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To obtain free Reformation books, Puritan MP3s and Calvinistic videos, SWRB discount coupons, etc., add yourself to SWRB's Puritan and Reformed email list by using the form above.
1. The Soul Winner by Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Reformed, Baptist, Calvinist (14 Free MP3s)
We've grouped this audio book, The Soul Winner, into one link above otherwise six of the top ten free MP3s by Spurgeon, on this page, would have been from the reading of this one audio book.
Evangelism, Calvinism and the Great Commission (Free Reformation Resources)
2. Justification By Faith Alone Through Grace Alone By Christ Alone and Peace With God #1 by Charles Spurgeon (Free MP3)
"In the history of extra-biblical study tools there has never been a resource as useful as the Puritan Hard Drive. The Puritan Hard Drive is a tremendous blessing... you can easily do ten hours worth of research in just seconds!" - Paul Washer, Founder and Director of HeartCry Missionary Society, Reformed Baptist Pastor, Author, Conference Speaker, etc.
3. Prayer: Our God Not Only Hears Prayer But Also Loves To Hear It by Charles Spurgeon (Free MP3)
4. Secret Sins: I Urge All Pretenders to Detest, to Hate & Renounce Their Secret Sins by Charles Spurgeon (Free MP3)
5. Hypocrites on the Highway to Hell and the Horror of Reprobation, Chaff Driven Away by Charles Spurgeon (Free MP3)
"Anyone who admires the Puritans simply must have the Puritan Hard Drive. I was in Zambia showing the Puritan Hard Drive to Conrad Mbewe (the Spurgeon of Africa) and he absolutely fell in love with it. I simply had to leave it there." - Dr. Voddie Baucham, Reformed Pastor, Author, Conference Speaker, Seminary Professor, etc.
6. Faith: The Object of Faith; or, to What Faith Looks; The Ground of the Sinner's Faith by Charles Spurgeon (Free MP3)
7. Learning Self-Denial From Christ: Imitating Christ's Self-Sacrifice & Self-Abasement by Charles Spurgeon (Free MP3)
8. A Radical Change: If Any Man Be In Christ, He Is A New Creature, Old Things Are Gone by Charles Spurgeon (Free MP3)
"The Puritan Hard Drive is "truly a technological marvel! It is "just wonderful. It is an invaluable resource." - J. Fernandez, Film Producer, "IndoctriNation: Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America" (which won Best Documentary at the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival)
9. Perseverance: The Target of All Our Spiritual Enemies by Charles Spurgeon (Free MP3)
10. Family or Christ? People Must Hate Their Father & Mother To Be A Disciple of Christ by Charles Spurgeon (Free MP3)
"It's absolutely phenomenal. I love the Puritan Hard Drive. You have to get it. It's the best thing. It's the best for the money you'll ever get anyplace in books. The Puritan Hard Drive is a treasure trove for a local church pastor." - Scott Brown (NCFIC Director), Reformed Baptist Pastor, Author, Conference Speaker, etc.
Below are five more important free bonus MP3s by Charles Spurgeon, next in order of popularity on SWRB's Sermonaudio site (as of this writing).
