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The 12 free MP3s (below) on the bondage of the will by Martin Luther, and most of the other free MP3s (below) on the bondage of the human will, are on SWRB's Puritan Hard Drive. There are also 1,480 Reformation resources (books, MP3s and videos) under the category "Calvinism and Predestination" on the Puritan Hard Drive.
"The Papists' hold that man, through his own free will, returns to God; and on this point is our greatest contest with them at this day." - John Calvin, Commentary on Jeremiah (Jeremiah 31:19)
"CANON V. If any one saith, that, since Adam's sin, the free will of man is lost and extinguished; or, that it is a thing with only a name, yea a name without a reality, a figment, in fine, introduced into the Church by Satan; let him be anathema." - The (Roman Catholic) Council of Trent: Canons on Justification
A Jesuit: "Now we have planted the Sovereign Drug Arminianism, OUR FOUNDATION IS ARMINIANISM." - Arminianism Another Gospel
"A man's free will cannot cure him even of the toothache, or a sore finger; and yet he madly thinks it is in its power to cure his soul." - Augustus Toplady
Free will is "corrupted nature's deformed darling, the Pallas or beloved self-conception of darkened minds." - John Owen, Works, Vol. 10, p. 150
"The word 'freewill' (as also 'self-determining power' [autexousiou] used by the Greek Fathers) does not occur in Scripture. 1 Cor. 7:37 does not mean freedom of the will." - Francis Turretin
"I will go as far as Martin Luther, where he says, 'If any man ascribes anything of salvation, even the very least thing, to the free will of man, he knows nothing of grace, and he has not learned Jesus Christ rightly.'" - Charles Spurgeon, Sermons, Vol. 1, p. 395
"So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy." - Romans 9:16
"Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." - John 1:13
"Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father." - John 6:65
Let all the 'free-will' in the world do all it can with all its strength; it will never give rise to a single instance of ability to avoid being hardened if God does not give the Spirit, or of meriting mercy if it is left to its own strength." - Martin Luther, The Bondage of the Will, p. 202
Predestination and Free Will (1 of 2) by Brian Borgman (Free MP3)
Predestination and Free Will (2 of 2) by Brian Borgman (Free MP3)
Harmonizing Predestination and Human Freedom - With Comments of Jonathan Edwards' Freedom of the Will by Dr. Steven Dilday (Free MP3)
The Bondage of the Will by Martin Luther (Free Book Online)
"This book is most needful at the present day. The teachings of many so-called Protestants are more in accordance with the Dogmas of the Papists, or the ideas of Erasmus, than with the Principles of the Reformers; they are more in harmony with the Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent than with any Protestant or Reformed Confessions of Faith. If the Lord should be pleased to open the eyes and understanding of some of these so-called Protestants to whom I have referred-through the perusal of this work of the great Reformer-Luther-enabling them to see that they are at present believing and teaching awful delusions contrary to the Word of God, and the Protestant Reformed Religion, and causing them to return to The Old Paths, the labours of "THE SOVEREIGN GRACE UNION" will not have been in vain. " - Henry Atherton's Preface to Martin Luther's The Bondage of the Will
The Bondage of the Will #1 by Martin Luther (Luther's Most Important Book) by Martin Luther (Free MP3)
The Bondage of the Will #2 (Luther Gives Extensive Treatment To What He Saw As The Heart Of The Gospel) by Martin Luther (Free MP3)
The Bondage of the Will #3 (Fundamentals To An Understanding Of The Primary Doctrines Of The Reformation) by Martin Luther (Free MP3)
The Bondage of the Will #4 (This Is The Greatest Piece Of Writing That Came From Martin Luther's Pen) by Martin Luther (Free MP3)
The Bondage of the Will #5 (Martin Luther Recognized This Book As His Most Important Work Of Writing And Theology) by Martin Luther (Free MP3)
The Bondage of the Will #6 (Refuting the Roman Catholic Notion Of Free Will and Upholding the Sovereignty of God) by Martin Luther (Free MP3)
The Bondage of the Will #7 (Luther Saw The Heresy Of Free Will As Grounds For Separation) by Martin Luther (Free MP3)
The Bondage of the Will #8 (Offered Mercy of God Contrasted With the Secret Will of God) by Martin Luther (Free MP3)
The Bondage of the Will #9 (What We Cannot Do Ourselves Can Be Done In Us By God) by Martin Luther (Free MP3)
The Bondage of the Will #10 (Diatribe Twists the Words of Divine Purpose & Declaration) by Martin Luther (Free MP3)
The Bondage of the Will #11 (Wicked Man Cannot But Err & Sin, According to His Nature) by Martin Luther (Free MP3)
The Bondage of the Will #12 (We Cannot Do Anything Ourselves, But By God's Omnipotence) by Martin Luther (Free MP3)
The Bondage of the Will by Martin Luther (Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle, etc.)
