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The Works of George Swinnock - Volume 4 of 5

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The Works of George Swinnock - Volume 4 of 5
George Swinnock
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Still Waters Revival Books

Resource Description

"In Volume 4, 'The Fading of the Flesh' is concluded, followed by three treatises on the work of magistrates and a rich, practical study on the divine attributes titled 'The Incomparableness of God.'" -- Joel Beeke and Randall Pederson in Meet the Puritans: With a Guide to Modern Reprints.

The Works of George Swinnock Vol. IV

Table of Contents

The Fading of the Flesh (continued)

  • Chapter IX
    • The second doctrine, That God is the comfort of a Christian, with the grounds of it: his happiness is in God
  • Chapter X
    • God must needs be man's happiness, because he is an all-sufficient good
  • Chapter XI
    • God the happiness of man, because of his suitableness to the soul
  • Chapter XII
    • God's the saint's happiness, because of his eternity, and the saint's propriety in him
  • Chapter XIII
    • The first use, The difference betwixt a sinner and a saint in distress
  • Chapter XIV
    • The difference betwixt the portions of gracious and graceless persons in this world
  • Chapter XV
    • The difference betwixt the sinner's and saint's portion in the other world
  • Chapter XVI
    • A use of trial, whether God be our portion or no, with some marks
  • Chapter XVII
    • An exhortation to men to choose God for their portion
  • Chapter  XVIII
    • God is a satisfying and a sanctifying portion
  • Chapter XIX
    • God a universal and eternal portion
  • Chapter XX
    • Comfort to such as have God for their portion

The Pastor's Farewell

  • The Epistle Dedicatory
  • And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance amongst all them that are sanctified. -- Acts XX. 32

The Gods Are Men

  • The Gods Die Like Men or Magistrates Are Mortal
  • The Epistle Dedicatory
  • I have said, Ye are gods: and all of you are children of the Most High: but ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes. Ps. lxxxii. 6, 7

The Beauty of Magistracy by Thomas Hall, B.D.

  • The Epistle Dedicatory
  • To the Reader
  • The Beauty of Magistracy: An Exposition of Psalm LXXXII. A Psalm of Asaph, or a Psalm for Asaph
  • An answer to the cavils of Anabaptists, libertines, etc.

Men Are Gods

  • The Epistle Dedicatory
  • To the Reader
  • The Dignity of Magistracy and the Duty of the Miagistrate

The Incomparableness of God

  • The Epistle Dedicatory
  • The Incomparableness of God, in His Being, Attributes, Works and Word
  • Chapter I
    • The preface and meaning of the text
  • Chapter II
    • God is incomparable; 1. In his being
  • Chapter III
    • The incomparableness of God in his being. It is from itself, for itself, and wholly independent
  • Chapter IV
    • God incomparable in his being, as he is absolutely perfect, universal, unchangeable
  • Chapter V
    • God incomparable in his being, as it is eternal and without composition
  • Chapter VI
    • God incomparable in his being, as it is infinite and incomprehensible
  • Chapter VII
    • God incomparable in his attributes, in his holiness, and wisdom
  • Chapter VIII
    • God is incomparable in his attributes, in his knowledge and faithfulness
  • Chapter X
    • God is incomparable in his attributes, as they are from him, as they are his essence, as they are all one in him, as they are in him in an infinite manner
  • Chapter  XI
    • God is incomparable in his works, creation, and providence
  • Chapter XII
    • God is incomparable in the work of redemption; he can do all things
  • Chapter XIII
    • God incomparable in the manner of his working: he worketh irresistibly, arbitrarily
  • Chapter XIV
    • God incomparable in his working; he doth the greatest things with ease, and without any help
  • Chapter XV
    • God is incomparable in his word; he speaketh with incomparable authority, condescension, and efficacy
  • Chapter XVI
    • God is incomparable in his word: in its purity, mysteries, prophecies
  • Chapter XVII
    • God incomparable in his word, as it is converting, affrighting, and comforting
  • Chapter XVIII
    • If God be incomparable, 1. How great is the malignity of sin, which contemneth, dishonoureth, and opposeth this God
  • Chapter XIX
    • If God be incomparable, how great is the madness and misery of impenitent sinners
  • Chapter XX
    • If God be incomparable, how monstrous is their pride who compare themselves to the incomparable God
  • Chapter XXI
    • If God be incomparable, then incomparable service and worship is due to him
  • Chapter XXII
    • Labour for acquaintance with the incomparable God: motives to it. The knowledge of God is sanctifying, satisfying, saving
  • Chapter XXIII
    • The means of acquaintance with god. A sense of our ignorance. Attendance on the word. Fervent prayer
  • Chapter XXIV
    • Exhortation to choose this incomparable God for our portion; with some motives thereunto
  • Chapter XXV
    • Exhortation to give God the glory of his incomparable excellency; with some considerations to enforce it
  • Chapter XXVI
    • Comfort to them that have the incomparable God for their portio
  • OCR Index

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