their subscription and explain it away. How can we continue to worship with so many disturbing errors and again how can I confront this sin and lead them to repent. It is not just one person its the entire congregations." - PD (WA, USA)
"Commendation with Qualification. Although Spurgeon identifies some of the intrinsic idolatry associated with Christ-mass, we find the general principle of regulativism lacking in Spurgeon's doctrine and practice. This itself is the fundamental and primary basis for rejecting the observation of this 'holy' day, as well as all other human inventions proposed as devotion to God. Suppose that the elements and associations of the nativity 'holy' day were in themselves **intrinsically** pure and faithful, and appointed by pious and well intended persons; it nevertheless would be a God offending idolatry (though often done in ignorance) to observe such a recurring 'holy' day by virtue of the fact supposed: it would be a humanly devised observation that is appointed or suggested as being an acceptable devotion to God. This very same reasoning implicates Spurgeon himself in the use of uninspired compositions (hymns - ed.) in his form of worship.
If we would honor God's sovereignty, we must not only acknowledge that he sovereignly governs all things in the universe according to his reserved, immutable, and mysterious counsel; but we must honor his sovereign being and prerogative by accepting his sovereign yoke in Christ to rule us personally - and to govern the Church visible - according to his sovereign, revelatory prescriptions and proscriptions in the Holy Scripture. Religion is either from God or 'not-God.' The second category is an eclectic collective of demonic and human minds integrated over human history, and it often borrows from God's religion to appear more plausible.
We are unabashedly told by humanists that religion is merely the result of human experience and development, and the needs thereof. Many persons who say they are Christian, nevertheless, embrace this anti-supernatural position in their philosophy or practice. Where is **every** part of your religious belief and practice from? But, to return, just as we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our salvation, so we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our devotion to him. God is sovereign in worship as well as salvation: we must not presume to bring any kind of thing of our own devising for our acceptance. God calls it "will-worship" to do otherwise, because we have more deference to honor our will and desire, than the command and authority of God in Christ.
The tentacles of Arminianism reach far into the heart, and must be unraveled from the deep crevasses of our native brains. But in the case under consideration (the nativity day), not only is God's declarative sovereignty trampled under foot by human invention, but the observations and associations are themselves intrinsically pagan and worldly (which cannot be disputed by any who observe the history), although historically they have been conveniently syncretized with 'Christianity' by the whore of Roman Catholicism, and contemporaneously by her sister: apostate and multiform 'Protestantism.'
We are thankful to God for Charles Spurgeon for the illumination he had in some areas, although we cannot be faithful unless we testify against his transgressions of perjury (against the Solemn League and Covenant), Independency, idolatry (in form of worship), and against his erroneous baptismal doctrine."
- Dr. B. A. Bernal (USA, commenting on the free SWRB MP3 "The Christian and Christmass by Charles Spurgeon, A.W. Pink, John Knox, et al.")
"Greetings Greg Price. What I find interesting is the the Rev ____ ______ states that the WCF and the Directory of Public Worship does not teach exclusive Psalmody. I have enjoyed your sermons (7 of them) on exclusive psalmody and am encouraging others to listen to them (SWRB makes these seven sermons, by Greg Price, on exclusive Psalmody, available as free online MP3s, including "Exclusive Psalmody 6/7 (and the Westminster Standards)" - ed.). The Reformed Faith is under quite a lot of pressure throughout the world and many aspects of worship are either being compromised or discarded. There seems to be more churches looking to see what they are allowed rather than what is actually commanded. Those that do hold to the regulative principle in worship are being accused, at least in this part of the world (Northern Ireland), as being so Reformed they've become deformed! Arminianism the creeping death!!" - Warmest regards and prayers, Your bondservant in Christ Jesus, William A. (Northern Ireland, UK)
"The Foundation Of The True Gospel! These Questions are addressed in this series on Biblical Unity or Separation: 1) What are Terms of Communion? 2) What is Close Communion? 3) What is Occasional Hearing? The True Gospel of Jesus Christ is open for all to hear and believe! Let all things be done decently and in order (1 Cor. 14:40). 'Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment' (1 Cor. 1:10)." - Walt (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "What Are Terms of Communion? (1/2) On Biblical Separation and Preserving Church Purity By Fencing the Table To the Lord's Supper")
"Incredible Sermon! Most Christians stick to their denominational form of worship and practice. Others (like myself), whom have been blessed by sound teaching on Biblical form of worship and practice, meet with various companies of the body of Christ (e.g., Baptist and Presbyterians), believing that where two or three meet together in Christ's name, He has promised to be in the midst of them.This sermon strikes at the heart of where both views are unscriptural and wrong, and are not what a thrice holy God desires, and teaches from His word. This is an awesome sermon then,thank you brother Price for preaching it, and we must all search our hearts as to what we ought to do, and one is desperate as to what one SHOULD do, when one lives in the midst of 'churches,' whom are all away from the truth as taught in the scriptures, and practised by our forefathers. Have mercy upon us Lord." - Norman Smith (Surrey UK, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "What Are Terms of Communion? (1/2) On Biblical Separation and Preserving Church Purity By Fencing the Table To the Lord's Supper")
"Brother Price continues the most important truth of Biblical Separation, in relation to communion of truth among the Lord's people, and separation from that which is practised that is contrary to Scripture. The principles that he brings out is absolutely staggering, and so proves that there are multitudes in the visible church today whom are going against what the Bible teaches on this subject. The problem now is, what do those of us who believe this is the truth, do? For example , no church near me holds to the purity in worship as described by this minister. A local brethren church hides its heresy by having no terms of communion, and a gospel standard church has terms of communion, which has turned from what our forefathers taught. Do I worship at home then... ? A very important matter is this indeed. O Lord, help us to do what is right, to thy own most glorious name." - Norman Smith (Surrey UK)
"Look I am dreadfully sorry about all this. As I stated before. It has taken me years to even begin to get to grips with the CD collection which I got from you some years ago. But as stated before what is coming at me from the CDs is the whole idea of exclusive psalmody and the regulative principle of worship. I have never been so excited about something as a Christian for a long time. Please just bear me? Some time ago (I am not sure when i got the CDs from you) I was studying the Bible. I study the Bible with a correspondence school and was working my way through all the Gospels, and was about to study the Gospel of Luke. However some kind of emergency cropped up in my life and it seemed to me a good thing to study the Psalms instead. So I started the study of the Psalms. I am a ex-student so I love to study. And as usual I had my concordances and all my commentaries as I started to study the Psalms. I was studying the prophetic aspect of the Psalms, the Messianic and so on. Up until about Psalm 60 when I suddenly realized that i was to SING THE PSALMS!!! ... So I (sang the Psalms from about Psalm 60 onwards and have not stopped singing them since! And then I get your CDs and it takes me years to get into the collection. I am having to read about the Civil War in England to get the background and now I discover these things called exclusive Psalmody and the regulative principle of worship. And I think the Lord hasn't finished with me yet!!! So praise the Lord. However, currently I am alone in my local area in this position of exclusive psalmody. I have been a Christian since 1979 and this is the first time this has cropped up but as soon as one looks into Christian history one finds a lot of Psalms. So many thanks again for being so tolerant with me and again many thanks for such a fantastic collection of books and MP3s. Indeed this is a major Christian teaching source. Thank you." - EP (USA)
"This is a sermon that every Christian needs to hear and obey the word of God. So many religions do not realize that they are turning into Catholics with these pagan holidays such as Christmass and Easter." - Faye (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Christmass Condemned By Christ 3/3 Puritan & Reformation Teaching On Roman Catholic (Antichrist)/Pagan Holy Days (Easter Too)" - all three free SWRB MP3s, by Greg Price, in the series, "Christmass Condemned By Christ," are available online)
Dear Brother, Oh how I thank God for the vibrant, even courageous, testimony he has raised up in SWRB's ministry! May our Lord continue to strengthen you and enlighten you to benefit of us all. There are more than 7000. Thank God you have joined, whatever the cost, the 7000 Club! Dear brother, reference is made to: an email debate (of 170, 8.5 inch by 11 inch, pages) between Doug Wilson (editor of Credenda/Agenda magazine) and Reg Barrow (president of Still Waters Revival Books) how violations of the regulative principle of worship (i.e. the second commandment) are grounds for excommunication. Also gives specific examples of how modern "Reformed" Christians (e.g. John Frame) and denominations are in violation of the second commandment and are tolerating false and idolatrous worship. (Derived from: Resource 6. BARROW, REG & DOUG WILSON. Saul in the Cave of Adullam: A Testimony Against the Fashionable Sub-Calvinism of Doug Wilson (Editor of Credenda/Agenda Magazine); &, for Classical Protestantism & the Attainments of the Second Reformation. Finances for our ministry are low, even critical. May it be possible to acquire the email debate via email correspondence? As a licensed attorney, however, I am willing, in some reasonable arrangement, to "work for food." With kind and warm regards, I remain, For Christ's Crown and Covenant, - Rev. Dr. GG, Esq. M.A., M.Div., S.T.M., Th.M., J.D., Th.D., Ph.D
"I used your books in writing a paper on the Westminster Confession. I am a seminary student at RTS in Jackson. Formerly I was a Southern Baptist preacher, now PCA. I understand from your publication that the PCA is not "Truly Reformed." In class we have only touched on things like the regulative principle and other hot topics within the Reformed faith. Would you introduce me to your 10 best books on this and other related issues that might set me in heart of understanding. Until seminary I was unaware of the various positions and different denominations. Where may I become enlightened? Hope you can help." - VM (MS, USA)
"It was by these sermons that I heard that the celebration of Christmas is a sin in violation of the second commandment. I am hoping and praying that, especially in my nation, the Reformed church will return to the true Standards conformable to the Word of God. For it is a joy NOT to celebrate Christmass. It has been a burden for many years for me, and now i am free not to celebrate it!" - RB (Netherlands)
"... I referred him to some of Kevin Reed's writings and books and the Still Waters Revival Books home page. He had already read a couple of Reed's books, and was struggling with the issue of worship... I believe that this man was truly seeking God's will. We should both be encouraged. He didn't even try to rebut my reasons for leaving the PCA, but instead seemed to not disagree with my reasons for leaving. We should be keeping these people in prayer. Be encouraged. God is using you and SWRB. I gave him your web page address (now https://www.PuritanDownloads.com - ed.), and he indicated that he would be looking at it again. He had also spoken with you before." - BL (USA)
"Wonderful sermon! Much needed this day, especially in the Netherlands were will-worship is a common thing among the churches even in the so-called reformed churches.Where there is false worship, false doctrine usually follows. All reformed churches in the Netherlands deny the regulative principle of worship and what is the result? Hyper-Calvinism, Arminianism and outright damnable heresies like the toeleidende weg theologie flourish!" - RB (Breda, Netherlands, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Traditions of the Elders Versus True Worship [Against Arminianism and the Spirit of Antichrist in Worship] Mark #31")
"Once again you have done the Church a service! A great sermon, Pastor Price give us a sermon that has lots of scripture in it. He prove his argument so well." - Fredrick Fleming (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Pictures of Christ and Idolatry")
"I am thrilled to see that 500 plus people (now over 1,650 - ed.) have listened to this sermon. Thank you brother Price for not only showing from the scriptures why musical instruments are no longer allowed in the gathering together for worship of the Lord's people, but also for dealing with the objections raised by those who advocate their instruments.I am delighted to have been recommended by a dear brother to listen to brother Greg's ministry, it has done my soul good. Bless you dear brother for your faithfulness to the word of God,and for sermonaudio for listing the sermons, may it please the Lord to bless your preaching to many, to His own glorious and holy name." - Norman Smith from Surrey UK (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Instrumental Music in Public Worship in the New Testament (The Second Commandment In Covenanter, Puritan and Reformation Worship)")
As a Christian I learned this many years ago, before my wife and I had children. They grew up knowing the truth. Applying the attributes of GOD to a mythical character called Santa Clause and then turning it into a time of so called praise to the birth of our Redeemer and GOD - how wicked! Yet so many are deluded. They do not understand that they are committing idol worship. When each December 25 they go to church and worship a Jesus of their own making. What of those who lead the services. - David Wilson from Brisbane, Australia)
"Westminster Larger Catechism (Original Edition).
Question 107: Which is the second commandment? Answer: The second commandment is, Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
Question 108: What are the duties required in the second commandment? Answer: The duties required in the second commandment are, the receiving, observing, and keeping pure and entire, all such religious worship and ordinances as God has instituted in his Word; particularly prayer and thanksgiving in the name of Christ; the reading, preaching, and hearing of the Word; the administration and receiving of the sacraments; church government and discipline; the ministry and maintenance thereof; religious fasting; swearing by the name of God, and vowing unto him: as also the disapproving, detesting, opposing, all false worship; and, according to each one's place and calling, removing it, and all monuments of idolatry.
Question 109. What are the sins forbidden in the second commandment? Answer: The sins forbidden in the second commandment are, all devising (Numb. xv.39), counselling (Deut. xiii.6-8), commanding (Hos. v.11, Micah. vi.16), using (1Kg. xi.33, 1Kg. xii.33), and any wise approving, any religious worship not instituted by God himself (Deut. xii.30-32); tolerating a false religion (Deut. xiii.6-12, Zech. xiii.2-3, Rev. ii.2 & 14-15 & 20, Rev. xvii.12 & 16-17); the making any representation of God, of all or of any of the three persons, either inwardly in our mind, or outwardly in any kind of image or likeness of any creature whatsoever (Deut. iv.15-19, Acts. xvii.29, Rom. i.21-23 & 25); all worshipping of it (Dan .iii.18, Gal. iv.8), or God in it or by it (Exod. xxxii.5); the making of any representation of feigned deities (Exod. xxxii.8), and all worship of them, or service belonging to them (1Kg. xviii.26 & 28, Isa. lxv.11); all superstitious devices (Acts. xvii.22, Col. ii.21-23), corrupting the worship of God (Mal. i.7-8 & 14), adding to it, or taking from it (Deut. iv.2), whether invented and taken up of ourselves (Ps. cvi.39), or received by tradition from others (Matt. xv.9), though under the title of antiquity (1Pet. i.18), custom (Jer. xliv.17), devotion (Isa. lxv.3-5, Gal.i.13-14), good intent, or any other pretence whatsoever (1Sam.xiii.11-12, 1Sam.xv.21), simony (Acts. viii.18); sacrilege (Rom. ii.22, Mal. iii.8); all neglect (Exod. iv.24-26), contempt (Matt. xxii.5, Mal. i.7 & 13), hindering (Matt. xxiii.13), and opposing the worship and ordinances which God hath appointed (Acts. xiii.44-45, 1Thess. ii.15-16).
Question.110. What are the reasons annexed to the second commandment, the more to enforce it? Answer. The reasons annexed to the second commandment, the more to enforce it, contained in these words, For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; and shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments (Exod. xx.5-6); are, besides God's sovereignty over us, and propriety in us (Ps.xlv.11, Rev.xv.3-4), his fervent zeal for his own worship (Exod. xxxiv.13), and his revengeful indignation against all false worship, as being a spiritual whoredom (1Cor. x.20-22, Jer. vii.18-20, Ezek. xvi.26-27, Deut. xxxii.16-20); accounting the breakers of this commandment such as hate him, and threatening to punish them unto divers generations (Hos. ii.2-4); and esteeming the observers of it such as love him and keep his commandments, and promising mercy to them unto many generations (Deut. v.29).
