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Key to Pope Francis's Jesuit Identity, Ignatius of Loyola's Spiritual Exercises, Etc. By Richard Bennett and W.J. Mencarow (Free MP3)
"The Society of Jesus (i.e., the Jesuit Order) is the enemy of man. The whole human race should unite for its overthrow. For there is no alternative between its total extirpation, and the absolute corruption and degradation of mankind." - Robert J. Breckinridge (Presbyterian Pastor and Scholar)
Key to Pope Francis's Jesuit Identity, Ignatius of Loyola's Spiritual Exercises, Etc. By Richard Bennett and W.J. Mencarow (Free Video)
There was no disguise they (the Jesuits) could not assume, and therefore, there was no place into which they could not penetrate. They could enter unheard the closet of the Monarch, or the Cabinet of the Statesman. They could sit unseen in convocation or General Assembly, and mingle unsuspected in the deliberations and debates. There was no tongue they could not speak, and no creed they could not profess, and thus there was no people among whom they might not sojourn, and no church whose membership they might not enter and whose functions they might not discharge. They could execrate (i.e., sharply denounce) the Pope with the Lutheran, and swear the Solemn League with the Covenanter. - J.A. Wylie (Author of the three volume set The History of Protestantism, which is on the Puritan Hard Drive)
On the first anniversary of Pope Francis's election to the papal chair, we thought it fitting to see what the Jesuits think of Francis's work so far. Appropriately, James Martin, S.J., editor-at-large of the prestigious Jesuit magazine America,was featured in a brief online video entitled, "Pope Francis: Still a Jesuit." The video is subtitled "A look at the pope's Jesuit identity."
Martin notes that Francis had been the novice director of the Argentine province of the Jesuit Order. To have attained this position, Francis had to be thoroughly knowledgeable regarding the text of Ignatius of Loyola's Spiritual Exercises. Martin's estimation is that, indeed, Francis's Jesuit identity has in fact had a very great influence on his actions as pope. If we are to gain any useful insight into the unique character, interests, and intentions of this new pontiff, it is imperative that we appreciate the forces that have molded his mind and life. Only when we have done this will it become blindingly clear why this man was the perfect Vatican choice.
Francis I has already demonstrated considerable personal ability to sway multitudes of wavering Catholics in diverting them from contemplating the depressing spectacle of a corrupt and depraved ecclesiastical institution. Though the road has been beset with embarrassments, setbacks, and obstacles, Francis is effectively brushing past the real causes and consequences of the terrible moral crisis of Romanism and resettling the minds of the faithful. They have become enthusiastic spectators of a masterful theatrical presentation of "authentic" old-style spirituality. For example, it can be seen from the moment of his first appearance on the balcony after his election when he sincerely implored the population of St. Peters Square to "pray for him," to his ongoing practice of embracing the untouchable and the unclean, washing the feet of ordinaries and enemies. Thus has Francis consistently created an atmosphere in which despairing and disillusioned Catholics around the world are now ready both to hear him, and more importantly, to be led by him. His determined mission to rescue the "church" using forms and techniques of Jesuit mystical spirituality is bearing remarkable fruit. It is a startling contemporary testimony to the enduring power of the Ignatian way to disarm its victims and draw them into willing submission. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE
What Does A Jesuit Pope Mean? (Counter Reformation) by Ian Brown (Free MP3)
A powerful sermon that every Protestant needs to hear! Notes problems with the views of Rich Warren, John Piper, et al.
Excerpt: "A mouth speaking great things. Pope Francis's outreach to Islam represents another tactical re-appraisal of circumstances and opportunities for the Vatican. The profound danger for Evangelical people is that they might incautiously support a push for peace by Francis while not appreciating the Papacy's claim to be the only true spokesman for Christ on this earth. This subtle assumption of the supreme authority of the Papacy is deeply embedded in all the Vatican's efforts to push its agenda of interfaith ecumenicity. Bible-believing Christians must recall the truth that the Pope is not a "first among equals" as a bishop, as he may with feigned humility claim. He is not even a bishop in the biblical sense of the term. Pope Francis is the head of a totalitarian hierarchy. Francis has his own secular government inside Vatican City and more property worldwide than any other person on the planet. He has territorial dominions, cardinals, worldwide ambassadors, a legislature, jurisprudence, laws, advocates, taxes, banks, foreign treaties, ambitious plans, and policy, more than any other secular prince. Yet, he differs from other secular leaders. Francis's spiritual commerce goes hand in hand with his civil power, claiming infallibility and international recognition."
