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Here then is a sure resting-place for the heart. Our lives are neither the product of blind fate nor the result of capricious chance, but every detail of them was ordained from all eternity, and is now ordered by the living and reigning God. Not a hair of our heads can be touched without His permission. 'A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps' (Prov. 16:9). What assurance, what strength, what comfort should this give the real Christian! 'My times are in Thy hand' (Ps. 31:15). Then let me 'Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him' (Ps. 37:7). - A.W. Pink, The Attributes of God (Free Online In Many Formats), and on the Puritan Hard Drive
Indeed we cannot have a conception of God, if we conceive him not most powerful, as well as most wise; he is not a God that cannot do what he will, and perform all his pleasure. If we imagine him restrained in his power, we imagine him limited in his essence; as he hath an infinite knowledge to know what is possible, he cannot be without an infinite power to do what is possible; as he hath a will to resolve what he sees good, so he cannot want a power to effect what he sees good to decree; as the essence of a creature cannot be conceived without that activity that belongs to his nature; as when you conceive fire, you cannot conceive it without a power of burning and warming; and when you conceive water, you cannot conceive it without a power of moistening and cleansing: so you cannot conceive an infinite essence without an infinite power of activity; and therefore a heathen could say, “If you know God, you know he can do all things;” and therefore, saith Austin, “Give me not only a Christian, but a Jew; not only a Jew, but a heathen, that will deny God to be Almighty.” A Jew, a heathen, may deny Christ to be omnipotent, but no heathen will deny God to be omnipotent, and no devil will deny either to be so: God cannot be conceived without some power, for then he must be conceived without action. Whose, then, are those products and effects of power, which are visible to us in the world? to whom do they belong? who is the Father of them? God cannot be conceived without a power suitable to his nature and essence. If we imagine him to be of an infinite essence, we must imagine him to be of an infinite power and strength. - Stephen Charnock, "DISCOURSE X - ON THE POWER OF GOD", The Existence and Attributes of God, on the Puritan Hard Drive, 78 Free SWRB MP3s, Enhanced Digital Download (Vol. 1), Enhanced Digital Download (Vol. 2), Free In Many Formats, Free PDF.
Here, Stephen Charnock reflects on Scripture to develop a better understanding of the nature and being of God. In true Puritan fashion, Charnock makes practical application of all the doctrinal content he develops. Thus, Charnock's work is rightly regarded as simultaneously a scholarly and devotional classic." - Dr. Joel Beeke, Meet the Puritans, With a Guide to Modern Puritan Reprints (2 Free MP3s), Hardcover.
It is a contempt of God as the most amiable object. God is infinitely excellent and desirable (Zech. ix. 17): “How great is his goodness, and how great is his beauty!” There is nothing in him but what may ravish our affections; none that knows him but finds attractives to keep them with him; He hath nothing in him which can be a proper object of contempt, no defects or shadow of evil; there is infinite excellency to charm us, and infinite goodness to allure us, — the Author of our being, the Benefactor of our lives. Why then should man, which is his image, be so base as to slight the beautiful Original which stamped it on him? He is the most lovely object; therefore to be studied, therefore to be honored, therefore to be followed. In regard of his perfection he hath the highest right to our thoughts. All other beings were eminently contained in his essence, and were produced by his infinite power. The creature hath nothing but what it hath from God. And is it not unworthy to prefer the copy before the original — to fall in love with a picture, instead of the beauty it represents? The creature which we advance to be our rule and end, can no more report to us the true amiableness of God, than a few colors mixed and suited together upon a piece of cloth, can the moral and intellectual loveliness of the soul of man. To contemn God one moment is more base than if all creatures were contemned by us forever; because the excellency of creatures is, to God, like that of a drop to the sea, or a spark to the glory of unconceivable millions of suns. As much as the excellency of God is above our conceptions, so much doth the debasing of him admit of unexpressible aggravations. - Stephen Charnock, The Existence and Attributes of God, on the Puritan Hard Drive, 78 Free SWRB MP3s, Enhanced Digital Download (Vol. 1), Enhanced Digital Download (Vol. 2), Free In Many Formats, Free PDF.
Puritan Quotes On God's Glory In Christ, God's Attributes (Perfections), Etc.
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If you love the Bible, then you may well be Reformed. If you think of yourself as Reformed, but you have seldom or have never read older Reformed literature, prepare to be challenged. The Puritan Hard Drive provides primary sources and depth of theological and spiritual insight which is lacking in much of what is passed off as genuine Reformed theology. If you think of yourself as conservative, the older Puritan and Reformed authors will help you sort reality from myth in your quest to be truly Reformed. There are more solid resources for less money here than anywhere else. I highly recommend you take responsibility for your soul and spend a few shekels for this cup of cold water in the midst of the modern religious desert.
- Jim Dodson, Reformed Presbyterian Scholar,
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