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The Works of Jonathan Edwards (Volume 1 of 2)

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The Works of Jonathan Edwards (Volume 1 of 2)
Jonathan Edwards
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Still Waters Revival Books

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Contents of The Works of Jonathan Edwards (Volume 1):

  • CHAPTER I. Birth. Parentage. Early religious advantages. Serious impressions and account of his experience.
  • CHAPTER II. Intellectual progress. Earliest productions. Entrance at college. Mental habits.
  • CHAPTER III. Early religious productions. Miscellanies. Notes on the Scriptures. Commencement of his preaching. Resolutions..
  • CHAPTER IV. His Diary.
  • CHAPTER V. His tutorship. Sickness. Invitation to Northampton. Personal narrative continued. Diary concluded..
  • CHAPTER VI. Settlement in the ministry at Northampton. Situation of things at the time of his settlement. Attention to religion in the parish. Course of study. Habits of life. Marriage. Death and Character of Mr. Stoddard. Sickness of Mr. Edwards. Death and character of his sister Jerusha. His first publication.
  • CHAPTER VII. Remarkable revival of religion, in 1734, and 1735. Its extent and power. Manner of treating awakened sinners. Causes of its decline. Religious controversy in Hampshire. Death of his sister Lucy. Characteristics of Mrs. Edwards. Remainder of personal narrative.
  • CHAPTER VIII. Narrative of Surprising Conversions. His views of revivals. Five Discourses. Mr. Bellamy, a resident in his family. Extra-parochial labours of Mr. Edwards. Sermon at Enfield. Funeral Sermon on the Rev. W. Williams.
  • CHAPTER IX. Commencement of a second great revival of religion, in the spring and summer of 1740. Visit of Mr. Whitefield at Northampton. Impulses. Judging of the religious character of others. Letter to Mr. Wheelock. Great effects of a private lecture of Mr. E. Letter to his daughter. Letter to a young lady in Connecticut. Lay preaching. Letter of Rev. G. Tennent. Sermon at New-Haven. 'Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God.' Prefaces by Mr. Cooper and Mr. Willison. Mr. Samuel Hopkins.
  • CHAPTER X. Temporary abatement of religious attention. Letter to Mr. Bellamy. Missionary tour. Success at Leicester. Mr. Hopkins becomes a member of his family. Mr. Buell's successful labours at Northampton. Mr. Edwards's narrative of the revival at Northampton, in 1740-1742. Covenant entered into by the church.
  • CHAPTER XI. Mrs. Edwards. Her solemn self-dedications. Her uncommon discoveries of the Divine perfections and glory; and of the excellency of Christ. Remarks concerning them.
  • CHAPTER XII. Extent of the revival of 1740-1742. Auspicious opening. Opposed by its enemies, and injured by its friends. "Thoughts on the Revival in New England. " Attestations of numerous ministers. Causes of its decline. Influence of Mr. Whitefield, Mr. Tennent, and others. Influence of Mr. Edwards's publications in Scotland. Great revival of religion there. His correspondents in that country. Letter to Mr. M'Cullock. Answer to do. Letter from Mr. Robe.
  • Chapter XIII. First Interview with David Brainerd--Separations From Churches--Letter to Rev. Mr. Whiman.
  • CHAPTER XIV. Mistakes extensively prevalent at this time, as to the nature and evidences of true godliness. "Treatise on Religious Affections." Design and character of the work. Republished abroad. Letter from Mr. Gillespie concerning it. Letter from Mr. Edwards to Mr. M'Cullock. Reply to Mr. Gillespie. Proposal made in Scotland, for united extraordinary prayer. Efforts of Mr. Edwards to promote it. Letter to Mr. M'Cullock. "Humble Attempt to promote Extraordinary Prayer".
