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The Complete Works of William Bates - 4 Volume Set
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The Whole Works of the Rev. W. Bates, D.D. Arranged and Revised, With a Memoir of the Author, Copious Index and Table of Texts Illustrated

Volume 1

By the Rev. W. Farmer.

CONTENTS (The Editor takes this opportunity of acknowledging the kindness of the Rev. John Cockin, of Holmfirth, who very obligingly undertook to draw out the Table of Contents, and assist in forming the General Index.) OF VOL. 1

    • CHAP. I. Proof from the visible frame of the world - the sun - its diurnal motion - its annual course - gradual change from heat to cold - revolutions of day and night, and of the seasons
    • CHAP. II. The Argument continued. The air - the winds - the separation of the sea from the land - uneven surface of the earth - harmony of the elements - plants and fruits - shapes and instincts of animals
    • CHAP. III. The Argument concluded. The structure and symmetry of the human body - the eye - the hand - erect stature - the faculty of speech- expressions of the passions in the countenance- diversity of faces
    • CHAP. IV. Confutation of the opinions that the world was produced by chance, or that it was caused by the necessity of nature
    • CHAP. V. Argument for the existence of God drawn from proofs of the beginning of the world. Argument from the universal consent of nations. Reply to objections. That most men are practical atheists
    • CHAP. VI. Reply to objections continued. That the belief of the Deity is a politic invention. That many false gods have been worshipped
    • CHAP. VII. Practical inferences. We ought to adore the Creator - to fear Him - to love Him - to obey Him - to resign ourselves to his disposal - and to trust in Him, THE IMMORTALITY OF THE SOUL.
    • CHAP. VIII. It depends upon divine preservation. Proofs that God will continue it for ever. The spiritual nature of the soul evinced by the operations of the understanding, CHAP.IX. The spiritual nature of the soul evinced by the acts of the will
    • CHAP.X. Proof from the restless desire of the soul after happiness - from the necessity of a future state of rewards and punishment - The Wisdom of God requires them
    • CHAP.XI. The Argument continued. The Justice of God requires them
    • CHAP. XII. The Argument concluded. The inadequate operation of human laws requires them. Reply to objections. That future recompences are invisible - That a transient sin is punished with eternal torments
    • CHAP.XIII. Practical inferences. This doctrine should regulate our esteem of temporal things and reconcile our affections to our present condition - The value and improvement of time - The wisdom of conducting life with reference to eternity


