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The Works of John Knox 6 Volume Set

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The Works of John Knox 6 Volume Set
John Knox
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Here is a chance to touch the flame that ignited whole nations for covenanted Reformation. John Knox is considered by many to have been the most biblically consistent and thoroughgoing of all the great Reformers of the sixteenth century. "John Knox was in fact the embodiment of the Scottish Reformation as its preacher, theologian, liturgist, historian, and catalyst for reform." (Hall and Hall, ed. Paradigms in Polity: Classic Readings in Reformed and Presbyterian Church Government [Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1994], p. 219)."With this concern for purity of worship," notes Kevin Reed regarding Knox, "it is no wonder that the Scottish Reformation was the most thorough among any of the Protestant nations." (From the introduction to John Knox, True and False Worship: A Vindication of the Doctrine that the Sacrifice of the Mass is Idolatry [Dallas, TX: Presbyterian Heritage Publications, 1550 reprinted 1994], p.14.). "I know not," states George Smeaton, "if ever so much piety and genius were lodged in such a frail and weak body. Certain I am, that it will be difficult to find one in whom the gifts of the Holy Spirit shone so bright to the comfort of the church." (Cited in Thomas M'Crie, The Life of John Knox [1831], p. 272.)

The Works of John Knox listed here is the complete six volume set collected by David Laing, 1895. Concerning this 6 volume collection, Kyle, in The Mind of John Knox (p. 14) notes, "The only real basis for a study of Knox's thought must be the writings of the reformer himself. From 1846 to 1864, David Laing collected and edited nearly all of Knox's extant writings. This remarkable collection, which scholars regard highly, is indispensable for any serious study of John Knox." Contains much that is related to worship questions and the blessings that God pours out upon Churches that keep the second commandment -- as well as the curses that follow those who reject the regulative principle of worhsip.

The Works of John Knox Volume 1 - Unedited History of the Reformation in Scotland (Books 1 & 2) and 18 appendices.

W. Stanford Reid, in his Trumpeter of God, notes that Knox "wrote history as a prophet" and that, wherever he could, he used original sources, many of which he reproduced. Furthermore, he proclaims that this "is still a work that no one interested in this area can afford to neglect." As W.C. Dickinson has commented, "it is his monument, for in it he puts flesh and blood on the whole Reformation movement."

Innes says of this work, "the author who has enabled us to see his own confused and changing age under 'the broad clear light of that wonderful book' the History of the Reformation in Scotland, and who outside that book was the utterer of many an armed and winged word which pursues and smites us to this day, must have been born with nothing less than genius -- genius to observe, to narrate, and to judge. Even had he written as a mere recluse and critic, looking out upon his world from a monk's cell or from the corner of a housetop, the vividness, the tenderness, the sarcasm and the humor would still have been there" (John Knox, p. 45).

Moreover, Burton writes, "there certainly is in the English language no other parallel to it in clearness, vigor, and picturesqueness with which it renders the history of a stirring period" (cited in Innes, John Knox, p. 45). This edition far surpasses the edited down version that is available in paperback.

Over 600 pages of stirring Reformation history.


The Works of John Knox Volume 2 - Unedited History of the Reformation in Scotland (Books 3, 4 and 5) and six appendices, index, etc.

"John Knox portrayed the origins and development of a movement and not a mere chronology of events... Knox based his arguments on original sources and he often cited the documents in full. When Knox's History is compared to the contemporary vernacular narratives of Bishop Leslie and Sir James Melville, the superiority of Knox's work becomes evident. For the most part, these writers were preoccupied with petty details and had no conception of the momentous issues that hung on the events they recorded... Knox used history to demonstrate his single-track philosophy. And his philosophy said: 'The hearts of men, their thoughts, and their actions are but in the hands of God.'

Lee said Knox's History was a sermon without an audience, a preaching book, one long inflammatory speech in behalf of God's truth as the reformer saw it." (Kyle, The Mind of John Knox, p. 13).

Our editions of volumes one and two of John Knox's Works contain the only full, unedited version of John Knox's massive History of the Reformation in Scotland available today.


The Works of John Knox Volume 3 - EPISTLES, ADMONITIONS, etc.

Includes "... That the Sacrifice of the Mass is Idolatry." Also contains John Knox's writings on justification by faith, prayer, the Lord's supper, obedience to magistrates, an exposition of the sixth Psalm, letters of warning, comfort and more.

The Works of John Knox Volume 4 -

Includes John Knox's "The Appellation... to the Scottish Nobility," "The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women," Answers Concerning Baptism, Form of Prayers/Sacraments in Geneva 1556, "Letter to the Queen," "Summary of the Proposed Second Blast of the Trumpet," and much more.

The Works of John Knox Volume 5 -

Includes John Knox "On Predestination, in Answer to the Cavillations by an Anabaptist" (462 pp.), which Boettner, in his Reformed Doctrine of Predestination, calls John Knox's "chief theological work." Also, A Letter to John Foxe, Names of Martyrs, etc.

574 pages.

The Works of John Knox Volume 6 -


  • the Life of John Knox
  • Knox's Letters relating to Reformation in Scotland
  • The Book of Common Order
  • a debate concerning the Mass
  • Fasting
  • "The Order of Excommunication and Public Repentance"
  • indices of names, places and the general index, etc.

890 pages.

All resources for sale on this website, with the exception of Scottish Metrical Psalms MP3s, are available on the Puritan Hard Drive .



Click here for more information on the Puritan Hard Drive.


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