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The Use and Abuse of Diversions (1733) by George Anderson

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The Use and Abuse of Diversions (1733)
George Anderson
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Still Waters Revival Books

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A sermon on Luke 19:23: "And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come."

Contains two appendices showing that the stage in particular is an unchristian diversion.

Commenting on the modern equivalent of the stage (and the movie theater could be included here also), giving us an example of how "the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light," Postman writes,

"Television is, after all, a form of graven imagery far more alluring than a golden calf. I suspect (though I have no external evidence of it) that Catholic objections to Bishop Fulton Sheen's theatrical performances on television (of several years back) sprang from the impression that viewers were misdirecting their devotions, away from God and toward Bishop Sheen, whose piercing eyes, awesome cape and stately tones were as close a resemblance to a deity as charisma allows.

Television's strongest point is that it brings personalities into our hearts, not abstractions into our heads. That is why CBS' programs about the universe were called 'Walter Cronkite's Universe.' One would think that the grandeur of the universe needs no assistance from Walter Cronkite.

One would think wrong. CBS knows that Walter Cronkite plays better on television than the Milky Way. And Jimmy Swaggart plays better than God. For God exists only in our minds (please disregard Postman's theologically imprecise language in referring to God--RB), whereas Swaggert is there, to be seen, admired, adorned. Which is why he is the star of the show. And why Billy Graham is a celebrity, and why Oral Roberts has his own university, and why Robert Schuller has a crystal cathedral all to himself. If I am not mistaken, the word for this is blasphemy" (Amusing Ourselves to Death, p 123).

Anderson's book gives more insight into this very pertinent, pressing and prevalent subject. Are you of the spirit of the Psalmist when he declares, "I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me" (Ps. 101:3)? If not, why not?

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