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The English Hexapla (1841) Exhibiting The Six Important English Translations Of The New Testament Scriptures. Includes the Wycliffe Bible (1380), the Tyndale Bible (1534), Cranmer's Great Bible (1539), the Geneva Bible (1557), the Anglo-Rheims Bible (1582), and the Authorized (AV) or King James Version Bible (1611, KJV), Side By Side, With the Greek Text At the Top
"I absolutely love it! I am an English medievalist who searched for over five years trying to find... Wycliffe Bible." -- Editor/Third Millennium Ministries, June 13, 2001.
"I'm so thankful that Still Waters Revival Books has done such wonderful work preserving... otherwise unavailable book!" -- Editor/Third Millennium Ministries, June 13, 2001.
"I cannot tell you what a treasure this book is... I could get lost in it for hours." -- Rev. David A. Dawn, Nov. 17, 1999.
"Hexapla," of course, means "six-fold" or "six-columned" As the section of this book explaining the "Plan of the English Hexapla" notes, "the term 'Hexapla' was originally applied to the work executed by Origen in the 3rd century; in which the first column contained the Hebrew Text of the Old Testament; the second, the Hebrew text in Greek letters; the third, Aquila's Greek version; the fourth, the translation of Symmachus; the fifth, the LXX version (i.e. the Septuagint - ed.); the sixth, Theodotion's version." The English Hexapla offered here contains the six English translations noted in the title, arranged side by side for easy comparison and reference.
Dates for each version used are as follows: Wicliffe (1380, the first English New Testament, Purvey's revision), Tyndale (1534, a version of the first English-printed New Testament of 1525), Cranmer's Great Bible (1539, the first authorized English Bible), the Geneva Bible (1557, the first Bible with numbered verses), Rheims (1582, the first Roman Catholic version), King James Version (1611, first edition).
Of special interest may be the Geneva 1557 version (from a copy of the first edition), as both Geneva Bible's presently in print contain later versions (1599 and 1602) of this text. It should also be noted that the notes to the Geneva Bible are not included in the English Hexapla, only the text. The 1611 edition of the KJV will also be of value to those who would like to compare it with the more modern version of this translation. "The notation of the verses has been inserted in all the translations, for convenience of reference... In illustration of the utility of the comparison of the various translations, much that is interesting might be advanced, but which the use of the volume will at once afford.
The varied, although ordinarily equivalent manner in which the different translators render the same phrase, often throws much light upon the exact meaning; and when the versions vary in sense, the enquiry suggested with reference to the Original cannot fail to afford profit while it interests" (from the "Plan of the English Hexapla," pp. 161-162). Additionally this English Hexapla also includes "The original Greek text after Scholz with the various readings of the Textus Receptus and the principal Constantinopolitan and Alexanderine manuscripts, and a complete collation of Scholz's text with Griesbach's edition of 1805...
The Greek text has been placed in the upper part of each page, for the purpose of facilitating the comparison of the versions with the Original, so desirable when they vary in rendering any passage," states "The Plan of the English Hexapla" (1841). R.L. Dabney, in "The Doctrinal Various Readings of the New Testament Greek," also notes, "The system afterwards adopted (1836) in Scholz' New Testament was substantially similar. He found two prevalent recensions or families of manuscripts, the Alexandrine and the Byzantine. The latter contains many MSS., the former few. He gives many strong arguments to show, from the scenes of the apostles' and evangelists' labors, from the ascendency of the Patriarch of Constantinople, and from the early conquest of Palestine and Egypt by the Saracens, that the most numerous and the most correct MSS. would be preserved in the Constantinopolitan churches and monasteries. He also argues from internal marks, that the few codices of the Alexandrine family were not copied for the purposes of church use, and did not, at the early date when they were transcribed, represent the Κοινη Εκδοσις, or received text.
Dr. Scholz devoted the best years of his life exclusively to travels, collation of MSS., and similar critical labors, in the course of which he examined and compared six hundred and thirty MSS. The result of this immense labor was to reinstate the credit of the received text in a multitude of places where Griesbach had assailed it, and to show that it presents the most trustworthy text extant... after all, the weight of that probability brings back the critical conclusions to the theory of Nolan and Scholz, restoring the claims of the Κοινη Εκδοσις. received text, to be a faithful one, and invalidating the claims of exclusive accuracy made by our recent critics in favor of the so-called oldest codices" (from http://www.truecovenanter.com/scripture/dabney_doctrinal_various_readings_of_nt_greek.html).
This is all preceded by a detailed and annotated 160 page historical account of the English translations.
1,330 pages.
All resources for sale on this website, with the exception of Scottish Metrical Psalms MP3s, are available on the Puritan Hard Drive .
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