11. The Blood-Shedding: There Is No Remission Without The Blood of Jesus Christ by Charles Spurgeon (Free MP3)
12. Judgment of the Secrets of Men By Christ On Judgment Day by Charles Spurgeon by Charles Spurgeon (Free MP3)
13. Christ Has The Keys of Hell and of Death: He is the Lord Over Those Dark Regions by Charles Spurgeon by Charles Spurgeon (Free MP3)
"The Puritan Hard Drive has been such a superb blessing to me personally and for my ministry, that I lack words to adequately praise the Lord! May we deeply profit from the Lord's heritage given to us on the Puritan Hard Drive, 'to the praise of the glory of his grace.'"- Richard Bennett (Former Roman Catholic Priest, Now A Banner of Truth Author, Protestant Conference Speaker, Preacher of God's Sovereign Grace, etc.), Berean Beacon
14. Lovest Thou Me? A Solemn Question and a Required Demonstration of the Fact by Charles Spurgeon (Free MP3)
15. Justification By Faith Alone Through Grace Alone By Christ Alone and Peace With God #2 by Charles Spurgeon (Free MP3)
The free MP3 below would have been number two in the list above, but because it only contains a portion by Charles Spurgeon, we left it out of the list above and are placing it in this note:
The Christian and Christmass by Charles Spurgeon, A.W. Pink, John Knox and Others
"If you want to understand Reformed theology the Puritan Hard Drive is unsurpassed, outside the Bible itself. The First and Second Reformations gave us the most faithful Scriptural teaching and preaching since the time of the Apostles, and there is no other resource, outside Scripture itself, where you can find so much of God's truth as in the Puritan Hard Drive." - Pastor Greg Price (Reformed Presbyterian Author, Theologian, etc.)
Pastor Paul Washer Reviews and Recommends
the Puritan Hard Drive
"In the history of extra-biblical study and research tools there has never before been a resource as useful as the Puritan Hard Drive."
Pastor Paul Washer, HeartCry Missionary Society
With the Puritan Hard Drive I can now carry one of the largest Puritan and Reformed libraries in my pocket.
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The Puritan Hard Drive is a tremendous blessing. I travel frequently to many parts of the globe. The Puritan Hard Drive allows me to continue my studies on the road with the same depth as when I am seated in my study at home.
The wonderful portability of this massive Puritan library (and remarkable research software) makes the Puritan Hard Drive ideal for missionaries, students, or anyone who needs instant access to the best Reformation study materials in a variety of locations.
There is much more to the Puritan Hard Drive than just convenience, portability and the exceptional quality and extraordinary number of Reformation resources it includes. Even if a minister owned the largest printed Puritan library in the world, he would not be able to properly research the material. However, the KnowledgeBase software on the Puritan Hard Drive provides an effective road map to access the material in ways that are easy-to-use, organized and highly productive. With the click of a button, you can easily do ten hours worth of research in just seconds!
Having the Puritan Hard Drive is like owning the largest Puritan and Reformed Library in the world along with a full time research assistant with his PhD in Puritan Studies from Oxford or Cambridge.
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The high level of educational and scholarly functionality, combined with a marvelous library of over 12,500 top Puritan and Reformed resources and an extremely reasonable price, really makes obtaining the Puritan Hard Drive a stewardship issue. It is almost as if God is saying, "Here is a tool that will lead you to more truth faster than ever before. Make the best possible use of it and bring much glory to My Name." (2 Timothy 2:15, Ephesians 5:16).
In the history of extra-biblical study and research tools there has never before been a resource as useful as the Puritan Hard Drive. The immense body of Reformation material (books, MP3s and videos) on the Puritan Hard Drive, along with the phenomenal proprietary software program that is included, makes the Puritan Hard Drive a valuable tool for Reformation in our day.
As a member of the HeartCry Missionary Society, I am witness to the great needs of Christians throughout the globe. Possibly the greatest need is sound Christian literature. Even though many Third World pastors read English, they have very few good books available to them. Even if we could afford to buy each indigenous minister a small library, the cost of shipping would be astronomical. With the Puritan Hard Drive we can provide pastors throughout the globe with one of the most complete Puritan and Reformed libraries at a fraction of the cost.
The Puritan Hard Drive is also ideal for situations where concealment is a priority in countries which are hostile to the Gospel. The Puritan Hard Drive is the most compact way to smuggle the light of over 12,500 Reformation resources (with powerful study software) into the spiritual darkness of those nations that are in most need of Gospel truth.
- Paul Washer - HeartCry Missionary Society https://www.heartcrymissionary.com/
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To obtain free Reformation books, Puritan MP3s and Calvinistic videos, SWRB discount coupons, etc., add yourself to SWRB's Puritan and Reformed email list by using the form above.