Original Westminster Larger Catechism is on this site in text or audio Westminster Larger Catechism MP3 1/2 and Westminster Larger Catechism MP3 2/2.
Deut. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: Deut. 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, Deut. 5:10 And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments."
- Walt (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Richard Bennett, entitled, "Mel Gibson's Vivid and Idolatrous Deception: The Passion of the Christ Movie")
"SWRB's Puritan and Reformation CD libraries are an invaluable source for the study of the history and theology of classic Reformation theology. The collection is remarkable not only for depth of content, but also for the rarity of many of the works. Most seminary libraries will not have even a percentage of the works available on these CD-ROMs. I cannot imagine anyone working in Reformation / historical theology that would not want to use the Puritan and Reformed libraries!" - Phillip J. Long. Associate Prof. of New Testament, Grace Bible College
"We so very much need to get back to Reformed and Puritan theology which majored on God. What a blessing to read those CDs of hundreds of years ago. It is like a soothing balm on our spirits. It is always wonderful to read CDs that have so much of God and Scripture in them. You have worthy goals to make these resources available to believers, at free or affordable prices, and I pray that God will richly bless them" - RW (USA).
"Let me tell you how much I enjoy your email of special offers, you're are the best of all I receive, I look forward to the book reviews and remarks like nothing else I receive. I have been a Christian for many years and have gone down the road of dispensationalism, "what a terrible path." Finally I have come to realize the beauty and envelopment of covenant Theology, by envelopment I mean being wrapped up by God's Love, Grace and His Word. Thanks for being a light in an area where covenant theology is not taught, I am not a welcome Christian in this area with my Calvinism, but thanks to you I am not lonesome." - KC (USA)
"I have become so excited that I hardly know what to do because I have found sites where I can get or read the Reformation or Puritan theology. And why do I love to read about these great works? I love them because they dwell on the sovereignty of God and the authority of the Scriptures." - RW (USA)
"It may be noted, in passing, that the issue is indeed a 'live' one today, for any group seeking to re-establish a Presbyterian church in England. Shall they start afresh with no history or on-going testimony, or should they claim historic continuity from the Presbyterians of the past? If the latter they must face the fact that those great Presbyterian Puritans voluntarily swore the Covenants, and that England was solemnly covenanted to acknowledge God in Christ as her own head and supreme ruler. Man changes, but God does not ("Though it be but a man's covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man disannulleth, or addeth thereto", Galatians 3:15). Relation to the Covenants, and a policy re their continuing renewal, is therefore something that an emerging revived Presbyterianism must face up to, should we again be blessed with such a thing in England." - Stephen P. Westcott, Ph.D, Litt.D. (Bristol, England), Excerpts from the "Publisher Review of Still Waters Revival Books, Canada" in the British Reformed Journal. Dr. Westcott did the translation work (first time to English, from Latin) for the publication of John Owen's Works (volume 17).
"Brilliant challenging message which we echo wholeheartedly. Praise God! - Raymond Stewart (Northern Ireland, UK, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Nation Shaking Reformation Promoted - A Classic Sermon By A Modern-Day Puritan Preacher!")
"The Foundation Of The True Gospel! These Questions are addressed in this series on Biblical Unity or Separation: 1) What are Terms of Communion? 2) What is Close Communion? 3) What is Occasional Hearing? The True Gospel of Jesus Christ is open for all to hear and believe! Let all things be done decently and in order (1 Cor. 14:40). 'Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment' (1 Cor. 1:10)." - Walt (MI, USA)
"Incredible Sermon! Most Christians stick to their denominational form of worship and practice. Others (like myself), whom have been blessed by sound teaching on Biblical form of worship and practice, meet with various companies of the body of Christ (e.g., Baptist and Presbyterians), believing that where two or three meet together in Christ's name, He has promised to be in the midst of them.This sermon strikes at the heart of where both views are unscriptural and wrong, and are not what a thrice holy God desires, and teaches from His word. This is an awesome sermon then,thank you brother Price for preaching it, and we must all search our hearts as to what we ought to do, and one is desperate as to what one SHOULD do, when one lives in the midst of 'churches,' whom are all away from the truth as taught in the scriptures, and practised by our forefathers. Have mercy upon us Lord." - Norman Smith (Surrey UK)
"Brother Price continues the most important truth of Biblical Separation, in relation to communion of truth among the Lord's people, and separation from that which is practised that is contrary to Scripture. The principles that he brings out is absolutely staggering, and so proves that there are multitudes in the visible church today whom are going against what the Bible teaches on this subject. The problem now is, what do those of us who believe this is the truth, do? For example , no church near me holds to the purity in worship as described by this minister. A local brethren church hides its heresy by having no terms of communion, and a gospel standard church has terms of communion, which has turned from what our forefathers taught. Do I worship at home then... ? A very important matter is this indeed. O Lord, help us to do what is right, to thy own most glorious name." - Norman Smith (Surrey UK)
"Commendation with Qualification. Although Spurgeon identifies some of the intrinsic idolatry associated with Christ-mass, we find the general principle of regulativism lacking in Spurgeon's doctrine and practice. This itself is the fundamental and primary basis for rejecting the observation of this 'holy' day, as well as all other human inventions proposed as devotion to God. Suppose that the elements and associations of the nativity 'holy' day were in themselves **intrinsically** pure and faithful, and appointed by pious and well intended persons; it nevertheless would be a God offending idolatry (though often done in ignorance) to observe such a recurring 'holy' day by virtue of the fact supposed: it would be a humanly devised observation that is appointed or suggested as being an acceptable devotion to God. This very same reasoning implicates Spurgeon himself in the use of uninspired compositions (hymns - ed.) in his form of worship.
If we would honor God's sovereignty, we must not only acknowledge that he sovereignly governs all things in the universe according to his reserved, immutable, and mysterious counsel; but we must honor his sovereign being and prerogative by accepting his sovereign yoke in Christ to rule us personally - and to govern the Church visible - according to his sovereign, revelatory prescriptions and proscriptions in the Holy Scripture. Religion is either from God or 'not-God.' The second category is an eclectic collective of demonic and human minds integrated over human history, and it often borrows from God's religion to appear more plausible.
We are unabashedly told by humanists that religion is merely the result of human experience and development, and the needs thereof. Many persons who say they are Christian, nevertheless, embrace this anti-supernatural position in their philosophy or practice. Where is **every** part of your religious belief and practice from? But, to return, just as we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our salvation, so we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our devotion to him. God is sovereign in worship as well as salvation: we must not presume to bring any kind of thing of our own devising for our acceptance. God calls it "will-worship" to do otherwise, because we have more deference to honor our will and desire, than the command and authority of God in Christ.
The tentacles of Arminianism reach far into the heart, and must be unraveled from the deep crevasses of our native brains. But in the case under consideration (the nativity day), not only is God's declarative sovereignty trampled under foot by human invention, but the observations and associations are themselves intrinsically pagan and worldly (which cannot be disputed by any who observe the history), although historically they have been conveniently syncretized with 'Christianity' by the whore of Roman Catholicism, and contemporaneously by her sister: apostate and multiform 'Protestantism.'
We are thankful to God for Charles Spurgeon for the illumination he had in some areas, although we cannot be faithful unless we testify against his transgressions of perjury (against the Solemn League and Covenant), Independency, idolatry (in form of worship), and against his erroneous baptismal doctrine."
- Dr. B. A. Bernal (USA)
"Serious preaching here. Unfortunately, not enough of it in today's Church's. GOD bless you SWRB.COM." - Joseph H. (NJ, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by George Gillespie, entitled, "Reformation's Refining Fire; or, Iconoclastic Zeal Necessary to World Reformation")
"Scripturally rich, emotionally moving. This a great, emotionally moving sermon that provides a rich feast of scriptural and historical examples where truth and righteousness have been advanced by the narrow gate, the narrow path, and by the the few." Greg - (CO, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "The Narrow Reformation Way and Classic Reformation Eschatology")
"I am a Presbyterian missionary working in Lisbon, Portugal. I am greatly interested in your photocopy of William Whitaker's 'A Disputation of Holy Scripture Against the Papists, Especially Bellarmine and Stapleton...' (available on this site - ed.) I am a former Roman Catholic, working in a country where 99% of the people profess Catholicism, and I have read Hahn's book and found it nauseating. You are doing the Evangelical world a service to reissue Whitaker's work. Most Protestants today don't have a clue what the issues of the Reformation even were, much less could they defend their faith against aggressive Roman Catholic apologists. They don't realize either how determined the Roman Catholic hierarchy is to win over Protestant ministers. Hahn is just the beginning. If you think I'm exaggerating check out the "Coming Home Network." I don't have their web address in front of me, but I'm pretty sure that's the title of it. Most of the minister's involved are former Presbyterians, at least one of them being from my own denomination, the PCA." - Pastor TH (Portugal)
"Blessed story, example of God's power to save from Satan's delusions." - FM (Romania, commenting on the free SWRB MP3 by former Roman Catholic priest, Richard Bennett, who is now a Christian, entitled, "Testimony of Richard Bennett, Former Roman Catholic Priest, Now A Christian By The Matchless Free Grace Of The Lord Jesus Christ")
"Superb and sober presentation. If you study Roman Catholic doctrine, you will see that speakers such as Mr. Bennett are NOT exaggerating." - DMS (TX, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by former Roman Catholic priest, Richard Bennett (who is now a Christian), entitled, "Alignment of New Evangelicals With Apostasy (Biblical Principles For Separation)")
"A Unique Evangelist! Mr. Bennett has a unique gentleness to his presentation that speaks to his knowledge of the subject matter and a heart for the Catholic. May God touch the Catholic listener and edify us Protestants through this man's messages." - Lou (TX, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by former Roman Catholic priest, Richard Bennett, who is now a Christian, entitled, "The Biblical Uncovering of the Pope and the Papacy - Is the Papacy the Antichrist?")
"Thank you for sending me... the Inquisition book (Lea's four volume set entitled, The History of Inquisition, available on this site - ed.). Wylie's history book seems of interest to me (The History of Protestantism, available on this site - ed.). I will place it on my personal wish list. I thoroughly agree with the Reformers views on the Papacy. The Papacy has not changed, but nominal "Protestants" have changed. History and Scripture both serve as witnesses of the bloody past and dark ages during Europe's papal supremacy and Inquisition. But God will always reserve for Himself a Remnant. I look forward to receiving the two facsimile Bibles. Keep up the good work and word. - IS, Ph.D. (USA, see the free video, compliments of SWRB, by Richard Bennett, "The Roman Catholic (Papal Antichrist) Inquisition, the Tools of Torture and Faithful Christian Martyrs" and the free SWRB MP3 by Richard Bennett, "The Modern History and Tyranny of Roman Catholicism and the Vatican Vision Related To Past and Coming Inquisitions")
"You anti-Catholics will have your own place in Hell. all (sic) of civilisation (sic) was once Catholic... until certain devil inspired clergy took hold (some with lucre, others with false promises leading to the dividing of those who believed). upon (sic) the rock of peter was the church of rome (sic) founded... as for you @ SWRB - SATAN! GET THEE BEHIND ME!" - A Zealous and Fanatical Roman Catholic
"It is good to listen to men of God who expose the errors of the Papal system. God bless." - Charles Q. (Northern Ireland, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by former Roman Catholic, W.J. Mencarow, who is now a Bible believing Presbyterian minister, entitled, "How The Church Of The Apostles Was Hijacked By Rome [A History Of Apostasy And The Growth Of Antichrist])")
"A warning. Recent history of Papacy seeking political power, starting from 1798. Argued with documents from Vatican II and with data from recent history, especially from the 20th Century." - FM (Oradea, Romania, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by former Roman Catholic priest, Richard Bennett, who is now a Calvinist Christian, entitled, "The Papacy: Its History and Nature")
"I am glad to find this site to reveal the origin of the movie the Passion (of the Christ - ed.). The small church I attend in the most unchurched state in the Union is all clamoring about it and to tell you the truth I am a bit sick of hearing it. I smelled Catholic when I viewed a wee bit sent out to all the pastors in the land and saw Mary too young to be the mother of a 33 1/2 year old male child and a nun type head covering and said it is not for me. My husband and I refused to see it and where we feel we stand alone it is nice to see there are those out there who will reveal the truth for sheep who only sense something is amuck. I see the Catholic Missionary Project (my name for it) as a huge money maker for the Catholic Church to pay off huge court fees, refurbish the Vatican and renovate new golden robes and all at the cost of dumb Christian sheep. My cry for years has been 'Where are the teachers who will rightly divide and compromise at nothing?' Real love (comes from those - ed.) who will rightly divide and compromise at nothing, anything less is not love but man pleasing. Thanks for your site and for standing up for truth" - Anita (WA, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Richard Bennett, entitled, "Mel Gibson's Vivid and Idolatrous Deception: The Passion of the Christ Movie")
"Just read your website and find you offensive and sick! I am Catholic and proud of it! I am against your vitriolic lies!" - A Roman Catholic
"It was by these sermons that I heard that the celebration of Christmas is a sin in violation of the second commandment. I am hoping and praying that, especially in my nation, the Reformed church will return to the true Standards conformable to the Word of God. For it is a joy NOT to celebrate Christmass. It has been a burden for many years for me, and now i am free not to celebrate it!" - RB (Netherlands)
"Man's Created Image of God is Sin. Thomas Watson (17th c.) The Ten Commandments "Nor the likeness of any thing" means, "All ideas, portraits, shapes, images of God, whether by effigies or pictures, is hereby forbidden to be made." God is to be adored in the heart, not painted to the eye. To set up an image to represent God is to debase him. Idolatry is devil worship." Francis Turretin (17th c.) "Any religious worship should not be paid to images; thinking piously before an image is forbidden. We condemn here the treatment of sacred or religious images that are supposed to contribute something to the excitement of religious feeling. God forbids the making of them and the worship of them." Matthew Henry (17th c.) "Our religious worship must be governed by the power of faith, not by the power of imagination. Idolatry is spiritual adultery." John Gill (18th c.) "No image of God was to be made at all, since no similitude was ever seen of Him, or any likeness could be conceived; and it must be a piece of gross ignorance, madness and impudence to pretend to make one; and great impiety to worship it." Charles Hodge (18th c.) "Idolatry consists not only in the worship of false gods, but also in the worship of the true God by images." Augustine of Hippo (4th c.) "Thus, they erred, who sought Christ and his apostles not in the sacred writings, but on painted walls." John Calvin (16th c.) Treatise on Relics "As soon as anyone has devised an image of God, they have instituted false worship. The object of Moses is to restrain the rashness of men, lest they should travesty God's glory by their imaginations." It appears, however, that the use of pictures was creeping into the church already in the third century, because the council of Elvira in Spain, held in 305, especially forbids to have any picture in the Christian churches. (Page 11) Works of Owen, Volume 1 "So do the Papists delude themselves. Their carnal affections are excited by their outward senses to delight in images of Christ, - in his sufferings, his resurrection, and glory above. Hereon they satisfy themselves that they behold the glory of Christ himself and that with love and great delight. But whereas there is not the least true representation made of the Lord Christ or his glory in these things, - that being confined absolutely unto the gospel alone, and this way of attempting it being laid under a severe interdict, - they do but sport themselves with their own deceivings." (Page 372) - WB (MI)
A SWRB summary of a penetrating and perceptive testimony we received via telephone follows.