      • CHAP. I. The necessity of religion. Variety of religions in the world. The superiority of Christianity to Gentilism - to Judaism - to Mahometanism
      • CHAP. II. The nature of moral evidence. The internal evidence of Christianity. The excellence of its doctrines precepts and promises
      • CHAP. III. External proofs. Miracles
      • CHAP. IV. External proofs continued. The accomplishment of prophecies concerning the Messiah - the destruction of the Jewish nation - and the conversion of the Gentiles
      • CHAP. V. Other proofs. Answer to objections against the doctrines of the Trinity, the incarnation and the sufferings of Christ - The conclusion
    • CHAP. I. A view of man's primitive state
    • CHAP. II. The fall
    • CHAP. III. All mankind involved in the fall. The depravity of human nature. The permission of sin. The imputation of Adam's sin to his posterity
    • CHAP. IV. Man's inability to recover himself. The corruption of all the faculties of the soul. The nature and evil of moral inability
    • CHAP. V. The display of divine WISDOM in redemption, in selecting suitable means to accomplish the most glorious ends
    • CHAP. VI. Practical inferences. Praise due to God for the revelation of the gospel. It deserves our most serious study. Exceeds all other sciences
    • CHAP. VII. Practical inferences continued. The duty of a cordial acceptance of the gospel, and the inefficacy of mere speculation
    • CHAP. VIII. The display of divine MERCY in redemption. It shines with peculiar glory. -The freeness of mercy apparent from the happiness of God, the lost estate of man, and the preference of fallen man to the fallen angels
    • CHAP. IX. The subject continued. The greatness of mercy is apparent in the evils from which we are delivered and the means by which this deliverance is accomplished
    • CHAP. X. The subject concluded. The greatness of mercy is, magnified in the excellency of the state to which man is advanced. He is enriched with superior blessings, placed under a better covenant, and exalted to a more glorious reward than Adam at first enjoyed
    • CHAP. XI. Practical inferences. Redeeming love deserves our highest admiration. Is a powerful persuasive to repentance. Should excite our love to God. Justifies the condemnation of the wicked
    • CHAP. XII. The display of divine JUSTICE in redemption. Reasons why the demands of justice must be satisfied. The death of Christ was a satisfaction to divine justice
    • CHAP. XIII. The subject continued. The death of Christ was a punishment inflicted for sin, a ransom from hell, and a sacrifice to reconcile us to God
    • CHAP. XIV. The subject concluded. The completeness of the death of Christ proved by the causes from which it arises, and the excellent benefits it produces
    • CHAP. XV. Practical inferences. The death of Christ discovers the evil of sin, displays the strictness of divine justice, removes the scandal of the cross, assures us of the readiness of God to pardon sin, and teaches the necessity of coming to Christ for justification
    • CHAP. XVI. The display of divine HOLINESS in redemption. The sufferings of Christ prove the hatred of God against sin. The laws of Christ are a perfect rule of holiness. They command us to live soberly, righteously and godly. They enjoin the virtues of humility, self-denial, universal love and contentment
    • CHAP. XVII. The subject continued. The superiority of Christ's laws to the precepts of Moses, and to the morality of heathen philosophers
    • CHAP. XVIII. The subject concluded. Christ in his example has exhibited a perfect pattern of holiness. He imparts the Spirit of holiness to his people. He inforces the duties of holiness by the most efficacious motives
    • CHAP. XIX. Practical inferences. The completeness of redemption. Saving grace gives no encouragement to sin. The peculiar excellency of the Christian religion in its gracious design and blessed effects. The obligation of Christians to walk as becomes the gospel
    • CHAP. XX. The display of divine POWER in redemption, in the incarnation of Christ, the miracles of his ministry, his conquest of our spiritual enemies, and his resurrection from the dead
    • CHAP. XXI. The subject continued. The divine power glorified in the propagation of the gospel. The difficulties that obstructed its course; the feeble means that were employed; and the glorious effects that were accomplished. The divine power will be gloriously manifested in the complete salvation of the church at the last day
    • CHAP. XXII. Inference. The operation of divine power is a convincing proof of the truth of the Christian religion
    • CHAP. XXIII. The display of God's TRUTH in redemption. Many predictions relating to the Messiah. All fulfilled in Christ. The reference of all the types to Him. The privileges of Christians above the Jews.

The Whole Works of the Rev. W. Bates, D.D. Arranged and Revised, With a Memoir of the Author, Copious Index and Table of Texts Illustrated.

Volume 2. By the Rev. W. Farmer.


I. SERMONS OF THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS. Psa. 103. 4. But there is forgiveness with thee that thou mayest be feared. What is contained in forgiveness, Proofs that God is ready to forgive, The extent and freeness of divine forgiveness, Caution lest men abuse this doctrine, It affords strong consolation to those who are wounded in spirit, Be excited to seek pardoning mercy, The properties of confession of sin, The duty of pardoning the offences of others, Divine forgiveness a powerful motive to thankfulness

II. THE SURE TRIAL OF UPRIGHTNESS. Psalm 18. 23. I was also upright before him, and I kept myself from mine iniquity. The Preface

FIRST. How a man's peculiar sin may be discovered;

[1.] How it may be discovered from its causes. By ascertaining the sins which are peculiar.

  • 1. To the different temperaments of men's bodies
  • 2. To the several ages of life
  • 3. To the several callings of men
  • 4. To prosperity and adversity
  • 5. To the society with whom we converse
  • 6. To the times in which we live

[2.] How it may be discovered from its effects

  • 1. It is frequently and easily committed
  • 2. It has the supremacy in the heart
  • 3. It engrosses the thoughts
  • 4. Men desire to conceal it from others
  • 5. An enlightened conscience reflects upon it with anguish

SECONDLY. What is implied in a man's preserving himself from his peculiar sin, 1. Abstaining from the practice of that sin, 2. Mortifying the inward affection to it

THIRDLY. This is a decisive evidence of sincerity

  • 1. God approves it
  • 2. It is equivalent to perfection,

MOTIVES to this duty

  • 1. Habitual indulged lusts are irreconcilable with a state of grace
  • 2. By divine grace we may subdue the strongest lusts
  • 3. Subduing a ruling sin will make the victory over other sins more easy
  • 4. Consider what the Saviour suffered to deliver us from sin
  • 5. The blessed reward of uprightness
  • 6. The woful effects of indulging sin,

