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Most modern Presbyterian denominations are the descendants of the covenant-breaking Revolution church and have therefore been called Neopresbyterian denominations by Dr. Michael Wagner (cf. Dr. Wagner's PALEOPRESBYTERIANISM VERSUS NEOPRESBYTERIANISM).
They imbibe their backslidden ideas and practices from the the covenant-breaking Revolution church, often, without even knowing who fathered them or why these ideas are a sin against God and his law (especially the third commandment as it relates to their covenant breaking and the fifth commandment as it keeps them from joining with lawfully constituted Covenanter churches).
This lecture is excerpted from the book Lectures on the Principles of the Second Reformation, edited by Andrew Symington.
All resources for sale on this website, with the exception of Scottish Metrical Psalms MP3s, are available on the Puritan Hard Drive .
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