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Pastor Scott Brown, on the left in the video above, is the Director of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches (NCFIC)

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The Attainments Of the Church Of the Second Reformation (Covenanted Reformation): Results Of A Great Revival by James Kerr (Free MP3)

Pastor Greg Price on the Puritan Hard Drive

The Attainments of the Church of the Second Reformation: Results of a Great Revival by James Kerr (Free MP3)

The Permanence of Covenant Obligation, Covenanters, Covenanting, Covenanted Reformation, Etc., by Omicron (Free Covenanter MP3)

Covenants and Covenanting (Introduction) by Greg Price (7 Free MP3s)

Another instance in which posterity is recognized in covenant obligation is found in Joshua 9:15. This covenant was made between the children of Israel and the Gibeonites. Between four and five hundred years after that time, the children of Israel are visited with a very severe famine, in the days of David. 2 Sam. 21:1. And it is expressly declared by the Lord that, 'It is for Saul, and for his bloody house, because he slew the Gibeonites.' And at the same time, v. 2, that very covenant is recognized, and the breach of it is stated, as being the formal reason of the divine displeasure. Now, had it not been for this covenant, the extirpation of the Gibeonites would not have been imputed to Israel as a thing criminal; for they were comprehended in Canaanitish nations, which God had commanded them to root out." - William L. Roberts, The Reformed Presbyterian Catechism(1853, emphases added), pp. 139-140, on the Puritan Hard Drive

A Defense of Covenanting & the Solemn League & Covenant (21 FREE MP3s) by Greg Price

The definitive free audio series about covenanting!

Bethren, I speak after the manner of men; Though it be but a man's covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man disannulleth, or addeth thereto. - Galatians 3:15, KJV

What Are Terms of Communion? What is Close Communion? What is Occasional Hearing? What Is Biblical Separation? By Pastor Greg Price and Dr. Michael Wagner (Free Covenanter MP3s)

Covenanter Terms of Communion (19 FREE MP3s) by Greg Price

Calvin, Covenanting and Close Communion by Dr. Reg Barrow (Free MP3)

John Calvin, Close Communion, Covenanting and the Coming Reformation (Covenanted Reformation) by Dr. Reg Barrow (Free Online Text)

Covenant Theology and Its Implications, Foundations Of Biblical Interpretation, by Greg Price (Free Covenanter MP3)

Pastor Greg L. Price Reviews and Recommends
the Puritan Hard Drive

Pastor Greg L. Price

Pastor Greg L. Price

I was one of those who had profited much from using the plethora of out-of-print Reformation materials offered by Still Waters Revival Books in the 62 CDs (Puritan CDs and Reformation CDs) for a number of years in  my ministry -- works that I could only have found in select libraries (usually hundreds of miles away from my residence).

With the CDs, it took a little while to go to the index of each set, locate the documents I needed, and then find the correct CD. Of course, the time was always well spent in finding that particular document that I needed.

However, now that I have the Puritan Hard Drive, I am able to use my time much more efficiently in finding that particular document I need by quickly searching for it and finding it in a matter of seconds. It's like going from "dial up" to "high-speed" Internet!

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Amazing surprises do come in small packages!

If you want to understand Reformed theology (i.e., the whole counsel of God) the Puritan Hard Drive is unsurpassed, outside the Bible itself. The First and Second Reformations gave us the most faithful Scriptural teaching and preaching since the time of the Apostles, and there is no other resource, outside Scripture itself, where you can find so much of God's truth as in the Puritan Hard Drive.

May the Lord continue to use this most profitable tool to promote a Third Reformation that encompasses the whole world (Isaiah 2:2-4)!

- Pastor Greg L. Price (Covenanted Presbyterian Pastor, Author, Theologian, etc.) Free online books, MP3s and videos by Greg Price at

The Attainments Of the Church Of the Second Reformation (Covenanted Reformation): Results Of A Great Revival by James Kerr (Free MP3)


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