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Systematic Theology (Volume 3 of 3) by Charles Hodge

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Systematic Theology (Volume 3)
Charles Hodge
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Still Waters Revival Books

Resource Description

Volume three of Systematic Theology, a Christian classic by Charles Hodge contains:


  • 1. Usage of the word Regeneration
  • 2. Nature of Regeneration Not a Change in the Substance of the Soul Not an Act of the Soul Doctor Emmon's Doctrine Professor Finney's Doctrine Doctor Nathaniel Taylor's View. Not a Change in any one Faculty Not merely Illumination. Not a Change of the Higher Powers of the Soul exclusively Modern Speculative Views Ebrard's Doctrine. -- Delitzsch's Doctrine 25. Doctrine of the Latin Church 27. Doctrine of the Church of England 28.
  • 3. The Evangelical Doctrine 29. Exposition of the Doctrine 30. An Act of Divine Power 31. In the Subjective Sense of the Word not an Act 32. It is a New Principle of Life. -- A New Birth. -- A New Heart. -- The whole Soul the Subject of it 36.
  • 4. Objections to the Evangelical Doctrine 37.


  • 1. Preliminary Remarks 41.
  • 2. Psychological Nature of Faith 42. Primary Idea of Faith is Trust. -- More limited Sense of the Word Definitions of Faith founded on its Subjective Nature, --. First, a Degree of Conviction less than Knowledge, but stronger than Opinion 46. Second, a Conviction determined by the Will 49. Definition founded on the Objects of Faith. -- Conviction of the Truth of Things not seen 53. Definitions founded on the Kind of Evidence on which the Conviction rests, --. First, a Conviction founded on Feeling 52. Second, a Conviction founded on Testimony 60.
  • 3. Different Kinds of Faith 67.
  • 4. Relation of Faith and Knowledge 75.
  • 5. Relation of Faith and Feeling 88.
  • 6. Relation of Faith and Love 93.
  • 7. Object of Saving Faith 95.
  • . Effects of Faith 104. Assurance 106. Certainty of Salvation 110.


  • 1. Symbolical Statement of the Doctrine 114.
  • 2. Justification a forensic Act 118. Proof of the Doctrine 120. Calvin's Doctrine 133.
  • 3. Works not the Ground of Justification 134. Romish Doctrine. -- Remonstrant Doctrine. -- Protestant Doctrine 137.
  • 4. The Righteousness of Christ the Ground of Justification 141.
  • 5. Imputation of Righteousness 144.
  • 6. Proof of the Doctrine of Imputation 150.
  • 7. Consequences of the Imputation of Christ's Righteousness 161.
  • 8. Relation of Faith to Justification 165. Romish Doctrine. -- Remonstrant Doctrine. -- Protestant Doctrine 170.
  • 9. Objections to the Protestant Doctrine of Justification 171.
  • 10. Departures from the Protestant Doctrine 179. Osiander. -- Stancarus. -- Piscator. -- Arminian Doctrine 185.
  • 11. Modern Views on Justification 195. Rationalistic Theories. -- Philosophical Theories. -- Speculative Theologians 199.


  • 1. Its Nature 213. Supernatural 213.
  • 2. Wherein it consists 220.
  • 3. Method of 226.
  • 4. Fruits of 231. Nature of Good Works. -- Romish Doctrine. -- Works of Supererogation. -- Precepts and Counsels 235.
  • 5. Necessity of Good Works 238. Antinomianism 241.
  • 6. Relation of Good Works to Reward 241.
  • 7. Perfectionism 245.
  • 8. Theories of Perfectionism 256. Pelagian. -- Romish. -- Arminian. -- Oberlin 251.


  • 1. Preliminary Principles 259. Theism the Foundation of the Moral Law. -- Christian Liberty in Matters of Indifference. -- Scriptural Use of the Word "Law." -- Different Kinds of Laws. -- Perfection of the Law. -- The Decalogue. -- Rules of Interpretation 272.
  • 2. Division of the Contents of the Decalogue 272.
  • 3. The Preface to the Ten Commandments 275.
  • 4. The First Commandment 277.
  • 5. Invocation of Saints 281. Mariolatry 285.
  • 6. The Second Commandment 290. Worship of Images forbidden. -- Doctrine and Usage of the Romish Church 296. Relics 300.
  • 7. The Third Commandment 305. Import of the Command. -- Oaths. -- Romish Doctrine. -- Vows. -- Monastic Vows 319.
  • 8. The Fourth Commandment 321. Its Design. -- Origin and Perpetual Obligation of the Sabbath 323. How it is to be sanctified 336. Sunday Laws 340.
  • 9. The Fifth Commandment.-- Its Design 348. Filial Relation. -- Parental Duties. -- The Obedience due to Civil Magistrates 356. Obedience to the Church 360.
  • 10. The Sixth Commandment. -- Its Design 362. Capital Punishment 363. Self-defence. -- War. -- Suicide. -- Duelling 368.
  • 11. The Seventh Commandment 368. Celibacy. -- Marriage a Divine Institution 376. As a Civil Institution 377. Monogamy 389. Converted Polygamists 387. Divorce 391. Doctrine of the Church of Rome. -- In what Sense Marriage is a Sacrament 398. Laws of Protestant Countries 401. The Social Evil 406. Prohibited Marriages 407.
  • 12. The Eighth Commandment 421. Foundation of the Right of Property. -- Community of Goods. --Communism and Socialism. -- International Society -- Violations of the Eighth Commandment 434.
  • 13. The Ninth Commandment 437. Importance of Truth. -- Detraction.-- Falsehood. -- Mental Reservation. -- Pious Frauds. -- False Miracles 452.
  • 14. The Tenth Commandment 463.