Reformation and Jesuit Counter Reformation (History of the Reformed Faith) by Richard Bennett (Free MP3)
Reformation and Jesuit Counter Reformation (History of the Reformed Faith) by Richard Bennett (Free Video)
False Ecumenical Movement, the Gospel and the Jesuits by Richard Bennett (Free MP3)
False Ecumenical Movement, the Gospel and the Jesuits by Richard Bennett (Free Video)
Arminianism Agrees With Roman Catholicism (Heresy) And Calvinism Agrees With The Bible (God's Word) by Richard Bennett (Free MP3)
Arminianism Agrees With Roman Catholicism (Heresy) And Calvinism Agrees With The Bible (God's Word) by Richard Bennett (Free Video)
Arminianism is the very essence of Popery. Christopher Ness of St. John's College, Cambridge, a Puritan divine, in his treatise An Antidote Against Arminianism (on the Puritan Hard Drive - ed.), recommended by the great Dr. John Owen, writes,
As blessed Athanasius sighed out in his day, 'The world is overrun with Arianism; so it is the sad sigh of our present times, the Christian world is overrun, yea, overwhelmed with the flood of Arminianism; which cometh as it were, out of the mouth of the serpent, that he might cause the woman (the Church) to be carried away of the flood thereof.' [Rev. 12.15.]
He quotes Mr. Rous, Master of Eton College, as saying, 'Arminianism is the spawn of Popery, which the warmth of favour may easily turn into frogs of the bottomless pit,' and Dr. Alexander Leighton who calls Arminianism 'the Pope's Benjamin, the last and greatest monster of the man of sin: the elixir of Anti-Christianism; the mystery of the mystery of iniquity; the Pope's cabinet; the very quintessence of equivocation.'
During the Arminian regime of Archbishop Laud, the persecutor of the Puritans and the Covenanters, zealous Arminians were promoted to the best bishoprics. A famous letter written by a Jesuit to the Rector of Brussels and endorsed by Laud himself was found in his study at Lambeth. A copy of this letter was found among the papers of a society of priests and Jesuits at Clerkenwell in 1627. The following is an extract:
Now we have planted the Sovereign Drug Arminianism which we hope will purge the Protestants from their heresy; and it flourisheth and beareth fruit in due season. I am at this time transported with joy to see how happily all instruments and means, as well as great or smaller, cooperate with our purposes. But to return to the main fabric: OUR FOUNDATION IS ARMINIANISM. (S.G.U. Publication No. 173, p. 142).
In reference to the Calvinistic doctrines -- the doctrines of free and sovereign grace held by the Reformers in England, Toplady observes, "Queen Mary and her Spanish husband well knew that Calvinism is the very life and soul of the Reformation; and that Popery would never flourish till the Calvinistic doctrines were eradicated." Her efforts to destroy by sword and fire those who upheld the Truth earned for her the unenviable appellation of 'Bloody Mary.' The charge on which many of them were burnt at the stake was that they held to the doctrine of predestination and rejected the Arminian and Popish doctrine of free-will."
- Arminianism Another Gospel (Free MP3 & PDF)
Arminianism: The Road to Rome! (Exposing the Jesuits, the Papacy, John Wesley, the Anabaptists, etc., As Enemies To Calvinism) by Augustus Toplady (Free MP3)
Only the Papacy Fulfills the Bible's Prophecies Describing the Antichrist by Greg Price (Free SWRB MP3)
The Black Pope ("Jesuit Pope") and His Murdermen, Exposing the Jesuits and Roman Catholicism by Ian Paisley (Free MP3)
The Jesuits (1 of 4) From The History of Protestantism by J. A. Wylie (Free SWRB MP3 From The History of Protestantism)
The Jesuits (2 of 4) From The History of Protestantism by J. A. Wylie (Free SWRB MP3 From The History of Protestantism)
The Jesuits (3 of 4) From The History of Protestantism by J. A. Wylie (Free SWRB MP3 From The History of Protestantism)
The Jesuits (4 of 4) The Jesuits, The Inquisition, Roman Catholic Terrorism, Torture, Martyrs, Martin Luther, John Calvin, by J. A. Wylie (Free SWRB MP3 From The History of Protestantism)
The Roman Catholic Inquisition, By Former Roman Catholic Priest Richard Bennett (Free Videos & MP3s)
Here Richard Bennett exposes the modern syncretism and false ecumenism of the Papacy (Antichrist) as it seeks to swallow up not only Bible believers (e.g. Evangelicals and Roman Catholics Together) but also Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Pagans, et al.