The Bondage of the Will by Martin Luther (at Google Books)
This volume provides Calvin's fullest treatment of the relationship between the grace of God and the free will of humans. It offers insight into Calvin's interpretations of the church fathers, especially Augustine, on the topics of grace and free will and contains Calvin's answer to Pighius's objection that preaching is unnecessary if salvation is by grace alone. This important work, edited by renowned scholar A.N.S. Lane, contains material not found elsewhere in Calvin's writings and will be required reading for students of Calvin and the Protestant Reformation.
Free Will - A Slave by Charles Spurgeon (Free MP3)
God's Will and Man's Will by Charles Spurgeon (Free Online Sermon)
Institutes of the Christian Religion #9 (Through the Fall and Revolt of Adam, The Whole Human Race Made Accursed and Degenerate) by John Calvin (Free MP3)
Institutes of the Christian Religion #10 (Man Now Deprived of Freedom of Will, and Miserably Enslaved) by John Calvin (Free MP3)
Institutes of the Christian Religion #11 (Everything Proceeding From the Corrupt Nature of Man Damnable) by John Calvin (Free MP3)
Institutes of the Christian Religion #12 (Free Will Refuted & How God Works in the Heart Regarding Salvation and Sanctification by John Calvin (Free MP3)
Institutes of the Christian Religion #13 (Free Will Refuted, Redemption For Man, The Law Given, etc.) by John Calvin (Free MP3)
Arminianism Agrees With Roman Catholicism And Calvinism Agrees With The Bible by Richard Bennett (Free MP3)
The section on Calvinism and Arminianism, in this testimony from a former Roman Catholic priest, who is now a Calvinist, is very telling - demonstrating how Arminianism was a stumbling block to his salvation, because of the Arminianism heresy's close affinity with Roman Catholic heresy (both systems of thought, Arminianism and Romanism, teaching, as they do, what is completely contrary to Scripture regarding man's will).
Man's Free Will: The Errors Of Arminianism, Pelagianism, Romanism And Humanism Vs. The Truth Of Calvinism (Free MP3) by Dr. Ferrell Griswold (Free MP3)
Does Man Have a Free Will? Free and Sovereign Grace In the Salvation of Sinners with Notes On Free Agency by Dr. Ferrell Griswold (Free MP3)
Will Before and After the Fall - Bondage of the Will (Historical Theology Vol. 1, #27) by William Cunningham (Free MP3)
Objections to the Doctrine of Bondage of the Will (Historical Theology Vol. 1, #28) ) by William Cunningham (Free MP3)
The Will in Regeneration and God's Providence (Historical Theology Vol. 1, #29) by William Cunningham (Free MP3)
Puritan Sermons 1659-89 Vol. 5 #9 (1 of 2): The Misery of Man's Estate by Nature by Stephen Watkins (Cripplegate Exercises) (Free MP3)
Puritan Sermons 1659-89 Vol. 5 #10 (2 of 2): The Misery of Man's Estate by Nature by Stephen Watkins (Cripplegate Exercises) (Free MP3)
The Myth of Free Will by Pastor Walter Chantry (Free MP3)
The Sovereignty of God, Predestination And The Will Of God by W.J. Mencarow (Free MP3)
Doctrine of Grace: 'Man's Will' (10 of 38) by Pastor Jeff Pollard
A Display of Arminianism by John Owen (Free Online Book)
Do God's Commands Imply the Ability to Obey? Quotes from Martin Luther
"Luther's Bondage of the Will is one of the most important books every written. It is also a delightful read. l I found myself underlining choice quotes on almost every other page. I hope you find the following quotes to be as beneficial as I did. For context, Luther, is responding to some of Erasmus' assertions in support of man's natural moral ability to obey the gospel. Erasmus presupposed that all of God's commands to obey proved that we had the "free-will" or moral ability to do so. Erasmus would often ask, "if we can do nothing, what is the purpose of all the laws, precepts, threats and promises in the Bible? All these precepts are useless if nothing is attributed to the human will. If it is not in the power of every man to keep what is commanded, all the exhortations of Scripture are of necessity useless," Erasmus would say. Luther responded by saying Paul gives the answer: 'by the law is the knowledge of sin'. With great wit and irony exposes why free will is an erroneous, unscriptural doctrine which, ultimately, undermines the gospel itself. Erasmus would continue to show Luther the commands of Scripture in an attempt to prove man had the native ability to believe the gospel on his own. But as Dr. Luther said to Erasmus, "when you are finished with all your commands and exhortations ... I'll write Romans.3:20 over the top of it all" ("...through the law comes knowledge of sin."). In other words, the commands exist to show, not our moral ability, but our inability. This includes God's command of all men everywhere to repent and believe the gospel, an impossible act of will apart from a supernatural work of the Holy Spirit uniting us to Christ .. so that in so far as the will is good at all, it is so from God, not from ourselves." - Monergism.com