  • CHAPTER XV. Arrival of David Brainerd at Northampton. His sickness and death at the house of Mr. Edwards. His papers. Death of Jerusha, the second daughter of Mr. E. Her character. Correspondence of Mr. E. with Rev. John Erskine. Abstract of Mr. E.'s first letter to Mr. Erskine. Plan conceived of the Freedom of the Will. Death of Col. Stoddard. Kindness of Mr. Erskine. Letter of Mr. E. to him. Second Letter from Mr. Gillespie. Letter to Mr. M'Cullock. Letter to Mr. Erskine. Letter from Mr. Willison. Life and diary of Brainerd. Letters to Messrs. Erskine, M'Cullock, and Robe. Ordination of Rev. Job Strong. Anecdote of Rev. Mr. Moody. Letter of Mr. E. to his daughter Mary. Second Letter to Mr. Gillespie.
  • CHAPTER XVI. Commencement of difficulties at Northampton.
  • CHAPTER XVII. Account of difficulties at Northampton continued.
  • CHAPTER XVIII. Letter to Mr. M'Cullock to Mr. Erskine. Account of the troubles at Northampton concluded.
  • CHAPTER XX. Letter to Sir W. Pepperell. Letter to Lady Pepperell. Letter to his father. Arrival of Mr. Hawley. Increasing importance of Indian establishments. Schemes of its enemies. Firm stand taken by Mr. Edwards. Letter to Mr. Oliver. Letter to commissioners. Difficulties of the mission. Answer to Mr. Williams. Letter to the people of Northampton. Marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Burr. Letter To Mr. Erskine. Letter to Mr. Hollis. Letter to Mr. Hubbard.
  • CHAPTER XXI. Vote of thanks of commissioners. Sermon at Newark. Measures of the enemies of the mission defeated. Letter to Mr. Oliver. "Freedom of the Will." Letter to Mr. Erskine. Deposition of Mr. Gillespie. Letter to do. Letter to Mr. M'Cuulloch. Report of Indian agent. Reply of Mr. Edwards. Further defeat of the enemies of the mission.
  • CHAPTER XXII. Letter to his eldest son. Return of greater PART of the Mohawks. Letter to commissioners. Mission of Mr.Hawley to Onohquauga. Remainder of Mohawks directed to return. 'Freedom of the Will.' Letter to Mr. Erskine. Proposals of society in London. Letter to Mr. Gillespie. Design and character of the 'Freedom of the Will.' Letters from Mr. Hollis. Surrender of Mohawk school to Mr. Edwards. Entire defeat of enemies of mission. Return of remaining Mohawks.
  • CHAPTER XXIII. Sickness of Mr. Edwards. "God's Last End in Creation." "Nature of Virtue." Mr. Edwards's second son resides at Onohquauga. Dangers of the war. Letter to Mr. Erskine. Letter to Col. Williams. Lord Kaimes. Letter to Mr. Erskine. Letter to Mr. M'Cullock. Letter of Dr. Bellamy. "Treatise on Original Sin." Letter to his father. Letter to Mr. Erskine..
  • CHAPTER XXIV. Death of President Burr. His character. Mr. Edwards chosen his successor. Letters of Mrs. Burr, To a gentleman in Scotland. To a gentleman in Boston. To her mother. Letter of Mr. Edwards, to the trustees of the college. Letter of Mrs. Burr, to her father. Letter to Dr. Rellamy. Council dismiss Mr. Edwards. Inauguration as president. First Sermon at Princeton. Sickness, Death. Letter of Dr. Shippen. Letters of Mrs. Edwards and of her daughter, to Mrs. Burr. Death of Mrs. Burr. Death of Mrs. Edwards..
  • CHAPTER XXV. Concluding remarks. A Farewell Sermon.
  • Appendix.
  • NO.I..
  • NO.II. Particulars as to the Life and Death of Mr. Richard Edwards, the grandfather of Jonathan Edwards.
  • NO.III. Account of the Children of Timothy and Esther Edwards..
  • NO.IV. Remarks in Mental Philosophy. The Mind..
  • NO.V. Family and Descendants of President Edwards.
  • NO. VI. IV. a careful and strict inquiry into the prevailing notions of the freedom of will.. Preface.. I. Wherein are explained and stated various Terms and things belonging to the subject of the ensuing Discourse..
  • SECTION I. Concerning the Nature of the Will.
  • SECTION II. Concerning the Determination of the Will..
  • SECTION III. Concerning the meaning of the terms, Necessity, Impossibility, Inability, &c. and of Contingence..
  • SECTION IV Of the distinction of natural and moral Necessity, and Inability.
  • SECTION V. Concerning the notion of Liberty, and of moral Agency..

II. Wherein it is considered, whether there is or can be any such sort of Freedom of Will, as that wherein Arminians place the essence of the Liberty of all Moral Agents; and whether any such thing ever was or can be conceived of..