"Yesterday I spoke with a fellow (for about 1.5 hours) who was once in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) and took courses at Bahnsen Theological Seminary (Southern California Center for Christian Studies [SCCCS] then), then defected to Rome, and was becoming a Roman Catholic priest. He called to see if I knew of a faithful Calvinist church in his area. He knows Scott Hahn and concurred with Larry's rebuke of Hahn in our summary of the book A Disputation on Holy Scripture, Against the Papists, Especially Bellarmine and Stapleton by Whitaker (available on this site - ed.), noting that Hahn is a "back stabbing liar." He has also been friends with many other prominent Romanists and top Jesuits.
His comments on the Jesuits where surprising, as he said that the Jesuits oppose just about everything the Pope is now doing (in 2000 - ed.). Concerning many individual Roman Catholics, he said they know that the real battle is between "consistent Romanism" and "consistent Calvinism" and that a large number would leave Rome but they do not know where to find a "consistent Calvinist church" - as they think that the OPC, PCA, and other "Neopresbyterian" groups are biblically and spiritually superficial and he said these Roman Catholics "will not leave Rome for such shallowness."
He has just left Rome (in May/00) and is seriously considering what he calls "consistent Calvinism" in the work of the Covenanters and other major Reformers. He said he is reading the source documents of the Reformation and this is what is changing his mind. Interestingly, he could see the problems with the Neopresbyterian churches (PCA, OPC, RPCNA, etc.) much better than just about anyone I have ever talked to. Among the greatest dangers he noted were "Romish" Arminianism (even in "Reformed" churches) and the rejection of the regulative principle of worship (RPW). He told me that the so-called "Reformed" churches of our day need to start reading the works, "source documents of the Reformation" were his words, that SWRB distributes.
He was very articulate and wants to know much more about Historicism and the second Reformation (the Covenanters in particular), and also wants to start writing against Rome. He was interested in the "being/well being" and "settled/unsettled" distinctions that Reformers made regarding the church and I think he is going to read chapter two in Greg Barrow's book The Covenanted Reformation Defended on these points (The Covenanted Reformation Defended is free online- ed.). I also told him we would consider publishing what he writes as his comments were equally incisive against both Papal Rome and her harlot daughters (i.e., Protestants who have rejected the consistent Calvinism found in the original Westminster Standards and the biblical national and international covenants of the Reformation)."
"I was privileged to attend this meeting in London and be blessed by the ministry and fellowship. Praise God for Richard's (Bennett - ed.) exposure of the harlot system." - Raymond from Newtownabbey, Northern Ireland, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by former Roman Catholic priest, Richard Bennett, who is now a Christian, entitled, "Roman Catholicism Permeating Evangelicalism (Separation From Images & Idolatry)")
I will telly (sic) people about the good of the Catholic Church and counteract all your rubbish and hate filled messages! - A follower of the Pope
"Where in the Bible can I find support for the Reformation, the authority of its leaders, the authority of 'Scripture Alone,' and salvation by 'Faith Alone?'" - EDL, commenting on the SWRB blog compiled by Dr. Reg Barrow, entitled, "Against Christmas and Easter, Pagan & Roman Catholic Holy Days [Holidays] FREE BOOKS, VIDEOS & MP3s")
SWRB answered:
Thank you for your questions. We suggest you make use of the following free MP3 resources on sermonaudio to obtain answers for your four questions:
Where in the Bible can I find support for the Reformation?
The authority of "Scripture Alone."
This is a Great Sermon in my book! To you who embrace this apostasy I say please hear me. I pray your eyes be opened and the Holy Spirit convict you of sin, righteousness and judgement. To you who perpetrated this evil I say "Oh you blind guides, shall the deaf make the blind see? Or how about can Satan cast out Satan, or can the author of death give birth to life? Not so my friend." It is very clear to me that my Bible says the motive and hidden agenda of the Papacy is the lowering of standards and breaking down of convictions that the Great Whore of Babylon may gather unto herself all the stray sheep and ride them to hell on the back of the beast. This my friend, is the movement of ecumenism headed up by what my Bible says is the Mother of all Harlots, namely the church of Rome. I do not doubt that God can take what is meant for evil and reap a harvest from it, but my Bible says that faith cometh by hearing, and if any come bringing another gospel to reject and warn others. I think we would all do well to stay away from this apostasy and call it what it is." - CKP from Smyrna, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by former Roman Catholic priest, Richard Bennett, who is now a Christian, entitled, "Mel Gibson's Vivid and Idolatrous Deception: The Passion of the Christ Movie")
"Actually the celebration of Christmass did not start until mid fourth century (although its observance predates Christianity). Pagans were legislated Christians into the new church/state religion of Rome. It was made an official 'Christian' holiday in mid fifth century basically because while you could legislate Christianity with pagans they were not able to get them to stop behaving as pagans. Drunkenness and gift giving and more was the hallmark of Saturnalia. Visiting London (which was founded by Romans and was part of the Roman empire) during the holidays you see that Christmass/Saturnalia is celebrated today the same as it was when it was known by Saturnalia. You can even find the remains of a temple to Mithras there. If you look at the days that the 'Eastern Orthodox' (that are in reality Romans once removed) celebrate it you find that day was observed long before it became the birth of Christ. Clement of Alexandria set forth some guess's in late second century on the birth of Messiah (none around December or January BTW) and he did not know for sure. While we have pictures of Kings that predate Christ's arrival, there are none that depict Him - the Apostles knew that it was idolatrous to do so." - AC (TX)
"Westminster Larger Catechism (Original Edition).
Question 107: Which is the second commandment? Answer: The second commandment is, Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
Question 108: What are the duties required in the second commandment? Answer: The duties required in the second commandment are, the receiving, observing, and keeping pure and entire, all such religious worship and ordinances as God has instituted in his Word; particularly prayer and thanksgiving in the name of Christ; the reading, preaching, and hearing of the Word; the administration and receiving of the sacraments; church government and discipline; the ministry and maintenance thereof; religious fasting; swearing by the name of God, and vowing unto him: as also the disapproving, detesting, opposing, all false worship; and, according to each one's place and calling, removing it, and all monuments of idolatry.
Question 109. What are the sins forbidden in the second commandment? Answer: The sins forbidden in the second commandment are, all devising (Numb. xv.39), counselling (Deut. xiii.6-8), commanding (Hos. v.11, Micah. vi.16), using (1Kg. xi.33, 1Kg. xii.33), and any wise approving, any religious worship not instituted by God himself (Deut. xii.30-32); tolerating a false religion (Deut. xiii.6-12, Zech. xiii.2-3, Rev. ii.2 & 14-15 & 20, Rev. xvii.12 & 16-17); the making any representation of God, of all or of any of the three persons, either inwardly in our mind, or outwardly in any kind of image or likeness of any creature whatsoever (Deut. iv.15-19, Acts. xvii.29, Rom. i.21-23 & 25); all worshipping of it (Dan .iii.18, Gal. iv.8), or God in it or by it (Exod. xxxii.5); the making of any representation of feigned deities (Exod. xxxii.8), and all worship of them, or service belonging to them (1Kg. xviii.26 & 28, Isa. lxv.11); all superstitious devices (Acts. xvii.22, Col. ii.21-23), corrupting the worship of God (Mal. i.7-8 & 14), adding to it, or taking from it (Deut. iv.2), whether invented and taken up of ourselves (Ps. cvi.39), or received by tradition from others (Matt. xv.9), though under the title of antiquity (1Pet. i.18), custom (Jer. xliv.17), devotion (Isa. lxv.3-5, Gal.i.13-14), good intent, or any other pretence whatsoever (1Sam.xiii.11-12, 1Sam.xv.21), simony (Acts. viii.18); sacrilege (Rom. ii.22, Mal. iii.8); all neglect (Exod. iv.24-26), contempt (Matt. xxii.5, Mal. i.7 & 13), hindering (Matt. xxiii.13), and opposing the worship and ordinances which God hath appointed (Acts. xiii.44-45, 1Thess. ii.15-16).
Question.110. What are the reasons annexed to the second commandment, the more to enforce it? Answer. The reasons annexed to the second commandment, the more to enforce it, contained in these words, For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; and shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments (Exod. xx.5-6); are, besides God's sovereignty over us, and propriety in us (Ps.xlv.11, Rev.xv.3-4), his fervent zeal for his own worship (Exod. xxxiv.13), and his revengeful indignation against all false worship, as being a spiritual whoredom (1Cor. x.20-22, Jer. vii.18-20, Ezek. xvi.26-27, Deut. xxxii.16-20); accounting the breakers of this commandment such as hate him, and threatening to punish them unto divers generations (Hos. ii.2-4); and esteeming the observers of it such as love him and keep his commandments, and promising mercy to them unto many generations (Deut. v.29).
Original Westminster Larger Catechism is on this site in text or Westminster Larger Catechism MP3 1/2 and Westminster Larger Catechism MP3 2/2.
Deut. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: Deut. 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, Deut. 5:10 And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments."
- Walt (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Richard Bennett, entitled, "Mel Gibson's Vivid and Idolatrous Deception: The Passion of the Christ Movie")
"Believers don't need to see Mel Gibson's idolatrous film to realize the deep sufferings of Jesus on His way to the cross. We have the accurate Word of God, the Bible, to teach us and guide us. Mel Gibson's Roman Catholic film is for Catholics who do not understand the main importance of Jesus's death on the cross. Mere emotions don't take anyone to heaven." - Adilson Silva from Sao Paulo-Brazil (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Richard Bennett, entitled, "Mel Gibson's Vivid and Idolatrous Deception: The Passion of the Christ Movie")
"Commendation with Qualification. Although Spurgeon identifies some of the intrinsic idolatry associated with Christ-mass, we find the general principle of regulativism lacking in Spurgeon's doctrine and practice. This itself is the fundamental and primary basis for rejecting the observation of this 'holy' day, as well as all other human inventions proposed as devotion to God. Suppose that the elements and associations of the nativity 'holy' day were in themselves **intrinsically** pure and faithful, and appointed by pious and well intended persons; it nevertheless would be a God offending idolatry (though often done in ignorance) to observe such a recurring 'holy' day by virtue of the fact supposed: it would be a humanly devised observation that is appointed or suggested as being an acceptable devotion to God. This very same reasoning implicates Spurgeon himself in the use of uninspired compositions (hymns - ed.) in his form of worship.
If we would honor God's sovereignty, we must not only acknowledge that he sovereignly governs all things in the universe according to his reserved, immutable, and mysterious counsel; but we must honor his sovereign being and prerogative by accepting his sovereign yoke in Christ to rule us personally - and to govern the Church visible - according to his sovereign, revelatory prescriptions and proscriptions in the Holy Scripture. Religion is either from God or 'not-God.' The second category is an eclectic collective of demonic and human minds integrated over human history, and it often borrows from God's religion to appear more plausible.
We are unabashedly told by humanists that religion is merely the result of human experience and development, and the needs thereof. Many persons who say they are Christian, nevertheless, embrace this anti-supernatural position in their philosophy or practice. Where is **every** part of your religious belief and practice from? But, to return, just as we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our salvation, so we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our devotion to him. God is sovereign in worship as well as salvation: we must not presume to bring any kind of thing of our own devising for our acceptance. God calls it "will-worship" to do otherwise, because we have more deference to honor our will and desire, than the command and authority of God in Christ.
The tentacles of Arminianism reach far into the heart, and must be unraveled from the deep crevasses of our native brains. But in the case under consideration (the nativity day), not only is God's declarative sovereignty trampled under foot by human invention, but the observations and associations are themselves intrinsically pagan and worldly (which cannot be disputed by any who observe the history), although historically they have been conveniently syncretized with 'Christianity' by the whore of Roman Catholicism, and contemporaneously by her sister: apostate and multiform 'Protestantism.'
We are thankful to God for Charles Spurgeon for the illumination he had in some areas, although we cannot be faithful unless we testify against his transgressions of perjury (against the Solemn League and Covenant), Independency, idolatry (in form of worship), and against his erroneous baptismal doctrine."
- Dr. B. A. Bernal (USA, commenting on the free SWRB MP3 "The Christian and Christmass by Charles Spurgeon, A.W. Pink, John Knox, et al." - for more free books, MP3s and videos exposing Christmas for the idolatrous Roman Catholic evangelistic strategy that it is)
"Dear Sir: A couple of months ago I ordered two CD's from you of Samuel Rutherford. I just wanted to let you know that only GOD knows how much this has helped me.This teaching has helped me tremendously - to see some of the Majesty of my Savior JESUS CHRIST. Never have I seen or heard the Lovely things about CHRIST as I have from the references from the Song of Solomon, and many other things out of Psalms and so many other places. Thanks again very much." - In CHRIST, MK (USA)
Greetings, I am thrilled to find your presence on the Internet. I am the 10th great-grand nephew of Samuel Rutherford, 8th great grandson of his great nephew, the Reverend John Rutherford, as well as a descendant of Wigton's John Walker and of Isabella Alliene, whose reverend father and grandfather are well known. Seeking more information regarding my own heritage, and the great gifts given us through the blood of Covenanter martyrs, I was (again) thrilled to come across your site. I would have more time to peruse the site and it's wellspring of offerings, but wanted to let you know of my joy. Thank you so very kindly." - With warmest regards, RR (USA)
"Most of my theological friends are in the tradition of Rutherford, Manton, Edwards, Ryle, Spurgeon and I read and have read them for many years. I commend you on your effort to maintain purity in terms of keeping faith and in terms of staying true to historic Christianity." - JL (USA)
"Good, being accused of being a cult, you must doing something right... Thank you for standing for the old paths... I tremendously enjoy Rutherford, Peden, J. Welsh and J. Edwards, not because I always agree with their theology, but because I agree with the spirit in which they wrote. They thought great thoughts about a great God... Keep publishing these works." - EP (USA)
"I have today received the cheque for Canadian $400.00 forwarded by yourselves by a donor in the Netherlands. Again, I am overwhelmed by the providence of our Almighty God! Only last week we were speaking to some of our missionary friends in Thailand who had travelled to Phang-Nga and Phuket to help dig out bodies from the disaster areas. I can assure that the money will certainly be put to good use. It will probably be used in buying materials for the rebuilding of houses. My friends there have told me that since the tsunami they have had so many opportunities to witness to folk and to share the Gospel. Thank you so much.
May I also take this opportunity to thank you for the CD set that you recently sent me (paid for by an anonymous donor). Where to start?! I foolishly said to my wife that I would not need to buy any more books again! Such a wealth of good practical teaching. Just browsing through the titles stirs my heart. To think that many of these authors saw life in all it's extremities - the great ejection, plague, English civil war not to mention the times of the Covenanters - and yet here they are talking about the goodness of God and His sovereignty, Rutherford signing many of his letters, "in his sweet Lord Jesus" - these are people who went through experiences that would send many folk today to the therapist! My soul has been so blessed by what you have produced. Thank you!"
Yours in Christ,
Phil G., Wales
"Fantastic!! A must listen/read for anyone in doubt of the hideousness of Arminianism." - Rose (Va, USA, on the free SWRB MP3 and PDF "Arminianism: Another Gospel - Wesley, Moody, Billy Graham, Refuted - Quotes By John Calvin, Charles Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, John Owen, Samuel Rutherford, et al.")
SWRB NOTE: Below is one of the best sermons you will ever hear, by Samuel Rutherford's fellow Covenanted Presbyterian minister and close friend, George Gillespie.
