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Ch 1 - Wherein the text is opened, and the doctrine propounded
Ch 2 - Shews that although God takes no delight in afflicting his people, yet he sometimes exposeth them to great and grievous sufferings, with a brief account why, and how he calls them thereunto
Ch 3 - Shews that it is usual with God to premonish his people of approaching trials and sufferings
Ch 4 - Demonstrating the excellency of a prepared heart for the worst of sufferings, and what a blessed thing it is to be ready to be bound or to die for Christ, as Paul here was
Ch 5 - Evincing the necessity of a sound and real work of grace upon the heart, to fit a man for suffering for Christ
Ch 6 - Wherein the nature of this work of grace in which our habitual fitness for suffering lies is briefly opened
Ch 7 - In which the necessity of getting clear evidences of this work of grace in us, in order to our readiness for sufferings
Ch 8 - Discovering the necessity of an improved faith for the right management of sufferings
Ch 9 - Wherein the necessity and usefulness of Christian fortitude in order to sufferings is evinced
Ch 10 - Discovering the necessity of an heart mortified to all earthly and temporal enjoyments, in order to the right managing of a suffering condition
Ch 11 - Wherein is opened the singular advantages saints have by their skill and insights into the methods and mysteries of Satan's temptations
Ch 12 - Sheweth that a choice part of our preparation and readiness for sufferings consists in the improvement of our praying abilities, and keeping close with God in that heavenly and excellent duty in days of suffering
Ch 13 - Wherein is shewed the necessity of going out of ourselves even when our habitual and actual preparations are at the greatest height
Ch 14 - Containing the first use of the point by way of conviction, discovering the unreadiness of multitudes of professors for suffering work
Ch 15 - Containing another use of the point, by way of exhortation, persuading all the people of God, whilst the Lord respites, and graciously delays their trials, to answer the end of God therein
Ch 16 - Containing the last use of the point, by way of support and comfort to poor trembling souls, who do take pains to make themselves ready for sufferings
The Balm of the Covenant applied to the bleeding wounds
The Blessings of the Covenant
The Nature of the Covenant
The Comforts of the Covenant
A Sermon preached for the funeral of John Upton
An Exposition of the Assembly' Shorter Catechism
A Reply to Mr. Cary's Solemn Call
A Reply to Mr.Cary's arguments
Sacramental Meditations
Ps 89:7
Jer 12:2
Rom 7:21
Eph 1:13
John 1:29
Rom 8:32
Mark 9:24
Ps 40:8
Zech 12:10
John 6:55
Cant. 8:6
Eph 3:19
A Familiar Conference between a minister and a doubting Christian concerning the sacrament of the Lord's Supper
The Reasonableness of Personal Reformation
Part I - Personal Reformation
Ch 1 - The Introduction and state of the case
Ch 2 - The Rule of Reason respecting morality allowed by mankind
Ch 3. The Censure by reason and conscience of profane swearing and blasphemy
Ch 4. The Censure by reason and conscience of the sin of drunkenness
Ch 5. The Censure by reason and conscience of the sin of uncleanness
Ch 6 - The Censure by reason and conscience of the enmity of thousands against all serious piety
Part II - The Possibility, Necessity and Excellency of Conversion to God
A Coronation Sermon preached at Dartmouth
The Character of a Complete Evangelical Pastor
A Double Scheme or Table of the sins and duties attaching to church membership
All resources for sale on this website, with the exception of Scottish Metrical Psalms MP3s, are available on the Puritan Hard Drive .
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