  • SECTION I. Showing the manifest inconsistence of the Arminian notion of Liberty of Will, consisting in the Will's self-determining Power..
  • SECTION II. Several supposed ways of evading the foregoing reasoning, considered..
  • SECTION III. Whether any Event whatsoever, and Volition in particular, can come to pass without a Cause of its existence..
  • SECTION IV. Whether Volition can arise without a Cause, through the activity of the nature of the soul..
  • SECTION V. Showing, that if the things asserted in these Evasions should be supposed to be true, they are altogether impertinent, and cannot help the cause of Arminian Liberty; and how, this being the state of the case, Arminian writers are obliged to talk inconsistently..
  • SECTION VI. Concerning the Will determining in things which are perfectly indifferent in the view of the mind..
  • SECTION VII. Concerning the notion of Liberty of Will, consisting in Indifference..
  • SECTION VIII. Concerning the supposed Liberty of the Will, as opposite to all Necessity..
  • SECTION IX. Of the Connexion of the Acts of the Will with the Dictates of the Understanding..
  • SECTION X. Volition necessarily connected with the influence of Motives; with particular observations of the great inconsistence of Mr. Chubb's assertions and reasonings about the Freedom of the Will..
  • SECTION XI. The evidence of God's certain Foreknowledge of the Volitions of moral Agents..
  • SECTION XII. God's certain Foreknowledge of the future volitions of moral agents, inconsistent with such a Contingence of those violations as is without all Necessity..
  • SECTION XIII. Whether we suppose the volitions of moral Agents to be connected with any thing antecedent, or not, yet they must be necessary in such a sense as to overthrow Arminian Liberty..

III. Wherein is inquired, whether any such Liberty of Will as Arminians hold, be necessary to Moral Agency, Virtue and Vice, Praise and Dispraise, &c..

  • SECTION I. God's moral Excellency necessary, yet virtuous and praise-worthy..
  • SECTION II. The Acts of the Will of the human soul of Jesus Christ, necessarily holy, yet truly virtuous, praise-worthy, rewardable, &c..
  • SECTION III. The case of such as are given up of God to sin, and of fallen man in general, proves moral Necessity and Inability to be consistent with Blameworthiness..
  • SECTION IV. Command and Obligation of Obedience, consistent with moral Inability to obey..
  • SECTION V. That Sincerity of Desires and Endeavours, which is supposed to excuse in the non-performance of things in themselves good, particularly considered..
  • SECTION VI. Liberty of Indifference, not only not necessary to Virtue, but utterly inconsistent with it; and all, either virtuous or vicious habits or inclinations, inconsistent with Arminian notions of Liberty and moral Agency..
  • SECTION VII. Arminian notions of moral Agency inconsistent with all influence of Motive and Inducement, in either virtuous or vicious actions..

IV. Wherein the chief grounds of the reasonings of Arminians, in support and defence of the fore-mentioned notions of Liberty, Moral Agency, &c. and against the opposite doctrine, are considered.

  • SECTION I. The Essence of the virtue and vice of dispositions of the heart, and acts of the Will, lies not in their Cause, but their Nature.
  • SECTION II. The Falseness and Inconsistence of that metaphysical notion of Action, and Agency, which seems to be generally entertained by the defenders of the Arminian Doctrine concerning Liberty, moral Agency, &c.
  • SECTION III. The reasons why some think it contrary to common Sense, to suppose those things which are necessary to be worthy of either Praise or Blame.
  • SECTION IV. It is agreeable to common sense, and the natural notions of mankind, to suppose moral Necessity to be consistent with Praise and Blame, Reward and Punishment.
  • SECTION V. Objections, that this scheme of Necessity renders all Means and Endeavours for avoiding Sin, or obtaining Virtue and Holiness, vain, and to no purpose; and that it makes men no more than mere machines, in affairs of morality and religion, answered.
  • SECTION VI. Concerning that objection against the doctrine which has been maintained, that it agrees with the Stoical doctrine of Fate, and the opinions of Mr. Hobbes.
  • SECTION VII. Concerning the Necessity of the Divine Will.
  • SECTION VIII. Some further objections against the moral Necessity of God's Volitions considered.
  • SECTION IX. Concerning that objection against the doctrine which has been maintained, that it makes God the Author of Sin.
  • SECTION X. Concerning sin's first Entrance into the world.
  • SECTION XI. Of a supposed Inconsistence between these principles and God's moral character.
  • SECTION XII. Of a supposed tendency of these principles to Atheism and Licentiousness.
  • SECTION XIII. Concerning that objection against the reasoning, by which the Calvinistic doctrine is supposed, that it is metaphysical and abstruse.
  • SECTION XIV. The Conclusion.
  • SECTION XV. Containing Remarks on the Essays on the Principles of Morality and Natural Religion, in a Letter to a Minister of the Church of Scotland.

