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The Doctrine of Justification by James Buchanan

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The Doctrine of Justification
James Buchanan
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Still Waters Revival Books

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This book contains an outline of the history of this doctrine in the church (from the Old Testament to the author's day), as well as a lengthy exposition of it from Scripture.

520 pages, indexed.

"The doctrine of justification by faith is like Atlas: it bears a world on its shoulders, the entire evangelical knowledge of saving grace. The doctrines of election, of effectual calling, regeneration, and repentance, of adoption, of prayer, of the church, the ministry, and the sacraments, have all to be interpreted and understood in light of justification by faith. When justification falls, all true knowledge of the grace of God in human life falls with it, and then, as Luther said, the church itself falls," states Packer in his "Introductory Essay."

Furthermore, he writes, "It is doubtful whether a better exposition of it (justification) exists. And his (Buchanan's) preacher's style imparts a warmth to his writing which we do not find in (say) the lawyer-like Cunningham, and which is very refreshing. There is no doubt that this is still the best text-book on its subject, from the standpoint of the classic covenant theology, that the student can find.

James Buchanan's 'Doctrine of Justification' is THE classic work on this cardinal doctrine by which a church stands or falls. After lucidly covering the historical development of the doctrine through the Old Testament, the apostolic age, the scholastic divines, the Reformation and Counter Reformation, and in the Church of England, Buchanan expounds the doctrine itself by covering the scriptural meaning of the term, its relation to the law and justice of God, its relation to the mediatorial work of Christ, its relation to grace and works, and more.

The chapter on justification in relation to the work of the Holy Spirit is alone worth the price of the book. Throughout, Buchanan systematizes the doctrine of justification in an orthodox Reformed manner that is fully reliable, is consistent with all the doctrines of grace, and is still relevant to the burning issues of our day, such as the New Perspective. A new introduction by Dr. Gerald Bilkes on the New Perspective is also a great help. If you can only afford to read one book on justification, read this definitive work." -Joel R. Beeke.

"Justification is, perhaps surprisingly, perhaps not, a point of contention within the evangelical, Protestant world in our own day, but so many evangelical ministers and students lack a knowledge of the historical and theological content and categories necessary to engage the discussion helpfully. Buchanan to the rescue. This magisterial nineteenth century treatment remains a standard. Indeed, you'll be surprised at the present applicability of Buchanan's assessments. Yes, in the century since Buchanan wrote, we've learned a lot of helpful, biblical things about the shape and stuff of justification. But Buchanan cannot be bypassed. Read and learn at the feet of a master." - Dr. Ligon Duncan.

"... a gem! Buchanan's exposition of justification is, in my opinion, still the best one that has been done." - William Shishko.

"The Reformation has been declared over by some. Justification by faith alone is under attack. Confusion abounds on this doctrine upon which the Christian faith hinges. Therefore, it is indeed most timely that this classic treatment receive fresh attention. There is no mere theologizing from the Scotsman, but honest exegetical work with incisive exposition. Pastors, students, and may I add, seminary professors will benefit greatly by returning to this marvelous treatment of this gospel doctrine." - Dr. Nick Willborn.

"At the present stage of the justification debate, Buchanan would be a very wholesome remedy against unfair representations. He is absolutely masterful on the subject." - Dr. Roger Nicole

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