"Serious preaching here. Unfortunately, not enough of it in today's Church's. GOD bless you SWRB.COM." - Joseph H. (NJ, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by George Gillespie, entitled, "Reformation's Refining Fire; or, Iconoclastic Zeal Necessary to World Reformation")
"This is one of the best sermons I've heard on the subject of witchcraft and the occult. If you or anyone you know is dabbling in the occult. You really need to hear of the dangers that can occur." - Randall from Arkansas, USA (on the free SWRB MP3, "Satanism, Witchcraft, Demons and Drugs (Satan, Possession, Oppression & the Occult)," by Dr. Ferrell Griswold)
"Cotton Mather and his times. Anytime the phrase, Salem Witch Trials, is heard publicly, or read, a negative connotation typically results. This work by Cotton Mather, grandson of Richard Mather and John Cotton on his mother's side and cousin to Jonathan Edwards, gives the true historical details that surround what was going on during the late 17th century in America. This is a reading from the book, Works of Christ in America, originally published in seven volumes." - Tom Sullivan (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Cotton Mather, entitled, "Demon Possession [1 of 3] in Early America" - the full, free, online, three MP3 set by Cotton Mather, on "Demon Possession in Early America", compliments of SWRB)
"Interestingly, Halloween is coming into Romania also, even if Romanian culture has nothing to do with it. But Romanians have a strong inclination to copy what is 'American.'" - Florin Motiu (Romania, on the free SWRB MP3 by Dr. C. Matthew McMahon entitled, "Halloween, Satanism, the Satanic Bible, Separation, the Devil's Tricks, Idolatry and Paganism [Wild Boar News #23]")
"Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I am thrilled to see this blog on SermonAudio! Thank you for your bold stand for the sufficiency of God's Word in the face of the onslaught of psychological theory. I have some of Dr. Wayne Mack's sermons (free MP3s) on my SermonAudio page as well.
The Lord bless you richly in your ministry!" - Love, AL (South Africa, commenting on the SWRB blog compiled by Dr. Reg Barrow, entitled, "Secular Psychology and 'Christian' Psychology Versus Biblical Counseling (FREE MP3s, Books & Videos)")
"Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you." - The Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:10-12, King James Version)
"... burn in Hell you traitors." - Signed "snakeworshipers" at "anycircleofHell"
"I pray for your conversion and for the peeling of the poisonous skins off your eyes. This in hopes that your Purgatory time won't be too long, if by God's grace, you get there at all" - A follower of the Pope
"If you mentioned anything like that in my presence I would kick your *** and **** in your mouth. Have a ******* nice day... *******!" - A Papist
"You anti-Catholics will have your own place in Hell. all (sic) of civilisation (sic) was once Catholic... until certain devil inspired clergy took hold (some with lucre, others with false promises leading to the dividing of those who believed). upon (sic) the rock of peter was the church of rome (sic) founded... as for you @ SWRB - SATAN! GET THEE BEHIND ME!" - A Roman Catholic
"You people are not Christians, your (sic) scumy ******* capitalists... keep up the good work..." - From "lonewolf6666"
Just read your website and find you offensive and sick! I am Catholic and proud of it! I am against your vitriolic lies! - A Roman Catholic
"You illiterate piece of ****..." - A Papist
"...you have consistently exhibited that you wouldn't know the truth if it stood up and bit you onthe nose, you pompous, self-righteous reprobate." - A "Reconstructionist" in the UK (in response to having one of his idols, the covenant-breaking "Judas of the Covenant," Oliver Cromwell, exposed as an enemy of the Covenanted Reformation, see https://www.swrb.com/newslett/actualNLs/crom.htm - ed.)
Your quotes only prove that the Devil can also quote Scripture. When you refer to whores, I want you to know that I am not interested in what your family does for a living. This is more info than I want to know. If God continues to open my eyes to your foolishness, I will look like an owl. The only reason that I would desire your filthy books would be to start a fire, and that's the sums total of their usefulness. You poor misguided "Reformed?" (sic) "Christian?" How DARE you POMPOUS LIAR send me such a (sic) wicked material which contains YOUR preamble with the oxymoronic statement "...former Roman Catholic Priest who is now a Christian..."! DAMN your LIES to hell from whence they came and YOU to extra time in Purgatory for this inexcusable (but BY GOD forgiveable [sic]) trespass against ALL the Church of Christ on earth! AMEN. - A Roman Catholic
"I wouldn't buy any books from your non biblical, pharisaical (sic) cult. - WR (Canada)
"You people are complete, blithering idiots." - A Papist (Roman Catholic)
"Ovbiously (sic), you are not truly christian (sic) or you would not go out of your way to show fault with other religions. I pray for you and feel such pity for you and for the priests you write about who have ignorantly chosen to leave their beautiful church." - A follower of the Pope (Roman Catholic)
"Your cultish, unbiblical group is the last place I would buy any Christian books." - KK (USA)
I will telly (sic) people about the good of the Catholic Church and counteract all your rubbish and hate filled messages! - A follower of the Pope
"I read through your website and after the second hour, my brain turned to mush... Good luck because where you are going, the fire burns real hot!" - Signed "A Friend"
"... it is a sorrow to see such literature sold under the guise of truth." - CT (USA)
"Nice anti-Catholic Christmas carols you ******* **********." - A Roman Catholic (see the Protestant Christmas carols at https://www.sermonaudio.com/new_details3.asp?ID=23184)
"ISLAM IS A GREAT RELIGION. BE A MUSLIM" - Unsigned email (probably from Iran)
"What the heck are you talking about? Are you totally braindead?" - JM (USA)
"I am from Punjab, India and I preach Christianity from the first principles. Satguru Nanak of the Punjab was the Second Coming of Christ and His Light has also been smothered too much lately." - RN (India)
"This is scary stuff." - JL (USA)
"Do you know who the anti-christ is? ? he (sic) is now living, about 42 years old and called "Lord " by many in the "New Age" movement, he is also NAMED as being the anti-christ in a Bible Code." - Stormwarning69
"The bottom line, is no matter how many ways you adjust your teaching to rationalize the ever-changing doomsday date. The teaching that the Pope is the anti-Christ, is absolutely ridiculous. Even if your mind plays tricks on you and allows you to hallucinate, your spirit will tell you the truth. All attacks on the Pope are led by the naive, or profit-seekers ($) or by Satan himself." - BP (USA)
"Horrible. The title of the sermon reveals the absurdity of the sermon, the lies that shall proceed, and the factious, Pharisaical spirit that operates within the Calvinist camp. There is something about Calvinism that brings out the worst in people, and here we have another example. If we are to be honest, we should say Calvinism is unBiblical (sic) blasphemy." - AP (USA, on the free SWRB MP3 and PDF "Arminianism: Another Gospel - Wesley, Moody, Billy Graham, Refuted - Quotes By John Calvin, Charles Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, John Owen, Samuel Rutherford, et al." at https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=106071354170)
The Calvinistic heresy summed up is this: Calvin makes God the author of sin,, (sic)Man (sic) is a robot,, (sic)All (sic) men does not mean all men, all the world does not mean all the world,,, (sic) whosoevever (sic) does not mean whosoever,,, (sic)Justice (sic) and Love (sic) are overthrown and all the pleas of Christ to the unrepentant Jews are rendered insincere,,,, (sic)how can you promote such blasphemy??? (sic) dont (sic) you read the scriptures and think for yourself???? (sic) and what of Calvins (sic) fruit???? (sic) ... repent ye sons of Zeno and serve the God of Wesley... (sic) Repent (sic) and tremble before the word of God and not man. - Sincerely, RK (USA)
"Outstanding sermon (5 stars). Very riveting sermon. The sermon because of its clarity and very organize delivery keeps you listening until you are fully deep into something very transformative. I will never be the same again by God's grace. Truth has finally reached my heart concerning sexual purity. Thanks be to God Almighty! Amen. WC (NC, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Dr. Francis Nigel Lee, entitled, "Sexual Purity, Lust, Pornography, Sexual Duties in Marriage, Divorce, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Kinsey's Lies and More On Sex from the Bible, The Seventh Commandment, The Best of Dr. Francis Nigel Lee 8 of 10")
"Excellent. Clear, concise and edifying. Essential listening for those who want to be transformed by the renewing of their minds." - Kal from Zambia (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Dr. Francis Nigel Lee, entitled, "Sexual Purity, Lust, Pornography, Sexual Duties in Marriage, Divorce, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Kinsey's Lies and More On Sex from the Bible, The Seventh Commandment, The Best of Dr. Francis Nigel Lee 8 of 10")
"All those who want to know what God requires of them when it comes to Sexual Purity should listen to this sermon. It was a blessing to hear a sermon that confirms what the Holy Spirit has been convicting me of. Listen and than apply. May we all seek to have the mind and heart of Christ." - EW (Hawaii, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Dr. Francis Nigel Lee, entitled, "Sexual Purity, Lust, Pornography, Sexual Duties in Marriage, Divorce, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Kinsey's Lies and More On Sex from the Bible, The Seventh Commandment, The Best of Dr. Francis Nigel Lee 8 of 10")
"Excellent Sermon! The entire sermon is excellent. Listen and you will be blessed. There's a brief Q & A after the sermon." - ATMChi commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Dr. Francis Nigel Lee, entitled, "Sexual Purity, Lust, Pornography, Sexual Duties in Marriage, Divorce, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Kinsey's Lies and More On Sex from the Bible, The Seventh Commandment, The Best of Dr. Francis Nigel Lee 8 of 10")
SWRB NOTE: Also see the SWRB blog "OVERCOMING LUST, SEXUAL SINS & PORNOGRAPHY (FREE MP3s & BOOKS) On The Seventh Commandment/Adultery" and the SWRB blog, "The Sexual Revolution is a Fraud (Lust, Free Love, Adultery, Pornography) by Dr. Michael Wagner".
"The Martyrs have not died in vain! The (National -ed.) Covenant of 1638 and the SL&C (Solemn League and Covenant - ed.) have not been sworn in vain. When I saw the Martyrs monuments such as on the Grassmarket, St.Andrews and the Covenanters Memorial on Greyfriars churchyard, I asked myself: 'Was it in vain, Lord?' NO, it will not be in vain! Although everything looks its like falling apart, Christ Jesus will be the ultimate victorious King! Let these covenants revive! Not only for the sake of the Church of Scotland, England and Ireland, but also for the Dutch and ultimately for the rest of the world. As the Covenanters would say: For Christ Crown and Covenant! The Covenants will be the reviving of Scotland, Ireland and England and all its descendants now living across the world! God bless you, Mr.Barrow!" - RSB (The Netherlands, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Barrow, entitled, "DEBATE: How the Solemn League and Covenant Binds the USA, Canada, Australia, etc., Today (2/3)" - the book by Greg Barrow, "The Covenanted Reformation Defended," from which this MP3 was excerpted, is free online and much more free information on the Covenanted Reformation is online)
"Although I am Dutch, I strongly encourage everyone to hear these three sermons from Mr.Barrow. In the last week of June in went to Scotland to see for myself what God has done in Edinburgh and St.Andrew. I stood on the places where Knox preached, James Renwick was executed... the places in which Patrick Hamilton and George Wishart were executed for the Covenanted Reformation. When I see their faithfulness to the Covenants sworn to God, I can not understand how people have left these covenants and how the Church has compromised the truth with false ecumenism and sin. I pray and hope that these covenants will be restored and that even in the Netherlands the Reformed religion will revive as never before." - RSB (The Netherlands)
"Having said that it must be noted that the deep conviction of all at Still Waters Books (and the Puritan Reformed Church of Edmonton, PRCE) is that the National and Solemn League and Covenant sworn by the 'three kingdoms' at the time of the Westminster Assembly are still in force and indeed are obligatory on all nations descended from the Covenanted nations, i.e. on Canada, the U.S., Australia, New Zealand and so on, as well as still so for us in the U.K.... that their catalogue is heavily weighted towards 'Covenanter classics'. Folks interested (or concerned) over the obligation of the Covenants, or Covenanting authors and history, will find materials to their heart's content from Still Waters.
It may be noted, in passing, that the issue is indeed a 'live' one today, for any group seeking to re-establish a Presbyterian church in England. Shall they start afresh with no history or on-going testimony, or should they claim historic continuity from the Presbyterians of the past? If the latter they must face the fact that those great Presbyterian Puritans voluntarily swore the Covenants, and that England was solemnly covenanted to acknowledge God in Christ as her own head and supreme ruler. Man changes, but God does not ("Though it be but a man's covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man disannulleth, or addeth thereto", Galatians 3:15). Relation to the Covenants, and a policy re their continuing renewal, is therefore something that an emerging revived Presbyterianism must face up to, should we again be blessed with such a thing in England.
And if you find that in these days of confusion you are clinging to and advocating - a) 'Received/ majority' text Bibles, b) Inspired Psalmody and c) Reformed Confessionalism, then it is surely an attractive and exciting thought that these elements provide the 'core' for Church unity - uniformity of worship and doctrine and practice - not just in Britain but for any culture or nation on earth. And that is the essence of the Covenant - to provide an agreed platform and promote uniformity in the Churches, whilst the Covenant is a sworn bond to spread that covenanted unity as far as possible worldwide.
Still Waters range, however, covers much, much, more than strictly Covenanter items, and is drawn from a wide range of the best Presbyterian and Reformed sources."
- Stephen P. Westcott, Ph.D, Litt.D. (Bristol, England), Excerpts from the "Publisher Review of Still Waters Revival Books, Canada" in the British Reformed Journal. Dr. Westcott did the translation work (first time to English, from Latin) for the publication of John Owen's Works (volume 17).
"Thank you for you answers to my questions. I look forward to receiving the Erskine titles. I thought of you this past Sabbath afternoon while reading a sermon of Ebenezer Erskine entitled, "The Groans of Believers under Their Burdens." One of those burdens is "the innumerable defections and backslidings of our day." In this connection he mentions "breach of solemn national engagements," and presents four ways in which the national covenant had been breached. In my edition ("The Whole Works of the Rev'd. Ebenezer Erskine," Edition of 1826, Vol I, pp. 83-86) this discussion fills the better part of three pages." - RL (MI, USA)
SWRB NOTE: Please obtain and study the 21 MP3 (or PDF) set of sermons by Greg Price, which we have made available for free online entitled, "A Defense of Covenanting & the Solemn League and Covenant & Who (Including Nations) It Binds Today." This is the best defence of covenanting (a part of our duty of keeping the third commandment) and the Solemn League and Covenant we have ever heard/seen. The whole series in spectacular and every Christian would benefit form carefully studying these messages. Sermons 14 through 18 deal specifically with why the United States is bound by the Solemn League and Covenant today, for those who are interested in that particular point.
"Brilliant challenging message which we echo wholeheartedly. Praise God! - Raymond Stewart (Northern Ireland, UK, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Nation Shaking Reformation Promoted - A Classic Sermon By A Modern-Day Puritan Preacher!")