Ignatius of Loyola (Jesuit Founder), Jacob Arminius, Karl Barth, G.K. Chesterton, T.S. Elliott, Christian History Magazine (Wild Boar News #17) by Dr. Matthew McMahon (Free MP3)
It is generally recognized that Preterism was first systematized by the Roman Catholic Jesuit, Luis de Alcasar, in his commentary on Revelation (1614 a.d.). Alcasar applied the principles of Preterism to the Book of Revelation in identifying the Beast, the False Prophet and Mystery Babylon with past historical events in order to shield the papacy from the Protestant interpretive system (called "Historicism") which identified the man of sin, the antichrist, the False Prophet and Mystery Babylon with the papacy and the Roman Catholic Church. Even Professor Moses Stuart, one of the chief and earliest proponents of Preterism in the United States, noted in his commentary on Revelation (1845 a.d.) the following in regard to the Jesuit, Alcasar (Vol. 1, pp. 463,464):
It might of course be expected, that the Romish church would not be idle, while the Protestant interpreters were so busy in applying the beast and the false prophet of the Apocalypse to the papacy. . . But no one had ever developed this idea [of Preterism-GLP] fully, and endeavored to illustrate and enforce it, in such a way as Alcassar. . . It might be expected, that a commentary which thus freed the Romish church from the assaults of Protestants, would be popular among the advocates of the papacy. Alcassar met, of course, with general approbation and reception among the Romish community.
- God's Gracious Covenant With Israel #17 (Partial & Full Preterism Refuted #1) by Greg Price (Free MP3 & PDF)
Commentary On Revelation, Part 3, Historicism, Preterism, Futurism, Idealism & Revelation Chapter One by Dr. Steven Dilday (Free MP3)
Dr. Dilday looks at the four major interpretive methods of Revelation (Historicism, Preterism, Futurism and Idealism) in light of Revelation 1:1. Pastor Dilday also touches on the histories of the four systems of prophetic interpretation, noting that many Protestants recognize the Jesuit origins of both the Futurist and Preterist systems. Futurism in Francisco Ribera (1537-1591), a Spanish Jesuit doctor of theology who placed much of the fulfillment of Revelation into a future period of 3.5 years just prior to the coming of Christ, and Preterism in the Spanish Jesuit, Luis De Alcazar (1554-1613). Interestingly, the Jesuit Alcazar also taught the Antichrist was Nero, as do most Protestant, even "Reformed," Preterists today. These Jesuit works and others that followed were all introduced to provide alternatives to the interpretation of the Protestant Reformation that taught that the Papacy is the Antichrist (cf. see all the original classic Reformation confessions and covenants for confirmation). How well the Jesuits have succeed with both Futurism and Preterism is undeniable, as much of Protestantism now wonders after the beast in so far as it adopts these anti-biblical, anti-Reformation and anti-Reformed-Confession views of prophetic interpretation. Dr. Dilday is a major Protestant scholar in our day and we look forward to his future sermons on Revelation with great anticipation -- as he exegetes the complete book of Revelation verse by verse.
How The Church Of The Apostles Was Hijacked By Rome (A History Of Apostasy And The Growth Of Antichrist) By Pastor W.J. Mencarow (Free SWRB MP3)
Richard Bennett Reviews and
Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive
Richard Bennett, Berean Beacon
The Puritan Hard Drive has been such a superb blessing to me personally and for my ministry, that I lack words to adequately praise the Lord!
The immense heritage of Puritan and Biblical pastors, leaders, and teachers is given to us in a single source on the Puritan Hard Drive. Right here at your fingertips are the works of such men as John Wycliffe, John Huss, Martin Luther, William Tyndale, John Calvin, Thomas Cranmer, John Bunyan, John Owen, Matthew Poole, George Whitefield, Charles Spurgeon, J. C. Ryle, and on and on until you reach the great Biblical scholars of the present century.
More than standing on the shoulders of these illustrious men, you have their thoughts in written and audio format. In our own times, we have their writings to read, their videos to see, and their messages to hear, on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Let the words of the Psalmist be our heart's cry, "Thy testimonies have I taken as an heritage for ever: for they are the rejoicing of my heart."
May we deeply profit from the Lord's heritage given to us on the Puritan Hard Drive, "to the praise of the glory of his grace."
- Richard Bennett (Former Roman Catholic Priest, Now A Banner of Truth Author, Protestant Conference Speaker, Preacher of God's Sovereign Grace, etc.), Berean Beacon
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