MEANS requisite for preserving us from our special sins

  • 1. Be inquisitive to understand what it is
  • 2. Watch diligently against it
  • 3. Form serious resolutions against yielding to sin
  • 4. On falling into this sin seek by speedy and deep repentance to recover the favour of God
  • 5. Pray fervently and constantly for renewing grace
  • 6. Exercise faith in the Redeemer

III. THE GREAT DUTY OF RESIGNATION. Matth. 26. 39. And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt. The Preface. - Explanation of the duty,

ARGUMENTS to convince us of this duty of resignation,

  • 1. God's supreme right over us
  • 2. His righteousness in all his ways
  • 3. His uncontrolable power
  • 4. His paternal love in sending afflictions, It is proved from
    • (1.) His gracious design in sending them,
    • (2.) His effectual support under them,
    • (3.) The happy issue out of them
  • 5. His infinite wisdom orders all things for the best

MOTIVES to persuade us to this duty of resignation.

  • 1. The example of Christ in his sufferings
  • 2. The examples of the suffering saints in all ages
  • 3. All creatures obey the will of their Creator
  • 4. It is our most glorious perfection, to have our wills united to the divine will
  • 5. It is our felicity quietly to resign our wills to the will of God

DIRECTIONS how to perform this duty of resignation

  • 1. Faith in the divine providence and promises will compose the soul
  • 2. Let God be the supreme object of our affections
  • 3. Let us moderate our valuation of things below
  • 4. A prudent forecast of future evils will arm us with patience to sustain them
  • 5. Serious reflections upon our guilt and desert will suppress impatience
  • 6. Reflect upon blessings as well as evils
  • 7. Pray frequently and fervently for this disposition, The properties of acceptable prayer

IV. THE DANGER OF PROSPERITY. Prov. 1 . 32. The prosperity of fools shall destroy them. The Preface

FIRST, PROOFS that prosperity is destructive to sinners

  • 1. It is the continual incentive of the vicious affections
  • 2. Occasionally it incenses the irascible passions
  • 3. It inclines sinners to an impious neglect of God
  • 4. It exposes dangerously to the tempting power of Satan
  • 5. It affords advantages to men to corrupt others
  • 6. It usually renders the means of grace ineffectual, 7. It renders men averse to suffering for the sake of Christ, 8. It tempts men to delay repentance

SECONDLY, The FOLLY of prosperous sinners, It is

  • 1. Voluntary
  • 2. Culpable
  • 3. Ignominious
  • 4. Most woeful

THIRDLY, The MISERY of prosperous sinners is

  • 1. Just
  • 2. Certain
  • 3. Aggravate

INFERENCES from the doctrine

  • 1 . Prosperity is no certain sign of God's special favour
  • 2. The prosperity of the wicked is consistent with God's hatred
  • 3. The prosperity of the wicked, so far from being a sign of God's love, often proceeds from his deepest displeasure
  • 4. We should look upon prosperous sinners with pity
  • 5. We are instructed to judge rightly of affliction
  • 6. We should improve prosperity to our eternal advantage

RULES how to manage prosperity for our everlasting good

  • 1. Amidst prosperity let us preserve a humble sense of our meanness, frailty and unworthiness
  • 2. Cultivate a meek temper and deportment
  • 3. Render solemn and affectionate thanksgiving to God for his mercies
  • 4. Be vigilant to avoid the sins incident to prosperity
  • 5. Use worldly blessings with moderation
  • 6. Seek after the favour of God and communion with him
  • 7. Employ riches and power for the glory of God and the good of others
  • 8. Resolve firmly to part with all possessions and dignities at the call of duty, 9. Pray earnestly and constantly for divine grace