V. DISSERTATION ON THE END FOR WHICH GOD CREATED THE WORLD. Preface. Introduction Explanation of terms.

  • CHAPTER I. What Reason dictates concerning this affair.
  • SECTION I. The general dictates of reason.
  • SECTION II. What reason supposes.
  • SECTION III. How God regards himself.
  • SECTION IV. Some objections considered.
  • CHAPTER II. What may be learned from the Holy Scriptures.
  • SECTION I. Scripture makes God his last end.
  • SECTION II. Concerning a just method of arguing.
  • SECTION III. Particular texts of Scripture.
  • SECTION IV. God created the world for his name, &c.
  • SECTION V. Communication of good to the creature.
  • SECTION VI. What is meant by the glory of God, &c.
  • SECTION VII. God's last end is but one.


  • CHAPTER I. Concerning the essence of true virtue.
  • CHAPTER II. How love respects different beings.
  • CHAPTER III. Concerning the secondary beauty.
  • CHAPTER IV. Of self-love and its influence.
  • CHAPTER V. Natural conscience, and the moral sense.
  • CHAPTER VI. Of particular instincts of nature
  • CHAPTER VII. The reasons of many mistakes
  • CHAPTER VIII. Whether virtue be founded in sentiment.

VII. The great christian doctrine of original sin defended. Advertisement, containing a brief account of this book and its author, by the first editor.

  • The author's Preface.
  • PART I. Evidences of Original Sin from Facts and Events.
  • CHAPTER I. The Evidence of the Doctrine from Facts.
  • SECTION I. All men tend to sin and ruin.
  • SECTION II. Universal sin proves a sinful propensity.
  • SECTION III. This tendency most corrupt and pernicious.
  • SECTION IV. All men sin immediately, &c.
  • SECTION V. All have more sin than virtue.
  • SECTION VI. Men's proneness to extreme stupidity, &c.
  • SECTION VII. Generality of mankind, wicked.
  • SECTION VIII. Great means used to oppose wickedness.
  • SECTION IX. Several evasions considered.
  • CHAPTER II. Arguments from universal Mortality.
  • PART II. Proofs of the Doctrine from particular parts of Scripture.
  • CHAPTER I. Observations on the three first Chapters of Genesis.
  • SECTION I. Concerning Adam's original righteousness.
  • SECTION II. Death threatened to our first parents.
  • SECTION III. Adam a federal head, &c.
  • CHAPTER II. Observations on Texts, chiefly of the Old Testament, &c.
  • CHAPTER III. Observations on Texts, chiefly of the New Testament.
  • SECTION I. Observations on John iii.6.
  • SECTION II. Observations on Rom. iii. 9-24.
  • SECTION III. Observations on Rom. v. 6-10. and Eph. ii. 3
  • CHAPTER IV. Containing observations on Rom. v. 12. &c.
  • SECTION I. Remarks on Dr. Taylor's way of explaining this text.
  • SECTION II. The true scope of Rom. v. 12, &c.
  • PART III. Evidence of the Doctrine from Redemption by Christ.
  • CHAPTER I. Proofs from Redemption by Christ.
  • CHAPTER II. Proof from Application of Redemption.  
  • PART IV. Containing Answers to Objections.
  • CHAPTER II. God not the Author of Sin.
  • CHAPTER III. The Imputation of Adam's Sin stated.
  • CHAPTER IV. Several other Objections answered.