"Important history. I am very thankful for these MP3s as they show the history of God's people during the high times of Reformation and suffering. It shows me to trust more in Christ as the glory of grace and life and less on myself." - RB (The Netherlands, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by J.C. McFeeters, entitled, "Sketches of the Covenanters 3/7" - all seven MP3s which make up this free online audio book are available from Still Waters Revival Books)
"Scripturally rich, emotionally moving. This a great, emotionally moving sermon that provides a rich feast of scriptural and historical examples where truth and righteousness have been advanced by the narrow gate, the narrow path, and by the the few." Greg - (CO, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "The Narrow Reformation Way and Classic Reformation Eschatology")
"Great narration choice, (Stephen Charnock is - ed.) one of my favorite Puritan theologians. Interestingly, last week I was listening to an interview at a conference held at Bethlehem Church (John Piper's church). In the interview Jerry Bridges was asked how he came in contact with the Puritans. He said that the massive work, 'Existence and Attributes of God' (by Stephen Charnock - ed.) was the second Puritan work he had ever read. As he read the section on the holiness of God he admitted that he kept getting down on the floor and renewing repentance toward God. Charnock joined Thomas Watson as a co-pastor in 1675. What a blessed flock to sit under this ministry!" - Thomas Sullivan (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Stephen Charnock, entitled, "The Existence & Attributes of God [Vol. 2] #5, The Eternality, Immutability, Omnipresence, Wisdom, Power, Holiness, Goodness, and Dominion of God". The complete two volume set of Stephen Charnock's Existence and Attributes of God is a free online SWRB audio book. Regarding this unsurpassed Puritan classic, Dr. Joel Beeke writes, "A Puritan treatise on the perfections of God, and perhaps the greatest of all times. Here, Stephen Charnock reflects on Scripture to develop a better understanding of the nature and being of God. In true Puritan fashion, Charnock makes practical application of all the doctrinal content he develops. Thus, Charnock's work is rightly regarded as simultaneously a scholarly and devotional classic.")
"This has got to be one of the best web sites I have ever found! I thank God for directing me to you." - FP (TX, USA)
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Awesome!" - CC (LA, USA)
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Dear Brothers and Sisters. Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! I have been going through the studies at your web site, and I am deeply inspired with all of the teachings and studies thereon. This is such a wonderful studies and sermons you have arranged for all the nations, in the long run of your service for the nations of the all the world.... May God bless you abundantly! May His perfect will be done! Grace and Peace be with you all. Your brother in Christ, NM (Pakistan)
"I am very pleased to visit your fabulous web site." - AS (Pakistan)
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"Still Waters Revival Books is the most important publisher in the world today." - Brian Schwertley (Author, Debater, and Pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church, Wisconsin, USA)
"I am writing to you, first of all, to thank you again for your faithful ministry. It is a real blessing to me. I may always come here, to your site and read great Christian literature, which consistently directs us to the Scriptures - the greatest of all Christian literature." - WS (NJ, USA)
"I ought to tell you how appreciative I am for the extraordinary work that you do. I believe the Third Reformation is in its infancy, but most importantly, is now upon us and growing exponentially in ways that we won't see for years, if ever, this side of heaven. You, through SWRB, are the temporal agent primarily responsible for this. I have no doubt whatsoever that one day people will read about SWRB, ___ ______ and ____ ______ the way we read about the giants of the First and Second Reformation, and give glory to God for raising up such mighty men." - W.J. Mencarow (Author and Pastor of Reformation Church, Texas)
"You have done an immeasurable service for the Kingdom of Christ in making these CDs available, and every pastor and theologian should own them without question (they would be foolhardy to pass them by)." - For Christ's Crown and Covenant, Dr. C. Matthew McMahon, A Puritan's Mind Ministries
"You mayŠ want to purchase a collection of Reformed books from Still Waters Revival Books in CD-ROM format. They have released an incredible array of 62 compact disks which contain over 2,000 titles of some of the best Reformation and Calvinistic books ever written. It is by far the best and widest collection of Reformed literature ever assembled." - From The Five Points of Calvinism: Defined, Defended, and Documented, Second [Special Anniversary] Edition, Updated and Expanded (p. 76, 2004, Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company) by David N. Steele, Curtis C. Thomas, and S. Lance Quinn, Foreword by Roger Nicole, Afterword by John MacArthur.
"When I look up at the stars in the night sky my mind is boggled at God creation. When I see your work at SWRB I likewise marvel at God's grace. I cannot get my mind around it any more than looking at the night sky. I am awe stuck at the books you provide for the world. Baffling. Imagine: big Christian publishers/ministries loaded with bags of money/staff didn't have the vision to even consider such a project. All these old books have been fading away as the years roll bye, lost in basements of rare book collections, discarded at estate sales. The church's riches lost. The labors of God's writers accompanied with no little blood, sweat and tears buried in the dustbins of history. But God showed mercy to his people in the 21st century in the nick of time before the riches of these books were lost. He took hold of small people - you, sir and the small group you are with in an obscure place - and showed the world the Lord can do, and does do, great works of mercy without the big money-laden organizations. May the Lord grant you the grace to complete the good work He has appointed you for. And may the Lord stir up his people to give SWRB a financial helping-hand". - Sincerely, Greg Poston (Houston, Texas, USA)
"Thanks for the great work you're doing with your mailing list and website (and books, of course)." - TN (Australia)
"About this narration. This narration has an interesting story behind it. I sent a copy of it on tape about 5 years ago as a sample narration to the web master of a popular Christian site that offered narrated books, such as the sermons of Jonathan Edwards. I was offering to narrate books, for the web site. I was turned down because my narrations were too passionate in his opinion! I am thankful for Sermon Audio as a medium to put narrated books, and also for SWRB for putting these old narrations here. This book by Gardiner Spring is like Edwards' Treatise on the Religious Affections, but easier to apply since parts of Edwards' treatise is quite subjective." - Thomas Sullivan (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Gardiner Spring, entitled, "The Distinguishing Traits of Christian Character 1 of 4")
A SWRB summary of a penetrating and perceptive testimony we received via telephone follows.
"Yesterday I spoke with a fellow (for about 1.5 hours) who was once in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) and took courses at Bahnsen Theological Seminary (Southern California Center for Christian Studies [SCCCS] then), then defected to Rome, and was becoming a Roman Catholic priest. He called to see if I knew of a faithful Calvinist church in his area. He knows Scott Hahn and concurred with Larry's rebuke of Hahn in our summary of the book A Disputation on Holy Scripture, Against the Papists, Especially Bellarmine and Stapleton by Whitaker (available on this site - ed.), noting that Hahn is a "back stabbing liar." He has also been friends with many other prominent Romanists and top Jesuits.
His comments on the Jesuits where surprising, as he said that the Jesuits oppose just about everything the Pope is now doing (in 2000 - ed.). Concerning many individual Roman Catholics, he said they know that the real battle is between "consistent Romanism" and "consistent Calvinism" and that a large number would leave Rome but they do not know where to find a "consistent Calvinist church" - as they think that the OPC, PCA, and other "Neopresbyterian" groups are biblically and spiritually superficial and he said these Roman Catholics "will not leave Rome for such shallowness."
He has just left Rome (in May/00) and is seriously considering what he calls "consistent Calvinism" in the work of the Covenanters and other major Reformers. He said he is reading the source documents of the Reformation and this is what is changing his mind. Interestingly, he could see the problems with the Neopresbyterian churches (PCA, OPC, RPCNA, etc.) much better than just about anyone I have ever talked to. Among the greatest dangers he noted were "Romish" Arminianism (even in "Reformed" churches) and the rejection of the regulative principle of worship (RPW). He told me that the so-called "Reformed" churches of our day need to start reading the works, "source documents of the Reformation" were his words, that SWRB distributes.
He was very articulate and wants to know much more about Historicism and the second Reformation (the Covenanters in particular), and also wants to start writing against Rome. He was interested in the "being/well being" and "settled/unsettled" distinctions that Reformers made regarding the church and I think he is going to read chapter two in Greg Barrow's book The Covenanted Reformation Defended on these points (The Covenanted Reformation Defended is free online - ed.). I also told him we would consider publishing what he writes as his comments were equally incisive against both Papal Rome and her harlot daughters (i.e., Protestants who have rejected the consistent Calvinism found in the original Westminster Standards and the biblical national and international covenants of the Reformation)."
- Summary written by Dr. Reg Barrow (For the most consistent Calvinism the world has ever known, the Lord's earthly antithesis to Antichrist (the Papacy), please listen to Greg Price's 19 free MP3 messages entitled, "Covenanter Terms of Communion" . For an excellent overview of the contents and meaning of the original Westminster Confession of Faith (and probably the best contemporary commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith), with much application to our day (refuting many modern heresies), please listen to the five free online SWRB MP3s, by Greg Price. For one of the best, if not the best, commentaries on the Westminster Confession of Faith ever written, by a minister living during the sitting of the Westminster Assembly, see David Dickson's "Commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith," originally entitled, Truth's Victory Over Error (12 free online MP3s compliments of SWRB). David Dickson also worked on the "Directory for Public Worship" with David Calderwood and Alexander Henderson and on "The Sum of Saving Knowledge " with James Durham. The Westminster Confession of Faith, wrote William Hetherington, " ...may be safely termed the most perfect statement of Systematic Theology ever framed by the Christian Church," (The History of the Westminster Assembly of Divines, p. 345). The Solemn League and Covenant led to the Westminster Assembly and all the production of all the Westminster Standards. For the best study of covenanting and the Solemn League and Covenant of which we are aware, please listen to the 21 free online SWRB MP3s, by Greg Price, entitled, "A Defense of Covenanting and The Solemn League and Covenant")
"Rare Thomas Ridgeley 1667-1734. This is one theologian who has too little been appreciated. I first learned of him in 1985 and immediately read what he had to say on the Westminster Larger Catechism questions 80 and 81 of assurance. I was very satisfied but found it interesting that no one knew of him. A few years later this work was republished by Sprinkle Publications I believe (actually, we, SWRB, published this two volume set in hardcover and it is still available on the Puritan Hard Drive and as a digital download on this site - ed.), but had little interest and then went back out of print (there was enough interest that it sold out quite quickly - ed.). This is disappointing because all other commentaries on the Westminster Catechism only cover the Smaller (Westminster Shorter - ed.) Catechism. This is the only commentary on the Larger (Catechism - ed.). I have thought of narrating some of it myself, but maybe someone else will and put it here on Sermon Audio. Thanks for this narration." - Thomas Sullivan (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Thomas Ridgeley, entitled, "The Punishments of Sin, From Thomas Ridgeley's Commentary On the Westminster Larger Catechism")
"This classic work is so encouraging to me as I flee sin. Again, the Lord is faithful to provide teachers after His heart." - LJ (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Thomas Ridgeley, entitled, "The Punishments of Sin, From Thomas Ridgeley's Commentary On the Westminster Larger Catechism")
"... Having said that it must be noted that the deep conviction of all at Still Waters Books (and the Puritan Reformed Church of Edmonton, PRCE) is that the National and Solemn League and Covenant sworn by the 'three kingdoms' at the time of the Westminster Assembly are still in force and indeed are obligatory on all nations descended from the Covenanted nations, i.e. on Canada, the U.S., Australia, New Zealand and so on, as well as still so for us in the U.K.... that their catalogue is heavily weighted towards 'Covenanter classics'. Folks interested (or concerned) over the obligation of the Covenants, or Covenanting authors and history, will find materials to their heart's content from Still Waters.
It may be noted, in passing, that the issue is indeed a 'live' one today, for any group seeking to re-establish a Presbyterian church in England. Shall they start afresh with no history or on-going testimony, or should they claim historic continuity from the Presbyterians of the past? If the latter they must face the fact that those great Presbyterian Puritans voluntarily swore the Covenants, and that England was solemnly covenanted to acknowledge God in Christ as her own head and supreme ruler. Man changes, but God does not ("Though it be but a man's covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man disannulleth, or addeth thereto", Galatians 3:15). Relation to the Covenants, and a policy re their continuing renewal, is therefore something that an emerging revived Presbyterianism must face up to, should we again be blessed with such a thing in England.
And if you find that in these days of confusion you are clinging to and advocating - a) 'Received/ majority' text Bibles, b) Inspired Psalmody and c) Reformed Confessionalism, then it is surely an attractive and exciting thought that these elements provide the 'core' for Church unity - uniformity of worship and doctrine and practice - not just in Britain but for any culture or nation on earth. And that is the essence of the Covenant - to provide an agreed platform and promote uniformity in the Churches, whilst the Covenant is a sworn bond to spread that covenanted unity as far as possible worldwide.
Still Waters range, however, covers much, much, more than strictly Covenanter items, and is drawn from a wide range of the best Presbyterian and Reformed sources.... Still Waters' slogan is 'For the THIRD REFORMATION' - which might in itself give us all food for thought!
- Stephen P. Westcott, Ph.D, Litt.D. (Bristol, England), Excerpts from the "Publisher Review of Still Waters Revival Books, Canada" in the British Reformed Journal. Dr. Westcott did the translation work (first time to English, from Latin) for the publication of John Owen's Works (volume 17).
"Brilliant challenging message which we echo wholeheartedly. Praise God! - Raymond Stewart (Northern Ireland, UK, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Nation Shaking Reformation Promoted - A Classic Sermon By A Modern-Day Puritan Preacher!")
