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Pastor Scott Brown, on the left in the video above, is the Director of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches (NCFIC)

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The Preaching of the Puritans by Dr. Joel Beeke, Jonathan Edwards, Greg Price, Charles Spurgeon, Al Martin, A.W. Pink, Dr. Dilday, Charles Bridges, R.L. Dabney, Richard Baxter, et al. (Free MP3s, Videos, etc.)

The Preaching of the Puritans (1 or 2) by Dr. Joel Beeke (Free MP3, 2009 Expositors Conference)

Dr. Joel Beeke on the Puritan Hard Drive

The Preaching of the Puritans (2 or 2) by Dr. Joel Beeke (Free MP3, 2009 Expositors Conference)

Puritan Sermons 1659-1689 (6 Volume Set, reprinted 1844) The Morning Exercises at Cripplegate, St. Giles in the Fields, and in Southwark by 75 Ministers of the Gospel in or Near London with Notes and Translations by James Nichol (Digital Download, Enhanced SWRB PDFs)

This is the set mentioned by Dr. Beeke in one of the MP3s above. This six volume set of Puritan sermons is also available on the Puritan Hard Drive.

Experiential Preaching by Dr. Joel Beeke (Free MP3, Ministers' Conference 2008)

The Christian Ministry with an Inquiry into the Causes of its Inefficiency by Charles Bridges (Digital Download, Enhanced SWRB PDF)

Reformed Expository Preaching by Dr. Joel Beeke (13 Free MP3s)

Puritan (Westminster, Covenanter) Fast Sermons (1640 to 1653), Complete 34 Volume Set, by Many Prominent English Puritans, Westminster Divines and Scottish Covenanters of the Second Reformation (Including Rutherford, Watson, Owen, Manton, Gillespie, et al.) (Digital Download, SWRB PDFs)

This 34 volume set of Puritan fast sermons is also available on the Puritan Hard Drive.

A Warning Against Backsliding, False Worship and False Teachers by John Flavel, John Calvin, Greg Price, Samuel Rutherford, Greg Barrow, George Gillespie, Dr. Reg Barrow & Others (Free MP3s, Books, etc.)

Pastor Greg Price on the Puritan Hard Drive

Sermons in Times of Persecution in Scotland by Covenanted Ministers of Scotland by William Guthrie (17), Michael Bruce (3), John Weldwood (4), Richard Cameron (7 sermons and 1 lecture), Donald Cargill (7 sermons and 3 lectures), Alexander Peden (2), Alexander Shields (2 sermons and 1 lecture), John Livingstone (1 sermon and 1 sacramental discourse), John Welch (1 sermon and 1 sacramental discourse) John Guthrie (1) (Digital Download, Enhanced SWRB PDF)

This book of Covenanter sermons is also available on the Puritan Hard Drive.

Puritan Preaching, Salvation, Conversion & Sanctification by Joel Beeke & Puritans (Free Video & MP3)

Plain Preaching - Puritan Evangelism by Dr. Joel Beeke (Free Online Article At Ligonier Ministries)

If the Business of Ministers Was to Gratify Men's Lusts, They Would be Well Received (Free MP3) by Jonathan Edwards (Free MP3)

The Reformed Pastor by Richard Baxter (7 Free MP3s)

Pastor David Silversides on the Puritan Hard Drive

What's Wrong With Preaching Today? Failures of the Man Who Preaches or His Message by Al Martin (Free MP3s)

Effective Pastoral Preaching (1 of 6) Scriptural Truth: Preparation & Delivery by Al Martin (Free MP3)

Effective Pastoral Preaching (2 of 6) Relevant Truth: Explanation of Truths Most Needed by Al Martin (Free MP3)

Effective Pastoral Preaching (3 of 6) Perspicuity of Form and Structure by Al Martin (Free MP3)

Effective Pastoral Preaching (4 of 6) Application: Touch the Whole Spectrum of Hearers by Al Martin (Free MP3)

Effective Pastoral Preaching (5 of 6) Illuminating Devices: Legitimate and Judicious by Al Martin (Free MP3)

Effective Pastoral Preaching (6 of 6) Earthiness, Simplicity, and Plainness by Al Martin (Free MP3)

Pastor Scott Brown on the Puritan Hard Drive

Testing Teachers, Separation, and the Love of the Truth (1/3, 1 John Series 15/27) by Greg Price (Free MP3)

Testing Teachers, Separation, and the Love of the Truth (2/3, 1 John Series 15/27) by Greg Price (Free MP3)

Testing Teachers, Separation, and the Love of the Truth (3/3, 1 John Series 15/27) by Greg Price (Free MP3)

Pastor Greg Price on the Puritan Hard Drive

The Ministry a Divine & Standing Ordinance in Church (Church of Christ Vol. 1, #19) by James Bannerman (Free MP3)

A Call to the Ministry by Al Martin (5 Free MP3s)

Preaching for the Poor, Imposters Aim at the Rich, the Mighty, and the Respectable by Charles Spurgeon (Free MP3)

Gospel Preaching Commanded: Preach the Word Because It Is A Word of Power & Life by A.W Pink (Free MP3)

"This common movement for... women's preaching, must be regarded, then, as simply infidel. It cannot be candidly upheld without attacking the inspiration and authority of the Scriptures." - R.L. Dabney, The Public Preaching of Women (Appeared in The Southern Presbyterian Review for October, 1879)

History and Impact of Women Preachers & Feminism by Larry Phillips (FREE MP3)

Author's Summary: Feminism sprung out of the reinforcement of women preachers reinforced by John Wesley, Charles Finney, The Nazarines, The Pilgrim Holiness, The Quakers, D.L Moody, The Salvation Army just to name a few. Mason, William Penn were also prominent in spreading the Quaker version of the gospel. John Wesley's mother would not conform and started being the worship leader. She circumvented her husband's spiritual headship of the home. Mary Fletcher preached to crowds of 2-3 thousand people at the encouragement of John Wesley. Adam Clark supported the ordination of women. They called those who tried to uphold the Bible and Paul regarding the exclusion of Women from the pulpits bigots just like the homosexuals call those today who speak out against their ordination.


Why Is Reformed Worship So Important? The Puritans, Covenanters, Reformers & The Regulative Principle Of Worship (RPW) by Dr. Steven Dilday, John Calvin, Greg Price & Others (Free MP3s)

Dr. Steven Dilday on the Puritan Hard Drive

The Necessity of Reforming the Church (1543) by John Calvin (Free Online Book)

Dr. Joel R. Beeke Reviews and Recommends
the Puritan Hard Drive


Dr. Joel R. Beeke, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

The Puritan Hard Drive is a massive collection of primary Puritan resources, dozens of which are very hard to find anywhere else in the world.

Any lover of Puritan literature, which, more than any other body of literature ever written, powerfully expands our minds, convicts our consciences, allures our hearts, and moves our hands, will find a treasure trove here.

- Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President and Professor of Systematic Theology and Homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Author of many important Reformed books (including the must read, Meet the Puritans: With A Guide to Modern Reprints,, Editorial Director at Reformation Heritage Books, Editor of the Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth magazine and Pastor of Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA.

The Preaching of the Puritans by Dr. Joel Beeke, Jonathan Edwards, Greg Price, Charles Spurgeon, Al Martin, A.W. Pink, Dr. Dilday, Charles Bridges, R.L. Dabney, Richard Baxter, et al. (Free MP3s, Videos, etc.)

 Phone Orders:
(780) 450-3730

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