  • 1. Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. The Preface
    • CHAP. I. The coherence and doctrine of the text. The duty of christians to cleanse themselves from all pollutions. A principle of holiness and supplies of the Spirit requisite EVILS TO BE AVOIDED
      • (1.) Uncleanness. The difficulty of purifying from it. Means for purifying,
    • CHAP. II.
      • (2.) Anger. Directions to prevent its prevalence. Motives to extinguish it.
      • (3.) Covetousness. How it discovers itself. Causes why it is difficult to cure. Means by which it may be mortified
    • CHAP. III.
      • (4.) Pride. Its various kinds and degrees. The difficulty of subduing it. Antidotes against it
    • CHAP. IV
      • (5 ) Infidelity. Its unreasonableness
      • (6.) Hypocrisy. Cured by a sense of God's omniscience
      • (7.) Envy. These defilements prove the necessity of regeneration
    • CHAP. V. The nature of perfection considered. The essential perfection of grace consists in sincerity. Comparative perfection of the saints in this life. Absolute perfection only attained in heaven
      • (1.) Faith. The nature, the objects, and the motives of doctrinal faith. On the belief of supernatural truths. On the supposed innocence of error
    • CHAP. VII. The efficacy of faith. The practical influence of faith in the providence of God
    • CHAP. VIII
      • (2.) Love. The most eminent of the graces. Love to God arising from his love to us. Love to our neighbour. The forgiveness of injuries results from it
    • CHAP. IX
      • (3.) Hope. Its suitableness to our present state. How it differs from presumption
      • (4.) The fear of God. Its influence on the christian character
    • CHAP. X. The promise that God will be our Father a powerful inducement to strive after the perfection of holiness. RULES whereby we may discern whether we are proceeding to perfection
    • CHAP. XI. Rules continued. Exhortation to follow after holiness early, zealously, with alacrity, and perseverance. Answers to objections. MOTIVES to excite us to be intent upon this great work
    • CHAP. XII. MEANS that are effectual for attaining to eminent holiness. Unfeigned faith in Christ. Prayer. Hearing and reading the word of God and meditation. The sacrament of the Lord's supper. The observance of the sabbath. The serious examination of our state and conduct
    • CHAP. XIII. Means continued. Continual watchfulness. Due regard to relative duties. Unabating progress in the way to heaven.

The Whole Works of the Rev. W. Bates, D.D. Arranged and Revised, With a Memoir of the Author, Copious Index and Table of Texts Illustrated.

Volume Three.


I. THE EVERLASTING REST OF THE SAINTS IN HEAVEN. Heb. 4. 9. There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. Introduction. The coherence of the words. The plan of the treatise

  • CHAP. I. Description of the people .of God. They are His by election, special redemption, and renovation. They yield to Him voluntary and persevering obedience.
  • CHAP. II. Heaven is the PLACE of this rest. Its stability, immensity, splendour, and pleasantness.
  • CHAP. III. The EXCELLENCY of this rest. It is a holy rest. Sin is destroyed; temptations are excluded; holy duties are performed, and the soul possesses supernatural endowments.
  • CHAP. IV. The second excellency of this rest. It is a joyful rest. The joy of holy men in this life arises from pardon, grace, and the hope of heaven. The joy of the glorified arises from exemption from toil, and afflictions of all sorts, and from the conquest of all enemies.
  • CHAP. V. The subject continued. The joy of heaven arises from the conjunction of all the saints who are free from blemishes, united in blessed work, animated with perfect love.
  • CHAP. VI. The subject continued. The joy of heaven corresponds with the majesty of God, and is proportioned to the love He bears to His people, and to the infinite value of the blood of Christ. The highest glory of heaven is the enjoyment of God.
  • CHAP. VII. The third excellency of this rest. It is eternal. Because there is no change in God, and there shall be none in his people.
  • CHAP. VIII. The love of God and the sufferings of Christ are the causes of bestowing this rest. In what sense it is a reward. The saints can claim no merit because God has an absolute right to our services; our spiritual powers are restored by free grace; our best actions are imperfect; they are of no advantage to God; and they bear no proportion to heaven.
  • CHAP. IX. Proofs that this rest is reserved for the people of God from his immutability, justice, special love, and power. It is given after a life of service because that is most honourable to God, and most advantageous to the christian,
  • CHAP. X. APPLICATION of the subject. The first use. How dreadful will be the future state of God's enemies. Causes of their present carnal security. They will be deprived of this rest. They will be in a state of positive misery. That misery will be eternal
  • CHAP. XI. The second use. Learn the vanity of this world. It cannot afford true content. It will not be of permanent continuance
  • CHAP. XII. The third use. The hope of this rest should fortify us against present afflictions, whether they be chastisements, or persecutions
  • CHAP. XIII. The fourth use. This rest affords Consolation to the saints in their conflict with death. Why they must undergo this change. With what spirit they should meet death. The unwillingness of saints to die argues a defect in grace, and an inordinate attachment to the world.
  • CHAP. XIV. The fifth use. The subject affords comfort in the death of holy friends
  • CHAP. XV. The sixth use. Exhortation to prepare for this rest. General rules. To purify ourselves; arid to perfect holiness. Special rules. Choose this rest supremely; meditate upon it seriously; cherish earnest desires after it; strictly observe the sabbath