"Scripturally rich, emotionally moving. This a great, emotionally moving sermon that provides a rich feast of scriptural and historical examples where truth and righteousness have been advanced by the narrow gate, the narrow path, and by the the few." Greg - (CO, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "The Narrow Reformation Way and Classic Reformation Eschatology")
Of course. The Internet has the potential of bringing the fragmented Church back together, for people surfing the net will discover the old paths their denominations and pastors don't tell them about, because they don't know of them either, I'm a prime example of that. As I may have told you, I fully expected the response to my inquiries among some of the best minds in the PCA and OPC to be along the lines of, "yes, we are a Resolutioner church, and here is why." Instead the response, almost universally, was essentially "huh?"- W.J. Mencarow (Author and Pastor of Reformation Church, Texas)
"Although I am Dutch, I strongly encourage everyone to hear these three sermons from Mr.Barrow. In the last week of June in went to Scotland to see for myself what God has done in Edinburgh and St.Andrew. I stood on the places where Knox preached, James Renwick was executed... the places in which Patrick Hamilton and George Wishart were executed for the Covenanted Reformation. When I see their faithfulness to the Covenants sworn to God, I can not understand how people have left these covenants and how the Church has compromised the truth with false ecumenism and sin. I pray and hope that these covenants will be restored and that even in the Netherlands the Reformed religion will revive as never before." - RSB (The Netherlands, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Barrow, entitled, "DEBATE: How the Solemn League & Covenant Binds the USA, Canada, Australia, etc., Today (1/3)" - the book by Greg Barrow, "The Covenanted Reformation Defended," from which this MP3 was excerpted, is free online and much more free information on the Covenanted Reformation is online)
"Superb and sober presentation. If you study Roman Catholic doctrine, you will see that speakers such as Mr. Bennett are NOT exaggerating." - DMS (TX, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by former Roman Catholic priest, Richard Bennett (who is now a Christian), entitled, "Alignment of New Evangelicals With Apostasy (Biblical Principles For Separation)")
"The Foundation Of The True Gospel! These Questions are addressed in this series on Biblical Unity or Separation: 1) What are Terms of Communion? 2) What is Close Communion? 3) What is Occasional Hearing? The True Gospel of Jesus Christ is open for all to hear and believe! Let all things be done decently and in order (1 Cor.14:40). 'Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment' (1 Cor.1:10)." - Walt (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "What Are Terms of Communion? (1/2) On Biblical Separation and Preserving Church Purity By Fencing the Table To the Lord's Supper")
"Brother Price continues the most important truth of Biblical Separation, in relation to communion of truth among the Lord's people, and separation from that which is practised that is contrary to Scripture. The principles that he brings out is absolutely staggering, and so proves that there are multitudes in the visible church today whom are going against what the Bible teaches on this subject. The problem now is, what do those of us who believe this is the truth, do? For example , no church near me holds to the purity in worship as described by this minister. A local brethren church hides its heresy by having no terms of communion, and a gospel standard church has terms of communion, which has turned from what our forefathers taught. Do I worship at home then... ? A very important matter is this indeed. O Lord, help us to do what is right, to thy own most glorious name." - Norman Smith (Surrey UK, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "What Are Terms of Communion? (2/2) On Biblical Separation and Preserving Church Purity By Fencing the Table To the Lord's Supper")
"I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your 'service' of providing us with books, tapes, etc., from the Reformation and its leaders. I have been poring over the books I recently purchased. I am especially enlightened by the writings of John Calvin. He definitely has gotten a "bad rap" because he teaches the TRUTH. I have a dilemma now! I have a desire to worship and live as given to us in the Bible. In reading Calvin's writings on proper worship, praise, singing (the Psalms), etc., I have come to the conclusion that the Reformers would be appalled at the state of "Christianity" in the U.S. At least 99% of the churches in the land do not come close to the Biblical standard. The contemporary Christian music is disgraceful, as well as most of the so-called TV evangelists. This leads to the reason for my email to you. Do you know of any Reformed churches in the Houston area (including Kingwood, Woodlands, Humble) which follow the Bible, worship according to the Bible, along with Psalm singing, etc.? At this time I must worship without a congregation, as Calvin spoke of in his writings. "I appreciate any information or assistance which you could provide in this most grave matter. I will be placing another order soon - to continue my education in the correct ways of the Lord." - In Christ, JF (TX, USA)
"The Martyrs have not died in vain! The (National -ed.) Covenant of 1638 and the SL&C (Solemn League and Covenant - ed.) have not been sworn in vain. When I saw the Martyrs monuments such as on the Grassmarket, St.Andrews and the Covenanters Memorial on Greyfriars churchyard, I asked myself: 'Was it in vain, Lord?' NO, it will not be in vain! Although everything looks its like falling apart, Christ Jesus will be the ultimate victorious King! Let these covenants revive! Not only for the sake of the Church of Scotland, England and Ireland, but also for the Dutch and ultimately for the rest of the world. As the Covenanters would say: For Christ Crown and Covenant! The Covenants will be the reviving of Scotland, Ireland and England and all its descendants now living across the world! God bless you, Mr.Barrow!" - RSB (The Netherlands)
This week I was talking to someone I just met and he said, "I read your article on Steve Schlissel on the Still Waters site." That surprised me, since he had to find it. I usually ask people I talk with if they know about SWRB and the website, and these days the majority know all about it. The penetration into the Reformed community is definitely increasing from my experience. And the repercussions against Chalcedon for publishing Schlissel's heretical claptrap are beginning to surface. They need to be called to account for that, for continuing to promote him via publishing him, featuring him at their seminars, keeping him on their editorial board, etc. I wonder if Schlissel is still claiming that no one has even tried to respond to him? - W.J. Mencarow (Author and Pastor of Reformation Church, Texas)
"Still Waters. I just wanted to write and thank you for your faithfulness to God's word and the Protestant Reformation. Me and a friend of mine left the PCA about 5 years ago due to various heresies being accepted by the Session of our church and Presbytery at that time. We then started our own church with about 6 faithful members. Five years later we still only have 10 members, but we have been blessed beyond measure. We owe this in no small part to your ministry. The main foundation for our preaching has been the Puritan and Reformation CD's my friend ordered from you several years ago. Through them we've been freed from many Popish devices like instrumental music and acknowledging unbiblical seasons like Christmas, Easter, and numerous other idolatrous practices. We also have profound insights into the Word of God which pretty much trump any modern commentators that we've ever read. I know from experience that the things you guys publish are hated and unpopular... I would like to assure you that your efforts have blessed our small congregation immeasurably and that you're labor has not been in vain. I hate to think where we still might be if we did not have access to the many documents made available by Still Waters. Please never lose heart and keep up the good work. God bless." - David McCormick, Elder (Reformation Church, LA, USA)
"I want to thank you for this wonderful message. it has truly been a blessing to me. It has also helped me to discover many truths about the false teachings of these so-called prophets of the Lord. It's a great site. May the Lord bless your organization and you as well."- Djimy M (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Antichrist and his Emissaries Unmasked and Rebuked (Classic Reformation Eschatology)")
"Greetings, I really enjoyed the sermon. Especially since it came from someone who has lived it. We tend to give attention to that. Praise God for Pastor Bennett." - Brenda from Rogers, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Richard Bennett, entitled, "Alignment of New Evangelicals With Apostasy (Biblical Principles For Separation)")
"Important history. I am very thankful for these MP3s as they show the history of God's people during the high times of Reformation and suffering. It shows me to trust more in Christ as the glory of grace and life and less on myself." - RB (The Netherlands)
"While the pastors presently, of the most "conservative" and even "Reformed" traditions, are justly condemning Ecumenical worship and Ecumenical Statements (e.g. Manhattan Declaration) "because they confuse the true gospel", THEY PERSIST AND CLOSE THEIR EARS, EVEN GNASH THEIR TEETH, AT THOSE WHO CRY OUT AGAINST THE ECUMENICAL RELIGION OF XMAS! What is more Ecumenical than this unholy day? Does this not "confuse the gospel" too? What hypocrisy not to be consistent in condemnations against Ecumenicalism. What blindness not to see this is plainly the case." - BWS (USA, on the free SWRB MP3 "The Christian and Christmass by Charles Spurgeon, A.W. Pink, John Knox, et al.")
This is a Great Sermon in my book! To you who embrace this apostasy I say please hear me. I pray your eyes be opened and the Holy Spirit convict you of sin, righteousness and judgement. To you who perpetrated this evil I say "Oh you blind guides, shall the deaf make the blind see? Or how about can Satan cast out Satan, or can the author of death give birth to life? Not so my friend." It is very clear to me that my Bible says the motive and hidden agenda of the Papacy is the lowering of standards and breaking down of convictions that the Great Whore of Babylon may gather unto herself all the stray sheep and ride them to hell on the back of the beast. This my friend, is the movement of ecumenism headed up by what my Bible says is the Mother of all Harlots, namely the church of Rome. I do not doubt that God can take what is meant for evil and reap a harvest from it, but my Bible says that faith cometh by hearing, and if any come bringing another gospel to reject and warn others. I think we would all do well to stay away from this apostasy and call it what it is." - CKP from Smyrna, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by former Roman Catholic priest, Richard Bennett, who is now a Christian, entitled, "Mel Gibson's Vivid and Idolatrous Deception: The Passion of the Christ Movie")
"This is a sermon that every Christian needs to hear and obey the word of God. So many religions do not realize that they are turning into Catholics with these pagan holidays such as Christmass and Easter." - Faye (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Christmass Condemned By Christ 3/3 Puritan & Reformation Teaching On Roman Catholic (Antichrist)/Pagan Holy Days (Easter Too)" - all three free SWRB MP3s, by Greg Price, in the series, "Christmass Condemned By Christ," are available online)
"It was by these sermons that I heard that the celebration of Christmas is a sin in violation of the second commandment. I am hoping and praying that, especially in my nation, the Reformed church will return to the true Standards conformable to the Word of God. For it is a joy NOT to celebrate Christmass. It has been a burden for many years for me, and now i am free not to celebrate it!" - RB (Netherlands)
"Commendation with Qualification. Although Spurgeon identifies some of the intrinsic idolatry associated with Christ-mass, we find the general principle of regulativism lacking in Spurgeon's doctrine and practice. This itself is the fundamental and primary basis for rejecting the observation of this 'holy' day, as well as all other human inventions proposed as devotion to God. Suppose that the elements and associations of the nativity 'holy' day were in themselves **intrinsically** pure and faithful, and appointed by pious and well intended persons; it nevertheless would be a God offending idolatry (though often done in ignorance) to observe such a recurring 'holy' day by virtue of the fact supposed: it would be a humanly devised observation that is appointed or suggested as being an acceptable devotion to God. This very same reasoning implicates Spurgeon himself in the use of uninspired compositions (hymns - ed.) in his form of worship.
If we would honor God's sovereignty, we must not only acknowledge that he sovereignly governs all things in the universe according to his reserved, immutable, and mysterious counsel; but we must honor his sovereign being and prerogative by accepting his sovereign yoke in Christ to rule us personally - and to govern the Church visible - according to his sovereign, revelatory prescriptions and proscriptions in the Holy Scripture. Religion is either from God or 'not-God.' The second category is an eclectic collective of demonic and human minds integrated over human history, and it often borrows from God's religion to appear more plausible.
We are unabashedly told by humanists that religion is merely the result of human experience and development, and the needs thereof. Many persons who say they are Christian, nevertheless, embrace this anti-supernatural position in their philosophy or practice. Where is **every** part of your religious belief and practice from? But, to return, just as we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our salvation, so we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our devotion to him. God is sovereign in worship as well as salvation: we must not presume to bring any kind of thing of our own devising for our acceptance. God calls it "will-worship" to do otherwise, because we have more deference to honor our will and desire, than the command and authority of God in Christ.
The tentacles of Arminianism reach far into the heart, and must be unraveled from the deep crevasses of our native brains. But in the case under consideration (the nativity day), not only is God's declarative sovereignty trampled under foot by human invention, but the observations and associations are themselves intrinsically pagan and worldly (which cannot be disputed by any who observe the history), although historically they have been conveniently syncretized with 'Christianity' by the whore of Roman Catholicism, and contemporaneously by her sister: apostate and multiform 'Protestantism.'
We are thankful to God for Charles Spurgeon for the illumination he had in some areas, although we cannot be faithful unless we testify against his transgressions of perjury (against the Solemn League and Covenant), Independency, idolatry (in form of worship), and against his erroneous baptismal doctrine."
- Dr. B. A. Bernal (USA, commenting on the free SWRB MP3 "The Christian and Christmass by Charles Spurgeon, A.W. Pink, John Knox, et al." - for more free books, MP3s and videos exposing Christmas for the idolatrous Roman Catholic evangelistic strategy that it is)
"If I haven't expressed this before, I would like to thank you for making such precious works available to the church today. I believe the time of the Westminster Assembly to be the richest time of the church's history. The writings of her members are like pure gold. May the Lord grant you the strength and ability to continue to make many more of her treasures available to this generation." - SB (USA)
"My thanks to you all for book tips. In return I have a copy of actual Minutes of the Westminster Assembly of Divines, their commentary on the whole bible (Annotations), and a KJV Bible with the actual Geneva Bible notes (believe it or not). These and many other (books) that have knocked my historical-theological socks off are available at Still Waters Revival Books web site." - RS (USA)
In this present time, a great many Presbyterians (particularly in North America) have forgotten and implicitly (perhaps unwittingly) rejected their Presbyterian heritage. Strangely, Westminster confessing churches have rejected the theological distinctives of the Westminster Standards. Although the Westminster Assembly produced a beautiful statement of soteriological Calvinism, the histories clearly demonstrate that soteriology was not the principle focus, nor chief interest, of the Assembly. The Assembly was primarily concerned with uniformity in worship (in accordance with the Regulative Principle), the form of church government (Presbyterianism jus divinum), and Church-State relations (the Establishment Principle). It is a sad irony that the great and distinctive attainments of the Westminster Assembly have been ignored and rejected by so many Westminster confessing churches. However, there is reason to believe that these great attainments are rejected largely because of ignorance. The best books on these subjects have not been readily available; but (thanks be to God) they are available again on these CD sets. For anyone interested in recovering our Presbyterian past, these CD sets are a must. It is my hope and prayer that these CD sets will be used by God to bring to light the things that were hidden, to call to remembrance the things that were forgotten. - Dr. Steven Dilday (Author and Pastor of Liberty and Grace Reformed Church, Warrenton, Virginia) Pastor Steven Dilday holds a Ph.D. from Whitefield Theological Seminary in Puritan History and Literature. He is currently translating Matthew Poole's Synopsis Criticorum, making it available in English for the first time.
"My wife and I have recently read some things that we have found in your free files. Beginning with the "Is Christmas Christian," "Christmas: An Historical Survey Regarding Its Origins and Opposition to It," and "Worship The Regulative Principle Of Worship In History," Kevin Reed and more. We agree with these men and the Reformers. However, there is a problem. We know none who share these convictions... This area is a wasteland regarding Reformation teaching. Ministers claim the WCF as their subscription and explain it away. How can we continue to worship with so many disturbing errors and again how can I confront this sin and lead them to repent. It is not just one person its the entire congregations." - PD (WA, USA)
Thank you for your brilliant and prophetic email on the abomination that is Christmas (see all the free information on the Roman Catholic holy day, Christmas, at https://www.swrb.com/newslett/freebook/holyday.htm - ed.)... May God mightily bless your bold stand with the Westminster Divines against all idolatrous festal days. Yours in the fight for the Reformed faith of Christ, - Dr. Jonathan D. Moore, Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, UK. (Author and Scholar of 16th and 17th Century Calvinistic literature.)
"Thank you for the review of Hetherington book (History of the Westminster Assembly). Let's order the hardcover bound edition... It is a great service you are providing the Reformed community by keeping these books alive." - BG (USA)
"The librarian and many of us do appreciate the work you are doing in copying these older works that help us know the thinking of those who worked on the (Westminster - ed.) Confession." - DP (USA)
"I used your books in writing a paper on the Westminster Confession. I am a seminary student at RTS in Jackson. Formerly I was a Southern Baptist preacher, now PCA. I understand from your publication that the PCA is not "Truly Reformed." In class we have only touched on things like the regulative principle and other hot topics within the Reformed faith. Would you introduce me to your 10 best books on this and other related issues that might set me in heart of understanding. Until seminary I was unaware of the various positions and different denominations. Where may I become enlightened? Hope you can help." - VM (MS, USA)
"666 Solved: Classic Reformed/Protestant Teaching! An extremely well presented, thoroughly researched message expounding the true meaning of "666" in Scripture. Meticulous and relevant in exposing many far fetched fables related to "666" from expositors of the past, right up to our day. Also demonstrates how a number of modern Protestants adopt Roman Catholic teaching on prophecy. Takes us as far back as some of the early fathers of the church, establishing what was ultimately the Apostolic teaching on this much abused passage of Scripture. Additionally, this sermon clearly expounds the classic Reformed and Protestant teaching (for example, as found in the original Westminster Confession of Faith) on the number of the beast. A must listen, Protestant teaching at its best! - Comment on the free SWRB MP3, "666 - The Number of the Beast of Revelation, a.k.a. Antichrist -- The Historic Protestant Interpretation" by Bill Mencarow.