  • 1. The Word of God 466. Office of the Word as a Means of Grace. -- Lutheran Doctrine 479.
  • 2. The Sacraments 485. Their Nature. -- Usage of the Word. -- Theological Definition. -- Lutheran Doctrine. -- Romish Doctrine. -- Remonstrant Doctrine 490.
  • 3. Number of the Sacraments 492.
  • 4. Efficacy of the Sacraments 498. Zwinglian and Remonstrant Doctrine. -- Reformed Doctrine. -- Lutheran Doctrine. -- Romish Doctrine. -- The "Ex Opere Operato" Doctrine 509.
  • 5. The Necessity of the Sacraments 516.
  • 6. The Validity of the Sacraments 523.
  • 7. Baptism 526. Its Mode. -- Use of the Word 526.
  • 8. The Formula of Baptism 539.
  • 9. The Subjects of Baptism. -- Qualifications for Adult Baptism 541.
  • 10. Infant Baptism 548. Visible Church is a Divine Institution. -- It does not consist exclusively of the Regenerate. -- The Commonwealth of Israel was the Church. -- The Church under the Christian Dispensation Identical with that of the Old. -- The Terms of Admission into the Church the Same under both Dispensations. -- Infants were Members of the Church under the Old Testament Economy. -- They are still Members of the Church. -- They need and are capable of receiving the Benefits of Redemption 553.
  • 11. Whose Children are entitled to Baptism 558. Usage of the Church of Rome. -- Theories adopted by many Protestants. -- President Edwards's Doctrine. -- The Half-Way Covenant 567. Puritan Doctrine. -- Usage of the Reformed Churches 573.
  • 12. Efficacy of Baptism 579. Doctrine of the Reformed Churches. -- Baptismal Regeneration 591.
  • 13. Lutheran Doctrine of Baptism 604.
  • 14. Doctrine of the Church of Rome 605.
  • 15. The Lord's Supper 511. Of Perpetual Obligation 511. Elements to be Used. -- Sacramental Actions. -- Its Design. -- Qualifications for the Lord's Supper 629.
  • 16. Doctrine of the Reformed Churches 626. Zwinglian View. -- Calvin's Doctrine. -- The Form of Statement in which the Zwinglians and Calvinists Agree 631. The Sense in which Christ is Present in the Sacrament 637. Manducation 643. What is Received in the Lord's Supper 645. The Efficacy of the Lord's Supper 647.
  • 17. Modern Views on this Sacrament 650.
  • 18. The Lutheran Doctrine 661.
  • 19. Doctrine of the Church of Rome 677. Transubstantiation. -- Withholding the Cup from the Laity 685. The Lord's Supper as a Sacrifice 685. 20. Prayer 692. The Object of Prayer 700. Requisites for Acceptable Prayer 701. Different Kinds of Prayer 705. Public Prayer 707. Power of Prayer 708.




  • 1. Protestant Doctrine 718. The Old Testament Doctrine on the Future State 716. Intermediate State 724.
  • 2. Sleep of the Soul 730.
  • 3. Patristic Doctrine of the Intermediate State 733.
  • 4. Doctrine of the Church of Rome 743. Purgatory 749.


  • 1. Scriptural Doctrine 771.
  • 2. History of the Doctrine 781.


  • 1. Preliminary Remarks 790.
  • 2. The Church Doctrine 792.
  • 3. Personal Advent of Christ 792.
  • 4. Calling of the Gentiles 800.
  • 5. Conversion of the Jews 805. Are the Jews to be Restored to their Own Land 807.
  • 6. Antichrist 812. The Papacy the Antichrist of St. Paul.-- The Antichrist of Daniel 823. The Antichrist of the Apocalypse 825. Roman Catholic Doctrine of Antichrist 831.


  • 1. The General Resurrection 837.
  • 2. The Final Judgment 844.
  • 3. The End of the World 851.
  • 4. The Kingdom of Heaven 855.
  • 5. Theory of the Premillennial Advent 861. Did the Apostles expect the Second Advent in their Day 867.
  • 6. Future Punishment 868. Duration of Future Punishment.-- Objections to the Scriptural Doctrine 878.

Also includes a comprehensive index.

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