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Pastor Scott Brown, on the left in the video above, is the Director of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches (NCFIC)

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The Self Centeredness Of God By Dr. Don Kistler and Other Sermons On God's Attributes (Free MP3s, Videos, Etc.)

Pastor William J Mencarow on the Puritan Hard Drive

The Self Centeredness of God by Dr. Don Kistler (Free MP3)

Pastor Greg Price on the Puritan Hard Drive

The Self Centeredness of God by Dr. Don Kistler (Free Video)

Pastor Paul Washer Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

The Infinite Goodness Of God By Dr. Don Kistler, Paul Washer, Dr. R.C. Sproul, Stephen Charnock, Dr. David P. Murray, Arthur Pink, Dr. Steven Dilday, Charles Hodge, Greg Price, Joseph Pipa, and Others (Free MP3s, Books, Etc.)

Dr. Voddie Baucham on the Puritan Hard Drive

The Infinity of God, and the Beauty and Depth of Reformed Theology, by Stephen Charnock, Dr. R.C. Sproul, Charles Hodge, Joseph Pipa, Arthur Pink, Greg Price, John Gill, Dr. Curt Daniel, and Others (Free MP3s, Books, Etc.)

Dr. Steven Dilday on the Puritan Hard Drive

God's Amazing & Awe-Inspiring Attributes In Scripture and the Westminster Confession Of Faith, With Practical Reformation Applications by Dr. Steven Dilday (6 Free MP3s), Stephen Charnock, A.W. Pink, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, and Others

Dr. Steven Dilday on the Puritan Hard Drive

A.W. Pink's Book The Attributes of God (Free Online Audio Book [MP3s], iTunes, Text, PDF, Epub, Mobi Files [Kindle], Romania Edition, Paperback Book, etc.)

Pastor Brian Schwertley on the Puritan Hard Drive

Incommunicable Attributes of God by Dr. R.C. Sproul (Free MP3) & the Attributes Of God by A.W. Pink, Stephen Charnock, Greg Price, Al Martin & Others (Free In Many Formats)

Terence Ellard on the Puritan Hard Drive

The Communicable Attributes Of God (Love, Goodness, Justice, Wisdom, Mercy, Peace, Truthfulness, Righteousness, etc.) by Dr. R.C. Sproul (Free MP3)

Richard Bennett on the Puritan Hard Drive

Christmas Is A Roman Catholic Missions Strategy (Free Puritan and Reformed Resources and Quotations)

Dr. Joel Beeke on the Puritan Hard Drive

Double Predestination, Reprobation, God's Sovereignty, Human Responsibility, the Will, Calvinism, Arminianism, Sanctification (Holiness) and How Election Encourages Evangelism by Dr. Joel Beeke (Free MP3s)

Dr. Matthew McMahon Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

Pastor W.J. Mencarow Reviews and Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive


Pastor W.J. Mencarow

(Reformation Church, Boerne, Texas - San Antonio area)

The Puritan Hard Drive is the must have digital learning device for Puritan and Reformed studies.

Nothing like it has ever been available before!

There is no other way to get such easy, convenient and inexpensive access to so many great works from the best Reformation and Puritan preachers and teachers, past and present -- and the study software on the Puritan Hard Drive is out of this world in terms of usefulness!

If necessary, sell what you have (that does not draw you closer to God) to get the Puritan Hard Drive, and prayerfully use it until you become, by the Lord's sovereign and sanctifying grace, the most extraordinary Christian you can be (for His glory!).

- Pastor W.J. Mencarow (Reformation Church, Boerne, Texas - San Antonio area, and on Sermonaudio at, Author, Editor of The Paper Source Journal, and has been interviewed on numerous radio and TV programs including "Good Morning America," most networks and in major U.S. newspapers and magazines, etc.

The Self Centeredness Of God By Dr. Don Kistler and Other Sermons On God's Attributes (Free MP3s, Videos, Etc.)