"The Foundation Of The True Gospel! These Questions are addressed in this series on Biblical Unity or Separation: 1) What are Terms of Communion? 2) What is Close Communion? 3) What is Occasional Hearing? The True Gospel of Jesus Christ is open for all to hear and believe! Let all things be done decently and in order (1 Cor. 14:40). 'Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment' (1 Cor. 1:10)." - Walt (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "What Are Terms of Communion? (1/2) On Biblical Separation and Preserving Church Purity By Fencing the Table To the Lord's Supper")
"Incredible Sermon! Most Christians stick to their denominational form of worship and practice. Others (like myself), whom have been blessed by sound teaching on Biblical form of worship and practice, meet with various companies of the body of Christ (e.g., Baptist and Presbyterians), believing that where two or three meet together in Christ's name, He has promised to be in the midst of them.This sermon strikes at the heart of where both views are unscriptural and wrong, and are not what a thrice holy God desires, and teaches from His word. This is an awesome sermon then,thank you brother Price for preaching it, and we must all search our hearts as to what we ought to do, and one is desperate as to what one SHOULD do, when one lives in the midst of 'churches,' whom are all away from the truth as taught in the scriptures, and practised by our forefathers. Have mercy upon us Lord." - Norman Smith (Surrey UK, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "What Are Terms of Communion? (1/2) On Biblical Separation and Preserving Church Purity By Fencing the Table To the Lord's Supper")
"Brother Price continues the most important truth of Biblical Separation, in relation to communion of truth among the Lord's people, and separation from that which is practised that is contrary to Scripture. The principles that he brings out is absolutely staggering, and so proves that there are multitudes in the visible church today whom are going against what the Bible teaches on this subject. The problem now is, what do those of us who believe this is the truth, do? For example , no church near me holds to the purity in worship as described by this minister. A local brethren church hides its heresy by having no terms of communion, and a gospel standard church has terms of communion, which has turned from what our forefathers taught. Do I worship at home then... ? A very important matter is this indeed. O Lord, help us to do what is right, to thy own most glorious name." - Norman Smith (Surrey UK, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "What Are Terms of Communion? (2/2) On Biblical Separation and Preserving Church Purity By Fencing the Table To the Lord's Supper")
"Westminster Larger Catechism (Original Edition).
Question 107: Which is the second commandment? Answer: The second commandment is, Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
Question 108: What are the duties required in the second commandment? Answer: The duties required in the second commandment are, the receiving, observing, and keeping pure and entire, all such religious worship and ordinances as God has instituted in his Word; particularly prayer and thanksgiving in the name of Christ; the reading, preaching, and hearing of the Word; the administration and receiving of the sacraments; church government and discipline; the ministry and maintenance thereof; religious fasting; swearing by the name of God, and vowing unto him: as also the disapproving, detesting, opposing, all false worship; and, according to each one's place and calling, removing it, and all monuments of idolatry.
Question 109. What are the sins forbidden in the second commandment? Answer: The sins forbidden in the second commandment are, all devising (Numb. xv.39), counselling (Deut. xiii.6-8), commanding (Hos. v.11, Micah. vi.16), using (1Kg. xi.33, 1Kg. xii.33), and any wise approving, any religious worship not instituted by God himself (Deut. xii.30-32); tolerating a false religion (Deut. xiii.6-12, Zech. xiii.2-3, Rev. ii.2 & 14-15 & 20, Rev. xvii.12 & 16-17); the making any representation of God, of all or of any of the three persons, either inwardly in our mind, or outwardly in any kind of image or likeness of any creature whatsoever (Deut. iv.15-19, Acts. xvii.29, Rom. i.21-23 & 25); all worshipping of it (Dan .iii.18, Gal. iv.8), or God in it or by it (Exod. xxxii.5); the making of any representation of feigned deities (Exod. xxxii.8), and all worship of them, or service belonging to them (1Kg. xviii.26 & 28, Isa. lxv.11); all superstitious devices (Acts. xvii.22, Col. ii.21-23), corrupting the worship of God (Mal. i.7-8 & 14), adding to it, or taking from it (Deut. iv.2), whether invented and taken up of ourselves (Ps. cvi.39), or received by tradition from others (Matt. xv.9), though under the title of antiquity (1Pet. i.18), custom (Jer. xliv.17), devotion (Isa. lxv.3-5, Gal.i.13-14), good intent, or any other pretence whatsoever (1Sam.xiii.11-12, 1Sam.xv.21), simony (Acts. viii.18); sacrilege (Rom. ii.22, Mal. iii.8); all neglect (Exod. iv.24-26), contempt (Matt. xxii.5, Mal. i.7 & 13), hindering (Matt. xxiii.13), and opposing the worship and ordinances which God hath appointed (Acts. xiii.44-45, 1Thess. ii.15-16).
Question.110. What are the reasons annexed to the second commandment, the more to enforce it? Answer. The reasons annexed to the second commandment, the more to enforce it, contained in these words, For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; and shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments (Exod. xx.5-6); are, besides God's sovereignty over us, and propriety in us (Ps.xlv.11, Rev.xv.3-4), his fervent zeal for his own worship (Exod. xxxiv.13), and his revengeful indignation against all false worship, as being a spiritual whoredom (1Cor. x.20-22, Jer. vii.18-20, Ezek. xvi.26-27, Deut. xxxii.16-20); accounting the breakers of this commandment such as hate him, and threatening to punish them unto divers generations (Hos. ii.2-4); and esteeming the observers of it such as love him and keep his commandments, and promising mercy to them unto many generations (Deut. v.29).
Original Westminster Larger Catechism is on this site or Westminster Larger Catechism MP3 1/2) and Westminster Larger Catechism MP3 2/2.
Deut. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: Deut. 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, Deut. 5:10 And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments."
- Walt (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Richard Bennett, entitled, "Mel Gibson's Vivid and Idolatrous Deception: The Passion of the Christ Movie")
"Important history. I am very thankful for these MP3s as they show the history of God's people during the high times of Reformation and suffering. It shows me to trust more in Christ as the glory of grace and life and less on myself." - RB (The Netherlands, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by J.C. McFeeters, entitled, "Sketches of the Covenanters 3/7" - all seven MP3s which make up this free online audio book from Still Waters Revival Books)
"The Martyrs have not died in vain! The (National -ed.) Covenant of 1638 and the SL&C (Solemn League and Covenant - ed.) have not been sworn in vain. When I saw the Martyrs monuments such as on the Grassmarket, St.Andrews and the Covenanters Memorial on Greyfriars churchyard, I asked myself: 'Was it in vain, Lord?' NO, it will not be in vain! Although everything looks its like falling apart, Christ Jesus will be the ultimate victorious King! Let these covenants revive! Not only for the sake of the Church of Scotland, England and Ireland, but also for the Dutch and ultimately for the rest of the world. As the Covenanters would say: For Christ Crown and Covenant! The Covenants will be the reviving of Scotland, Ireland and England and all its descendants now living across the world! God bless you, Mr.Barrow!" - RSB (The Netherlands)
"Although I am Dutch, I strongly encourage everyone to hear these three sermons from Mr.Barrow. In the last week of June in went to Scotland to see for myself what God has done in Edinburgh and St.Andrew. I stood on the places where Knox preached, James Renwick was executed... the places in which Patrick Hamilton and George Wishart were executed for the Covenanted Reformation. When I see their faithfulness to the Covenants sworn to God, I can not understand how people have left these covenants and how the Church has compromised the truth with false ecumenism and sin. I pray and hope that these covenants will be restored and that even in the Netherlands the Reformed religion will revive as never before." - RSB (The Netherlands)
"Yesterday I spoke with a fellow (for about 1.5 hours) who was once in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) and took courses at Bahnsen Theological Seminary (Southern California Center for Christian Studies [SCCCS] then), then defected to Rome, and was becoming a Roman Catholic priest. He called to see if I knew of a faithful Calvinist church in his area. He knows Scott Hahn and concurred with Larry's rebuke of Hahn in our summary of the book A Disputation on Holy Scripture, Against the Papists, Especially Bellarmine and Stapleton by Whitaker (available on this site - ed.), noting that Hahn is a "back stabbing liar." He has also been friends with many other prominent Romanists and top Jesuits.
His comments on the Jesuits where surprising, as he said that the Jesuits oppose just about everything the Pope is now doing (in 2000 - ed.). Concerning many individual Roman Catholics, he said they know that the real battle is between "consistent Romanism" and "consistent Calvinism" and that a large number would leave Rome but they do not know where to find a "consistent Calvinist church" - as they think that the OPC, PCA, and other "Neopresbyterian" groups are biblically and spiritually superficial and he said these Roman Catholics "will not leave Rome for such shallowness."
He has just left Rome (in May/00) and is seriously considering what he calls "consistent Calvinism" in the work of the Covenanters and other major Reformers. He said he is reading the source documents of the Reformation and this is what is changing his mind. Interestingly, he could see the problems with the Neopresbyterian churches (PCA, OPC, RPCNA, etc.) much better than just about anyone I have ever talked to. Among the greatest dangers he noted were "Romish" Arminianism (even in "Reformed" churches) and the rejection of the regulative principle of worship (RPW). He told me that the so-called "Reformed" churches of our day need to start reading the works, "source documents of the Reformation" were his words, that SWRB distributes.
He was very articulate and wants to know much more about Historicism and the second Reformation (the Covenanters in particular), and also wants to start writing against Rome. He was interested in the "being/well being" and "settled/unsettled" distinctions that Reformers made regarding the church and I think he is going to read chapter two in Greg Barrow's book The Covenanted Reformation Defended on these points (The Covenanted Reformation Defended is free online - ed.). I also told him we would consider publishing what he writes as his comments were equally incisive against both Papal Rome and her harlot daughters (i.e., Protestants who have rejected the consistent Calvinism found in the original Westminster Standards and the biblical national and international covenants of the Reformation)."
- Summary written by Dr. Reg Barrow (For the most consistent Calvinism the world has ever known, the Lord's earthly antithesis to Antichrist (the Papacy), please listen to Greg Price's 19 free MP3 messages entitled, "Covenanter Terms of Communion". For an excellent overview of the contents and meaning of the original Westminster Confession of Faith (and probably the best contemporary commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith), with much application to our day (refuting many modern heresies), please listen to the five free online SWRB MP3s, by Greg Price. For one of the best, if not the best, commentaries on the Westminster Confession of Faith ever written, by a minister living during the sitting of the Westminster Assembly, see David Dickson's "Commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith," originally entitled, Truth's Victory Over Error (12 free online MP3s compliments of SWRB). David Dickson also worked on the "Directory for Public Worship" with David Calderwood and Alexander Henderson and on "The Sum of Saving Knowledge " with James Durham. The Westminster Confession of Faith, wrote William Hetherington, " ...may be safely termed the most perfect statement of Systematic Theology ever framed by the Christian Church," (The History of the Westminster Assembly of Divines, p. 345). The Solemn League and Covenant led to the Westminster Assembly and all the production of all the Westminster Standards. For the best study of covenanting and the Solemn League and Covenant of which we are aware, please listen to the 21 free online SWRB MP3s, by Greg Price, entitled, "A Defense of Covenanting and The Solemn League and Covenant".)
"In studying Lamentations this week, I came across verse 4:6, in which the punishment of Judah (for idolatry and impure worship) was said to be worse than that of Sodom. A reasonable inference is that idolatry and impurity in worship is worse a sin than that of Sodom and Gomorrah (and we all know what that is). Isn't it interesting, then, that the same 'conservative evangelical' churches that make such a hue and cry about the sin of Sodom (and rightly so) are entirely silent about the worse sin of polluted worship! They even join hands with Rome (the leader in impure worship) to achieve conservative cultural goals that they think are of ultimate importance. Surely this is one of the great ironies of our day." - MR (USA)
"I was a Dispensationalist until about four years ago. I had been involved with the Calvary Chapel movement on the West coast and had become dissatisfied with the lack of theology in the movement and the spiritual bareness of contemporary "worship" music. However, when I went to a Reformed Church I was aghast that Christmas trees, etc. (sic) could adorn a "Christian" Church that espoused the Regulative principle of worship. I began reading:
1. The Necessity of Reforming the Church by Calvin
2. The Westminster Confession of Faith
3. War Against the Idols by Carlos Eire.
4. Wonders of the Most High by Van De Velde.
5. Songs of Zion by Michael Bushell
My family has been singing the psalms for devotions and for worship for over a year now. It was awkward initially, but we have persevered. I consider it a tremendous blessing. Obviously, SWRB has played a tremendous role as they have supplied the materials to do the necessary research. Now, I must deal with covenanting." - JL (USA)
Dear Brother, Oh how I thank God for the vibrant, even courageous, testimony he has raised up in SWRB's ministry! May our Lord continue to strengthen you and enlighten you to benefit of us all. There are more than 7000. Thank God you have joined, whatever the cost, the 7000 Club! Dear brother, reference is made to: an email debate (of 170, 8.5 inch by 11 inch, pages) between Doug Wilson (editor of Credenda/Agenda magazine) and Reg Barrow (president of Still Waters Revival Books) how violations of the regulative principle of worship (i.e. the second commandment) are grounds for excommunication. Also gives specific examples of how modern "Reformed" Christians (e.g. John Frame) and denominations are in violation of the second commandment and are tolerating false and idolatrous worship. (Derived from: Resource 6. BARROW, REG & DOUG WILSON. Saul in the Cave of Adullam: A Testimony Against the Fashionable Sub-Calvinism of Doug Wilson (Editor of Credenda/Agenda Magazine); &, for Classical Protestantism & the Attainments of the Second Reformation." - With kind and warm regards, I remain, For Christ's Crown and Covenant, Rev. Dr. GG, Esq. M.A., M.Div., S.T.M., Th.M., J.D., Th.D., Ph.D
"I have now had several months to peruse the contents of the Reformation and Puritan Bookshelf CD sets, and the experience has been a feast for the soul. They have been invaluable to me in sermon preparation and in improving personal and familial piety. If these had been the only blessings attached to the reading of these documents, the expense (even if it had been much greater) would have been justified; but there is more here...
In this present time, a great many Presbyterians (particularly in North America) have forgotten and implicitly (perhaps unwittingly) rejected their Presbyterian heritage. Strangely, Westminster confessing churches have rejected the theological distinctives of the Westminster Standards. Although the Westminster Assembly produced a beautiful statement of soteriological Calvinism, the histories clearly demonstrate that soteriology was not the principle focus, nor chief interest, of the Assembly. The Assembly was primarily concerned with uniformity in worship (in accordance with the Regulative Principle), the form of church government (Presbyterianism jus divinum), and Church-State relations (the Establishment Principle). It is a sad irony that the great and distinctive attainments of the Westminster Assembly have been ignored and rejected by so many Westminster confessing churches.
However, there is reason to believe that these great attainments are rejected largely because of ignorance. The best books on these subjects have not been readily available; but (thanks be to God) they are available again on these CD sets. For anyone interested in recovering our Presbyterian past, these CD sets are a must. It is my hope and prayer that these CD sets will be used by God to bring to light the things that were hidden, to call to remembrance the things that were forgotten."
- Dr. Steven Dilday (Author and Pastor of Liberty and Grace Reformed Church, Warrenton, Virginia)
Pastor Steven Dilday holds a Ph.D. from Whitefield Theological Seminary in Puritan History and Literature. He is currently translating Matthew Poole's Synopsis Criticorum, making it available in English for the first time.