  • Preface
  • PART I. Concerning the nature of the Affections and their importance in Religion.
  • SECTION I. Previous remarks on the affections.
  • SECTION II. True religion lies much in affections.
  • SECTION III. Inferences from the doctrine.
  • PART II. Showing what are no certain Signs that Religious Affections are truly gracious, or that they are not.
  • SECTION I. Raised very high, are no sign.
  • SECTION II. Great effects on the body, are no sign.
  • SECTION III. Fluency and fervour, are no sign.
  • SECTION IV. That they are not excited by us, is no sign.
  • SECTION V. That they come with texts of Scripture, is no sign. 
  • SECTION VII. Religious affections of many kinds, are no sign.
  • SECTION VIII. Joys following in a certain order, are no sign.
  • SECTION IX. Much time and zeal in duty, are no sign.
  • SECTION X. Much expression of praise, is no sign.
  • SECTION XI. Great confidence, is no certain sign.
  • SECTION XII. Affecting relations, are no sign.
  • PART III. Showing what are distinguishing Signs of truly gracious and holy Affections. Introductory remarks.
  • SECTION I. Gracious affections are from divine influence.
  • SECTION II. Their object is the excellence of divine things.
  • SECTION III. They are founded on the moral excellency of objects.
  • SECTION IV. They arise from divine Illumination.
  • SECTION V. They are attended with a conviction of certainty.
  • SECTION VI. They are attended with evangelical humiliation.
  • SECTION VII. They are attended with a change of nature.
  • SECTION VIII. They beget and promote the temper of Jesus.
  • SECTION IX. Gracious affections soften the heart.
  • SECTION X. They have beautiful symmetry and proportion.
  • SECTION XI. False affections rest satisfied in themselves.
  • SECTION XII. Their fruit is Christian practice.
  • SECTION XIII. Christian practice is the chief sign to others.
  • SECTION XIV. Christian practice is the chief sign to ourselves
  • APPENDIX to the Treatise on the Affections.
  • LETTER I. To Mr. Gillespie, in answer to objections. 
  • II. To Mr. Gillespie, in answer to further objections.


  • Preface
  • SECTION I. A general introductory statement.
  • SECTION II. Manner of conversion various, yet bearing a great analogy.
  • SECTION III. This work further illustrated in particular instances.


  • Preface.
  • PART I. A glorious Work of God.
  • SECTION I. We should judge of it by its effects. S
  • ECTION II. We should judge by Scripture.
  • SECTION III. We should not judge of the whole by a part.
  • SECTION IV. Nature of the work.
  • SECTION V. Nature of the work in a particular instance.
  • SECTION VI. The work glorious.
  • PART II. Obligations to acknowledge, rejoice in, and promote this work.
  • SECTION I. Indifference dangerous.
  • SECTION II. The probability that the latter-day glory will begin in America.
  • SECTION III. The danger of slighting the work.
  • SECTION IV. Obligations of rulers and others to promote the work.
  • PART III. Wherein the zealous Promoters of this Work have been injuriously blamed.
  • PART IV. What things are to be corrected and avoided.
  • SECTION I. Spiritual pride.
  • SECTION II. Wrong principles.
  • SECTION III. Ignorance of inward experiences.
  • SECTION IV. Of censuring professing Christians.
  • SECTION V. Errors relative to lay-exhorting.
  • SECTION VI. Errors relative to singing.
  • PART V. What ought to be done to promote this work.
  • SECTION I. We should remove stumbling blocks.
  • SECTION II. What should be done to advance it.
  • SECTION III. Some things that concern all.


  • Preface by the Author.
  • Preface by the Author's American friends.
  • Advertisement to the Edinburgh edition.
  • PART I. The Question stated and explained.
  • PART II. Reasons for the Negative of the Question.
  • SECTION I. Church members should be visible saints.
  • SECTION II. Profession of religion.
  • SECTION III. Profession should be of real piety.
  • SECTION IV. Reason requires a hearty profession.
  • SECTION V. Christ requires it.
  • SECTION VI. Primitive admissions.
  • SECTION VII. The epistles prove it.
  • SECTION VIII. Members united by brotherly love.
  • SECTION IX. Qualifications for the Lord's supper.
  • PART III. Objections answered.
    • OBJ. I. The church is the school of Christ.
    • OBJ. II. Israel was God's people.
    • OBJ. III. Jews partook of the Passover.
    • OBJ. IV. John's disciples made no profession of piety.
    • OBJ. V. Many are called, but few chosen.
    • OBJ. VI. Wheat and tares grow together.
    • OBJ. VII. Case of Judas.
    • OBJ. VIII. No certain rule given.
    • OBJ. IX. If grace be required, it must be known.
    • OBJ. X. Perplexity occasioned.
    • OBJ. XI. All duties of worship holy.
    • OBJ. XII. Tendency of the Lord's supper.
    • OBJ. XIII. God does not require impossibilities.
    • OBJ. XIV. Unsanctified persons may live as saints.
    • OBJ. XV. Better admit hypocrites than exclude saints.
    • OBJ. XVI. Hypocrites will be admitted.
    • OBJ. XVII. True saints doubt of their state.
    • OBJ. XVIII. Men's opinion of themselves no criterion.
    • OBJ. XIX Infant baptism.
    • OBJ. XX. Some have been converted at the sacrament.
  • Appendix.
  • Mr. Foxcroft's letter.