The Bondage of the Will by Martin Luther (eBook: Kindle (.mobi) or ePub)
The Freedom of the Will (eBook: Kindle (.mobi) or ePub) Jonathan Edwards
Compatibilism at Monergism.com
Free Will and the Bondage of the Will at Monergism.com
How things have changed! In 1563 the Council of Trent (an avowed standard of Popery) asserted: "If any one shall affirm, that man's free will, moved and excited by God, does not by consenting, co-operate with God, the mover and exciter, so as to prepare and dispose itself for the attainment of justification; if moreover, anyone shall say, that the human will cannot refuse complying, if it pleases; but that it is unactive, and merely passive, let such an one be ACCURSED! If anyone shall affirm, that since the fall of Adam, man's freewill is lost and extinguished; having title only, yea a name, without a thing, and a fiction introduced by Satan into the Church; let such an one be ACCURSED!" (cited from p. 139 of The Sovereignty of God by A.W. Pink)
More simply put, should anyone assert that man DOES NOT have a free will, let such an one be damned as a heretic! The seriousness and force of this statement, from the Vatican of that day, can easily be illustrated. For for this cause, William Tyndale (as well as many others among the courageous reformers of the sixteenth century) were burned at the stake (cf. pp. 166-167, God's Outlaw: The Story of William Tyndale and the English Bible by Brian Edwards).
Martin Luther clearly saw the issue of free will as the primary cause of his separation from Rome. In his book, The Bondage of the Will, Luther replied to the Romanist Erasmus and his diatribe The Freedom of the Will. Though disagreeing with just about everything else Erasmus wrote, Luther commended Erasmus for at least recognizing the crux of the matter at issue between Rome and the Bible believers, the debate over "free will." In this regard Luther said, "that unlike all the rest, you alone have attacked the real issue, the essence of the matter in dispute," -- i.e. man's so-called "free-will."
As opposed to the Roman Catholic/Arminian view on free will, we find the Biblical doctrine summed up, on pages 52-53, of the Westminster Confession of Faith, (Ch. 9, sec. 3 and 4, 1647 edition reprinted by Free Presbyterian Publications) "Man by his fall into a state of sin, hath wholly lost all ability of will to any spiritual good accompanying salvation (Rom. 5:6, 8:7, Jn 15:5), so as a natural man, being altogether averse from that good (Rom. 3:10-22), and dead in sin (Eph. 2:1, Col. 2:13), is not able by his own strength, to convert himself, or to prepare himself thereunto (Jn 6:44, 65, Eph. 2:2-5, 14, Titus 3:13). When God converts a sinner, and translates him into the state of grace, he freeth him from his natural bondage under sin (Col. 1:13, Jn. 8:34-36) and by his grace alone enables him freely to will and to do that which is spiritually good (Phil. 2:13, Rom. 6:18, 22), yet so as that by reason of his remaining corruption, he doth not perfectly nor only will that which is good, but doth also will that which is evil (Gal. 5:17, Rom. 7:15-23).
Two opposing and irreconcilable views have been placed before you today and only one question remains, Who do you stand with? The Bible, Christ, His prophets, Reformers, martyrs, Puritans, etc., (against man's free will) or with the Roman Catholic (Papal Antichrist) and Arminian teachings and traditions of men? (Jn. 10:3, 27, Matt. 15:7-14, 16:6-12).
For further study see Jn. 1:13 and Rom. 9:16. In John 15:16 you will notice: "many are called" (that is the outward call, through preaching, etc.) but few chose? oh no, the scripture reads: "few are chosen," that is, chosen of God's will, receiving the inward effectual call and enablement of the Holy Spirit (Psalm 110:3), as they are predestined to (Rom. 8:29-30).
In light of the short study above, it is easy to see how a lack of doctrinal and historical study is leading many into serious compromise with the false ecumenical apostasy espoused by Rome and other deviant beliefs. In this area, many "Protestants," even now, bow down to Rome's humanistic, anti-Christian, idol of free will (including Norman Geisler, Dave Hunt, William Lane Craig and a host of others). May God grant the "free-willers" repentance (2 Tim. 2:24-26) and give you the strength to remain faithful to His word!
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