"The Foundation Of The True Gospel! These Questions are addressed in this series on Biblical Unity or Separation: 1) What are Terms of Communion? 2) What is Close Communion? 3) What is Occasional Hearing? The True Gospel of Jesus Christ is open for all to hear and believe! Let all things be done decently and in order (1 Cor.14:40). 'Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment' (1 Cor.1:10)." - Walt (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "What Are Terms of Communion? (1/2) On Biblical Separation and Preserving Church Purity By Fencing the Table To the Lord's Supper")
"Brother Price continues the most important truth of Biblical Separation, in relation to communion of truth among the Lord's people, and separation from that which is practised that is contrary to Scripture. The principles that he brings out is absolutely staggering, and so proves that there are multitudes in the visible church today whom are going against what the Bible teaches on this subject. The problem now is, what do those of us who believe this is the truth, do? For example , no church near me holds to the purity in worship as described by this minister. A local brethren church hides its heresy by having no terms of communion, and a gospel standard church has terms of communion, which has turned from what our forefathers taught. Do I worship at home then... ? A very important matter is this indeed. O Lord, help us to do what is right, to thy own most glorious name." - Norman Smith (Surrey UK, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "What Are Terms of Communion? (2/2) On Biblical Separation and Preserving Church Purity By Fencing the Table To the Lord's Supper")
Wow! The MP3s of John Owen's "Chamber of Imagery," (called Rome's Idolatry Rebuked 1 and 2 on the PHD - ed.) is by far the most insightful treatment I have ever encountered of the subject of, and historical process of Romish idolatry. Thank you also for putting out Richard Bennett's material (Richard Bennett is a former Roman Catholic priest who is now and Christian minister and some his books, MP3s and videos are on the Puritan Hard Drive and at bereanbeacon.org - ed.). His type of ministry is sorely needed in the Philippines. I have gotten in touch with him and we have struck up a friendly fellowship via email. I am currently trying to contact a publisher for a Philippine version of his book of testimonies by former Catholic priests (Far From Rome, Near To God:Testimonies of Fifty Converted Roman Catholic Priests - ed.). I would appreciate your prayers in this matter. I'm sure he would, too. Richard, in turn, has turned me on to William Webster's work. The blessing just keep coming. - Because of Jesus, Andy Underhile (Missionary in the Philippines)
"My wife and I have recently read some things that we have found in your free files. Beginning with the "Is Christmas Christian," "Christmas: An Historical Survey Regarding Its Origins and Opposition to It," and "Worship The Regulative Principle Of Worship In History," Kevin Reed and more. We agree with these men and the Reformers. However, there is a problem. We know none who share these convictions... This area is a wasteland regarding Reformation teaching. Ministers claim the WCF (Westminster Confession of Faith - ed.) as their subscription and explain it away. How can we continue to worship with so many disturbing errors and again how can I confront this sin and lead them to repent. It is not just one person its the entire congregations." - PD (WA, USA)
"Wonderful sermon! Much needed this day, especially in the Netherlands were will-worship is a common thing among the churches even in the so-called reformed churches.Where there is false worship, false doctrine usually follows. All reformed churches in the Netherlands deny the regulative principle of worship and what is the result? Hyper-Calvinism, Arminianism and outright damnable heresies like the toeleidende weg theologie flourish!" - RB (Breda, Netherlands, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Traditions of the Elders Versus True Worship [Against Arminianism and the Spirit of Antichrist in Worship] Mark #31")
"Commendation with Qualification. Although Spurgeon identifies some of the intrinsic idolatry associated with Christ-mass, we find the general principle of regulativism lacking in Spurgeon's doctrine and practice. This itself is the fundamental and primary basis for rejecting the observation of this 'holy' day, as well as all other human inventions proposed as devotion to God. Suppose that the elements and associations of the nativity 'holy' day were in themselves **intrinsically** pure and faithful, and appointed by pious and well intended persons; it nevertheless would be a God offending idolatry (though often done in ignorance) to observe such a recurring 'holy' day by virtue of the fact supposed: it would be a humanly devised observation that is appointed or suggested as being an acceptable devotion to God. This very same reasoning implicates Spurgeon himself in the use of uninspired compositions (hymns - ed.) in his form of worship.
If we would honor God's sovereignty, we must not only acknowledge that he sovereignly governs all things in the universe according to his reserved, immutable, and mysterious counsel; but we must honor his sovereign being and prerogative by accepting his sovereign yoke in Christ to rule us personally - and to govern the Church visible - according to his sovereign, revelatory prescriptions and proscriptions in the Holy Scripture. Religion is either from God or 'not-God.' The second category is an eclectic collective of demonic and human minds integrated over human history, and it often borrows from God's religion to appear more plausible.
We are unabashedly told by humanists that religion is merely the result of human experience and development, and the needs thereof. Many persons who say they are Christian, nevertheless, embrace this anti-supernatural position in their philosophy or practice. Where is **every** part of your religious belief and practice from? But, to return, just as we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our salvation, so we cannot bring our will in our hand as an offering to God as a basis (in whole or part) for our devotion to him. God is sovereign in worship as well as salvation: we must not presume to bring any kind of thing of our own devising for our acceptance. God calls it "will-worship" to do otherwise, because we have more deference to honor our will and desire, than the command and authority of God in Christ.
The tentacles of Arminianism reach far into the heart, and must be unraveled from the deep crevasses of our native brains. But in the case under consideration (the nativity day), not only is God's declarative sovereignty trampled under foot by human invention, but the observations and associations are themselves intrinsically pagan and worldly (which cannot be disputed by any who observe the history), although historically they have been conveniently syncretized with 'Christianity' by the whore of Roman Catholicism, and contemporaneously by her sister: apostate and multiform 'Protestantism.'
We are thankful to God for Charles Spurgeon for the illumination he had in some areas, although we cannot be faithful unless we testify against his transgressions of perjury (against the Solemn League and Covenant), Independency, idolatry (in form of worship), and against his erroneous baptismal doctrine."
- Dr. B. A. Bernal (USA, commenting on the free SWRB MP3 "The Christian and Christmass by Charles Spurgeon, A.W. Pink, John Knox, et al." - for more free books, MP3s and videos exposing Christmas for the idolatrous Roman Catholic evangelistic strategy that it is)
"Greetings Greg Price. What I find interesting is the the Rev ____ ______ states that the WCF and the Directory of Public Worship does not teach exclusive Psalmody. I have enjoyed your sermons (7 of them) on exclusive psalmody and am encouraging others to listen to them (SWRB makes these seven sermons, by Greg Price, on exclusive Psalmody, available as free online MP3s and sermon six deals with the Westminster Standards and exclusive Psalmody - ed.). The Reformed Faith is under quite a lot of pressure throughout the world and many aspects of worship are either being compromised or discarded. There seems to be more churches looking to see what they are allowed rather than what is actually commanded. Those that do hold to the regulative principle in worship are being accused, at least in this part of the world (Northern Ireland), as being so Reformed they've become deformed! Arminianism the creeping death!!" - Warmest regards and prayers, Your bondservant in Christ Jesus, William A. (Northern Ireland, UK)
"Once again you have done the Church a service! A great sermon, Pastor Price give us a sermon that has lots of scripture in it. He prove his argument so well." - Fredrick Fleming (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Pictures of Christ and Idolatry")
"Look I am dreadfully sorry about all this. As I stated before. It has taken me years to even begin to get to grips with the CD collection which I got from you some years ago. But as stated before what is coming at me from the CDs is the whole idea of exclusive psalmody and the regulative principle of worship. I have never been so excited about something as a Christian for a long time. Please just bear me? Some time ago (I am not sure when i got the CDs from you) I was studying the Bible. I study the Bible with a correspondence school and was working my way through all the Gospels, and was about to study the Gospel of Luke. However some kind of emergency cropped up in my life and it seemed to me a good thing to study the Psalms instead. So I started the study of the Psalms. I am a ex-student so I love to study. And as usual I had my concordances and all my commentaries as I started to study the Psalms. I was studying the prophetic aspect of the Psalms, the Messianic and so on. Up until about Psalm 60 when I suddenly realized that i was to SING THE PSALMS!!! ... So I (sang the Psalms from about Psalm 60 onwards and have not stopped singing them since! And then I get your CDs and it takes me years to get into the collection. I am having to read about the Civil War in England to get the background and now I discover these things called exclusive Psalmody and the regulative principle of worship. And I think the Lord hasn't finished with me yet!!! So praise the Lord. However, currently I am alone in my local area in this position of exclusive psalmody. I have been a Christian since 1979 and this is the first time this has cropped up but as soon as one looks into Christian history one finds a lot of Psalms. So many thanks again for being so tolerant with me and again many thanks for such a fantastic collection of books and MP3s. Indeed this is a major Christian teaching source. Thank you." - EP (USA)
As a Christian I learned this many years ago, before my wife and I had children. They grew up knowing the truth. Applying the attributes of GOD to a mythical character called Santa Clause and then turning it into a time of so called praise to the birth of our Redeemer and GOD - how wicked! Yet so many are deluded. They do not understand that they are committing idol worship. When each December 25 they go to church and worship a Jesus of their own making. What of those who lead the services. - David Wilson from Brisbane, Australia (Commenting on the free SWRB MP3s, by Greg Price, in the series, "Christmass Condemned By Christ," which are available online at https://www.sermonaudio.com/go/14118)
"I am thrilled to see that 500 plus people have listened to this sermon. Thank you brother Price for not only showing from the scriptures why musical instruments are no longer allowed in the gathering together for worship of the Lord's people, but also for dealing with the objections raised by those who advocate their instruments.I am delighted to have been recommended by a dear brother to listen to brother Greg's ministry, it has done my soul good. Bless you dear brother for your faithfulness to the word of God,and for sermonaudio for listing the sermons, may it please the Lord to bless your preaching to many, to His own glorious and holy name." - Norman Smith from Surrey UK (Commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Instrumental Music in Public Worship in the New Testament (The Second Commandment In Covenanter, Puritan and Reformation Worship)")
"Westminster Larger Catechism (Original Edition).
Question 107: Which is the second commandment? Answer: The second commandment is, Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
Question 108: What are the duties required in the second commandment? Answer: The duties required in the second commandment are, the receiving, observing, and keeping pure and entire, all such religious worship and ordinances as God has instituted in his Word; particularly prayer and thanksgiving in the name of Christ; the reading, preaching, and hearing of the Word; the administration and receiving of the sacraments; church government and discipline; the ministry and maintenance thereof; religious fasting; swearing by the name of God, and vowing unto him: as also the disapproving, detesting, opposing, all false worship; and, according to each one's place and calling, removing it, and all monuments of idolatry.
Question 109. What are the sins forbidden in the second commandment? Answer: The sins forbidden in the second commandment are, all devising (Numb. xv.39), counselling (Deut. xiii.6-8), commanding (Hos. v.11, Micah. vi.16), using (1Kg. xi.33, 1Kg. xii.33), and any wise approving, any religious worship not instituted by God himself (Deut. xii.30-32); tolerating a false religion (Deut. xiii.6-12, Zech. xiii.2-3, Rev. ii.2 & 14-15 & 20, Rev. xvii.12 & 16-17); the making any representation of God, of all or of any of the three persons, either inwardly in our mind, or outwardly in any kind of image or likeness of any creature whatsoever (Deut. iv.15-19, Acts. xvii.29, Rom. i.21-23 & 25); all worshipping of it (Dan .iii.18, Gal. iv.8), or God in it or by it (Exod. xxxii.5); the making of any representation of feigned deities (Exod. xxxii.8), and all worship of them, or service belonging to them (1Kg. xviii.26 & 28, Isa. lxv.11); all superstitious devices (Acts. xvii.22, Col. ii.21-23), corrupting the worship of God (Mal. i.7-8 & 14), adding to it, or taking from it (Deut. iv.2), whether invented and taken up of ourselves (Ps. cvi.39), or received by tradition from others (Matt. xv.9), though under the title of antiquity (1Pet. i.18), custom (Jer. xliv.17), devotion (Isa. lxv.3-5, Gal.i.13-14), good intent, or any other pretence whatsoever (1Sam.xiii.11-12, 1Sam.xv.21), simony (Acts. viii.18); sacrilege (Rom. ii.22, Mal. iii.8); all neglect (Exod. iv.24-26), contempt (Matt. xxii.5, Mal. i.7 & 13), hindering (Matt. xxiii.13), and opposing the worship and ordinances which God hath appointed (Acts. xiii.44-45, 1Thess. ii.15-16).
Question.110. What are the reasons annexed to the second commandment, the more to enforce it? Answer. The reasons annexed to the second commandment, the more to enforce it, contained in these words, For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; and shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments (Exod. xx.5-6); are, besides God's sovereignty over us, and propriety in us (Ps.xlv.11, Rev.xv.3-4), his fervent zeal for his own worship (Exod. xxxiv.13), and his revengeful indignation against all false worship, as being a spiritual whoredom (1Cor. x.20-22, Jer. vii.18-20, Ezek. xvi.26-27, Deut. xxxii.16-20); accounting the breakers of this commandment such as hate him, and threatening to punish them unto divers generations (Hos. ii.2-4); and esteeming the observers of it such as love him and keep his commandments, and promising mercy to them unto many generations (Deut. v.29).
Original Westminster Larger Catechism is on this site in text or Westminster Larger Catechism MP3 1/2 and Westminster Larger Catechism MP3 2/2.
Deut. 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: Deut. 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, Deut. 5:10 And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments."
- Walt (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Richard Bennett, entitled, "Mel Gibson's Vivid and Idolatrous Deception: The Passion of the Christ Movie")
"Actually the celebration of Christmass did not start until mid fourth century (although its observance predates Christianity). Pagans were legislated Christians into the new church/state religion of Rome. It was made an official 'Christian' holiday in mid fifth century basically because while you could legislate Christianity with pagans they were not able to get them to stop behaving as pagans. Drunkenness and gift giving and more was the hallmark of Saturnalia. Visiting London (which was founded by Romans and was part of the Roman empire) during the holidays you see that Christmass/Saturnalia is celebrated today the same as it was when it was known by Saturnalia. You can even find the remains of a temple to Mithras there. If you look at the days that the 'Eastern Orthodox' (that are in reality Romans once removed) celebrate it you find that day was observed long before it became the birth of Christ. Clement of Alexandria set forth some guess's in late second century on the birth of Messiah (none around December or January BTW) and he did not know for sure. While we have pictures of Kings that predate Christ's arrival, there are none that depict Him - the Apostles knew that it was idolatrous to do so." - AC (TX, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Richard Bennett, entitled, "Mel Gibson's Vivid and Idolatrous Deception: The Passion of the Christ Movie")
"This is a sermon that every Christian needs to hear and obey the word of God. So many religions do not realize that they are turning into Catholics with these pagan holidays such as Christmass and Easter." - Faye (MI, USA, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Christmass Condemned By Christ 3/3 Puritan & Reformation Teaching On Roman Catholic (Antichrist)/Pagan Holy Days (Easter Too)" - all three free SWRB MP3s, by Greg Price, in the series, "Christmass Condemned By Christ" are available online)
"It was by these sermons that I heard that the celebration of Christmas is a sin in violation of the second commandment. I am hoping and praying that, especially in my nation, the Reformed church will return to the true Standards conformable to the Word of God. For it is a joy NOT to celebrate Christmass. It has been a burden for many years for me, and now i am free not to celebrate it!" - RB (Netherlands, commenting on the free online SWRB MP3 by Greg Price, entitled, "Christmass Condemned By Christ 3/3 Puritan & Reformation Teaching On Roman Catholic (Antichrist)/Pagan Holy Days (Easter Too)" - all three free SWRB MP3s, by Greg Price, in the series, "Christmass Condemned By Christ" are available online)
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