II. ON DlVINE MEDITATlON. Psalm 119.97. 0 how love I thy law! It is my meditation all the day.

  • CHAP. I. The nature of meditation. It is speculative or practical; occasional or deliberate
  • CHAP. II. The necessity of meditation. Disability, business, laziness, and sensual pleasures are hinderances to this duty
  • CHAP. III. The time for meditation. How frequent? How long should it continue? Morning, night, and the sabbath, proper seasons
  • CHAP. IV. The advantages of meditation. It improves the faculties of the soul, gives efficacy to ordinances, increases graces, brings comfort. and promotes holiness
  • CHAP. V. Rules for managing meditation to advantage
  • CHAP. VI. Use first of trial. The thoughts of a man indicate his character. The difference between voluntary and injected thoughts
  • CHAP. VII. Use second of reproof. To carnal men for neglecting this duty. To regenerate men for omission, and remissness.
  • CHAP. VIII. Use third of exhortation. The duty enforced by various arguments
  • CHAP. IX. The foregoing rules exemplified in a meditation on the sufferings of Christ

III. ON THE FEAR OF GOD. Job 28.28. And unto man he said, behold the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to depart from evil is understanding.

  • CHAP. I. The nature of the fear of God
  • CHAP. II. The objects of the fear of God
  • CHAP. III. The difference between servile and filial fear
  • CHAP. IV. The effects of filial fear
  • CHAP. V. The consistency between the fear of God and other graces
  • CHAP. VI. How threatenings and judgments should operate upon the fears of a Christian
  • CHAP. VII. An exhortation to the fear of God
  • CHAP. VIII. What heavenly wisdom is
  • CHAP. IX. How the fear of God is wisdom
  • CHAP. X. On the false wisdoms of this world
  • CHAP. XI. The folly of worldly wise men in their pursuits
  • CHAP. XII. Human knowledge insufficient to make a man wise
  • CHAP. XIII. Mere speculation of divine truths also insufficient
  • CHAP. XIV. Warning against hardness of heart, and presumption, which quench the fear of God
  • CHAP. XV. On the evil of slavish fear
  • CHAP. XVI. On the evil of superstitious fear

IV. THE FOUR LAST THINGS. Dedication to Lady Russell

ON DEATH. Heb. 2.15. And deliver them, who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.

  • CHAP. I. Proofs of Christ's deity. How the devil is said to have the power of death. An account of death's entrance into the world
  • CHAP. II. What the fear of death includes. The passion of fear in general. The special causes that make death so fearful. The bondage of men from the fear of death. Reasons why men do not always feel this fear
  • CHAP. III. How the death of Christ frees us from the tormenting fear of death. It redeems us from the curse, makes death a blessed advantage, frees the saints from afflictions, and obtains for them the highest positive good
  • CHAP. IV. Why believers are subject to death since the sting of it is taken away. They die that sinful frailties may be abolished, that their graces may be exercised, and because the natural body is incapable of a celestial divine life. Their resurrection is delayed till the coming of Christ. Proofs of the certainty of their resurrection
  • CHAP. V The qualifications of those who have a right to this privilege. Union with Christ is absolutely requisite. The Spirit is the bond of this union. He illuminates the understanding, inspires love to God, and communicates power to do the divine will
  • CHAP. VI. Application of the subject. How great are our obligations to the Redeemer. It should be our great business to overcome the fear of death. Necessity of reconciliation with God. The danger of delaying repentance
  • CHAP. VII. Application continued. The desperate hazard of trusting to sick-bed and death-bed repentances. Such instances very few, and extremely uncertain
  • CHAP. VIII. Application concluded. Rules how death may be rendered comfortable. The duties of dying saints.

ON ETERNAL JUDGMENT. Acts 17.31. Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness, by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.