  • Preface.
  • PART I. General Misrepresentations by Mr. Williams
  • SECTION I. What is the question?
  • SECTION II. Degrees of evidence.
  • PART II. Examination of Mr. Williams' scheme.
  • SECTION I. His concessions.
  • SECTION II. Consequences.
  • SECTION III. Of ungodly men's communing.
  • SECTION IV. Of an indeterminate profession.
  • SECTION V. Mr. W. inconsistent with Mr. Stoddard.
  • SECTION VI. Visibility without probability.
  • SECTION VII. A converting ordinance.
  • SECTION VIII. Of sincerity.
  • SECTION IX. Public covenanting.
  • PART III. Remarks on Mr. Williams' Reasoning.
  • SECTION I. Method of disputing.
  • SECTION II. Misrepresentations.
  • SECTION III. Irrelevant arguments.
  • SECTION IV. Extraordinary notions.
  • SECTION V. Assertions instead of arguments.
  • SECTION VI. Sacramental actions.
  • SECTION VII. Begging the question.
  • SECTION VIII. Mr. W. begs the question.
  • SECTION IX. Mr. W. is inconsistent with himself.
  • SECTION X. Other inconsistencies.
  • SECTION XI. Arguments hostile to both sides
  • SECTION XII. The passover and circumcision.
  • SECTION XIII. Of Judas's communicating.
  • SECTION XIV. Of being born in covenant.
  • SECTION XV. Of coming without a known right.
  • SECTION XVI. Tendency to perplexity.
  • SECTION XVII. Of commanding to partake.
  • Appendix. A letter to the people of Northampton.


  • Preface.
  • Advertisement.
  • General Introduction.
  • PERIOD I. From the Fall to the Incarnation.
  • PART I. From the Fall to the Flood.
  • PART II. From the Flood to the calling of Abraham.
  • PART III. From Abraham to Moses.
  • PART IV. From Moses to David.
  • PART V. From David to the Babylonish Captivity.
  • PART VI. From the Captivity to Christ.
  • PART VII. Improvement of the First PERIOD.
  • PERIOD II. From Christ's Incarnation to his Resurrection.
  • PART I. Of Christ's Incarnation.
  • PART II. The Purchase of Redemption.
  • PART III. Improvement of the Second PERIOD.
  • PERIOD III. From Christ's Resurrection the End of the World.
  • SECTION I. Scriptural Representations of this PERIOD.
  • SECTION II. How Christ was capacitated for effecting his Purpose.
  • SECTION III. Established Means of Success.
  • SECTION IV. How the Success was carried on.
  • PART I. To the Destruction of Jerusalem.
  • PART II. To the Time of Constantine.
  • PART III. To the Rise of Antichrist.
  • PART IV. To the Reformation.
  • PART V. To the present Time.
  • PART VI. Improvement of past Events.
  • PART VII. To the Fall of Antichrist.
  • PART VIII. To the End of Time.
  • PART IX. The General Judgment
  • PART X. Improvement of the Whole.

XIV Five discourses on the soul's eternal salvation.

  • Preface.
  • DISCOURSE. I. Justification by Faith alone.
  • DISCOURSE. II. Pressing into the Kingdom of God.
  • DISCOURSE. II. Pressing into the Kingdom of God. DISCOURSE. III. Ruth
  • DISCOURSE. IV. The Justice of God in the Damnation of Sinners.
  • DISCOURSE. V. The Excellency of Jesus Christ.


  • Indexes Index of Scripture References Index of Pages of the Print Edition.

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