  • CHAP. I. The coherence of the text. Divine prerogative to judge the world. Qualifications of Christ for that office. Why the day of Judgment is called the great day
  • CHAP. II. The equity of the divine law which will be the rule of judgment
  • CHAP. III. The wisdom and justice of God in ordaining eternal death to be the punishment of sin
  • CHAP. IV. The evidence of facts produced as the reason of judgment. The books will be opened, divine omniscience will give evidence, conscience will bear testimony, and numerous witnesses will appear. The impartiality of the sentence
  • CHAP. V. Application of the subject. The certainty of a future judgment. It is a vindication of the proceedings of providence, a comfort to the saints under persecution, a restraint from secret sins, a remedy for sensual temptations, and a motive of terror to the wicked
  • CHAP. VI. Application concluded. Preparatives for the last judgment. Faith in Christ. Sincere obedience. Self- examination. Improvement of talents. Zeal for the cause of Christ. Love to the saints

ON HEAVEN. Psalm 16.11. Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

  • CHAP. I. The divine presence is the felicity of the saints. The glory of the place described. The happiness of heaven illustrated by sensible representations CHAP. II. In heaven there is an exemption from all evils, and the enjoyment of all blessings,
  • CHAP. III. The vision of God in heaven. His works and word, his decrees and counsels will be revealed to the blessed
  • CHAP. IV. Effects of the vision of God. A glorious likeness. Humble veneration of His excellencies. Ardent love to Him
  • CHAP. V. Union with God and its effects. Perfect knowledge. Pure love. Supreme joy
  • CHAP. VI. Communion with saints and angels, The felicity of heaven is everlasting
  • CHAP. VII. The felicity of heaven is not diminished by the number of its possessors. It continues for ever. The application. The woeful folly of sinners in refusing this happiness. It originates in the mercy of God, and is obtained by the obedience of Christ
  • CHAP. VIII. The .qualifications of those who shall obtain heaven. The nature and necessity of regeneration, and sanctification
  • CHAP. IX. The necessity of faith in Christ. We must choose heaven as our supreme happiness. This choice must be sincere
  • CHAP. X. Our choice of heaven must be lasting. The properties of saving perseverance
  • CHAP. XI. Directions how to fix our choice aright upon the felicity of heaven
  • CHAP. XII. On the steadfast belief, and serious consideration of eternal realities
  • CHAP. XIII. Objects which give vigour to the serious considerations of the soul, and determine it to choose heavenCHAP. XIV. Additional motives to encourage us to seek the kingdom of heaven

ON HELL. Mark 9.48. Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched

  • CHAP. I. Exposition of the text. The dreadful nature of future punishment
  • CHAP. II. The eternal duration of future punishment
  • CHAP. III. Practical inferences. The mercy of God in salvation. The depravity of sinners. The wages of sin. Our infinite obligations to Jesus Christ.

The Whole Works of the Rev. W. Bates, D.D. Arranged and Revised, With a Memoir of the Author, Copious Index and Table of Texts Illustrated.

Volume 4.



Sermon I. ON THE EXISTENCE OF GOD. Heb. 11. 6. But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Sermon II. III. SlN THE MOST FORMIDABLE EVIL. Gen. 39. 9. How can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God.

Sermon IV. HOW MEN ARE SAID TO BE THE SONS OF GOD. 1 John 5. 2. By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and keep his commandments.

Sermon V. VI. HOW TO BEAR AFFLICTIONS. Heb. 12. 5. My son despise not thou the chastening of the Lord; nor faint when thou art rebuked of him.

Sermon VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. THE MARRIAGE FEAST. Luke 14. 23. The Lord said to the servant, compel them to come in, that my house may be full.


A SERMON ON THE DEATH OF QUEEN MARY. Psalm 102. 26, 27. They shall perish, but thou shalt endure; yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end. The address of condolence to his majesty, by the dissenting ministers,

A SERMON PREACHED AT THE FUNERAL OF DR. THOMAS MANTON, 1 Thess. 4. 17. And so shall we ever be with the Lord.

A SERMON PREACHED AT THE FUNERAL OF DR. THOMAS JACOMB, Dedication to the Countess of Exeter. John 12. 26. If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.

A SERMON ON THE DEATH OK MR. RICHARD BAXTER, Dedication to Sir Henry Ashurst. Luke 23. 46. And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.

A SERMON ON THE DEATH OF MR. DAVID CLARKSON, The preface. John 14. 2. In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

A SERMON ON THE DEATH OF MR. BENJAMIN ASHURST, Dedication to Henry Ashurst Esq. Rev. 22. 12. And, behold, I come quickly; and my rewvrd is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

A FUNERAL SERMON ON THE DEATH OF DR. WILLIAM BATES, BY JOHN HOWE, Dedication to the Duke of Bedford. John 11. 16. Then said Thomas, which, is called Didymus, unto his fellow-disciples, let us also go, that we may die with him.

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